Pure, Fragrant and Cleansing. BABY'S OWN SOAP 1s ova ros jms Den't risk imitations on Baby's delicate shia. -- What Fificea Cents Will. Bay lo Strengthen Body and Brain. Fifieen cents will buy & package © Male Breakfast Food The contents of one pack wiil make from twen ty-five to thirty meals fur one per poh; ost per aneal, from one hall to three-fifths of a cent, Rack morning dish of Malt Break: ust, Pood will furnish you with more trie nutriment for body and® brain than you eould derive from ten cent worth of beefsteak or lamb chops. 1 you will go.out to the day's duties with better digestive vigor than after a moat dict, 3 Jn the pust it has been conclusively ven that one package of Malt ] Bronkfart Food costing fifteen conte will build up more solid flesh, musele and fhsue for man or woman than any other food product costing one dollar. Malt Breakfast Food is there fare the diet for all clases of our peo: ple. While it builds up the weak, it also keeps the well and strong in per fect health. Malt Preakinst Food at all grocers. atablished Ma 1800. 53 Bway, NY, STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON. Ung, - oars EE ¢. B. 0'CONNOR resident Surgeon, New York, Bye , Specialist, Eye, Mar, 279 King Street. and Now COMMERCIAL, - LIVERPOOL MARKETS. Bwepool, (12.50 p.m), Feb 22. Wheat, N ortherm, 6 wm, Gs. 2d rod winter, h ; corn, aut, a oy [ration called absence of receipts, 700 ors, $hau 2, Manitova, hard, peas, hams, or of pickpockets doa be To ol oe bust ~ FEN FaaE3Hl A Davos Fhe denth of his { Graviiey Van Ingen. this morning IT HAS SPREAD LIKE AN EPIL DEMIC. L A Description of Some of The Elaborate and Pretty Conceits in Reticules. The bag habit nsea to be the spe cial characteristic of Boston women, the aly, but serviceable, little device of eloth andleather, that could stretch tes hold all sorts of small be- longings, from a volume of Thsen to a saicty hairpin, was celebrated as the Boston bag from Maine to California. To-day the bag habit has seized on womankind ana spread like an epide- mic, say? a writer in the New York Suan. No shopper or caller or traveller ventures beyond the shelter of her own home: unless 'a bag is hung to her helt or swings from ber fingers, wuld nine-tenths of the feminine population carry two bags at a time and com- foriably boast of possessing half a dozen thers at home. To enumerate a few of the variously shaped reticules pow considered essen- tial 0 womanly convenience is to mention at least the side bag, carri age bag, railway bog, wrist bag, handkerchiel bag, ~ theatre bag and shopping bag. These are wade of everything from alligator skin, with pewter mounts, to the finest gold net work, in the mesh of which dozens of tiny diaonas or turquoise beads are These last 'are so very delicate and ¥0 very costly that they will only car- ry the owner's cobweb pocket-hand- kerchief, while their price, if both me- tal and stones are real, mounts justi- fiahly into the thousands. The bag in which the majority find the greatest joy and convenience is the stout capacious safety shopping bag of glazed haby alligator skin, fined with suede, fastened not only with a snap lock, but sachel clips on (he side, and adjusted by strap and hackle to one of its outer sides in an gwple purse with change and bill pockets. : Within, the bag is divided, along its loathern walls, into flat compart: ments, in. which in gilt letters are stamped "samples," hairpins," "onrds,"' "fountain pen, pencil," "shopping list," "mirror," "eomh" and "smelling salts." The centre of the bag is left free to hold parcels, and as the bottom of the bag pulls out like a bellows, a most amazing gumbers of small things can be put in without overtaxing its capacity. This sort of bag can be bought all fitted, ur the purchaser can put her own things into its compartments, though the manufacturer . with great fore- thought mounts the bag itself, mirror, comb, pen, pencil and salts bottle in alominum. The leather travelling bag is equal- ly complete, though some women have taken kindly to a basket designed in France, and called the Bon Marche, in honor of the great Parisian shop of that name. French peasant women weave these baskets, which are al ways provided with pretty leather straps and handles, and are exceed- ingly fashionable as work bags at the modish classes and Dorcas circles. Silver and gold and gun metal side bags have not had their popularity in- jared in: the least by the appearance ofthe exquisite brocaded satin and beaded silk side bags, mounted with metal tops and chains; and the wrist bag is in as high favor as ever. The exceedingly smart wrist bag is matle no longer of suede, but of sweet mnroceo, perfumed Russia leather, or velvet caliskin. 