Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Commencing March ist aes Until April SPECIAL GOLONIST RATES NORTH PACIFIC COAST and KOOTE. NAY H Age THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY / NEW SHORT LINE FUR . Messronte and all loos Railways. POINTS. . [S16.05. $43.55. {$43.05. Way Second-Clase North-West. MARCH are. , and C. P. I. Lr A YOLGER, J Gen. 5 , & IN EFFECT DNDIVALE'S GANTFATIER WAS A VERITABLE BAYARD OF THE SEA. Lord Cochrane Was Hounded For His Attempts to Reotily An cient Abuses--A Victim of Par- tizian Rancour, The 'mention of the mame of lord Dundonald in connection with 'the command of the Canadian militia re- calls at once the memory of his grandfather, the tenth earl of Dun. dosuid, who was better known to the people whe lived at the beginning of the last century as lord Cochrane, With the e¥eeption of Nelson, there was no seaman in the British pavy who impressed his countrymen with such go sense of courage and ghility ag lord Cochrane. Me was a veritable Bayard of the sem, and his exploits ogninst the enemies of his vountry hordered on the marvellous His des struction of the French flotilla in the Basque Roads in 1509 will alwnys be cited ms o proof of his singular der: ing and ability. Unfortunately for himself, lord Cochrage had as little toleration for abuses in the navy as he had for slackness in battle. ~ He fovnd that the prize , especially those in 'he ficion editerranean ports, were nests of corruption, whickg seemed to have been established for the express purpose of robbing the sailor of the money to he was entitled from the prises be Bad taken, Lord Cochrane wem my to work to have these wrongs geek, and in doing so he won ithe ternal: cu mity of the' swarm of thieves and parasites who fattened on: the plan: der of the sailor. He ale incurred the dislike of the naval guthorities in England, who looked upon him as « DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12. His achievemonts : while engaged in this war of independence were worthy to be compared with those that had distinguished him in the British navy. He wax looked upon by all men as the greatest sea fighter of hix time, and although tory officialiom might frown on him, the British people fol lowed his victorious career with inter. i est and admiration. Lord Cochrane who became earl of Dundonald on Zhe death of his father, died in 1560 at] the ace of eighty-five, full of years! and honors, baving survived all his enemies and lived to see the official abuses and incompetence against | which he fought more fully illamrated in the Crimean war. - He. experienced the usual fate of reformers. who are in advance of their age, but it js well | for the world that such men arise to | point the way to better things. that country from the yoke of Spain | | UNDER THE SPY SYSTEM. Turks No Longer Dare Assemble In Parties. Coustantinoplg, March 1lL.--In no country and at mo time of the world's history oe the spy system been de veloped to the point it has attained | in Turkey to-day. It is a most ola- | borate organization and costs an im- | mense amount of money. There are | spies and counterspics, and counters counter-upies to the fourth or fifth ae gree. Their number is legion, and they are to be found in all classes of go ciety, from the highest to the lowest. | Besides the minister of police, almost ' every high dignitary has his own ser | vice of spies, These are all rival or ganizations, and spend mest of their | time in spying ana denouncing each i other. - All: prominent persous are closely watched, and © followed even | while shopping, and should they meet with another person of note and ex change a [ow words, the fact is care ------ -- £ OVER THE TEN CUPS, - . A Parisian dréssmaker says : "With cach gown I make from this time on there shall be three sets of sleeves.' "But," said I, "how can they be ex changed without too much teouble ¥' "Oh ! waist and torming it inside Took here. And quickly, before | cold protest, she had pulled a theend and the whole sleeve was loose, with nimble fingers, she several very tightly drawn caught hooks and eves, and, behold, the sleeve was in her hana. "Now, look," she eried: and picking | i wp another sleeve. she quickly hooked it into place, and, running a basting { thread around, behold the sleeve was new | changed, and the wag a gown gain 5 . : The tricks in doing this are