Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Feb 1902, p. 4

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J. TME DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 eee eee -- ured After 30 Years. The & Wood, 818 17th St Saoraunsto Cid) Sh S05 cet borool Pyrsmnd Pile CHE gos awn thy cred we" ol Files Fow #0 yoties 3 stiliered: wmberwent ie frighiiel opera ths nearly died har failed to can apnble to walk wien §otried © Pyramid ¢ Fhe first application rdiovet me. womedh i Quickly cures pier bow, Book Tris mail. Pyramid Marsh, Mich Piles C form by Drug OUR SHOES SPEAK FOR THEM- SELV:S. ars a'l boight with an eye to uality first, then price 3 Mado by the most relisble firms in Ammerios and in the very tip of styje. It would be worth your while to iu- spect our 1tock sud eee what real up to-date footwear is like, Nea onr Du off to students, ~Armstrong's..| 184 Princess Street, Have You Ever Stopped To Consider ? ---- 5 Have you ever stopped to considex | the quality, composition and effects of the various foods you use ? It is too gxtensive a subject to deal with in a short newspaper article, Take dish of oatmeal porridge and com pare it with a. dish of Malt Breakfast Food porridge, that tens of thousands | are now using with the best results. What's the difference ? Why, a vast and important one as far as your health and strength are concerned. Your Gatmeal is a blood Keater and jrritant, often causing skin eruptions and facial disfigurements, and it fre quently deranges the stomach and di- gestive organs, Malt Breakfast Food, so highly en dorsed by physicians and food experts is a grain food entirély free from in- soluble starch; it enriches the blood and keeps it pure; it soothes and contforts the stomach; it is adapted for young and old, the weak and strong. One padkage makes tweniy five meals. Try it and be happy. Gro- evs heartily recommend it. 4 Bitter Oranges. Valencia Oranges, Lo wR Marmalade A TE % A. J * REES' Princess Street. Phone 88. ° . The Lumber Call a Yard and See. § FOOT 'OF WELLING'ON NGLIN HAS IT. o long stawding ro by a short but thorough it. w box at drog ~ the G. & M Co. L St, Toronto cases Au. ~Topronnd Bal" a | your | is, THE WHIO--68th YEAR. PAILY BRITISH WHIG, | ly al Rl BE |" WEPKLY BRITISH WHIG, 13 pages. | published every Thursday morning at $ ! Attached in one «4 the best Job Print {mg Offices in Canada: rapid, stylish and | cheap work. nime tmproved presses. i £DW. J. B. PENSE. PROPRIETOR {TIE DAILY WHIG. "Opiter per Orbem Dicor.' FIGHT IN THE SENATE The two American senators, fought og George Washington's birth lay, illistrated the lack of dignity in the legislative halls. Par who clearly Liiament and Congress, where men make the life ment of the people, should not the - air the wranzles and fistieufis of ill-tempered laws that affect and deport have unseemly disturbed hy | men fn Englind not so long ago a cou ile of the Irish contingent used language that could not be tolerated. They re fused to withiraw® it, which is one way of apologizing for it, and they refused to mecept suspension, and hel to be carried, kicking and struggling, from the commons' chamber. In the | United States ome man refers to the | statement of another as a malicious lie. and is hit in the face by another a collision and an up with Then ensued roar which has, perhaps, been | ont a parallel, | The senate wenk into executive (or | secret) session after this. The combat { ants were not allowed to fight to a | finish as they wanted to do, but wert { separated, one with a swelled brow { and the other with a bleeding nose, | and forgiven their offence against the | chamber on offering a suitable apology to the chairman. The penalty does | not fit the case. Senators Tillman and McLaren should have been deprived of | the privileges of the house for. thirty Con the { days with loss of indemnity. I roiie i too loose altogether in discipline of its members QUESTION OF QUALIFICATION, The Ottawa man who moved in the legislature for a reduction in the pro | perty qualification of aldermen, got | the attorney-general which is causing some comment, Hon Mr. Gibson said the difference be tween councillors and members of the | lezislature was great, for "while a man without property might have a clear head on public questions, vet an answer from | where you were mortgaging prope ty, ts did the councillors, it sary that they should be was neces: financially [ inte cated." The idea, then, is that the men who the | people should be financially interested