THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. "SOTH Yi: YEAH. NO. 60. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 132, 1902, LAST EDITIOX Y Po lines of { Waturproos & Raincoat Waterproofs, $5 hove no fear of petting weather her 2 he en or by ons of our special p that keep out thaws, no rubber, $10 and | % JENKINS y] $14 PRINCESS STREET. able hate, Owning a ht you will be better 'etter me a v an 10 areclit. Ene - . S. R. McCANN LM. Cor. Brock St. AEA at HOME TO , ew. as pb attention at V's 213 William Y 5, Street. MADE TO. rbER, OLD o Jarputs ' od ak. "MCCORMACK. irvol. Ahn GAViNe 8 NO. 1 WA Is, TO-LET. REHRACE FROM MAY 1 motkrn i Whig Office or at \ FEATHERS, n Shes. COW, 4 YEA oLp, LX LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Jenking' my hatter. Directors of school of mines swet, 8 pm. Au arguittal is a sure remedy br tem porary insanity. Bovinl cowie fropuwutly turns out to be wu very wild throw. The wun rises Thursday at 6.15 am, end sets at 6.03 p.m. Naturslivts say that o single swallow will devour six thousand flies in o single dey. Three bundred wallons of oil will wulfice in twerrty minutes 10 smooth the rotghest ses. Tenders for supplies for bosrd of works clove with city engineer Kirkpatrick st noon on Thursday. Sole at W. Moores will be oomtinued at 10.30 to-murrow moriiny, oi scooust of the quantity of goods. Tenders lor improvements to Buitding at corner King and Brock streets close with Powe & som st poow on Thursday. It is far ensmier for a needle to go through the eve of a comel then it is for a woman to pass through a room without glancing in the mirror. This Hay in the world's history: President Steyn, of the Orange Free Stete, floes from Bloemfontein, 1900; Britich, under Gen. Gor don, attack Khartoum, 1884; S46 Gregory the grant died, 604; big strike of miners in England, 1892. great blizzard in New York state, 1888: teeaty of Constantinople, 1854; James IL lunded in Trelund, 1680, Dinner Sets, Toa Sets. Toilet Sets, CHEAPER THAN EVER. COME AND SEE. ROBERTSON BROS. GRAND ha A. J. SMALL, Lesses and WED'Y, MARCH 12: 12th A verses 8 resentation of the most brilliant sative of the Amelia Piraham's Special Co. Ne CLYDE FITCH'S oreagese I cere Now Nom Yok. fo Bahia. 44 PRICES -26¢., B80, T5¢c., $1, $1.50, Sests now on sale su HANLEY'S. ---- Thursday, March i3th An Elaborate Production of the Successful English Musical Comedy A RUNAWAY GIRL Presented by THE AVGUSTIN DALY CO... WITH ARTHUR DUNN AND S0 reopiciatnecast §0) Delicious, Bright & Catchy Music. PRICES-28e., 30c., 73¢., 81, $1.50, Beats now on sale at HANLEY'S. FRIDAY, MARCH 14th Most Important Operatic Event of the Benson, Kiaw. & Erlanger Opera Co. Presenting JEROME SYKES, {In Smith & DeKoven's Comie Opera, FOXY QUILLER. With an Forrest, a Arthue x odd, " * ron; Gin" hag Evartson, Al 8 i ints Havens, Edward . Lvirent, Klaw a Erlanger Orchestra. Sig. A. D. Novellis, Musical Director. Amerien's Jatrsat' Shurats organisation. Prices--35¢, 800, 7 $1. $v, Box eats, red March 19h "BONNIE Senate mow Next _atirae BRIER BUSH." "THE CLIMBERS." 3: NEWS CAME IN A DREAM About fhe Drath of a Butte Man SAW HUSBAND IN COFFIN THOUGH SHE WAS A 1,000 MILES AWAY. Mysterious Message 'Also Said Man Was Buried Alive, But Undertaker Says No Evidence to Support This Vision Was Found. L Butte, Mont., March 12.--A remark- able instance of a dream coming true, or a demonstration of clarivoyance or other psychic phenomenon, comes to light, here in connection with the death of W. 8. Mann, a stranger in Butte, who died of paralysis on Feb- ruary 23rd. There was nothing am- ong his effects by which his relatives could be located except several unsign- ed and undated letters from his wife. The body was held by an undertaker in the hope that the relatives might be found, and the day following the death a letter was received at his ho- tol. This was turned over to under- taker Duggan. It was from the wife and had been written a few days be fore her husband's death. The letter '| was again unsigned. About a week later another letter was received from the wife, having been written at Hot Springs, Ark. This letter followed Mann about the country, but arrived in Butte after the hody had been buried. Jt was dated February 23rd, and was a heart breaking message. Mrs. Mann wrote that Be had a