DEATH OF GEORGE WRIGHT . Movements Of The People -- What | . RICH HANDSOME RUGS in every size but not necessarily expensive. In Smyrna we show every size, from the smallest up to the full room size. These Rugs are exactly ahike on both sides, haye a rich deep pile and a dan in was, ROYAL WILTON RUGS in rich deep colour effects. '~ Axminster Rugs in three different qualities to cover | everything, from the smallest naok to the largest room. A splendid showing of ART SQUARES in wool and cotton, in all sizes and very Hawise fanéras, mak- ing altogether the lar t and at beutiful aoe of Rugs ever shown. Sale Garpols and Furnifie, 20 Parlor and Music Cabinets Reduced, Do You Want One? Cabinet, regular $45, February Cabinet, regular $22, Febreary Cabinet, regular $16, Caldnet, reilar $17, Culinet, regular $14, Be, Cabinst, regular $14, "Cabinet, 'regular $10, $7.60. 1 Parlor Cabinet, regular $8.50, price_ $6.50. Parlor Cabinet, regular §7, Pebreary Patio Cabinet, regular $5, February price. $3, All Genuine $naps--Reductions on Whole Stogk. 80 hi ls, nr 900, 30130 pawtary pr EX 41 wh Crimson. Dalmoral 80c., February price Blo Rugs, Gir and price. T. F. HARRISON CO. DERTAKING, ETC. UN "PHONES --RISut thls, 01 February February February February February February Axminster al Shades, etc : or st hall I. suitable for rugs, say' thay 'afe a most Arintnie pasembles, and I peemmond that . aad erers Levin sacl sui pada 'play-goers with the lives 'and affairs "their: of the directors ave EE merr------ - PASSED AWAY THURSDAY NIGHT OF PNEUMONIA. His Death is Sincersly Deplored-- He HadsBeen -a Councillor For Some Years--Active in Township, Fx-county councillor George Weight, appeinted caretaker of the county court house at the recent session the county council, died in the .gene ral hospital on Thursday night of 11th inst, and two or three days ago was removed to the general hospital THE LATE GEORGE WRIGHT. for treatment. Of a vigorous constitu- tion, he fought the fell disease brave The | { {day of | poeumorsi a. He was taken ill on the } ly, but was unable to shake it off and thursday night yielded up his spirit. § The deceased was one of Fromenacs® | best known farmers. A native of the county, he took a decp interest in its prosperity and was a strong sup porter of any movement having for its purpose the upbuilding and ad vancement of Frontenac. Hiv farm in Kingston township, near Cataragui, was a model one in every way. was a painstaking, & entific farmer who aimed to secure the very best n sults from his farm. He entered the county council in 1893 and took =o prominent part in ail the measures | brought before that body, taking a fearless stand for what he considered was tight an all questions. He was different times chairman of all the committees of the council, and he had the confidence and good will' of hia colleagues. At the last session of the council ho reigned Kis siat to accept the posi tion of caretaker of the county court house, a position he was to take over on March lst. The deceased was age | forty-three years and he is survived by a wife andl one son. He was a former in politics, a Methodist and a member of the Orange order, Oddfel lows, masons, and AO UW. In 180 the late Mr. Wright presided ever the county' council as warden and his course in the chair was marked bv | PORTErS and scrapulous care. His death is deeply deplored. 10 Aged Cananoquean Dead. On Wednesday, William 8. McDonald, an aged resident of Gananoque, died. In the register of baptisms, marriages and deaths solemnized by Rev. Vil- liam Smart is an entry of his baptism by Mr. Smart on January 21st, 1813, His father, Charles McDonald built the blockhouses at Ginanoque and on Chimney island, a few miles west of Brockville. William S. McDonald was educated at Upper Canada college, To- route, He resided for a time in the western states, but for many years past his home has been at Blink Bon- ny, in Gananoque. Five children sur- vive, among them being Charles Me Donald, LL.D. New York, a distin guished civil engineer, who built many large bridges in the United States and Australia. The deceased gentleman was probably the oldest resident of Gananoque. -------- Brockville Curlers Won. Two rinks of Brockville curlers played at the Kingston rink last night, and succeeded im defeating two of Kidgston's rinks by two shots. The match was very exeiting, and at the close depended upon a shot which would have given Kingston the vie tory by one shot, but the local skip failed to make it successfully. Brockville No. 1.