AILY BRITIS ONTARIO, FRIDAY, KINGSTON, ALL THIS WEEK. 3 JENKINS 9 114 PRINCESS STREET. § IN ORDER TO I ROLE THE B. & H. »= Mantles We Will Selt 8 for $1 Cash : grade. Breck & Halliday. Ea. ~ You ought to have them all and der ssasonable suit, but prob- need a pair or two of trous- that you can wear with either. y will Bn hd skin? INGTON ST, LOCAL MEMORANDA, The Daily Note Book For ' Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. | Pireclors hortiowltural society meet, 8 pom | Reception, Uplim sireet Baptist charch, ¥ | pm. The sun viees Saturday at 6:49 dm, sets at 5:40 pa. What makes life dreary is the want of mo tive «George Eliot. Hockey wmmiteh, Napiowe ve Kingstom rink, 8 pm. What day in spring is commumipd shed Y~March folujrih | Why is a coneeited' girl Wie ® Bike book 1 wBocause she is full of airs "Muny people call it fate when it is but the direct result of thelr own act Travel broatess & man. Lots of spread themselves when they go wway Look out for the big advi. tomorfow Dr. Chase's Remedios, wit tg every regdor A friend fn wd is on friend indeed Awd, yet it may depend Om whether yoti're the uw in ned; (or whether is your frm This day in the world's history~British, wider Gop. Buller, prepare to evoss the Tu gela, towards Ladysmith, for the fourth time, 1000; cardinal Newman born, 1801; Greater New York consummated, 1896, Fine Belgium Crystal Glassware. See the handsome pieces ofthese goods in our window. A line we always carry and can be matched at any time. and Bicycle ciub, to go ons i fellows ot | offering valuable free ROBERTSON BROS. OPERA NEW GKAN HOUSE "MATINEE AND NIGHT SATURDAY, FEB. 22nd Charles Frohman's Authorized Version of THE GREAT COMEDY SUCCESS "The Litlle Minister" ne FRANCES wey UNE 2s LADY BAB- Bik, and a dompany known players. Priced, Fou, Soe... 7604 $1. Box wate $1.- jms around, Ror and five vows I and wp unilery 8c, Seats now om sale at HANLEY'S. BY JOHN H MILLS. Important Auction Sale of Valuable Furniture, TUESDAY, Fe nl WILL SELL AT THE RESIDENCE . TT. Greenwood, the valuable furniture, i Walant and other Bedroom Bets, Wal put and ovher Dressing Cases, Beds, Spriogs, Mattress, Bedding, Brussels and other Lar pets; Fine Wahut [het Kaek, Iron Bed, ple Top Walout, Onk, and other Centre Taw Sle, xtonnion 1 Toble, Music Stand, Lace, Chenille, - and other Curtains, a] Wicker, Rewd, and other Chairs, Plash, aid other Fosy Chairs; Very Fim Water Colors, Painting amd other Plotures, Mirrors, Fre old Mahogany Sidebosed, said to have once been the progarty in the nmi Iv of the Duke of Argyl, brousht to this country from Edinburgh, by the uncle of Sir Oliver Mowat, in 1832. Sale at 10.30 am. Terms C JOHN H. iia. HOCKEY WATCH BELLEVILLE vs. LADIES MONDAY, Feb, 24th gs Band in attendance. Admission ome of the best games of the This will be il be sorry. season, and i you miss it you PRIVATE BOARD, COMFORTABLE RUOMS, WITH MODER! , oan aly - a - 130 aot, street, near City. park LOST. ON RELLIXGTON. BETWEEN PRINCESS awd Brock, or on Heock Street, A BLAIR FOUNTAIN PEN. Finder please return to this elliee. ON TUESPAY, A PURSE. CONTAINING A Gol "Chin ah small som money, . tween Burricield and foot of Princess St. Funder will be rewarded by leaving at this office. FROM THE in will or de A VALUABLE N( Roosg ROBE MeCalivm, & it a the Refreshment pot. WHISKEY FROM CANADA. Cannot Enter In Less Than #,100- Gallon Cask. ~~ 2 ashiugton, Feb. 21.--~The trea department decides that the tariff clause pros iding shat any spi liguors imported into' the United States in any clerks being ROSEBERY SEPARATES From Sir. Campbcii-Banncrmas, Liberal Leader. THEIR VIEWS DISCORDANT. ROSEBERY THINKS IT BEST TO RETIRE. Campbell-Bannerman Says The Liberal Party Want British Supremacy in South Africa, Without Any Voice of Race Ascendency. London, Feb. 21.