South Atriea. ifs Cause and Conduct BY A. CONAN DOYLE. Just issued. Or ly 10¢c. Buy a copy at once at R. Ro & Co' Sy Carpenters, Machinists and Fellow Workmen | We aid our prices are rock bottom. we dhow them to you. A fall and complate tine of all gods fe the Hardwire line W.A MITCHELL 'NOW READY--- Second Edition. Immense demand necesgitatod a second edition of this year's "Guide to Investors," our goo page, Musteated, cloth bound book. He will present you with a free copy. either Son call ar wwillen repuest, ab any of our " Daily Market Lotter," uid pw overy afternnou, 4 sarefully_ an and come probable inte migve nt of the markets, outlines the Orders rolloted, pivehsse or aslo, essh or exceed ingly modernte wwargins, small or large I, Huient & Freese : Fatahlished C0. =o: Swot STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON. » Dutarie. "Determining the cha and financial Jusgonmniisg four is impor COMMERCIAL, LIVERPOOL MARKETS, Liverpool, (12.80 pw), Feb. 27. Wheat, rm; No. 1, Northern, bs. Id; red winter, He oe No: 1, gids 2 com, ady, new, 8s. 1 4 fas, ta. VR 5s. 3d 7 oe. 1d. a2. Sd Jared, hr 4 i pork, Ts; bac on, oo clenr, baoow, long, 40s; clear, vy, prt, het, Mi lig phe, "oe. 13 Bel; bacon, ; tallow, American, Aus 6d; cheess, colored, ar hiten, Apion, dis white, 49s, MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKETS. Montrenl, Feb. 27.~Flour * receiphv, Pant winter, $3.80 so wpriog, $4 Ww $20; swaight to $3.7 stron $490; Untario - Grain. -- Wheat, - No. wo Suc; corn, Gde 1,200 % -------- NW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, Pebwuney. | 23 huille the WEST TOOLS in the city, | Come let | THE PIL GT 4AECOND ON PAGE FIVE. DISTRICT DASHES. News of the District Condensed | From The Whig"s Exchanges. Mis. James Smithy an' esteemed re | sident of Chantry, ditd on Suudsy. A Crawiord, Bethel, and | Patterson, tilhweet's Mills, were married 'on Febru Fhomas | Miss Kate | Bophiasburg, ary 19th ) Miss Mary J. Urquhart, sister ol Mis Urquhart, of the Kitchie pany, Bellevibe, wa married week to Devil shirray, Hensall On the evening of the J9th inst home of H. J. Ripley, Flom gene of a pretty wedding cerems when his only daughter Mids |ibbie, {was wmited in marriage to W. J. | Berry, of Berryton. Kev William Philp, B.A, B.D. performed the cere mony. The many Mrs. Serviee, wite of | Baltimore, Md.. learned with deep ve | gro that she died on Tuesday night The deceased was the youngest danugh ter of the late David Row, Brock ville, { Carle, and Daniel Row, | ty-one years of age. com last the the may, wa Brockville George Service, frirndy in She was for Life Insurance. | Brockville Times. A few days ago, at | the funeral service of an whose years are said 11 of Portland, at old lady, at the time her decease, a | Holiness Movement or | preacher, who had charge of the fun- | ord services in the church where the | corpse was brought is reported to have devoted the most of his dis ourse in the funeral sersnon to the Be and wickedness of life in | surance as being evidence of lack of { faith in Providence and the Deity. Ii | everybody could get even anything | like a reasonable guarantee of liv- ing anywhere near the 104 years at tained by the subject he was speak ing of that preacher might certainly expect that life insurance would to the rocks of destruction . ~ Formerly Of Rideau Miktary Mail Capt. Lascelles, who | selected to Wil whe of aided | camp to the duke of Connaught, is | the eldest son of Fir Frank Lascelles, his majesty's ambassador at Berlin, and wad married rather more than two years ago to lady Sybil Beau clerk, 'a daughter of the late and sis ter of the present duke of . St Al- bans. Capt. Lascelles has been for the past eighteen mouths with his batta | lion oi the Beots' Guards at the seat of war, and early in the present win ter Fady Sybil Lascelles went ont to | visit him in South Africa. Before the outbreak of the war Capt. Lascelles | was for some time aide-de-camp to lord Minto, the governor-general of Canada. Hall. | Tomhon has post just been Allen f.nnouncements. Allen, Wolfie Island, Feb. 25.