Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Mar 1902, p. 2

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(a a ro) Raw WINDS ANDi WET WEATHER cause the Colds that cause Poeumonis and Consump- Shiloh's Consumption Cure cures the heals the makes you well and all Lung and Throat Srovblas 2nd Caughs and Colds a Ve ositively guaranteed. os 25cents. . a mpt------------ Bk Write to 8. C. Wxris & Co,, Toronto, Can; for a free trial bottle. - rp Kast's Clover Root Tea Cures Headache - ALL KINDS, RICH HANDSOME RUGS in every size but not necessarily expensive. | In Smyrna we show every size, from the smallest up to the full room size. These Rugs are exactly alike on both sides, have a rich deep pile and are almost everlasting in wear. ROYAL WILTON RUGS in rich deep colour effects. Axminster Rugs in three different qualities to cover everything from the smallest nook to the largest room. A splendid showing of ART SQUARES in wool and cotton, in all sizes and very handsome pat'crns, mak- ing altogether the largest and most beautiful collection of Rugs ever shown, R: McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. ~ PARLOR SUITES, -- Our pave been working oa since January Ist, and we now have an immense stock, the best we ever had. We wish to reduce the stock some: what, and on Parle Suites only, until March 108h, will give same prices ae during Felou: ary sale. Those who bought anything during February will know what tha: mesns. Obly until Mirch 10th. REPAIR WORK~--Upholstering Parlor Suites, renovating Mattresses. Why not before we are so lusy that to Upholategers Parlor Buited We Trish Lace, Chenille and Tapestry, from United States looms. Our double what it wes last year. T. F. HARKISON CO.. UNDERTAKING, ETC. Just da stock is GUARDIANS OF OUR HEALTH IMPORTANT MEETING OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. To Have Sewers Carried Out Into Stream--Want Military Hospi- tal for Small Pox Reserve-- Want to Have Power to Infect All Barber Shops, 'The board of health met yesterday afternoon in the city clerk's office; Present ;: John Melntyre, in the chair; Capt. Gaskin, R. Meck, J. Ri Donald- son; mavor Shaw, meaical health offi- eer Fee and sanitary inspector Gor don. Capt. (askin called attention to the presence, at the foot of Princess and Queen streets, of very ollensive mat ter, which was poured into the slips from the draine, He insisted that some use should be made of the iron pipes. which were made years ago and meant for the carrying of the sewage into deep water. Mr. Meck desired a search to be wade for the report which directed thos: pipes to be made, and mean while he moved that the council be asked to reconsider the matter and report at an early date. The chairman reported that he had been unsuccessful in his attempt to se- care an isolated building for use as a hospital in the event of smallpox breaking oiif. The house on: the smelt or lot would do, but the people of Cataraqui ward objected. The ideal place was the old military hospital beyond Fort Hemry. - Capt. Gaskin understood that the objectors to ite use were the owners of summer Louses in the vicinity, and pot the military college people. Mr. Meek sail the reason assigned was that the building was too near the military college, and the inference was that its management protested. The chairman was inclined to be- lieve, with Capt. Gaskin, that the protestants were the cottage owners, though both gave J. I. Thompson erelit for the generous offer of his summer house for hospital purposes if it would be suitable. Eventually. the board decided to agnin ask the government for the use of this building, and Hon. Mr. Harty will be invited to join the board in making a representation of the case to the minister of militia. = The city engineer will be asked to prepare a plan showing the disfance of the hos pital from the college. Milk inspection came in for some consideration. . Mr. Gordon, sanitary inspector, reported that the dairies were being visited, and that the re. sult of his observations and those of Dr, Fee would be embodied in the re- port. Incidentally it transpired that the inspector did not have names of those who supplied milk to the dairy school through the Clarified milk company, and the board thought that these should be supplied. The milk is not sold for domestic purposes, but the butter from it enters into local consumption, and the city solicitor will be asked to look into the by-law and suggest such an amendment as will cover the case. Dr, Fee, at the request of a citizen, reported that a facial eruption had followed a shave