Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Feb 1902, p. 4

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ABSOLU Little Liver Pills wa _ action. 4 : . 8 with it. ® i THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 2i ~ SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's 4 Must Bear Signature of Ei t . i DAILY BRIM aach oveming at 6 per year Bd WEPKLY BRITISH WHIG, 13 pages. punished every Thursday morning at $ r Attached is one of the best Job Print. ing Offices in Canada, rapid, stylish and cheap work. mime improved pee swes. EDW. J. RB. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. {TIE DAILY WHIG. *Opiter per Ordem Dicor.' A NFFED OF THE HOUR The Canadian association which has | sessment of the city has not been ma been formed, and of which the gover nor-general is the honorary president, doing a commendable service, ia hroadeast valuable informa of cH sending tion for the prevention amd cure taberaulosis. The educational Ppaigu which has been inaugurated is CURE 8iCK HEADACHE. It's Honest Truth. REFLECT ONIT. The nnprecedented success of Malt Breakfast Food bas heen achieved by tee merit and practical results, | Health seekers for years looked for a perfect health food; wore fully realized with the advent of Malt Breakiast Food, the king of J breakfast cereals : ' Malt Broakinet | and young a sustaining and engryizing | mutriment that would conduee to -bod- | ily and mental vigor; it has fulfitied | avery promise - { Malt Broakfast Food was given the well and strong as a food would maintain vigorous health; was recommended invalids and | convalscoents as a nourishment that | the weak stomach wold tdlevate and | retain, Results in all cases exceeded the most sanguine expectations. Able snd progressive physicians and | scientific food experts have tested | Malt Preakiagst Food in a variety. ol ways, and placed it Par above all other preparations for the breakinst table. Users of oatmeal sgl starchy grain foods should reflect om trathe, Your grocer sells Malt Break fart Food, DR. WOOD'S their desires | Food promised old to that it tor these NORWAY PINE SYRUP. A positive cure Tor all Throat, Lung and Bronchial diseases. Healing and Soothing in ite Pleasant to take, prompt and effectual in its results. Mr, Chas. Jobnson, Bear River, N.8., writes; * I was troubled with hoarseness and sore throat, which the doctor - oounced Bronchitis and recommended me to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. } did so, and after using three bot! wie entirely cured." 8000000000000000000000 TRY{OUR jr" Wood & Coal. You will be delighted $5. ANGLIN & CO. Telephone 66. | Foot of Wellington St i eeccscsncescsssescnee | SECOND-HAND GOODS | + Bought and Sold. | referred, { "there L smmptives, | treatment in their dark, filthy tene- | erninents | than timely. It needs to be prosecuted the cheek may be had upon the Oo de Herne very with all vigour possible in order that white plague of life form, is taking of tagions amd js not treated as "In all ow which is annually stryctive Fitherenlonis, hy fur the largest per cent age people because it is con uch nearly | iy the association to which we have in a late public me#sage, are thousands ef poor con living without care or ment houses, and spreading their di sensé to their kin and neighbors, Per. haps not one of all the great cities at the present time can offer sufficient hospital facilities for the treatment or isolation of these unfortunate peo- ple. A very large percentage of these | patients could be cured or restored to | health and made breadwinners of their | families if they were taken away from | 1HE" whiiG--68th YEAR. WHIG, bitshed pane ig ft % i mil i terially BURDTY OF TAXATION fmance committes has a diffi task er The ult before ot cab ing La the busine without Last city's mereading the rate of taxation vear the pared down, and ivi appropriations were vet the levy went up from 19 to i i Is an the dollar. Acgording to pre many had jected, and the argument is that this the wnt representations public works or necessities to be ne annot occur again without, in Gericnis cor h fang r Ww rom, The fact Sprented is, wever, that the as increased. The rolls, revised last December, and on' which the re vente of the year will be calculated, { offer