§ & VanCOMYEr, i. sien nadian Pacific Railways. Commencing March (st and Until April SPECIAL -- COLONIST ~ RATES NORTH PACIFIC COAST and KOOTE. NAY POINTS. $46.05, 1843.55. 1$43.05 OnesWay Second-Class EXCURSIONS Manito and Capsdiom North West Will leave every TUESDAY during MARCH mes APRIL, if sufficient business offers Puli particulars at K & P. wed CP. R joket Ofos, Ontario Street , CONWAY, ¥. A. FOLGER, JR Gen. Pass. Agt Jen. Supt E BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR Tweed, Napanes, Deseronic) asd all local pointe Train leaves City Hall Depot at 4 wm. RJ. WILSON, C.P.R. Telegraph Of Wes, Clarence Sizes. REIT SPECIAL COLONIST RATES. IN EFFECT MARCH Ist to APRIL 30th. To British Columbia, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, etc. ngouyER $46.05 PORTLAND NELSON and ROSSLAND SPOKANE, Wa, BUTTE, Mont., and HELINA, Ment. SETTLERS' LTORIA i LE AND J POKANE, Wash, » UTTE, Ment., - 1 HELENA, . | $42.05. BETTLERS' WAY SECOND CLASS EXCURSIONS Misitobn and Conmdbian North West, will eave every TUESDAY dur ing MARCH AV IL, suflicient bush toss ollors, For full pasioulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passr. Depot. wd & DOMINION LINE. Mall Steamships. Liverpool Service FROM PORTLAND. es March 1st, FEO «ohio . Steamers marked ! do not Carry pass sengers, hat -_ % a i olor upward; retura oon, #85, d Eins, 2s Thin i; FROM MONTREAL. - veers May 3rd. Domislom, «cstv co May 17th, FROM BOSTON. New England, .. i... March Sth, Commonwealth, March 20th. NEW SERVICE Po*23 Sn Mediterranean. Cambroman, April 9th and May 21st. . wleotrio light, spacious Ton Ral: J. P. Gildersleeve, RRA gu 3 Sree -BER MUDA.. =HE NOW FAR-FAMED BERMUDAS, WITH Lables commuiiontion and sousble winter ty degre conery and 100 miles of good r the British army and pavy, is ite attractivenses, be firs iron Swamers THIN or SRETORIA in forty-eight hours frum New York. Suilings every five dave this winter, The islands, fhalutfing ST. THOMAS, BANTA CRUZ. 8ST. KITTS, MARTINIQUE, T. LUCIA BARBADOER AND DEMERARA, afford besutilyl sod interesting tours, bv steamsbics of the Quabeo Sheamehip Cuirpany. from, New York. Fl descriptive pampliias and dates of sailing " EMILIUS OUTERBRIDGE $ Bre my, New York: J. J.P. GILDERSLEEVE, ARTHUR AHERN, secre rr ($43.55.] Diamond Dycs Give Surprising Resulls, [IN 'THE 'SPORTING ARENA. | NOTES FROM ALL QUARTERS HOCKEY STILL ON. All Garments and Materials Made 10 | cornwall Gives Its Side of The: Look as Good as New. Peor-noh fora moment imagine that because goonis are colored over with Biamord Dyes that they will look shabby or old. When Diamond Dyes arc used, your garments or goods, be they heavy or light, will have 'the fires iness of new materials," and their bright and beautiful colors cannot - be surpassed by anything direct from the dry goods store. With a litile care in following the diregtions for using the dyes, and thoroughness in pressing the goods, you will he delighted with the periect success following the use of Diamond Dyes. Have vou seen the pretty designs im Diamond Dyve Mat and Rug Patterns ? Ii not, send a postal eard with your address, and the Wells & Richardson (o., limited, 200 Mountain street, montreal, P.Q., will mail you free of cost sheets of designs to choose from. AND. , NERVE PILLS FOR WEAK PEOPLE. AND THOSE TROUBLED WITH Ipitation, Th bi ting of fhe sg ples y hortness reath, istrags mothering xertion Spasms or Pain th Wu, he 1 d 3 figs; morbid Cofdnion of the RO ty A feat OF pe Loss of Appetite, eto. Remember Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure the worst cases after other remedies fall, Laxa-Liver Plils sure Constipation. ollie SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned and endorsed '"Ten- ders for purchase of Dredge Hull," will be received at this office until Monday next, the 3rd of March, in- clusively, for the purchase of an old dredge hull, now lying at Kingston Foundry dock, in the city of King ston, Ont. DESCRIPTION. Hull built of white oak and pine; Length, 64 feet; width, 25 feet. Depth, 6 feet, 6 inches, Housing, 20 feet by 43 feet. Any information required can - be obtained at the office of E. B. God- win, public works department, Otte: wa, from Capt. D. Matheson, Dredge Nipissing, Kingston. Payment