1i you want to pay the top price for a wrist bag, ask for an imported one of 'sea cow skin, mounted in gun metal and powdered , with diamond sparks. Women who mislay their purses and suffer from that gentlest form of aber mind, are adopting joyfully the English expedi- ent of having their bags chained to their waists, At op where fine leather goods are sold broad lizard «kin; morocco or Russia leather brace: lets may be bought to buckle or lock on the left wrist. ~ From the bracelet. suspends a short silver or gun smetal chain that ean be adjusted to any bag, and effectually prevents any. tricks of errant. memory and shoplifters, The lenther bracelets are made to hold watches, hut the most fashionable ones merely show the owner's initials burnt or carved on the skin, and the same lettering is repeated on the bag that the chain and bracelet guard. A ---------- PRINCIPAL GRANT. Will Not Discuss The Ross Prohi- bition Bill. Toronto Telegram. Principal Grant is in the city, the guest Col. John 1. Davidson, St. € eorge- street. When seen by a Tele gram qopresentative, principal Grant was disinclined to talk on prohihi- tory measures. "I am trying to edu- cite the people of Ontario on the { rohibition question and 1 think that that is more iny nt than any pro- Vilitory law mow being direussed. My ie 8 on probibition are the same as they were fifteen years ago, and [ am net going to change them now.' He had not rked into i bition bil, he said, i to his own educational rail or than criticize the ideas acti me of others. : -------- i Leit For Schenectady; N.Y. © Mr. and Mrs. J. B.'Walkem left early i for Shenoy, N.Y. having -been there on ac count «i the illness of their ices, Mrs. MeMullen (formerly. Miss Freda Kertiag A later telegram an- nok that Mrs. McMullen is slightly better, -- though her condition is still évitical. Her illness is the result of i. ------------------ Died In Switserland. Womistock, *Ont., Feb, 2-W. HB. Yon Ingen. collector of customs, re: ceived gueald morning, from , announcing son, commandant © , Swit minim simone: BOARD OF TRADE. -- Te Ask G.T.R. For Another Morn- ing Train East. A meeting of the council of the King- ston board of trade. was held. yester day afternoon, president McKelvey and Mewmrs, G. ¥. Chown, John Hewton Ww. G. Craig, W. B. Skinner aml secre cary King being present. The petition, protesting against the paying of customs officials by ferry companies for overtime, was signed by the president amd the secretary, and forwarded to the 'customs minister This petition was considered at a pre vious meeting A petition was concurred in, asking for legislation which will present un: fair increase in Bell telephone rates, now alleged to be taking place throughout the country, and for legis lation compelling the company to sup ply service to all on the line requir ing it. Another petition, passed by the Teo ronto hoard of trade, was also agreed to, and ordered to he sent to the Canadian government. Tt ix supposed that Great Britain is $n the point of levying taxes to pay for war expendi ture, and, according to press despatch: imported cereals may be included, The petition asks that any tax placed hw Great Britain upon provisions sim dar to those produced in Canada should be so levied as to grant a pre foronce to these produesy produced within the empire, - The local question considered by the board was the travellers' request for a train from Kingston east late in t morning. . The secretary of the boa received no communication from the Knights of the Grip until this morn- ing, but the board of trade council, having read the newspaper comments, took up the matter and resolved todo all possible towards securing a pas genger train suggested by the hi , viz., from Belleville to Brockville, leaving Belleville about 7 a.n. Secre tary King i% in communication with the G.T.R. company, which, it is un derstood, has already the matter in hand. oR, WANT TO BREAK IT. a---- The Contract Made With a New England Concern. Montreal, Feb. 22.