several, as you mayeimagine. First you must finish each sleeve around the top, or | with a narrow, strip of | silk braid or tafieta to keep the rag: | uprer part, ged edge + from ravélling. Then vou must finish the armhole in the same way, Third, you must take eare that the hooks and eves are well matched, or the sleeve will not set wellr and fourth, you must be willing to nd fifteen minutes on the work of taking | out your sleeves and changing = them for" new ones. HH you will do all these things, you may have & mew gown cach day in the week. The gown so liberally supplied with cleoves, is a smoke color satin faced dress, rather dark. One pair of sleeves in in smokecolored cloth, with half the sleeves cut away from the elbow to the waist. The opehing is filled in with smoke-colored taffeta of just the same shade. It is quite puffed. The she exclaimed, lifting wp uw! i ont, | Phen, | anhooked | solve a tablespoonful of mustard in a little water and' pour it upon the soil, H worms are there, they will im { mediately appear. The mu teed dots {like fire, burning the worm's sain the | instant it touches it, | A friend thus relates her first exper | ence with the mustard bath i "My rubber plot has been flourish {ing for several years, when all at once {it came to a standstill I was told i that probably unseen epemics were at work upon it, and | was advised to {give it a dose of good strong mus tard water. | was not prepared for immediate results; amd when several worms, almost long enough to be call ied snakes, came hissifp up through the earth, | started back in affright. | But after these mobsters were disposed tof 1 had no more trouble with my { rubber plant?' ---- Madge Merton says; It is almost { time to think of the housecleaning, { the renewing of wallhangings or floor jeoverings or window draperies. And | ms we think of them let us keep one little word before our eyes--" 'simpli city." What backaches we might save ourselves if only we would dress ovrselves and our children and furnish our houses more simply. Gur rooms are overcrowded. We don't notice it until we stop to think, because wo're so accustomed to crowded tables and mantles, and tho many chairs. We seeny to be possessed of the idda that every picture, every china plate; every bow of ribbon or chair, or vase must be on exhibition all the time. I won- der if it wouldn't be a good plan to pack away some of our chevighed be. ES are destroying the mots, dis ing room ing the house, Most of wa could pack away a fow trunkfols of bric-a-brac and yet have sufficient for: nishing to make our homes artistic, and to relieve the hareness. We grow longings this year, amd leave broatfc your health and spoil your baking when you use ingre- dients of doubtful purity. If you use Empire Soda best for baking "the result will be light, healthful; delicious baking. One part Empire Soda and. two parts cream of tartar makes the strongest and most healthful leave- And you'd prefer It te all other Kinds if you once tried 1d JAMES SWIFT & S0. "Phone 135. MARCH 1st to APRIL 30th. » Te British Columbia, Colorado, Idaho, ontana, Oregon, Utah, h troublesome person, who would not let them take theik ease. Anyone who undertakes to remove ancient: abuses will always find himsell. regarded * an edge of the gloth where the upper part i cut away i= finished with nar row and very small gun-metal but tons. ning agent you can use, Cheapest too, for Empire fully. noted. Turks no longer dare as- semble in parties of five or six. for the purpose of spending "their even: to love our photographs and frames, our cups and saucers and jars and odd hits of silver, but we needn't have pC Washlagton, ete. : VER a troublesome person aml will be viewed with disfavor. . So when a charge was brought winst Jord ings together. Jt is impossible fob three or four of them to sit-down al a table in a coffee house without hav- ing a spy at the next. On such oces: ne set of sleeves is in smokecolor I satin, The uppers are in the shape capes, that fall nearly to the elbow they were gaie, and what a rveliel it would be to have them out of the { dust.! We would have more leisure to them always in view, if wo werd sure ! Soda only costs bc. a packet. Ask your grocer for Em- pire Soda and insist on get- 'HONEST COAL. $48.05 SPOKANE, wash, + ($43.55, ~RALENAT A: ($43.05. ONE WAY SECOND CLASS . and Cunadiau ary. TUESDAY ture