which he had receiv- ed in a city tonsorial establishment. The chairman said he had heard of this case, and of a couple of others, and had written to Dr. Bryce, the secretary of the provincial board of health, as to what could be done in the matter. Dr. Bryce responded that the municipal act would have to be amehded, and he suggested that it should require the adoption of anti- septies in barber shops, and the pro- hibition from service of all who were sufferers from tuberculosis. Mr. Meek said the barbers who valued their business would see the wisdom of protecting their customers in every way. It had been suggested that bar bers' shops should be inspected, but there was no provision in law for that. The mayor said he was aware that some barbers were using ant: septics, and so protecting the people all they could. Ewentually the pro- vincial board of health was requested to give this matter the attention it € Mr. Donaldson asked when the an nual inspection and cleaning up of the city wonld begin. Mr. Gordon answered in April or May. Mr. Donaldson said the im- pression was that the inspection was not followed up and cleanliness insist- ed upon. Mr. Mock said that things went well until Mr. Gordon went out on his work of assessing, and that some one should take up and finish the sanitary service, Capt. Gaskin-was anxious that the city should be thoroughly cleaned, and the mayor said the police should push in that direction, what Mr. Gordon could not. The matter will be referred to the police commissioners for their respectful consideration. ho chairman reported that he had been looking into the matter of gar- bage barrels bing carted through the streets without 'a_covering. He found that the city ecoubeil had jurisdiction in the matier: -- The chairman was requested to com- municate with the city council and re- quest shat a hyiaw be Ravn, com- Hing all garbage barrels to be cov: Red hile being carted through = the stoonts, ; Medical health officer Fee's report. for January and February were - mitted, showing that during these months these cases of contagious dis- : January, phiheria, fever, 4; typhoid fever, 1; ; searlet total, 29. Good Work. Thomas A. Gillen, who hds been in Noy 2 company, AMC. Mes, Tasker, Toronto, for menls to have been Toronto ny the visit of the duke and duchess of York, has paid the accoxnt in full Ty ) I THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 8, a | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up wy | Reporters on Their Rounds. | Monkey Brand Scap will clean a house { from cellar to roof, but won't wash clothes. Self-raising buckwheat flour at Red den's teen's college examinations in ne divine will begin week to Jday. The acts exmininations be gin ten days later. . i The Beechgrove Frontenac bockey clubs will have its first annual dinner on Thursday night next. Invitations heve been issued for the event { The machinists' union held a pleas unt smoker last evening in union ball, Wellington street. A most enjoyable time was spent the workers in ron A fox hunt on the ice is suggested ere the sun weakens the ice brudge The last race took place about ten vears ago, J, M, Theobold's stag hound capturing the fox. The finance committee of the city council will have to provide the $300 which last year's council granted the 2ith of May celebration committee, but which was not paid over. | The congregation of the First Bap tint church has been offered $31,500 for the present church property. A year or two ago an ofier of $4100 wax made. The property is held at £5,000, ~t. Andrew's Highland cadet corps had a well-attended drill last evening. It is rapidly getting into shape. The members will soon be supplied with rifles, uniforms and other accoutre ments. A sewer opening is badly needed at touth east corner of Union street and University avenue, The spot is low and the sidewalk is covered hy about i a foot of water. Pedestrians have to ! make use of the road. | At a meeting of the christian en deavor union, held on Thursday night, Miss Barney, vice-president of the tunion, was given charge of the ar- rangements for the social in Sydenham street church, on March 24th. The game of shufflchoard has been introduced into the Y.M.C.A. game room, and has become v popular. { The board was made by physical diree- ter Bews and caretaker "Charlie" Wright. | Harrison company will make speci al reductions to those who will have their mattresses, parlor suites and | other repair work done this month. They wish to get all possible done this month before the spring rush. The Trusts and Guarantee com- pany, limited, 