--The oyster supper at D. H. McDonald's on Saturday evening was a success, Miss Nora Murphy, Kingston, spent Sun- day with her parents in this vicinity. Miss Minnie Woodman is seriously ill. Richord Halliday had a bee on Tues day hauiing pressed hay to Kingston Mrs. James MeDonagh, visiting her mother in this section for a couple of weeks, left Monday for her home in Perth. The sisters of charity from the house of Providence are canvassing the island this week. Allan McDonald, Bediord, visited his brother, A. Me Donald, recently. F. Caverly return wd home Saturday from Harrowsmith -------- Can Get Aid From Council, E. J. B. Pense , wires from Toronto that "after a warm disous sion in committee the municipal coun ils have been given power to relieve taxes of manufacturers till the end of 1903." This will allow the King ston council to grant relief to the Kingston foundry owners whose hy law to fix the taxes on 810,000 only, 'was endorsed hy a majority of the rate] ers, but by not enough rate payers--two-thirds--to make it law The telegraphic report of the commit tee's action will be found in another colamn. & Meaning Of " Peace." Chicago Tribune. "Can you tell me the meaning of the word peace?" asked Miss Gray of a little boy who had just recited a patriotic poem in which the word oe curred, "Peace means when you ain't got no children,' answered the child "How is that?" asked Misg Gray: "When my mother has washed and dressed six children for school in the morning. she savs: 'Now, I'll have peace. Likely To Go Through. A telegram this morning from Edw, J. B. Pense, M.P.P., to Robert Car- son, announced that the electric rail: way bill, granting a charter to the proposed line that is to run through Kingston, had been given its second reading in commitiee of the whole. The only procedure now to make the bill effective is to have it given its third reading in the house, which may be done now at any time, ran Remains Taken To Picton. The remaing of the late Stanley Grimmons, who died on Wednesday in I'Hotel Dieu, were taken to Picton to-day for interment. They were ac- companied by Anthony McGuire. of the city amd John Losee and William Grimmons, who came down from Pic- ton to attend their young relative's remains, deceased belonged to one ol Pieton's best families. » A ---------- Have You Seen Them ? and & sister of Mrs® Leopold le . to have been | Hornerite | i Nearly i i } | | | portion of ratepayers i | favor of Toronto TRE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27. IEXEMPTING FROM TAXES LABOR STRIKES WERE NOT | VERY NUMEROUS. -- Thousand The Much Student Mission Two Volunteers in Work--Need For cial Aid. Toronto, Feb, 23 Tha of has for ten years exempted all wanaciaring oenis Fol TANETION When this was frst done the law al lowed the exemption on majority of the That law has been changed ro city For onto council, so that the same now reguired lo get such a proportion is quite im possible in this city, and the aty pro woted a bill to continue existing emptions in a two-thirds vote of cil. The bill came before the munici pal committee of the legislature, piorning amd was objected to by soe of its members as a disorimination in ex coun | bill should be one of general applica { tion { the | cipalities establishment | ww | December { Drury, | envoke the s Hon. J. M for moved that all muni renew manufacturing exemptions, or grant on a two-thirds vote of council for a period not later than 31st, 1903. By that time it is expected that the law of ment-will have been changed radical lv and taxation of manufacturers will Finally, Gibson, goverment, may ones, assess be confined to taxes upon the fental | value of their factories The report of the labor bureau pre gented to the legislature, shows that there were hut nineteen strikes reported to the bureau In the year ending September last and that hoth employers and employees are showing a very general disposition to ices of the bureau be outhreak of strikes, with = the barbery probably be put out of business Before the agricul a number of promin agriculturists, including sheriff of Simcoe, expressed their be f the he man hedge will in: Ontario ture committee ent soon, | Hed that barbery shoots was the cause go | | practicable | barkwry hedges | was the presentation of the of rust on grain and presented many facts in proof. They the entire destruction in Ontario. Hon had no doubt, in that members would help them Robert Hateh, of this city, rested in Winnipeg, night charge of sending obscene through the mails. A gone to Winnipeg to bring Hatch here to stand trial. Similar charges have been made against him At the students' missionary confer ence, this morning, the chief business report John R. Mott, and address hy Preben dary Jones, honorary seeretary of the church missionary socicty, the great st evangelical association in the world, who eonveved the urged if it were of John Dryden of the City said he strong case made View out, the WAS ar last letters detective has of the executive by a very powerful English missionary bodies to the dents. Me, Mott told of the growth of the movement during the past four years. At the time of the Cleveland conven tion there were 267 mission classes in colleges, having 2,361 dents as members During the past vear this had increased to 325 classes with 4,797 students. Many volumes of great Sil had been issued by the movement. Up to the volunteers had sailed for foreign mis tion