no promise of an addition to the | eivie | the same | tion, of our large cities," | | ations, the from taxes, at the same rate, it was last year, when income, Practically receipts, will be ans the. expenditure exeeeded the revenue fifteen hundred dollars The amennt by about What ' is to be enll for done? "ivie esti mates an which ean not he Jaised without lifting the rate Hulk taxa more will yield, in £2,500, a mill nhout and the council ean, it ig alleged, pse twice that sum, aver: and above last year's appropri without extravagance being | charged. their unhygienic surroundings in time | and received proper treatment in sanatorium." children who are sufferers from scro fala and joint and bone tuberculogis could be saved and rescued from their disenses if they were removed to plac {.es where they could be properly treat ed for a time." This makes it the more evident that for the poor, the very poor, and so the people's burdens, the several gov of something in the near future towards hospital There is money enough for every real ly philanthropic demand, but the wealthy progle have not heen to the of institu our country must do suitable accommodation. dererying aroused necessity tions for the treatment of tubereulo : . je. Isolation should be made eom | pulsory, and it cannot be while the of Let the education of the Cana It work, and in due time its country is bereft needful sanitari ums. dian able foots laud of association go on. in will be apparent, iano -- KINGSTON ALL RIGHT. Thefe never was a more enthusiastic Kingston that which occurred last even- Tt was the annual gathering of of officers general busi- ness. there, the fought battle, and the young members were there, with the ardour of their fathers, and all had the eagerness that marks meoting of the literals of ing. the clans for the election and the transaction of The heroes old members were of many a hard the successful workers, Very properly the association offer #1 resolutions in endorsement. of the dberal governments at Ottawa and Toronto and their respective policies. The promicrs of both were extolled as men who were worthy of all confidence and all praise were for their direction of the peoples business. Mr. Pense, M.P.P., who had arrived unexpectedly, sketched the progress of events in the legislature and referred to the hills which marked activity everywhere and 'a great development, of both New and Old Ontario. He pointed out that in Toronto, in the as #mbly, there was no evidence of liberal weakness on the contrary the liberals, we ¢ united, were working in the greatest harmony, and were pos swssed of the abiding conviction that Kos and his supporters would sweep the province in the next 'election. By the way Mr. Pensze spoiled the last grievance on which Dr. Rvan ex patiated so mach at Portsmouth the other night. He said the appropriy tions of the year--passed so far with aut a single awendment, or ths sug gestion of one by the opposition--in- cluded the amounts required for ad: ditions to Rockwood hospital and for an increase of the employees' wages. The electors of Portsmouth will please Make a note of this. One remark of the president was ificant. He said "'corraption was gh of the conservatives, but it had not been established. It was to the credits of both governments, and specially. of the Ottawa government wpenditure running away in to whe millions, that not a single scandal had been developed. Had the . ' reigned in, 53 A very large number of | Along comes the board of educa: tion, too, with a demand for more money. This demand is, to a certain extent, unavoidable. The modest in crease in the teachers' salaries, in con- formity with the grading adds 3500 to the estimates. The provement in the heating and ventilation ran away with all the cash of the board last year and left a deficit of nearly $700. The wants a new roof. These items, svatem, im- Victoria school's available Central school now and certain necessary and extra expenses, may increase the school board's bud: get by about 82,000. How is the coun ! ell going to finance it, presuming that money the half a mill will offer ! 