Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Mar 1902, p. 1

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fi 69TH YEAH. NO. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1902, LAST EDITIOX J. REID, pike UNDERTAMER, '2 Doors Above the Operas House. 8 TELEPHONE 8717. CARE IN BED A THIRD THE TIME. PROMPT DELIVERY. * That's one of the features our selling coal. The other gature is good coal. A right + goniy HE RATHBUN CO. 200,000 toe; BM. more or inch. feet lined, 3 inch, 2 'moh and 14 | i EEPERS, 0.008 ur assy, of 5x4 ih, IDWARE, ete. { WORK ete. ways ve been fortunate in gr buying, and you will get best. LOCAL MEMORANDA, msi The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. AOLW, concert, City ball, 8 pm. Portsmouth villsge council meets, 8 pm Keroswme was fOrst sed lor illomioating in 1826. Horse races on the lee, Wednesday alter Boom, The sun rises Wednesday at 6:31 am, and wis 5:52 pm Enghish ia 1680 Longest ($pmn) Brooklyn, 1,595 feet The crust who have the " dough." Applications for sextonebip, Sydevham Street Methodiss church, close st noon, Wed- nesday. Why ore belloonists in the wir like vag: rangw ?-- Because they lave pot got any visi- ble means of support. Somehow or other it's a bare proposition in'a boarding house to couvines a man that there's no such thing as a chicken with Gity wings. This day in the workls history ~Rritish, under Col. Brabant, capture Nek, 1000; firsy United States Congress, 1798; Abraham Lincoln inaugurated presi- dont of United States, 1861; William Me- bridge, States, 1597; "Emmet; Irish patriot; born, 1770; James Madison inaugurated president of United States, 1813. Dinner Sets. Toa Sels. Toilet Sets, CHEAPER THAN EVER. COME AND SEE. GRAND OPERA A. J. SMALL, Lessee and Special Engagement of the Famous COMPANY. Grand Chorus of 40 Voices. S$ 28¢c,, 30c., 78c., $1. PRICE * TT Box Beats sige. Seats now on sale at HANLEV'S. ext attraction, y. "THE UkIMBERS." thing in the Whether for Office, Drawing Room, Dining Room, or Kitchen, would do well to see our assort- ment of this very necessary arti- cle. Our timepieces are sold at the most reasonable prices and carry our full guarantee. SMITH BROS. 350 KING STREE1Y. JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. Scientific Examination of Eyes Free. TO-LET. NO 22 SIMCOE STREET, occupied last six years woud Modem venienoes., For per lars apply "mext door to MES. CAM- STONE HOUSE, ty J. A Drum LOST. LONDON LIFE COLLECTION BOOK. FIND- ill please Loudon Life Of ao wi return to " fice, over Wade's Drug Store, King street. GREAT DANE DOG, nape of "Boxter." inde T. G. GLOVER, "Hillcroft," Union Sv ON SUNDAY LAST A FOX TERRIER answering to the name of K y tag attached to coilur, No. 173. kindly Bert. street. 3 i this notice will PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. The steamer William Nostinghan bas been launched at Buffalo, N.Y. It is to ply between Duluth, Chicago and enty-five years. " Decrees have been published at Ber- lin providing for the gradual sholi- tion of house slavery in the Came- roons and Tago culonies. Wreck 'up on the east toast of Bread was fret made with yeast by the Now York end of sodety is formed of people Labuschagne's Kinky imaogurated president of the United | ing ROBERTSON BROS. . HOUSE Manager. Boston Lyric Opera TO-NIGHT, "BOHEMIAN GIRL" March 12th, Intending Purchasers of An)- CLOCK LINE ANSWERING TO Fi notity THE STRANGE STORIES That Arc Told Among Military Men LORD * KITCHENER'S PLANS FOR THE ENFORCING OF NEED- ED DISCIPLINE. Remount Scandal the Result Of a Private Squabble--It Is More Than Probable That War Will End Within Six Months. March 4.