RAw WINDS : ANDi WET WEATHER cause the Colds that cause Rusumonis and Consett Shiloh's Consumption Cure , heals the Jungs sad ma Jou et heer 5 hs and Colds in a day. Positively guaranteed, 25cents. . A --------------------------------------------=---------- - Write to 8. C. WzLLs & Co,, Torouto, cures the { COLLECTOR GRIPPE NADIANS DRIVEN OUT. IVEY OUSTED THEM FROM ALASKA. Stopped Pelagic Sealing--Treasury Department Ordered Him To Reseind Orders, but He De- clined. Wadhington, secretary Feb. 2i- ol the treasury unciicial iniormation to thut J. W. Lkvey, collector customs at Sitka, had instracted his Unalaska not td permit presumably sbout to enghge in pelagic sealing. to obs tain supplies at that port. The col lector was directed to send a state ment of the facts to the department and was informed that if such orders had been given they must be rescind- ed Ihe department received a tele gram from Ivey to-day, saying : My instructions were not against vessels engaged in alleged seal fish- ing. hat against Canadian vessels. ac tually engaged in pelagic sealing, which is illegal and erimi n committed within the marine ic- tion of the United States. If ¢ is an ameient treaty between the United States amd Great Britain by which iritish subjects can commit depreda- tions, destroying American property and depleting our revenue tens of thousands of dollars annually, while onr citiens are denied these privileg- es, the sooner sawh treaty is shrogat ed the better. Your solicitude regarding interna: tional complications with Great Bri- tain need couse you no uneasiness, as the poaching season is mot yet op- ened, Your mew collector will arrive in time to enforce your orders. My Sone tne re the of ago in cary ed deputy at Canadian vessels, The active business man is just as liable to take cold as anybody--and because he feels he cannot afford to "lay up" with it, he neg- lects it--and a neglected cold leads only to Grippe-- and Orippe to the open ve, UWANTA GRIPPE CAPSULE nips a cold in the bud--you feels its good effects in a jiffy, and it cures like magic ~10 need of laying up--it heals while you work. F. 44 Walsh, ma 1 "7% always curry i", wants Ca les with me, and ou the rot sign a cold 1 take twe and hat settles it--I never have a cold, because this little wonder worker wards them off." AT YOUR DRUAGIST'S--25 CENTS A FUROR MAILED DIRECT BY UWANTA MFG CO. Led, Otewe, Ont. Burdock prominent Ottawa i Mrs. James Care, UmlFaville, Hastings Co., Ont,, says: "ity little boy, two and & half years old, was in a terrible con- great deal from busband bought a of Bitters for him ve it to him, and by the time he had bottle there was not a Mr, Oliver J. Murray, Charlottetown, P.E.L, writes as follows: **About six months ago 1 was troubled with boils, for which 1 bottle co rid me of boils, and my health was sever better tun at present. The Toronte © "General Trasts Corporation Office and Safe Deposit Vaults. 99 YONGE STREET, TORONTO Capital, Reserve Funda 81,C 00,000 880,000. President SORN MOSKIN, Q.0., LLD. | View-Presidents EON. 8. 0. WOOD, W. H. BEATTY, Esq. IR, Managing Direstor § ger has Ameri will not allow me to re- scind an order which gives British subjects privileges within our marine jurisdiction which are denied our own people. 3 There is another matter that may attract your attention. | have recent- ly issued orders to the deputy of Skagway, a copy of which has been sent you, which has put the Cana dian officers located there out of busi ness and sent them to Their own ter ritory. You are aware of the fact that the chiel Canadian officer there became so offensive that he interfered with the American officers in the discharge of their official duties, opened United States customs mail, dominated over railway officials; discriminated in the order of shipment in favor of certain merchandise against that shipped from Seattle, estabhshed a Canadian quar- antine at Skagway, collected moneys and performed other acts of British sovereignty in a port of the United States, such as hoisting with brava- do the Cross of St. George from the flagstafi of his eustom house. I have sent the concern. bag, bag- gage, flag and other paraphernalia flying out of the country. You may fear the shadow of international com plications and rescind this order, but a Reed, an Olney, or a Blaine would not DEAR PROVISIONS. Cost of Living in the Klondyke is High, So Galt Lady Writes. A Gait lady at Dawson City, writ ing to tocuds at home, bas this to ay of the gost of provisions at the niomlyke capital : Welt, "here tam in Dawson Civy, h wonderful, and avout the most 'wonderful' thing I hind, is the tre mendous price you bave to pay lor everything. 