3 for its own needs it wants all the 9 The rate for purely municipal pur- | poses is 14.25 on the dollar, and the | school rate is 5 Edu cation, therefore, takes over a third of 25 on the dollar { all the money that is raised by taxa- | tion, and perhaps it is worth all it is | At the same time il there is greatest economy practiced costing, the the council may for and it may, in that form, present lesson that the people « not have to submit the rate school purposes separately, an object forget. The question with some is: What has been running up the rate of taxa tion ? The bonuses which the people have voted to local institutions. These met with money that was raised by the sale of debentures, and 'a part of the debt is paid off annually, out of the tax ex. The bonuses have been the MPden, unfortunately; is last ing. 1t getting lighter, of course, as the debt will go on for thirty years, is paid and we all hope for that, ---------- EDITORIAL. NOTES. Thre liberal the city ready for business: Last night's rally had much of the spirit that points to party of is victory. ---- p. . . The Ottawa Free Pr.oss says of Mr Harty that he is quisition to. the commons as he was a loss to the loss to the legislature," as great an ac provincial - cabinet and The Montreal Star regards the ferendum as a very chililish device And, very appropriately, our contemi- re porary finde it a source of great di version. -- Mr. Bourassa and Mr. Maclean the are the alternate troublus in com mons, with odds in favor of the man who wants the government to run the telephone, - telegraph and railway busi ness of Canada. The spectatular features of the fall fairs have been unmercifully eriticised by Mr. Hodson, pert in the show business. He has no wee for the follies and fakes to which of Ottawa, an ex sore exhibi ion folks are wedded. The agitation in favour of a solidation of the fall fairs and farm- e§ institute is Mr. Dryden endorses it. He is agreeable to the appointment of some one who would give the exhibi ions special at- tention antl their guiding bead. The idea was applauded at the meeting of the Central Fair Association. - con growiog. Hon. Croydon Correspondence. Croydon, Feb, 19.--Our stage and mail service has been very irregular lately on account of bad condition of the roads. George Galbraith was 'at and Wednesday y . RR. Hamilton, Killarney, Man., is vikiting his bro- ther, E. Hamilton, of the new store. Mr. Hamilton expresses the opinion that the on" will sound the doath-kne'l for bition in Manito ba. He says the people are inst be ginning to realize the importance of the issue. Mr, and Mre. J..W. Clancy visited friends at West Plain on Mon- X i is visiting Mrs. in, Charles Kingston Tusday { lon sworn { late employer, ARRESTED IN CHICAGD STOLE A BANK DEPOSIT IN TORONTO Miller Will Return Without Extra- dition Proceedings--The On- tario Conservative Leaders In Session. Toromto, Feb. 21 miteen vears ald, at the request of the having of his tobacco Mifler Frederick Mill has been arre in. Chicago, romto authorities, 'a warrant the instance Ww. Muller, charging that from him Monday last a bank deposit of S255, Miller will re turn without extradition proceeings, and an officer leit last night for Chi cagotto bring him here A meeting of the executive of Ontario conservative association held here Upwards of. members were prosented including the out at G this city. stole on the was vesterday Isai presidents of the various associations. the Col members of the legislpture and Hughes agd Col. Tisdale, the house of commons dresses were delivered by Col. Tisdale, MP. MPP. 4.4 Fov, MP... and others, dealing with the condition of the work the varios counties and the prospects of the com- ing elections, Another meeting will be held to-day at which the party policy on prohibition may be con sidered tm Fire started last night bv spontan- eons combustion in the finishing room of the Menzie manufacturing company, limited, manufacturers furniture, and spreading to the adjoining pre mises of the Merchants' dyeing and finishing company, did damage to the extent of $205,000. The Menzie com pany's loss is $105,000, with insur snce of 8100000. The loss of the Merchants' dyeing and finishing com pany is £100,000, with of £00,000. senting Pyne, m of insuranc DISTRICT DASHES. News of the District Condensed From the Whig's Exchanges. On Thursday last J. Avery, Ottawa, Picton, took place N.Y Miss