ANGIER'S EM ON CURES knpwn THE Dany WH TUESDAY, MARCH 4. -------- > -- GOVERNMENT WILL INVESTI- GATE ANY CHARGES. -- Private Members' Day in the House of Commons--The Writ For Beauharnois--Many Ques- tions Answered. Oitawa, March 3. This was private embers day, and the sfteing of the house was a brief one, owing partly to the inet that private legislation ik in a somewhi backward state. Biv Hibbert Tupper heralded his arrival «the session by an inquiry which thizitod from the premier 8 confirma thin-6f the announcement that Gor- gon Hunter, K.('., had been appoint: Pad chil justice of British Columbia. prosot 7 physicians and extensively Numerous inguies of the ministry you have consim pv wlcifed a conviderahls amount of in or lu suc uy sell ANGIER'S P: Two siges, 50 nia. and there fmes formation upon various matters of publie interest, and Mr, Cowan's bill rekpecting drainage across railway fines wag sent to the committee OR a A rmiways aud canals. 2 eure you got ANGIERS, '* Yon. H. "G. Carroll, upon his re © Joylul News That election after accepting the office of] solicitor general, was formally intro." duced by oWir Wilfrid Laurier and Hon Charles Fitzpatrick, amid cheers {rom the government benches. The épeak® annoineed that. he had given instructions to the elerk of the crown in chancery to jssue the wrib for Beauharnois. Siro Wied Laurier, replying to 8 question by Mr, Leonard tLaval), sta- ting that ghe same measures will be taken in the future as have heen taken .* v 0's (Cele ( d in the past with regard to public em- . Fy om un ployees who are accused of offensive Sd So, Sas pat vizanship. When charges are Well brought 4o_ the attention of the gov: oe. 3 eriment they will be investigated and dealt 'with according to the evidence, Mr. Mulock informed ¥r. Alcorn {hat Davig Clinton, postmaster at Wellington, Ont, had been dismissed A House to- House Canvass Wosld from office for offensive pattizanship, Bhow That Thousands Are Yéing Cured. ------ The people who have not heard in some way of Paine's Celery Compounc and its wonderful triumphs over the digeases and, admenty of be touted as Aewspaper Or hagazine reddors, nor ave they amongst thos who afd in' touch with «the gl of the times house-to-house ¢anvass having Deen in the habit, particular lv at parliamentary eloctians of al lowing the post office 16 be used by iv political friends practidally as 8 committee room, and permitting post {Jers of a partizan character to he hung up on the walls of the post office, to the annoyance of {he public doing Lusiness there. His health was also so poor that he could not give pro per personal attention to the affairs of the office. (if that Hon. Mr. Sutherland, replying to Mr. Beiand, said that the government cannot medical ; i i re Paine's 5 3 RX bo possible) of Jamis Selgott : Farifa did not intend having an investiga felery Compound is yeing used durib@ § ion in reference, {op the alleged utter: those carly spring days, would discl x P no overw pb, ances of Prof. Price jn an interview elming amount of evidence published in the Victoria: Colonist. Fregarding the implicit confidence that | prof. Prince, 8s alleged, had written is placed in this greatest of all spring | (o the department, stating that = he medicings.. It wopld show A nenralgia, rhewmn tiem, 'kidney and liver diseases. Now is the time that Paine' ; £ Compound ean show astonishing ' and The (March meeting Of Shappy results to the sick, Now that tapring i with us, giving a promise of fine wonther and now beauties, it man, Prof. "shiwld Jend encouragement work of gotting well and strong. . we use of Paine's Celery Compound: for a few weoks [will truly pete evry debilitated, wonk and sickly man i: the enor hat 1 such st tement. mous number of 'people. who are being hak maa; A fe cured of some form of ROTVOUSTIeNS, , \nleeplessngss, dyspepsia, indigestion, -- headaches, | The March Meeting of the Board Jd GENERAL HOSPITAL. « Celery 0f Governors. x Celery the general hospital board of governors was held yesterday afternoon. Present, chair i Marshall; Hon. secretary, sot the } We Be Skinner; W. F. Nickle, Dr. Her ald, Rev. J. Mackie, Rev. M. Macgil