Lin their aetion. The legi lature does | not levy taxation on the people di | re t, but it passes and repasses the | laws which affect the municipalities { and practizally control the aldermig in their service. The legislature dodw more. It forces the council to ab- dicate its functions to an assessment commission in every city, whose work touches the people vitally in their l'taxes, and the members of the asdess- i : 3 ¢ { have to do with the husiness of | mént board may be without any pro | perty qualification, | If an alderman be held to account for his part in placing burdens sn the municipally, should the in i énple, so legislature, and all its creations the public bodies which have the pow- The quali'eation should be exacting 'and { i | + 2 Je to entail expense in any way. viding all around. -------------- | WHY DON'T THEY SPEAK? | "The Toronto News is offended be | cause, as it alleges, Dr. Courtice, of | the not stand publicly for statements he made at a private mecting. Christian Guardian, does which Dr. A Courtice has put on record his objec t ions to the prohibition bill, and he he reasonably expected of him. He has addressed a letter to the World, in which he pointed out that its | port of a private meeting was grossly | inaceurate, and yet the News holds kim to sentiments whith he has re pudinted and insinuates that he ix | a tvo-faced man. Dr. Courtice's | offence lies in the fact that he will not i lend himself to a campaign of opposi- | ton to the government, which is the | work of Mr. Whiteey, if the work of { anybody, and Dr. Courtice is censured { for his reticence while Mp. Whitney is | approved for his silewce. The News i | | { i i | has done, in this respect, all that ean i b | re ne | intimates that the probihitioniste are | held in check hy party consideration, You? Mr. Marter was at the private mecting which has been referred to. He wes ones lender of the conserva tive opposition, and he is a leader of it still. What is be thinking about? Has be no opinion upon the prohibi- tian bill? He spoke in the private News' logic as correct. he should mot have in private opinions which be meeting and, accepting the Toronto | TUESDAY TOPICS. Speak up, Mr. Whitney. Where tand on the prohibition bili do The has & policy ite one great longing is fo office It to think of anvihing els local opposition not has not time What is Mr Thursday up van't go Whitney going to do on the ball a second ! He when prohibition pes for reading into hiding very well. ---- The finance committee of the city council is doing some hard thinking. It cannot avoilf"an increase of taxes, and it may not be able to avoid a deficit even then. EN The conservative papers are finding fault with the prohibition bill, but the World is the only conservative pa offered an opinion That per that has upon the measure opinion is ad Verse -- The Chicago couple who wanted to visit the concontration eamps in South Africa, have been refused passports. The secretary of state is a wise man. He knows that Chicago folks are not to he trusted out of sight these The Hamilton Herald, noting the announcement that Mr. Whitney pur poses dodging the prohibition ques "It is mean and to, tion if he can, says : cowardly, and, if resorted stamp Mr. Whitney trickster rather than a statesman." will as a political -- Rev. Dr. Chown has it that it is the duty of the government to set a stan- dard of conscience for the common people. Thel Whig has not been aware that this is a function of the govern- ment. But, in this prohibition troversy, a lot of new ideas are being con given an airing. -- Mr. Haggart approves of the appointments to the supreme Hon. D. Mills and Sir Davies are, he said, "possessed of the late court bench. Louis honesty and incorruptibility, which are equally as necessary as intelligence in the supreme court." Such praise from a political opponent is very commend able. A DANCING FORBIDDEN. Faculty Thinks It Detrimental To School Work. Binghamton, N.Y., Feb. 25.