Florence, daughter of Roblin, Rednersvilie, was married on Wednesday to Leonard Parks, of Hay the marriage of Miss CC, May, Vincent ana at Cau George lay. Capt. Daniel Murphy has been ap pointed captain of a freighter which will run between Duluth and Montreal next season, Mrs. Emily Jenkins, late, of Roches ter, N.Y., died on Weanesday night. Docensodt was the mother Mrs. I. Y. Brenton, Belleville Woeanesday at the residence of Henry J. Ripley, Elgin, bis only daughter, M Libbie Ripley, was married 10 J Berry, township of Leeds, Last Thursday there was distributed over the 'heirs of the Broadworth estate, one family living in Jadoo receiving over 210,000. Some years ago two of the sold their claims for 8400 Dr. W. A. Jacquith, of Chicago, and Miss Mabelle Jamieson, of Wilton, were married in Wilton Methodist church, on Wednesday, in the presence of many friends. Dr. Jacquith a prosperous physician in the a graauate of Queen's, A party of Belleville peepls, in Mr Asselstine's street car bus, drove Ameliashurgh wedding on Wed nivht. The bus capsize "over turning a coal oil stove nsed for heat ing. 'The oil canght fire, and ignited Mr. _Diekens" clothing., No lamage was dobe to him, but some vatises containing clothing were burn ed, Miss Queena Watson lost a white silk dress; 'Mr. Osborne, a new dress euit, and Mrs, Dickens some furs. The hus, which was burned, was valued at 8200. ol SHG000 among parties west, new to an nesday SUTIOUsS COURT'S SWEEPING DECISION. Funds of Beneficial Insurance Can Be Attached. Cincarinati Times Star A mandate recewved in the common pleas court, revealed the fuct that the supreme court of the United States has announced a decision in a Cincin nati case afiecting bundreds of thou sands of people and a tremendous am ount of money. The lower courts have invariably held that sub-section eighteen of section 3,131 exempts the procevds of beneficial organizations' insurance from the beneficiaries' credi- tors. That is wonderiul the supreme court now holds and pronounces it illegal as being class legislation and contrary to section two, article one of the constitution, The victory was won by attorney Edward H. Williams, who the widow of the late Dir JO. Donagh to recover £200 for legal services rendered to her, and attached her funds arising from the Royal Ar- conum. The decision, as attorneys construe it, goes only to the sub sec tiom assuming to grant exemption from exeeution or attachment. This decision threatens to cause a great change in beneficial insurance circles, as heretofore suth funds have rested sary from attacks of creditors. sued A Bloomfield Marriage. Bloomfield, Feb. 20.---Rev, Barnes, Northport, occupied the pit on Sunday. John Buley is Liuclyi this week a delegate to T. of Fo eonveative: FE. Knapp and wife have been visi ing in King ston daring the past few weeks Mics Mamie Fraleigh left on the 10th inst. for Nogales, Arizona, where she will in the future reside. She received a number of presents before leaving, tes tifying to the esteem in which che was held. Wood is very scares an oe count of the swamps not being ror en. On Wednesday evening, Mth inet, Miss Emma Jane Black and Dr. Frank Cahoon were married The ceremony was performed ot tha bride's residence bv the Rev. Alired Brown, in the presence of a mumber of guess Mr. pal in the 1 0n the following duening a reception was given at the home of Nelson Ca hoon. They will reside in this "vil Pebruney, by at _ghe hema face of Noes Hubbs, danghter. Mi ¥ . - Florence Hubb, was married 10 Ken- h Switzer, son of F. Swiizer. Les : intends building a residence on hie father's Tod in the spring. vy o> -- _ boc Lodge Officers--Funeral of Late Douglas Snide . erona, Fel. 20.