14 King street west, Toronto, has been appointed adminis- trator of the estate of John Hewitt, late of the township of Puslinch, Wel lington county, who died in Septem her, 1899, leaving a widow and six | children. The estate amounts to { about four thousand dollars (84,000), end consists principally of farm pro- perty. from will two by Every Herring Must hang on its own gill, and very tub must stand on its own bot- tom. We judge of nuts by their ker- nels, and lasses by their hearts; not thal we undervalue facial beauty, we don't still a fair face may tur out a foul bargain. Every herring must bang on its own gill. The world was never so. practical as to-day. Can't, hnmbug, facing both ways, ave doom- ed. A gentleman living in Westmeath suffered severely from bronchitis. His sister urged him to take Eastern Balm, He was disgusted, and used strong language. {She persisted. One day he surprised her by saying, some what testily, "Give me some of Cros- kery's Eastern Balm." Result : Since then he will use no other. Plenty Of Work In Advance. It said that if the locomotive works could be enlarged to make it possible 10 turn out such an increased quantity of work, that they have can tracts enough on hand, or could eas ily secure them, to turn out one en gine a day for two years. Increased space is greatly needed by the com pany. Artillery Short Courses. The first of the short courses Tete de Pant barracks is over, and the eight in attendance loft for. their homes to-day. Om Monday. another short course beging with Lieut. Fields of the 16th field battery and two men in attendance, at Style Is Important. Young men who are stylish, Whose make up is complete Buy their hats from George Mills on Wellington St. MANY DON'T KNOW. Lack Of Right Food Is The Cause Of Sickness. It is hardly fair to blame the doctor for not curing his patient when the patient attempts to live on food that furnishes the wrong vind of nodrish- ment. When sickness comes on it is a pretty good sign that the food is not keeping the body up. There are thou sands of cases where a change in food alone has brought the sick one out in to a prime condition of health. As an illustration. A lady in River side, California, says, "After ten years of service as a teacher, during which | time I suffered three or four attacks of Ia ippe, 1 finally found myself a physical wreck. Medical treatment would help my strength and vitality Jumporasily, buy i would, always go Hushand and 1 moved te California in the hopes that this genial clime would restore me. 1 got beiter for a little while but in a few months be canie so weak and debilitated that we ¥ used Grape-Nuts at two of my meals and have gaioed fifteen ight and the increase in & REVIEW OF SPORT i 'GENERAL | I THE WATERTOWN, N.Y., BAS- KETBALL TEAM WON. i The Matched Horse Race Won by Theobald"s Hermes -- Queen's Athletic Committee Nearly Out of Debt. A baseball team is being organized at Ogdensburg for the coming season In the second race of the Bay of Quinté ice yacht club at Hay Bay, the Mischief wom. It will cost teamn $1,400 wo cup ownership, An international exposition sportsmen will be held at St. Peters burg during May, 1902, Only four of the twenty-one horses W. C. Whitney has in training in England are American-bred. Upper Canada college are junior champions of the O.H.A., having de feated Stratford by 11 to 10 on the round. This year's the dispute Montreal hockey the Stanley of plate rage will be the forty-second repewnl of the event, which was establishea by queen Vie toria in 1860 "One of the greatest faults of the young catchers of to-day is working their pitchers too fast," says a veter an baschall player. "They catch the hall he has thrown and throw it back to him even before he recovers from the throw." : The Kingston Limestones were the first team to win the O.H.A. junior championship, defeating Galt in 1593 by 12 goals to 1. Then Kingston dropped out, and ever has al lowed the western teams to squabble over that honor. Frank J. Corrigan, who drganized the old, original Pony baseball team, has returned to the city from Gan anoqgue,. and will remain here ghis summer, The Ponies are being re-or- ganized, and Corrigan will probably slay short stop with them the com- ing season. He is a fast player, (and would be a strong addition, The Ponies will put a strong team in the field this year. Speaking of the Smith's Falls-Fron tenacs contest, the Smith's Falls World says. that the best work of t*: Kingston players was 'the remark able shooting of Rogers and the phenomenal work of "Dick" Mills in goal. His work was certainly the best ever witnessed here, and was suf ficiently clever to place him in the ranks of the best goal-keepers now in the game anywhere.' The report of Queen's athletic' com wittee to be presented to the alma mater society this evening shows that the receipts for the year were $2,461. 