---- as : RICH HANDSOME RUGS ip every size but not necessarily. expensive. In Smyrna we show every size, from the smallest up to the "fall:room size. 'ate exactly alike on both sides, have a rich deep pile and are almost everlasting in wear. ROYAL WILTON RUGS in rich deep colour effects. 'Axminster Rugs in three different qualities to cover everything, from the smallest nook to the largest room. A splendid showing of ART SQUARES in wool and cotton, in all sizes and very handsome patterns, mak- ing altogether the largest and most beautiful collection of Rugs ever shown, A R. McFaul PARLOR i SUITES. ~ Our '- Upholsterers have been working om Parlor Suites (lon January 1st, and we now Bave an. imuense stock. the best we over had. Wo wish to reduce the stock some: snd on Parle Suites ouly, wtitil March 10th, will give sane prices ne during ¥i)ou sale These who bought suytliing during will know what shay moans. Osly March 10th: REPAIR WORK~Upholstering Parlor Suites, Ooueches, or penovating Mattrvsscs. © Way tot do thin at once, before ws are so Vuay that 1¢ becomes Ward 16 keep engagements? We CARPETS--New English stock of Asmin s#tors and Beussols, just in. CURTAINS Just passed through the cus tomb, a very large assortment of Bwiss and "Aris Lats, Chenille and Tapestry, just in from United States 1pome. Our stock de double what IL wus last yout. Yours, . F. HARKISON CO.. I FL IARKISON CO : A Tonibly Disetso Thal Comes Unsuspectiagly. and When Un- Mode it Brags Its Vivtims ; To Death. Paines Celery ~~ Compound - Has -Wro Thousands of ~~ Cures Failures of TEE Physicians: : 4 ay, Riduey: di sina ow women living in fancied se ney teouble in. some form that must develop from day to Edna sek a. hint, wiiosh wise : Japa treatment ix at dvan ol. = ag" of the following . ghache, frequent urin- once These R ugs4 | Grossmith's humor is | William sodtence on PRESRYTERY OF KINGSTON. IT MET ON TUESDAY AT CHAL- MERE CHURCH. AA > ' The Various Reports Presented-- Reports From Sessions in This District Show That Intemper- ance is Decreasing. : Kingston presbytery met in Chal wers church on Tuesday afternoon, The moderator, Rev. \H Gracey, Gan anoque, presided, With kim were pre sent :. Revs. Prof. Fewler, R. Laird, Di Ross, M. W, Maclean, W. T. Wil kins, J. Mackie, Joseph Gandier, MN. Macgilliveay, J. Cumberland, Dr. Jordan, D. G. McPhail, J. Mcllroy, J. A, McDonald, W. W. Peck, W. 5. McTavish, D. 0. McArthur, F. Davey, J. bh. Boyd, J. Fionie, G. A. Yeo mans, W. H. Cram, fléaney and 'W. A. Gay, with Messrs, Crady and Fair lie, corresponding 'members, and Messrs, Dixon, Craig and Sharpe, el- ders, "The rofl of presbytery = was revised preparatory to its teansmisdion to synod. Attention was called to the feath of Rev. 8. Houston, M.A., for years & member of presbytery, and the elk was instructed to prepare a stitable minute in connection with the removal of his name from the ap pendix to the roll. The application Sf My. Montgomery, a Student at Union seminary, NY. to be taken on trial for license, was granted. From the home mission committee, Me. Maclean reported in port, and the recommendation wax granted, that an ordained missionary be woeured Jor Maynooth, ete., at least for one year, the field to provide at least $300. It was agreed as recommended to ap point Rev. E. W. Watson to L's Aamble ete, for two years. Mr. Macgilliveay reported from the angmentati wn. commitiee. Seven con: gregations in the presbytery are aug: mented, and the work on the whole is encouraging. Two recommendations were approved of, viz., application to have the former grant of F100 yestor. od to | Harrowsmith, "ete, and the same to Trenton. These have to be sulymiited to the commitlee of the general assembly. The report of the committees on Sab- hath schools was attended to by Mr, Peck, instead of Mir. Claxton, conven- er, unable to be present, As eighteen, sshools had not reported a full report eould not be given, and this was de flayed for theee months, A long discussion arose on the re- mit from the general assembly. This involved the appointment of three Sunday schoo} missionaries within the bounds of the ussembly, and other matters embraced in. the remit. Opin: jons differed as to the need of such missionaries, especially in the bounds of the presbytery. A motion by Mr. Maclean, not to approve of the remit; was carried. The report on church life and work was fully and ably presented by Mr. Mackie. Sessions had generally given good attention to the questions sub witted. to them. A brief summary of the gnswers cannot do justice to the vations important peints considered. There are both elements of strength and' weakness: in the werk of the church, and wise and prayerful effort i4 required to overcome the obstacles ta stecess. The questions on intem- perance elicited full, and in most cases very decided