--Tt is stated here that the efforts the Dominion cwal company is making to break its long term contract for the supply of coal with the New England gas and coke company are likely to mivet with suc cons. The matter has been in the hands of one of the leading Montreal firms for some time and the head of the firm is reported to have advised the company that the contract is il legal and can be broken, It is well known that the contract has been a Josing one for the Dominion coal company and that since James Ross has had a commanding voice in the affairs of the company, he has been anxious to abrogate the contract, which was made by H. M. Whitney when he was in full cottrol and in the interests of the company, of which he is still the head. -------------- BOTTLE AFLOAT 28 YEARS. ------ Said To Have Been Cast Of In Indian Ocean. Bangor, Me., Feb. 22.A hottle re cently. picked up off the coast of Mas achusetts contained a message Sav: ing that it had heen thrown over- board from the ship Hattie E. Tap ley, of Bangor, on April 13th, 1874, in the Indian ocean. This message has been generally regarded as a hoax hat Cant. G. H Tapley, of West Brooksville, Me., who then vommand- od the ship, says that in April, 1874, "he was in the Indian ocean; that neither he, the second mate. noc the steward, both of whom have been questioned, threw the bottle into the gea, but that a German sailor prob- ably wrote the paper now vellow with age, and set the bottle afloat. nema ------ MADE GOOD CAPTURE. ---- Of Boers Were Round- ed Up. London, Feb. 23.--A despatch from Jord Kitchener, dated Pretoria, Fri- day, February, 21st, says Col. Park, with 300 mounted scouts, recently sir- prised-a Boer force at Nooitgedacht, Transvaal Colony, and captured 164 prisoners, together with a quantity of junitions of war and a number of horses and waggons, There were no British casualties. The prisoners, in clude field cornets Joubert and Dejater and Lieut. Wiljoen. p-- A Big Party ---------- Another Murder Mystery. New York, Feb. 22. ~The nude body of a man was found in the Hudson river at the foot of Cortlandt street, yesterday, and the police are working on & murder theory. An examination of 'the body showed it to be that of a smooth shaven man about thirty-five years old. The top of the head was caved in and the throat was cut. The body was devoid of clothing except a portion of the left arm of an under shirt and one leg of a pair of trousers of good "material. -------- Drowned In The Lake. Nelson, B.C., Feb. 22.--~H. C. Lowe, sixty years old, a book-ke ar by pro- fossion, was found drowned in Koote- nay lake. He had been employed as janitor, but Jost his position and be came very despondent. ; A New Arrival. Seven cases of the néw Siater boots for gentlemen arrived to-day at the Lockett shoe store. who have soon them say the new shapes are ex- ceedingly fipe. } e------------ Died On The Way. : J NWT, Feb 22. ~Alice Knowles, on her way from v Eng.. to meet her brother in Mcleod, was seriously ill on the train and died in Regina hospital ---------- Joseph Roleaw, of St Que., was killea and two men injured by a dynamite explosion at one of the puanps of the Pigeon River boom com" pany, near Arthur or Gregoire, , Man. s intermediate bockev team was defeated at Perth on Friday by seven goals to three. At hall time the score was thre: to thive. in sng WHitx, SATURDAY, POETRY AND RUMOR. Suspense, 3 Some folks gits rdas' turkey, Some gits chicken pis, Bume gits swiel puitaioes, An' sowe gits punkin pie. Some gits pohk of possum Frum de pantry sbe'l; Some gits lots o° gravy, An' some dey jos' gits lof. Thanksgivie' brings dem chances Of many kin's to me; Ize waitia® an' Fee watchin® Ar' a-wonderin' which 'twill ba, Suggestive. uGraclous me! 1 think paps is going to take that