fields in connection with about fifty different societies. It was notable that the leaders of the moves ment were devoting themselves to for eign work. Of forty-six men who had wen members of the executive or retaries, twenty-seven had sailed, were under appointment or had plied. Mr, in Germany, Scandinavia and lia, and said the christian federation now had a mem bership of 70,000 in 1,500 organiza tions. In closing he said there was need for an increase of $4.000 per year to enable the to be done thorou stu see apr Austra world's students' CHANGES IN THE CABINET. Sir Wilfrid Laurier's Statement in The House. Ottawa, Feb. 26.In compliance with the request of Mr. Borden a lew days since Sir Wilirid Lawvier to-day made an -official announcement "in the house respecting recent changes the cabinet. 'The premier's remarks were received with cheers from the government benches and. the comments ol the leader of the opposition were couched in terms of approbation. The vexed question of "precedence" at state functions received an airing up on a wmotioh by "Lieut. Col Hughes to amend the table of prece dence for Canada. The premier ex- pressed the opinion that no doubt de nominations not now recognized were entitled to representation i they de sired it. The matter now being investigated by a sub-com- mittee of council, glad to receive the suggestions members on the matter, and he had no doubt that any representation made by Canada would be acceptable to his majesty. the premier was Lieut.-Col. Hughes, motion, Mr. Fitapptriok 'informed Mr. Ward | that R. Eitheck, sheriff of the Yu kon a was on leave of ab- sence, but neither to his knowledge or that of the minister of the interior had he been in West Durham during the recent election. satisfactory to who withdrew the Pronounced A Eulogy. Washington, Feh. 27--At noon to: day, in hin of representatives, in he of president Roosevelt, | of {iy repudip ted foreign countries, and other promin- | | ent officials, the Hon. Jolm Hay, Me- | Kinley's premier, pronounced a eulo- | gy upon his dead chief, Nobby SpringHats. Ri, $1.25, $1.50, extra special, lot of "bitter wigs for this They are ood son, Clean: and Last season why solid. Finan- | two-thirds | this | They urged that the | to-day, * on a | greetings of | study | stu- | present 1,953 | Mott then told of the work | organization work ! m Sam | who would be very | of | The announcement by | 82. rem or ax wows. i | The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. Col News the club offers a purse the Corbett MeGGovern * Penver, Save athioti for chteen sullova Have Penbroks death through pper | fl mines nea opit rona ars old. met tion in the Cr esc iry Jerome Wheeloodk, Worcester, Wheelodk engine, stievt on Weds Mass. inventor of the drop ped dead oR the day of heart faihme. A report reaches Pitt the Portersyille, ty, ix burmng amd that doomed 10 destruction Prince Henry arrived in Washing ton, at nine this morning. He was driven direct the | corted by "cavalry police A confirmation of the pilot Fleming was received at from Ottawa. He wrecked steamer Mrs. Ophelia E. 1 Y., was burned to death from hed to take medicine, lighting a match her { caught fire The river Susquehanna has over: flowed its banks and res sidents of Columbia, Maretta and Wrightsville, Pa., are terror stricken Much dam age has been done. : Joel H. Prescott, sr. Newark, N J.. died Tuesday night. He was eighty-six years old and was a mem { her of the family to which the his torian Prescott belonged. E. W. Cox, who has for years ogcupiea the post of assistant weneral manager of the Canada life : company, has been promo eneral manager. Marquand, New Ye rk, long president of the Metropolitan | museum of art and until his retire | ment head of the banking house of Marquand & Parmly, died Wednes | day Iwo fast Pittsburg freight trains collided half a mile off Girard, O., on | Wednesday night, resulting in the deaths of two men, the fatal injury of two and less serious. inpury to two others The gels, Cal, of X20 400 burg, Pa., that Butler coun the town of town 1x o'clock, to embassy sal of Halifax ol.the hem was in charge Grecian Hants, Fhmira, N She and nightdress rose" in several Henry G. athletic elub, Los An decided to make a bid the contest Contry ha fo the Fitzsimmons Jef to take place May fries fight, during the Fiesta celebration on fet, 2nd and 3rd It is reported in Hamburg that the Hamburg American line steamship company to declare a divid endl of six per cent. as compared with a declaration of ten the same time last vear. This evening the prince will attend private dinner at the White house, Washington. The president and Mrs | Roosevelt, Miss Roosevelt, the land the German ambassador will be | present. The weather is beautiful { O'Donovan