livray,. Rev. S. Tighe, G. Y. Chaown, J. McKelvey, C. Livingston, P.M Mclutyre and pr. A. P. Chown. The appointment of Dr, Abbott as a gOV and woman. "Fhe change Ir F all a chasige from a mud: | FCC ged by the 1.0.08 SO dy and healthy' color, with. bright coursing throw the body, sure reward 'of feury wer Célery Compound. Aceept stitute or imitation. Sve ow complexion to a fresh, sparkling : ever, 'unclouded brain, the enjoyment the Cataraqui lodge: of 'refreshing sleep, clear, fresh blood will the she y Paiae =1 of Pajics ronth, whith was called to consider he 3 h the claims of hospitals on the provine that the } 541 government ana OR the mumct confirmed. A donation of £25 from AF. & AM, Was reported . Dr. Herald, who represented the hod: pital at #p important meeting in To nad REACT Ba wospper ane" bow bites, reported - the proceedings sof tle. the meeting, and explained the steps to he taken, which it is hoped will lead toa mote satisfactory distribu- SECOND-HAND GOODS tion of the provincial and muniéipal +" Baught and Sold. Tight pricet paid oc Send hie furniture, stoves ald than at present prevails, The appointment af Dr. A.D. Nefn tyre as house surgeon for the enswing four months was confirmed. The Tift ¥ i bounsbold goods. Drop a post | ing power of the engine of the eleva- ward and we will OM. tor formed an important subject of . i 5 Tf ' izeusgion. ; 1 ZACKS, ie RH. Tove and Asthur Kempe will continue to supply bread 271 and a3 Princess Street and milk, respectively, as ~heretofore The reports of the visiting governors Second door below Corbet's undertaking | 4 (f the official plumber were of a establishment. Ro fog, 2 at close 8 CENTS. Ripe Pineapples, - Ripa Tomatogs NEW goat's far | most satisfactory character, and toetraments | showed that the only thing wanting was more money 1a carry out much hended improvements. 2 Accounts amounting to £1.23 were passed. The overdraft at the hank on ash ult. was $439. Rev. M. Maegilli- vray and D, M. Mcintyre were ap potnted visiting governors for the cur rent month. -------------- THEY HAVE TELEPHONES. -------- Subscribers Added Since Issue of Telephone Directory. 392, Albree, F. W., Emily street. 191, Davis, J. T. Dr., Princess and Plagot streets. x 233, Elliott, J. G., 7 University avenue, 120, Hadon, J. A. G. Col, 116 Bar- Hie streets. 37, Hooper, Jos., contractor, 25 Farl street. Lats, Hemming, p. Lieut. Col, 82 Moffoglon street. ; 255, Harty, Hon. W., 258 Princess Kingston Exchange, (W. Atkin: ing street. (31. Kingston reform association, Wo lington street. : ie g. J. br, 353 Alired 80, Morris, JA Cataragui street, yds ime, Mcleod 243 Sydesham street. A, Catario rag and metal com- Fpany, © ntario street. 4 3%y, Connor, Chas, Dr, 279 King street. S130, Yikes Walter, Prof, 40 Froa- tenac strect. GOT CLOSE T OGETHER. ms A Methodist Tribute To, a Catho- tic Priest. On Sunday, in Bridge street Metho dist church, Rev. E. B. Laneceley, Port Hope, related this incident : He was on the train going from London 10 only ocoipant of the coach with him was a Romen Catholic priest, He said to himself, "If he waen't a priest 1 wouldn't hesitate to go over and talk with him." He fmally decided not ta keep the gulf open and Be went over and opened a conversation with the priest, The weather was the first of the 'conversation and afterwards in troductions. The priest gxkid him how long he was a minister in London He said ten years. The priest was gurprised and said he thought Metho diss only kept preachers three years. He also said that the Methodist min jsters must have an easy time. All they had to do was to preach a ser pion and put in a parrel. When the barrel was fall all they had to do was to up end it and give it to another congregation. He said ha told Bim he had an erroneous idea. The people How were a reading and thinking peo ple and if a minister did not keep up with them his labors were in vain, The priest said Protestants had an erroneous iden of the strength of the Roman Catholic church. They thought it was because of their magnificent cathedrals, their splendid music, their beautiful ritual and their costly and gargeoas Yestments, but back of all