Sr-- 69TH YEAH. NO, 49. R J. REID, LI UNDERTAKER, 2 Moors ABave the Opera Mouse. TELEPHONE 877. pr al Wgeomt Sale. Bs Cent. Prices. LS ALWAYS DELIGHT. of these Couches will prove ight in the home. They are 7 iisgant enough to be welcomed anywhere, and Durable enough to be used every day. Best Values Cover from $5.50 to $25. ' « See them~--~They are Bargains. R. J. REID. ARE YOU . NING FOR A HOME OF YOUR OWN ? 1 you're not you should be. And we con give you timely, efficient assistance in your planning. Come in, look over owr long list of properties, and learn our plain, practical methods of helping home makers, CAYS, Street. To have our customers know that we have mow in cone nection with eur business a fully equipped Optical Department. redily Betessury are glasses ad ot a entiflaoson in every detail, is our EVES TESTED FREE. [IMPROVED METHODS. SMITH BROS., JEWELLERS, 350 King Street. OUR MOTTO : PURE MILK, WE HAVE BEEN IN BUSINESS FOR SIX months, 84 we naw control three quar Yure at ilk_hustavee of thé' City, sud t business ily ive. eratified with the Trasuly of our ellen We desire to thank our patrons for pest ia- ro and. x eomtinuation of thelr rom ti oitisens who ate not - LB. nak only Fd trint rp will soon be comin fesume the delivery ¢ Moday ay pox March Sed. "ch: vaytet that we gave up LL Somme ndeument of ee. wore Shih to do so be aud we felt that in cold & matter of so much mo ad wo cursive. We | Erp. By whisk. we eae a tht deliv liaty MILK CO., tom, Limited P APPLY TO n. Co. -- i ---------------------------------- IN, ONE HAVING RXPERIENCE rs Api. 2 dona. Tanti ------------------------------ A hg SERVANT, ax MRS Roa or Ani st es i Sa ---------------------- a AT REFERENCES RE \ h y Ww Mrs. Ross, 309 Alfred ASSIST WITH ci maid is Rept. = BOY, H, WITH Stuars LOCAL MEMORANDA, The Daily Note Book For Readers to Post Themselves Whig Friday is the last duy of February, Any man can he brave over a telephone Flertricity Dance p.m. The 1858 Paris by Earl Rober' cburt, LOF, 8] first Atlantic ¢able was operated in burns the timber of 50000 sores vearty Hopes may be blasted without the use of dynamite Dr. Goodwin's hal sels at lecture on music, $ pm sun rises Friday st and 647 ps y N Spring, Style Hads Co., Wellington Strest Regular mectiog of Limestone lodge, AOUW., tonight, 8 o'clock Why are birds paid in the come their hills are all over due First anniversary Guild, of Cooke's church, Thursday evening Tomorrow ja the of the velief | of Ladysmith, alter having heen besieged 118 dave A man is often known by the keeps, and a woman by keeps 5 Wint is the differmoe betwen a soldier and 8 bombshell ¥ One goes (0 war, and the other goes to pieces This day in the world's Metory: and 4.000 Bours surrender to British be ontise of gallant action of Canadians, 1900 H Ww Lovglellow, poet, born. 1807; Mmiitobn Jegisltture protests against interference in provincial school 18986 699 aw Ko a1 morning ? (dew). convert BABI OTRTY company he the servants minion af Fine Belgium Crystal Glassware. See the handsome pieces | ofthese goods in our window. A line we always carry | and can be matched at any | time. ROBERTSON BROS. G R AND OPERA HOUSE A. J. BMALL, Lessee and Manager. moxDAY ase March 3rd, 4th Special sgstenk of the Famous BOSTON LYRIC OPERA GO, Monday Night, "'II"Trovatere."" Tuesday Night, 'Bohemian Girl" Grand Chorus of 40 Voices. PRICES --25.. 80c., Ze. ox Seats 81. 0. Seats on sale 10 am, at HAN LEYS. Next Inimitable MITH KIRKPATRICK'S ART STORE pise¢ SALE 250 Off Framed Pictures and 20 p. ¢. Of Uniramed Pictures For balance of February. You are always welcome at our gallery. Study The Fashions. Are you ready for the milder weather 7 The really cold days are about past, and it is about time to think of medium weights. The Spring Fashions are ready for your inspection, and we have more time now than we have R. Johnston, J. TAILOR and DRAPER. $25 REWARD. 1 WILL PAY JHE ABOVE REWARD FOR Snlarmatio tha will we the conviction 4 + Party FA FOLLER, FRIDAY, Thursday, March 6th, the GHORGE = GROSS Attraction, entertaiver, TO-LET. HOUSE, PLEASANTLY SITUATED. Brock Clergy Sts, vontaisiog Ontario | Coorge Mills & | Be- | of Young Mens' | she | - Crone | do- | COUNT LY BRITISH WHIG. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY £7, 1v02, IT HAYBEA! REVERSE. fan Anniversary cary Event That is 1 Not Cheering. moves IKE (AN miles per second { ARE GUNS AND NEN TAKEN? {| THE FIGHT | NEAR { i NG OCCURRED ERKSDORP. | Boer Leaders Taken--Grobelar"s Laager Was Surprised And a Couple of - Influential Men Captured. London, Feb. 27.<The twenty-first { anniversary of Majuba and the second of Cronje's surrender at Paardeberg, | finds England apprehensive with re «dd to the latest mews from South rica, Lord Kitchener's two tele grams, published this morning, fail to | give sufficient details for adequate | comanent, but it is feaved that there has been a serious British re verse in the western Transvaal, and | that at lenst 400 men and two guns | have been captured. The fighting oc currea near Klerksdorp in Delarey's country. The correspondent of the Times at Frmelo save that Col. Mackenzie's col wun, operating near lake Chrissi, south-eastern Transvaal, has surprised Hans Grohelar's small laager, captur | ing Stephanus Grobelar, Corpls. Van- dermewe .and Schalkmeyer, ana four others. Grobelar and Schalkmeyer are | both influential men, who have been encouraging Boer resistance in Ermelo | district A Canadian Dead. Oat., Feb. 27.~A letter South Africa announces Sergt. Fred Ford; a Guelph boy, serving in one of the {| Manchester Sevgt. Ford met his death in a wight attack made | by the Boers on December 19th, and was one of the first of the regiment | to fall. He was ahout thirty | old and left Guelph seven years ago Guelph, re. | peived from the death regiment years | LAE MR. HARPER' s 'HEROISM | Royal Humane Society Transmits Its Recognition. Ottawa, Feb. 27.--The secretary of | state has received a letter from lord | Strathcona, dated February 12th, m | which he states that, "1 am request { ea by the 'Royal humane society to | trafemit--an 'In Memoriam Testa | ment," which has been awarded to the | relatives of the late H. A. Harper, who was drowned in an attempt to rescue the late Miss Blair." tary of the society forwarding the testimonial, states that "The heroism of this young Canadian was set out in a newspaper lately, and the com- mittee were desirous of recording their appreciation of it." The under seuretiry of stave, Joseph Pope, for warded the testimonial to Miss Harp er; of North Bay, a sister of the late Mrg Harper. INVITED TO CANADA. Prince Henry Asked To Call And See Us. London, Feb. 27.--A rumor is cur- vont here to the effect that emperor William, desiring to remove the anti British complexion of prince Henry's | visit to the United States, suggested to king Edward that the latter invite the prince to extend his visit to Can ada. King Edward, it is said, accept ed the suggestion and an invitation | to visit the dominion has, therefore, heen sent to prince Henry. It Is Now Denied. Berlin, Feb. 27. There is no _founda- tion for the statement What prince Heury of Prussia will visit Canada be fore returning to Germany. Lockets For Champions. Ottawa, Feb. 27.--The Ottawa uni- versity rughy football team, cham pions of Canada, were last night pre sented "with an address and gold lockets by the citizens of Ottawa. The address was made by alderman Davidson for the Ottawa football club, and E. P. Gleason, captain of the team replied. The presentation took place in the Russell theatre at the minstrel show given to aid the Ottawa -eity footballers. Teacher's Rash Deed. Decateur, 111, Feb, --Fletcher Barnett, a school teacher, entered 2 school-house near Camargo and shot and instantly killed Mise Eva Wine man, the teacher $n charge. He then shot at Albert Hopwell, a pupil, who attempted to interfere, but missed him. Barnett then shot himself. twice, but apparently withowt = serious in- jury. He then jnmped into a well and was drowned. Barnett had been a suitor for the young woman's hand. -------------- n. What Business Men Think. Halifax, N.8., Feb. ~The Ha'i tax board of tnde adopted a resoiu- tion expressing ite opinion that the present "is an opportune time for - Gueat Britain to adopt a fiscal policy which would give imports from the 0 Sm n-- Aut Mig Eftwels Hade To Secars of the London, Feb. 27.-The work connect bas been a preference over impoits of re nels Election To Bs Protested. Winnipeg, Feb. 27.-Mr. Toombs, the defeated ORSeroRtive candidate, savs the clection of Mr. Stewart, in gar, will be protested. The conserva: tives, he sap have mformation = of hundreds of cases of corrupt prec tices. Engineer Young Dead. Toronto, Feb. 20.