-Dane- ing has been forbidden at the Cort {and state normal school, and be cause they indulged in it thirty stu- dents have been threatened with ex- pulsion. The faculty has decided that dancing, in some of its forms, is det rimental to school work and pro motes an undesirable mixture of the sexes. This. has met with the disap- proval of many of the students and it was proposed to make a test case of it. Accordingly, Redmen's hall in that village was rented and an or- chestra engaged for a ball. The af fair proved very attractive to lovers of the terpsichorean art and the ball was well attended. The following day the faculty learned the name of one of the girl students who was present, and, after a severe cross examina- tion, obtained from her a list of thir- ty stidents who participated. These were summoned to appear before the faculty and were severely reprimand ed. They were required to make a pledge that they would in future abstain from further dances while at- tending the state normal school on the pain of expulsion, UNADULTERATED SNOBBERY. It Is Most Pronounced In United States. Paris, Feb, 25.--The Temps publish es -an-ironical editorial on she visit of prince Henry to the United States. "Where," it asks, Tis the sound de moeracy and proud simplicity of Jef- forson, Franklin, and Washington * Snphbery, it declares, is more pro- Liounced in America than elsewhere. The Americans have a childish taste for artificial splenaor with rank. The paper believes, however, that the visit will offset the English advances to the United States. The Journal Des Debats, comment- ing on the visit, exclaims : "No won- der America is proud. FEarope's hum- ble attitude justifies such a feeling on | the part of the United States." Kaiser's Yacht Launched. New York, Feb. 25. --Kaiser Wil helm's yacht Meteor was wedded to 'the waters at 10:20 o'clock this morn- ing. Miss Alice Roosevelt, daughter of the president, broke a bottle of champagne on the vessel™bow and said : "1 christen the Meteo." The launching took place at the shipyards of Townsend & Towney at Shooter's Bland and was undoubted- Ty the most brilliant affair of the kind that has ever taken place in this couniry. On the christening stand wes a distinguished . party, the con spicuous figures of which were admiral prince of Prussia and his suite, president Roosevelt and his cabinet and Miss Alice Roosevelt. Altogether there were nearly 2,000 persons who had received invitations. Shooters' Island, N.Y., Feb. 25. The emperor's yacht Meteor was launched at 10:30 o'clock. ney's Nasturtiom winning the " not rosy. Since the arrival of horse in land he has wasted He. t yet done 'WAPANEE'S pT ---------- NEWS BUDGET. COUNCILLOR JOHN LOWRY CRITICALLY ILL. Furipso, F. D. Miller's Fast Trot- ter, Died on Monday--To be Married To-Night -- Personal Mention. Napamne, Feb. 25 Lowry lie very jow Dundas street, and but slight hopes are entertained for his recovery F. D. Milier's racing horse, Furioso, died yesterday. Furioso had a re cord of 2:13, and was known far end near as a swift horse, J. Lockwood has been to his home for the past two through illness. Rus.ell Gowans, the Hardy drygoods company, srending holidays at his hoje in Co bourg. Allan Forneri, of the Me chanmis bank, is quite Ml © Maggie Coxall retirned Friday from le of months' visit in Montreal Byron Pemorest, Melita, Man, arviv ed last week to procure young cattle for the western farmers. There was quite a large market on Saturday, and prices were also Eggs brought 235c. per dozen. 90c. a bag, and chickens, Ste a pair. S. W. Neville and 8. returned from atiending the W. eomveation at Toronto. J. Minchinton attéhded the meeting of the Independent Order of Good Tem plars at Guelph Yast week, as a de legate from the Napanee lodge. Mize Leah Sherwood, of New York, spent the latter part of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sher wood, after attending her brother's wedding in Kingston, Thursday. She returned to New York yesterday. Mr and Mrs. W. T. Waller are rejoicing over the arrival of a little daughter, on February 23rd. Miss L. M. Hall entertained the choir of the Eastern Methodist church at her home on Friday evening. The marriage of Herbert Gibson, Napanee, and Mis Lillie Mouek, Belleville, takes place on the evening of Febru ary 25th, at Pellevitle. John on Conn illor at his home confined we oks of i. good potatoes, to [We Miller have AOL R. DOWERIES FOR RED-HAIRED. A Frenchman's Bequest That May Make Trouble. A Frenclinan has left a bequest of £20,000, which is to supply yearly a dowry for twe poor but respectable red-haired girls. Whether he liked red hair or consid ered it an affliction beyond the ordin ary, he neglected ta state. his motive is obscure, but the £20000 is a definite fact. Now the method of selection is puz- zling the men who have to carry out the wishes of the deceased. Applicants for the dowry will doubtless turn up in swarms, and, if there is anything in the popular tradition that associates red hair and fiery temper, the rejected maidens may make things