AL, il suflicient bial Cochrane of trying (0 jufluence the funds by the spreading of false intelli- gence, he found no defenders off friends among the officials of the navy. Ona the contrary; they assisted to hound him down and triumphed over his disgrace. Lord Cochrano's trial took place be fore lord Ellenborough, a partizan {Coal that will give you the fall value OF { your money is the only kind we sill. The | ined that is clean sll the way through--in | which penny you pay counts few warmth and comfort. Coal for grates, slack burners, and stoves of every kind. All kinds of Wood and Kinds tings. sions they always speak very loud, so that everybody might hear them. Should a European converse with a Turk in the street, a wpy wil] follo® them and try to find out what they nee saying. <The result of all this is that the Turks avoid one another's company as much as possible, and > and' are finished with black eubroid: {spend in the lovely outdoors if we ery." Then comes an embroidered | were careful to diminish rather than hand around the arm, then a puff of {add to our little and big household the satin, taking in the elbow, then a jgods. Women complain of their house tight sleeve to the wrist, finished with | keeping cares and tho difficulty of oh | embroidery. { taining good household workers yet | The third { they go on multiplying their care by | | smoke-colored satin yards of ribbons and silks and fall | ting it. : vey ul Sh of alot is oi Armstrong's | and particulars apply to J. P, HANLEY, Agent, « +Qity Passr. Depot "DOMINION LINE. Liverpool Service. PORTLAND, March 15th, Stonmahips. * oF RARSAGE--Saloce. 82s and dates of wali TLIUS ad eg il $ J A return Second oo aaMay Ir : May 1 editerranean, April 9th and May 21st. he elettrie Hght, spadiow y J.P. Gildersleove, Ni oP BILDERSL TIGR All Apri rs marked | do not carry pase 0 sod Saloon judge, in 15814, and he was found guilty. "He wak sentenced to pay a fine of £1000, to be imprisoned for one year, and to stand in the pilloey Bir. one hour. The latter portion. of the sen tence was not carried out, for if the government had attempted it a riot would. have been the result. Lord Cochrane was a popular hero, be was admired and loved by the people, who looked upon him as their champion, But the government did all they dar- ed to do in the way of insulting and disgracing the man who had folight against ancient abuses, He was ox pelled from parliament and deprived of the honors he had bravely won as a knight of the Bath. Ne one now pretends to aseert that Jord Cochrane was guilty of the charge for which he was. condemned and © disgraced. He was simply the , victim of * partizan ricticour, and this fact was recognized years later whin hid sentence was reversed and his heflors restored. In the meantime, prevented from serving his own country, in ISIR, as admiral of tha fvet of Chili, he took a con spicuots part in the work of freeing SCHOOL ~ GIRLS "KNOW ITS WORTH. Idi Paine's Celery Compound Gives Them Energy "Snap and Full Lifs, It Enables Them to Attain the Blessings and Vigor of True Womanhood. Women 'and girls in every station of life who have used Faine's' Celery Compound know that it is that sick and "rundown females can: wot afford to be without. i "Moajewka, the peerless queen of art: isten," voices the Schumenia a ands of women an tls wi ve tested 1 strongriliunaking and life Piving vi of Paine's Celery Com wound when she says : "1 have found Paine' 0 GQ 3 all remedies t High, ox : t # Yo. : wo « session. rerworked nthe homo, weak wollen in id" sohivol give, lound Cia whenever they do come together the conversation is on the most. futile subjects, and quite childish. The Turk- ish nation is growing more and more demoralized under the present spy sys tem. A -------------- Pittsburgh Township Council, March 10.--Al: present. Cominunica- tions read 'from the Guarantee com pany re security; from the Good roads machinery company re franchise of road machitiery. add 'from W. P. Mai. land, wecretary S$. 8. No. 19, giving consent to altérations of section. Tenders for erushi and spreading stone were opened. Me. Warren offer- ed Yo do the work at 82.45 per cord and Mr. Tait: at $2.40 per cord. Mos - ed MoFarlane-Dacling, that the ten: dor of Mr. Tait be accepted Carved. Accounts 'passed : The bill of A. Tait © (certified by William A. Hearn, road overseer), - furnishing and crushing ten cons, $M; M. Byrnes, coal oil; ste, $2.77 'F. MtAuley, sta tionery, 8285. W. Ahbarn, certified as expended by him for work, $10.50; J. Hysop, work, $3.50; Messrs. J. and B. ran and H. D. Doyle, work; 85.50; G. McCormack, gravel. 