» Kingston & Penbr oles" Citatiinn % Pacific Railways. Commencing March 1st and Until April SPECIAL GOLONIST RATES sn 0 worn PACIFIC COAST snd KOOTE. NAY otNYS. 1946.05, ny 1843.55. y Mont. 4 and } $43. 05. on Elud uRFIONS + rR or ANCH ee ors. 2 = fg a A, FOLOER, JR. a Bupt. CPR © THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY * i LINE FUR | MARCH. ist to APRIL 30th, dar oe Columbia, Colorade, Idabo, 3 8; Oregon, Utah, ashington, etc. VER $46.08 sPoANE, wan, - ($43.55. BRIE: $43.05. BIE: ONE WAY SECOND CLASS LNG bas, tog anirob Bio Saar ine gic AB For full partiosiérs apply Wo J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Pasar. Depot. "DOMINION LINE. A Liverpool Service. . FROM PORT LAND, wars ~March 15th. ~ : Y ' PROM BOSTON. svees March 20th, oor «March 22nd. ton to the Mediterranean, \ April Oth aid May 21st. lootelo Hight, pens sires [bee i and in ? Sa from N . iio" our ihnihl "ARTHUR ANERN § a : Liv i d Allan Lire ames, al Mail Steamers. sii ig dsha. ALE Leounty of, Wentworth, SENSATION IN HAMILTON. RECOVERY OF JESSIE MUNRO * MUCH COMMENTED UPON. From Tuberculosis Bowels -- Cured Method. Mail amd Eegpic, March 1, 1902 e Haiaitonians who were conver. "ant with the case of Jesse Munro, Esq, a well-known citizen residing at 115 Ferguson Avenue, are greatly in- terested in his complete recovery from tuberculosis of the bowels together with an effected stomach, by means of the Jiegaifiod ozone preparation, Pow- lev's Liquified Ozone, The details of the case appeared so extraordinary when first reported, that it was deem- ed advisable in the interests of science to investigate them with a view to learning the exact facts. For that pur- pose a reporter journeyed to Hamil: ton a short time ago and looked up the records of Mr. Munro's case be- fore and after he had made use of Powley's Liquified Ozone. The results simply verified the first statements that had been given aut. Mr, Munro's condition at ome time was considered so extremely critical that it was deemed advisable to pe- move diseased portions of the bows, to give him a fighting chance «f re covery. The gravity of his case being such, and in order that the facts should be given credence, Mr. Munro wade out. the following sworn state- ment, giving a concise history of his cane, 1, Jesse Munro, 115 Ferguson Ave: nue, of the City of Hamilton, in the moylder, » solemnly declare that for the pakt seven years I have been ill and gradually growing worse, until dur: ing the last three years | had been unable to work, except a very little in the summer. For the last three vears 1 have been under the doctor's care, having had in all 18 doctors, By some of them I was told that 1 had dyspepsia; by others tuberculosis of the bowels; while others could not tell what was the matter with me. Gradu- ally I became weaker, losing 24 lbs. in a very short time, and suffering very intense pain. I took fully 200 bottles of different remedies besides great quantities of pills, etc. 1 was also under the care of the physicians of the City Hospital for about two years, taking 75 bottles, besides pills, ete. 1 was told by physicians both in the hospital and outside that I should have to go under an operation on oy stomach 'and bowels to save my life; and they said the chances were ten to ane that 1 would not survive on ac- count of the low stale of my system. "This 1 declined to do, abd was st last advised by a Mr. McKay, a neighbor, to try Ozone, which I did, with the result that I felt relief at once. I have taken in all about ten bottles of Oz one, and am now cured and free from pain, and able to do light work, and am rapidly regaiming my strength. The said Mr. McKay has also been cured by Ozone of acute dyspepsia. And I make this solemn declaration conseientionsly believing it te be true, and knowing that if is of the same force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act, 1803, Declared before me at the City of Hamilton, in the county of Wentworth, this Jesse 17th day of Dee, in fly Ruseq, year of our Lord, 1901. J. H. LONG, A Comuitntr. eto. The following corroboratory affida- vit was also made out : I, Mary Durham, 115 Ferguson Ave- nue, of the City of Hamilton, in the County of Wentworth, widow : Do solemnly declare that I person- ally know Jesse Munro, of the said City of Hamilton, moulder, and he has lived - with me during the last two years. I have read the declara- tion of the said Jesse Munro, taken this 17th day of December, 1901, and corroborate and confirma all he has said therein. And 1 make this tion, conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if male oi By The Ozone solemn declara- under oath and by virtue of the Can-. ada Evidence Act, 1893. Declared before me at the City of Hamilton, in the county of Wentworth, this Mary 17th day of Dee. Durham. year of our Lord, 1901. J. H. LONG, A Commissioner, ete. The ease is considered most remark. able and many people are experienc. ing the benefit of the Ozone Treat- ment in the Ambitious City, The on porter was informed hy many' dr gists that Powley's Liquifiec Oe had the most extensive sale of any preparation handled by them. nt Kingston To Washington And Return. A trip to our national capitol is flap 4a sujoya yahie ¢ Svent when Foe, Jo | I will Arh! run on Tues fay, March 25th, i003. Special fo trains, no Sis 10 days. Slop overs on an robert mitted at Philadel Jishin up hos A Sun BANE THE LATE JOSHUA SMITH. wee-- He Was a Resident in Kingston «In Early Days. G. ue Reporter, "oahu Smith, who for the past two generations has been a familiar figure in Gananoque, died at the resi dence of his son-in-law, W. T. Dustin, Carden strect, last Thursday evening, aged seventy-seven years and eight months, Decensed was ¢ldest son of the Joshua Smith, known farmer of Leeds. He was born at Avon; England, July: ded, 1524, and cay to Canada with his father about 1590, They came by way of Montreal, and then by batteau to Kingston, where they remained a few months when Mr. Swith, sémior, took up a bush farm in Pittsburg. warned to Kingston and was employ- od as gardener. About 18340 he was influenced by a relative of his wife, Thomas Poulton, who lived three miles east of Gananoque, to come east to the township of Leeds, where he pur chased a farm near Mr. Poulton's, and Jivert there till his death in 1872 Joshun, jr., when he grew to man hood, learned the carpenter trade, and settled in Gananogue, then a village, In 1546 he marti] Miss Emily Day, danghter of the late John Day, of Lansdowne. She died in November, 1895. Their family consisted of one son and four daughters, besides sev eral who died very young. The son; Daniel Smith, is employed in the axle shop, where thirty vears, Three of the daughters married three brothers, George, Byron and William T. Dustin. The youngest daughter married John Lloyd. AM live in Gananoque exeont Mrs, Ceorge Dis tin, whose home is at Clarendon, Frontenge county. : Sioce the death of his wife he has vesided with his daughter, Mes. W. T. Dustin. Lately he hes been in his usual health, till last Wednesday af ternoon, when he came up town and was taken, with a kind of eplic, which turned to inflammation of the bowels, with fatal result. Of his ia- ther's family now but two are left William Smith, Leeds, and Mes. Noah Beerman, Canogo, N. Y. THE LATE MRS. MACLEAN. --p-- A Princess Of Israel Has Passed Away. Belleville Intelligencer. By Mrs. Maclean's death Belleville loses an estimable woman, who has always exerted herself to her utmost in every good work throughout the city, she having been at one time president lof the W.C.A,, and one of the founders of the hospital, but more especially 'was her energy and ability manifested in her faithfulness to Si. Andrew's congrégation. A warm fa- vorite 'with young and old, fully alive to the réquirements of every depart ment of church work, and impelled by an unceasing love for it, deceased was a powerfal influence for all that was good and uplifting to humanity. To ber miny truly be appli the serip- tural endorsation, "She hath done what she could." The late Mrs. Maclean was born in Kingston. being the eldest daughter of the late ex-mayor Davidson, of that city. and was a sister of Mrs. (alder: man) Craig, also of the limestone city. In