hot for the trustdes. It ix to be hoped that those irvs tees will pick out hair of the carrot ty, uncompromising type. The girl with the Titian tresses, the girl with auburn or copper, red or chestnut hair needs no consultation Her wealthier sisters spend much fine gold trying to acquire just the tint that is here without money and without price. But there is a red hair, a sandy, unspectacular, brick red hair. It usually goes with pale blue eves and white eyelashes and vague freckles. The girl who has to carr head through life needs the consola tions of religion and a dowry. If she chooses to spend part of the dowry on hair dye, the man who marries her should not be allowed to protest 20 tha To Horjr Queen Alexandra. As king Edward is anxious to pay all possible honor to queen Alexandra and has the right to dispense with some old customs while retaining others, it is highly probable that her majesty will be aceorded privileges at her coronation beyond those of pre vious wearers of the crown matnmon ial. Her value to the Hanoverian dvnasty has been incalculable. At the coronation of James 11, the queen eonsort's chair was placed at the king's left and soms distance away. It was also twp stops lower than that of the king, so that when seated the queen was not on the same level as her sovereign lord. Picked Up British Vessel. Queenstown, Feb. 25.~The British tank steamer Lackawanna, which has arvived here from New York, hac in tow the British steamer Philadelphia, from Liverpool, February 7th, for Boston. which she picked up on Feb. ruary 20th. She towed the Philadel phia 471 miles, a e---------- What May Be Done. The civic finante committee is consid. ering the advisability of dispensing with the services of the present cow bailifi, effecting a saving of $150, and placing the pound in the fair grounds, effecting a further saving of Xi. Commissioner Conley will be made also cow bailiff. May Be Twenty Mills. A member of the vic finance com mittee stated this morning that in all probability the rate of asseccment would have fo be increased a half mill, making it twenty mills on dol lar, to meet the expenditure this yéar. 411 Trovatore" For One. The romantic 'opera, "Il Trova: tore," will be presented next Monday night at the Grand at the bands of the Boston Lyric opera company. The Pittsburg, Pa., papers speak highly of it, saying the company i= a good one, with strong choruses and fine soloists, A bill for the appointment of a rail way commission has been drafted and is now the cabinet. Whether it will be introducea this session is, however, aoubtiul. The probability is that it will be laid over until next session, Miss Helen Thompson. who bas been spencing the winter with her parents on Brock street, left today for Wor- caster, Mass, where she is employed a a a DISTRICT DASHES. News of the District Condensed From the Whig's Exchanges. Westport council may build granoli thic walks Mrs. Samuel Green, Westport, on Saturday after a long illness The wprion law in Beckwith township, Lanark county, into operation on May Ist Juha Whitmarsh, reeve, has farm Noah Whitmarsh, move to Westport to reside Thomas Whyte lost three fingers af hix right hand while running a cir cular saw mn Arnprior saw mill last week, H. Corby has offered to put $50,000 into the if the Canadian branch of the Dvering industry be lo cated in Belleville David L. Palmer, a well-known veo man, residing at Mountain View, Am ehiasburg Yownship, died on Saturday in his seventy eighth year William Brydpges, of Calabogie, in the Sudbury hospital t from injuries received hy a log over him in a lumber camp Mrs. Eawin Jorz, of Tlowro, Ont. taking procesdings against her hus band Tor support, in the county court She she cannot live with him and wants an allowance The only estate in 1% in Renfrew county which 'paid suceession duty to the Urtario government was that of the late A. T. White, Pembroke, The contribution of the estate was £3,905, > Miss L. Constance Thompson, the twenty-three-year-oid daughter of Rev. C. L. Thompson, Peterboro, formerly of Newburgh, died in Peterhoro hos pital on Sunday from typhoin fever and peritonitis. A young man named Ghent, whose home is at Castieton, was, on Thurs day, serionsly injured at Murphy's mill at Thanet. The unfortunate man caught in a belt and wound around a shaft A belonging to J. CC. Lake, Belleville, has given birth to triplets Two are very lively, while the third is rather weak It is thought that they all will live, The triplets are identi cally marked, being