this, before they had the cathedrals ancl all else, they had a God to whom the people prayed and trusted; and when they «did they were carried tri wnphantly home. He had never receiv: ed so much benefit from a conversation or had never been so neat a human heart as he was with that Catholic priest. He had never spoken of this before, but a few days ago he saw in the papers the death in Treland of Fr Flannery, whose last wish was that his body be taken batk and buried in his parish at St. Thomas, among the people who bad Joved him and sat so long at his feet, He was that priest. i ------------ William Kaew His Business. Caron is caught napj ing. Ald. King thought he had the portly Frontenac warder in a tight pinch last night on the resolution referring the financial portion 'of the report of the fire and light committee to the finance coin: mittee. Ald. Carson took the ground that according to rules of council the friamée 'eommitice must first report having funds before council could'vote to expend the same. Ald, King turn ed wp the minutes of a meeting held 14st spring and read in triumph where Ald. Carson had moved that "clause 29 of the rules he suspended," and the council grant 3300 to the 24th of May celebration committee, and that the finance committee be instructed to provide for the same. Ald. Carson pefinted out that there was a differ etice between that resolution and the one submitted by the fire and light committee. "We knew how to do our business," replied William, 'inasmuch as we first suspended the rule before spending the money." -- Pied, At Chicago. Friends are sorry io hear of the death of Annie, yonngest daughter of the late Alexander McDonald, < Wolle Jstand, which occurred in Chicago on February = 23rd, aged twenty-eight years. The decoaged had been ailing only a few days with pneumonia. She wis Tormerly of Wolfe Island, but went to Chicago with hor aunt, Mrs MéDonald, some time 8gO, and with ber she had been stopping. Three bro thers amd two sisters survive, Pater, of . Watertown, N.X.; Archie, Allan, Willie and Tsabel. Wolie Jsland. . Tele grams were sent her relatives, but be ing directed to Merrickville, instead of Marysville, did not reach them until her remaind had heen laid "to rest in Mount Carmel cemetery, Chicago. A golomn requiem Mass was said for the departed soul by Rev. Fr. Griffin Much sympathy is felt for tbe be reaved family; had they received word in time the remarns would have been brought to the island. et------ Made Final Arrangements. 'Phe horsemen met last night in the 0. K. house; and made final arrange ments for the races on the ice to morrow. pThe entries of seven more outside Horses werd handed in, includ: ing four of Antoine Wendling's stable, Broekville, and one of M- Stack's. Jewel, the celebrated Montréal horse, and Royal Vietor of Carthage. N.Y, are also expected to enter By Ww night. Moffatt, of Picton has entgred two horses, and is aleo expected 10 bri down Sidney - Pointer Henson, of Napanee, hax entered one horse Leighton Guess has been appointed judge in place of James McParland, who will "he absent from the city and "RJ. Spoor timers. The track pared the jee in perfect condition. ve is sufficient money on hand to finance the races. All enemy ings will. be paid from the judges' stand at the close of the races. a -------- To Grade Corporation Laborers. At last night's meeting of the city epuneil alderman Carson presented 8 jon authoring the city eng nest' to grade the corporation labor ers, according to clause four of i the jes of the . A sharp disenssion fol- St. Thomas, a few vears ago and the § It's a cold day in council when Ald." INCIDENTS OF TRE BAY. mit . PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY -- The Spies of Every, Day Lite-- What the People are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At tention. "just" smoke the "dust' cigar and have a just' smoke, made "ust" am Kingsion by pust" labor factory, Golden Lion block. Count Von Buelow in reichstag says the Anglo-J apanese alliance has not altered in any way Germany s poss tion in China and Japan yarkages corn starch, 206. 