addition to the sorrowing hus- hand, threg children are left to mourn her loss. They are John Carruthers Maclean, now stationed with his regi- ment at Halifax; Malcolm John Mac- lean, of Deseronto,. and Mrs. Balmer. of London, England. They are all at present in. Belleville. Deceased was married to Rev. Mr. Maclean in September, 1868, and, be fore. coming with him to Belleville, they resided at Bruce and Port Hope. Mrs. Maclean's illness was a com paratively short one. Though it was known for several cays that recovery was donbtfil, the end eame suddenly and with great shock. Her illness was not known exeept to a few intimate friends. and to our citizens generally the grim messenger seemed to dome with startling suddenness. hey must be evangelized or they will prgely paganize that western pro fince; they are entering the province h such large numbers. Mr. McEwan jas every confidence that that' pro lince of wonderful deposits of wealth p coal and minerals will yet rank 1s amongst the greatest in the dom- nion. late DEATH OF MISS GRAHAM, Ill A Short Time of Pneumonia : A Bright Girl. The homie of Mrs. Sarah Graham, Albert street, relict of the late Jamek Graham, was saddened on Monday afternoon by the. degth. of pneumonia of her third danghter, iss Mary A. Graham, aged twenty-two years. The young woman had been ill only about. a week, but being weakened } from arduous labor bestowed on her two sick sisters she was unable to rally So, the effects of the fell di- sease, though she struggled bravely, ahd was unavailing. The ad just entered the sphere of womanhood, and by her gentle, amiable and loving disposi tion made a warm friend of all with DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, for many Years a well | Later he re: he has worked jor over . Caling OFF Taxing Cold. can fim the same oid story of exposure to catsrrh, eats NEWS S FROM { COUNTRYSIDE. ee a---- Fair View Visions.' Fair View, March 10. ~Spring 'is ap- proaching; crows are getting numer Stanley File is dangerously ill Wart Mark is busy Herbert File, Amelias John Loucks on Saturday. A. 1. Snider sold two fat cows last week. Steacy Vanalstine is able to be around again after an at tack of grippe. ous with grippe. pressing hay. burgh, visited at ---- Died In Chicago. Allen, Wolfe Island, March 10.--Ar- thur Henderson iy hauling coal from Gangnogue ~ to his cheese factory. George Woodman, jr., and sister, Min- nie, are ill wit pneumonia. The many friends and relatives are sorry to hear of the déath of Annie Me- Donald, who died at Chicago a week ago, after g short illness. J. R. Me. Ponakl is seriously ill. A number from here attended the sale at George Morgan's, St. Lawrence, on. Monday. William, Fitageralds has been, engaged us cheese-maker for the coming season in Silver Spring factory. A number from here attended the horse races at Kingston last weck. His Skull Fractured. b. Collins Bay, March 10.--A few from here attended the A.O.U.W. concert at Kingston . on Tuesday. Miss Laura Clement entertained a few of her friends on Tuesday evening. A num- ber from here "attended the horse races at Kingston on Thursday, Wil ham Gibson, son of George Gibson, was removed to the general hospital, Kingston, on Wednesday. He had been kicked on the! head by a horse skull fractoved, Bort Cle: ment has been drawing logs to Mr. Babeock's saw mill, near Odessa. Visitors : Fred Presley, Deserontg, at David Purdy's; Mis. Samuel Smith, Parrott's Bay, at William Clements'; Fred Finigan, Ernesttown Station, at Alexander Woodecoek's; and his {von and wile at Burt Clements'; An- drew "Fairfield, Parrott's Bay. Mississippi Locals. Mississippi, March 11.