1 went shopping to-day ami bere is the price list of a few tnings : Fitty pounds of potatoes, ¥7.- a; a teakettle, $3; tive-quary pail, $l.- divhpan, $2.25; broom, $1.25; an ordinary china bowl, §2; rocking chair, $10; half dozen cups and sauc- ers, 85% a small loaf of bread, 25¢.; butter, T8¢. per pound; tea, $1 per pound; coflee; $1 -- per pound. Every known vegetable is grown here, and I am getting wsed to paying 82 for a cabbage head, 25¢. for a cucumber, He, a pound for tomatoes, 23c. a head for lettuce, two bunches radish- es, 2c; sausage, 50c. a lb; cheese, 75¢. a lb; soda biscuits, 75¢. a box; oranges, $1.00 a doz; two little cans of cream, $1, and I never anywhere saw such tempting displays of meat, fish, poultry and canned goods. There are huge cooked meats, fowls, fish, ducks, (wild), all decora- ted wh lobsters and shrimps. Ice Broke A Window. This forenoon the ice on the rool of George Mills" Bat. store came in "a reat slide to the pavement. One arge piece struck a wire and bound: ed through plate glass window of the store. The ice was over a foot in thickness, and had anyone been struck by the deluge he would cer- tainly have been killed. Thomas Me Avley, who owns the store, had fo insurance on the window. There are many other roofs guile unsafe to walk under, owing to the ice not having been removed. ---------------- Two More Dogs Poisoned. Twe wore dogs were found dead this morning in the vicinity of the court house, i about twenty in all that have been poi in that local ity in less than that many months, all being valuable snimels. F. A. Fol- offered 'a reward of $25 for in an Jeading to the identity of the person guiliy. of the. offence. All the doge died of i i ing two former members of the house of delegation and two millionaire brewers of 5t. Louis, Cigar Killed By Paper ; ) ~¥ Bluffton, Ind, Feb. worning for | test and west, It THE UNION DISBANDED. > | WIFE WAS Because The Strike Money Not Paid. The local union of railway | en asbanded hex ass | led the mem i the umion was | would * street employees has be { umlair treatment (ne condition en ob sinke, from headquarters mbers, when asked for which was not fortheom- inded That there pporting pot full its strike of was on at Louis, 'an apiiihl was made to the Kingsion union r assistance, and the © twenty five members contributed #1 each and forwarded the money to St. Louis. Ii there is any means of reorganizing under a Canadian union, the local street railway men will like ly: combine again, as thev realize the 'strength of union. William Kelly, organizer for the Am erican federation of labor, was seen this morning and askea us to why the street railway men bad not received their strike pay from headquarters. He replied in these words : "When the strike was on here, the headquarters' stafi sent to Kingston Daniel Dilworth, chairman of the gen eral executive boat, to try and bring shou) "a 'satisfactory settlement --he- tween the railway men and the com- ny. On account of the position he held, 'Mr. Dilworth was the highest guthority on ' the question of strike pay. So I said to him one day in the umion hall, the strikers. having asked me to do so, 'Brother Dilworth, the boys have asked me to #peak to you about their strike pay; when will it be forthcoming'? He asked that the answer to my question be left in abeyance for twenty-four hours. I re- plied that such a small matter need not give him any worry, that he might let it stana for forty-eight hours if necessary. - Well, the twenty- four hours passed, and so did the for ty-eight hours, and an answer was not forthcoming. Five months pass- ed, and word came to the effect that on account of the heavy drafts on the funds, no more strike pay would paid out, until such time as the de pletéd treasury had been reimbursed, The logal men, so I am told, thereup on refused to pay any further assess ments and allowed their charter to lapse." bers. ol out » this ing was organization that TL hen street rauway money they then con not any « an dud i we big ovees ts 1 be TO BE PLAYED OVER. Result of Consideration of Napa- nee Protest Against Deseronto. The executive of the Quinte district hockey league met at Napanee last night to consider the protest of the Napanee club against the game jluy ed in Deseronto a week ago of the Napanee men, Lake, was laid out by - Rorke, of Deseronto. and the manager 'of the Napanee team called his men off, claiming that there was a