13, and expenses £2,380.97, leaving a cash balance of 871.16. Last fall the athletic committee was much in debt, hut the students came to ite aid and contributed 8550. The total indebted ness now has been reduced to $85.84 Smith's Falls World : Smith's Falls would ask better referee than "Jim" Sutherland. The reason he gives such good satisfaction in that capacity is because, aside from his knowledge of hockey, he is a gentle man. Therein the secret of good clean sport. The Frontenacs were al ways welcome here--they always will be. Last night's game made the friendship stronger than ever. Everything is now arranged for an all-Canada team to make a tour of England, Ireland and Wales. The only thing leit to do is to pick the team, and that is a diffieulty which will re quire the most careful handling, The teams the Canadians will meet will be Peliast, Dublin, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Howick, Oxford university, Cam bridge university, London Scottish, Black Meath, Swansea. The trip will toke ahout six weeks of playing, which means from departure from Canada to return roughly about two months. The team will leave at the end of November, when the men are all in shape. since no lies Watertown Team Won. The return basketball match be tween the Y.M.C.A. teams of Kings ton and Watertown, N.Y., was played in the gymnasium of the local associa tion tast-- night. The attendance of spectators was very large, and they witnessed a fast and interesting game of basketball. The teams were : Watertown--Lyons and Burnstein, forwards; Barter, centre; Touchette and Judd, defence Kingston--Miller and Mercer, for waras; Coyle, centre; Moxley and Col- houn, defence : James Bews, physical director, made an impartial referee. The visit ing teams were giants compared with the local players. At the close of the first half the score was four to four. Good basket ball was played during the secona hali. Fast play resulted in quite a number of fouls. The Wa tertown team aid good work, and scored well. At the close the score was eleven to six in favor of the vie tors. After the game the Watertown team was entertained at lunch in the asso ciation parlor. The ladies' auxiliary served refreshments in abundance, and a social hour was spent. The visitors were a manly lot of fellows and would be welcomed back again. Won By Hernes. The matched race on the ice yester day, between Livery Lad, owned by R. E. Wilson, and Hermes, owned by J. M. Theobald. attracted almost as large a crowd as. attended the big races the day previous. The purse was £50, contributed equally by the two The conditions were that owners must drive. Hermes had a soap, winning three straight heats. . Guess were is elated over t tiful trotter. success of his beau " Perth Took The Match. The | ing from Smith's Falls and The local team met defeat night, Perth winning out in 'half by three goals to one. in the Ottawa valley are good hockey as that put Hingtons. The Fromte- treated while away pepe mi i Frontenac hockey club returned | will be treated to a very : at the last moment! Powell met with a slight accident 'while in Smith's Falls, receiving a cit over the eye which required three stitches. Newark Dog Show. American Field, of Chicago and York, today has to way Corbett s The New this beag! its isswe of H beagles in regarding mdging "I'he the feature of the show There were over hundred entered. At Newark the quality was comparatively higher : New York, and those that shown had no possible chance to win. The large of high class dogs shown was a marked sempliment to C. H. Corbett, whose work was very satisfactory Mr. Cor bett is a practical beagle man, and hunts a good pack regularly. So it was but natural that he looked at these little hounds with an eve for a workman. Still he did not despise that quality of beauty which the best of these hounds He hunted out the pretty little fellows that were fit for their work, and among these he distributed the ribbons. But there were practically no rough-looking beagle in the show. Take all the prize win ners out and there would still he left a good show of beagles, There was another interesting thing about the beagle classes, The judge had not seen the dogs before, and the people were curious to sce how he would place them. The ring in which they were