5 packages jelly powder, assorted flavor, 28e., 7 ib. pal, pure jam, assorted, B. Silver left vesterday for Mon- trea) to assume charge of his new Hannes The clothing business here will be continued by his brother Jos ph. he Grand Trunk, railway has ar ranger. with the Dominion steamship lige to maintain a weekly summer ser vies between Portland, Me. and Liv- evpoot . Jt is stated that the trackmen "on the Canadian Pa {fic railway and Can ada 'Atlantic divisions will shortly make -demands--for increases of sal aries, No. 1 company. 14th regiment, will have their first drill of the season at the armouries this evening. It is ex- pected that the other companies will soon follow suit. Six prisoners broke jail at Easton, Md., late Saturday night and in at- tempting to re-arrest them deputy sherifi Thomas J. Thompson was shot and instantly killed. 'The police are seatching for a Jew, who has been selling Auer lights and Karn gas lamps in the city during the past month or 0. It is claimed that he has no license to peddle. Peter Panarites, Rochester, N.Y. onvicted of manslaughter; killing his partner, : » Humpvalis, in a candy store, Wa sentenced to serve {fteen years in Auburn prison, The foundry of the Glauber brass gngnuiacturing factory at Cleveland was destroyed by fire. Loss $50,000 An employee had his hair purned off and came elose 10 being burned to death. Smoke the "Just" cigar made by union men in the only union factory between Toronto and Montreal. From lst to 15th March 10 p.e. dis count on: all wall papers. A large variety to select from, ingrain and embossed, all latest designs, at w N. Lemmons, 78 William street, Suc cessor to Savage Bros. Alderman McFarlane is expected home from Port 'Hope to-morrow with a new team of horses for the fire department. The horses will cost the city about $300, which will include the expensed incurred in securing the animals. Thirty-one delegates, representing fourteen places in Canada and in Ot tawa will attend the meetings of the dominion hoard of trade, which has not been aelive for twenty-iwe years. it is expected that thé organization will be revived. At the polite epurt this morning a Wellington street mer hant was charg ed with obstrscting the public high way by allowing packing eases. 10 «tand on the sdewalk. He pleaded extenuating circumstances and made «ach 8 strong defence that the care was dropped. Samuel Cochrane was engaged in tearing down & brick wall 'on the Wellington road, London, Ont. when she wall fell and he was crushed to death beneath the ruins. Cochrane wis abaut fifty-six years of age md leaves a grown up family. W. A. Husband, clerk and treasurer of the town of Preston, Ont., for for ty five years and two months conting ously. a record which is perhaps um paralleled in Ontario, has resigned his office and H. Haming, town solicitor, has been appointed as his successor At Kingston, Jamaica, anxiety has heen caused by the non arrival of the British mail steamer Port Antonio, having on board Sir Alive LT. Jones: resident of the Liverpool chamber of commerce, and a distinguished. pagty. The steamer is negely two days over due, ------ Curirus Royal Household Officials Londen Chron le, Many curious officials still appertain to the royal household and many have been dispensed with of late years. Among the latter class must be placed the royal rateatcher; the of fice has become obsolete, but not un fortunately for lack of rats. [It was during the reigns of the Georges that this functionary had his heyday, hence, perhaps the popular idea that the now very prevalent heown rat came over with the Hanoverians. Like other ¢itéemed roval officials, the rat- catcher was distinguished by a par ticular dress; it was of a scarlet hue, elaborately embroidered with yellow worsted, and displayed figures of rats destroying wheat sheaves, The Gentle man's Magazine of 1741 contains an announcement that "My. Gower had heen selected for the office of ratkiller fy his majesty, with a salary of £100 a vear," and that it was "an honorable offick" which remark seems sinnecessary: "18 'there a" living de scendant 'of Mr! Gower to place his claims before the court" ei ete Swallowed Two Dozen Bass. While the