--~Mr. and Mrs C'. Hentze, of LHumoit, N.X., and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hampton visited at their a" 8, N. Clark, last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Allan returned 'from Kingston last Friday, where Mr. Allan received medical treatment. The townspeople were sorry to lose a good. neighbor and citizen, by the re. moval of J. A. McDougald to Snow Road, where he takes a partnepship | with William Lee in the general store business in place of John Lee, who is removing to the west. The husinoss | is now known as McDougald & lee. Mr. and Mrs, Isanc Allan made g fly- ing visit to Hervon's Mills this week The Royal Templars held an open concert February 220d. A good pro- gramme was given. The special fea- ture was the drawing for the beautiful antograph quilt, made by the ladies of the order. The successful' yne was Pelbert Miller, Snow Road. Mr. aad Mrs. I. Marguerat, Harper, visited whom mourned by a wide circle who will miss = her chee their parents for a week. The tea: meeting in Snow Road church Fi iday woved a suceess, realizing $17.70. Wiss Annie Young, Zealand, is spénd- ing a few days at I Allan's. E. Me- Connell and sister, Elphin, visited at x Allan's last week. Budget From Athens. , March 10.--Ope by one ropping our EE fru. cadey and bo rth Bn disco or save, ; David Hender- | MARCH 11. rt A A A SAR ME ¢ its Deadly Work. tro; and in tl burn brightly like signal to save, GE en Fon" whith Wert Well "received." "Miss Lillie- Blackburn is spending a. few holidays with her mother on Church street. Lyman FE. Patterson, Rock port, spent Friday in town Hors buyers from Smith's Falls, are to be town on Wednesday purchasing for the war market Frank Brockville, spent Sunday at his here Our new mail man, Z a hustler, delivering our Brockville mail about one hour earlier each day than we have heen acous tomed to for years past. The wo auxiliary of the Methodist church held their monthly meeting and tea at the residence of C. Al guire on Thursday. Miss Laura Bulls, Brockville, spent Sunday at her home here. In all probability there will be a great scarcity of wood in Athens, owing to the recent thaw and bad roads. Miss. Annie Ross, very ill for some time, is reported hetter John B. Joynt, New Boyue, was in town Friday visiting his ne phew, Robert Joynt, who is very ill at the home of Dr.» Peat. Amos Blanchard has reopened his meat shop in the Dowsley block in horses Wiltse, home Sliter, men's Denbigh Doings. Denbigh, March 8.-~The heavy thaw and rain of last week seriously inter fured with the operations of our local jobbers, nearly all of whom have large amounts of logs or other timber yet in the bush Some of them have al ready broken up camp while a few are working yet with a reduced gang of men. Hardly any of them will make much of a fortune working in the bush this winter, and some are to come out on the wrong side of the } lee dger on settlement day, as owing to the great depth of snow and prevail ing wmy , weather during a large "part of the winter, the cost of get ting the stufi out has been unusually heavy. Among the few who are i joicing to see the early break up, E. Petzold, who has now abundance tof water to run his new roller mill, | which has been partly idles for some , time for want of sufficient motive pow | er John 8. Lane has purchased a new portable saw mill and steam on: gine. R. Head, of Cloyne, has the contract to move the machinery from Raladar Station to this village. Mr, Head has also the job of drawing the remainder of a car load of brick for I. B. Lane's new house from Kaladar station. The venture of getting a portable will ought to prove a re munerative one for Mr, Lane, and will certainly be an advantage to many settlers in this part of the country as our present saw mills have lately not been able to supply the yearly increas ing local demand for suitable building material. Thomas Lindsay has pur chased from A. Stein, agent for J. Burn Doig, London, England, 300 were of land, comprising the Abinger property of the late Dr. Charles DD. Doig. A. Wensley, teacher in 8.8. No, 6, has sold his 100 acre farm in the Thompson settlement, to his brother in-law, Robert Thompson. CC yrus Kenyon sold his farm near White Lake, to Oscar Ruttan. 