~J. McLaren, Dr. Smith, H. B. Boulton, D. W. Down- ing, skip 9. lingstom, No. 1-8. R. Bailey, M. &. Sutherland, W. B. Dalton, Dr. Wat- son, skip --12. Brockville, No. 2-C. Wilkison, E. W. Jones, Dr. Moore, J. Chrysler, skip --16. Kingston, No, 2.--Lieut. Grant, J. W. Powers, W. Lesslie, Col. Drury, skip.--11. 3 Total. --Brockville, 25; Kiagstor, 23, Saturday's Events, Matinee and Night. Tt seems to be as ocasy to please of one people as with another, if they are only natural people, real people, who do and say things in which the audience recognizes the "touching na tare 'that nmkes the whole worla kin." The quaint Scotch folk, with narrow views 'of life and their hidebound reli as revealed in J. M. Little Minister," have made friends as fast, ond as many, as have the quaint folk of our in "The Old Homestead" and "Shore Acre," becuse all of them are taken from nature and thus creep into our hearts. : Are After $1,000. "finance month," at the ¥.- The a number This is MCA. k nd od - PERSONAL MENTION, Sissies They Are Saying And Doing. THE DAILY INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Sir Richard Cartwright was in the | city yesterday and to-day. A. Chadwick, of the local agency of the Rathbun compnnk, is in Deseron- fo. R. Meek leit this afternoon for Yark er, where he speaks to-night at a Sun gchool convention. to-day's 'issue of the Utica, N. (lobe appears a very lifelike cuy in ¥., and a sketch cane." Ex-aldermzn William McCartaey re- turned this morning dronk. Montreal, where he spent some days on business. He says the buildingyof the C. P-R. shops will create a great demand there for labor, Miss Ryder, principal of Depot pub- lic school, is confined to her howe with illness: Miss Bateman is supply- jg her place. This is the first time Miss Ryder has lost a day since she was appointed by the board. This moruing Thomas Fawcett, reeve: Jaines Flynn, and James Rus- sell, councillors of Wolfe 1fland, - re- turned from Toronto, where they waited on the minister of public works, with reference to a bonus for a proposed ferry to ply between the island and city. Mr. Latchford = re ceived the deputation kindly and pro mised to give the request serious con- { sideration. ti et A BIG SNOW STORM. What a Kingstonian Had to Say of the Deep Driits. J. i. Donaldson was in Ottawa this week taking the annual examination in connection with the railway mail service. In returning e was canght in the big snow nl ada in the Carle ton Place district; the oldest resident there sintes it was the worst that ever happened; it was impossible to say how deep the snow was, because the telegraph poles were completely covered. The snow ploughs would rotate a hole right into a big drift and then the roof would cave in and the engines and ploughs woulda he giv en in charge of the lost rolling stock department of the road. The big "high ball" engines were of no"more than ®o many baby _ carriages, and as many as four were behind ploughs. The Winnipeg flyer, leaving Ottawa Tuesday noon, was at Carle- ton Place Wedpesday at 1:30 p.m, The eompany issued meal checks to passengers having cushioned seats in oll trains. nse ------------_---- To Build Up A Library. The sociél committee of the Y.M.C. A. is making arrangements for hoid- ing a large book social in the near future. Each person who comes will be asked to bring a book for the as- sociation's new library. The members are endeavoring to secure a library of reading switable for young men, and this is one of the means adopted to- ward that desirable end. A good li- brary would be a valuable adjunct to the Y.M.C.A's work and usefulness. Kidney Cry. Pain in the back is the cry of the kianeys for help. To neglect the call is to deliver the body over to a dis- case croel, ruthless, and finally life destroying. South American Kidney Cure has power akin to miraculous in