--Sir Henry' Camp bell Bannwrman, the liberal leader, spoke on the South African situation in opening a new liberal club at Shep- shed yesterday. He said he believed that nine-tenths of the liberal party did not want hostilities earried on to such an extreme length as would seem to be the judgment of the world to have an element of - vindictiveness, What they wanted was British supre macy, without any trace of race as cendency. Their belief was that the future peace, prosperity, and safety of the British empire in South Africa de- pended upon the settlement of the war upon it. Sir Henry said flatly that he declined to wipe his slate of the liberal = principles and strongly re- affirmed his adhesion to home rule. Lord Rosebery definitely announced his separation from Sir Henry Camp hell-Bannerman and the latter's fol lowers in the liberal party. In a let- ter to the Times he refers to the speech made by Sir Henry, Wednesday, in which he charged lord Rosebery with refraining, somewhat unfairly, from making it clear whither he was acting for Sir Henry, o om a point of vantage outside. He also repudiat ed lord Rosebery"s Chesterfield slate cleaning "policy. The imperialist lead- or writes : "Speaking pontifically within his tabérnacle last night, Sir Henry Campbell-Bannérman anathematized my declaration of a clean slate and home rule. It is obvious that our views on the war and its methods are not less discordant. 1, therefore, re- main outside his tabernacle hit not, | think, in solitude, Let me add one more word at this moment of definite separation. No one appreciates more heartily than I the honest well inten tioned devotion of Sir Henry to the liberal party, and what he conceives to be its interest, I only wish 1 eould have shared in his labors and sup ported his policy." FORCED TO LEAVE ECUADOR. Michael Nolan, an American, Will {+ Escape Further 'J-Treatment. Guayaquil, Feb. 21. ~The Keuadoti- an officials have saceeeded in easreibg Michael Bolab, of Springfield, leave the country, and he wil start for Peru, Bolan is one of a number of Ameri- cans whose treatment by petty of ficials in attempts to compel them to pay bladkmail, caused an appeal for protection to be made to Was hington Bolan was arrested twice on a judg- ment given against him by a police magistrate who had no jurisdi®tion in cases of the kind, and was finally forced to flee to the American go sulate to seek refuge from a thir arrest. The Ecuadorian governme removed the magistrate who caused the trouble, but under the laws of the country, refused to release Bolan from the operation of the judguent, although admitting that the nd ment was an outrage, ? to soon WHAT HAS RESULTED. From the Late Visit of a Com: mission. 21.--The report of the of inquiry attri London, Feb. ladies' commission butes the great mortality in th South African concentration camps to, fst, the unsanitary condition ef the country, catised by the war; se cond, causes within the control of the inmates, and, thirdly, causes within the control of the administration. The inquiries of the ladies have re- sulted in the appointment of travel: ling inspectors, the revision of the ration scale, sanitary precautions against the spread of enteric, an in crease in the supply of qualified doe- tors and nurs, a general provision of soup kitchens, the reorganization of four camps, and the dismissal of ire mpetent officials. The commis tone 8 disapprove of. the suggestions which have been made fur disbanding the camps. BAP BALLOTS. Found "In Boxes, But No One Could Explain. London, Ont., Feb. 2).<The investi- gation, before judge Eaward Elliott, into the irregularities in the mayoral ty election, was eontiniied yesterday, deputy Returiing officers 'and poll n the rack. The enquiry proved the Tact that ballots were counted which bad not heen properly cast, and on whieh the deputy return- ing officer's initinls were forged. No one could explain how these bad hal Tots found their heir_ay into the boxes. One deputy officer said that he openad Shia. batt ballo# box the Saturday 1 before the clection and initialed the ballots at his shop. He could find J dead, * PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. James Gray, Rockwood, was attacked by a cow and pearly killed Premicr Sagasta preparing cree establishing martial law through out Spain. An inquiry into the recent fives lat Portage indicates that they of incendiary origin. Thomas A. Brown. postmaster, Lon don, Ont., dropped. dead at the Sim coe street curling rink. : Pilot Flemwin, on the steamer Gre cian when she stranded, has