--A strange story is exciting much discussion among military wen, although it has been kept out of both press and parlia- ment. It relates to alleged reprisals tuken by Australian troops for Boer outrages in firing upon wounded, and Draconian measures adopted by lord Kitchener for enforcing discipline. It is stated that the Australian officers and men, who took the lex talionis into their own hands, were tried by court martial, and some of them were sentenced to be shot. The story is told with precision ana full details, but the censorship has excluded it from ordinary despatches and official explanations cannot be obtained from Pall Mall. A curious light has been thrown on the remount scandals by a high offi- cer of the government, who tells that whatever merits or demerits of case it would never have come wp had not a private squabble arisen between mem- bers of the house of commons. According to this statement, one member sent in a bid for horses, which was refused in favor of a New- market dealer. Against the latter the disappointed bidder and several rac- ing members of the house of commons had hitter grudges. A 'cabal was formed, regardless of party limes, and a determination was arrived at to make the government suffer for giv- contracts to a man who was not in favor with the aristocratic parlia- mentary racing set. These personal grievances, apparently, had long been common talk in the lobby of the house of commons, and the bait thrown to the opposition by the ais- gruntled unionists was eagerly taken up with the resulting exposition of the horse scandals. On 'the best informed opinion, the Pall Mall Gazette prophesies the end of 'all serious hostilities in South Afri- ca by September. That, it is saiq, is a pessimistic rather than an optimis- tie view. Judging from lord Kitchen: er's progress last week and the well- founded reports of Gen. Botha's per sonal inclination to surrender, the practical end of the struggle may con- siderably antedate September. ---------------- FAITH IN SUBMARINE LINES. Think They. Will Triumph Over , The Wires. New York, March 4.--At the annual meeting of the Commercial cable 'com- pany, the board of directors was in creased from thirteen to fifteen. Vice-president G. G. Ward address od those present on wireless: tele graphy. He said: "While we do not intend to belittle the credit due to Mr. Marconi for the advancement he has made in that field, we have every confidence in the ability of submarine cables to main- tain their commercial supremacy in competition with wireless telegraphy, even should it ever extend beyond its present experimzntal stage as regards trans-Atlantic or other long distance transmissions." NO WAR, IN PHILIPPINES. London, Even Respectable Guerilla Warfare Has Ceased. New York, March. 4.--Brigadier- general Funston, in this city, en route to Washington to learn ii he is to go back to the Philippines when his fur lough expires in April, had a talk with a Herald reporter and said : ""fhere is no more war in the Philip: pines than there is in Kentucky. As- sassins lurk in the cane and shoot down men who are at their mercy, but there are no soldiers in the field of battle with the United States troops. Even respectable guerilla warfare has ceased. "In my opinion, one-half of our troops might be brought home now, the end of a year one-half of remaiving might be returned." -------- _ Likely A Total Loss. Lockeport, N.S., March 4.--The (iloucester schooner Reliance, belong- ing to Jobn Pugh & Son, stranded on Indian Point, Little Harbor, Sunday night, about eight o'clock, during a thick fog. The crew oi eightern men escaped in dories. The cargo consisted of twenty thousand pounds of fresh halibut, vessel lies in a bad posi tion. on the open seaboard and full of | water, Her keel lies an the shore; her Seas are bottom is probably out. She will undoubtedly breaking over. be a total loss. ------ To Have A Conference. but the Clergue interests deavof to show that the canal will pot lower the lake lovels nor inter fere in any way with the safe navige- tion of the lakes. WAS BADLY BURNED. ---- 4 While Trying To Apply Coal Oil To Dull Fire. Ottawa, March 4 --While applying coal oil to a cook stove fire yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Sophia Marchand was painfully burned about "the back, arms and hands. She was removed to St. Luke's hospital for treatment. The accident happened in the small frame house, '219 Bank street. Mrs. Marchand had only taken possession yesterday and placed her new house: hold in order. Her niece, Caroline Young, a ten-year-old girl, was as sisting. She placed fuel in the stove preparatory to starting the fire and used coal oil to help on the flame. Her aunt, according to the girl's tory, added more oil, and when the match was applied the flames burst forth. The girl's skirt became irnited, and in her efforts to smother the fire, Mrs. Marchand placed herself in dan- ger. Her dress became a mass of flame and she rushed in terror to the street. Passersby = seized her and smothered the flames in the snow. She will recover. The girl's heavy clothing protected her from injury and she was able to proceed to her home nearby. A STEAMER OVERDUE. There Is Anxiety Regarding The Steamer Etruria. London, March 4.