shown was small and unsuited for the purpose. and as the compe tition was wry close it was a most dithicult task for the judge to -- make his selections But he got along well and did not disturb the status of some of the best ones that have met were one than at were not number possess Lo AT THE YMCA. A Good Talk On D. L. Moody's Work, Prof. James McConaughy, of the D. I.. Moody seminary and Mount Her mon college, at Northiicld, Mass., ad attended gathering building last night. He will probably go away with a poor idea of a portion of his ers, buf with a very good idea of their ability to annoy a speaker Several times he was obliged to call for but his request was inef fective. The noise in the back of the hall prevented every one there from hearing the lecturer. A number of peo ple gave up the attempt and went home. There are some boys who could profitably irom the building on such occasions The lecturer's subject dealt with the life and work of the great evangelist, Rev. D. L. Moody. His early efiorts in christian work outlined, It was one the causes of his success that he went for where he kuew no one else would go for them; be found them, and by his influence helpugl them. He gave then a chance to better their positions and to make themselves more useful the world, The abiding work established by Mr. Moody at Northfield, where the bible i= the principal subject of study, was fully explained by the speaker. The course was one open to all young peo- ple who wishea to advance and grow into better and nobler men and men, 'The lecture was profusely illus trated by stereopticonsviews of Mr Moody, his mother. his first Sunday the buildings he erected Northport, their surroundings, Mr. McConaughy handled his subject well, and drew many good les- sons from the life of the great evan gelist, dressed a largely mn the Y.M.CA. order, be excused were of people wo school class, at ete, Grossmith At The Grand. Grossmith was here last night. He is gone to-day and people are won dering if he is not living on a past reputation. He was here ten years ago, when entertainments by monolo gists were in their infancy He was then considered the top kawyer; now Canadians have come to the front and generally are more pleasing en tertainers than the Englishman His specialties largely appertain to across the water matters, and thus he not get closely in touch with his au dienoes He 13, however, clever, wit tv, and his extravagances of the frailties _and eccentricities of human nature are amusing, His skits were well presented and his satire on love songs exceptionally good. The large audience laughed quite merrily at times, but there was not the whole souled cheeriness evinced as when Smiley tickled the ribs of a Canadian company. Grossmith gave no en cores; he promised to do so when next he visited Kingston, which, by the way, be spoke of as "a beautiful lit tle city, sbout which I have driven today." Life in a flat in London, a college student's antics, and the ma jor's song were very vividly carica tured. The extravaganza of "Some bodies and Nobodies" amusing. does was decidedly Appeal Will Follow Appeal. The verdict of justice Lount on the appeal of the Light, heat and power company sgainst the arbitrators' award being patiently awaited, and some fine morning in the near fu ture it will cone. 'Tis said that the company will accept nothing but a verdict in its favor, and will carry the case to the appeal court, the su preme court and Lnally to the privy council, if necessary. No expense will be spared in that regard. Under such ciroumstances it will be two years be fore the matter is finally settled Meanwhile it is hardly likely that the company will expend any money on the plants, beyond keeping them in running order Is Wi'l Have A Debate. A week from to-night the members of the local commendery, knights of the grip. will take part in a debate, the subject of which is: "Resolved, that country boys am greener in the city than city boys are in the coun try." The affimative will be up heid by Charles Maund and George Bobertson, while the négative will be upheld by Fred. Oberndofier and Alexander Jack. Fine $2 Hats. And every hat with a union label in it. George Mills & Co., bat specialists, Wollimgton street: man WROD Wwanis svery The young his suit will find what late kink in he wants here, 35, $10 or $12 "a ---------- THE OLD AND NEW- METHODS | About Catarrh- Cures. OF HEATING BUILDINGS -- QUITE A CONTRACT. From Log Fires to Exhaust Steam Carried: 300 Feet Through Pipes--A New Method That Saves The Locomotive Works About Five Tons of Day. In-our