THE Mutual Preference. We'd prefor you to buy Swift's Scranton Coal And you'd prefer it to all other kinds If you once tried JANES SWIFT & 50 "HONEST COAL. + oho Coal thet will give you the full value of your money is the only kind we sell kis olgan all thy way through | ind 4 * which Wty penny you < warmth and comfort. FIRE He A COSY everyone. with plogsers™ ducine Vs kind to coor Hon or 0 Your tit BQOTH'S COAL. FT Woot of Wark Spree The in pay counts fox Coal for grates, slack burners, and stoves of every ind AN irda of Wood and Kind Foot of Queen St.--"FPhune 9, The cheery Cont Your Neighbor Says WALSH'S SCRAN TON ~~ COAL IS ALL RIGHT, Have you tried it ? . A | Shall we send vou aton 7 ---- p------ . New Store. New Goods. Call and inspect our New Stock' of 'Spring Goods $F Remember. ¥ou need have no fear in buying goods here, for we have no old . shop worn o¥ shoddy bargains (?) t to palm off on you. Everything clean and up-tosdate. Our custo- [8 1. look like pawn shop A PER.CENT. OFF TO STUDENTS! pe S---- ng"s. reer, 460009 0060006000000 | | | | | io ba stamp for geply. SAMARIA REMEDY CO. 28 Jo Drugs Couldn't Cure Her. RAT Lydia Lepard, of Holt, Ont,, Tries the New System of Curing People With 1 have years fr wis so weak I st Viely bh oxygen a nie at all druggists for 30 ecu i tite, SHE PATIENTLY Marvelous Success. been a sifférer wy stomach ouble My stomach send mot est 3 p, and at for shout five that way. i com t heranse | beloved Heard 4 eal pwthod. 1 must in wy ease. 1 aud=pow | feel nd betfer than 4 have doue Tur pieiely cured, frome. vheamatism in my 4 the Omeme hax complete onlsie. Migned Lydia Lep y peoplesthink It ts neces. pil te make thelr bowels to, give them a good My « wde 1 make thew sleep, i require these drags 3t they Pp thedy sr¥iems henithy in a by nslng FPowley's Liguifisd 'eaple with sedentary scenpntions by taking Qone i Was thi xa EXPT rw geod od tiation ME Peipadred 1k they eijoy rant fr Hikewise, 1 Gok hls ooy ong wy Is ts aud BORE DISGRACE A Sad Letter'From a Lady Whose Husband Was Dissipated. | Hove She Cured Him With a Secret "1 had for years patiently borne the dis grace, suffering, misery an to my husband's drinking Jeitations dus habits, Hear ing of your marvelons remedy for the cure of drpnkenness, which I could give m husband sroeurcd vod and pdorless sgereily, I decided to try it. a package and mixed it in his offoe, and, as the remedy wis and tasteless, he did pot know what is was thas so g.oiekly relieved hin craving for liquor, x P flesh, wo now wns completely eared I told him what I 4 He soon began toplek his appetite for solid food return- he stuck to his work regularly, asd have a happy home. After he hod done, when he acknowledged that it 1 been his eaving, as he had nog the ros lution to break off of kis own aceond, 1 lvnrtily advise all women afilicted as 1 was to gl FREE SAMPLE pv monialy Toronto, - Mas: vo your remedy a trial, pamphlet wivieg particalars, tes nd pricy sant in Pisin sualed une respondencse - sacredly confidential, ik Address THE lan Street, nada IDNEY PILLS CURE BACKACHE LAME BACK RHEUMATISM DIABETES Briant's DisgAse DIZZINESS ano ab ing, N.B,, writes on Jan. 18, 19011 "In the fall of 1899 | was troubled with a severs pain in the back. I could scarcely get up out of a chair and it gave me great pain to move about. | took one box of Doan's Kidney Pills and was completely 1 have not been troubled THE ACTION OF BOERS TO- WARD ROMAN CATHOLICS. Disapproves of The Sympathy of His Countrymen With The Persecutors of His Religion. Dub the let out a private a Roman South in merchant sends extracts irom jved by him from jest at Uitenhpge; will he au blessing when the war The country a "howling wilaerpest aod rin---Ho Crops, no vegetation, all a desolate wild waste Ar I am here for afew wee bat soon be off somewhere else I opelose photo of altar where | held 'Sometimes 1 haye out in fe over i i jiresent will in a tent niler a 1rée or wag: , and off at day! There i= no knowing when may be