- Chatelaine Bags New Styles, 'New Shapes, Latest Shades, 'FROM 25c¢, each up R. UGLOW & CoO, Stationers, 141 Princess Street. enters, Machinists and Fellow Workmen 'We handle the BEST TOOLS in the city, and our prices are rock bottom. Come let us show them t0 you. A Mull and complete live of all goods in the Hardware line, W.A MITCHELL MAILED FREE. cloth {lr maguificsnt, authentic, 400 page, bound, ve Guide to Investors™ 1 Wall and ie Beato ray issued; also our " Daily Market Lotter." Dr. 0. W, Daly's Dertal Offier win reopened In May, vom he vetmw COMMERCIAL, r---- LIVERPOOL MARKETS. { Lo.) Moreh 4. Wheat, , Gs 14d.; red winter, ) 14d; No. 1 Gs. 34d; corn, slow aw bo. 160) d, Ba. he] , Bn. i mew, Bs. | I on Bhi Pras. Gu. , 7. pork, 76s; bacon, short, clear, lght, $ ong. , bemy de; 7g Tg OL clear, 3 tallow. American, 29s, 0d.; tal Austiralic Sis. 6d. cheese, colored, Siu, cheese, white, 50s. Gg i ; Flour Aeceipts, 700 L70 to $8.90; putnt 10; straight eller, $4.60 aT x z 8! ¥ File LE 5F 106. township, 200 we; 180; egus, 24e. to Ge, $ z 2 i spsszeifs BS az HEIR 22%, ang it pu -- $3 sz HEE Es. 0s eze8iaegs Hie What is Going on in the Busines World--The Market News. The highest price for Dominion coal, this morning, on he Mostreal stock murket wos at JUS sad the closing, at sows, 1084. The Bullsio des Halles places the indicated aren under wheat in France at 17,100,000 acres, against 160.975,000 acres last year, and shy indicated yield 336,000,000 bushels sygsinst 303,000,000 bushels last crop. The English government is in the market for 500,000 bushels of clipped whitq cats Siz wovths ago it wes a buyer for about the seme quantity, for shipment to South Areca. The prescott enquiry is from the same section. Application hae been made 'ot Winnipeg for 8 cherter for the Northwest colonization company with a capital of $2,000,000. The upplicasts who are officers of the Minnesota land and colovization compeny, of St. Paul, Miom,, have secured a tract of about 1,000, 000 ucres of land from the C.P.R. company and th: Canada Northern land company, em bracing some of the best wheat lands in the notthwest, in the Alameda, Arcola Esters and adjmoent wotious in South Eastern As sinobis. Toronto Market. Dried apples.--The market is quiet and prices unchaoged, with sales at 3c. to Ge per Ib. Evaporated sell at 9jc. to 10¢ Homey--~The market is steady at 90. to 100. for strained. Combs, $1 50 to §2.25 per dozen Hops--Business quiet, with prices steady at 13¢c.; yearlings at Se. Beane--The market is dull $1.40 per bush, as to quality. $1.50. Omions-- Market steady at $2.30 to $3 per barrel. Hay, buled---The market is firm, with good demand. Timothy quoted at $10.50 on track Toronto, for No. J, und at $5.30 to $9 for fog No. 2 Straw--The market is quiet. Car lots on track quoted at $3.30 w $6, the latter for No. 1 Poultry--The market is dull, with few offer fogs. We quote: Freshed killed turkeys, 12 to 13e, por Ib.; geese, 8c. to 10c.; chickens, T0e. to Boe; old hens, 40c. to 30e. Potatoes--In ear lots on track, 6Sc. per bog. Smull lots bring 75¢. to 80c. per bag Prices $1.10 to Handpicked ARRESTED THE THIEF. William Compeau Pleads Guilty to Entering a Mdil Car. The police made a very neat vap- ture yesterday when they placed un- der arrest William Cdmpean. The ni soner had been seen during the day begging and police constable Graham desde to place hing under arrest, as be also answered the description of the man wanted for entering the K. & P. mail car Sunday night and carry ing of a number of cancelling stamps, lead pencils and a lamp. To police constable Bateson the prisoner confessed that he had enter ed the car and taken the things in question. He volunteered to accom pany constable Bateson to the place where the goods were hidden. This of fer was accepted, and in a vacant dwelling on Hickson avenue the miss i stamps and lamp were