been dis missed from the pilot service. Richard Hencock, Ancaster, com mitted suicide by taking Paris green, because he was disappointed in Po The number of killed in the Shama- ki earthquake is now estimated at 5.000) A fresh volcanic eruption oe curred on Wednesday The steamship launched at Cramps' shipyard, delphia, is the largest vessel built in the United States, Three thousand people will leave Liverpool and Glasgow to settle in the dominion next month, while wore will follow in April, May and June, at the rate of four thousand a-month. W. J. Hemenway, one of the best Fknown merchants in Manitoba, and a partner of premier Roblin, is dead at home in Carman, Man. He came from Pakenham, Ont., several years ago. Seven of the precious stongs in the altar of the Tiffany chapel, in the crypt of the cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York, were removed by thieves, who broke into the chapel carly Wednesday morning. Mrs. "= a ue at were Kroonland, Phila thus far new FEBRUARY 21, It has been discovered in Lom lon that a nomber of counterfeit five. | pound bank of England notes are in | circulation, and that a number of people have been deceived by the skill with which the eng-aving and paper have been imitated Telegrams published in to-day's En glish. papers, from Spain and the French frontier, show that the strikes' in Barcelona and other manufactur ing towns of Catalonia have from the first been pretexts used to cover a general socialist and anarchist re volt. Horace Horton, ex-M.P. for Centre Haron and ex-mayor of Goderich, is aged seventy-nine. He was man ager of the Hwronl and Bruce loan company, from its formation unul four weeks ago, when the serious ill- ness that ended in 'death overtook him, Mr. Horton resigned his seat in parliament in favor of, Sir Richard Cartwright. NOT HIS FARCWELL. McAmmond Will Resume the Pastorate. Perth, Feb, #21. --Although = Rev Foster © McAmmand preached a fare well sermon to the congregation = of Asbury Methodist church on Sunday night, he hus been pérsuged-to sup ply the pulpit fof 'at least another wear. The official board of the church met last night to consider the re signation and every member of the board was present together with Rév. J. Tallman' Fitche:, Smith's Fall, chairman of the district of the Me thodist church. A. committee had been appointed at the previous meet ing of the board to secure a supply for the pulpit, but this committee failed to réport at last night's meet- ing and Rev. Mr. McAmmond was agein unanimously requested to take' the pulpit for another year. To this be refused, but the board insisted and pleaded with Kim until, afer refusing many times, he consented to act as pastor for another year and next Sunday will find him ia the pulpit at both services. Rev. Fr. COAL STOCK UP. Decision of Company. Montreal, Feb. 23. --Beiore the local stock market opened, to-day, word came from Boston that Dominion coal | stocks had jumped to . eighty-three, and that the advance' was due to the decision of the Dominion steel ecom- pany to exercise its option and lease the eval company for « the considera: tion of paying the common shares six per cent. dividends. In consequence the first trading in coal stock was at cighty-three and a quarter, and the next eighty-three and a half, a jump of five and a quarter points above yesterday's final figures at seventy | eight. apd a quarter, t A The Steel | Dominion steel | also moved up in sympathy to thirty- | six and a hali, compared with thirty- | fonr and sevenwighths yesterday at the close. For the first time in a long | time the market was so exciting that trading conumenced before the official opening, and when coal was reachea on the list there was the most excit- ing scramble on record of shorts rush ing to cover DROPS COAL IN POWDER. Child Causes a Fatil Explosion In a Kentucky Home. Owingeville, Ky., Feb. 21. <Three children of John mpson were in- stantly killed and another and the, mother were fatally injured last night by the 'explosion of a of blasting powder. on Was moving. and & keg of Tht was am- ong some things put in the kitchen temporarily. A fire was started in the kitchen stove. The children were