to be made as soon as ten- der is accepted and the hull to be re moved from present location immedi ately on the opening of navigation, The department does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender. ° By order, FRED. GELINAS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, February 10th, 1902. Newspapers inserting this advertise ment without authority from the De- partment will not he paid for it. or ; Liv 1 and A e Londonderry. R | Mail Steamers. « 24th Feb. RATES OF PASSAGE, Reem St. John, 'From Halifax Tonian, 158 5 pu we 17th Feb Pretorian, Fob Tunisian, dag ward March. Corinthiag; wt wd Oth March, First rete, $48 and upwards; re Prem New York te Glasgow, 220d ¥ anal . w is the time to have your Waggons, Carriages 1épaired and and the place to get them dons is at LATURNEY'S, where every thing is done unde his own supervision. BRICK DWE i, 120 ICK_DWRLLING, 1 WILL BE, Brick Fé modern Al condi on BARRIE . 1h ape Boathon; Also other Swelling, J. 8. R. MeCunn, Rs i : : REA IN. ABOUT 10 DAYS, Ag ey St, 11 Rooms, 5 thon, the Park. offices. rosichmor, 20 ck petite. on who. dropped in Game With Wellingtons--Babe- | line Not Likely to be in Baces. L "Lis waid the game of ninepins was i played in Egypt 5,400 vears ago. Perth and Smith's Falls hockey teas may play here next week with Frontenaecs. Canadian owners have nimerous no- minations in the Boston tountry club st AES Mclaren will likely replace Worts as Wellingtons' centre with McKay, 'in the final match with Cornwall. By defeating Newmarket 6 to 3 Peterboro ~ enters. the intermediate finals of the O.H.A. with Galt. 'The Enghsh cricketers touring in Indies won their match against all Jamaica by an innings wand 139 rans. : In the excitement of the ladies' hoo key contest, ma one seems to have noticed the proverbial size of the Belleville girls' feet. The local bankers were unable to play their hockey match at the King ston rink last might as there was too much water on the ice, ' Kir Charles Hibbert Tupper is play- ing in the Vancouver ping-pong tour- nament. The dear hoy will be more successful in that than in politics. Babeline, Dr. Abbott's fast trotting rare, retuned home yesterday. She did not start in the Carthage, N. Y., vaces, as the track' was considered un-' satisfactory. Ebglaud defdated Freland in 'the in- ternational rughy match by two tries to a 'try. The weather "was stormy and the fied covered with snow, but about 10,000 spectators were atl the match. Ottawa hockey team is really ' the best: in the ~ Québec union: It has made a 'grand finish, defeating both Montreal abd Vietorias on Montreal ice. The Ottawas want to ehallenge jor the Stanley cup on the stiehigth of being - Quebec champions last year. (inndaur's injury will necessitate the withdrawal of the Canadian jour-oar od crew, of which he was to be the stroke, from the professional regatta to be held this summer in England, unless Durnan, Hackett and Johnston can find some one able to fll his place. The Kingston public will be disap- pointed if Babeline, . the phenomenal trotting mare, does not start in the coming ice races. Babeline is eligible to start in the 2.30. class, but this class has not been placed on the local pro- gramaie, and it is not likely that she will start in the 2.20 class. The foul strike under which the na- tional baseball league players labor- ed last year had g big influence on the | Opieions of 'Dr.Chase, His Well- Knowa Recript Book: snd Fa- "mous. Fam:ly 'Remedies, as "Expressed hy "Persotis "Who Atteaded the Great Free Dis tribution. Esteemied on Account of the Great Good He Has Ac- 'complished For His Fellow 'Beings. There was little time for conversa: tion at the distribution of Dr. Chase's Nenve Food the other day, for it was necessary for the erowd to keep mov- ing in Order to tnmhke way for mew ar- rivals. A Sew, however, found : time to drop & good:-word for br. Chase's Ointment, = Dr. Chase's Kidmuey-Liver Pills or Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin seed 'and Turpeutine; snd very many stated "that they could scarcely keep without Dr. Chase's receipt book. One lady said that for the past five years they had not been without Dr. Chase's Symp --of Linseed and: Tur- peutine, in the hbuse, as a