RUGS ALL KINDS, RICH necessarily Smyr expensive. full room pe exact sides, and are lots. ii wear, RUGS in R wich + halgh TON effects. "Axminster Rugs in . qualities to cover * everything, from 'the largest did showing of in wool and cotton, in all sizes and very handsome patterns, mak- ther the largest and utiful collection of three different at nook to the Eo £304 ARES ing al most Rugs ever shown. HANDSOME RUGS in every. size but hot n na we show every size, fon the smallest up to the These Rugs alike on both Rvs. a rich deep pile ASSOCIATION AND HORTICUL- TURISTS CANNOT AGRLE Townships Will Like's Have Their Own Shows This Year--What The Horticulturists Asged-- Appointed a Committee. At a méeting last night of the King- ston fair association, these' members ittended "Mayor Shaw, IV. E. Starr, alderman Mcleod, J. McParland, J. Redden, alderman Kent, R. 'H. Fair, A. Chadwick, W. Toner, and J. Watts, W. H. Mascoee, H. J. Wilkinson, J. Daly, BR. J. Bushell and E. C. Dean represented the horticultural sogiety. eo. terms on which the horticultural society would agree to affiliate for show purposes came up for comsidera- tion. The horticultural society asked lor the same terms as were enjoyed in gost years, and to avoid miseader- standing 'these terms were put in writ- ing. The agreement, with the exeep- tion of one clanss, was accepted. The clause to which exception was taken ied 'that the hortieulthral society N | Fave the right to revise the horticul: tural department of the prize list, as enjoyed in past years. The fair asso | vintion- demanded 'that certain restric- tions be thrown around this clause, anchwould wot accept a guarantee that 'the department 'would not cost any' mora than Jast year, nor weuld 'the fair association name » fixed 'amount as a Nimit. The fesult wha that the representatives of the horticaltural so- ciety withdrew. It is likely that a flower show in the armouries will be the odteome. The Kingston township society sent word that it would hold its"own' fair at Cataradui, and, consequently, could not affiliate with the Kingston fair as sogiation. The Storrington township vid sent practically the same re ply The directors, before adjourning, ap pointed a "committee, consisting of wayor Shaw, Allan Chadwick and James McParland, to wait upon the directors of the horticultiral society with a view to an amicable settle ment of the point at issue. CLOSING DAYS LANs OR ~~ FEBRUARY SALE. : ISON CO. Furniture, Carpets, - Curtains. Many customers have boughs «this. month, They pay / part dml bave she. goods hill until they will need them. Are you satici- cloves and saved money. by i ry Hite ch chance Friday ojght. Everything reduced. T. F. HARRISON Co. UNDERTAKING, ETC, Na, 1.92 The®air association have in view a schome to raise money. It is intended to engage a man to go through the city and country and sell general ad: mission tickets, . paying him a per: centage for the work. Married Last Evening. An interesting and. pleasant event took place last evening when Miss Ruth Pollitt, daughter of «Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pollitt, Pine street, was united in marriage to Philip H. Burke, foreman of the Daily News composing room. The ceremony was performed by canon Macmorine. . The bride was assisted by hor sister, Miss Mary Pol litt, while Edward H. Ball, jr., per: formed the services of best man. At the conclusion of the ceremony a wed- ding dinner' was served at the resis denco of the bride's parents. A large and varied array of presents gave tes timony to the esteem in which the young' people are held. Mr, and Mrs. Burke will take up residence on Syden- ham street. Wolfe Island Hay. _ Fonsiderable hay has been coming into the city during the past: few days, but the quantity is not gs large as it has beer in previous years. This is not because of a shortage in the supply, but because its sale has been diverted inte other channels. As is well known, most of the hay that comes to the city is grown on Wolfe Island, This winter an American buy- er has purchased many tons there, and large quantities are also being press- ed for shipment to Socath Adrica, The ruling: price for 'good hay in the city to-day is 89, though quite a number Your Neighbor Says WALSH'S SCRANTON IGHT. Have you wiried it? Shall we send you a ton 4 of loads has been sold as low as 87 and $8 a ton. The hay it of a very fine quality, for the mest part. Dr. Herald's Clear Statement. In the inteesting combat in private billy' committee of the legitlature, Dr. ing defence of the vested right of Queen's "university and other teaching colleges to representation on the medi- cal council, and that it was in the Re a ouch witl