answers. Intemperance is decreasing, though some admit that moderate drinking is increasing in cer- tain circles. Nearly all the reports favored prohibition. Testimony was given to the good effects of this in townships where Joel option has been adopted. A prevailing opinion in some reports is thar the people do not generally and readily support the ordinances of worship, nor give a wi ling and intelligent response to the claims of lurch schemes. The report was received and 'cordially approved. ---- " @eorge Grossmith.'" George Grossmith made his first ap. pearance in Massey hall, Toronto, this season, on Monday evening, be fore 'one of the very biggest houses of the whole year. In fact, he and Pa derowskl seem to be equal in drawing powess. Speaking of his lectuve, the Globe says : "The audience had, bow over, "caught on," and the laughter was so general that the entertainer had to stop, snd he leaned over the piano to 'enjoy the joke himseli. Mr. all pervasive, The audience did vot, laugh spasmo- dically, they laughed all = the time. and - frequently the | great gathering was fairly convulsed." Mr. Grossmith will be heard at the Grand opéra house Friday evening. Has Been Promoted. Harry Hunter, of the Metropolitan life insarance company, been pro- moted to the assistant superintendency with headquarters as Kingston. "He will have charge of Napance and Des- eronto. Mr. Hunter, been with the, Metre itan. only fourteen months, but he i= a hostler and hgs been mast successful in his off i of the ompany. + To Hpve Various Clubs. There will be a meeting of members the RC.F.A. on Friday to. arrange for ihe formation, of minstrel, bi. vifle and other clube. officer; At the police court this morning' wabk arraigned for NT senteticed to' charge of Stunting at -- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Prof. Pikes Wants To Meet The : + Dog' Ppisoner. Kingston, March 4~--4To the Edi tor): I believe you would be confer- fing a great benefit on many ia this city if you could; through the medium i of your columns create such a general interest in the wholesale and maliei- ous poisoning of dogs that would lend to the discovery of the scoun- drels, who are plaguing the place hy the cowardly practice of | dropping poisoned meat, ete, about at night ih prder to destroy their 'neighbors' property. Twenty or thirty dogs Have heen poisoned quite recently. Mr. Fol- ger has just lost a very valuable ani- mal and the mischief is still abroad. Last night 'a dastardly attempt was made to end the life of our dog, and for my intense personal satisfaction I would would give much to get within reach for a few minutes of the mean- spirited wretch who caused our dog hours of soguish last evening and ovrselves no: little 'anxiety and ex- pense, i ' 1t is a scandal, that we dare bard- ly take a. dog on the Wtréet without fone of having him poisoned, I 'wish you would warn the owner of dogs to be careful, especially at nicht, and to 'make. enquiries and endeavor to glean intelligence of the enlprit or, culprits, who are pursuing this abomi- nable business. They should have eme-~ tics ready to band for immediate use as professional help generally arrives too late, and in case a dog is poison- ed, dhey should give the emetic at once, and them ply him with demul conts such as milk, sweet oil, eggs, chalk, ete. Our dog had Murteen eggs. a quart of milk and nearly a pint of oii Jast night, They need also to be wareful about the heart's action as the poison frequently proves fatal by causing the heart to fail. [ would dearly like to cram the co- wardly brute of a poisener with all my dog had last night amd give him something too, to canse him the pain as well. I offer 820 for his detection. WALTER J. PIKE, Qaeen's universi- ty. It is generally admitted that the de- tection of a person scatto ing poisons od food is extremely difficult. The pen- ality provided hy the criminal code of 1902, (section §01) is a fine of $100 or three months' imprisonment, on sume mary conviction. We hople the letter will" imgpress itself upon the minds of the eitizens and pelicemen and an at- tempt made to stop these guilty of the dastardly erime. ONAL MENTION, lovements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. Migs Maggte® Sullivan, Barrie street, is confined to her home with illness Irene, eldest daughter of Mis. Me Cormick, Wellington street, is serious ly ill, i ; Mrs. B. M. Britton, Kingston, will shortly visit her daughter, Mrs, Philp Gilbert, in Montreal. D. Gillies, of Kingston, attended the Gillies Muirhead marriage mn Carleton Place on Wednesday last. Mr. Thompson, oi Thempson & Avery, Sharbot Lake, was in the city to-day on a business trip, br. Edward Ryan and J. J. Behan were announced to speak. on Tuesday aft a C.M.BA, event in Montreal Mise Dott Fisher; Belleville, enter tained friends in honor of