young man into the fam' iy." "Why, dear? «Well, when they were playing cards (ast night 1 distinetly heard paps say, '1 think I'll raise you, Harry." ---- In Great Luck. "You've lynched the wrong man' cried the 'sheriff. "Well," replied fully, "it's a great plece of luck th w *'*=' find It out in time the fun." * ---- Rough on Cholmondely. colmondely," t Not a word did she may, " looked after hey Goh Br'er Williams. "Beer Williams said he gwine come back ter dis worl' atter he got ter glory, but ez we ain't seen *im gence I reckon dey must er clipped his wings, kage be wuz a high filer anyhow!" y i-- ' ghe Chestnut Market. The chestnut has a sult of mail, Set round with curious spiny burs; ¥ "pis grows, I've heard, to Gud & sale Among unwary editors. % His Ianing. Ostend---What a "horse laugh" paw? Paw-It is ajSugh the rural horse gives when he an automobile stall ed In the mud, my sob. \ "ae - . An Explanation. 3 "J's not because he don't love his wits X That be seems in tenderness lacking \ And looks weary of lite; it's because Of the wrong horse he's been backing. She Certainly Ha& Cause. "Did you tell your fiance you objects ed to his mustache?" "Yes; my face was set firmly against in" ---- The Difference. at Ended Tt. Maud----What makes you treat Jack s0 coMly? You used to find him so o- teresting? Marie~Didn't you know I was en' gaged to him now? Pak) -- The Hand Game. i { Although in an unselfish tone % 8 y j Men preach the golden rule anew, 5 Each always tries to keep his own {' 20 And got the otber fellow's tee | wi Cu / { FIRE AT DESERONTO. ---- Started In Moore's Bakery--Rorke Not Arrested. Deseronto, Feb. 22.~The statement of your Napanee correspondent in yesterday's issue, tO the effect that Rorke, of the Deseronto hockey club, bad been arrested, is incorrect. Mr. Rorke played with Deseronto at ton last night, and also informs vonr correspondent this morning that he has no knowledge of any warrant for his arrest. A fire ' discovered watchman, John Hunt, in Moore's tmkery; St. George. street, at 30 this morning. The alarm was prompt ly responded to. The fire was oxtin ed to the workshop and was oxtin aquished in short order. Mr. Moore s luss on contents will be about $200. No insurance. The building, owned by the Colp estate, was damaged to tho extent of $100; covered by insur ance. Picton defeated Deseronto in a prac- tice match at the former town last night by a score of eight to three. was" by night Weyler's Plan. London, Feb, 22.--1t is announced in a special Rspatch from Madrid that Gen. Weyler, the war nunister, is urg ing the gueen-regent to give him a free hand in desling with the "rebels in Catalonia." and that premier Sa gnsta threatens to resign if Gen Wey Jer's request is granted. The queen: vegent is said to favor Gen. Weyler's plan. ---------- The congregation of Union street Baptist churc last evening tendered a reception to their new pastor, Rev Mr. Bridgeman, late of Lakefield, Ont. The attendance was good, and the new nastor was extended a hearty welcome by all. He gave a brief address, aller which refreshments were served. The British Chartered South Alica company has received news of the dis- covery of a copper ficld estimated at forty square miles. The field is situa ted 150 miles north of the Victoria Fells, and runs theoee ; Free State. Mrs. Adam cardine on Saturday, ears. She came from shire, Scotland, in 1837, dren, and lived in Smith's Falls for twenty years. The i shops of The Rhodes, Curry company, 4, N.S. were destroped yestorday. Fight box and cars were also gonsuméd. The Kingston Capitals. a boys hoe- igh school team Ballantyne died at Kin- aged: ninety-two Roxborough with her chil- FEBRUARY 22. TS ------------------ PECSEEE IDI ICLEIIIEE IEEE EEE i : Alkall Ike thought- to gooll | to the Congo | on The world-famous physi ) that the people of Kingston <hall have an opportunity to : In years past Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills and tion, Dr. Chase's Nerve "FULL PACK At the Office of the WHIG. Kingsic MONDAY. Feb: Food. ---------- Gl de® uary 24th. cian and author, Dr. A.W. A. from 9a.m. to 4 p.m. 1902. Chase, is determined test his favorite