--No news has been received of the Cunard liner Etruria, which left New York, Febru- ary 22nd, up to an early hour this morning. The Lucania communicated with Browhead by wireless telegraphy when 430 miles out, but she had not found connection with the Etruria. The station at Brow Head kept con- tihually sending out messages in hopes of getting the Etruria's range, | but the expectations were not bright for to-day, in view of the failure of the Lucania whose zone of comnruniza- tion is much greater. The Cunard steamer Saxonia will take a soytherly course in order to search for the steamer Etruria, if the latter, which is now considerably over due from 'New York, is not reported before the Saxonia sails. The com- pany deprecates anxiety for the Etruria. The officials says there is no doubt of her safety, but they have sent the tug Skirmisher to search for er. " EXPELLED FROM CHURCH. Baptist Members Gave a Whist Party And Prizes. Taylorville, 11i., March 4.~Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brewer, prominent society people of Taylorville, have been ex pelled from membership in the Bap- tist church of this city because they gave a progressive whist party and awarded prizes to jhe participants. Mr. Direwer was vice-president of the board of trustees, a deacon and as sistant superintendent of the Sunday school and treasurer of the missionary society. PORTE NOT RESPONSIBLE. -- Sultan Denies All Liability Missionary's Capture. Constantinople, March 4.--The Un- ited States minister, John G. A. Leishman, has presented . a note to the Porte regarding the capture of Miss Ellen M. Stone by brigands, de- manding the punishment of 'the guilty parties. The porte, in replying, repu diates responsibility and denies all liability, » for ------. The New Membership Test. Toronto, March 4.--At the guarter ly meeting of the Broadway taber- nacle, an invitation was presented to the pastor, "Rev. Dr. Chown, to re main -in the church another 'vear. The treasurer's report of the past quarters of the church year showed an increase of $490 in receipts the same period of last year. A re quest was ordered to be sent to the Toronto conference to memoralize the general conference to provide a con tiouous definite test of membership of the church. Formerly when a person no longer attended. the classes his name was struck from the rolls, but since that has been dropped there is no telling when. a member's connec tion has been severed. ------ Ready For The Match. Winnipeg, March 4.--At a meeting of the Victorias' executive, the challenge of the M.A.A.A. was accepted and dates were agreed to. The first match will be one week from next Thursday. For the position of referee three were nominated, W. Macfalarne, Winnipeg; H. Trihey and A. Farrell, of the Shamrocks, Montreal. The Vie torias bad a splendid practice last night. Hain and Johnston will both play. There will be some competition for the position of left wing between Scanlon and Wood, as the question will be decided by the form they show. Davy Bain will play centre. -------------- Bridges Were Slow. Montreal. March 4.--The Montreal transportation company hes takei ae: tion against the Grand Trunk rail- way for injuries alleged to have been suffered by their barges on the canal, through the railway bridges not opening promptly i The transportation company has issu- od one writ against the Grand Trunk for $127.01 damages, and another against the Canadian Pacific for £250.50. i High Price For Two Chairs. March 4~The value of everything rare and decorative was well shown at Christie's auction rooms yesterday, when two Chippendale chairs were sold for 1,000 guineas, The and were WHY ATTEMPT FAILED Objection to Legislative Body in Dublin -- ASQUITH ON HOME RULE REASONS FOR ABANDONING THE OLD POLICY. The Reconciliation of Ireland On- ly Attainable With British Sympathy -- British Opinion Must First be Conciliated--Not Apostasy but Common Sense. New York, March 4.