employees of the Domin- jon Fsh company. cleaping a fivespound pike thiv alter noon, they discovered over two down little 'hass, about an iach long, in ite stomach. The fish must have run across a whole school of the little fel: gobbled nearly all of them. that it is very sel wv find sweh an occur waters of the Ridean. The men who supply bait to fishermen ate not the ouly omes whe 'thin out the minnows. ameb------ » SUNDAY SCHOCL WORKERS. ---- Hold Interdenominational Conven- tion At Maberly. The interdenominational Sabbath schoo! association, of the distnet of North Frogtenac and Addington, held its annual convention in the Metho dist church, Maberly, on February juth and 0th. Owing to the snow blockade, the meeting Was not as weil atiended as it otherwise: wonld . have been. The following addresses were given and were full of interest to not only the Sabbath 'school workers but to others "Neither Should Men Light a Candle and Put. it Under =» Bushel," by Rev. F. McAmmond. Rey F. MeAmmond again addressed the convention 'on 'The Sunday-School as a Means of Conversion of Children, "The - Superintendent) His Character istics," by 4. W. Laidley; "The Sun day-sehool Teachers Use of the Bible," by George Chariton; "The Moe del Teacher," by J. W. Laidley. The home department was also dis cussed at some length. Soufe of the items. of interest. to the ~~ Sunday schools of the county are that schools are requested to donate to the asso ciation the sam of one cent per mem ber: also that the date of the next convention be Aug. 26h and 27th, at Sharbot Lake. Undoubtedly the sev eral speakers and others will not then have the excuse . of snow banks and inclement weather to keep them at hones 'The officers for the ensuing" year ave : President, D. WW. Cronk, Long Lake; first vice-president, Rev LR Brown, Sharbot Lake; second vice president, Rev. W. H. Clarke, 'Moun tain Grove; secretary treasurer, Miss K. G. Abbott, Mountain Grove; exe cutive committee composed of all pas tors in district and above officers emit rm OFF FOR DAWSON CITY. in Mrs, (Major) Wood And Family Left Napanee To-Day. Napanee, g 4--Mre. LT. Wood and ildr oft to-day for Montreal, a t on their long iourncy. to Dawson . on Wednesday. They will stop 10 visit iriends at Medicine Hat, Mcleod and Vancouver. Maj. Wood will meet his wife and fam: ily at Vancouver | the latter part of March, and accompany them to Daw- con. A. G. Fairbairn left yesterday for Manitoba. Three car loads of young stock for the Manitoba market were shipped from Napanee yesterday. Ww. H. Spence has secured the agency for the Manufacturers' Jife =~ insurance company. 2 Miss Elsie Parks, teacher in the West ward ¢ hool, 8 confined to her home with a severe cold: = Mr. and Mrs. J. BP. Hanley have returned from New York, where they spent the past four months visting friends. The market was but poorly attended on saturday. The condition of thre roads kept away the farmers from a distance; those who did attend say they never saw the voads Wm such a dangerous and almost impassable condition. A washout on the Grand Trunk, meas Port Hope, delayed the trains for the cast yesterday. The mail train was about {wo hours 'late. : A hewvy storm, with two fect of now, Was report from Southern Manitoba last wee he thermometer dropped several degrees here yesterday afternoon, and the balininess of spring has departed 4 -------------- Pays Tribute To Lincoln's Memory Chicago, March 4.~Prince Henry and his suite had a busy morning of 1b in Chicago this morning: Following Lreakiost at the Germania club the royal visitor was taken in charge hy the city in & sight-seeing Hp to the stockyards, parks and other places of interest AL noon came the most - 18 teresting feature of the days Po gramme--a Vist to Lincoln park, where the prance deposited at the foot of the Lincoln monument a magni ficent wreath as a personal tribute to the memory of the great American em ancipator fhe prince Was accom panied by Robert Todd Lincoln, son oi the martyred preawtrmt. The wreath was a beautiful abr made of laurel leaves and American beanty roses bound with the German colors ved, white and hlack. Ar two o'clock the prince