prescrip= Dr. Chase's Ointment were put to the test. millions of free samples were given away, and to-day these reliable remedies > The doctor has just as great confidence In his Remember this offer is forone dayonlyand dur are found in every household. Nerve Food, the great blood builder and A nerve restorative, and places it in your hands in order that you may test it in your own particular case and re- turn your verdict, This liberal proposition is made by the veteran practitioner simply and purely in the interests of the sick and to prove conclusively the great value cf this famous preparation. hose any of the diseases named should not fail to secure samples 'as the opportuni= ty will be eagerly sought by thousands of people. This will be the most 1m= sufiering from* portant distribution of ré= liable medicine ever at=. tempted in this city. Those desiring samples should come early, as vast crowds will, without doubt, throng these offices. ing the hours specified Nervous Prostration. Muscular Weakness. Loss of Appetite. Nervous Dyspepsia. Headaches. Sleeplessness. Thin, Watery Blood, Dizginess. Fainting. Paralysis. Trembling. - 50 CENT Good fir one foll-rized g0e. box of Dr. Kington, from 9 8, mw. Draw a line under-the the s Chase's Nerve Food if presented NAME mee or mm em bn mine STREET AND NUMBER oe ee oem I osT Os FICE ce cr ee om ses cm Feebleness of will. COUPON at the cfiices of the WHIG, to 4pm. ON MON DAY, Feb. 21th, 1903. ymptoms of your trouble and bring-this coupon with you. Twitching. Paleness. " Rush of Blood to the Head. Female Weakness. Menstrual Disorders. Sudden Startings. Heart Palpitation. Brain Fag. Loss of Memory. CONTENT TO GO TO HELL. SE Lacroix Wants To Be Fireman. Ottawa, Feb Montebello mud take no more tood, has not Thursday Murderer rer, sys he wa eaten any thing since when th news was told. bim that be wonld not « trial, awl shat be Yesterday al noon, je given a ne will be hanged in a moni. ternoon Rev. Father Bellemaire, of the oblate order of Hull, pan} daily visit to the doomed man the latter's request the priest to his brother, J. Lacroix, who re sides in Montreal, asking him to bring only child, a ten-year id vo visit him in his cell likely Le brought nex his At wrote prisoner's boy, to Hull The boy wil Vo V¥ather Pellemaire ro Lasroix, his cou dearoring to starve himself to He pointed out that ac we ling Rome Catholi church he himeeli in hell i he succeeded 1a comphsbing his purpose. "1 don't can whether or L 10 helly"' was the age reph All | want: is a job ai fircraan i 1 get there. When 111 roast some ol juiends there. I'l heap aed hot on ther heads.' This sfartling another evidence of the insane ousy that possess lacroix # the madness whic h dieweted the shots which killog his "wile and an inofien sive old weighbor and whith has hwought him to the shallow if the gallows. James Barclay, the n old man who has pom HO ip ing Wide in the ¢ condemning my ashes js taken as jeal hreast, statement fy-on ail. « ha charge of atic allowed 0 gO who promises to fres dauvghtor, of him. i wil iam Shouldice, ©i the S 3 is dangerously iff. at . Heidelbere, of entmic fever. He belongs to Valentia, Ont The + St. Lawrence & railway company will apply at the present Sesion of the parliament for an até to cnable the company to ac quire the capital stock, bonds or other securitiss of any other railway company, This is in conection with ihe purchase of the Canavs Atlantic railway The Citizen Adirondack SNRONNGE that Col Cotton is going © resign from the position of D.C. at Ottawa. Ip is not known yet who will succeed him. FE in SENTENCES IMPOSED. a Upon The Parties In & Bank 3 Robbery. London, Feb. 29 --Goudiz, the che faulting Liverpool bank clerk, and Dick Burge, the pugilist - Were sen tepoed 10 ten years imprisonment. 