safeguard against , 'whoopiag cow and bronchitis. She said that her atten- tion was fest called able value of this remedy when her little giel was yery low with bronchi- tis. inion it saved the child's life, and e does not believe that there is any mle oe fa so for oo 8 a co! as Dr. Chan's Syrup of Linseed and for "dwelt on the wonderful con- Dr; Chase's Ointment has 3 and protrading ne siting, pitching and nig tecords! Td number of strike outs secured by the pitchers cut down aggregate chances of the fielders, and the 'spectators were probably deprived of witnessing many spectacular plays: At the instigation of the bishop of Hereford an enquiry is being conduct: ed hy a committee of the house of | fords into "the evils arising from the fnereasa of public betting among peo ple of all classes, and if*possible to devise remedies for the evils occasion ed thereby." It has been admisthd by every person: who has given evidence | before the commitiee that betting can- not be suppressed. Montreal Herald : Here is where Toronto is getiibg in its hottest par cel of prayers, You see, they haven't got ice, and they don't want ige, for shen they'll claim the O.H.A. cham- pionship from Comwall.. It's another case of Shylodk, When they're asked {or iee they ery out '1 see it mot 'im | the bond." Cornwall suggests that the finel game be. played in' Kmgston, since the weather in the warm city off JHanlan's lele requires. tennis suits and jane and not hockey sticks. Again comes the wail "The bond, the' bom. It's not so writ in the bond." Corn- wall is lucky if they get that match played. ---- Perfecting The Arrangement. The 'horsemen met last évening at the Provintial Botel. Tt was reported | that 'the' city engineer Had laid out the track on the ice, and jnstructioms werd given to 'hive "the track scraped to-day. PF. Whitney has gone to Wa- tertown, N.Y." and will advertise the ride meet nll along the "tine, as well as try ébd secure some Horses for the events here. I€ was also reported that the Horses Antoine, Deveras, Sid: ney Poirter and "Amelia would enter in' {he free-for-all. ~~ Andther meeting will be' hela = Friday night at the Windsor hotel. Over has béen stibséribed. Belleville, Oh, Belleville ! Poor. Belleville! She sent forth her ice maidens, and behold them gone to destruction, Yea, verily, they were like grass that springs upin the morning. for in the evening they saw their. finish. Vanity of vanities, all is vanity ! For their feet . did wabble like those of a man who has "smiled" 100 often, and were slow to make headway, Surely in vein was the net spread out in. their sight. They wink el with the eve, they hung their roof ing down their backs to try-and ap- pear. youthful in years, "but their trickery failed. They should practice the art of the needle and the frying pan,' instead of the eluding rubber. fut the Kingston maidens, what of them ! Their wayss are ways of plea santness and all their paths ave peace, When they - go, their steps are straitened and, when they run they do pot stamble. They ponder the path of their feet, and turn mot te the right hand nor te the leit--and woe to the Helleville girl who stands in the way. And as to that place called Belleville .whoso in simple let him turn in hither. But he knoweth not that the dead are there, and that the place is like unto a tomb, The Cornwall Side. Montreal "Héruld. Following is a letter which has been received Cormwall, 'and is pub- jished as' received without comment : Sporting - Editor Herald : Sir, ~In the interest of our national winter sport, and to "show the pecu- liar manner the Torontos "have of winning their matches, we ask you 'to publish the "following item for = which we ean vodeh, 'This convérsation was overheard: in the van taking the (vic rotons) Wellingtons to t G.T.R. station after they © had defeated the Cornwalls by « score of four to three wn the first of 'the series of home-and- home matches for the championship of Ontario : Schovley, the referee (a Toranto man) from the front of the van calls out: "Are you there, McKay (captain of the Wellingtons) *" "Yes, from 'the vear of the van, "I am: here, Schovley; what's' wanted ?"' "Well, 'Mac, you can just about thank 'me for winning to-night's match for you." And "he certainly told the truth once.