conspiracy to also "lay out" an other Napanee player. The protest claimed that Rorke should be ruled out of the league and the game awarded to Napanee. After gu lengthy discussion it was de tidedd to censure Rorke, and to order that the game rlayed aver on De seronto ice, if available, and if not, at Releville, the date to be arranged by the managers of the Napanee and De seronto clubs, Hae be Increasing The Number. This morning dog bailiff Conley added two more canines to his stock the dog pound, making a total of thirteen now in captivity. Yesterday & 'veterinary destroyed twelve, and it i=, felt that a majority of tae ani mals now in captivity will go the way of all flesh at an early date. If the present record is maintained more than double the number of animals destroyed last year will be chloro formed this year. Baldwin Works' Anniversary. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb, 27. --The Bal dwin locomotive works, the largest establishment of its kimd in the work, to-day celebrated the seventieth an niversary of its foundation by the late Matthias W. Baldwin. One of the features of the anniversary was the Sompintion of the twenty thousandth finished engine turned out by the works. This locomotive is of the most modem high speed nger type and was built. for the Plant system. They Caned Him. Yesterday 'afternoon the employees of Livingston Bros'. tailoring estab- lishment presented the retiring cut ter, J. J. Crawford, with an appreci ative address and a gold-headed cane, suitably inscribed. he presentation was made by Frank Copk, on bebalf of 'his fellow-amployees. Mr. Craw- ford nade a suitable reply, stating that the best of relations had existed among them and hoping that they would still continue. at The Case Adjourned. At the police court thia morning Mrs" Harris, Barrie street, had her hushaned, John Harris, arraigned on a charged of assault. The evidence of Mrs. Harris and another witness was token, alter which the case was ad jowrned for one day in order to sum- mon other witnesses. Arrested To Dey. This morning police' constables Me- garry and Aiken arrested a young man named David J: Marshall, who is wanted at Brandon, Man. for theft. Marshall was found in a dwelling on. ihper Johnstan street early this morning ---------- One Ton Of Mail Malter Over one ton of mail matter was t. Tt kept the staff pret- it. The mails this exceptionally large. . To Build Four Engines. ty busy week have been - Sergt. Maj. "Hagan, ANC, on a rectuiting Gip, will Le home next DAILY "WHI, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27. g p---------------------- BADLY - BURNT ------ TURCOTTE THEN TOOK DOSE OF CARBOLIC ACID. Died In a Police Station Whither He Was Taken After Being Secured in Garret of The House: Montreal, Fels. 27 He At 2 am., to isn farcotte, veterinary sur threw a tighted lamp at his and her clothes took fire. She badly burned that she will Hkely Turcotte then took a dose of carbolic acid and crawled into a garret. Upon being found by the po lice he was taken to the police sta tion, where he soon died. Furcotté went home - last night in- toxicated and on awakening at 2 a.m commenced quarrelling with his wile, and ended the agreement as deseribed above, They resided at 67 St. Andre street. The Quebec branch of the dominion alliance met to-day And a resolution was introduced with the object of of fering what assistance it ean 10 the Untario beanch in its contest for pro- bikition and against the Ross referen- dum. The resolution hgs not yet been acted upon. * F. Sise, president of the Dell telephone company, has been elected a member of the Canadian board of the North British aod Mercantile insur ance company. That company has also decided to re-construct ita head office building in this city and add two storeys, D. D. Maun, of Mackenzie & Mann, railway contractors, was in court to" day and gave evidence in the case of Ryan and McDonald against his firm. Some days ago Mr. Mann was called and did not appear and contempt proceedings were threatened against Lim, but the lawyers for the prosecu- tion withdrew the matter to-day. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, lore We wai 50 Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounns. Hats for spring wear. ~Bibby's. (learge H. Lamigan, Hamilton, is a vicitor in the city. The Ontario legislature to adjourn next week. Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson, anoque, spent to-day in the city. Fresh = caught codfish, not frozen, cut in steaks at Carmovsky's. How would you like to be the ma- chine agent 7? There's millions in it. Farmers are preparing for sugar making, which will begin next week. Principal Grant still sojourning in Toronto. He will not likely be home till next week. [Rome of the city streets are almost devoid of snow, and wheels could be used to advantage Mrs. Gilbert Johnston, Montreal, is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. R. J, McKelvey Hon. William Harty and John Car son are in Toronto in the interests of is expected Gan the local electric railway bill Major Galloway's tion, 14th regiment, has poned until next Tuesday night. John Daly, Rideau street, has sold for # good figure his trotting mare Julia D. to J. Asselstine, Verona. Frederick Lapum, Napanee, ill in the general gospital for some weeks, left that institution to-day for home. A fresh stock of ciscoes, kippers and hloaters, received to-day at Carnov sky's fish market I'hree barrels of saverkront were of fered for sale on the market this morn ing by a Pittsburg township farmer The board of works met this after noon at four o'clock and the water works committee at hali past four R. J. Reid, undertaker, has . pur chased in the west a splendid team of black horses. They are one of the finest spans in the city. Mr: and Mrs. J. B. Walkem returned this afternoon from Schenectady, N Y. The condition of Mrs. MeMullen, their niece, is much improved. All that's new in hats. Bibby'se Subscriptions for the Grant convo cation hall aré coming in from as far west as the Pacific coast. "This morn ing 8150 came from Vancouver, B.C Arriving every morning at Carnov- sky's, young enions, lettuce, radish- es, parsley, rhubarb and celery. Aunt Jemima extends a gordial in- vitation to all to call at Jas. Redden & Co's. store and try her celebrated pancakes. She will be there till Sat urday evening. Ii merchants would have the roofs of their stores cleared off in the early morning, when there are few pedes trians on the streets, it would be more satisfactory. Instead, this work is left Gil the afternoon, causing great annoyance. "Barrington" hats only at Bibby's. This morning Mrs. Mary Duniac, an old lady, took eut information at police headquarters charging three boarders, two young women and a young man, with the theft of 826 The complainant says the tnoney was taken from her bedroom last night. Christopher-Jenkins. On Tuesday evening in St. James' church the marriage was solemnized of Miss Edith, eldest daughter of Mr. and: Mrs. Jenkins, 63 York street, to id te aciners Point. ceremony was performed canon Maomorine. The bride was ine in grey silk. Her sister, Misy Lillie, was bridesmaid. Stewart Lieristopher, brother of the groom was best man. After the ceremony, a sumptions re- past was served at the residence of the bride's parents. The guests num- ts numbered between forty 'and ity. The night was spent in merri- ment. The bride was the recipient of many handsome presents. instruc post class in bean a -------------- He Wrote " Goo-Goo Eyes." New York. Feb. 37 <Jokn Queen, a minstrel and wellknown writer of ne- gro songs, died from pheumonia on Sunday at Bt. Vieeent's hospital. He was the author of "Goo-Goo Eyes " and was the third of his partieviar sel, his being "Billy" West and "Billy" Emerson. It =» said that when George Prim- rose first beard *Goo-Goo Eyes" he offered Mr, Queen. $100 jor it, but Queen an hour before had accepted $15 as advance royaliies from another man, : : " -------------- We Save You Money. Jf wou get your spring hats bere. Bikby's, He | SKELETON IN THE WALM. ------ Light On a Murder Mystery Of Forty Years' Standing. N.Y., Feb than the skeleton iH South Troutsburg, 1 A mystery of standing this village of the firmly fastened in the w iy ye finding more iw revived Ly of ol - mat Ste Van Demark's & 1h ali had apparently been built about the body andthe plaster closely and set around it, so that it protected as if it were Ir cally sealed coffin. The standing upright The older residents of the village re call the strange disappfirance forty vears ago of Louis Schwartz, a Jew ish pedler. Schwartz here dut ing the early' days of the eivil He haa a large stock of rings, watch es and other jewelry, and he did a good business. He put 'up at a tavern and exposed his wares without the least worry as to possible consequen ees. The pedler went out one morn ing, as usual, and never returned. When his continued absence began to cause. anxiety at. the hotel it was found that he had left in his room a hali (mished letter to a relative in Germany, and the larger part of his stock of jewelry