~James A. Young, a wellknown passenger train engineer on the Montreal Toronto division of the Grand Trunk railway, died yoster . after tive The secre- PITH OF THE NEWS. -- The Very Latest News Culled From | All Over The World. Lukban has been captured by the Americans. The bank of Hamilton has secured promises and will open a branch at Brantford. Joseph Devlin, nationalist, elected to the house of commons North Kilkenny The Al Hime Halifax, arrived a.m., on Thursday The auction sale of pure bred cattle 10% head be has been for from at 3 steamer loman, at Liverpgol ian at Guelph was a sutoess, ing' sold for ¥1.740 The remains of & man were found on the railway at St. Mary's batter- ed beyond recognition. Thr Ontario government has de cided to give new Ontario four new members making seven in all John Holmes, a prominent citizen, without police experience, has appointed chief of police of Chatham. A white man and a colored man were hanged at Ashville, for burglary aeeesesesere 2 To Fight League. been London, Feb. 27 --George Wyndham, at Dover, last night, announced the inten- tion of the government to fight the united Irish league with the crimes act. He spoke with great warmth in saying that this was the only way to deal with the present exigencies and fu- ture hopes of Ireland. FEES RW RE GREEeY which is a capital offence in North Carolina. For Jove teen-vear-old DOB PHPPPPP Pp PRPPBBBBPPBPB PHP of his dead mother a four Charles. Ander at Chicago by hoy, Ron, committed suicide tak ing poison The earl of Denbigh, special envoy to eongratfilate pope on his jubiles, leit London Wednesday for Rome Rev. Charles G. Waller, M.A, cal tutor in the Montreal diocesan vol lege, has been appointed professor divinity in Huron eellege, London James 0. Keady, postmaster at Lo di, N.Y., was found to have a severe fase of smallpox. The Eagle hotel, at which he is stopping, was quarantin od at once. The King's racer, the Stand steeplechase, at Park, Wednesday. This was the first appearance of the king's colors ince the death of ghween Victoria Maj. Richard Costigan, of the 3rd Montreal field battery, having served the regulation period as commanding officer, will be placed on the retired list of hi: rank this week. The bank at Casino, Monte Carlo, was broken three times on: Wednes day afternoon, chiefly owing to Mr. Laudau, an American, winning near- ly £7.000 at trente et quarante. Wednesday in New South Wales was observed as a day of humiliation and prayer, | on account of the drouth That country is now experiencing seventh year of almost continuous drouth. It is learned from the highest au thority that Mr. Balfour's attack of illness has not beem serious, that he will return to his *place in the com mons on Friday, and that been no thought of his retiring from public life or taking refuge in the lords. The military land grants depart- ment has sent out 20,000 claim pa- pers up to date, but of these only one-half are hack: in the government offices properly filled out and signed It is now thought that about R000 veterans will -sectire farms in New-On tario. Miss Maude of the Earl the on classi Ambush IT, won on sole survivor family, six members of whom were murdered nt Welsh, La, Tuesdav, in a critical condition Her mind seems to be affected by the shock to such an extent that she can not realize the extent of the tragedy. The funerals of the six vietims will take place to-day. Al E. Batson, who was a hired mon on the Earl place, has been arrested at Spikard, Mo., on suspicion of - being connected with the crime. Farl, the SWORN TO SECRECY. Miss Stone Would Give No Ianfor- mation If She Could. Salonika, Koumelia, Feb, 27.--At the instance of the officials of the United States legation at Constanti wople, Miss Ellon M. Stone and Mow Titlca, who srvived heve last might, wil start without delay for Constan- tisople. Miss Stone says the brig ands swore both of their captives to absolute secrecy regarding any infor mation calculated 16 establish the identity of the brigands, the locagon of the places where they were fon cealed, or other facts likely to com promise their captors. i As a maueér of fect the prisoners themselves are very uncertain regard ing many details of their wanderings. INTERESTING SITUATION, If Coalation Fails, Then Appeal To Country. Toronto, Feb. 27.