SPECIAL COONT ATES NORTH PACIFIC COAST and KOOTE- NAY POINTS, SEs? SIG. SEALE 1843.55. ACOMA RTLAND ELSON and ROSSLAND SPOKANE, Wa. 1843.05. Way Sccond-Class EXCURSIONS BUTTE, Mont., HELENA, Mont SETTLERS: One- To Magitobs avd Caasdien Will leave every TUESDAY daring MARCH nnd APUIL, if suffciens business offers Full particulars at K. & VP. and C Rn Ticket Ofic:, Ontario Sweet, F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, Cen. Pass. Agt Ges. North-West. Pr. JR Bupt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR Tweed, Napanee, Dessrcate and all loom! points Train leaves City Hall Depot as 4 wm, RJ. WILSON, CPR Telegraph OF COLONIST - RATES. {IN EFFECT MARCH 1st to APRIL 30th. To British Columbia, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, etc. VANCOUVER - TACOMA pol LAND . ' PESLAND . SPOKANE, Wash., 1$43.55. BUTTE, Mont., i a HELENA, {$43.05. SETTLERS' ONE WAY SECOND CLASS EXCURSIONS to Manitoba and Canadian West, will leave every TUESDAY dur fag MARCH asd AVL, if sullicient busi now ers. For full particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passr. Depot. Rl DOMINION LINE. Mall Steamships. Liverpool Service. FROM PORTLAND, tirishman, March 15th, i tioman,... arch 22nd. Norseman, March 29th, 1Turcoman.. April Sth, Dominion, ...... (April Lith, Catltornian,: April 16th. Steamers marked 'do not carry pass sengers, ¥ RATES OF PASSAGE-Saloos, $50 and ward: Single, $90 returs. Second Saloon, sh: Third Class, $25, FROM MONTREAL. Yancouver,... ve «May rd. ' tnbom,. i. .aiii May 17th, FROM BOSTON. Commonwenith, vires sss March 20th, Merion, as : "March IInd. NEW SERVIC Boston te the g Mediterranean, Lambroman, April 9th and May 21st. Midship saloon, elect lghs, spacious Ppromenada decks, : % AF P. Hanley, J. P. Gilderslesve, , (LT.R. Station, 42 Clarence Sa PD. TORRANUE & CU, Gen. Agte. , Manicenl and Portinnd. -.BER MUDA.. THE NOW FAR-FAMED BERMUDAS, WITH while COM ANIC and suuable Bomperaturs seventy permit oe Pi er Bg guatters of the Hriush army and oavy, avivalled in ite attractiveness, to fiend o steamers TRINID, or TORIA in Sal irom fortvaight hours In New every five: days this winter, hy ST. THOMAS, he ST. KITTS, MARTINIQUE, ARBANDES AND DEMERARA, benutitul and Intetesting tours, ¥ =. Bi aller "hip pital islands, inclading 4 by tanched i of y from New York. For lots snd dates of sailing EMILIUS QUTERBRINGE & dn, 89 Drosdway, New Yock: J. LY we J.P. GHDERSLEEVE, ARTHUR AUIERN, secre Liverpool and : Allan Lire Loudanderry, "Royal Mall Steamers. Fram 3. Joba, Frosh Mallfax. Spm. 1 Mar, #ooday, Mar, 3. Sut. ¥ a.m, 8 Mor Monday, Mar. 10 8. pm, 13 Mar. Mooday, Mar, 17. aa, 28 Mar, Monday, Yar. 24 Lf MATES OF PASSAGE. Wiest Cabin, $45. avd upwards; % and upwards: Second Unbin, $32 Landon, $1.50 astra; Third Class, $25 $5 5 Liverpool, Derry, Bellusy, Glasgow, & te Glasgow and Londonderry MN a oe wae Bat, Feb 22, 10 am Seer thinning Nat Ha §, 4 =m 1a Sat, Mar Wrst € 0 and upwards; bin, o 3 2, 9 am Second Car bird Class, $26. ol diharton and On i Clarence * Innley, Agent, City Passenger 0 streets, J. lorsteeve, v Waggons, Carriages repaired ans painted © and the place to ge . thém dene is ot LATURNEY'S where every thing is done unde his own supervision. 390. PRINCESS ST "Oharles Andress visited The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario--What Peo-' ple Are Doing and What They! Are Saying. 7 1s Critically Il. Fredericksburg, March 4.--Mail car | riers and hay delivery have been much delayed by the bad roads. Henry Carle is lying criticalfy ill, the resalt of a paralytic stroke, Miss Mina Schell is visiting at the home of Rev. 8. Shorey, Sydenham. Municipal council meets on Monday, Bailey Ham spent Saturday in Kingstom on busi ness, Off To Manitoba. Mountain Grove, March 4.--Mes. B. Sanderson has returned to Manitoba, after spending the winter with ber parents. She was accompanied by Miss Marv Sanderson, who will join het parents here, Miss M. B. Price hus returned after visiting friends on Wolle Island. PF. Kelsey is removing bis portable photo gallery to Shar- hot Lake. A little daughter has come to stay at the home of D. McDonald. Miss Estolla Gates; Westbrook, is vis iting her sister, Mra. DD. McDonald. Rev. Wy T. and Mrs, Wickett, Mor- ven, at>'T. G. Flynn's, Adding To His Farm. Maple Lane, March 4.