red and white. Miss Aggie Corbett, ai Smith's Fal's, who has been following her professional calling as a trained nurse in Ottawa, is down with small-pox at Shawville, Que, where she went to nurse a patent suffering from the dis "ase, when other nurses refused to do. Brave girl. Steward Johnston appeared in Brockville police court charged with stealing a Mrs. White, Rockport under the effects of too much whiskey when asked to plead in court He stated that the boat was merely lost while in his charge. Mrs. White said a settlement had been made, but John ston was remanded for a week died local sodd his to and will an concern d week rolling i= claims of was COW the Monday boat from He was still BARRACKS NOTES Officers Go To Ottawa--Former "A" Batterymen. Col. Drary, Lieut.-Col. Ogilvie, geon-major Massie and Capt go to Ottawa to-morrow to attend the banquet in memory of Paarde berg. They will also be present at the artillery association meeting "A" and "RB batteries were man oeuvring on the ice in the harbor this morning. Short course examinations are now in progress at Tete de Pont barracks Quite a number of former members of "A" battery, who went to South Africa, with "D'" battery stwo years ago, are now members of Howard's scouts. One of them, driver Forest, has been recommended for the Vic toria cross for risking his life to save a comrade. Another, driver John Hinch, after serving with "DD" bat tery and Howard's scouts, in which latter he was sergeant-major, has turned to Kingston and joined "RB batféry, R.C.F.A ; sur Eaton re 'Monopoly In Hudson Bay. Success In the old days, the Hudson Bay company had a charter monopoly on all trade in the north. The charter was good for two hundred years, and expired in 1870. Since that time, the company has stood on the same legal footing as any business firm. Techni cally, afybody has the right to "visit any part of Canada, and trade with any Indian who may have fur to sell In reality, the company's monopoiy in the backwoods -is as ironclad ever. It retains the monopoly srely Locause it~ controls the fron ung iy All it has to do is to withhold food. Ite rival must leave the country, and the disloyal trapper who has sold him furs has also to seek new hunting grounds beyond the limits of the com pant's power. Until there is a trade rival safficient ly powerful to establish a complete svstem of sapply posts, to permit the easy passage of its trappers from one post to another, the Hudson Bay company will remain absolute master of its vast territories. The American fur company and the Hudson Bay company for many vears carried on a hitter, relentless war in the depths of the wilderness. Forts were establich- ed, taken, and retaken; trappers were waylaid and murdered; several fitch wd battles were fought. But the Hud son Bay company finally won, and has lived without a rival ever since as A Unique Gathering. On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs W. GG. Matthew, Gananogoe, enter tained a company of the oldest ladies in the town. It was unigue, the guests having nearly everyone passed the three score and ten point. They are the mothers of Gananoque, and in their almost girlish enjoyment of the oweasion proved, not only their strong comstitations, but also their temperate and correct manner of lis ing. The names of those present are as follows, the first six being to eighty-six years of age : Mesdames (Rev.} H. Gordon, James Turner, Warren, Fairman. M. Tompkins, John Haig, M. Halliday, George Mitchell, R. , E. BE. Abbott, W. A. Cif ford, B. Shiels, DN. Bews J. Rell, George Peck, George Faery, 8. Me Cammon, N. Landon. 1. Bennett, H. Parker, Robert Adams, George Pea. mont, Peterson, George Adams Ww Bulloch, M. Melntyre, (Rev, H. Gra: cov. W. 8. Bryce, Misses Gorbam, Ferguson, Russell. ------------ Spring bats. Bibby's. » ete Ledond ol tk 5 ag CAME TO the prices and ERS, CHEMISES. It quarter off regular prices. US TO-DAY. maker's Set of SPRING SAMPLES made up by him to take orders from for spring. course you know that samples of made up goods don't have any flaws in them. Nothing is apt to be over- looked to make them show up well story short we got them with a good big discount off Pieces of » White Cotton Underwear A well-known As a matter of To make a long On Wednesday You can buy them for less than the maker's selling price, as we are dividing the discount we got with you. GOWNS, CORSET COVERS, SKIRTS, DRAW- means you can save one- Don't forget about the 193¢c. SALLI too. STARR & SUTCLIFFE'S, 118 and 120 