Everything looked just as though the pedler had stepped out of his room expécting to return in a few minutes and finish the Jet- ter. © Search was made all over this part of Steuben coumy for the missing man but not a trace of him was found, It was about this time that the Fox sisters and their = "rappings" were agitating the people in and about Palmyra, and it was suggested that the spirits might lead to the detection of the murderer of Schwartz. A man and woman versed in spiritualistic seances were engaged and a number of "sittings" were had, but although the assurance was held forth by them that they were hot upon the trail of the murderer, the spiritualists never succeeded in placing the law's hand upon the guilty one. The people who occupied the Van Demark premises at the time of the murder have long since passed away, and there is no one living here now who even remembers their name, as a great many families have moved in and out. A ring on one of the bony of the skeleton with the letter upon it, seems to offer strong evidence that the remains are those of the missing Jewish pedler. re ------ . Strathcona Is Booming. Strathcona, Feb. 25.--The usual spring moving is taking place. Mr jurgman has moved to New Ham burgh and M. C. McColl takes posses sion of his house. At least one dozen families are shifting their household effects to get more comfortable quar ters. At least ten new houses are needed here. Any person having a few hundred dollars to invest cannot find a better place than Stratheong For instance, Mr. Raven, Deseronto, built a neat little dwelling, which (ot and all complete) cost only 8600, and the same rents for §72 per year. A great number of lahorers at the ce ment works and paper mill have to reside i+ Newburgh, which makes 1t inconvenient for both the em- ployee and employer Frank Keho is returning with his family from the At present only one machine is running at the paper mill, but coon as William Finlay returns from Fast Angus, Que., both the ma hines will be a and . will call for more pen. Thi®eement works is also" very short of mem, which promises times" in the litte village another SUMIer George Madden's store 1s wow complete and fully equipped, and hos a trade which his surprised ts manager. The "cold storage * in con nection with the store is equal to any in the city of Kingston ot To ronto. Mr. Richard's infant son 1s seriously ill. James Blac his single driver to John Madden. Homer Granger leaves for his home m Cran bv, Minnesota, on Tuesday Solomon Sweet is able to be out The sugar social last week was a decided sue cess, under the management of the willing workers." Miss Eva Lott wil! soon he able to return home This speaks Volumes forthe able staff of medical attendants and nurses ol old Kingston's noble institution, the gene val hospital. Miss Vera Madden has been inducted into the mysteries ol a post mistress, and fills the position satisfoctorily to both the public and the department at Ottawa. -------- To Celebrate At Centreville. Centreville, Feb. 20. --A large am- ount of ice ig being taken out of Per rv's laké and stored in the surround ing ice houses. The Orangemen of Addington district will hold their cele- bration here on July 12th Henry Harten is very jow. His death is dunily expected. James Reid, MPP, is anproving, but slowly. Mrs William Cassidy is on the sick list. Measles are prevalent. W. D. Weese will move on his farm near Wesley, in the spring. @wing to the bad roads wood has Le come a little scarce in the village, and now commands a high price. J. MN Lockhead has sold & number of thor oughbred cattle to William Brandon, Napanee. « Visitors : J. MeGill, Wal- jacstown, Ont; Miss N. Perry, Phila- deiphia, Pa. Mre. McKim and daugh ter, Newburgh; B. 8. Kellar, Morven; H. Gibson, J. Clark, Emerald; Mr, and Mrs. John Kidd, Erinsville. carefully well Was as a hermeti keleton was enme war fingers very Soo "good sold A Progressive Factory. The anpual meeting at Farmers' Friend cheese factory passed off very satisinctorily on Saturday, 22nd inst. The reports of the salesman, secretavy. treasurer and auditor were passed without a dissenting voice The scrms of 1901 were adopted for 1902 chevse to be made for one and & hall cenis per pound, the proprietor to pay all expenses in connection with the manuiacturing and keep cheese insar- el. The reports showed an increase in the business in 1901, and the inter cst exhibited by the patrons amd pro- prietor promises to produce re- | sults jor the present season. Milk will he drawn to the factory on