--A special cable to the Sun states that H. H. Asquith has prepared a manifesto, setting forth his reasons for withdrawing from the official liberal party and ab- andoning the policy of Irish home rule, in company with lord Rosebery. He says : "In. 1886, when I first entered par liament, home rule was the dividing line between parties and the governing issue of the general election in that vear. Looking back to the years which followed 1 may fairly claim to bave done what in me lay, both in parlia- ment and outside, for the promotion of that cause, and it will always be the honor of being associated with Mr. - Gladstone, the most illustrious liberal of the nineteenth century, in his last attempt to bring loyalty and three | over | last summer contentment to Ireland. "Why did that attempt fail? It failed {because of the rooted repugnance of a { lnrge majority of the electorate Great Britain to the creation of a { legislative body in Dublin, a repug- {nance which not even Mr. Gladstone's | magnificent, courage, unrivalled au- {thority and unquenchable enthusiasm were able to overcome. The eight { yodrs which have elapsed since have {done nothing to conciliate and not a little to harden and stiffen the ad J varey judgment of the British élector lated A great deal of loose rhetoric is {eurrent on the subject. But ii we {were honest we must ask ourselves { this practical question, 'Is it to be { part of the policy and programme of { our party if returned to power that it | will introduce into the house of com- | mons a bill for Irish home rule ?* The { nnawer in my judgment is 'No." And {why so? Because the history of these | vears has made it plain that the re conciliation of Jreland to the empire {ean only be attained by methods {which will carry, step by step, the sanction and sympathy of the British { opinion. To recognize facts like these and to act accordingly is not apos tasy. It is eommon sense." of Still Fighting Addicks. Dover, Cal., March 4.--The rumors of harmony among the republicans of Delaware have evidently. been based more upon the wishes of some of the leaders than on actual facts. As a matter of fact there appears to be no let up in the fight, to prevent the election of J. Edward Addicks, as United States senator. This' is evi: denced by the rousing meeting of the regular repmblicans of Sussex county at Georgetown to-day at which plans were discussed for continuing the campaign with increased vigor. The republicans of Sussex county have the strongest party organization in the state and their action will doubt less be followed by the anti-Addicks element along the line. Prince's Visit To Milwaukee. Milwaukee, Wis, March 4.---It is { safe to assert that nowhere .in Ameri- | ca will prince Henry be more heartily received than in Milwaukee, for in no other city in the western world is the | Teutonic element so strong. The roy |.al visitor is scheduled to reach the cream city late this afternoon and will remain six hours. During this brief period there will be a continu ous succession of entertainment fea tures, beginning with the reception at the station by mayor Rose and the citizens' "committee. The big feature of the programme is to be the ban quet. Preacher " Jack The Kisser." Fremont, Neb., March 4.---For months a strange man has been jumping from street corners after nightfall and imprinting hearty Kiss es on the lips of pretty women. The other evening at a church festival, Rev. H. B. Jefferson amused himself by freely kissing the women of his congregation. Then it all came out Jeflerson was the mysterious "Jack, the Kisser," and the victims were all the members of his church. He is six ty-five years old and formerly lived in Alma, Mich. To Uphold Good Relations. Berlin, March 4---In the reichstag count Von Buelow said that the jour ney of the ror's brother to the United States had no political object traditional Prussia, good Germany and relations between the United 4 States, which - had existed since the days of Frederick the Great and the great Washington. a o-- Vice War In Boston. Boston, March 4-The board of police has announced that it will drive every disreputable dive and no torious woman out of the corporate limits of Boston, if such action is possible. Many have already left. A noted member of the demi-monde is siding the police by acting as inform- er. ; ------------ Upper Ten Thief. Rochester, N.Y., March 4.