exam -boards that the standard may be steadily advanc- ed and 'the be brought up-to- date intellectually. He represented Queen's with great credit, ------ Waterworks" Caucus. The water works committees had a caucus in alderman King's office yes- terday afternoon. Those in attendance were in session. for 4we hours. This af- ternoony a regular meeting was oalled to. dake action; on: the matter under considetation. Alderman Graham did business is to be done, he wishes it to be transacted openly and at the city buildings. RR ---------- Want An Investigation. Herald presented a clear and convine: | to have the colleges in, "OBJECT TO THE BILL. LI a ssn Engineering Students Are Making a Strong Protest. J. D. Mel snnap. a student of Kingston school of wines, writes the Port Hope Guide regarding a bill to be brought beiore the Ontario legi<duture this week, and which the young engineering students ure strongly opposed Lo as it is o uly in the -ingerests oi the older members of the Canadian society of = civil 'engis neers The writer declares that should < such a bill become law, it would not be long before the school of mining here would be forced to close down, because no youhg man would want to spend the four years, necessary to get a good technical education, and then, before being al- lowed to practice his profession, have to serve an apprenticeship of five or more years, to an old engineer, for which apprenticeship he might have to pay a janey premium. Nothing, he says, would - tend to drive all the young engineers 8cross the line into the United States more quickly, The junior members of the engineer- ing profession, the writer continues, aré by no means the only ones wha bave a kick over such a bin, for [the public is alio largely concerned, Un- der its provisions no "work of con- stration with cost exdmsling $1,000 can be done unless g citil engineer is in charge of 'the 'work. No farmer would be able to instal an up-to-date windmill plant on his farm withons having to call in a civil engineer. The miller must also eall in a civil engi- weer: to fix up his milldam. The mines of the province would be in charge of a civil engineer, not neces sarily a mining engineer, 'and the same with the mechanical, #lectrical and other brane hes of engineering. The engineering faculty of Queen's witets to-morrow to consider the bill, Tt 'is understood that it has been very much modified since last vear, but it still needs a few more shavings taken off. the to ----" i p------ Notes From The Barracks. Twe more reormrits have arrived , at Tete de' Pont bamadks. Only twelve more men are required to complete the mtablishmens of the B.C. F.A. Lieut. Lafferty, who was at Paar- deberg with the R.C.R.J. went to Ot- tawa at noon to attend the military hancuet, Capt. Duplessis, '"B" in command of the R.C.F.A. until" Sat urday. He is the only artillery officer pow in barracks. All the others are at Ottawa. Lieut, « Col. Haddon, "A battery, is wnfortumately unable to 'attend the Puardeberg dinner at Ottawa, as he is still confined to his home through illness. Capt. Eaton, "A" two weeks' leave. commanding battery, is on Broke Open Her Door. While a lady living on upper Ord- nance street was out calling yester- day morning, the man ¢htrusted with the distribution of the blank for taking a local census visited the house. When he found the door lock ed, he must have put his shoulder to it to force it open, as when the lady retwrned she found the door wide open and the lock broken. She immediately suspected that burglars had emwe red the house, and a hasty search reveal pd everything intact. Then she dis covered the blank form on the flour, and saw the cause of it all. She was very 'indignant, ana so she had cause to be. Secretary Opposed To It. Many of the union men are very much opposed to putting a candiaate in the field for the provincial election, "F amr strongly opposed to it," said James Rielly, the capable secretary of the trades and labor council, when questioned "yesterday. "Not until the spirit of unionism is more instilled in- to the minds of its members is such a covirse Wdvisable. ' The late municipal elections 'ought to show 'anyone that. However, there are ' some who think otherwise, and the question will be decided - at the meeting on Saturday. night." The Writ Issued. On Tuesday warden Spoor issued the writ for the 'bye-election in the town: ship of Kingston to-fill the vaesney in the county council caused by the re- signation of the 'late: George Wright. The «date of the election has been left optional with John Simpson, town- ship: clerk, to: whont the writ was for- wardea be law prescribes that in sach an occasion as this thé vacancy