helping the needy kidneys out of the mire of 'disease. It relieves in six hours. For sale by Henry Wade and BE. C. Mitchell. ~38 crm---- To-Morrow, Saturday. We begin our annual tweed suit sale. Your choice of many $25, $23 and §20 suits for $16 spot cash. Livingston Bros. ------------ Canadians are at home in water as well ag on water. An Uttawa beat them: all swimming at the Chi cago, sportmen's show. A VALUE OF WARM BREAKFAST BEVERAGE. Explanation By Physician. The high grade physician always stands ready to guide one's habits and prevent disease, even if by that means, he loses many a fee. Food and drink are important fac- tors relating to health. Dr. Wm. R. Blackwood, 852 N. 23rd St., Philadelphia, Pa., writes on the subject and remarks about the need of some warm drink for breakfast but deprecates the use of coffee because of its effect on the health. He refers to the fact that the heat of a wirm hreskfast beverage is 4-4mportant in causing the necessary alvine evacua {ion which should invariably follow breakfast. "Personally, I had been quite nerv- ons from overwork for a time and neither coffee nor tea seemed to agree with me, consequently T looked around for some other pleasant' breakfast bev- erage, for a tong time without suc cess, until T got hold of the article un- der consideration (Postum). hig proved pleasing to the taste ana was also very strengthening. Its flavor is so nearly that of a really good coffee as to completely take its place after beginning its habitnal use. 1 attach much importance ' to that | word 'habitual,' for if you desire to have all oi the besefits centered in thie article you must stick to it right along. I have proved to my own sa: tisaction that am is all right if persevered in. Some of = acquaintances and pa- tients have taken up Postum and after a frst trial abandoned its use, then some have afterward formed the babit of drinking it when shown how really simple the preparation is which re cults in a Bue cup of Postum edutain- ing antritive elements." * Poctor mentions, in confidence, two cases of severe prostration from aleholism which were ultimately cured and the patients restored to health through his treatment and taking away al! whiskey, coffee and tes and giving them in place | Doctor concludes ie letter with! this statement, *'Balieving ter from a physician, teed aivtetios many veary in different differént races, of the career of alder- | wan J. T. White, the "man with the! | t | . ; rage remorse, | Thiw soul ot pawn ami this delirious ---- PARAGRAPHS PICKED UR BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, | The Spice of Every Day ITile-- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At tention, Can Pelleville girls play marbles or ship? Aunt tedcen 8. stonkey Brand cleans and brightens dverything, but; won't wash clothes. : Saturday at the Grand Union, med § and boys pants 1B endless variety and at great bargains. An ex-merchant, whose stock and ac- counts show a shortage, has leit the city and is said to have located in a Jemiwa's pancake flour at western city. A mew roof will this year have to be put on the Central school build ing. The property committee will in: clude the cost thereof in its estimates. The best for the money is what is claimed for Charm tea. The property' committee of the hoard of education was called to mwet this afternoon. The board will prob- ably meet on Thursday evening next. The second of Dr. Weir Mitchell's "Little Stories," appearing in The Century, will be published in the March number. It is entitled "A Con sultation." School pants for the boys, look at our extra strong tweed pants before buying elsewhere. Grand Union The Belleviile Intelligencer ul will take it all back if the Whig will send on affidavits proving that the King- ston hockey maidens have not yet passed the legal voting age. Fie, man ! Sines the big snow storm a couple of weeks ago not a load of wood has heen' brought into the city by the far mors. Were it not for the wood yards there would be a wood famine in the city. Boys' pric s, 3c. Union. The practical examinations at dairy school are now being held. wyitten examinations will be cone od afterwards and will continue the