cri KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1v02. @9TE YEAR NO. 54. S JENKINS 114 PRINGESS STREET. LOCAL MEMORANDA. jThe Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. 14th Sergennts, " At Homa" in armouries, 8 pm. Horse races on ioe in harbor, Thursday af Lernoon. The sun rises Thursday at 630 am, and sets at 3°53 pm Tobacco was introduced into Englawd from Virginie in 1583. The first poss office was between "Brussels Vienos in 1516, Any man is apt to take afiront il people talk bebind his back. Some men, when they wart to Satter their wives, pretend 10 be jeulous. Every time » women wins 8 progressive wuchte prise she loses a friend Hall the pleasure of a conductor's lie is In telling the passengers to move-up in-lromt and-sit-close please. x Why should you ride a mule ¥ you want to wet rich ?-Because you are no sooner on than you are better off. This day in the world's history--Kruger ard Steyn ask for peace with independence, 1900, Covent Garden theatre burned, 1856; frst United States cong. evs, 1798; Boston massacre, . 1770; president Maddison born, 1750; Thames tunnel opened, 1943; British wb Cen, Gatacre, ococupy Blormbery, 1100. Dinner Sets, Tea Sols. PROMPT DELIVERY. That's one of the features of our selling coal. The other feature is good coal. A right always ve been fortunate Liste Cutter tor ©. Livingston & Bre. Will Commence Business at O'Brien's Old Stand, Cor. Princess & Bagot Sts., ON paren" 3rd, ogiplota and todate stock of J and Seotoh Tweeds, to the best fines of Canading wus With and fis oaran ad. The Extra Dollar You put in your Overcoat wear insures extra for spring 4 R. Johnston, and DRAPER. 1 DOG, ANSWERING Ay ; EAT 3 Pe PRINCESS Streets, A a sum of Parker » Dye Ve sale at in "our buying, and you will get best THE RATHBUN CO. Prices TO ae go Toilet Sets. THAN EVER. COME AND SEE. ROBERTSON BROS. GR AND OPERA HOUSE . J, SMALL, Lesses and Manager. Friday, March 7th "It was Laugh, Laugh, Laugh." BOSTON POST. The Inimitable Entertainer GEORGE GROSSMITH ina Néw Humorous Musical Recital. Better than Comic Opers, : More entertaiting then » Farce. ; oh i. PRICES 20e-r S0e.i 200 Saee. 81.00. "Sale 'of seats opens st HANLEY'S MON: DAY, 10 a.m Wednesday, March 12th, Next ativdetion, «THE CLIMBERS." YOU WANT MONEY. We Wiil Furnish It To You. Right Terms Without incons venience on Real Estate Mortgage. We don't ask embarrassing questions. We just require to know to what exient we are taking a risk before a risk is salen. We aim to keep down expenses, and make the interest as low as possibile. J. S. R. McCANN. 332 King St. Cor, Brock St. Young Liberal Club ANNUAL MEETING Whig Hall, Frisco N. HE. 0'CONNUR. ------ TARY BOARD REVIVED. Dominion Board Of Trade Has Been Resusciated. Ottawa, March 5.--The dominion DOG, | and to-day The officers of trade has been resuscitated new officers were elected. are : President, Jobn P. Ot 3 vice: prewid W. M. Jarvis, St. John, re Br ; ams, Three Rivers, for Quebec; T. Barker, Hamilton, for Ontario; Thomes M.P., Victoria; fur the St; Bir an Flem » wa, Rear council, R. Ww. Elliot'. Toronto: Hale, Orillia: A. . ' HS : McNee, Thomas Macfarlane, Ottawa; Lindsay; D. Fe Bevan, MP. Coates, ford Nova EXTRAIRDIARY FIND By Ivory Coast Gold Ficlds Company. STAGNANT STOCK MARKETS. SOME FRIGHTENED BY MAR- 'CONI'S SUCCESSES. The King's Health is Said to be Excellent--London is Unusual- ly. Gay-Santos-Dumont To Continue His Experiments in England. London, March 3.--A despatch to the Central News, from Grand Bas- sam, says surveys . which have just been completed by prospectors, of the Ivory Coast gold fields' company, show that there is blanket ore on an almost unbroken line for eleven miles, assaying one ounce and upwards. This .is regarded as oie of the most extraordinary discoveries ever made. The stagnant stock markets are due a, a temporary lapse of 4 0 - ey. The latter is attributed to rumors respecting Cecil Rhodes health, but the more reasonable ex- planation is that the resumption of activity in Kaffirs was premature apd overdone. The slump in telegraph stocks made further progress vester- day, holders evidently being thorough- ly frightened by Marconi's continued SUCCERH, The king's health is reported to be excellent. He dines out constantly ana gots to the theatres. The tremendous pressure of public business connected with coronation and court functions has not affected his health or spirits. London is unusually gay for March, dinner parties, followed by bridge, be ing the feature. A spurious sort of in- fluenza, not really dangerous, causes many breaks in dinner 'engagements. M. Santos-Dumont, who is in Lon- don, saya that he will make no more experiments in France, but confine himself in future to England and the United States. THE RAILWAY BILL. The Appointment of a Railway Committee. Toronto, March 5.