shall be filled in time for the mext coming sitting of the county eouncil, #o that there is ataple time to call the election. The Forestry Convention. The annual convention of the Cana- dian forestry association, of which the gover ral is honorary pre- rident and. Sir Henri Joly de Lot- hiniere is , will be held i Ottawa on the 6th and 7th March. The event is regarded as of national importance. The chic feature of the thering will be a lecture Dr. Ly vipal of the New La of forestry, who greatly delighted tonians by his lectures here last year. | relieve any shapes, 'new odors © now INCIDENTS _ OF THE. DAY. PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, + The 'Spice "of Every Day Lile-- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At tention. Aunt Jemima i= here. | x Christy's English bats. Bibby's. Jee raves on Rock Lake, Verona, Tuesday, March 1th. A county councillor is canvassing for the caretakership of the court house. The recently formed local lodge of "Prentice boys will elect its officers on Friday night. Boys' suit Union. There was no skating at the Kings ton rink to-day, thé first break since winter began. The Y.M.C.A, orchestra had a well attended reheaysal last night in their oriental costume. 'Lhe new grey $1.25, £1.50, Bibby's. The 'Boston Lyric opera company will present "The Bohemian Girl" on Tuesday . night next. headquarters. Grand hats, soft rim, An eye-witness' account of the erowsling of Victoria will be the coro- nation article for Saturday. Coal dealers say that notwithétand- ing the steady cold winter, the sale of fuel is not much greater than a year ago. Suits of good solid tweed for boys, 83. Grand Union. The 'annual meeting of the Macedon: ald club, to havé been held to-morrow night, has been postponed until Tues- day night, on account of the hockey watch. Aunt Jemima will make pancakes in our store till Saturday. Everybody is invited to call and try them. Jas. Redden & Co. Miller's Heudache Powders cure head- ache in five mithutes. In boxes 10s. and Wo. at Wade's drug 'winre A number 'of officers of Kingston lodge of "Oddfellows have 'had their pictures" taken in their hard-time con tumes. There are some queer looking mugs inthe group. All that's best in new hats for spring wear at Bibby's, The street railway company is hav ing the track up the asylum hill clear ed of snow. On Thesday night ear No. 9 ran into the big bank and sustain- el mach damage. Our boys" suits will stand all kinds of rough usage. Grand Union, Toronto market reports say that the demand up there for hog pro duets is not active, Nobody wonders at that ! Why should there be a big demand for hogs in Hogtown, a place where the population is ever increas ing! Will be found . an excellent remedy for sick headache. Carter's Little Liv- er Pills, Thousands of letters' from people who have usea them prove this fact. Try them. An address delivered by a student of Queen's before the college Y. M. C A. last week has sticred up quite a feeling in college theological circles. Views were expressed that are said to he very much at variance with the accepted teachings of "the Preshyteri an church. I have used Eastern Balm for a severe cold on my chest and I found it by far the best cough meaicine 1 ever used. | would not. use anything else for bronchitis or colds of any kind. We have also usea it for the children and ,it has been of great benefit to them. No bad after effects follow. Mrs. Samuel McLelland, Reachburg. Chief engineer Derry, of the peniten- tiary, is worthy of eredit for the way if"which he has been pushing the suggested improvements to the steam and heating plants which, if carried out, will undoubtedly lead to consider able saving in the cost of fual, ete, In his eflorts to make needed changes Mr. Derry has the support of warden Platt. big ---------- A Good Thing. German Syrup is the special prescri tion of Dr. A. Boschee, a hed German physivian, 'ant is ackmowledg- ed to be one of the most fortunate dis- coveries in medicine. It quickly cures coughs, eolds and all lung troubles of the severest mnaiure, removing, as it does; the ewuse of the affection and: leaving = the parts in a strong and healthy condition. 