most shocking and realistic dream that night when she saw her husband déad in his cof- fin. She dreamed further that he had been buried alive, and that when the grave was opened the body was found turned aver in the coffin. Still avother letter came, and in it ste said she had the same visions three times, and she begged an imme- diate answer from any one who might got the letter. Undertaker Duggan was #0 impressed with the letter that he had the body exhumed to satisfy him- self that Mann had not been buried alive. Decomposition had set in, and the undertaker says he could find no evidence that Mann was not dead when he was buried. I S-- ------ THERE IS MUCH ANXIETY As Tidings To Hand Are Quite Scant. London, March 12-The official in formation on Gen. Methuen's disas- ter is wtill incomplete. The total known British casualties amount to re are still a men unac counted for. Although the disaster lies like a shadow on the country, there are no signs of despair. On the contrary, the press and public gener- ally are stiffened in their determina- tion that Kitchener shall be streng- thened and to see the war through at all costs. But the uncertainty and mystery surrounding certgin features of the affair, which there is no fresh information to remove, cause a fear that the disaster will prove even worse than has hitherto been appar: ent. The laconic 'dangerously wound. od." appearing against Gen. Me thuen's wine in the casually list, in- creases the anxiety. Goes Back To Africa. London, March 12.--Lady Methuen, who left Cape Town, March Oth, ar rived. at Madeira yesterday on her way home from South Africa. She re ceived the news of the wounding and capture of her husband in a govern ment despatch. She disembarked and will return' to South Africa by the first steamer. To Search For Dewet. London, March 12-The Daily Chronicle understands that jord Kit chener will he relievea of mich admin- istrative work in South Airiea to en able him to take the field in person and: lead a large mounted force in an endeavor to capture Dewet. The Chronicle is alto informed that when be ix released, Gen. Methuen will not assume further military command in South Africa. A casualty list shows that four officers were killed and ten wounded, including Gen. Methuen, dangerously. He is doing well. Got To See It Through. Glasgow, March 12~ Lord Rose bery in an address to the students of Glasgow university yesterday referred to the reverse to the British and capture of Methuen. He said in part: "It is hoart-breaking alter the time war has lasted and the lavish expen: diture of life and money. that AN UNEXPECTED DEATH. Ross Expired Early This Morning. Toon'e, March 12--Mrs. of Hon. G. W. Ross, premier of On- tario, died sthis morning at 430 o'clock. Mrs. Ross death was quite unexpected. She had been in good health = and only recently returned from Ottawa, where she had heen a guest at the many functions connected with the opening of the dominion parliament. Deceased took ill about midnight, on Monday. with acute uremia. The news of Mrs. Ross' death was an- nounced. in the house, this morning, in a voice broken with emotion, by the attorney-general who moved that the house adjourn till three o'clock. Mr. Whitney, also deeply moved, paid a tribute to the worth of "Mrs. Ross and expressed his deepest sympathy with the premier in bis sore afiliction. The house then adjourned. Mrs. Ross leaves jour children, George W. Rows; jr, 'and the Misses Kate, Florence and Mabel Rose. Her maiden name was Catherine Boston, and she was a daughter of the late William Boston, M.P., and a sister of Mr. Boston, ex-M.P., of Middlesex. She was the premier's second wife. Ottawa, March 12--The news of the death of Mrs. G. W. Ross to-day was heard with great sorrow in Ot- tawa among all classes, but particul- arly among those who had the plea- sure of her sequaintance. The late Mrs. Ross was in Ottawa for the open- of parliament and had a large number of friends. Expressions of sympathy with premier Robs are heard from every body and inthe hotels, clubs, in parliamentary circles it is the prin cipal topic of conversation. Many ex- pressions of sympathy are being sent by friends in Ottawa. MAN ATTACKED BY CROWS. Kentucky Farmer Has a Battle With Famished Birds. Harrodsburg, Ky., March 12.