close of short pants, sizes 22 to UH 40¢., Soc. and 65¢. Grand the The luet until some day towards next week. For that tired feeling, try a cup of Charm tea. The Canadiah press association mets in Ottawa on Thuisddy next, where many timely things will be dis- cussed. On Friday Mr. Pense will take part in 'the consideration of improved telagraph service This morning "A" field battery was exeteised in field and firing detail on the ice fronting the city. The ice proved a splendid manoeuvring ground. "A" field battery is now al most up to strength. J. Hughes and brothers returned from Washburn, after searching every barn in sight along the road. Per- haps the writer of the letter giving information about the bodies can give wore explicit directions The Grand Union very large assortment of boys' pants, Contractor Meleod is rushing the work on the two new stores on Brock strat, between McKelvey & Birch's and Henderson Bros' places of busi: ness. The weather has. greatly inter- fered with the work of building. To-day R. Davis & Sons shipped to Muskoka a 250-horse power, triple ex- pansion engine, to he placed in a sevonty-five-foot yacht being built there by this firm for R. J. Stroud. The engine is a beautiful pigee of ma- chine ry. B always has a leville Intelligencer's editor ng the cross-eved and left Whig man's challenge and threatens, "We won't do a shing to his circulation when. the battle come ofi."' We think that fdlow will be pi for us. New suits for spring. $10 and $12. ights in the room will shine with liance to-night. Yesterday 'Charlie Wright, the genial janitor, repaired the gas lamps, so that magarines and papers may now be perused with some degree of comfort. The union men contemplate calling a fads meeting shortly to consider the question of placing a candidate in the field at the approaching Ontario elec tians. The meeting will be held in the city hall and addresses will be deliver- ed by prominent union workers All the young men say our conts are stunners, $3, $10, and so they are. Bibby's. Capt. W. G. McCabe, Virginia, in the March Century, sete forth a va riety of aspect of Tennyson's intellec- tual and domestic life. He also gives a enrious story concerning his father's escape from an embarrassing and dan- gerous position at the Russian court. ------------------ Y.M.C.A. reading wd bril ineres box £12.50, The Opium Smoker. The Bookmia. I am engulied and drown deliciously, Soft muse like perfume, amd sweet t > with audible colors exquisite, of "eternity; Time Is nb more, A million ages. wray me 1 drain » million ages of delight, 1 hoid the future in my memory, Also 1 Nave tis purrét which rent, This bed of straw, and this that « ir, This pipe of opiem: rage remorse, despair ix crust of which the rats lmve eaten part, . pipe of opm; despair; heart. was 8 Axes Were Used. A number of vitizens; in obedience to to the mandate issued by the city commissioner to hacked and injured. Yesterday af- , aan John Wright order " a munber of residents fo cease us- ing the axe. ---------- Until 11 0'Clock. Seturday night we will sell men's limed kid gloves at cost price. Geo Mills & Co., Wellington street. ------ Our Covert Box Coats. Overcoat art has reached or Section in our Covert box coats. We like to a let. i 4 oro tas aud hom them. Price 89, $10, $12.50. Bib gC © Northamgiton, Englasd, has purchas- its Atrest car system from a private v for the purpose of converting horse power to the eleciric odd *yemove the ice from | the walks, did so with axes. The re- | sult was that the walks were badly | SPORT IN GENERAL. At Last Kingston Drops Fro O.H.A. Finals. England is begianing to appreciate Canadian jookeys. n | The New York bascball pires will rgeeive $7 per day, shine Toronto university hockey plays Buffalo dniversity lo morrow af ternoom, Ottawa Aberdeens are the western round of the intermediate Canadian hockey league series An excitable spectator, who punched a touch line judge at a football game at floucester, Eng, got two months in: jail dor it. ! ry For the first time in cleven years a Ringsion team 1s hy its absences irom the final games of the {.H.A. senior erin McGill hookevists state that could have ensily defeated 