over. Uplesg the are caught will last open flowy long time Ths adie it a Boers are Inrious bigots, hat ervthing Catho No Catholie vote, nor was allowed to be a yungiltlor, policeman, or hold goverment situation Catholics ubiiected to penal laws unber the ¢ government. Bishops, priests and wa are delighted here that the ty ratinical © Boer republics are over thrown and crashed. Tt was Tigpossible the church to get on well in Routh the Boers. Om schools no grant under the Boer government, bat now under British rule they are paia by the state. Ca thedic are appointed al ready It is disgusting to see Catho lice papers and Irish MPs sticking { cruel, brotal Be who subjected Catholics to every indignity them of their nte during the war and destroved the charchas it wad done in Newcastle, Natal, ere Tim Healy, M.P.. has a sister a y, and in other places as well Ihe British have in every ated the Poers well. The country could never prosper under the Doers, and no British people could live under their which shut ont all British « from the privileges of the country 200 years behind the no evervihing very old ia Joers treated the blacks and shot and 'made slaves Boer says, 'The Catholic Afvica under for got magistrates up for the WS, and | deprived The . nv 0 Boers plundered bles of made sta case laws, I time (vancrment; The shamefully them down like dogs, them The Lritish came and our country from us' But the does not say that they took it the natives, ahd rahbed them and shot them down til The natives are a splendid men and "women, * intelligent rion, and make splendid SUPEFIOE in every respect to The poor. blacks are well pleased at the overthrow of the Boers. The Poors are a canting, hypocritical bibl big- few Hest would not pet we in a Boér missionary fs had te the plain, Then how stupia for Irishmen to and sympathizing with the Doore. who despise the Irish, pecially the 0 [ wish war w gick of the siuhis shioned. not eruelly, © pong took Boer from ¢ dogs tepe of t ir thoties, the Boers reading, psalm-singing Cath vears ago i a my the sleep om heuke; Oper he raving ok the over sal I daily "on GREAT EGG QUESTION. A New Agitation Is On In Brit- ain. THE Fugland made a At a recent gathering in Sir William Vernon-Harcourt specth on the value of the egy produc y industry, amd expressed surprise that so many millions of foreign should be Bought at as comparatively high price when the British henwife had #0 much in her favor. He advo cated the greatest cave in the collec: tion and marketing of eggs, est out that dealers and the purchasing public did not always insist, } ought, on an entre ninde between freshiylaid and newly marketed eggs and the stale article, Canadians should note the beginuing of this new agitation, which i tq grow antil good egys, tiy both producer and original pur chaser, shall alone be wanted for gon sumption, and will always be well paid for. Our trouble now as it is thy complaint in Groat Britam, that egg-gnthering ie far too oitén carried on haphavard, and fresh-laid ogie, which would always command. roman erative prices, © are limped together with egos laid sway and zat on by fugitive hens. Thus marketed, «they cause disgust to the buyer aud no end of trouble to the desler, who may have bonght the whole lot as "new nid," aml honestly sold them as such, What we require, if 4¢ could be had, is sume meaps whereby the honest egg producer condd | have full value = for what he sells, and the vendor of stale eggs, exappt ticketed gs such, be [we ventgd from causing wewarranted irri tation to the gonsuming public. and point PH being MORIN'S WINE. Creso-Phates Recommended By a Physician, For the lust two years, T have been using Morin's Croso-Phates Wine | in my Surgery for troubles of the respiva: tory tabes, cough, hoarseness, bronchi- aie, awd the tuberculous, 'The results bbtainad, with the paticnis whom 1 have treated © with the above rmedy, wiry surptising. | still prescribe it every day 10 any one sullering with the above mentiondd troables and even during 'the Bret period of consump i A. WATTER, R.DL Re Quok PRODUCE AND PRICES. ------ The Standard Rates - Governing The Local Markets. Kingston, March 4.