--A Vietoria, B.C. special to the Globe, says that pre wier Dunsmuir may resign if the gotations with the opposition for the formation of a coalition fail, and ap peal to the country, but it is believed i he did so the governor would not allow it, seeing Be had failed to 6 the vacan! i petilia. The apposition, the despat clagm they can form a stre government. In such an event, Dunsmmir's present supporters would rather support them than Mr. Martin. - Will Decide Saturday. Montreal, Poeb. 27.-The Montreal hockey club, the winners of the league championship, will not decide untd Saturday about the proposal to go to Winnipeg to piay the western cham: pions, THE MEDICAL BATTLE. A prominent Filipifio general mnt Experts Working "With ech? Increased Ener CONSUMPTION The Discoverer is an Authority on Tuberculosis -- An tack the Germs. 27. Since king Ed a marked inter against con London, Feb. ward has taken such est in the medial battle sumption, experts are devoting them selves wich increased energy to find ing a remedy for the dread disease. Attention this week has been centered { on wu discovery whith, if circumstan tinh reports may be-eredited, promises to have important results. The discoverer is Dr. Robert Ma guire, a phys ician at the Brompton hospital, and one of the first authori ties on tuberculosis. It occurred to him that, as certain antisepiiss pro duced remarkably good results, king Edward's | & of | Kempton | its | there has | | with a limited use, because di {to be so mild as not to irntate | stomach, if one could be found coll be injected into the blood { to directly attack, the germ of the | cisease, great benoit dd result | After great research he chose formia | aldehyde, one of a group of very act live germi ides, notable for the fact { that a solution of one in one hundred {and seventy thousand parts is to the consumption germ. He { jected this in various marvellous 80 wot has in cavi ing in the lungs healing wp, it is reported, | rix weeks' time, achieving what may be arded a thorough clires | cases thought A patient i was ven up- ax in the last stages of eon sumption. The treatment was with the result that in he for injection of resulis, rey ol hopeless instanced who {on him two months | examiner | The and is made | is too soon yet WAS surance company the an drug near the elbow. While it to say that the treat I ment can do all that is claimed for lit, the discovery has nevertheless at | tracted the attention of eminent medi continent A WHIG BOY ON TOP. McGillicuddy Electéd President of Association. tawa, Feb. 27.4Dan of the Signal, Goderich, { elected, by acclamation, the Canaglian press dssogiation. other officers elected by were : First vice-president, H. J. Pet Ly page wForest; Ont; wevond vice-president, John A. Cooper, Can adian Magazine, Toronto; secretary treasurer, J. T. Clark, Star, Toronto; assistant secretary, M. 0. Hammond, Globe, Toronto Mr. Cooper presented the seerétary- treasurer's report, which showed that the fight the press combine cost the $1,700, which am ount the asked to refund. Legal expenses am lounted to about $1,000 The presi ident, A. G. F. Macdonald, presented his annual | reviewed the wark of the year Was president of The against association address, which EDITORS CABLE KAISER. German Emperor. York, Feb. 27,-The dined with prince Henry as guests of Herman Ridder New who might editors Wilhelm. Jt was submitted by Mel ville E. Btone and, after cordial in dorsement by the guests, was forward ed. It read as follows : "The Gerinan emperor : "The editors of the daily newspapers of the United States, |, 000 in number, at a banquet in honor of your illustrious heother, send you We in for a _lohg and prosperous reign hail the presence of prince Henry this rountry as an omen of even clos er ties of amity, and heartily te all of the splendid and repeat ed avertares of friendship you havé been graciously pleased to extend recs roca WERE SATISFIED. The Feeling of Dominion Alliance Members. Toronto, Feb. 27. <A meeting of the exventive 'of the Ontario branch of the domimion alliance was held, yesterday afternoon, at the close of which seere- tary F. 8B. Speoce suid, "In the speeches here thie afternoon satisfac. tion was expressed with the gasirance piven hy Mr. Ross that the prohibi tion, if