found. When arrested the prisoner had in his pocket » number of thick lead pencils which he had carried off from the mail car, At-the police court this morning Campeau pleaded guilty and was re manded for sentence until to-morrow morning. He is not by any means strong minded, and seems to be with- out a home, as he several times was given shelter in the police cells, An Intelligent Dog. But for the intelligence possessed by a large and valuable St. Bernard dog owned by Prof. Pike, there would be one dog less in the city to-day. Late last evening the animal was al- lowed out for its usyal evening run, when it must have picked up a piece of poisoned meat. Shortly after re tiring Prof. Pike was wakened by the dog pawing at his bedroom door and whining. Fearing that something had gone amiss, he arose and opened the door and found the dog standing be fore it apparently suffering great ony. A veterinary surgeon was has tily swnmoned, and by the adminis- tration of antidotes the dog's life was saved. Want To Purchase Esti. Four representatives of the Woolvin steamship and transportation com- pany, Quebec, were in the city look- mg over the floating elevators of the Kingston and Montreal, And Montreal transportation companies, with a view to purchasing them for use at Quebec. The company proposes estab- lishing a direct steamship ' line be- tween Duluth, Chicago and Quebec, and expect to carry a large quantity of grain. It is expected a satisfac tory arrangement will be effected for the purchase of the local elevators. Merchants, Tailors, Milliners, Ete. The Whig job department hes anti- cipated your spring wants and has ready for your inspection a splendid live of cards and folders for spring an- nouncements. The prices are excep tionally low, for the quality of stock. Call and sce them. I -------- Navigation Resumed. 8t. Clair, Mich... Maru 1.~--The fer A ------------ Col. Knox, 18th Hussars, is Jead in London of acute i He was in South Africa ior Some time, and THIS 1S ONLY ASSESSMENT CHANGE TO BE MADE. There Are Many Proposals As To How To Satisfactorily Assess Plants--The Principle Of Pat- tullo's Bill Endorsed.' Toronto, March 4.--The committee of the legislature, morning, endorsed the principle of Mr. Pattulio's bil, making it illegal municipal from another an established industry even though the induptry may change its name to secure the bonus offered. The clause providing for this will be carefully redrawn. The committee decided to deal with no assessment question at this session, except "scrap iron' assessment feature which it 'is the intention to remedy, There are many measures before the com- mittee to effect this and the members promoting them were heard, Mr. Wardell wanted corporations of the franchise holding class = assessed at eighty per cent. avsessment of thrice the present amount. Mr. Foy wished the corpor ation plant' assessed at the actual value ax estimated from the cost of reproducing it. the charge of tions. The bill of Mr. Fay, he said, was unfair in its present shape ana drawn simply for Toronto. It would work great injustice to the small towns which under Mr, Ross' bill, of lust vear, would have had powe: to grant exemption where injustice was done to small and struggling com: panies in towns. Mr, Gibson added that in some of these towns nothing was made hy operating railway and lighting plants, Nr. Gihson suggested the acceptance of a proposal by Dr. Pyne, slightly changed, which, as "Subways, rails, poles, wires, gas and other pipes, mains, conduits, sub- structions, super-structures ana other plants and appliances shall be pssess ed at their actual cash values as the same would be appraised upon the sale possessing similar powers, rights and franchises." This clause was finally adopted and ordered \ drafted for insertion in the bill. So ends the scrap iron assessment econ troversy after disturbing the provin cial assessors and years, ------------ BOER JUDGE A PRISONER. His Identity, "Discovered After a Month's Captivity. Graaf Reinet, March 4.