'Varsity on the Kingston rink which is larger than the one in Toronto. { Toronto Wellingtons play the first of the O.H.A. finals in Cornwall to morrow night. The return n atch will be played in Toronto next Tuesday or Wednesday. From New York comes that players are descrtiug the Nation al baseball league right and left account of the precarious nature affairs in that, organisation. George Reade, of Fast Sydney, Avs tralia, swam the quarter mile in the grand time of five minutes aml forty two seconds, completely shattering all previous records inc any country Con. Millan is in receipt of a pum her of applications from Pasaball play ers who want. to play on Kingston s seini-professional team next summer Some of the applicants have brilliant records, "Duncan Rell, London, Ont. - has bought for a Manitoba man that old hali-mile track war-horse, Democracy, 2.07), by Happy Partner, for K2.000, and the gray pacing stallion will | probably do most of his racing on | the Canadian tracks hereafter. F¥bntenae hockey team will likely play Sp Smith's Falls and Perth next week. yatside (of Kingston there is no place the Frontenacs like better than Smith's Falls for a hockey con test, for in /that town the kindest treatment is always n a Kingston league ul rain or {eam winners of conspicuons they faranto the report on | of ive tear The sporting editor of the Belleville Intelligencer regrets that owing to a press of other engagementd he will be unable to accompany the lady hockey ists to Kingston on Monday The Kingston girls regret it too; they would have aanced him to death in the Whig hall, for though a sporting wan he don't know aught of athletics The Wellingtons would have much preferred had Frontenacs . won the eastern semi-finals. They are quite at home playing in Kingston. Then me Cully, of the Toronto Tin rn, delights to make peri wdical pil ages to the Limestone city where ve Iron Dukes conguered Queen's on that memorable battlefield of ee. How sad he will be takes his "horn" at the junction ! A projet is oun foot to have a ser jes of professional rowing in England this summer. Sullivan, who accompanied Towns to Canada last summer, when that sculler defeated | Gaudaur for the world's championship is "the man behind the gun."" He re liew on a Canadian four--Hacketd, ! Johrston, Durran and Gandaur but it is doubtful if this quartette could make the trip together, unless the fin ancial inducements were very tempt friend, as he races ing. \ The Toronto Telegram is splatter- ing because Queen's suc ossfutly de fended the intercollegiate hockey cham- pionship of America. It calls Me(all a onc-horse team. Well, me boy, just send the Toronto uriversity agervga tion down here, and Queen' will send them home with their tails letween their legs. with bowed head and erupe on bis hat, When has Toronto university hotkey team cver defented Queen's. Neier! Cornwall hockeyist pave played all hockey from Quebec to Kingston, including Mon treal and Ottawa, but never did they moet such a gamey aggregation as the Frontenacs, who played under such disadvantages. Owing the <habby treatment accorded Frontenas by the Cornwall public, the team of that town expeeted that they would suller in Kingston, but they were & ply amazed and gratified at the kind- fv and indulgent attitude displayed towards them while here last Friday night. - Toronto--open thy lugs snd take heed. Queen's IH. hodkey team left at noon for Perth, where they play »night This is the ogllege team Goal, Pense; point, Suth nd; ecover-point, Swin orton: centres Kennedy, Sargent; wings, Scott, Gillespie. A Pertlf des patch gays : "Queen's best hockey team is billed to play a match with Crescents in Perth on Friday night The Crescents' management has a guarantee from the Queen's manage ment that the best team will appear If the Queen's management fail to send the best tearh the local manage ment has the power to refuse to pay their expense money." Now Perth will not have the pleasure of seeing Queen's best team on their ice, asthe university seniors .are not liable to make efcurdions to places like Perth | when they will not turn out to play at home. state that they teams to aL] TT FAT NERVES. A whirl