~Yours truly; FAIR PLAY. 'WON BY NAPANEE. Rockwood Curlers Defeated -- Struck by Falling Ice. N Fela. 275A very interesting and fought game of carling, the last in the Quinte league series, was played in the Napanee vink yesterday aiternoon, between the Rockwoods, of Kingstom, and the home team; resalt- tog ina win for the bome teum by: one shot. At the close of the game the store stood & tie. Jn'the play off Na- pasties won ome shot and lost one shot, tying again. In the A end Nipanee won two and lost one, win ning by one shot. The following are the teams : son, Potter, skip~13. + Rink No. 2. ean DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TRURSDAY, FESRUARY 97. ------ ' TO BE HELD IN SYDENHAM STREET CHURCH. The Arrangements Made For The | Parent | Celebration in The ChurebeFive Thousand Dol- lars To Be Raised. Kingston, Peb. 27. In your issue of ! yesterday you made referenge 10 our | coming jubilee sexyices. As there were some errors in detes, ete. snd as many no doubt will be pleased to have definite information kindly per- wit this brief outline : The Sundays for our jubilee services will be March 16th and 23rd, Rev Dr. Briggs, Toronto, will preach 'on spetial pdilee S vy, March 16th ; and 'Rev. Dr. Rose; Ottawa, 'president of Montreal conference . on March 2rd, A be held that evening at which emin- ent visitors, Omnte re of this church, with others," will speak. On Friday evening, March idth. the Sunday school will give a grand ju- bilee entertaimment. . ' - On Monday evening, March 17th, the julsitee Damquet and public platform meeting will be held. This will be an evening - of very great interest. His wotwhip the mayor will be asked to preside and prominent laymen and ministers will give addresses. On Wednesday evening, March 19th, there will be held in this, the old parent chaitch, a union love feast of all' the Methodist chigrches of the city. A 'jubilee' memorial fund 'of at least 25,000 is being raised, thé object of which is threefold: (1) To wipe out the floating debt; (2) to thoroughly renovate ' the church internally and externally; (3) the balance, after these objects are met, to apply to the mortgage. The spirit of co-operation is" "most cheering and alreatly over #3.000" has been subscribed. A jubilee memorial souvenir is' be ing prepared which will contain a brief history of Kingston Methodism froin the beginning, also appropriate photogravares. It will be a very valu able and intéresting record. The concert to which you referred will not be given in view of the other important gatherings. We anticipate the coming jubilee to fnark a hew eérd in the Upward life of this old historic church,-- J PRILY A CHICAGO LETTER. Events Occurring In The Windy City. Chicago, Feb. 25.--The city has been alive this week with the spirit of Washington méwmotial, and that spirit culminated on Saturday, February 22nd, the anniversary day, when the various meetings and 'receptions of clubs + and societies, and the many speeches of promingat. men guve evidence of that true hiitense American patriotism for which the average citi son of the United States is remark able. Many industrial and commercial ¢s- tablishments over the city suspendod bysiness for the whole day, while thou- sand of offices, spores and factories closed at noon Among the exhibit tions of ¥espect' for "the father of his country could be seer thousands. of the stars and stripes. floating gaily from the tops of buildings through the business district, while the store win- dows variably showed to the passer by that the business man" was hot to be outdone hy amy of 'his neighbors Such window displays also tend to cater to the changeability of Ameri can temper, for nothing is so effective as public sentiment in tabooing a citi- zen who shows any dedided tendency to disloyalty 'or disrespect to Amerr enn jstitutions; hence, if for no other thay business reasons, 'every State street merchant ig anxious on such ve cations to créate a favorable impres gion " dpon 'the "dense 'things that blacken the busiest thoroughfare of the metropolis. But it is only just to say that with very few exceptions all are actuated by a real desire to join in the general expréssion of the public. _ Typical" of Whe énthwinsm shown in the Washington celebration was the reception held in the morbing at the auditorinm at which the Union league club, one of the wealthiest, and per hiape, the most popular of the business men's 'clubs of the city, entertained J, 000: pupils of Clieago's' high' schools. Of the several erations delivered (here that of Prof. H.