--Dan- iel Wilson, who lives on the edge of Washington county, twenty miles from here, had a thrilling battle with crows vesterday. The snow and sleet of the past four weeks have been very hard on the birds, and "they have hecome ro famished that it was no unusual sight to see them perched on the backs of sheep lambs, riding about and pecking into the flesh. Wilson had lost several of his flock in this way. Yesterday he went out as usual to scare them off, but when the crows enw him they set up a great cawing and hundreds of thom few at him. Wilson emptied bth Yarrels of his un at them and fled, holding one Bnd over hid eves to protect them, and with the other hrandishing his useless gut over his head. Bleeding and almost exhausted with the pain of innumerable pecks. Wilson reached an empty cabin and shut the door. Myriads of angry cawing crows sur rounded the building and kept him prisoner until dusk, when they flew away to the cedars, where they roost. Mrs. Ross, wife TO CLOSE BY COMMISSION. Sir Oliver Has a Cold And Can't Go Out. Toronto, March 12.--~An announce: ment by premier Ross, in the house last night, that a commission had heen issued to chief justice Armour, to assent to bills and to prorogue the legislature, gave rise to the fear that 8ir Oliver Mowat had been taken seri ously ill. Upon enguiry it was learn ed that Sir Oliver caight cold about three weeks ago. He is now reported almost recovered, but, in order that he may be able to entirely shake it off, his physicians advise that he should not go ous in the present changeable weather. It was with this object that the commission was issued to the chief justice to prorogue the house. A PLAYER QUITS. Wood Will Not Be On The Hockey Team. Winnipeg, March 12.-- Burke Wood, the left wing of the Victoria team, has taken umbrage at being loft out of the cup games to-morrow and Satur day and last wight sent in his re- signation from t club. The execu tive had originally decided to play Wood, but his showing in last Fri. day's game and the inn . last Saturday, was not consi satis fi and Frederick Scanlan, who left wing all season, was in his stead. The weather and there was quite a frost during the night, putting the ico into much bet: INENS OF THE WORLD What Comes To Us From Ail Quarters, TELEGRAMS FROM THE four QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By The Dear Public. The condition of Mr. tremely grave. A 825000 YMCA. will be put up in Oswego, N.Y. There is great repicing at The Hague over the Boer victory. NM. Saxe & Sons, clothing manufac turers, of Montreal, have assigned. There are now 16.000 men idle in Boston as the result of the freight handlers' strike. Prince Henry sailed for home on the Deuthchland, from New York on Tuesday afternoon. Francis Skinner, New York, who tried to corner wheat; took' reverse to heart and shot himself decd. Miss Fva Booth, commissioner of the Salvation army in Canada, is ill at her residence at Eglinton, Ont, G. W. Leighton, a Portland bank teller, confesses he is a defauiter in $43.000. He will make restitution. The Allan. line Str. Numidian, from Liverpool, via Halifax, docked at St, John, N.B., at 9 a.m., on Wednesday. John Bourke, a prisoner from North Bay, fell twenty feet at the Central prison, Toronto, and was kill The sealers strike at St. John's, Nfid., is ended and the sealing steam- ers have sailed for the ice floes. James R. Brewster, the widely known carriage buildef, is dead at his home in New York, in his eighty fifth year, Col. J. F. Gaynor is in Quebec. He says he will return to Savannah on March 17th, but the United States au: thorities are doubtful. Mr. Brodrick announces that 6,000 yeomanry with large drafts of caval ry and miantry will immediately em bark for South Africa. Clarence Outhouse, Peekskill, N.Y. man. He was a burglar. was wounded and arrested. It is said that E. King Dodds will run in North Toronto for the legisla- ture as an anti-prohibition candidate and independent conservative, In New York, Miss Lizzie Maudas; rel" with her husband, during which thirty-eight years of age, hod a quar she killed him with g potato knife, Louis Wollum, Wellston, Chie, shot and killed Ward Meadows, who a year ago eloped with his wife and then returned and lived with ker. The London stock exchange is in vestigating a report that the the news of Gen. Metbuen's reverse