--R. Gilbert hus purchased from Harry Davison twenty-five acres of choice land aa- joining his own place, a part of the Wty acres formerly: owned hy N. P. Wood, Kingston. GG. W. Lucas recent- lv. sold another one of his Vonsirus horses to a Kingston man, realizing a good price. Sherman Bond, New York state, has been visiting friends in this place. Some of his frienas accom- panied him home. They experienced a lot of diffieulty on the return trip, on account of the bmak-up in the roads. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis ion entertained a number of friends recently. Luther Sharpe, Sillsville, was at A. M. Baoyder's last week. Calabogig@Cullings. Calahogie, March 3.--~Death visited the home of Mr, Cohway on Friday, when his voungest daughter died of consumption Mr. Dolen's little boy feil off a sleigh Sunday and got his leg broken. Miss Donaldson and Miss Lumsden were guests at Mrs. J. L. Donaldson's for a few days. Miss Church has returned from Arnprior. Mr. Cavanagh has staried his mill to work for 'the summer. A number of Calabogie men are quarantined in Rathbun's shanty, where they will re- main for some time, The home of Ezra Beech has been brightesed by a young son. John MeKerron has had a cream separator working at his own home. Miss Pauline Church is visiting friends in Burnstown. Miss Levi Church has gone to Arnprior. Rockport Records. . Rockport, March 3.--The tea meet- ing in the Methodist church Thursday evening, February 27th, proved a suc cons, proceeds being $21.70, Mrs, Charles Cornwall is on the sick list. Miss Ethel Stevens made a visit to Brogkville one day last week. Mr. and 'Mee. John Fitzsinmnnons were the guests of J: F. Fitsgimmons for a neu. LING vm ~ against arrest, and a small crowd gathered about and began to hustle the policeman, Mr. Monroe told the erowd got to interfere with the police man in the discharge of his duty. The policeman pulled out his pocket knife, and some one in the crowd cried out : "Look out, he's got a knife." The policeman was. in plain clothes and few of those in the erowd knew who he was, "What. are you that knife ?"' demanded the man had given money to the beggar. "I am going to give this beggar an- other arm," replied Hartigan, as he ripped up the empty coat sleeve of the Taian and pulled into view another sound arm. The crowd then saw that the Ttalian was an imposter and offer- ol no farther protest. y Callo was committed to the work- hbtise for two months in default of $300 bail. He said he lived at 41 east 110th street. going to do with who | vices are bein DAILY few dave last week. Z. Jeroy is ill William J. Kahnt, Alexandria Bay, was a visitor at the port Sunaay. his brother James at DNrockville general hospital lest Fricav. Hulbert Root spent Sa- turcay at Alexandria Bay. Eazry Shipman made a business trip to Brockville last week. Miss Jeanct Root, Grenadier island, spent a few davs last week with friends here. Ser- held every night this week in the English church by Rev. Mr. Leech, Lansdowne. A Pleasant Musicale, Foriar, March 4.--Mr, and Mrs. Wil liam Percival, Chantry, spent Moncay with friends here. Mrs. W. M. Camyp- bell and two daughters, Misses Mollie and Statia, Langdon, N.D., are ts of Mrs. James B. Ackland. laycen and Case Halladay, Lyndhurst, were guests of William Adrain one evening last week. A very pleasant time was spent at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James NB. Ackland, on = Wednesday evening last, when their daughter, Miss Maude, gave a musicale to her many friends. Miss Mollie Comstock, Langdon, N.D., who was present, gave two very fine selections, entitled, "I'he Holy City" and "Night Bird Cooing,"" which were well receivea. Miss Ackland sang in a very pleasing manner two solos entitled "Dolly Gray" and "Without Thee, Fond Heart," Games were indulged in until twelve o'clock, when tea was served. Died At Fosterville. Fosterville, March 4.~Oune of Fos- terville's oldest and most respected residents passed away on March 2nd, in the person of Mrs. Catherine Mur- ray. Although deceased had. reached the ripe age of minety-three years, and been failing in Strength, ber death came rather unexpectedly. She was of a quiet, retiring disposition, happy and unassuming, always chari- Co to the poor, and held the - res- pect of the entire community. Deceas- ed is survived by three sons and two daughters. They are: Michael, on the homestead; Capt. James and Joseph Murray, Kingston; Mrs. Moses Doyle, Chafley's Lock; Mrs. Mary McCann, Clayton. Her husband predeceased her to the grave forty-two years ago. The funeral, a lengthy cortege, testi- fying the high esteem in which she was held, took place on Tuesday morning to Philippsville church, where mass was celebrated and where the re mains were afterwards placed in the vault, * Plevnal Paragraphs. Plevna, March 3.