grandfathers" time the houses and wore by open were shops warmed fireplaces, rolled. means of a piece of dried wood, upon which a spark, made by the sharp contact of a piece of flint against steel, was allowed to fall tut, in those early days, svery one did not possess these precious rg quirements, and in that case, if the fire went out, the man had no other alternative but borrow' a few live from his neighbor But neigh few and far between in those pioneer days, and often in bra yelling between houses the coals haa time to "go out," and another trip had to he made. Thus, perhaps, there was many a cold hour in the house hefore the fire was well under way again. Doubtless, remembering their to coals bors 'were difficulty, our grandiathers heaped on | more than usual nights That was the old way. it is not necessary to deseribe the method employed in the present cen tury, every man who has been compelled to got up at 6 am and split kindling wood, or take the ashes out of the furnace, or pay $6.- 25 a ton for coal that was one-quar ter clinkers, knows the system only too well to suit him. To heat a large factory with hot air costs con siderable, but to heat it with hot wa ter or steam costs considerably more, It generally requires a special appara tus, and burns quite a large quantity of coal. It is a costly but the only one feasible conditions most in present-day system change is gradually being made that will revolutionize things, as far ax the is concerned Al ready this change has been made at the i the next few Jogs because system, under in of and factories That is the But a our cities. cost from four Which year to five tons of coal a day. ' to sometlfng in a For instance, it would pay the salaries of two missionaries in China, or it would be equal to the combined cost of the lquor licenses held by about ten of the leading hotels of the city Formerly alounts the steam, . after it had done duty in the powerful engine at the shops, passed off into the air as exhaust steam, while four or five tons of 'coal were being burned to supply new buildings wall is changed. exhaust steam has been made captive, and compelled to do this work, The plan was designed and carried out by Samuel Birch, of McKelvey & Birch's, | this city, and it ful beyond all expectations has proved success All the exhaust steam, which previously went to waste, is now. turned into six-inch asbestos-covered mens, which run from the engine into the boiler, tank, erecting, carpenter and pattern-mak ing shops, and also into the and offices. From these mains the steam is distributed through branch maing into the vanous coils and radi ators placed about the buildings. It travels same 400 feet away are the power house. Any coil building would burn the hand touched it, so it can be readily that the buildings are kept well heat ed by the new method. And the best of it is, It doesn't cost the company anything, except jts in in the that seen stalment, which is very soon paid for | by the saving in coal, One receiver in each shop draws the moisture out of the steam, and sends it on as "dry steam."' More than this, the exhaust steam heats the big tubular feed wat er heater in the engine room when the water passes into the boil er it is already hot and requires con | siderably fess coal, and consequently Jess work, to turn it into steam Thus, what was before wasted on the air is now used to heat the buildings for perhaps 135 days in the year, and " Children . Thik is particniarly applicable in cases where persons seriously troubled from the effects of coffer drinking and who take up Postum Food Coffee in its place, attempt to make the new beverage with a little hot water and two or three minutes' boiling. port of a "liek and a promise" pro doces a drink that is simply exaspera- ting. It is flat and tasteless, wherpas the person who will: boil the Postum full Bfteen minutes after the actual bubbling and boiling begine, will have a beverage that is something. There in 8 point between twelve and : fifteen minutes of boiling, when the character of Postum is changed, the food valve is extracted and the delici- ous: BEvor which much resembles the milder and more expensive grades of Java cofee is produced, A lady in Salem, Ove, says "When ever 1 drank coffee at night, 1 alwivs passe a restless, wakeful night. Ex tresne pervousnee ANd 8 wenk stom: Osk i ach have followed me ever wines { have been using coffee. Finally 1 got present | the workshops | ocomotive works, and it saves | or live steam to heat the The | stores | A each way from | its starting point, and coils furthest | just as hot as 