of excitement was recently caused among scien- tists by the discovery of "how nerves act", -- Healthy nerves are fat! nerves. - It is fat in the core of furriers and hatiers, 172 | a nerve that by hardening and softening creates nerve action. Maybe this explains why ' Scott's Emulsion bas always been such a remarkable remedy for nervousness, Scott's Emulsion makes fat "nerves. It feeds them with fat. Good for all forms of nervous ness and for neuralgia. i Send for Free Sample. § SCOTT & BOWNE, Cheiein Toronto. od as no | Yrede ickshurgh, | gans_go ~drawn to her at ones, | residents DIED AT SAULT STE. MARIE CHARLES STEWARD, FORMER- LY OF NAPANEE. He Was Only Eighteen Years old --A Sad Death in South Fred- the Para- ericksburgh -- Attended Wedding Personal graphs, Fel. 21, Mrs. Jamis Bir All. peecived the saidiistelligencs yes: werday of the 'death of her nephew, Charles Stewart at Sault Ste adic, Bib. The death wis most unexpect word had been "rocaived of ness. Death wis due to phon The youhg man Was only vightoon years of age, aml for a vear or two had been express faessenger On the C.P.R. train, but at the time of his death he was in his father's. office, relioviog him while ho and his wother mother were on 8 vacation to St Paul. The death ix a severe blow to the sorrowing parents. Mrs. Samuel Parks, of South died quite suddenly yesterday. Deocasod was a daughter of James Myers, of South Fredericks tweaty Napatee, his monia burgh, and was only about five years of age i tal Maj. Perry, Regina, NW.T., day this whek with his sister, A. Rockwell, John street, Wediesday for Montreal John Sharp, J.P, lately of Morven, is quite seriously ill at his home, Centre street Mrs. Robert rs. W, and left Fnglivh, Desaronto, spent a day this week with her =n ter, Mrs. (Dr) Ming, John street Mrs, Harry Fralick has heen quite ill for the past week. Earl Lake was so severely handled at the hockey match in Deseror a Whe other evening that goveral of his nibs were broken, The arrest of one (Rourke was ordered and effected, | it is likely that he will have 10 his ungentlemanly cow and answer duet Mr. and Mrs. H, Pessie Sherwood, Miss E. E. and A. F. Chinneck attended the cing of Lumun Sherwood and Sears yesterday in Kingston, The voung people had immense sport last night wit ther gans on the hill south of the town The slide is smooth amd even, and & good long sweep, So that the tobog clear across the river with The wight wae so clear to for wed Miss tobog their freight and bright that nothing was lef Le desired for an e ening'd fun. ---------- Grand Opera House. Wollington" was the produe the Grand opera house last night, but it did not receive the pa ronage it deserved, the house con: taining many empty seals. Eugenie Blair has not been heralded --a bit more than she deserves, Her Peg" is far superior to that created by the nove'i-t Charles Reade... Jb is so dramatized, the character: being "much more sympathetic, Miss Blair fills the yole so perfectly that her audience is and its interest maintained throughout the whole play. Her strength lies in the comic parts, which she utters in a way peculiarly her own, Miss Blairs gowns are of great brilliancy, and her ornaments, tou. The part of * Triplet, the stary ing painter and playright, was ably filled by James Kelly. Eléanor Mon well, as "Mabel Vane," also did a clever piece of acting. The whole sup and the seenery of "Pog tion at port was go wl, spe ial me it ---------- Judge Price's Leniency. At the Kingston bar banquet to jus: ties Britton, a bit of disenssion fol lowed Pr. Ryan's assertion that judge Price, in trying cased, did' not al wayy lay aside emotional feeling and consider only the law on thé gues tion, as the judge had stated. He in stanced the judge's lenidyiy in erimin al matters (which he praised), in sup port of his contention, Judge Price answered the doetor in a few words, explaining the course of action which he had made it his practice to adopt. Dr. Walkem, K.C., remarked that judge Price was perfectly consistent in his statement and practice. His as to whether a person was innocent or guilty depended upon the law. The punishment was a matter of ks own judgment So, that while a judge