--An import ant discovery has just been made. A month ago a body of the distriet mounted troops captured some Boers, one of whom stated that was Morris, and that he was a Free State burgher. These statements were disbelieved, however, and a dilgent search was instituted, with the result that Morris was found to be no oth er than judge Koch, who presided at the trial of the policeman, Jones. for the murder of Mr. Edgar, at Johan nesburg, The person now admits his identity with judge Koch, landed at Port Elizabeth from Europe in the latter end of September adds that he was a second-class pas senger on the Scot, on board which he went under the name of Po linsky. He is the son of Gen. hoch killed at Elandslaagte ---- To Join Dewet. London, March 4.--The Times' cor despatch from Amersford, in the southern Transvaal, which says that captured Boers report that Gen. Botha intends to cross the Orange River Colony to meet Steyn and De wet. Schalkberger is also to be pre sent. The correspondent says Gen, Botha recently the Vreyheid = Ciariet, south Transvaal, because * of hustling perienced by the Bri ish on the veldt, and has issued orders to commanders to follow him. ---------------- HAS LIKELY GONE DOWN. The Loss Of The Tiber Off Goose Island. 3 + March 4.--A despatch east ex Halifax, N.8 the people living on Seal Island, on Sunday afternoon, heard guns firine, and it is thought that they were from has gone The coast in the vicinity of White Head is strewn with wreckage. The Tiber is thought to have struck on soon battered to pieces on the rocks. So far no bodies Pave The crew was shipped here six months ago, but it is supposed that some The Boulanger, officer, Quebec; 8, J. Burke, second of- ficer, Halifax; Charles Morin, officers and crew were : Capt. toine, mess-room boy; Jefirey Bow droit, seaman, Arichat; G. [.. Eel melin, chief engineer, Levis, Que; 0. A. Lapage Que; Levis, Que.; Lewis Therianit, man, Quebec; L. M. Carrier, fireman, Levis, Que.; Colin Merchant. fireman, Arichat; Thomas Ham, trimmer. St John's, Nfid.; 8. C. Williams, Gren- ads, W. 1. » Adjuta Fortin, third engineer ---- THE ETRURIA SIGHTED. The Is In Tow, Having Lost Her Propellor. New York, March «.=Tw agents of the Cunard line steamship company here, have received a despatch from London saying that the Etruria, i tow of the steamer William Cliff, had Leen sighted 400 miles west of Faval, Azores. islands, having lost her pro- "SCRAP IRON" ASSESSMENT this | for any municipality to tempt away | the | of their "gross | earnings and said it would mean an | Hon. Mr. Gibson made a vigorous'| speech defending the government from | truckling to corpara- | re-drafted, says : | by the company to another company | to be carefully | judiciary for two | hig name | and says that he | He | of i respondent with Gen. Bruce, sends a | that | withdrew from | hizh | his | from Isaac's Harbor to-day says that | the steamer Tiber, which it is feared. ! down with all on board, | the ledges of Goose Island and was | come ashore. | changes - have been made since then. | Que- | bec; Frank Roberts, steward, Halifax; | P. Sampson, cook, Quebec: N. An. | second ' engineer, Levis, | WILL BE IN CHARGE. ---- Those Who Will Command M.T. Company Fleet. The Montreal transportation com: | pany has made these appointments to | its fleet of boats, both lake ana river, { for the coming summer; where blanks | appear appointments: have not wet { been made : | Steamers---H. F. Bronson, captain, { Joseph Murray, Kingston; engineer, R. Bepburn, Kingston; Glide, captain, . J. Murphy, Kingston: engineer, M. Raokin, Kingston; Glengary, capt., John Wood, Port Dalhousie: engineer, { Issac Boyd, Kingston; Jessie Hall, i captain. Charles Martin, Kingston; en- gineer, George