--At a recent meet of Verona L.O.L., No. 95, the owing officers were elected : John jf wlionsh, master: John Walk deputy master; as Huffman, se tary; John Graham, fingncial secre v: George Rillins, sro, chaplain; hues Devo, treasurer; Johs Abrams, urer; committee, Lorenzo ~Ruttan, dary MeMulblen, Charles McCullough, edo Huffman and Edward wok; George Bauder, outside tyler; [ ard Snook, inside tyler. The lodge fster, John McCullough, sr., rtily congratulated for his zealous { painstaking efforts towards for rding the interests of the order. ee races will be held here on March Master Fenwick Curran fell wnstairs, breaking his left fore in. Francis Reilly's horse ran away hit the blacksmith shop, but was petaken near home, no damage was he. he funeral of the late Douglas Sni took place here, last Friday after ym. Service was conducted by Rev. F. Richards, assisted by Rev. Jo- h Moorhouse, a former minister +, now of Perth Road, and Rev. xander Miller, of this place, De- hsod was a very zeglous and eper- ic church worker and in his » the church has indeed lost a uable member, and one not easily laced. Much sympathy is expressed the bereaved family L. Percy and wife have returned bin visiting friends at Sharbot tke. Mrs. George Percival, sister of is. A. E. Hall, spending some time kt here, has returned to Montreal the regular quarterly exercises held the gospel workers' and M. E preh, "were fairly well attended. A jes of revival meetings are being A in the Methodist church; eonsid- hble good is being done. John Pen vk and William Wheeler are exfere to leave for Oregon to-day. ami Shields, absent for some time'ni- g relatives, has returned. Jaris, lon is visiting his motherjan ves shortly for his home at of age, N.Y. Auerill Grant, jr., i plating a trip to Baffalo, \ isitors: James Brown at H v's: Mise Steele, Calabogier of hn Keats'. Miles Snider, of Sola t. will succeed John E. WalGill Ihe Longue Pointe farm. I'La-| berry, sr., . continues veryane, | i but slight hopes are entert: | his recovery. His daughter, vith | ww.) Ira Brown. is at his bedical | renzo Goodberry, jr., has take on | tow ~ Marrickville stove. ste Howe Island Incidents, Howe Island, Feb. 19-The roads are impassable, and the people wondering how long it will last. On of the roads we have not re ceived the papers, especially the Whig, regularly Driscoll 1 Iv 1 a Reve Ga. sro, was de | in are account enough, '1 ring Ow OV from re illness Patterson, visiting his sister, has returned to his home in Rhode Island. Ihe | Monday night at I' was a decided Music was supplied by J. Turcott on the violin, accompanied hy M the piano A feature of the evening was a hornpipe, danced by J. Turcotr. A number attended the "Old Folk Dance' at McLaren's hall, Wolfe Is} and. Miss O'Neil and Mids Keating have returned to Gananogue after an extended visit with friends here. P Bulger, visiting his daughter, Mrs Norris, has returned to Gananoque A Pleasant re-union took place at the home of J, Lachance it Jang the thirty-second anniversary of Ptheir wedding, The aged couple hale and hearty Kane's SUeCess Lachance Sunday, be are Exaiine of SReotch, En tweeds we The stock Canadian for ten days, Livingston now offering : 816 per suit, spot cash 3 bros. are -------------- John suddenly Dingle, London, while driving. Ont lied ditems ¥ includes special bargain! As aCure For Piles. Chase's Ointment Never Dis- appoints--It Has Won World: Wide Fame on Account of Its Magical Control Over the Most Severe Cases of Itching, Bleed- ing and Protruding Piles. Dr. Doctors may tell you that nothing short of a surgical operation will cure piles. In this they are mistaken, as we can prove in a host of cases where Dr. Chase's Ointment has been used. It is. not infrequent that peo ple tell us that Dr. Chase's Ointment has succeeded in effecting a cure after operations had failed. There is too much risk in a surgical operation, too much suffering, and too much expense. If you take the advice of scores and hundreds of your friends and neigh bors, you will avoid operations, and resort to the use of Dr. Chase's Oint- ment. It will relieve you almost at once. It will thoroughly cure you in a remarkably short tune. J. Wolle, Arnprior, Ont. states: "I have used Dr. Chase's Mintment for piles, and can assure the public that there was never anything on the mar ket to equal it. | was dwappointed time and time-again when trying. re medics for the ailment, and you can scarcely imagine my gratitade when | found that Dr. Chase's Ointment was an effective and thorough cure for this ailinent. From the first applica tion this magical ointment gave me relief, and a few boxes perigctly cured me. Since being cured of piles I al ways keep Dr. Chase's Ointment in the house ami find it uselol in scores of ways af a tregtment for every form of it ing skin, chafing and skin irvita- one 1 4 ; Dr. Chase's Gintment is indeed use ful in scores of ways, as Mr. Wolie says, and people who once make the acquaintance of Dr. Chase's Ointment are loath to be without ft in the pimples, blackheads, re @# especially recommended . for piles, because it is, so far as "we know, the ooly actual and guaran teed carve for every form of this wretched and loathesome disease. 