--In the legisia- ture, yesterday afternoon, 'premier Ross introduced a bill entitled, "An act respecting electric railways."" The bill provides for the appointment oi a railway committee of the executive council of Ontario, to consist of the commissioner of public works, the at- torney-general,. the commissioner of crown lands and such other members of the council as may from time to time be appointen. The committee is to have jurisaiction over all steam railways, electric raflwave and street railways, subject to legislative Juris- digtion, and may exercise the present futictions of 'the lisutenant-governor- incouncil and the cothmissioner of public works. The committee is con- stituted a court to take testimony ana to enforee the attendance of wit nesses. The committee will have power to determine all questions arising on applications for charters for electric and street railways, and to decide questions of compensation, rate of speed, ete. It will also have jurisdie- tion to determine disputes ween companies respecting junctions and crossings, interchange of traffic com- plaints as to service rates and tolls. The bill also containe regulations gov- erning the construction gnd operation of electric railways. DEWET WAS SHOT. His Attempt to Through British: Lines. London, March 5.--A despatch from Harrismith, Orange River Colony, to the Central News states that several plisoners recently captured declare that Christian Dewet was shot in the arm in a recent aftempt to through the British lines. The despatch says that these pris- oners also confirm the statement that Manie Botha was killed, and say that Philip Botha, newphew of command. ant-general is a prisoner. Message From Vessel. New York, March 4.--The Evening World prints a despatch from one of ile reporters, who is a plissenger on the Etruria. The tech, which was taken from the Etruria to the Azores by the oil tank Ottawa, which spoke Etruria on Friday, is as follows : "I'he Etruria lost her propellor and steering in mid-Atlantic on the evening of February 26th. Drifted help- less in a heavy wa all night, making "They are trying to tow the Etrw ria to the Azores. As 1 write, we are In Break us steady. ¢ "All are well on board, and after the first excitement i has C auiet. of oil tank on "Captain of oil tank steamer Otta- wa, Philadelphia, has promised to fyle this at first touched. Capt. Stevens port 5 to assure sll that there is no danger." PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. Lindsay Bros., retail dry goods mer chants, 3t. Thomas, have failed. KH is reported from Spein that a lot of Bareelona rioters have been shot. Mr. Brodrick announces that it is proposed. to pay regulars a clear shill ng per day.. ns Colville was killed in a mill at Durbam by the bursting of a plate of the chopper. The international = sugar conference has postponed signature "of the .con- vention till to-morrow. The dear has tontributed 875,000 for the relief of the by the earth- quake and voleanic at S a. The Australia commonwealth has made some im nt changes, mastly decreases, in their proposed tariff. The 'Allan line steamer Corinthian from Liverpool, via Halifax; docked at St. John, N.B., at 8 s.m. on Wednes- Vv. It is reported, but the story is not confirmed, that Gen. Louis Botha was recently made prisoner and got away ain. *Snjor 8. A. Denison has heen given the brevet rank of lieutenadt-colonel in consideration of his distinguishel service in-South. Africa. , A despatch from Sydney, NSW. ahnounces the death of Edward Bul 'wer Lytton Dickens, youngest son of the late Charles Dickens. s census shows a population in Newfoundland of 216,615 and Lebrador 3634. In 1891 Newfoundland had 197,930 inhabitants, while Labrador had 4,106. A man named Hauffman, wanted for miirder in San Francisco and other crimes is supposed to be working his way east over thé C.P.R. He was seen at Calgary recently. A partial strike occurred at Naples on Tuesday, owing to the railway em- ployees misinterpreting the instructions of their leaders, who are now at Rome treating with the government. The pope has appointed bishop Fa- vief, the clergyman who took care of the Catholic missionaries during the Boxer troubles, assistant bishop to the pontifical throne, as a reward for his services in China. The money given to the legation children by the Chinese dowager em- press, at her reception last Thursdav amounting to $100 each, was returned by the various legations to the board of foreign afigirs yesterday. The tariff corsmittee of the reich- stag has adopted 'the proposal to raise the duty on barley and malt from six marks, 24 pfennig ($1.48) to ten marks twenty-five pfennig (82.44) amd others