Rossa, connection with the Fenian Canada, had his left tated at Colorado Springs, Colo., the operation being necessitated by gan grene doubt is expressed of hig recovery. Fire which started at 8.30 o'clock this morning near the Bowdern square hotel in Court street, Boston, Mass. gutted the fourth and fifth floors of the south end of the hotel, and cans ed a loss of several thousand dol lars The lieutenant-governor of "Georgia | has 'asked president Roosevelt to | withdraw his acceptance to the invi | tation to present a sword to major Jonking; of the 1st United States vol | unteer cavalry for gallant sesvice { The the affront of forea to senator Tillman last week is about per cent. at prince famous for hi raids in has foot ampu Some trouble arises over | nine | HAD A CLOSE CALL. A Prize Animal Broke From The Groom. New York, Feb. 27--A special cable to the Herald from London, says the princess of Wales had a very bw at the shire horse show winning stallion, Hox Iwing led down the ring as the party was leaving { the enclosure. The cheering started the animal which got almost Hevond control of the groom. He made a dash for an exit, through which the prince ane princess with the other members of the royal party were ab out to pass. They appea ared to aware of danger until warnmg from all parts of ing attracted their the princess, nearest realized her danger short. The. stallion royal highness, missing her by qo foot or two only. It was only the skill of the groom, who managed to pull the animal to one side, as it dashed past + the royal party, that a very { and deplorable accident was averted nat escape to-day The ton Tomi, was royal be totally un the: shonts of the build attention. Then the animal, and - stopped rushed hy her serious COLONIES AND EMPIRE. was, he added, | | Colonial Contributions To The Navy To Be Considered. London, Feb, 27. | proposed: colonial contributions the navy, Arnold Forster, secretary of the admiraliy in the houss of come mons, said that advantage would cer. { tainly be taken to elicit the views of | the representatives of the colonies at | tending the approaching coronation. The chancellor of the exchequer, Sir Michael Hicks Beach, said | governing did pot purpose to ap- proach the colobigs as beggars, but simply would endeavor to ascertain whether the colonies desired to share the burdens of the emjire Had No Desire. Londen, Foi. 27. The liberal union iste. at the annual meeting of the li- { beral unidnist council, to-day, definite any desire to enroll | themselves under lord Resebery's ban- jner. The duke of Devonshire, lord i wl of the council, who presided i rclared lord Rosebery had done great | service in disassociating himself from { the pro-Boer element, but the speaker | iniled to wee how the liberal imperia- fist ty could offer any inducements' tot utoniEls. - This was certainly "{armers' day" in the city. Thev, with their wives, their sons their daughters, came machinery i i 1 $ : i i «Referring to the | tw the WILL HAVE NEW ARMAMENT SOME FINE GUNS HAVE AL- READY ARRIVED i The Annual Mecting of The Do- minion Artillery Association--- Will Continue to Take Interest | in Association i Ottawa, Feb, 27.-The annual mwol pg of the dominion artillery tion wae held, this i the commitiere rooms. ol the Col. Irwin, chair attendance ARNOCIA IVIOON ey one COMMONS ecupied the large amd there Among were ford Minto " O'Grady -Haly, Col. Avi O'Grady Haly that. ie Ar Dew Arrive from w os a those LOre jw ent Borden mer en others. Gen announcement und had England. and two more way There and made the twelve pe puns on their also six-inch this summer in ad arm of mosern Lyx was not at liberty to were wer two howitzer expected dition to another about which he spesk The council of the commended gun practice ferin, St. John, leans, The K16.000 and Lord Minto, thanks for association tinue to take association re at Povt Duf instead of New On receipts for the year were the expenditure 84,000, in replying a vote of what he had done for the said that he would con the same interest in the association in the future as in the | past Dr. Borden also réplied to a vote of thanks to himself and the government what they had done for the association Col, W. H. Cotton was elected pre sidefi¥ of the artillery association aid | the other officers were elected with | tle change to for DETERMINED ATTACK. Made By Boers Upon The Outpost | Line Feb. 27 Boers, London, The by the cattle before post line, Colony, ir, attack made numbering 600, drit ing them to rush the out near Bothasberg, Transvaal during the night of February | most determined The led by two fightérs, Ross Hands Botha. When the oer attempt At through the wi ted, they erauched beside cattle with whith the thickly strewn, poured a heavy The