'those near | so that | That | The Rei on Why Iuhalers and Loe 1 Applications Are Useless For moay vears catarrh won cansdbored ta ¢ was eater ntindy % fees, olgtmeents, powders APTEYS amd vearly all of these gave a temporary rediel, bubm peunine per manent Cure WAS very mre, a A awd inhalers Coal a! large, | into which huge logs The fire was started by | punk, or soft, | | tre the most annoying Nike stoppage of the nose and thru | ble, are purely local, bus they am symptoms and the real seat of Reease } removed. Catarrh is a constitutional disave, a bod disorder, complicated usunlly with dissase of the liver awd to suppose that local applica tions of sprays, powders, inhulers, could ever reach the real cause of ihe trouble 1s ridiculous. Five weriidles sand successful treatment is to remove the oeterrhal dwom from the sv» som by regulatmg the Pt onl purifying the blood, and this van only be done by sa in terol roundly, which should consist of weti- septioe al remedies to aot vigorously on the blood awd liver ; The best preparation of this ied sbi hb fills all whe reguinasents of a sale constites tional treatment, is Stuart w Lajurth Tab Jets, composed of Blood Root, Red Gua and similar wholesome antiseptics, which are ab solutely sale to take into the stomach wd which sot upon the liver, stomach al mae cous metnhrane. Stoart's Catorch Tublotd are pleas: ant tasting lorengws to be slowly dissolveil fn the mouth, thus reaching the mucous | membrane nud wimd-pipe and fisally reaching the stomach Dr. Edmondson, in speaking of treatment for oatarch, sayw | complished the most satisfattory | adl of catarrh of bowed, throat, bronchial tubes, as well as oat rh of tha | stomach and liver Ly using nothing else but | Stuart's Ontarrh Tablets. 1 long wince threw aside sprays wed Chihalers as being in ounivenient amd at best mere Temporary ke-whifts art's Catarth Tablets et immediately upon the liver and blood snd char the w system of catarrhal poison hey ure pleas ant and very convenient to use, and they are not only the latest, but 1 believe them tobe | the best and wninly the safest treatioemt for any form of catarrh." All druggists sell Stuart's Cataerh Tablets at 80 eta. lor full sired packepe A fittle book on cause and eure of Ca | tarrh mailed free by addressing the F. A | Stuart Co., Marshall h results the Le also saved the wily | number of dollars This will be the future large steam users NEXT WEEK'S EVENTS. To Be Presented At The Grand Opera House. Mine Amelia Bingham will present her production of Clyde Fitch's play, "Phe Climbers," for the first time in this city, at the Grand, on Wednes: March 12th, direct from ite TUR nights at the Bijou theatre, York, "The Climbers" is a wa: tire upon the prevailing craze for so- | called al distinction The Augustin Daly company is the | organization presenting © he Run: | away Girl" on Thursday night. It comes direct from New York city and wd of such artists only who standard of merit demanand hand - in everything the . stage,. Augustin fifty members in this compat syetem for 2 compo reach the | by that master | pertaining to | Daly Phere | organization 1 Syke are i will head the big {| Klaw & Frlanger opera company | when it the Grand, Friday, March Hth. in De Koven and Smith's | "Foxy Quiller."" The lin the Klaw & Erlanger opera company Miss Fleanor Kent, Miss ameron, Mise Almira Forrest, Lillian Seville Mi Marion Miss Marie Christie, Julius Ste Adoluh Zink, the Jillipat Harry Macdonough, Louis Arthur} Farnest and There is aso a special ord De Novellis Jerome comes include Grace ( Mine Pent, | ger, comedian I Casvant | others, | chestra umder Nig. A hata Hall and Fools" Oak ofa Thing Half Done" sich a state that my dyspepsi and into { took the form of spasms weakness "] suffered intensely, and when physician was called, he inqui among other things, if 1 drank cof ana insisted that I leave it off. 1 d wo and (ook up tes, which T fotind most as bad. ally H hroug home a package of P nd tried it (strictly acoow di tions, for we believe in ge 4 { Yhildren and fools jud 5 { half done.) "The new coffee' wan delicious from that day until now (which is year) it has been our only drink: meals. My dyspepsia, spasms, are things of the past. My hashes bad saffersd sore years with billie heattaches and indigestion, but the past year, on Postum Food Co he Bas entirely recovered his aud gained modh in weight. © friends froquently coment on onr § proved appesrsace and change complexion." Name of writer pi hy Postom Co., Battle Cred, principal. singers & a

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