'I¢ is not an ex- perimental medicine, but has stood the tat of 'years, giving satisfaction in every case, whi its rapidly increas ing sale 'every season confirms." Two million bottles sold amsually. Bos chee's German Syrup was introduced in the United States in 1868, and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world, Three doses will nary oo, Price 75c. For sale at Wade's gh. store. Coughs And Colds. who are suffering Colds; Hoarseness, Sore roast, etc, should try Brown's Bronchial Troches, a simple and ei Tectual remedy. Thev contain nothing injurious, and say be used at all times with perfect safety. A Special Meeting Called. A special meeting 'of the county council has been summoned for to- morrow morning for the of appointing a caretaker for court house. Fifteen applications have been | nmi. Special Bargains In Ready Made Clothing. » Brock street f any pre window These » Sellers Of The ** Barrington." Those § Coughs, ne is offering the made suit exhibit for 86.95 for ome gogds are worth $10 a suit. of the "Barrington" hats," price $2 Nothing better st any price. New hy's. A -------------------- Tisvick headache is misery, what arc Carter's Lite Liver Pills if Sy will 'positively People who have ' Wa have thé sole and 'exclusive sale J ready, Bib | THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27. PERSONAL MENTION, Movements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Deing. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Puray, of Mill haven, habe taken up resivence in the oty V Millhaven, ho Filmer Sharpe, of ervel the Kingston F ireatment Macdonnedl, Toronto, leaves this somk for Califorvia, where he will go for the Benefit of his health Miss Lillian Quan, of Crumley Bros., ix attending the wholesale and retail millinery openings in New York city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Coates left yesterday for Brockville on a visit wo his parents, Mr. and Mes. Willis Coates. Mrs. Denis Morphy, Ottawa, was hostess at afternoon tea on Wednes day, given by Miss Sullivan, of King- ston. Mrs. C. W. Lane and daughter, Gore street, returned yesterday from a vis it to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. ¥ Dowd, Gananogue Charles Taylor, of the T. F. Harri son company, left yesterday for To- ronto amd other western points on a week's business trip. Mrs, Peter Lamouseux, street, whose husband died leaves shortly for Montreal, pide with relatives. Miss Maggie Harold, of Crumley Bros., is engaged with the 8. F. Mec: Kinnon company, in Toronto, for the wholesale millinery season. J. J. Carrington, tanner, is in Ot: tawa x, one of a committee of tan ners' asking the government for the compulsory inspection of hides. Rev. Fr. Fallon, Buffalo, N.X., will visit: at his home here in two weeks. He will be the orator at the Irish Ca- tholic demonstration in Ottawa on St. Patrick's day. Miss Tetlock, Raglan Road, enter tained a number of her friends last evening. Refreshments were served, and dancing, games and music enjoy ed until a conventional howr The little davghter of Mr. and Mrs W. Hughes, University: avenue, who widerwent a serious operation for the removal of an eye, is steadily im proving, and is gaining in strength day by day. . Herbert Hogan, Watertown, N.Y. is Niuning his parents at Portsmouth he friends of W. A. Mmwhall, Ri deau street, will be pleased to hear of him having passed g snocessful exam ination as an assistant marine engi meer. He has obtained an uplimited license Harry conauctor, general Princess recently, to | re- Hogan, a late street railway who went to Toronto te accept a position in the office of the Dominion express company, is develop: ing into a fast hockey player. He longs to the company's team, and has been playing a splendid game all sea be son Have You Seen Them ? Those dark grey Fedoras and new style spring hats at $1.90. Bibby's. COULDN'T DO IT. Milk Diet Failed. Food that will actually lift one out if a sick bed is worth knowing ol. A Chicago lady writes, "I want to tell of a positive cure Grape Nuts Food has made in a case that was dbnsider ed almost hopeless, know you do not look (irape-Nuts as a. medicine but much as the food certainly does buikl up worn out systems, it seems to me it i® closely allied to a tonic. Now about the cure, "Last spring a dear girl friend fell ill and was taken to one of the hospi tals, but weeks before entering the hospital she has been able to take no thing but milk to nourish her, all other foods distressed the stomach so much that she tried to, live on the milk alone. The doctor in the hospital endeavor ed to keep her alive with broth and other Youd, but her stomach refused to retain anything but milk, and very little 'of that at a time. "I'worked away at the resident phy: sician until he consented to my taking her home to seé what the change would do for her. The poor child was so very weak and nervous and so frail that I felt quite dubious ghout the outeome; nevertheless J knew enough about Grape-Nuts Food, which 1 in tended to give her, to feel that it would bring her out. After she bad rested a Jittle while I warmed © some milk and ~ poured it over a table spoonful of Grape-Nuts and