fosilade turned and finally driven back, leaving fifteen dead and six wounded on the field. They left 170 dead or wounded horses anc the entire heard of 6,000 cattle was ATre Boers and realized that their wll t break fenees, In the ground Irustra dead the was steadily re the Boers fire on troops. were WANTS TO SEE WORLD. Trappist Monk Renounces Vows | After Twenty-Three Years. Feb, 27 the Pibugne, An event the wry, for lowa, unprecedented in Trappist is made public history of monastery in this co Brother Fugene, twenty-three years an inmate, has de liberately renounced his vows, which | he took nearly a quarter of a century He has left the monastery, and looking for earn a living His Graham, and he when twenty-three Trappist rules are any monastic gene got tired of ago. i= now some means names came from years old. the most order, The rigid of and brother Fu them. He wants to the world. It is stated that his | permission to leave the monastery came from Rome ' ' 00 NARROWLY ESCAPED FLAMES Family Have To Flee From Burn- ing House. Brodgkville, Ont., Feb. 27 ---Henry Armstrong and his wife and two chil dren had a narrow escape burned 'to death by the fire which to tally destroyed their house near Car dinal. The family were sleeping down stairs, and the fire had consumed kitchen when they were awak ened by the ery of one of the children Theres was time to save only a articles. Even the dog was burned to death. There was a small on the building, but none on the con tents from being outside few mnsurance Want More Money. Montreal, Feli. 27.-The telegraphers | employed on the Canadhan Pacific railway system want an increase in | their salary. It i= understood that the men will ask that the minimum seals be increased from $45 per month | to 855, that operators shall not be re quired to light switch or semaphore lamps; that on public holidays the men be given the same privileges with | respect to hours of duty, as they now enjoy on Sanday, and, further, that | Sunday"work be done away with cee tirely at stations where the presence of 'an operator is not absolutely ne cessary in the interests of safety to life and property A Youth Hanged. Philadelphia, 27.--Amon "Stirl ing, 8 young negro,. who was the ac [Apmplice of Henry Ivory and Charles Perry, in the marder of Prof. Rey Wilson White, of the law department the university of Pennsylvania the night of May 19th, 1'%8, was hang ed here to-day in the county prison. Keb, of The oath of offies with he adminis tered this evening to Dr. Fee, will take hi* seat at the meeting of the bowed of sducation © this evening, The reports of the committees, to be estimates only, HAVE YOU A PAIN ? GRIFFITH'S MENTHOL knook it out; intermal, or any other Kind this the enteral, They are a alika Loin killing a Devggiets say ite gent weller say it sever fui to eure. TTS MADE "TO CURE T8e. at Dynggiste, Dr. Cowan's Olatment Cures Piles. : WANTED. FIVE AGENTS, IMMEDIATELY, (UON. jo demousirase Bo- sanoke nome. A few rg thrice daily, for four weeks, wilh cure The worst. caw of Caterrh or 3 ated Comm pine, and he | J. W. OLDFIN, 34s, submitted, will deal with finances and | LINIMEST will | Bic. and § pre eS ne, x well | | Manie was | and from that defence | british | also | to | Joseph | Hlinois | the | IAT LOW PRICES. i i 1 ] } i PRICES=-**72¢33. $37: Ready=to=Wear SKIRTS 10 STYLES Just received from the leading maker of Skirts in Canada. For style, careful making and values you cannot equal these in Skirts in Kingsten. $3.75, $4.5, $4.95, $5.75, $6.95. COLORS Black, 2 Greys, Navy, Oxford. 2X LE. of 47 Fashion Shests, FREE. $ JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. 170-172 Princess Street, Kingston. | Jo ANS Whit? So SNA SNA ml? SIN INA Great ~ Expectations eS People Seem to Expect Lower Prices At the Lockett Shoe Store than they can get | elsewhere and they are not often disappointed. We | have demonstrated our ability to sell GOOD SHOES | month at 'THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT THE KERN BURNERS; delayed in ship Watch for bargains all this ment, arc now to hand. in order to make room | for same we will dispose of our stock of AUER L'GHTS AT COST. on { Pear Shape, 55c. Large, with Shade. 65c. (3X GLLT Fray! Le While they last their setasl cost Tobey won't SALE -- YR Couc hes. yOu 080 §0ars LWo styles of Velours Couches st one-half fast loug so buy early. Two styles of Couches with fall spring edge, sents aud head tofled with five rows of dedp. | tu shades of : Our SPRING SS UESITURE E COVER! anything we ever handied. Make it a Woo for #URXITURE EuSTORER JAMES REID, Undertaker. to bave huking sod heavy finge sil srcuni, opbolsiered in all NOB hs ve arrived your Pasior Set or 0dd Obairs resovzred, t eo that 1t is Jal elle "Furnituce They surpass