play- ing around the room, and one of them dropped & coal of fire in the keg of powder, which exploded. {old | mercury [into office fagpector 1902. ADNITS GOOD FAITH On The Part of Russia Touch- ing China CRANBORNE'S STATEMENT MADE IN THE BRITISH HOUSE OF COMMONS. Administration of New Chwang Customs Only a Temporary Matter--Would Not Disclose Methods of Giving Effect to Treaty Provisions. . London, Fel. 21 commons, vesterday, weretary house of Cran In the Viscount for toreign al fairs, announced that neither Japan or England had made represeatations to the German government with a view to its evacuation of the Shan Tung province in accordance with the terms of the Anglo-Japapese treaty. Lord Cranborne said the Russian govern ment had declared that their admin- istration of the New Chwang customs was only temporary, and that they inténded to restore them to China as soon as circumstances admitted it. The borne, uwder LBritish government had not the small est reason to question the good faith of. this declaration, He trusted that the house would not consider him discourteons ia declining to make a statement regarding the Anglo-Japan ese treaty, or how the government in: tended to give effect to its proyisions A Reply To It. Berlin, Feb, 21.--The note of United States secretary of state, Mr Hay, to Russia on the Manchurian question is generally regarded in Ber the lin as clear proof that the government | of the United States, thou h not joined the ance, is nevertheless ty to it it a consenting par- ------ Still Occupy Pe Chi Ii. Berlin, Feb. 21. ~The government has asked for 40,000,000 marks for a 1902 expedition to East Asia. The committee voted only budget also hy The committee rejected the resolution introduced Carl Hactom, calling on the ment to withdraw the troops Pe Chi Li as soon as possible for the expedition. govern from TELLS HOW HE KILLED RICE. Valet Jones Describes The Mil- lionaire"s Murder. New York, Feb. 2i.--The dramatic point in the trial of lawyer Albert I Patrick for the murder of the millionaire, Willian Marsh Rice, was reached yesterday afternoon. Charles F. Jones, the valet, had been relating the circumstances leading up to the somewhat sudden death of Mr. Rice. Then, plunging at once into the de tails, he held the attention of his au dience to the end of the day. Freed of minor points it was this In August Patrick grow Mr. Rice, though an invalid, ing too long impatient. was Tis to suit the lawyer's pur- Patrick said he would come to the house and kill him himself if necessary. He suggested chloroform and Jones got a two-ounce vial of it by writing to his brother in Texas Jones then branched off into the | means used to @eaken the already sick man. This was by giving and iron pills. Then, wittingly, a friend brought Mr a present of bananas. Of these the «J nian ate nine. The fruit made him exceedingly ill, and yet the weakening doses of mercury were kept up. By Saturday, being about the eighth day of the last illness, Mr. Rice came delirious. The testimony brought the events up to Sunday, the day of death, and the | witness had said that during these ten days of illness he had kept Patrick in formed of the details personally by telephone : Rice's quick death, declared the wit ness, was decided at a confefence he tween Patrick and Jones held. Satar day night. Patrick told him it was time to apply the chloroform or they would lose all. Jones agreed. Jones here told his story of the ae tual killing He made a cone of a towel, in the small end of whic h was a chloroform soaked sponge. ('resping the room where Mr, Rice jay slocping, he quickly covered the sleep with the large end of the Jones rushed out of the room In hali an hour he came back and re moved the cone. Mr. Rice was dead Jones swore he telephoned to Patrick the words : "Mr. 'Rice is very ill," the agreed signol of death. Jones' story of the end was cluded by the statement that Pas came to the house and removed all of Mr. Rice's papers. poses him un- Rice be and or's face cone con- FOOLISH POSTMASTERS. Accounts Got Away And Then Came Sorrow. Washington, Feb. 21..