--~The local pro dice markets remain with litte change this week, meat prices being a little higher ft was expesred that eggs would dreap, but the fall bas not yet oecurred and fresh hen fruit still re a dozen, amd are very A wear ago fresh eggs (ats rose two past two Wail ato. ¢ that 2H Caves ald for joren, during the a vents a bashel dave. Meat a tb: choles oof ; Ne 1O the care quarters, I to 12. a jb Hig the cach; fleef, forequariers, 4fe. to Se cuts, 12%e: a 1h; western a Ih; yearling lamb, Ye. to He. a 1b; fore a Ib.; hindquarters, 1c. hops, live weight, 3¢. a to Ne. a th; veal, by a Ib.; tongues, 3c to a lb, Flour and feed Farmers' flour and hakers' strong, $2 to $2.10 a owt: Hungarian patent, §2.20 to $2.30 a ewt.; oat meal and rolled oats, $5.30 to $35.75 a bbl; corn-meal, $1.50 to $1.60 a owt.; bran, $22 a ton; shorts, $2 to $23 a ton; hay 810 to $12 a ton; straw, §7 to 388 a ton. Grain--Wheat, white winter ang Can- adian spring, 65c.! to Te. & bushel ; focal soft wheat, 63¢. a bushel: North etn No. 1, The. to Tic. a bushel: Mani- soba No. 1, bard, B0c. a bushel; buck wheat, 0c. a bushel; barley, 45¢. io 5 a bushel; peas, Tc. a bushel ; oats, te, a bushel; rye, 5c. a bushes} Fruit--Calilornia naval oranges, 20c., Me., 40c. a doz: Florida oranges, Je. to Ble. a doz; Jamacia oranges, dle. a dozen; bitter wsranges, 2%, to 3c. a doz; pears, 20. to Me. a doz; Ma- laga grapes, 25¢. a lb; cranberries, [240. to 15c. a quar; leinous, J 10 Je. a dozen; bananas, 20¢. wo jc. a dozen; apples, $3.50 to 88 a hil. Vegetables--Potatoes 90c. to 81, bong; onions, $1.10 a hag: car rote, dle. to 65c. a bag, turnips, 40c, to 80c. a bag; beets, Bc. a bush.; cel ery, Be. to 10c. bunch; cabbage, 3e. to ie, & head. < Poultry--Tvrkeys, $i geese, Ste. to $1.20 each; ducks, to 90¢, a pair; chickens, 40c. to 75 sv pair; fowl, 40e. to 75¢c. » pair Fish White, fish, © blue a Ih.; smelts, 124c. a halibut, 15¢.-a Ib; bloaters, 40c¢c. a lozens finnan haddie, 10c. a 1b.: sal mon trout, 12¢. a lh.; Seattle salmon, Se. a 1b. salt salmon, salt trout and salt mackerel, I0Ge. a Ib; smoked cis poes, 10e. a lb.; salt ciscoes, a lbh; «alt codfish, 7c. to 150. a Ib; lobsters, a Ib; little neck clams, 20¢. a doren: frogs' legs, 30c. - a lb; shad, I a Ib: flonnders and tomeods, Se. Wh. kippered herring, 40¢ pollick, 5 alb Hides--These prices ave. given by John McKay, Brock street : Dekin skins, 50c. to 60c. each: deer skins, 10c. a lb; beef hides, No. 1, Ge. to 6c. &h ih; horse hides, $2 to $2.25 each: rendered tallow, 8c. a lbh; unwashed wool, 8c. a 1b; washed wool, 13c. th Fur, mink, $2 to 83; fox; 81 £2.50; cog 25¢. to 15¢.; skunk, to Te . by dressed, 7 cares {i mutton, Te. a be, to 81.50 each fish, Ib.; 1 ie, 15, 3 a dozen; 25¢. Dairy Wholesale. Butter--Creamery to Dh formers', in prints, 20, I. rolls, 17. to 18 baking but vr, 14e. a Ib, a lb, Cheose--94c. a Ib. 2e, 1%. «a lh, to in Dairy Retail. ut ter--Orenmery, farmers', ) ie: to We, a lb Ie a th: in rolls in prints, SX to a Hy Cheese Wholesale cooking, 20. Retail--Fresh, : A aozen. Fresh, ZEN 200. a dozen; cooking, a dozen; { Markets Elsewhere. March 3.-<~Wheat, white, The. to wheat, - red wheat, spring, per bush. , He 'oronto, + bush. , bad to bush., 72; to 67c.; b- pROE bush. hay, straw, aleike, choice, 50 to 2, 86.50 to $7; rod B50 wo $4.75; timo hogs, per $7.75 ww #5 butter, in 1b. rolls, to le. butter, creamery, per Ih. + to 20c.; chickens, per pair, 3. to ducks, per T0¢. to 81; tur By, 13e. Hie, gave, o lipaed, per dozen, le. ef w laud, 2 to ; apples, £3 to $0.50; po per hag, "he to Mie; to Se; Bik oats, ¢ barley, per bush. por_bush., 83c. to 8 50; buckwheat, BP ¥ tor 210 to timothy, V to $11.59 5): alsike per bush, per to souls, ver, dressed paar, per 10 per Ne, to fo dl ge per bil, turnips, per int oe bag, 26a carrots, bag, 40, to onihnes, per bag Me 81; beats, per bag, $5 to She padsnips, pee bag, 450 fo He cauh finwer, per dozen, Bc to 5c. cab Luge, per dozen, 50c.: 'celery, per doz., sy esi, Toveguariers, owt, beet, hindquarters, ewt., medium, carcase, 2 beef, choice, ¥1 to £7.25: lamb, owt, 38 to 39; mution, ent, 88 to $6.50; val, choice, #8 wo =. Montreal, March 3.