-Not a swell social function has been given in this city for more than a year at which some guest did not complain of the loss of money or jewelry. Hevond question the thief is a member of the 'select social set, but not a clue as to personal identity has ever been dis- covered, to me a cherished memory that I had | | In Manitoba save the natural one of upholding the | Eroatest A DETROIT GRIEVANCE. That Is Made Against The G.T.R System. Detroit, Mih., March 4. Member: of the Detroit board of trade are much stirred up over a ruling of the Grand Trunk under which the road has cut Detroit off from its through billing privi'ege. Under this privi lege farm products purchased along the line of the Grand Trunk by be troit merchants were brought to thi city and reshinped from here to point of destination. Under the new rule which went into effect on March 1st, such products will be shipped direct te the consignee whith will mean a loss of thousands of dollars to Detroit dealers. As the city is side-tracked by the Grand Trunk a committee of the Detroit hoard of trade has already protested against the new rule to division freicht agent Clark, but the kick was without of fect. It is mow proposed to send a committee to general manager Hays. and §f this effort is fruitless the board of trade wil start a fight against the Grand Trunk. TO: WELCOME . THE PRINCE. Address Approved Of By The Le- gislature Yesterday. Toronto, March '4.--In the legisla ture yesterday the address of welcome to be presented to prince Henry, of Prussia, on the occasion of his visit to Niagara Falls, Omt., was moved by the premier, seconded by Mr. Whit ney, and unanimously adopted. The address will be presented by the fol lowing detegation : Hon. Mr. Har court, Messrs. Beithaupt, Gross, Bowman, Kilber, Kribs, Carscallen. The premier, at Mr. Whithey's sug gestion, agreed to take up the cond reading of the prohibition bil to-morrow atlernoon. ' wo ---- TO DO SOME FIGHTING -- And Against the Referendum. Winnipeg, March 4.--The licensed victuallers are getting down to busi ness in the referendum campaign They have opened conunitiee rooms and appointed an organizer for the province and will have speakers at 'different meetings through the pro vince. They also will distribute a lot of literature showing how prohibition has proved disastrous in most places where it has been tried, ---------------- Deplored The Honor Shown. Chi-ago, March 4.--While prince Henry was receiving the plaudits and homage of thousands gathered in the auditorium and Ist regiment armoury, over 10,000 Poles met in secret session, throughout the city, arf deplored the honor shown the German emperor's brother: The meet ting was under the auspices of the Polish national alliance and were the climax of a series that have been held since the first announcement that em peror William was to send his brother as his personal representative to Ame rica. Escaped From Ice Floe. Bay City, Mich., March 4.--Thirty five men, one woman and a team ol horses escaped from a big floe of ice in Saginaw Bay to the shore at Big Creek, Tuscola county, yesterday. The woman had been living on the ice ali winter, her sex being unknown to the men. She said she had gohe upon the ice partly for the excitement and partly for making fish. Her home is in Sebawing Two Bodies Recovered. Cleveland, Ohio, March 4. The bod ies of May Kelly and Florence Me Grath have been found buried be neath a mass of wreckage in the ool lapsed Cleveland baling building. Babcock instructed the grand jury to make an investigation of the' disaster for the purpose of fixing the responsi bility. - Esterhazy In New York. York, March 4.