-Mr.. Elliott, dig trict organizer, held a public meetin here in the interest of the local court, 1.0.F. The little daughter of H. B. Wood is quite ill. Master Allie Stalk- er, grandson of Wallace Mallory, has been dangerously ill for some time. His mother, a nurse in Mary Fletcher hospital, Burlington, Vermont, has been called home to attend him. Miss Gwen Dawson, Ottawa, is spending a few days with Mrs. G. Ostler. Rev. P. G. Huyck has returned, alter a two weeks' visit with his parents in Na pance. John F, Card cut his foot while in his shanty last week. Mrs. John Douglass, ill for some weeks, is improving. Mrs. Gilbert Ostler is making rapid recovery, and her nurse, Miss Joyner, will return to Kingston in a few days. We have the sad duty to relate the sndden death of Timothy PY. Hicks. He slipped and Tell on an fron bucket, and iv less than two days died from internal injuries. He was buried yesterday in the Plevna cemetery, and owing to the ahsence of our rector, J. T. Wright, M.D., read the burial service at thé grave. Mrs. Black and children are visiting at Egerton Card's, Lansdowne Locals. Lansdowne, March 5-~The 1.0.0.F. concert, Friday night was not a great success financially, owing to the storm, but was very entertaining and interesting. William Boyle has gone to Watertown, N.Y., where he has surchased an hotel. Sergt. W. W. rew, and Corpl. Donald Jack return- ed Friday from a' course of mstrue- tion at Royal school of infantry, Tor- onto. They were well pleased with their experience. Miss Scoular has gone to Toronto, to attend the mil Imery 'openings. Thomas Keating, having finished his apprenticeship to the barber trade, has opened a shop here. We are well supplied in that line now, having two barbers, Joseph Shields is putting in a first class pa- Macdonald Club Meets. oy ly attended ansual meeting i. the Mcdonald club was held last ht at the corner of Wellington and P k streets. James Minnes, presi deft; occupied the chair. The follow- in cers were elected : "President, alderman F. G. Dunlop ; first vice-president, J. Sowards; se: cond vice-president, W.. H. Dalby; third vice-president, James Demmison; woeretaries, T. J. Rigney and J. Hughes; treasurer, W. C. Wright. y Addresses were made by the chair "win, Dr. Herald, mayor Shaw, J, 8. R. McCamn, alderman Dunlop, alder. man King, T. J. Rigney., James Den nison, W. H. Dalby, D. A. Shaw and others. Resolutions of confidence ing the leaders, Messrs. Borden and Whit! dey, were , and the meeting chomed with cheers for those gentle: men and the king. ------ Changes In Officials. Ottawa, March 6.--J, H. Kenning, collector of inland revenue at Windsor, bar been inted inspector for that district of the late Mr. Gow and James MeGovern, of the revenue department; in London, ed RKenning's pince. Mr. Thrasher, IH. R. ¥urray becomes aeputy collect: vacant for some time, ------------ . You Can Have. . The best assortment to choose he lowest pr and best goods the city at 4 .. A ---------------- -- armers, who attended the y piaived of the w | goose necks, and can hlow . 1,000 tent oven in his bake shop. The in- fant child of Samuel Warren is very ill. Mrs. D. Shipman, has recovered from her recent illness. Mrs. John Potter returned to her home in Mani- toba last week. Champion Glassblower. Norwood, Pa, March 6,--The cham- pion glass-blower of the east is Miss Anna J. Agnew, of Norwood, whe is employed in Glenolden. She is only hn years old and is pretty and vivacious. Miss Agnew is an expert in making antitaxin bulbs, screw nat ol each as a day's work. She is abo skiful in fancy glass blowing. Miss Angrew saye the work does not affect Wer lungs or her general health. She declares that during the past two years her lungs have become stronger, and that she has "ingreased in weight from 110 to Ii nds since taking wp men's work" Are Paying. London, March 6/--~American plays are doing the best busibess of any in mn." So great hat been the sue = owns of "Mice and Men" since the Chathoty, takes McGovern's position; gust. \ BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, THE AFFAIRS OF THE HOR. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By The Dear Public. The Orange grand lodge of Mauito- La, is in session at Winnipeg. The Berlin (Germany) fire depart went was called out 11,060 times last year. - The prince of Wales turned the first sod of the new dock at Avonmouth, on Wednesday. I'he dominioft government is making a determined effort to have all the Manitoba Indians vaccinated. Ihe Manitoba legislature has ap- proved of travelling libraries for pro- vincial tours in the province. John Scholes, near Altamon Sta- tion, on the Canadian Northern, Brandon branch, was found dead. The Allan line steamer Pretorian, from St. John and Halifax, arrived at Maville at 545 am., on Thursday. An association of women has been formed in Berlin, whosé object is to colleet funds for Boer widows and children. Diphtheria and scarlet fever are very prevalent among the Germans of Pilot Butte, a settlement about eight miles from Regina. Joseph Brunet, M.P. for St. James' division, Montreal, denied any inten- tion on his part' of resigning his seat in the house of commons. A new discase of the horse has ap- peared: in the Darling district, Aus tralia. The horses become blind and their recovery is very rare, Alived Wigle, postmaster at Wind- sor, Ont, has been suspended, jend- ing an official enquiry. It is saia the survice there is very inefficient. The West Durham reform associa tion met at Bowmanville, and ratified the nomination of William Rykard, for the legislative assembly. Joseph Harris, jr., was fined $25 at the Hamilton police court for throwing Thomas Lovett, a bailifi's oflicer, out of a cigar factory. The Four-Hours-Sleep society is the Intest thing in associntions and is Chicago bred. The members pledge themselves not to sleep more than four: hours, A provincial grand lodge of the or der of Orangemen will he established in Calgary immediately. Alberta and Medicine Hat will * be included in the territory. The dairy supply company, of Oswe- go; N.Y., has assigned, and a receiv- er has been appointed. The unpaid salaries of the company employees are £1.262.50, Orders have been issued for an in quest on the body of David Valen tine, buried at St. Thomas, and the remains will be exhmmed for that purpose to-day. All the homing pigeons belonging to the United States naval department have been sold. The wireless tele graph system bas rendered the birds useless to the navy. Mrs. Sarah McCloy, a Pittshurg, Pa., widow, was awarded $2,500 dam- ages against the Rev. John Thomas, pastor of the Union Baptist church, for alleged breach of promise of mar- riage. A joint intemational debate on the abolition of capital punishment will take place on March 14th, between teams representing the university of North Dekota and the umiversity of Manitoba. Jean Baptiste Fortier, post-master at Frontenac and mail carrier be tween Ste. Philomene of Fortierville end St. Jean Des Chaillon, was acei- dentally 'killed on" Wednesday by his horse running away. Mr. Fortier was sixty-five. years of age. Representatives from the following universities, Ottawa, MeGill, Queen's, Trinity college, . Bishop's, Harvard, Toronto, Victoria, Acadia, Laval and Morrin, will have a university banquet in April. The outcome of the banquet it is expected will be the establish- ment of a nniversities' club. English Bride For Dr. Rodman. London, March 6.--Dr. H. H. Rod- man, of - New York and Eleanor, daughter of the late Sir George War- render; will shortly be married. MARCH 6. HAT PIN IN HER STOMACH. Miss Rosa Lee To Be Operated On In Brooklyn. New York, March 6.-The stall of Methodist Episcopal hospital. Brook lyn, will soon operate on Miss Rosa Lee, of Hancock, Delaware county, who was. brought to New York after she had swallowed, by cccivent, a hat pin, two and a half inches Jong. Though : the pin has been in her stomach for more than a week, Miss Lee has suffered but little discomfort, She has had 10 be fed op liquid foods, however. The location of the pin was discov ered yesterday with X-rays. 11 is ly ing on the right side of the stomach. ------ Prince Henry At Harvard. Cambriage, Mass., March 6.