her guests, Mr. and Mrs. RB. W. Hunter, Kingstor. William Grant, caretaker of the county 'buildings, left to day for Ver ona to bring hix family to the eity. Miss Lillian Quinn, whie in New York making millinery purchases for Crumley Dros., saw the German prince in the Waldorf-Astoria. Percy. Balfour, Queen's graduate, now employed on the stafi of the Ca nadian cement works at. Marlbank, visited friends on Clergy street yes: terday William - Sands, Forest Port, N.Y. is here on a visit to his sister, Mrs. John Hall, at the lower fire station He has not seen his relatives here for twenty years, W. H. Hutchinson, formerly of St James' and Sydenhain street Meth dist choibs, this city, has been ap pointed tenor soloist of St. John's choir, Brockville, Dugald Stewart, Stowart, Montreal, ill with scarlet fever, has recovered. For six weeks Me. Stewart and family 'were guaran tined in their home at Westmount. D. M. Solandt, B.A., a Queen's theo- logical student, has been temporarily appointed to the pastorate of the Firet Congregational church. He will take charge of the pulpit for the re. mainder of the year. son of William p-- Accused Of Theft. J. Houston, a member of the dom- ition police foree at Brandon, Man, reached the city this morning. for the young man Marshall, wanted there for the theft of $200 from a companion. The. money was en from a trunk. The constable and his prisoner started westward at moon to-day. Marshall has relatives residing on Johuston street west. -------------- To Save Money your boots, shoes, trunks and valises. -------- Noo York meckwear, scaly at Bibby's. '| "THE ODD PENNIES. pennies don't buy an inferior a You should call at Abernethy's fork For the sake of 'saving odd! 5 THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5. GOES OF THE DAL. -- The Spice eof Every Day Life-- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At tention. Noo York neckwear. Bibby's. Monkey Brand Soap will clean a house from cellar to roof, but won't wash clothes. pPollars to doughnuts that a tailor will be the next president of the King ston higyele club, Marine men are beginning to limber up and navigation is not likely to be delayed very long. St. Andrew's eongregation in Otta- wa has voted 85.000, of the 326,000 raised for the century fund, to Queen's wmiversity. The Ontario electric company will, at once, begin securing the necessary consent of townships to run ears through them. Exclusive patterns neckwear that is sotto be had from every Tom, Dick or Harry at Bibby 's. At last night's regular meeting of Cataraqui Yodge, No. 19, LO.OF,, five candidates were initiated into the mysteries of Oddfellowship Quite a few Gananoque people came up to the city last night to witness the presentation of . "The Bohemian irl" at the Grand opera house. "Harsh purgative remedies are fast giving way to the gentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver Pills. If you try them, they will cer tainly please you. The hotelg of the city are having ad prosperous run these days, Une Prin- cess street house has had to turn away nearly every day the pst week, as it could not accommo date them, . At. the bottom of the programme of the A.O.UW: concert last night ap peared the words, "No encores gigen." This was a wise move, and one [ap preciated by the performers and the sensible people in the audience. If you gnee try Carter's Little Liver Pils for sick headache, bilinusness or constipation, you will never be with out them. They are purely vegetable, small and easy to take. Don't forget this. Arrangements have been made by Kingston lodge of Oddiellows 'to y the visiting brethren of Parham Harrowsmith a fine entertainment to morrow night. The members of Cata- raqui lodge and visiting "Oddfellows have all been visited. Manager McGuigan, of the G.T.R., began as a water hoy. That was good, but he also heecame a railway tank, absorbing evervthing worth knowing with the result that he is now on the top of the ladder, Many other lads who began with him as water boys are still at the job. They couldn't absorh and so stayed at the foot. guests give and Rise Of Two Reporters. The lives of men sometimes curious: ly run in and out of the lives of oth er wen. In the early fifties in the lit tle city of Augusta, the capital of Maine, two young journalists started their career, the one on a republican, and the other on a democratic paper, says the New York Tribune. Side by side they used to sit in fhe pallery of the old state house and report "the legislative debates. Later he of the re- publican faith. sat in that self-=ame legislature, and later still became ils speaker. He of the democratic faith later abandoned journalism for law, and later still made his way west ward, and settled in the thriving young city of Chicago. There he built up. a fine practice and a great name for