persuaded her to take it. She did so with fear and trembling, for she did not expect to keep the food down. After giving her the fopd 1 started to read her a story, and although it was an inter esting one, she fell asleep. When she finally awoke her first words were, 'Did 1 really keep the Grape Nuts ?' "She had kept them bat could secar- cely believe it. After two or three hours | gave her a little more with the same good result. Gradually and eausbously I increased the améuns un- til after a few days she was wble to cat a sancer full with no bad effects "She lived "on Grape Nuts entirely and gained strength so rapidly that she soon recovered, and now recom- mendes Grape-Nuts to all her friends. She says she would be glad to have anyone vho is suffering from stomach trouble write her, and she will tell what Grape-Nuts = Food has done for her; and how grateful she is to the man who had the forethought to manufacture a food alreaily digested so that 'weak stomachs can take it. Her name is Lillie M. Gestabt, 4416 Wabash avemie, Chicago. "A clergyman of our acquaintance eats a dish of Grape-Nuts before pro- paving his sarmon. 1 asked him once if he got inspiration from the food. He said, 'Not only that, but it seems to. clear my mind and make my fihirdlys" and 'fourthive' leome much tore quickly. Just think about one's siomach pot haying to think about Hgesting tute. They have done i ng t themselves, and all. we have » is toitickle the palate by swal- Ae Khon," This same gentleman Lassured me. that be would rather dis' L pense with any article of food on the table than Grape Nuts. We ent the food regularly with some | time a little fresh. or canned fruit add: | al. We call iv our "bore." My bras upon mas » ABA ASA. A ------ INEGLECT. OF LENTEN TIME: BEV. G. LIL. STARR TALKS PLAINLY TO ANGLICANS, Doing Things Opposed To The Worship of God--A Neglect That is Really a Misfortune. In St. George's cathedral last even ing, Rev. Go Lio Starr; continued his Lenten cowese sermons on the seven cardinal sins, his they beng St John's revelation to the seven church evening he preached church of Perga es of Asia. Last gpon the sia of the Yaos, which was its trying to har monize the worship of Baalam with that of Almighty God---or to do things opposed to the worship ol God. That sin, declared the preacher. was the sin of the Church of England to-day. The cry "Peace, Peace "was raised, when there was no peace- when Christ had declared war. The deifving of self could not be harmon izel with the worship of God. ~ Mr Starr referred to the fact of this having created the dividions in the church to-day. He deprecated as a low ideal of religion and worship the circumstance of people joining an® other church because dancing and cand playing were qut- discountenanc ed, Referring to Lent, he pointed out that it was a time for the uplifting of the soul. Members of the Church of England were required to observe it by the tents of their faith, and their neglect 'of it was a misfortune, They could not be held in high regard by other, Protestant bodies who did not believe in the season of Lent and were not required - to observe it. If they neglegipd the Lenten sermons and du ties, it was patting self before God. A Lotal Sherlock Holmes. "And so you were at the post office this afternoon and mailed a parcel," remarked a citicen last night to a friend "Great goodness, yes, but how do you know 7' exclaimed the latter; thinking that he had run across & second Sherlock Holmes. He bad been there to be sure, but he knew his friond had not been out of the office all the afternoon, and that no one would aver think to tell him such a thing. "That's 8 easy, replied the citizen cally. "Just put two and two to gether and it makes four every time, unloss they're two-pound packages of a grocery store. Now they're white washing the ceiling of the post-office, and it's the only ceiling in the city that is being whitewashed. Toke off hat and look at the big white drops on it. Some on your shoulder, too. Where could you have got ten it but at the post-office 1" "Prue, very time," declared fiend, wiped the white off on his coat "But how do you know | mailed a parcel ? It might been a letter was a parcel. You would not have gotten so much whitewash spill ed on you had you not and stood before the general delivery wi ket to find out how much the parcel weighed The ators wera works all afternoon tly that ¥ ARV your else his as he sleeve have gone decor ing direc over place isn't it? A Kingstonian As An Editor. Herbert J. Newman, Newman, of the aml A former compositor ston News office, Gladstone, Man ' and manager Of the Gladstone neatly printed and bright little week: ly