10° day. Kelly and Stiles, bookmakers, received two each. * a ------------ Were Nearly Asphyxiated. Rergt., McCully and family, Rideau street, Came Very. near being ssphyxi- ated hv gas just night. A gas pipe broke, altowing the contents to ew rape. i had & narmow escape from "asd soon death: A physicién was TeStOration, The sergeant, hie wife dnd sister | | raBULOUS not Igo PROFITS IN N.P.R. Mount Stephen and Strathcona Stood to Make $140,000,000. Mont Fel Hill, 1 f ' N urities' 22, James J wihern has besn--giving SOME inter dars regarding the corper place in Northern Pacific da profit that might have heen \ wo lon Mount Stephen and ratheona had they thrown the im holdings on the markets. These brought out beiore the wn held regarding The control held by the They and weld 200.000 ade by ENS yw being organ merger Northern Pacific |) , Canadian millionaires Hill and Kennedy the ed at 3 " at \ewurs hares. of as val his stock wen share, transactions courred (at over that had wold they woul have od 2140,000,000. Lord Strathcona hold 30,000 of the com and Jord Mount Stephen, other of their friends in i about much again then would have been jor £21000 000, and for £7 .000_000 Sell had any have been price woula ana into the one Mon He gold did not posses and had to this amount t+ himseli out' of hole I-known Montreal (Hr a hut no R500, 0 the syndicate known to on stock 1-000, while Monto al ho het ' wel Strath wed Mount there ch mmnber thrown on the market broken As it ho attempted to get badly, rehea dropped 330,000 nn Sephen who believe of are many shares the hay was some ( aml a atowk in London wk which they 700, realiz not a sadian London stock i i" ®: dnp, of ¢ have disposed of at crofit of X14.000.000, but a disastre and a disastrous averted. The Stephen and heavier in than they are In each, of them, it is 15.000 000 of the pane holdings of Strathcona are Great Northern Northern Packie eaid, holuing about stock was © nt ---------------- Cardinal Vaughn has decided to pave t New Westminster cathedral with marble The Army In South Africa. Frodinpick, Duloe, Cornwall, Gentlemen * i i ' While stationed at (range River Sta- 1 was suffering from a. very bad to take any solid days. On yelir put my socks intpin twin, shront, and unotle food for about three ing to rest at night 1 around my cwek in order to yelief, 11 "suddenly dawned vpon me that 1 had in my havorsack a small pot of Kelpion, and this 1 took out and saw On the label "Swollen glands." 1 applied the ointment jm- mediately, rubbing it well in for about swenty minutes, | then retired to rest and was able to get up next morning anu do full justice to a good break- 'fast.' The lightning results were be- yond mV on. (Signed | Q. C. Tunbridge, C. Sergt. KN. Co. 1,59, CLV. All : - ee ---- -- The Most Popular Color Diamond Dye Fast Blacks Are The Best. -------- so serviceable or so fi rn as black, anc the ine Fast Placks have saved the women of this country thousands of dollars yearly by . making handsome black dresses, wraps, capes and v irom garmomts that o would have been. thrown away. other black ryes sgual the Di either in beauty ot strength of color, and those who use the Diamond Dyes once never he induced to buy other Pleasa remember, tha! goods dyed with Diamond Dye Fast an be washed with sodp Ww , jeast changing the color, Thousands of ladies are now wp pretty mats and rugs. buving the Diamond Dye Mat Rug Patterns. These patierns are cols ored on beavy Scotch Hessian, snd all ready for working. ¥ y sheets of designs free by #& address to The Wells & Ri d Co.. Limited, 200 Mountain St, M treal, P.Q CATARRH. Caiised by germs, therelors a ditect ment sich as J On ratiunal and positive cure. { right on the spot; removes tars must follow. All druggists or ou "o.. Lad, 121 Church 8b, Posd pad Dr.lowan's No eolor in erally mond Dye ean dves Toronto Ointment Cures Piles HENRY P. SMITH, Architect, ete, Market Square. 'Phone 35. TO RENT. NEW BRICK HOUSE, WELLINGTON pert to Oity Park. All p eu A to G. 8, Okdreive, Cote West and Wellington ah Dr. 0. W, Daly's Dental Ti be sopmed tn Mar, when he Scientific Analysis. Rochester Yost Express ¥ One of the city doctors told this day « Paring my absence my two got into my consulting room; here they began to play at being de Presently one of them unlocked 8 and disclosed a skeleton. "Po what are you 'fraid of 7" be "it's nothing but an old sk "W.wh-where did it come asked the other with chal teeth. "Oh, 1 don't know. Papa's it a long time. I expect it was first patient." f 1 No hey 3% Anchor Building