kinds of malt from nine marks to eleven marks. | The Rome correspondent of the Lon- don Morning Post describes the poli- tical and social situation as being ex- tremely complicated, and says it may at. any moment develop in an unex- pected manner, The poseibility of a railway #trike is still impending. John P. Bull, J.P, aged eighty, for many years a well known figure in York county, died at his late resi dedce on Walmer Road, Toronto, early this morning.. He fook an active in- terest in politics. It was Mr. Bull who first introduced the late Hon. N. Clark Wallace to public life. George Legault, employed at the Ontario smelting works, Copper Cliff, Ont., lost bis life in a peculiar man- ner. Contrary (o orders, he remain | in the dust room when the hose was turned on, and the fumes caused hy the water coming into contact with the hot nickle dust burned Legault so badly that he succumbed son after. Prince Ching says that the rebels in Kiangsi province, China, are ' dis charged soldiers. It is understood that they are rebelling because they were discharged without their arrears 'of pay, a common trick among Chinese officials. An edict has been issued or- dering the decapitation of the lead ers. Prince Ching declares. that = the government has plenty of troops to estore order. Prince Views Niagara. Buffalo, N.Y., March 5.~The = troin bearing prince Henry and his party reached Bufialo shortly hefore two o'clock this afternoon. The visi tors were greeted at the station by mayor Knirht and a citizens' recep- tim committee. The formalities were brief, occupying wot more than fifteen minutes, and at their conclusion the royal party left at once for Niagara Falls, where the remainder of the af- ternoon was spent in right-seeing. At #ix o'clock the 'party resumes ita jour- ney to Boston, being scheduled to make but (wo stops--at Rochester anil Syracuse--before reaching the hub city. inl ---------------- A Curious Community. London, March 5~~Count Tolstoi's illness cails to notice a small com- munity of professed disciples in a Norfolk village. styling themselves the Brotherhood i members are They wo a living : t only in kind. All Property i are opposed CROSSED INTO CANADA immigrants Tura From The United States. A FINE RECORD FOR 1901 LAROSE WILL BE GIVEN FULL JUSTICE. Case of Man Hit by Cote St. Lue Range Bullet is Looked Iat> by Minister of al Capital Tidings. Ottawa, March 3---~The tide of im migration is working from the United States to Canada. Figures given be: fore the agricultural committee prov- ed that beyond a doubt: Frank Ped: ley, superintendent of indmigration, in his testimony heforé the agricultural committee, stated that in 1901, 17. 900 immigrants emtéered the Canadian west from the United States. The de- partment based its calculation on homestead entries and land sales and the figures were absolutely accurate. Some time ago Joseph Larose, St. Laurént, (ue. was hit by a stray bullet that came from the direction of the: Cote St. Luc rifle ranges. Mr. Monk, by asking for a copy of the cor: respondence brought the matter be- fore the house. The man was disabled and is a permanent cripple in conse quehce of the accident, and had lost a suit against the government. to re- cover damages on a technicality. Hon. Dr. Borden said $1,000 had once' before besn placed in the estim- ates for this man, but he bad declined to accept it and had brought a suit which he had lost. Dr.. Borden said he had no idea the man had Leen . anently, jnjured; and if Mr. onk would drop the matler he would bave a surgical investigation made minister 'of. militia = intimated that justice would be done the man though the responsibility in law of the gov: ernment was not acknowl " Frank (Newby, of the inland reventie department; has received an interest ing letter from Ma. Charles Ross, commaridi the Canadian scouts in South Africa, and dated Janvary 2th, at Pretoria. He has been opera- ting for the last month with Ges. Remington, in the Orange River Col- ony, "and a very hot place it is, too, for the Boers there are scrappers from the word go. On the 9th and 10th of the month I had a fight and had two white men killed. Leonard Evans, an old Lethbridge, N.W.T., man of mine, was shot through the heart. also had another man shot through the forehead, and he lost shout three teaspoobsiul of brains and yet he is going tq get over it all right, so the doctor says, "My many friends in Pretoria bad it that 1 was killed, and so were ra- ther surprised to see me turn up again. | did have a very close call when crossing a velat to get the cover of some 'Kaffir huts, My horse stepped into a hole and fell on me, and he could not get uf), hor could 1 get my leg from under him, and the Boers were not 800 yards away, shooting at me as