himself in his profession-- so great indeed, that in 18588 Grover Cleveland sent for Melville W. Fuller and made him chief justice of the supreme court of the United Stateg. Mr. Fuller's ear lv rival had not _in the meantime been idle, and in 1808, Benjamin Har- rison sucereding Grover Cleveland in the executive office. James G. Blaine became secretary of state. So the two former reporters, who had sat cheek by jowl in the state house galleries at Augusta. met agpin, after a lapse of a little over thirty vears, the one chief justice of the supreme court, the oth- er secretary of state. Made A Presentation. At the monthly social last evening of the young women's christian asso: ciation, thé atiendance was large and Bn most enjoyable time was spent, music, singing, games, refresluents, etes, being furnished. Miss Sullens presided at the piano in a most - ac- ceptable manner. A pleasing feature of the affair was the presentation of a handsome clock to the association hy the members of the Sunday bible class. The following address was read by Miss Nellie Craig : "As a token of remembrance for a great future to come to the young women's christian association, we, the members of the Sunday bible class, have mack pleasure in presenting this clock, which will not only mark the time, as our pssociation rapidly md vaneos, but, we hope, will keep the right time for a long time t6 come, Earnestly and eagerly awaiting much improvement with joyous anticipa- tions which we are confident, is com- ing." Edith Wilson, Rutherford, i be hall of asdodiation, making a suit is steadily growing. The presentation was made by Miss | Misa able reply. Iitetest in the association The City Billed. The county council has sent to the city cone! an seount for 8990 and ; cenid, whi ot or QUITE A DISPLAY. Grand Delivery of Massey-Harris Machines. Thursday, 27th ult, was a gala day far the farmers in the vicmity Kingston, which was the oetasion of the spring delivery by Massey Harris company, limited, and their agents of machines to their customers. Nine earloads of implements, including binders, mowers, rakes, cultivator, drills, etc, arrived at the station and were unloaded at Kingston some days beinre, and the cutire supply was sold pravious to the delivery. On the day of the delivery the roads were alnios: impassable, but to the surprise everyone, 138 of this immense order of machines were loaded on the farm ers' waggons and taken home thai dav. How characteristic of the energy of the Canadian farmer ! After the day's work was over, the customers and their horses partook of relreshinents provided hy -Massey-Hau ris. company and their agents at the hotels. One feature of the pfocession was a splendid bana, which helped mnch to enliven the proceed ings. Too mich cannot be said of the in Jefatigable work of Messrs. T. Hughes, Kingston, and R. J. Spoor, of Woli Island, the two/agents bf the com pany, who had ihe 'arrangements of the day in hand. Both these gratle men have established an enviable mutation for zeal and industry, which the day's work in connection with the Massev-Harris delivery only served to enhance. of of brass ---------- An Ex-Convict's Clothes. "Hello, there's another one out Pretty young fellow, too," exclaimed a man as he stood on the street cor ver. A voung man had just passed wearing the regulation suit supplied by the penitentiary authorities to coms i-ts' whose terms have expired or who are let out on parole. These suits are of a peculiar style, and all hear a striking to each other. It very to detect liberated convict by wears. This makes difficult for the gives he will hear bird," "pen man," would be an easy mater for the thorities to supply clothes men which would sot at once mark them as convicts, Anvene who knows anything about the penitentiary can always téll:a comvict by his which always prison made. liberated should have tection to them in leading a better life. ' resew blance Is BANY the clothes the vew life more because all taunts of 'jail ict," ete. It man on we "eon to these boots, The some pro are men assist Had A Successful Trip Sergt.-Mai AMC, juts returned from a two mouths' re cruiting tour for the RC. F.A,, had a most successful trip. In all he scowr ed eighty-five recruits of de kind, and had re because oi a slight James O'Hagan, a most sirable two ooly jected fect, but these two are ying the defect which them. and they hope to be accepted within a week or two Sergt.-Maj. O'Hagan with varying oxperience during his outing and can relute many amusing incidents incidental to the tour, At Lindsay he 'recruited twin brothers named Had ley, fine strapping ive feet, ten and weighing 162! pounds old. At nitor de over barred fellows, standing half inches, and only Orillia he brothers Al the first in every respect choice of Canadian The have all expressed their liking for the life of a #oldier and, are pleased with their surroundings. Sergt.