-Chief pink Cochrane announces that postmaster Humphrey at Belle vue, Ohio, had abseonded. The office i suid tobe in bad shape. The ex: act shortage of the mis ing postmas- ter 'has not been determined. LE. B. Parscidge, postmaster at Renesaw, Neb, commital suicide when a post office inspector anteridd the office and asked to we his ac counts. The immpwector reported the caso to the post ofits departownt and says the office is in bad shape. How Rebels Were Cheered. London, Féb. 21.-The Cape Town has | Anglo-Japanese alli- | 20,000,000 marks | Texas | | { } | | } i i Schley matter I plied with lqguor, | and that | appears HE LOST HIS NERVE. When Told That He Was To Hanged. Miawan, Fel 3 croix, the Montolelle murdecer, tom bled a jgal when told, yestenlay, that the law must tak: that he will be banged on March Ast for the murder of his wile. Lacruvix | completely lost his nerve and, it is ex pected, that he will have to be spur red up when, the day comes for Rad cliffie to do his work. Lacrvix, in a Stantious The its course and she carried their little child in her | arins and he alio killed an old man of whom be was jealous. When sen tenced he swore to defeat the law by suicicing, He also threatened to kill a guard who would sot give him «a s¢at while the trial was going on A TRAIN HELD UP Because Smallpox Patient Found On Board. Ottawa, Feb. 2h--Grovanni Semon, an Italian from Sault Ste. Marie, has heen arrested here at the instance of the Dominion express company, charg id with forging money orders for £120, which = were payable to C. Ca pazzolo, of Sault Ste. Marie alleged that Semone forged Capazzo Jo's name and secured the money. was remandea for a day. The Canadian Pacifie left Ottawa last night for Toronto is quarantined near that place becauss of the of a case of small pox on bonrd. Col. Denison, Mr. Dy ment, MP, and many board discovery THE BONUS SYSTEM. Present Law Does Not Give Gener- al Satisfaction. a Feb. 21.--~A spirited dis principle of exemptions legislature Tordnto, censsion on the arose the brief session of in the of which general dissa tisfaction was expressed with the im practicable working of the provision m large vote wus so course cities the ratepayers, held that a should be introduced: The nounced in reply to Mr. Whitney that the second reading of the legmor hill will not reached until toward the end of next week of general law premier an he CABINET RETIREMENT. Through. Feb, 21. Now that the has been settled official understnod that secretary Long feels he at liberty to carry out the project cherished by him in the last year of president McKinley's administration retire to private life. , However, this is not expected to ensue at one, for there is knowledge of what may dollow in con gress, notwithstanding a strong be lief hiv the administration that the case is settled beyond revival GAVE THEM GOOD TIME. Washington, ly, it is to Tell All 2. Two witnesses in a hqguor told the police mags trate to-day that they had heen .wat to Hull on February 12th, and their hoard paid and were well sur so that they would avoid giving evidenon against Eugene Laviolette, of 5M Sussex street, char ged with selling without a license The two witnesses sav Lavioletie sent them and supplied the money they grew tired of being in They were remanded J Kruger May Visit United States. Bruss ls, Feb, 21.--It is said in Boer circles that if Mesira & Wessels, after investigating the situa tion ih the United States, advise Mr Kruger that a, tour of the United States would be beneficial to the Boer the Boer pre ident will over hig aversion to a long trip and the Mr to be excellent Feb case Ottawa, ove away hiding. Wolmarans cause, come undertake journey in physical condition. Gave It A Charter. Toronto, Feb. 21.