60 cents a box, wt all deals. or Ed- Bates & Co., Toronto, STORE DOINGS SALE The First of a Series of Sales, Novel in Ideas and Character, Starts SATURDAY, February 22nd, AND CONTINUES ALL NEXT WEEK: Every Department in the store contributes its quota of bargains. The price put on the lines offered is within the reach of every oae and meaas a saving to buyers of from 25 to 50 per cent. oo Everything in this sa price of le is offered at the uniform 1945¢c. : The "Store Doings" S for the first days bargains If you miss it ask for one There's something Sheetings, Pillow Cases, Underwear, Dress Goods, Handkerchiefs, Birds, Muslins, Dress Li Wares. Neckwear, ale. Be on hand to-morrQe Circulars giving detaile » § ists of the many offerings will be placed in every home. at the store and read the in the hist for everybody and offerings of. Table Linens, 'Towells, Hosiery, Gloves, Dre.s Trimmings, Laces, Hats, Flowers, Wings, aings, Notions and Small Store Doings Sale, 1945c. Don't miss it. = Starts to-n rorrow. Lasts all next week: STARR & SUTCLIFFE'S, 118 and 130 Princess Street. Kingston, Ont. Labatt's ALE and GOLD MEDA similar exhibits fiom all pa rei DON LON PORTER AWARDED THE AT BUFFALO EXPOSITION, 1901, For their excellent qualities in comparison with rts of America. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT. Shapes and Appearance for the Coming Spring. An many look jaeket and put nother A few package Dyes ellon many predicted by te skirts, feathers lish condition for early spring is Now tof this the time Over vour ops tlre blouse ribbons and them wn =ty feasor Fiamond do a mar save you otherwise have garments and Diamon onits, in rich green black, wil Hyht colored lions of Diamond ir ine and womar he savers at al Send your the Well 200 Mountain 1 will to Limit ; Montreal ith ma and vou nished shewt of pew designs for ts and rugs Liverpool Allan Lire & NORTH dard PA), } and | Put Your Things In Prasentable ) THE POLE Is a bard piace to fu 5 ne hard as wo find a place tha beat ours ar for bargmine. Wo bave received our TOF ROUND Bai Ask the from B yo of w goament to see our ENAMEI new wade style. Sizes on flat last A rican 10. Prige 10 por cent diseou 0 siudents, ARMSTRONG'S,... 184 Princess Street. Ty. Royal Mail Steamers. From St. John. From Haltfax" Tonian, 5th Feb. & . 17th Feb Pretorian, 22nd Feb wn 24Ls Feb Tunisian, Ist March . Ard. March Corinthian, Bth Makch 10th March RATES OF PASSAGE. First Cabin warn, $55 and From New York to Glasgow. Mongolian, > "em Carthaginian, wr Boh Mareh First Cabin 340 gd apwards; Hesond Cy J. P. Basley, ty J ohnaton Me: sy 0 --r ot, feeve. Clarence street Kingslon Business College, KINGSTON? Dominion Business College, TORONTO. Larvess and best equipment fu Ossade. Uneytnlied focllities lor secuting positions Ql Queen Sweet, Kingston. , atin Tie ons, Fosse RIP-ANS There is scarcely any condition of ill-health that is not bemefiied by the oetasionsl use ofa RIP ANE Tobuls For ele by brag wists. The Fivelent in for an ordinary oscesos. family bottle, 60 semis, contains 8 supply for a year. 4 W. Murray, Jr., _Auctionger and Commission Mer rates, $45 and spwards; . re } } 220d Vib Bitter Oranges. | Valencia Oranges, FOR Marmalade AT A. J. REES': Princess Street. 'Phone §8, 10% Y - NOTICE, THE BAY OF QUINTE NAILWAY CON. Paoy will spaiv to the Parlismest of Caw at ite sext Session for as Act confirms B85 mgraetment betwen the Lew and the Kathbun Company ie the isda of preferred and common rights and positions of whe mene of such siital stole ™ the Company o frog the time fae the cotepietion of the Compary's Lioee, with to exwod ite lines of Ralleny from pany perth on Lake Ovtario via Piston wetiog foe "to Picton and for other Pom. C. A. NILLENER, Hovew arty : FOR SALE. THE VALUABLE BRICK dd lo, by Samuel Mer NE AND' , Bo. 109 vermodael hae

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