decided the guestion of guilt on legal grounds, he recognized the fact that the primary. object of pun ishment~is to reclaim Married At Heathfield. At eight o'clock last night st the country residence '"'Heathficld," in the presence of some sixty guests, te] Miriam Sears eldest daughter of Ro- bert Sears, and Luman Sherwood, C E.. RM.C., were married, archdeacon Worrell officiating. The bride, in white silk, was given away by her fa: ther. Miss Grace Sears was brides maid. and little Misses Alice Sears and Bessie Sherwood were maids of honor. Clyde Caldwell; RM.C., was groomsman. The couple left at mid They will reside in Denver, Colorado. Mr. Sherwood is a som of H B. Sherwood, Napabee, superin- tendent of the Bay of Quinte R. finding night Dogs Annoy The Residents. By actual count fifty two dogs con gregated on Barrack strest yesterday asitermoon to the great annoyance A grocer notified the police and the dog bailiff The animals were very nearly as thick this morning. (lanine commissioner Conley, who has done splendid work since his ment, will still find much for and waggon to do. ---------- hiv net ; Our Box Overcoats. Overconts of all kiade and priced. Shart, medium, long looks hack, we Oxford grey Vienna, biue Beaver, rough Oxford grey; anything and ev- eryihing in overcoats at Bibhy's one price house Value Proven. Those who have purchased from us during our suit sale in past years have proven the value We can only soy the selection this year is even bet ter - than former years. Livingston Bros. For Ten Days. Oar aonunl tweed suit sale. $16 spot cash. Livingston Bres." No badk numbers, new spring suits, $10 end §13. Bibly's, £ I. Sherwood, Miss | Deroche | TRAN FOOD Is OfLjttle Benefit Unless It Ic Digested. Nearly every one will admit that os a ba tom we wut tou much meat sed loo. Hite and the grains For business fen; office wen and clerks, and in feet esvoryose wings an sederdary of ie {door vecapations, wvaies, milk amd how are much mone bealthied Only men sopaped Be a severe, ont-dooe manual labor can dhe on a feavy Beat det { i {ad cominte in heulth, { } { f { { As o geveral yale, moat once a' day is ols ficient for all classes of wen, Women & children, | and grates, Trait awd vewctables should constitute the bulk of food len But many of the me stritions foods difficult of digestion, amd Wt is of » advise brain workers to cat largely and vegetables where she weak $0 assimilate them prop IL is always best to get the from our food the Jess digentive whoukd be taken aft | aaxint the welaxed digestive organs, | oral yours operience have proves Dyspepsia Tablets to be a very wale, ant aod effective digestive amd which may be taken dairy with the best Dyspipsin Taldets can hardly 8 suits Stuart's eniled a patent medicine, ax shy do wot ack on the bowels nor any partieulhr ovgan hut only on the food eaten They pi what Teen stomachs lack, pepsin diastose, and By stimulating the gustric glands increase the a acid People whe make as daily practices of take jug One or two of Stumrt's Dyspepsia Tobe lets after saoh meal are sare to have perfect digestion which moans perfect health ¢ of forming an injurious ately noth wolu cocaine, morphine are s cohtain | gg but nator digestive | ped similar drugs bave vo pow ih 8 See | gah medicine, and Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are osrtaindy the best known and most pops tr of all stomach ve Ask vour druggist for a fifty cent package of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, ad slr & wotk's use wote the improvement in heal ry : : cranton : Coal Is the best and costs no nore than other kinds. | JAMES. SWIFT & $0. "Phone 135. "Your The Doctor' 14's for you to decide what kind of coal you want, Swift's FENN WW NN Sr a HONEST COAL. Coal that will give you the Mull valos | is the obly Kind we well slens all the way Ure you . pay county your money kind that is which warmth evel'y and somfort Con! for slack burners, asd ot every kind. All kinds of Wood and lings. tal / penny grates, (275 (% COR THAT SUI po Foot of Queen St.--'Phone ins A COSY BRIGHT { FIRE BI [RE BOOTH'S | COA Your Neigh bor Says WALSH'S SCRA COA IS ALL RIGHT, Have you tried it ? Shall we sénd vou a