---Prince Henry spent the afternoon at Har vard amiversity, noting all that he saw with a keen eye and expressing surprise and astonishment at the size and completeness of the institution. The prinve Was heartily received by the faculty and students of the uni- versity. The visitors arrived under es cort from Boston at hali-past one, and were received in Memorial hall by resident Eliot. 'After the greetings ad been exchanged all proceeded to the faculty room, where, alter the professors and officers had been pre sented, luncheon was served, The meal was as informal as consistent with collegiate and imperial dignity, ana when it was. finished all repaired to the Harvard union huilding, where there was a formal retoption tq sto: dents and a few brief speeches. The programme of the afternoon clossd with a reception to the Germanic stu dent association at the home of Prof. Munsterberyg. Held At Pembroke. Pembroke; Ont., March 6. Eighteen men are detained in quarantine in a vacant house here, a telegram having beon received to watch the Winnipeg going east for suspects. The facts of the case seem to be that these men came from the lumber camps and were detained at Des Joachims They se- cured medical eertifientes of good health and freedom from small-pox by showing that they had already been quarantined. One of their number, who had a well-marked case of small jox, was not seen until the train started. He was detained at Des Joachims and the remaining eighteen are to be quarantined here for eleven days. One of the provincial health of ficers is in charge. Situation In Servia. Vienua, March 6.--A dispatch from Belgrade says that extraordinary pre cautions were taken to prevent dis- turbances to-day,which was 'the thir- teenth anniversary of king Alexan ders adeession to the thrope. Acoord ing to recent advices from the Servi an capital the situation there iy des cribed as that of a volcano, likely to burst forth at any moment in an up- rising that will sweep the throne and all the friends and supporters of the present regime out of existence. King Alexander, almost if not quité an im ,becile, is said to be virtually a pris oner in the roval palace, while politi cians of all factions are scheming in regards to the occupant of the throne after his downfall. ------------ American To Wed Prince. * Paris, March 6A rumor is current here to the - effect that Miss Helena Gorham Wilde, an American, who has made her home in Paris for a long time, will shortly marry prince Eu- gene of Swedén, if he can gain the consent of his father, and arrange to resign his right of succession to the throne of the Bernadottes, as his bro ther Oscar did some vears ago, when he made a morgantic alliance by es pousing Miss Ebba Moncks~a marriage which ereated considerable of a stir at the time. Prince Eugene is a pain ter of some note who has lived in the Latin quarter for many years. Miss Wilde is both pretty and wealthy. Boston Welcomes The Prince. Boston, Mass., March 6.--Pritice Henry's reception in Boston today was a repetition of the hearty wel come be has encountered everywhere since hix arrival in the United States Fhe wvpecial train reached the city on schedule time, arriving at the Rack Bay station shoruy after ten o'clock. Since an. early hour in the meoraing erowds had been congregating in the vicinity and it was with the utmost Dressmaker's Backache. sdsiiisin, Women cngaged in frequently have tronble with their back and kid- neys. © RBun- ningasewing ; \ vsachine, plying the needle in the never ceasing 'stitch, stiteh, stiteh, pressing seams--oonstant bending ws tells on the back, makes it sche and pain. No wonder these | their th ail. i i | Salve will cure hard or soft corns difficulty that the police, aided by squads of infastry and marines, were | able to keep the people in check. The | prince was officially greeted by mayor | Coline and William T. German consul. Reincke; the Smith's White Liniment is the most penetrating liniment known, and a positive cure for sprains, swellings, inflammation, neuralgia, rhewmatism, and Tumbago. In Kaitos, 2e., at Wade's drug store. Three applications of Peck's 'Corn In big boxes, 13¢., at Wade's drug store Your Neighbor Says WALSH'S SCRANTON COAL - IS ALL RIGHT, Have you tried it 2 Shall we send vou a ton ? from the rear. only at ' 75 AND 77 PRINCESS ST. The best is the cheapest. Kitchen (er) Reports That trouble and mules should never be approached