7. E. Bwen has for some time been in his usual temporary quarters, the Chatson house, We are pleased to see Rev. W. Barret back again after an absence of five or six weeks, J sure so 18 A One-Sided Battle. : Ii attacked qv a wild beast a men would try and defend himself. I of flicted with rheumatism fight the dis- ease. With Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure the battle is all one-sided. mas Todd, Lockmaster at Brewer's Mills + Ont., suffered for twelve years with rheumatism in his «shoulder and at times could not work or dress himself. Eight bottles of Ir. Hall's with Ch: max Iron Tonic Pills, aflected a per: {manent cure. This great blood puri. fier is put up in bottles containing ten days' Ureatment. Price 50 edmis at Wade's drug store. To Cure a Cold In One Day. A ase, Quitize, Tb Nn druggists the money if i nile to gore. W. Grove's signature it on each box. 20c. If about to be married don't forget the license. Gildersleeve, jusuer, 42 a box. advocate and Mr, F. N. Benton, wi Clark House, Troy, N. up agatnst Anything that is gond toll peopio of it. 1 e tarrh more or less for some time. called cures, from them. About six A 80 cen Tam 4 Sar: for "my f telxare wi pa and iready t! Shave gh Siren me bet estits than ax tried." Mr. Catarrh that 1 took It as & matter of course, und hat S| ohare of "My A Prevailing Scourge. The "Blighting White Plague." How Catarrh Does In the Grasp of Consumption: Fr7 ham 404 you wl becom ther | up triend. sso address Is eare of | | « SRY S$ When Trun | 5) bave been troubled with Last Tried several sor any benefit sent Dox of Stuart's Cal h Tablets an Hal to ae Lue 4 ut they ave dobe won- than ever. but did not bor} been tab! mend it hesitate to let all s Know that "Stuares Catarrh Tab the right thing." i Hg? Yurkiey New Vor a ht them est 9th st iy estarrh 1 have ever R. Ferubatik of Columbus, Ohto, 1 4 suffered so many winters from nothing" would cure i exeet & climate, which my business affairs permit me nostrils almost always clogged | oatarrh. MAKE WEAK HEARTS STRONG. MAKE SHAKY NERVES FIRM. They regulate the heart's action and invigorate the nerves, This is what they have done for Ay toward off croup and 1 have know chronle remedy." ward , 4nd 1 had to breathe through the th svising \ irritated throat, Tae of breakiant often we and my siomdch digestion. away my pois and druggist advised me to try a fifty cent Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, ih denn be had #3 man Sastomers who SR he oo A honestly Fogmn- Vy 1 took advice and used sev gral Doxoa with results that surprised and filwagt hoop a box bos of eile amy 5 iH the first appearance of id think there Tellanie an Stuart's Ba and colds, and with ly by Es {ich. ht i thelr free book on ay. Armstrong' Headquaners For Style And Quality In others! They; will do the same for you. - They are a sure cure for Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Loss of | Energy, Brain Fag, After Effects of | La Grippe, Palpitation of the Heart, Anemia, General Debility and all troubles arising from a run down system, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. are Soc, per box or 3 for $1.25, all dealers or The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. | o -Relief- From that Cold "in one night" Reads too nice to be true-- but don't discredit it until you've catight cold yourself and tested the efficacy of this perfect cure-- UWANTA GRIPPE CAPSULE never fails--thousands of id and Grippe rd as *' cured Teevevsedie 20 JE | Highest onsh price pid dothing, boots and « hy of Wousebold | ol sand } | will not SPRING FODTWEAR sins Arm strong's ANGLIN; HAS IT. At The Lumber Yard and See. : ¢ FOOT OF WELLINGTON STREET. SECOND-HAND GOODS Bought and Sold. fos weoond han urniterm, stoves Drop & posw and we will I on you ZACKS, all Mo { 271 and 273 Princess Street. door below Corbett's Becond undertaking establishment. doth prt fer. gents fon instruments A large fio a new alshings, at close | TENDERS POR INDIAN SUPPLIES. SEALY, TENDERS ADDLESSED 10 TUS faery Seth td Er ihh i eaE year Boh Jue, I i various Nar tants Territories Forme of tender Containing tut way be had by Piatto Je or to the Indien The lowest or om cepted. Department of Indian Aflairs, XP. Diiaws, 25th February, i. ~Nowspapers drfving hie Mihost suthority the Dr AS THE DRINK For the sick room and tonic $07 eonival stunts, the Magi Cog Colegonia Is peculiarly ater ey | Sold by all best dealers everywhere.