~The best cattle sold at from dic. to He. per th, while fair to good stock brought from 3(e to fe. per Th, and the lean and poor heads were quoted at je. to 3. per lr: Sheep, Me. to Be. per hy foanbe, 4de. to Affe, wd in a few special ensed Be. per Ih was paid. Calor, range from S100 to 80.50 per hond for only medivm stock, While larger and more fatted cies sold at from 84 to $12 ewh. awording wo sire and guadity. "Hogs, arrivals light; demand malian, quality fair to good, Prices wees quoted" at from 86 to $6.50 per hundred pounds. i ten oo . h € » is. Xork the and beef, ate had voushers of THE REASON. HE BALKED NEVER ! SAYS GOV. HOGG, OF TEXAS. I'll Wear Another No; Not Meeting "Blamed Ii Country's Uniform ! Even, For Sake of the King." London, March 5 cried sx-voversor Hogg, of Texas, when { that he must put on knee breech sword and the other articles of re gulation court dress to attend the coming king's levee, All the arrange ments for presenting Mr. Hogg at court had been completed by nmbasse ador Choate, hut the well-known Tex- an balked when told ghe requirements of etiquette. P "if 1 ean not appesr in the prdin ary evening an Americ an citween," said the gx-goverpor, "T will not appear at all.*A pretty sight | would look rigged up in those gew saws. | hate not the faintest idea of trying revolutionize gven ori ticise English customs, but Mamed i 1 country's uniform ! No. vot even for the sake of meeting the king." ' Never 1" dress of two or wear sanother LABOR UNIONS EVERYWHERE ---- Interesting Notes From All the Continent, The Bartenders' association of greater New York, organized last weok, has for one of its objects the disciplining of all members who drink behivd the bar. None but men known to be of abstemious habits may join the union. . 3 vival trade assemblies in Denver, Col., are at war with one another and all efforts of an arbitration com mittee to effect a settlement have Deen in vain. | Ninety-five per Vermont are roads Over the railroad the unions, and that state bet ter of than any in the cast. The officials of the American federa tion of labor is considering the pubs with les of labels. of ¢ in cent wen in the in are anized lieation of a book fac-simi all the union Orgamzed in THinois to have the machinery from the state penitentiary in order to lessen the production of workers ar en voring vemoved econvict-made goods All the section foremen and laborers working for the Canadlan Pacific and Canadian Northern railway companies in Manitoba and Assingboia are gauizing. The child labor bill, drawn up un der the auspices of the Baltimore fed labor, prohibits the em ployment of children under fourteen vears in factories. The penalty for each violation is $100. The cigar makers of Porto have gained $1 more per 1.000 out strike, The bricklayers, carpenters and painters of the island have or gamed during the past month. The supreme court of Kansas is peeted titutionality few Was gained a or eration of Rico with Li a decision on the eon of the eight-hour day So | the far victory in to pass law labor all thin a bureau of the lower courts Labor men at San Pedro, Cal, ha nonsinated a eity ticket to be n the April election Over one-third of that the produ voted for the manufactured made f female choo! teachers amd insurance ggen work are in ia of Shenandoah, Pa., are Hoekis fer the unionism Four worl of's have mer of trade thousand ship and now on o fm ion been strike San Francisc over seven months for an nine-hour day Might Prevent Runaways A Teronto peading who has the past few weeks nl yeu town Io Whe runaways } ir vou would in Te oH Phere if Ss A { while he ente the bu iceman accosts him, and address and dharply man, terday i saul SO HOP a weel thar months in thre a man J hors 1nd des no mer In PETIT cases out of ten t i and In ning to appear rate next morning e. A hylaw wure hix horse before lea law m will have before Con The ed thete is in consequence {ow run I notice that police here pa i. though 1s strictly end und aways no attention to such matter 1 am told that there is a similar by v Kingston. Tts ikl save many people I much property enforcement from n damage in 0 fre Arrangements At Syracuse. Syfaense, N.