sheet. Mr. Newman writes that the winter there has been an excep: tionally fine ene, with no snow to speak of, Gladstone, he says, is one of those thriving western towns that grow by leaps and bounds. The Great Northern railway company, which is extending its lines in every section of the provinee, has recéntly erected a plengid new depot at Gladstone. The business portion of the town is being rapidly built up. Nearly all the resi dences and stores are of new white brick, which gives the town a bright, clean - - appearance. The postmaster js an old Kingstonian--a Mr. Rose, who used to be in the boot and shoe busi- ness in Kingston son of William Inn cottages in the King located at he is editor trove is where OW Age. a Married In Belleville. At Belleville, on Tuesday evening, a pretty wedding took place at the resi dence of James Moueck, Vietoria avenue, when his second daughter, Miss Lillian Fayetta,- was united in marriage to Herbert. Clute Gibson, son of Stephen Gibson, registrat, of Na panee. - The wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. Ci. E. Mclatyre, of Napanee, in the presence of about for ty guests, The bride was gowned in white duchess satin under white or gandie, trimmed with satin ribbons, She carried a shower bouquet of white carnations. Her sister; Miss May Mouck, was bridesmaid. She car- vied un shower bouquet of pink . and white carnations and was in pearl grey, trimmed with white silk greng- dine. B. J. Gibson, brother of the groom, was the groomsman. The new ly married couple left om a trip to Toronto, London and Hamilton, thence proceeding to their future home at Calgary Boston Lyric Dpera Company. The Toronto Globe says : "The Bos ton lyric opera company, in their first 'appearance at the Grand opera house made a favorable impression in 'Tl Trovatore.' All the principals have pleasing voices and sing with com: mendable earnestness and interest io their work. It can be framkly stated that the company gave a more eb jovable performance and a more hon est interpretation of the opera than many organizations that have been heard in the city for higher price." "II Trovatore" will be af the Grand on Monday next. ------------ Here Is A Pointer. lave' you cold - hands and feet, chills; pains in the back ! Tf so your boon i impoverished snd your con stitation ran down.' fron Tone Pills will positively restore « perfect health, Ax a blood maker and merve strengths enor they are smequelles. Each box eon tains seven dave' trvataent. Pries at Weda'n rag wtore. BT. A Cause of Headache One Very Common Cause Gener« ally YversLosked. fendach pion tion wr liver any rat se of sch werrh causes a prompt headaches Thure is at present wo treatment for on atarrh i» Ue most common headaches and the cure of the disappearonce ol tarrh so sonveriont wind effective as Stuart » a oew inkernal remedy smposed of antiseptics like ahi guaiacol amd blood afot which act upon the blood and cause the slimingtion of the catarrhal Retson 4 from the system through the satural chanel in iiss Cora Kinky, 8 Sitlinent - school in obe our we wihools, speaks Cy with catarrbal headaches and ewlogizes Stuart's arth Talilets as a eurh for them. She mys laily from severe frontal hesilache --- pin in and bhcki of the eves, at times so Witonsely os 10 ne fade we io my daily duties 1 hal suffered from catarrh more or Jess for vears, but. bever tought it was the cause of my headaches, but finally became tonvinoed that such was the sas' Locause the hesinches Were always worsd whenever | had a cold or fresh ' attack ol catarrh "Stuart's Catarrh Tablets wre highly recommended th me as a sale and pleasant csrarch cure and alter uring a lew Afty-cent boxes which 1 procured fram my druggists { wos surprised and delighwsd to find that both the eatarrh and headaches bad gone for good." Ktuart's Catarrh Tablets are sold by drug gists at fifty cemth per package under the inarantee of the proprietors that thay oon tain absolutely no cocaine (hound in so many eatarrh curse), no opium (s0 common ih choup ough cures), nor any harmful drag They eontuin simply the wholwome antisepr tics mecessary 1% destroy pnd deive from the system the wermns of catarrhel dscns Serres "Your The Doctor' 1t's for you to decide what kind of coal you want, Swift's Is the best and costs no n ore than other bicds, JAMES ' SWIFT § a0. ; } Sora : fam nd Se... HONEST COAL. Coal that will give you the full value of your money in the only Wind we sil. The hind that jo clean all the way through---is which evety pany you pay eovsis foo warmth and eombort. Conl for grates, slack burners, and stoves of every Kind. All kinds of Wood and Kinde linge. 3 Foot of Queen St.--"Fhone 9. A COSY