~The railway mittee of the legidature this gave a chariér the Lake Super & Albany river railway, empoweing it to construct 210 miles of railway from Peninsula harbor on lake Super ior to a point on the Albany here navigable water can be reached project is promoied to tap a rich pulp and mineral territory. com 10 The ery At 'a meding of the Manitoba horse breede 8" association, Col. Dent was subjected to a severe raking over hy some of the members, claiming that the colonel showed no inclination look over western horses when he was purchasing remounts for = the Pri ish army. dadging by the sales this week Aunt Jewiwa's pancake flour is going to be very popular. The Indy herself is expected at our store next week, nd | dave. Jos. Reddes & Co. The clection of Mr. Charbonnina pos liberal M.P. for L'lsdet, ix comtestod ARE YOU T READY To have us call for. your work will please you We have the finest and | most comp'e e establish- | ment for turnnyg out Be i t fit of jealous rage, shot his wife while | ! and French, Was | It is | { He | train which WHIG. LAST EDIT1OX WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toromto, Ont, Fe 21, (10 am j-Fale fay. Saturday, sito north easterly nds and a constderubie snow fall - SPRING, 1902, New Imported Dry Goods usp opened out to-day New Irish Crochet Laces. New Velencienne Laces, English in all widths, Applique Trimming, Laces and Gimps. New Square Mesh Labes in Ind sertions, Edgings and Wide Alle over Net to match, by y Irish Guipure Laces and Handsome Laces, Cream, with Velvet A Velvet Flower Monte, | queing. New Black Silk R for Dresses. £ New Shell Allover Tates with Ins Notts, | sertions to match. others are on | { New Olympic New Lace Collars. Viyella Albatross | for Waists in Stripes, Plain Col. | i during the | vesterday afternoon, | requiring a two-thirds | The opinion | ors, All-Wool Shrunk. New Black and Colored Silks, New Shot Taffetas. New Dolly Varden Louisine Silks. New French Dress Muslins and Foulardines in Dolly Varden efs fects. New Dress Goods. All above are exclusive styles and thoroughly | and can only be seen at our store, | New March, March Designeys, 10 cents' copy; Standard Patterns for | $1 a year. | | Long To Retire After Congress Is | Inspection invited. STEACY & STECAY ny certain | f But They Tired, And Are Both To 100-108-110 Princess Stréet. UNDERTAKERS, S. S. CORBETT, | piRECTOR. 281 PRINCESS [A at FUNERAL > tem. UNDEITAKER, 3a4800 TA. Opes THE LEADING Prigocss Street. day anu sight MARRIED, JAQUITH EMERSON --A1 ary 2k, by Rev. D Emerson to Dr of Chicaga Ww itton on Febru Day. Mabelle Walter: Allon DIED. WRIGHT Av bis Inte Georges A. Wright Frmeral #ill leave ny alternoo aed aoguaintanoe to attend rewidence, Weptbrook, aged BF yours bis late reddenos Mise a1 ome clock. Fries . spocifully invited Are 'Transfer of Tavern License, | fore, {el Kruger | marsing » to! i i will dis onse free pancalivs for thyee | | i i bundle 7 We know our 3 i i NOTICE 18 HE REBY GIVEN THAT THe lat May Dowey, Inte holder of the Tavern Lions wt the Yotd Clarendon; on Brock struct, thie City, who legally appointed ms her exgiuior wind mol: me heir to ber estate in ingston, decluding the Tavern Licomne nt seid dnotel. 1 have this day, there applied to the License Commissioners this aly, to allow the seid License to be trandleried. to toe al sad Hotel, und thas they have deviled to cpnwder same on MON. DAY of March, -pext By License Commissioners THOMAS SULLIVAN 1992 DISEASES Herbal th order 10th day of said 20h SKIN Ir. Cowan Heals old Sores, tors, Pures, Crag Hamds, ote, Carew Balt Hheum, Clennses heals ard purities all discosesi purie. For Pils voeguelied, 50¢ at Druoggets, or posts oad from the GG. & wo. Mmivd, 12) hurch St, Toronto GRIFF nw 8 Menthol Malmsnt its vain, Dr. 0. W, Daly's Dental Offier Will be reopened in Mav, when Ws eter tern atrrad Kingston February, - Cured by Dirtewnt, The interested in ioe races wet last evenfng aod reported pro- gress. Collections reported to he not coming in very briskly, and there wis some talk of eanewiling the dates and allowing the matter to drop, but sug. gestion prevailed that another at tempt be made to secures enough money to guarantee the purses. An- other meeting will be held Monday might 2 . Protect Your Eyes From the sun and snow by wearing a pair of our Smoked Spectacles or Eveglasgs. horsemen correspondent of the Times says an io- if fuentinl rebel, Troskie, who has just died from wounds, carried with him in the field clippings from tbe Review of Sheviows and oiber pro-Boer joursale The correspondent says the lippings™ wie, pay ov ara Yond ga a oe laundry work BAKER'S LAUNDRY, From 28 1 25c. up in BG JOHNSTON & BAD. ASASLILAIASL LISSA ESET eee dd