hard as they could. Lieut. Lee, one of my officers, came to my rescue and got me free from under my horse. A bullet grazed his shoulder while he) ing®né; his horse was also hit. It was very plucky of him to come to me ponder such heavy fire. 1 mentioned him to the ge-«al for the D.8.0." One of the ever made to the city of Ottawa has been begun by Francis Lebel, claims fifty cents for the loss of a to bacco pipe. He alleges that he passing by Ward market some days ago, when snow fell from the roof, struck his pipe and smashed it. His lawver set forth the claim in a letter to the city clerk. Sir Wilirid has engagements that will likely detain him in Ottawa after the house eloses until June 13th, As he desires to be in London by the 2st of that month it is therefore pro- bauble that he will cross the Atiantic by one of the New York lines. CHAPTER IN ELOPEMENT,. Legally Married And Living In British Columbia. Carbondale, 11l., March 5.--In July, 187, 8. T. Rice, a prominent mer chant and father of four small chil dren, mysteriously di ared, and with him Ina, the beautiful daughter of Col. John W. Custer, a well-known lecturer, The final chapter in the af fair has just come to light. They first went to Windsor, Canada. and after a serions sickness of Mr. Rice went to Rossville, (7) British Columbia, where they now reside, and where recently they were legally married. A few months ago Mrs. Sophie Rice, on the payment of $1,000, securea a divores from Mr. Rice. Smothered In a Bin. r Clif, Ont., March 5-Mont- ays. an employee of the Cana dian copper company, at Creighton mines, w duty it was to sttend to the ore bins, acticentally fell into one of the bins and was smothered to death. The remains have been seni to Pembroke, Hays' home, for burial. C rose - CLEVER FARMERESSES. Solved Problem Of Making a Good iLiving. Jackson, Me., March 5.-The town of Jackson is said to raise more pretiy girls than any uther place of its size in Maine. A good number of them have gone to New York and Chicago apd, married millionnires, and such as hate stayed at home are now ac tively engaged in solving the problem #8 to how a single Woman can sup: port hersell and make woney oh a rocky hillside farm. The system of culture as pursued in Jackson eoisists of dividing their farm oto three equal parts, ove for the ben yard, One for cotn dnd one for clover, shifti the crop from one area to the other every vear. The woman who has a nihe-acre farm pits her hen yard of last year into corn this season, and shifts her hen yard to last year's clover patch. She relies upon the hen dressing left in the old yard to furnisk fer tilizer for her corn, and when the corn crop is so high as to receive ita last visit from the horse-cultivator the land is sowed to turnip sped and red clover = betwéen the rows, which come up and grow in the shade. As soon as the frost comes and the corn in removed to be husked the turnips occupy thy land, giving a nice shade to the young clover plants and producing turnips enough ta beep the poultry in green food until spring. When the popeorn has been husked and dried for six sor that ii will 'pop readily, the dealers pay five cents a pound for all they can get, buying it on the cob, CONSTRUCTING A WILL, A Grandson of Hon: Mr. Renaud Wants Share. Ottawa, March 5,-in the suprenie court to-day the chse of Renaud N. Lamothe was hedrd. . The dispute in- volves the construction of a codicil to the will of the late Hon. Louis . naud, which provided that any of hix children who should marry outside the Roman Catholic church, or grand children born of such marriages or not brought up in the Roman Catho lie faith, should be emcluded from tak ing any benefit out of his estate. The appellant claims an accomunt and his share as a guardian of the testator. His father married in Hlinois, in civil form, before a magistrate in 1876, af ter the date of the codicil, and the executors contend that the appellant is excluded on account of the civil marriage and that he is not a mem- ber of the Roman Catholic church nor baptized in it. The appellant claimed that the condition mposed by the codicil was illegal and con trary to public policy, and that un der article 760, of the civil code, it should not be considered ak written and that he was entitled to his share as if it had never been inserted in the will. He suacended in the trial court where justice Tascherfeau held the con. dition void and ordered athe executors to acount, The appeal is from 'the judgment of the court of king's bench reversing this decision and hollins that the clause excluded all heirs who were not of the Roman Catholic ie ligion. Public Works Estimates. Ottawa, March 5.