Saturday nights thronghout the hot weather. | The proprietor claies he will do his | utmost to further add to the good name siveady merited by the Farm ears' Friend dsetory. L. L. Gallagher was asked to met as secretary and treasurer, and T. G. Davison, suditor. ---------------- To Cure a Cold In One Day. FOR BRONCHITI> Many persons they really have Chronic Bronchitis. science for Throat and Lung Troubles think that they have merely a stubborn Bronchitis, which, if neglected, J The most effective remedy known to medical cough, when always results in is Angier § Petroleum Emul- sion. It stops the cough, makes breathing easy, relieves congestion and irritation, soothes i character of expectoration L ment in all the symptoms. It is the weakest stomach. It is not prescribed by physicians everywhere since 1880. a very severe bronchial cough ~ long 's petroleum Emulsion, and Atm so I have been frealing standing with A and heals the bronchial tubes, changes the and effects a general and rapid improve pleasant to take and agrees with a patent medicing but has been benefited by it that I gladly recommend it to anyone suffering as 1 did. Last year oil, but it failed to have Petroleum Emulsion 7 Zook several bottles. of emulsion of sod lroer the desired effect. Sar superior lo any 7 consider Angier's other. Miss M. THOMPSON, Toronto, Ontario, sellie. Two sinen, 50 ets, snd $1.00 a bottle, ie avis Jou sot ANGIER'S, Al YOUR NAME AND ADDR 1 enti "About Your 11 gives ANGIER CHEMICAL COMPANY S on 3 geoa cond hl ring Es che good advice as Wo Diet aad MH pgicns, sl Erarviond, which oe BOSTON, MASS vo FOR OMILDREN--1f yout little boy or girl comes home from school gr play with a sore rub the throat and chest with Omega ( Your druggist sails Omega Oil ar cha 5" it for you of any wholesale druggist i Omega Ubemioal ¢ WT Meond New York, will mail a hottie paid, for Soe. in onal, ed amps You throat, the first thing to do isto Qil. There isn't a bit of danger in using it freely, for there is no turpentine erammoniainis. A whole barrelfu! of it would not burn or blister the tender- est skin. Children like to have their mothers rub At on them. hegause, it smells so nice and is such & beau. tiful green-celor. It is a pure vege. table oil lini. ment, which does not evaporate, and you must keep rubbing it im until-it is all taken up by the pores.. Mothers ought to remember, that -*'a stitch in time saves nine," and keep a bottle of Omega Qil .in the house all she time. A bottle of it pu the shelf is a necessity in . every heme, It is a protection and saféguard, much the same as a lock on your doer. may not need it very often, but when you DO need it, you need it had. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLOR TT -- ODYNE. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, (hlorodyne (hlorodyne Chlorodyne Chlorodyne "Chlorodyne * Chlorodyne Prom W. Vesalius, Pettigrew, M.D. pital, London--"1 have no medicine so hesitation in efficacious as an Anti-spasnodie « Sedative J have is adunitted . Ma y Ji Trofuishon to Baithe over discovered, h ' to the best remedy lr onghey Socially che and. baits Shit fn often fatal diseases : Croup, Agus, at wots libs o charm In n 3 Ww Bo oni in od Be dfiectually cute short wll attach 'oe epey, Hysteria, Palpitalion and ' m5 " 's- the only palliative fa Kbeupuntinm, Gouty Camesr, Memingiting oto, formerly Lecturer ot St i that 1hete seterunet sd sumption, Asthona, Diarchoes, and other diseases; and 1 am with the result." "Fart Russell eotrmmunicated to the College of Physicians Shot 56 recived » despatch from Her Majesty's Council at been raging fearfully, and that the only Manila to the efiect that Cholera hes REMEDY of say wivie »e OHLORODYNE. --See Lancet, lst December, 1804. CAUTION--BEWARE OF CAUTION--Vice Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood stated that DR. J. BROWNE was undoubtedly the inventor of CGHLORODYN that story of the defendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, say had been sworn to. --See Tunes, Jule 1th, 2 Wd, 4 J. Collis Overwheluing Medical Ten thinony SOLE MANUFACTURER- J. T. DAVENPORT, 33 Bloamsbury Sold in bottle of 1e 13d, without the words "Dr ment Stamp, , Lomdon, Eng. PIRACY AND. IMITATIONS, EB Abe which ba * 1864. oe Regn w 6d, and la Fone. lo ge a TEE > HEY Wh Pen sassase ae » BUYING BREAD moch by sppearsuse ; yon must it. Have to take the dealer's wad Is mach like buying jewellery, you cap tell it by using Beenie . Home Made, Baker's Brown, Corn, yer, White Bread, Eta. --i0 be the best that the best floar can make.