Tuttle, Kingston; D. G. Thomson. captain, James Mar ray, Kingsiun; engineer, George Hen- derson, Kingston; Bannockburn, cap- | tain, George Wood, Port Dalhousie; engineer, George Booth, Kingston; | Rosewount, captain, Alexander Milli- | fan, St. Catharines; engineer, Richard | Tavlor, Kingston. River barges--Alberta, captain, Truf- | fle Daoust, Vallevfield; Acadia, cap tain, Adelard Monnette, Valleyfield; Bella, captain. C. Lebeouf, Cascades Point; Colborne, captain, Charles La- | france, Kingston; Cornwall, captain, Joseph Page. Kingston; Detroit, cap- tain, N. Lairance, Cascades Point; Dorchester, captain, W. Lalonde, Kingston; Eagle, captain, Joseph Da- oust, Valleviield; Hector, captain, Theodore Ledue, Kingston: John Gas- | kin, captain, Israel Daoust, Montreal; | Towa, captain, Louis Benoit, Valley | field; Jennie, captain, A. Sammersail, Codars; Kingston, captain, Alexander Hebert, Valleyfield; Kildonan, cap- tain, Maxime Leichvre, Valleyfield: Montreal, captain, Amey Monnette, | Valleyfield; aggie, captain, A. La- voie, Kingston; Nebraska, captain, M. | Bissonnette, Vallevfield; Regina, cap- tain, E. Secotte, Valleyfield; Sena- | tor, captain; William Leduc, St. Jus tine Station, Vaudreuil; Star, captain, | M. Gemlin, Kingston; Toronto, cap- tain, Moise Ledue, Kingston; Bright- on, captain, Nelson Mallette, Corn- wall; Cohourg, capthin, Peter La- londe, Valleyfield. {* Lake barges. --Hamilton. H. Calvin, Port Dalhousie; captain, John Phillips, Kingston; Minnedosa, captain, AR. C. Irwin, Kingstan; Selkirk, captain, H. Milli- gdn, St. Catharines; Winnipeg, cap- tain H. Brooks, Port Dalhousie; Mel rose, captain, James Kirkwood, King ston; Dunmore, captain, Robert Gil- lies, Port Colborne. the i Arrested In Watertown : On or about February 6th Arnold | Cranston left Kingston for the Uni- { ted States. It is alleged that he for | ged the name of his father, A. Cran- ston, to a note for $116.48, made pay sable to the order of G. M. Macdon- nell at the bank of Montreal, King- ston, On Monday the young man was arrested in Watertown, N.Y., by de- puty marshal Cole, of Oswego, on a warrant issued by United States com- | missioner John B. Rogers, of Water town. Cranston was gdmitted to bail in the sam of 8300, pendine extradi- tion, whizh the Kingston authoriiies | have applied for. What Is Proposed. London, March 4.-A despatch to { the Times, from Dublin, says that at a conventipn of the United Irish league, held, at Castelreagh, for the purpose of supporting the no-rent campaign in the counties of Roscom mon and Mayo, a resolution was | adapted pledging support for disaf | fected tenants, and calling on graziers to surrenaer grass farms so that captain, | Quebee, | the | { land may be left idle until equitably | | dividea. Big Money Suggested. Albany, N.Y., | Aisins, Hamilton, who took a course March 4.--Senator | Davis of the committee on canals, this | morning, reported senate the canal bill proposing an ap- prapriation of $31,800,000 for the im- | provement and favorably to the | | M.P,, and others. | were the Gurney Bros., who by their | enlargement of the | Erie canal, and the improvement of | the Champlain canal. -- Wanted At Brockville. Sharpe was arrested here at the quest of Brodiville, Ont., | on a charge of clothes from the | Brockville. Albion house at She Will Lecture. Indianapolis, Ind., March 4.