was known to certain dealers in Kaffiex two hours before it became public. There are sixty-six vacancies in the United States army medieal service to be filled up shortly by competitive ex amination. These offer favorable open ings for young doctors. The city council of St. Catharines, Ont., has decided to accept the offer of Andrew Carnegie of $20.000 for a library. The building will be placed on the corner of the city hall lot. Scougale Dros, Vancouver, retail dry goods, have assigned, and the lia bilities are placed at about $50,000, Four or five Toronto houses are in terested. The firm has been in business about five vears. The trouble between the Hamilton, Ont., street railway men and the com- pany is growing acute. The men have written to president Mabon of the In ternational union asking him to come to advise with them. , At Copenhagen the folkething has devoted four secret sittings to the question of the sale of the Danish West Indies to the United Staws. On Tuesday a great majority of the cham ber declared in favor of the sale, Over 100 car loads of settlers' effects from the enst have passed through Winnipeg, en route to western points, over the CP.R., during the past cou ple. of days. | Colonists are passing through daily while a great number are mntering the north-west territories over the Boo line at Portal. Robin Adair 11. the Canadian horse that won the challenge cup at the horse show at New York, last No- vember, has been sold by Robert Beith, M.P., of Bowmanville, to Mit chell Harrison, Philadelphia. The price paid is said to have lerm some thing over §, 00. Adair II was ad mitted to be the finvst hackney driver in Canada. ft Jooks as if the Toronto, Ont, union brick layers will strike on May Ist. The employers bave offered to compromise and the offer has been re fused by the men. T Rhodes is ex- aged -hirty, of was shot by a police A comrade in a ceria eager, readiness in Tandon, to. accept on Van Richthofen's declaration i in , ganized territories. A POLICY OF DELAY. Want Of Confidence Motion On Government Railway. Toronto, March 13. After a day de voted almost entively 10 the disowm sion of the Temiskaming & Northern Ontario railway bill, the opposition divided the ture last night on a want of co) motion regretuing that further particulars were nol giv. en by the ernment, and that a subsidy of 86,400 per mile had not been secured from the dominion guv- ernment. The motion, introaweed by Mr. Powell, of Ottawa. was defeated on a straight party vote by cleven. Earlier in the discussion Hon. Mr. Latchiord, whose resourcefulness was put to a test all day, and who came out triumphantly, gave some further interesting information, including the fact that the estimated cost was $2. 234.09 for the 110 miles. The house adopted the three! amended pulp agreements after a brief discussion. Notice has been given by the pro vincial government of the following additional railway subsidies : Lind say, Bobeaygeon and Pontypool, nine teen miles, at $3000 a mile; mines to lake Huron, four miles, at £3,000 a mile; Nipigon Sta © the head of Long Porta fourteen miles, at £3,000 a mile; a Superior, Loag lake and Albany fake | ten miles, at $3,000 a mile, DOGS AID SNOWBOUND TROOPS Carry Letters and Food to Gar. risons: Munich, March 12.~The military au- thorities in Bavaria are employing specially trained dogs to carry letters and provisions to the snowed-up gar risons among the Bavarian Alps. These dugs are of the St. Bernard breed. The mountain garrisons are often snowed in three and four weeks at a time, cut off from all communication with the outside world ular bi weekly poet has been ys ten | dogs travelling together. ~All provi sions of a heavy kind are in store in the garrisons, but lighter delicacies are often Jacking, and these, together with letters, are carried round the dogs' necks. When the snow is frozen hard enough six dogs are hitched to a small car piled with things. Occasionally the dogs are tempted to pursue a hare, in which case the mail is slow and im- perfect. But this seldom happens, gnd the authorities on the whole are satis fied with their experiment. ---- CHINA TO. PUNISH BANDITS. Remove All Excuse For Presence Of Russian Troops. Pekin, March 12.