You are approaching all kinds of trouble when you buy cheap "POISONOUS" Enamel Ware. gle piece of "STRANSKY" for a sample. Try a sin. To be had ELLIOTT BROS., Money refunded within 30 days if not as guaranteed. . | SUNLIGHT | COAL OIL surrounding district. a sample. Is the best grade made in the world ; in other words you : cannot get better anywhere, and judging by the quantity we have sold during the past few months it is filling a long felt want with the citizens of Kingston and If not already using this brand try McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. BRITISH TROOP OIL LINIML..'T Speains, Strains, Cuts, Wounds, Uke. Open Sores, Bruises, Stiff Joints, Bites and Cough and all Painful Swellings. A LARGE BOTTLE, 25e. --The Death-Knell of Grippe The death-knell of Grippe is sounded---medical science has given us the sceret for dealing this " grimmest "' of ailments a blow that will effectively and permanently expel it from the system--- and preyent the dire distress that follows in its wake. wa Uwanta J GRIPPE | Capsule is not a violent treatment, but if you are a victim to Grippe or subject to colds and coughs, it will cure you as certainly as night follows day.--Just one thousand testimonials to prove the truth of it--and you can verify any or all of them by writing All draggistanel] Dwanta Capenle ~of you oan order direst by enclosing 35 cents to UWANTA MTG CO., Led. } Ottaws, Ont. IN ORDER TO INTRODUCE THE B- & H. whe We Will Selt For 10 Days Oaly. grade. Breck o R-I-P-A-N -~ we is weaverly condition of health A RiPARE Toei . Drag is escagh Tassily bottle, AL le bt » couidins & . your. Yee | © Stings of Insects, Coughs, Colds, Contracted | Cords, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Croup, Sore Throat, Quincy, Whooping | 11!) 8 for $1 Cash Ever; ome gparasteed bigh TO EE LET. TET I EIR DI MT 00D FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OF withous bourd, 100 Quan street ous vou FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH , with all modern sonvenienmes, 191 University Avenue. AOUSE IN VAUGHN TERRACE, WITH kitchen and bath room In ertension. Apply at No. 6 or at the Whig Offion. weiner ly EDW. J. B. PENS i ------------------------ 115 STUANT ST. 9 ROOMS,. MODERN, HOT water heating also other dwellings, stores and offices ' R. MoCunng Cor. King amd Brock Stress, "HE SHOP WITH PLATE GLASS FRONT, on Sydenham sueet, bear sireet, hitherto v uy bieysls works aubrey of SLEEVE & KIRKPATRICK, street, ON THE 1«t OF sirable house Robinson's GlLDER Clarenes MAY, THAT VERY DE 117 Bagot street, sormer of Park Large airy rooms eviances, large Daisy Apply to Febix Shaw, 11 all modern wither furnace Bago Streot -- BRICK Shor Wellington "t., vext Crothyrs' bakery Possession may Ist Also the sone shop end dwelling adjoining Miss Crease. Possession immediately Apply to Mea Wm. Allen, 297 Iivimon Ss AND DWELLING | THE HOUSE, PLEASANTLY SITUATED, corner Brock and Clergy 5.9, containing tn rooms, bath room, fury ace, electris light, wie, also the house next gor sone tnining 8 rooms, and with all modern provements Appiv 10 Dr. Fowler, " ss ARCHITECTS. ¥. STOREY. ARCHITECT, OFFICE 178 Wellington street, All plans, designs, attended 10. Satisfasion guaran Telepboue, 508 POWER & BON, ARCHITECTS, MERCH. antsy' Bank Beilding. sorosr Brock sed Wellington sireets. "Thome 213. ARTHUR FLLIS, ARCHITEOT, rick site of New Deill Tall, sear corner Queen and Montreal Ria, MONEY AND BUSINESS. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE Off WALL w rates of interewt on ole - Tovestmant the Post Office. ty. Offices opposite TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN sume dram _ oma Jhomsand Fo ten these + . oe particulars apply CODWING | INKURANCE -- EMPORIUN, over Express Office, Market Square. Liverpool, London and Glebe Fire Insurance Company. Available assets, $01. 187218. In addition to which the policy holders have for sous ity the uolimited liability of all the stosh holders, FARM AND CITY PROFERTY insured ob lowest pos rater. Before resewiog old or giving vew business xt rates from RATHANGE & RTRANGE. Agesta NEW | Gacoandls, 5 CENTS. Ripe Pinsapples, Ripe Tomatoss, AT A. J. REES' Princess Street. 'Phens 58 STUDENTS OF QUEEN'S! HONG LEE 338 PRINCESS STREET. @ H Ii Ve] Tt ft arg. de - the ow, i .S | AUCTION SALES | Household Furniture. ALLEN & Blows