--Maj. New 4 Ferdi money catching | Kirkpatrick's an's Herbal Omtment | healing oinument | treatment | or postpaid | 121 Church St. company s | In the criminal eourt judge | | to | wrote him some Line ago, WEATHER PROBABILITIES, (10 a.m Fresh fate and cold tor Temperature to Toronto, Out, March 4, north west to south winds day and on Wednewday wight between 10 and wero ule ETS Right styies, might prices, right shades Limited uamber of each \ ize. Prices $6, 86 upto $9 § SEPARATE SKIRTS In absolutely new Tailor - made sivies. Prices $876, $4, 400, 85 SPECIAL OFFER For Orders Placed This Week. Foliowing is a het of correct Spriog 3Juiting Materials for this season at $1 ad $1.25 per yard. When you tee the goods you will be impressed with the supremacy of this hou e io the matter of IM- PORTED DRESS | FABRICS. We have a Made-to-Order Buit off:r in connection with these mates rials, details of which are given le. ow New New cloths Now New New Fremoh Zibelines, French; German and Eoglish Broads French and Fnglich Venetinue. Frengh amd English Choviots. Domestic and Imported Homespuns. $1 and $1.28 per yard. We will make to your order a Tai- jored Buit from say of the above ma- torials--atyle, fit and workmanship the best. Coat will bs lined with best 750. quality ¢ilk, plain or shot tafleta, ote. No lining required in skirts, All materisla sponged before cutting. Special Price, complete, $20. STEACY & STEACY Standard Fashions Por March. - Spot Cash DISCOUNT SALE a & ART STORE Will be Continued Until March Sth. You are invited io call and see the unusual bargains we are offering in FINE ART, e------------------------ PILES ARE DANGEROUS I negheted. Don't suffer Use Ur. Cow the Great File Cure. Keep the bowels open freely and apply the Gige instant rebef and al cases of long stanling by a short but shorough $0c. a box st druggists, the G. & BM Co, Lamttd, Toronto Many curved Try #t from WAYS Cures. have been The Pope To Make Reply. March 4 that the the The newspapers here pope is preparing letter count Tolstoi demanding that the pontifl declare whether or not Paris announce answer | military acts can be consistently per: nand Walsin Esterhazy, who confessed | that he forged the Dreyfus bordereau, has. according to the Herald, seen in this city spent two hours taurant in in a Broadway res animated conversation been | He is said to have! with a voung man and woman. Ester | hazv was shabbily features were extremely thin. ' A Singer Dead. New York, March 4. maro, an operatic singer of note, is dead of Bright's disease at his home in DBrooklve. He was seventy eight dressed and his | i | on Sunday in the vicinity of Valendia, Joseph Ta' vears old and was born in Barcelona, | Spain on. him singer. Queen Isabella bestowed the title of up ------------ Offered Thanks. Rome, March 4--~The pope. to-day celebrated a private mass with his family and a few intimate friends imperizl court | formed by christian individuals or na. tions at letter Tolstoi wrote be cause the pope recently severely repri manded a bishop who had declared that, in his opinion, every soldier' on a battlefield was evidently damned, ---------- A revolutionary outbreak occurred capital of the state of Carabobo, Vencauela. The government hastily sent troops to the disturbed distriet Sir Thomas Lipton has consented the Shamrock 1, sailed by States sailors, to be raced the Columbia with a British to allow United aga nit crew The United States president has or dered that must keep of politics If they go into cam office holders | paigne they can expect to be retired His holiness returned thanks for be | ing allowed to accomplish one of the brate Ris silver jubilee. The coli snap has caused the foods | in New York state and Pennsylvania | to subside Supplying The Best. Cie us a chame to please you great deal to you and to us We want to prove our us a chance to please you in doing up your collars, cuffs, shirts, ete., in the finest posable style. Baker's steam laundry, Princess street. Phone 22. { » in| laundry work. We are here to supply | the best, and our saying so means & i leadership. Give | of his life to cele | -- @ roe | A United States senate commitiee has decided to not accept the proposal made for the purchase of the Panama canal Miss A. Tisdale, an old resident of Windsor, Ont., died on Monday. She was a sister of Cel. Tisdale, M.P, ats Tor hot Heads, Bibby 's ick, . . Tick, Goes your warch day after day, but can't go} on doing so if it is not¢ cleaned and regulated ' We give special aren- tion to FINE WATCH REPAIRING and gvar- witee perfect satisfacdion. 4 A C. JOHNSTON & BRO. *

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