-Maj. O"Ha fan has reecived warm "for his success das a recruiting ane rine toon years also en isted two recruits the men are class SONs prai<e " f Nearly 101 Years Old. On Tharsday, 18th inst., Malcolm McRae, of the nouse of industry, will his 10st birthday. In hon the event a concert will be given there under the auspices of the dire tors, followed by a supper for the aged inmates. Mr. McRae, despite the fact that over a century of vears have over his head, and cheerful. When he celebrated his one hundredth birthday the -- Whig gave a sketch of the life of this re markable man, Born in the «High lands of Scotland, he spent his ear days there, coming out to CO about the time of the rel He served as a volunteer turing 1837 and "385. For many vears he followed the trade of a shoemaker in Kingston, working for Mr. Thompeon and "Sandy" Suthers land, father of the Sutherland Bro shoe dealers, Prince street. He » Mr. Sutherland was the bést em he ever had. celebrate of passed is will Live nada, of at on aid The Bohemian Girl. Balie's "Bohemian ably presented by company at the Grand opera hous lost evening. The company did not receive from the citizens the support it merited. The chorus, though small, is well balanced and carefully trained. The soloists possess magni ficont voiers, that of Martin Pasche, the tenor, beirg partieularly notice able for its sweetness. Mabel Day, as "Arline," won repeated applause by the very clever raviering of her dif ficult solos. The company is & par ticularly strong one, cvery role being filled with a soloist well able to pre sent the charseter in masterful style, The beautiful music lost mich of ita charm shpport. i ep Tho Copper Cliff Courier. _ Another paper has risen upon the journalistip. horizon~The Capper Chiff Giel"' was cap the Boston Lyric from lack of good orchestral § A0.UW. ANRUAL CONCERT HALL OVER-CROWDED LAST NIGHT. CITY Programme Furnished Was Perhaps The Best of The Sed son--Most of Kingston's Best Talent Took Part--A Highly Successful Affair. The asians on which the spatious and historic city hall has held such a large gpssenity oe as it did last even mg, are jew i ved Every seat was occupied, extra chairs were provided on the platform, the aisles and win low ledges held their share, while the DAITOW Space the 'entrance doors was crowded with standing peo- ple. Can't vou find us a scat anywhere? : he entered with The usher found ape for the the man was obliged to : the amiual complimen tendered by Limestone lade, JAOUN, to ite mem anit their friends. This lodge does anything by halves, so a ohcert was (expected. And not one in that large audience could pos ile have heen disappointed Yetoinary major = Massie the "chair, owing (as he explained it) the bashfniness of master workinan, Edward Perry: Un behalf of the lodge, the chairman gave the wudienee gu cordial reception. The pro was an excellent one, hd said, that was not easily excelled response ap od at the bottom of the printed sramimes, the anddithee ~ contentbd i with liberal applause of the first The Ot about ng ire a citizen as Bis wale lady, | stand ary bers never good t the ta the gramm nnd As "no On to encores, Harvey rendered two solos, i he Rail good form bring accustomed rich wd effect Gn the ev, who heard elections he hee ton. move Vouwe was chose Ome a udi came than expression. were "Mar Is Coming," led forth rounds ol in solos by Miss Mazurka (Musin) and "Minuet™ artistically ha Kin wived ug with and with Arthur Craig aliractive "Asleep In the piece, while Conquered' | Quentin) certainly had thet effect upon the hearts of his ist r Mr. $ is te one of gent lomen sing city, A Captive" (Chaminade) and rguerite's Three Powguets™ were the s contributed Kinghorn, i bn alos of the very His master were feature programme Deep," was St Craiy day d her rendition Mrs. Herbison * (Watson) and Lighter" nt voice vot Hair Crows very xed all so cloeutionary Kingston Citations hal itant Home," . Druammon \ iw we with t Shaw, street Moth Accom pRERIMmaen A a pope | denham the vil atisiag played tory manner Veterinary major Hopkirk, who Massic and J. E program the rigzinment, arrang w sort reat ore for "e the évemng § Every Herring wh I, and wh bot their ker hearts; not cial beauty, we turn out herring The day , are doom Westmonth nchitis. His Eastemm and ited wv ng on is «¢ gil stand on i may a must world was , Lan t, was used language pet One he surprised wm then he will use no other oo ------------ Canadian Meats. bbween vs. Canned American The recent tests American and Ca to those y canned meats ar perio packid by W. Clark, Mofitreal occupied | nadian canndd meats prove that | = . : The Starvation Plan Of Treating Dyspepsia and stomach JFrombiesis Useless o& 1 almost certain failde wo of "the starve Many