passed, would be enforced and alvo with the suggestion that the date of voting. would be charged from (le tober 146h. Reorel was expressed that the premier bad not given us more ehennragement as to a change in the hasie of voting. There was noth ing which, in the opinion of the meet ing, should change their attitude as adopted at the wonvention, vester dny, namely. to intist on a change of the date and of the basis of voting. Teaped To Liberty. Springlield, Mase. Fob. 27. Wilhan Sherman, srrested in this gity and was being taken to Rochester, X.Y to answer a charge of larceny. jump: od through the car window at Roches tar, Land sstaped into woods. The had removed the handeufls from the man's wrists, but was sit ting beside his prisoner whem he did the jumping. Pullet Killed A Farmer. Keokuk, lows, Fob 27 William FMulliten. 8 wealthy farmer, wag killed by a ballkt which came through a window and strock bio in 'the bead Tho sfivir is%as mystery, as Mulliken had nd known epemics, } ANOTHER CURE ANNOUNCED IN ENGLAND FOR THE DREAD | Antiseptic | Injected Into the Blood to At- | even | doses had | the | that | fatal | strengths with | in tried | passed by a medical | el men all over England and on the | McGillieuddy, | to-day | acclamation | dominion government will be | Alexandria, | Newspaper Men Send Greeting To | last | sent a telegram of greefing to kaiser i cordial greetings and all good wishes | A y-- ORGANIZATION. Found Within The British Liberal arty Feb 27 Lh Fede ----de liberal hurly burly ROW OFEBLER announcement night ia the Foodie velopment { is the tion within of which following terms It has been decided by adhere to the Chesterfield pe they have ni hates of | thenselves from the liberal party, lon the they intend tu wih the best of the hberal opposition | on the lines of that policy. For pw poses (f organization welop ment these n, mn formation of ga the party, was made last those whe iy that SUPINE but contrary, act and on Hues an associat unter the has been formed ol the liberal league, | Its first pwesident is Jord Rosebery and its ioe-presi dents are Herbert Asquith, Sir Henry Fowler, and Sir Edwardg Grey,' | There is no further official informa tion, but it is supposed that the new | loague will supplant the liberal mn perialist league, whose chairman has jst resigned, owing to the party con i fict-- bord Rosehery's acceptance | the presidency, with the sdpport prominent imperi st liberals, i garded as setting the seal of his finite return to active politics There - is much curiosity regarding | Sir Henry Camphbell-Bannerman's act jon regarding the new sitve. He address a party meeting at the Na tional liberal club oh March 5th lord Rosebery's first public declara of the new Glasgow, on Han re de league March tion as president will made in 10th be RAPID PROGRESS MADE. | Legislature Deals With Bills And Estimates Feb The ature yosterday, ot roduction of the new bill, Toronto, | of the le the re character, her On of a than tario {| routine istribution was though munch The bh amendment to providing tox ME. Whitney ne thie he had been ay Is in to the laed brought Gilson pro gross was mark SH RIPON {ed Mr. Pattulle' | electric railw ay net, gulation of raws peated his proached charge by libera bill rel ship, from with the ating which My attorney -general's county judge offectyve Under New sentatives in the | than at present West Algoma is sub-divided into two | electoral districts, "Fort William and | and Rainy River East Algoma i electoral districts, Manit "and Nipissing is ® toral districts, "East "West Nipissing Three townships { along the Ottawa river will be trans ferred from north Renfrew to east Nip and several townships south of | Algonquin park, now part of Nipissing wrewttached (0 north Hastings, reply he Ontario is to have hil Seven repre into three Marie, cut up Nanlt Ste 'Alg d nto ulin oma three els Nipissing inning, REFORM IN JAPAN. Girls Sold To Houses Of Ill Fame Released Feb. board of The Methodiat foreign missi met yesterday from missionary Yo won pro many hundeetl Iittshurg, bri} Protestant { of the United States A letter was read u. Grant Murphy, located at hobama, telung of the derful reform movement now gress in For | years the in Japan have boo allowed by to sell their daagh rilerly houses the escaped bout refuge with an appeal te Japan and ha secured a decision that the practise virtual slavery. This de Tih rates 56,000 _and 11,086 bave already escaped from their bond ms Japa mn Japan fathers law ters to di One of girls year ago and took M | Murphy. He made supreme court of sion aver about age. CALLED BY WATERS. {A Young Woman Flung Herself _ Over Falls. . Fel). 