-L. Willett, of she university of ~ Chicago, was especially effective. Ameng other things be said that from such lives us "Wash ington and Lincoln, - a mation con- straets its standards of individual and corporate behavior, "These ideals of Wonor, courage, ~ efication; "Nberty, righteotisniss, 'and Brave patriotism" he "said, "are the "enduring legacy which 'great national exbinples be yueath to the genérations that follow. Our fathers were wen of strength and wisdom, worthy of "all venération. Happy are we in having "Such wires, thrice "Kl if to them we prove worthy" chiliren."" This universal celebration in' respect for a great statesman is & striking ob- ject lesson to any mation. The doings of the city; on this anniversary day typical of the intehwity 'of Ameridan life and -of the gemtiheness of ~~ Ameri- sentiment, © and represents that which is best in the progressive life of the nation. " "HAROLD MORTIMER. gospel platiorm service may i i eee ers idney Troubles of Women. | Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets the Most Suc- cessful Treatment of There are so many women suffer | 1g trom backache, headache, drag- { ging'pain in the loins, and weary, i"wornsont feelings, who attribute all | their "troubles to some. form of { ¥' ferpale complaint." Nine cases | out of ten the kidneys are-at fault, QU should filter out of the blood are strenlating through the gystem and making havoe with the health, No woman ean enjoy good health and be free from pain whose kid- rieys are Tob acting properly. No'woman whose kidfeys are out of 'order can afford to delay one day in proenring Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tahlefa, Ng other: medicine ever received #uch® overwhelming " endorsation from the women of Canada. and the poisons which these organs | Kidney Alments That Cause Women Untold. Suffering. TRS A LAST RESORT. Mrs. May Goddard, 332 Adelaide Stroet West, Toronto; whose portrait appears on the oppesite column, Speaks in follow. "had, in Lhe vst ©0, Wile ping in small of "snd was losing Sesh rapidly. Them other cam : which so welkened m¥ | it was gly with the greatest dnigunt of determi that I ecwld attend to my work. I Fed & riupiber of remedios and consulted several i without ) more than general health improved gr now Jeling fing, and am glad to Siplr ¥ of expressing m reciation 0 Vane pL whepr J ya BACKACHE AND WEADACHE. A. Crai Lighthouse Street, | with a severe headache which continued to worse. I heard of the many cures br. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets L were making and determined to try them 1 procured a bottle from our dragiiet, Mr. P.M. Dunham, and they seted splendidly, stopping the backache and che and curing the kiduty complaint. I ly recommend these Tablets toany one suler ing as I did." " Mra.' John Wiseman, Woodham Street, "During & recent sharp attack of Tumbago, duetoetposure to cold, T'used Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidaey Tablets with complete relief. did wos use the entire bottle, which speaks well for their ability 10 curo backache kiduey troubles." That trouble and mules from the rear. buy cheap "POISONOUS" only at 75 AND 77 PRINCESS ST. The best isthe cheapest. Money refunded within days if not as guaranteed. SH rr Pe -- KINGSTON? ~TORONTO. & price together you may have such an opportunity for another 12 months. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 60 and 71 Brock Street, Kitchen (er) Reports. PE ~The Last Week of Our Special Prices on Enamelled Kitchen Ware. Discard - the heavy black pots and pans and invest in gome-of our FAMOUS WARE at prices that are Below 20 Regular. Considering - quality « and not should never be approached You are approaching all kinds of trouble when you Enamel Wiare. Try a sin. gle piece of "STRANSKY" for a sample. To be had ELLIOTT BROS., 0 IN. ORDER TO INTRODUCE THE B. &H. Wve We Will Selt 8 for $1 Cash «Hor 10 Days Daly. RR iit