---The house yes Toromte, Out, Mars Fair today and on Thursday change 8 tamperaiure. NEW IMPORTED JACKETS For Ladies' and Misses, Right styes. night prices, right shades Limited vumber of ea sige. Prices $5, 86 up to $9 SEPARATE SKIRTS ; In aba dutety new Twior - made abiies, Prices $875, $4. 400, 88 $6. SPECIAL OFFER For Orders Placed This Week. Following is » het of cor evt Byriug Buiting Materials for this sea-cn 34 $1 sod $1.26 per yard. : When you see the goods you will be impressed with the supremacy of this hou-e in the matter of IM. PORCED DRB3S|FABRIOS. We have a Made-to-Order Buib offer in counection with these mises rials, details of which ave given be. iow: Now New clothe New New Now Franch Zibeliaes, Frosch, German and Huglsh Broad French and Boghsh Venetians. Frouch and English Obeviots, Domestic and Imported Homespune. $1 and $1.28 per yard. We will make to your order a Tai lored Suit from any of the above ma teriala--style, Gt snd workmanship the best. Coat will be lined with best 750. quality +ilk, plain or shot tefteta, sto. No lining required in skirts, All materiale so~ngel before cuiting. Special Price, complete, $20. STEACY & STEAC Standard Fashions Por March. SMITH-Ta Pléton, on Feb 278k, to Mr. and Mee. T. T. Smith, a oon ' MARRIED. STOLIKER-TAYLOR-On Mareh Sed, Broskvitle, Joseph Harrison Stobiker; Blimbeth May, youngest datghier J Taylor HERTINGTO HUFFMAN--AL Napanee, February 26th, Thomas Herrington, panes, to Mise Florwes A. Hullmen, cow --------- a ---------- In the Spring a Woman's Pancy should quickly turn towards terday disposed of the public works lest damage claims | who | was | estimates for public buildings from | | the Atlantic coast to Ontario. The | greater part of the day was devoted | to discussion of the contract and day | labor systems. At midnight, t be- | fore adjournment, Mr. Tarte announce | ed that the supplementary estimates | will probably contain an item for the improvement of the Torento post office. i Rains Do Not Relieve India. i Mash B5.--The viceroy of | India, lord Curzon of Kedleston, tele | graphs that the rainfall has been | light ana scattered, and of no benefit | to the affected districts. About 359,000 | pérsons are now receiving relief. ! A despatch to the Exchange tele | graph company, from Lahore, says | 3.000.000 acres of wheat in the Pup | jab are suffering from total drought. | Is Murdered Wife Alive? : Montreal, March 5.--There is a wo | man living at 38 Drolet street, who ! says she is madame Blondin, the. wife | of the aleged New York murderer. She i has been residing here under the nate | of * Pichette, and * says she believes | Blondin guilty. 3 Murder Of Canadian. Mobile. Ala, March 5.--John Tuek | er, a Canadian, was murdered yester- | day at Hamilton's Bluff, by sn un | known negro. Tucker, who has rela- tives in Detroit and Montreal, was en gaged in farming on a large scale. | London, bo Lost Arm By Car Wheels. | Brantford, Ont, March 5. Daniel Ehanaban, in stiempting to jump off a moving train, stumbled ana fell, | and one arm was badly mangled. He was taken to' the hospital, where the member had to be amputated. There is little ice<in the lakes, and | Sudy opening of navigation is expect : Supplying' The Best. Give un u chenee to please you in laundry work. We are here to supply the best, and our saying so means a great deal. fo you mad to we. We want to prove our badenkip. Give us a chance to please you in doing up sour collars, cuffs, shirts, elc., in the finest possi le style. Baker's steam laundry, Princess street. "Phone 22. | synod Curing " Freckles Many ladies do nol know thet the Spring winds bring out thee ugly blew vk But they may be arrested at hie time of year with our mate's "FRECKELINE" AND "LA BEAUTE BLEACH" The two remedies must be used in con jumetion-grice $2.00, the two-will joe vent Freckles il applied at ones. Frese ed view. Call or wih LA BEAUTE TOILET CO, Parlors: 113 King street West, Tofow to, Madame Cum Menageress. All Healing Ointment. will Rheum Og, Jw, Jee Hin, on So Obildron's Sore Heads, Boils and Besling Fingers. : PRICE, 25c. Sod by all Druguiste. ELECTED CO-ADJUTOR. The Honor Has Fallen Upon Dean Carmichael. Montreal, March 5.-Dean Carmich- ae!, rector of St, George's church, | was, to-day, elected co dui hishop 1s archbishop Bond, by the Anglican His duties wil be to awiet his grace, the archbishop, in such ways as shall be arranged between himse! and the fst en. and in the case of srchhishop's mability to perform the duties of his office he will exercise all the authority of the dio eesan. The eo-adjutor will have the right of succession. Tick, Tick, Goes your watch day after day, but can't go on doing so if it is not $ ¢ cleaned and regulated We give ial atten~ tion to FINE WATCH REPAIRING and guar. antes perfect satisfaction. LG. JOMSTON & BRD. BRL VETBRBRON