27.~The mystery the fate of Miss Alice who disappeared from this y yesterday, 1x solved sri ide by throwing Niagara Falls ir leading to Lunes island fate ix told in a messpce which Lit in her purse upon the bnidges was tothe young man, to marry next month, to ber parents and fiends amd « reads sol 1 ye Koy, mamma," papa and ail ihe Do not think I do not love you 1 do. The waters are Buffalo, tending Colle, 'My he cominiited herself bilge at M a Week age mio whe It dear ones. for calling Spring Head Gear The £1, 21.25, 81.50. Bib by's new hats, The the organization of who. in defiance of a prohibition the bishop of the diocese, built Anne's church at North Brookfield, Mass, fof the purpose of maintain ing worship in their native language Canadian religions association, Frenwh Catholios, of St an injunction against the trustees prohibiting them from permanently closing the church. Christy's English hats, 6000 WORK. Our Business TO DO IT. Your Business TO GET IT. Baker's Steam _ Laundry, Bibby's { for hundreds { gather bere to 1 aright of of | {are | Black will | general work connection | 1 an legislature, four more | | vited and | { BURKE whom she was | have secured from the sopreme conrt | > EmZ L3k deh EN LAST EDITION" WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Ont 7 erly wade msint i vugawel New Dress Materials. Our Dress Goods Department is the Mecoa of Kingeton study stvies amd garher cure 4 bowt dremers who rect ideas of the dress hibries that should be warn this spring be sites tod those who wish 10 ba gided Our displays reflect the very newest world's No better plan could tr most approved fanckes of the with a bigger variety wad a amt the nowvioon voter range of exolusiv two find outside fentres, novelties than yom may reasonably expect this sore Tiwee are some of the dress materials that metered favorites in smart circles--la ard Colors German and French Broad. cloths. New Homespuns, : weights. English Chevidts. Silk and Woel Poplins, Silk and Wool Beoliennes. French Voile, new finish, correct Crepe de Chene. Poplin de Soles Pirle Finish Venetians, Silk and Wool Granite Dress Fabrics. French Zibelines, Satin Cloths. 7 Trimmings and Laces for all dresses. / Inspection ine for Stock is most complete now Stamdurd Patteroy wl er March, ff bs STEACY & STEACY 100-103-110 Princess Street. BORN At Semivh's Falls, Fob. 24th, of Wo E MeGilliveay, » MeGILLIVRAY 2 wily ter MARRIED POLLITT Kingre ton 26ti Iw 6s the residence bride's ther 22 Maw St, by } R Macmorior, MA, Philip H y Ad bie, duoghter of on Feb. of the the Mev, Burke, Frank in 81 J amen' Macmorine Bxdith, oldest 63 York Ba, Lamaine's Point Pos CHmRIOPIY i parsonage, by Tuesday 4 dunghter of Harry Ch J J. CRAWFORD, MERCHANT TAILOR, Late Cutter for C. Livingston & Bro. Will Commence Business at O'Brien's Old Sta Cor. Princess & Bagot Sts, ON MONDAY, : MARCH. 3 rd, With romps pte whew -- ool ¥ aml Seote ' Te aad to ww df Cwmosdinn wan TENKINS in J 1902, ristophor, seal fit gumranoid. Flees COST, ASTHMA, EFFECT,' It tok seven bottles of CLARKE'S KOLA COMPOUND Hobert Crow. of Else dade Bat what's ton tines that smhengt i ferntiom of lied be god. You'd vou? But that's trvatwant with | effect un cure. He eaprivee, of = anything, PERS Y whi s wonderful remedy a toms futons] (rest The i " N Se, Toromo write Chuck What British Delegates Want, Feh. 27--A despatch from Brus to the Times, saves that the Witish delegates to the international nghe conference ineist on a reduction ol the five franc import duty exacted by Tiermany and Austria. These states waggest a compromise, which the French and English delegates join in opposing London To Honor Victor Hugo. Paris. Fi. 27 The serviex of festi vitiew to celebrate the centenscy of the birth of Victor Mugo, which open. od vesterday will last until Sunday * Goes vour warch day after day, but can't go on doing so if it is not Teaned and regulated. We give special atten- tion to FINE WATCH REPAIRING and guar: antee perfect satisfaction. BPR VTRBLHLR PVRS