--Mise Stope will lecture at Winona summer. Miss Stone has contracted to lecture for ties of the countries, ------------ At the annual meeting of the Mid: | land iron and steel wages hoard, Sir | Benjamin Hingley, the president, de- | clared that Americans were not much ahead of the British in the manulac- | ture of puddied and rolled iron, but they enjoyed an the manufacture was not interfered with by stoppage as in England. | The British-Javanese agreement has ence in dealing with foreign questions | and stiffened its back against Ger- | man demands. Saturday, Rev. Mr. Clendinnen per- | formed the ceremony that united for life Miss Effie Michael, Sideny, and | Mr. Ambrose D. Fuliord, 'Elizabeth- | town. ; - Mrs. McMullen, Schenectady, N.Y. { is rapidly recovering strength, and | her Kingston friends will be pleased to know that her recovery is assured, It has been decided to send all Boer prisoners who are sentenced to terms of pepial servitude, out of South Al rica. to the Seychelles Islands. to-day for Sorel, Que., to fit out the steamer' Spartan, of which he has been appointed engineer. Christopher Archibiid, a driver for treal, attempted suicide by shooting himsell in the head. 5 W. G. Whitehead, a former King stopian, interested in plate and win- dow glass in St. Paul, Minn. is now Cuba in busifiess. the Chautauqua socie- | { ea of Canada. The lands there, like | { hee A Baerga, | given the Chinese government confid- | , . - o, R i | and THE WORK OF SELECTING A CQ-ADJUTOR. Now Before the Synod Of the Dio- cese Of Montreal--Resignation Of Ald. Brunet, M.P., Is Ex. pected. Montreal, March 4.--The adjourned meeting of the Anglican synod resum- ed its sessions to-day for the purpose of electing a coadjutor bishop to archbishop Bond, who has requested that such action be taken by synod owing to his advanced years. The morning was largely taken up with the usual religious ceremonies and the important matter before synod is not expected to be reached until late in the day or possibly until to-morrow The resignation of Joseph Brunet, M. for St. James division, this city. is hourly expected im political circles. owing to the revelations of corruption which have been forthcoming im the preliminary trial, which is now pro- gressing, against his nephew, A. E. Brunet, and against two poll officers. | In the event of Mr. Brunet's retire | ment the liberal candidate will in all | probability be J. A, Drouin, who re | tired some time ago, when Mr. Bru | net insisted on entering the field at the bye-election. er . WELLINGTON WAFTINGS. -- Cured By Electrical Treatment-- Personal Pointers. - Wellington, March 1.--Jghn Terrill, Picton, was in town visiting his wife, | who is taking a course of vital elec. tricity treatment from J. E. Clark. Her many fiiends are delighted with hér improved condition. Richard Noxon is selling out his stoek of gro- ceries and going out of business. Phil. Greer purposes taking up farming again. Charlie Greer -left for the north-west territory last week. M. Fassee, East Lake, is improving un: der a course of vital electric ity heal ing by J. E. Clark. Mrs, Hail and son, Ueseronto, were the guests of her sister, Mrs. Sloan, Stapleton, this week, Miss Kelly, milliver at D. Gil lander's, is attending the mi Hnery opening at Toronto, Miss Lillian Clinton took her departure for her rister"s, Miss Tice, Madoc, this week. | Mrs. Maybee, Brighton, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Garrot. Cornclius Clapp has rented his dome and taken wp bis abode with is grand-daughter, Mrs. Greg Haight. Miss Nettie Clapp is the | guest of Mr. and Mrs, LL. K. Shourds, Charles Hubbs and wife, north-west territory, are visiting friends here. Clapp & Co's entertainment of mov ing pictures on Saturday night, w fairly well attended, Miss M. Lillian of vital electricity healing at J, E. Clarke's, Wellin, ton, for spinal trou ble, returned ome last Wednesday cured. Mrs, Corey Cronk is suffering fiom some internal trouble; it 1s doubtful if she will recover. Miss Vanblaricom, Picton, was in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Jack- son were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hutchinson last week. Wall Murphy, who went to the north west territory, returned home on Satur day. ------------ i Yankees Of The Right Sort. | London Advertiser. These enterprising men United States can numbered