¥Y., Mach 5.--Prife Henry will be greeted on Ms arrival s this ey By mavor Kline amd onunitiee of busin men The joderkrons. singing will sing The train, after engineé ave changed, will be drawn 10 Vamderhilt where the eeremoniss will take plape. "The 4st separate company will = act ns guard. The square will be hail hantly illuminated with electric Hehis so that alt may have gn opportunity coving the distinguished visitor ming seit y wgnare, of Troubles Of The' Soldiers. Leytonstone, Eng. Pagar Sire -- With regard to Kelpion, 1 ceaant Apenk too well of it. 1t wes the osly mwsdical store we had with us, and i don't know how we should have gol on without it. . The regulars were always "railin op for a "rab of Kelpion' tn dif furent complaints, and | think that all soldiers should be sory ed with "one pos Kelpion" when gor ing om ative service. I think #% was owing to your ont sent that #0 many of ue were able 1 keep tp and do the record msnd an der lord Kitchener. The first time | saw it need was for a hed foot, which was badly bused days be Won sble to wesr his bots sod in less than a week able w walk At Uratige River 1 weed is for my thront, whitch was swollen to Toneihi- to, and by rubbing your Relpion well velit sorte, ete, nothing un het it Bigned yo ooMer HL orale; r da ts Nev. os. CEN i oertminiy, milvie: 30 lrianie bo won Kelpion. 2 1 Av droggiets, Sic. certamiy } @ railway earviage door. In three} in 1 wen soo: ewred. For bruises, § advantages cf two minutes. nore, lean beef. A good cook knows the * It is always prepared. Makes delicious broth in It is so sim- ple to use, so very pure and nourishing. Makes a score of recherché dishes and improves as many BOVRIL is the vital essence of the best No, 97, This particular style, $1.75 Straight Front No. 297. The picture shows you the effect. Our reputation assures you that the workmanship, and durability cannot be excelled. D.& A. Genuine Straight Front From $1.00 to $2.00 a pair. Dominion Corset Mig. Co. Quebee Montreal Toronte £0¢. a yard, yard. and 800, a ymd a yard, well, ¥roven Muslios, pretly col rings with satio stripe w ® Dainty Wash Fabrics. Our stock of WASH MATERIALS is about complete. Many women purchase and have made up early before dress- makers get busy and assortments incomplete. and colorings in many are simply beautiful, Fronch D lly Varden Maslias; exquisite colorings, 50e. s yard. English and Fro ch Foolard Musas, with pressed floral designs, 26e. -- The weaves Americans Betis'e Lawns, io wool, linen and bright effoets, 16e.. 18¢., , 16¢.,20¢ , 20¢., 800. 8 Pisin sad Mercerised]Fini-h Sateens, 18¢c., 20¢ , 26¢., 80¢c. & yard. Rilk Mixed (hnghams, in bloe sad vink stripes, 8G¢ , 45¢., 600. & yard, Bik Mixed Ginghams, in Besteh plsil patierns, 38¢. 10 40¢. a yard. White Spot Musics, Todis Linens, Piques and Lawos, Se, to 86e, 8 yard. Dimity, O gandie, Hair Cord, Binip. d sad Checked Mnstins, 10. fo 80s, C-nsdise avd Ameriean Ducks and Prints. warranted to wash and wear Orumb's Famons English Print, the best known from the old , in Nary, Cardinal, Garnet, Brown, Lilias, Faney Coloriogs snd and Waite Effects, sll warrantsd to be fst dye, 124: a yard, : A Visit th Our Wash Fabric Department Wilt Delight You, Favor Us With a Call snd We Will Do Our Best To Please: * CRUMLEY BROS. 132-134 PRINCESS STREET. Goodness in Cakes Can always be found here fresh, well-baked, nicely flavored and per- fact in every respect. We have every maké an All goods promptly delivered. a TOVE'S, King St.