people with weak digestion, ss will as some physivians, consider the Sess Sep to take in attempting to cure W estion is to restrict the der, either by solbting 'oor | tain loods and rejecting ethers oF to ant the ammgini of food ten to badly ough to keep soul ard body Sogetbery in { other words the starvation plas ts by many friappored to be the first edn nila i AN ths is radically wrong, BI follish amd unscientific to recommend Jdisting man aleenly suffeding from starvati cnsge indigestion fuse if slarves every nerve amd Bheo in Ue Body What peoples with indiestion me ahundans nutrition, plenty of me, properly cooked food; and Something aseist the weak stomach to digest it fiz is exactly the purpose lor which Sta. art's Dyapepein Tablets ate adepted and thie true resson why they cute the worst Onsen of stowsach. trouble. Fat a sufficept emount of wholesome food amd alter enc meal take ome or twa. of Stuart's Dyspopsis Toblets to prompily oi gost it In this way the svstem is nourished and the overworked stomach rested, toenuss the Tablets will dligent the food whether the stomach works or not, one grain of the aoe tive digestive principle in Stuart's Dvapepnia Tablets being Hicient to digest 8.000 grains of meat other alhominous H n Dr. Harley i and Dr. Bedwell recommend these 10 s in cama choke vi " Aon boca tie popwin and disstase in th are ahavlutely ip Brom anda! matter apd other tmpurities. amd being Peasant to the fasta Hire as safe aod barmless for the ohinl as for she weinif All drug wlores sell this eveellant prepara ton and the deily wee of them alter. meals will be of great benefit, not only as an ime mediate relief but to permanently twdld wp and invigorate the digestive organs SUGGESTS A CHANGE. to Time is Wasted in Acquiring Use- less Knowledge One of the outside officors taking the staff course at the Royal military college is of opinidn that muoch time is wasted by those ng the course in acquiring knowl is ab solutely of no to For ine stance, they are constantly having drilled on their pem information concerning the iu army that will never be of any service to them, sich as the names of the different re giments, their th, the recruiting system of imperial army, the num ber of infantry nents, cavaley re batteries of artillery, of¢ tal use ry wrial streng reg gHuents, which information is to a Canadian officer if the same inf tion was giv the Canadian militia it rht be of some practical benefit. He like to sm information coneerning the division of Canada in to military districts, the boundaries of such districts, their headguarters, the number of regiment each dig and = dormation of a that might of prac officers. "There tanght positively of no se He thinks that en wm about 1m would tanght sin triet wh other in like character be tical to ( fa at Canadinne, ituation use lot the college that 1 y useless to § aphical conditions s He informa tion during the course that of real value te the officers is that touching topography wnackan of other information hecause climatic the and is of opinion that acquired Elected The Officers. offigiirs olect So detsham, last South Sun ilent, ¥ eegaresicent The ed al a convention ir werk, of the Fre day school FOC t Pre W. Barnett, William John of provie Harr Lob g ingston, Willimma FM York. Place Jor next Klgiwburg following are the member Ww, F wnship pre Me Millan Vortland, donvenlion Found A Mineral Spring A new 1 ben mineral ha property, sompuny, purchasd the gronuds and i bill an hotel there, stari t up oat the spring geben ioral water ix sakl to Te g ve henthful Rind Fhe on the Alea ib WHAT THEY ARE. Composition of the * Famous GR. APE-NUTS FOOD. ---------- been cre ast the the popu A wiklespead int ated sompeosttion of # far food. Tt has ng heen kpown tg physicians, chem wad © food ex- ports, that the starchy portion of en tire wheat flour amd barley in trans forged thio a trae and very choice stignf hy the act of intestingl diges- tion in the human body This sugar iw identical with. and i» known ax grape sugar, and (8 is in candidon jor Hmmediate transformation into Blood and the pecesairy structure fram whack the delicate nerve centres are built up A food expert of the Postim Co. Lin, fils Crook, Mich., of a line of experiments until heed the food called Grape N) y which grape sugar forms the pr A port, and it is produced by botiowing out Nature's processes, in o mechanic al wey. That ie, best, moisture and time are the methods employed and directed by scientific facts gained ia researe . Grape Nuts are probably enmtithed to ithe claim to be "the weet perfectly adapted dood for bien weeds now extant, Corian it = that the tery delight in the favor and the porieet action of ntesiing! digestion "ayring the ure of Grape New ir selisfving, and the added strength of body gun Frw the lacie. i bad ainong good farngm ata 2