by the thousand. Many have risen to emi- nence in the conducting of great in- | dustrial establishments, others have | led in the farming industry, and not | a few have served the state in a most creditable manner in the halls of legi- i Here we have Joseph Leon- from the islation. ard, the pioneer engine builder, whose sons still carry on the business. E W. Hyman, father of our worthy In Hamilton there brains and hard work raised them- selves from the humble position of | moulders to be leading manufacturers; | to the same city came Wanzer, | | who achieved fame as the first maker | Watertown, N.Y., March 4-- William | authorities | stealing a suit of | | match of sewing machines in Canada. Brant- | ford had the good fortune to have Mr. | Buck and Mr. Waterbus settle in the | midst of her; Ottawa had the Bron { sons and Eddy, the famous paper and | manufacturer, and the list | {might be indefinitely -extended. | this | | Pleased With Territory. | William Preston Harrison, som of | Carter Harrison, late mayor of Chi- | cago, having made a' tour of our northwest, ways: "People have no those in the Dakotas, are immeasur- | ably rich. In Alberta are great pas- | | ture lands, {| The traffic of which are being taken up. | the Canadian Pacific | is assured. The present great traffic | | will last at least for eight months to | advantage because | { { | | | $485,000 for Cape Vigeent, and 851.000 - come, and it will be repeated every year." He further states that CO. P R. lands a year ago, only worth $i | an acre, are now selling for 82 and | 83, which means millions of addition. | al profit to the company, S---- i Appropriations; Made. { This year's river and harbor bill as prepared carries an appropriation oi | for. Oswego. Among the appropria- | tions for rivers ix one for $45,000 for | island in the St. Law- | Long Sanit rence river. -- Mr. Kruger has received a long re port from Gen. Botha affirming the Boer government to be fully determ- ined 'to continue hostilities, and out lining the proposed mi cam- | gn. At Canboro, Ont, on Saturday, Mre. George Brooks and her young son were drowned in the Oswego creek, The mother met her death | while attempting to save her son. } All the union cigar makers of the city are now employed i Strong's new cigar iactory, in the Golden Lion block. Quite a large staff are at work there. . Col. Parker, of Chicago, one of the most distinguished American educa: tors, died on Sanday evening. CATARRH--ONE APPLICATION ESE CATARRH CURE will son Of JAPAN FANRE_CURE - An bowest trial will positisdy eure. Its doing it every ehy. bop tes it mw ----THE---- § ~~ DVANCE GORD. 000905000 955089 $22 505590 ass ove se0 We Presume There Are 2 Good Many Aureus for a Fist Posp at th . | NEW DRESS C00DS STYLES. re Some Want fo Buy, But All Want fo See Them. They are here and we ex- tend a cordial invitation to every one ifiterested to come and see them. They are rich plain goods and Fancy Novela cies and a variety of handsome Black Goods that will surely interest you. TO-MORROW NICHT We Vill Tell You of a Particularly Good Thing We Have Just Secured and Will Sell On THURSDAY. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. MA AL PNP oN? Soa -- SOME BIG DEALS F. G. LOCKETT "Has bought the Shoe Stock of W. Gourdier of this city, who is retiring from the shoe business. Mr. Lockett also pur- chased last week a Toronto stock of over $2,005 worth and a lot of 8ov pairs of Men's, Women's and Children's Sample Boots and Shoes. The Sale of These Goods ou cannot better anywhere, and judging by the eT re ne In months it is filling a long felt want with the citizens of Kingston and surrounding district. Ifnot already using this brand try a sample. McKELVEY. & BIRCH. 069 and 71 Brock Street. ' # ) | | | | | | Will Be Announced Shortly, [SUNLIGHT ~~ | | COAL OIL £ Is the best grade made in the world ; in other words -