Princess Street. Kingston, Ont. LETTERS TO 72.2 ITITOR. A Legal Impossibility. Kingston, Feb. {To the Edi tor): A letter from alderman Graham appears in the Whig last evening, in which he repeats his statement that Mv. Whitney for the expense of the tion of voters here. As alderman Graham silent both as to the law and the ov the as as 23 was responsible last registra dence in watter, will allow of voiu to refer to a letter of News of Friday last, where law and the facts may found. The law will show that it was a legal im possibility for either Mr. Ross or M¥ Whitney to the of the Harty Metcalfe dominion hye ele tion for the purpose of the provincial bye-election which and that facts will show that Whitney innocent of any sin either of sion Or commission the matter while Mr. Ross was probably e guiltless. The matter has cal bearing, It is merely a question of Jaw and facts on the one hand and fancy on the other. Tt is stated that I attempted in council a week ago to exiuse Mr Whitney Qui s accute I did no excusing what | was that the whole impossibility A to the pro Mr both Himerias on vou one subscribers mine in the both the me space, nse registration followed; Mr wa omis mn tatty no poli § exOuse aid and repeat thing a reference to my letter, or will whe My. Ross out of the with truly was fegral w that micht statutes and left were dealing Yours vineral Whitney bree when we have n me micioal matters FRANCIS KING ------------ BELGIAN REPUBLIC This May Come Soon--The King Is Il Brussels, Feb, 25 --It there is considerable anxiety condition of king Leopold's His recent Mediterranean tnp resulted in no heaefit The. greatest precau tions have been taken to prevent com plications. On acc ed vears (he will be until April 9 he has leq to be me learned that aver the throat of his aavane irrega ount sixty-seven and th feat Ther are king dom and it gian republic eigns. of a revolution in thi predic that a Bel is not far off is Victor Hugo Centenary. Parid, Feb. 25.-Celelrations one hundredth anniversary birth of Victor Hugo were commenced to-day Paris, Lyons and numerous other of the largely attended meviings iste, artists, politicians were held in event. Te dav of the when 'the pre i note will attend exerci ex Wn theon, to be followed by the of & Vitor Hug stvsenenid Spare des Vosze 5 of the of the in cif = repuadsli where of Journal others of the the lig cay ital, men of the Pan unveiling the and cOmmemaT n morrow 8 to he other shration in tent and in ---------------- Will Not Pay Her Debts. Pari=, Feb. The Paris conrt of appeal has decided that the French eonarts have no jurisdiction in a case hronght ahout hy an estrangement between a wealthy Lonaon barrister amd the RBpanish dancer, Otero, to whom, it is reported. he gave pres ents worth a mailion franes, Mr i ext had appealsa against the decision of a voart which declared ital com petent to deal with a claim of 24.000, pressed 'hy Otero for furniture To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tah fete. All druggists refund the money H it fails to cure. BE. W. Groves signature is on each box. 25c. bs minietior Carroll, at Hon. Charles Fitepaiteioh, ie, and Hon H. ©. solicitor-general, were banqueted . on Monday night Caps all kinds and every price. Bib- by's, | Women of Means 11 | Standing Use The Diamond Dycs Yel Home interest yun to thrifty It women mean the family connor saved to Wonwen soiled dresses, , ribbons, f men and can boy sold for a few cast off garment and mate ~ 1 the magical Dyes. In these et the your good pow por newest awd color and obser ections, you ITE from can ha =k SIL OF OVere ten to twent ing and economi thousand good position CLEAN COAL. You might as well have a clean coal for your grate fire--it's easy to get and costs no more than the other kind. . Our Cannel conl is clean splendid general purpose and particularly good for use ina grates. THE RATHBUN Co. COR fuel | | ata | - A QUESTION OF WORTH. } 'There is a good deal in { the goods your tailor} keeps on his show tables. 4 We are importers and careful buyers. Its a question of worth with us. J. R. JOHNSTON, Tailor and Draper. Kingston Business College, KINGSTON! = Dominion Business Colleges, TORONTO. Largest and bast squipmest fn Ossade. Cosgtalied facilites for seowring poSwons. gl Goon Swed, Kingston. REND POR CATALOG © wh lowetiom TMs Poilding. DR. C. E O'CONNOR raider . New York, Bye and , Eye, Par, a trary rectus, ye om Far ottice, 179 King Street) » * UR Tow mb

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