-An imperial edict just issued *§ tmands Gen. Ma to proved to ehol (abbat 100 miles north-east of Pekin) and perconally supervise - the punishment of the ban dits who recently murdered the Ill gian priest. The Russian troops were sent across the border to avenge the murder, on the theory that the Chinese were un able to repress the operations of the bandits, whith menaced Russian in terests, and the government anxious w remove all excuse for the | presence of the Russian troops ia that | part of China. TIME NOT OPPORTUNE. in To Bring Into Play The Crimes | Act. London, March 12. --Although no of ficial statement can . be obtained re garding the cabinet's decision concern ing Ireland, there is every reason to believe that it was resolved not to | proclaim the Irish league or to adopt other immediate codreive The Stancard, a ministerial organ, | whose information in this matter | optinues with that obtained from other sources, says the ministers de | ciged. after full consideration of all circumstances, that the time had pot | vet come for bringing into play the | more drastic features of the crimes' net. | DIVORCE STATISTICS. Some Interesting Figures From | The Latest Census Bulletin. | Ottaws, March 12.-The latest cen sus bulletin shows that there are 661 | divoreed persons in the dominion. these 229 reside in Ontario, 58 in Que bee, 91 in Nova Scotia, 8 in, British | Columbia, 80 in New Brunswick, 36 | in the Yukon, 35 in Manitoba, 19 in! the north-west territories, 14 in Prince ! Edward Island, and 19 in the unor-} were. 562 | persons living in Canada divorced in | thirty-three years, most of the di- | vorces being obtained in the United | States. { A Lady's Plight. London, March 12. Christiana Svhkes appeared at Bow street police | cotirt, ¢hargea with being drunk. The ! magistrate dismissed the case, the lady pleading that she was suffering from temporary illness, The address iver is the residence of lady Tatton | ivhes, The muster rolls of the anion army jes in the great lion in the Fai * ted States show that British Auwiica furnished 55,000 men. ALL PERFECTLY LAUNDERED. Bruce | | Cor. Brock and Bagot Sts. measures. | | toe, as i inst | o'lock pm. All Coroners | thereat will govern OF | ness will be conducts se heretofore 1 Smythe alone. | poeumonis. WEATHER PROBABILITI®® 2, Toronto, Ont. and uray miny waiil clearing by evening 10 amid forenoon: then LAT ST STYLES LADIES' SUITS TAILOR-MADE OPENED OUT TO-DAY. PRICES $6, $10, $12, $15, $18 and $20. Separate SKirls 7 $3.50, $4. $5. $6, New Spring Jackets For Ladies' and Misses, $5. $5.50, $6 up to $9. Standard Patterns for April. Designer for April. Designer, 10¢. copy ; $1 year, WENEN «ln Kingston, March 12th, A Newman, wife of Joba Mckwen, A treet. } Fumeral (iva), Thursday, at 2.90 pw CLARIFIED MILK. PURE MILK IS OUR MOTTO. OUR POSITION WARRANTS US IN the high guaran Ww our supply to be of sd ost twst of purity Our system " Banding "fram the pose delivering ovr MILK roughout the entire season, sour door is a | TARY AND DA RY A Avtlighiiie. to call an inspeet our Clarified milk, orenm and | thy of a fair inl in each yr In fiture we IN BOTTLES ¢ ~ We javite you building and plant. THE CLARIFIED MI. K CO Of Kingston, Limited. 'Phone S67) PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thet the sitbings of the High Court of Jus and being the Courts of Assive, Nid Prius, Owe snd Termimer, and Gamera Gaol Delivery for the County of Frovtenas, will be bold ac the Court Hows, in the City of Kingaton, wn MONDAY next, 174 comming ot the how of 130 Mavistrates, Jur mond others huvieg thommelven accordingly THOMAS DAWSON if of Fromtenne, Sheriff's Office, Kingston, March 12h, 1902, DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP THE FIRM OF SNYTHE AND LYON 18 hereliy dissolved by muteal coment. The pe by be ors, Constabies EH SMYTHE, HENBERT IRA LYON Dated Han dh 12k 2 Smythe KC, LLD Soli iter, wie, Ontario Chambers, King and Clarence Street Barrister, corner. of PERSONAL YOUNG WIDOW, OWNING HER OWN HOME wend fockependent income, woold assist eB a THE. marty soon. Address CORA K. B., Bux 83, St. Louis, Me. | De. 0. W. Daly's Dertal Office Will be reopened in May, when be returns from alwosd died of wong John Gallinger. Smith's Falls, on Supiny after a short lines A widow and two survive. Royal Arcanam will meet on Thurs day night. Ornnnnnnsannnnan @ The re ¢ Correct : Time STEACY & STEACY