and his suite departed jor Milwaukee 0 8 special train over the St. Par! road ee ---- Every Herring Must hang on ts own gill, and paury tub must cand ow its own bot tom. We! judge of muts by their ker nels, and lasses by : their hearts; not that we undery alue facial beauty, Ww¢ don't still a fair fare may turn out ® foul bargem Every herring must hang on its own gill. The world was ever so practical as to-day. Can't, humbug; facieg both ways, are doom ed. A gemtleman hy ing in Westmeath wufierad severely from bronchitis, His dister urged him to 1 uke Fastern lalm. He was disgusted, and © used rong language. She persisted One day he surpt ised her hy saying, sow what testily, "Live me some of Lros hery's Eastern Balm." Result Hiner then he will use vo other. a ---- Shipmasters Organize. Boston, Mass, March 4.~The or ganization of the American shipuias tery protective association; the "pre: liminary steps of which were taken at a conference held in Newport News jast month, will be completed to day when a charter. will ha obtained under the laws of Massachusetts. ~The main objects of the association will be to jook after the interests of thé wailing shipmasters in matters of legislation. The assotiation expects io embrace in its membership all the sailing shipmas- tors engaged in the Atlantic coast trade. Big Car Works For Pacific Coast. Seattle, Wash. March 4. --Active steps have begun for the erection' st Ballard of a big plant for the manu facture of freight -cars, logging en gines, frocks and mill machinery. The is to cost upwards of $200 008, al to be oporati he of the year. Iv will be ) establishment of ite kinel w' ifie morthawess. The Wash Headache Is a Common and derangement or disease fs dificult to locate have headache as 8 for thet form of hendus frontal headache, pain a prompt disappearance me gle piece of ELLIOTT BROS., 75 AND 77 PRINCESS ST. The pest is the cheapest. Money refunded within 30 days if not as guaranteed. A Cause of Headache One Very Gommon Sak Gene. __y Over- 8 Dlstressing AfflY essing Afflation and May Be Bus t2 Principal Cause of Proatal Boaduohe Is Here Pointed Out, 27 Migs Cora Aheloy; teatthed in one of our wo ol experience with ow and eulogizes Swuart's COwtar enre for them She says I wolfored severe frontal headeehe wt pain iu aed b of the eves, ot thine bo lDUFIRE an ta ih capacithie me | hag dally dates cuffered from Sntatrh, mors oF Joan for wears, but mever shouiht S55 wae the. cause 4 wy heathcbes, but Bo vives the 'cass broause 'the bes owe Whspever § 'y okl or fresh attack of eatarrh Oatarrh Toblets. wwe "| the catarth goed Stuart's Catarrh Totfets are soil by drag - gistw ar Bity Serbs por package; ander A of thy proprietors that they hy 10" Somme (fom no. rn tarrh CUPS] (ND TORINO , (So CIOS wp cough CHE], bor guy hiarminl drog contain simply (he wholesome antiseps Re dhdthuy wh dive from the tem he Gerion, of petogriue, sliseose -- Kitchen: (er) Reports. - That trouble and mules should never be approached from the rear. ' You are approachin «POISONOU g all kinds of trouble when you ) s'* 'Enamel Ware, Try a sin. "STRANSKY'" for a sample. To be had gal x dan Kk Apes t A es To aa pA "SPRCIAL ANN iF, KERN BURNERS, delayed in ship- ment, atc now to hand. for same we will dispose LL.GHTS AT COST. Pear Shape, Large, with Shade: 6 J. W. OLDFIN,- OONGNEN: in order to make room of pur, stock of AUER Par op ait ET Rh 556, = "Re ort" While they last you ean their actdal cost. 1 five rows of deep iu o styles of Veloura Conghes &t one-half *t Inst loug so buy early. pnd a { Conebes with full spring edge, seats and bead tufted with fting sud beary feng» sll around, upholstered sh shales bf-aloh % 'sind Ag or SPRING #U % COVERINGS have arrived. Thi spess we ever handied. ; YS Tf a ington fr ia ta be: wild v8 a lar ; it 3 point TORE, your Parlor Bat or 03d Chiirs rebov for FURN wale in the manufacture of freight onoE. a----mprsb Ask ITURE BYSTORER. Bee that it i "Furnitare To Cure a Cold In One Day. Restorer Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab. lets. All druggists refund the money THE L a i it fails to cure EW a JAMES REID, Undertaker. is on wach box. 2c.