81.05; Jobn Esford, broken stone, #59; R. J. Reid, coffin for R. Ball, 85 T. Turner, work, $33.50; James Hamil ton, wood, $l The application of 1, Duffie 'for privileges of cutting those elm trees on road near lot 4, Con. 4, to counciflor 'MeFarlane 'to make' enquiry. Moved, Maxwell-Me- Farlane, that the council offer-a bon am fromy this date of 13e. per rod to persons owning lands bordering on all main roads, who will erect and main tain lawful woven 'wire fences along the road for the prevention of snow- blockades; that each councillor do certify to the number of rods of fen ¢o erected Carried. By-law alterin, the bounds of school sections Nos. 10 and 12, © passed. By-law appointin township officers read and passed. Moved, Darling MeFurisne, that the G. OR. anthorities be notified to cause to be built a safe crossing at lot: 34, Con. 6, 'and plank same sufli- cientlyCarried. Moved, MoFarlave Darling, that the clerk notify the Pell telephone company to cause to be re nioved those telephone poles planted in the ditch or water course at lot 23, Con. PCarried. Adjourned till May 5th. the top radually growing big ger. At the elbow all the fulness is caught back under a big gun-metal button, and then comes a big bell, lined with blue, and with a full lace undersleeve, which is caught into ao lace ruffle at the wrist. Pillow ribbon is. a ribbon that comes at ahout 8] a yard. It is in any a colar, and ean be shirred by pulling a string at one end. This ga- thers it #0 that it makes a neat ruffle. This ribbon is shirred. into a ruffle, and is attached to the yoke "of the gown #0 that it makes a nice frill or full of silk. Over this is arranged a ruffle of lace, falling so as to cover the ribbon. The "two, one over the other, constitute a very mice trim ming for any waist. There ix another world of fashion, which of gold. Gold hooks come in all sizes and are made in all weights. They are also patterned after many decorations, and to own a set of gold hooks is almost mecessary il you are to rival the 400, who hook their gowns with gold hooks and iasten their stocks in the same way. A high quality of brass might do, or brass with a coating of gold, for to pur chase the real article, or have it made to order, is somewhat expensive, To paraphrase the speech of old Poloni us, those things thou hast and their becomingness tried grapple to: thee with %ooks of gold. That is the way to do it now-with hooks of gola. novelty in - the is the hook " Talk lappiness: Withowt © your woes. * No path is wholly Look for the places. that are smooth and clon ¥ And speak of those to rest the weaty eos. | Of carih, so burt by one contimnous strain Of human divoontent and griel amd pain. " Talk te YN: the driary, pever-chanidng * tn Of mortal maladies is worn and tals. You canmiot charm, or interest, or please harping on that winor chord, disease. Say you are well, or 'all js well with you. And God shall hear your words and make them true." . ------ A teaspoonful of olive oil,' poured upon the soil of robber plants, pear the stalk, about once a month, is an excellent tonic, © Washing the leaves with milk will keep thom dark and gloswy: and if there is a suspicion that 1 Will Care You of = RHEUMATISM. Ne Pay Until You Know It. the world is sad enough victims to every bargain table in china, or every new craze for fancy work. ' ---- For March it is the proper caper to wear a brown véil spotted with black chenille. Brown is as much wom as ever, but is growing pale verging upon a cafe-au-lait, and in many instances even lighter. "Ochre" a yellowish buff tint shading to cream, is another fash ionable~ color, and some very pretty ofiects are produced in millinery hy these tones earried out in chiffon and tulle and veiled with black lave. With black, navy blue, gray or brown, white will be the favorite hat. And would 'you know the latest fancy? White corded lace discreetly studded with pearls, draped over a modersie sized toque, finished with a velvet rib bon and bow, and a bunch of La France roses, White lace of every de- | scription is to be employed for covep | ing the net frames, and Malines and Chantilly will be as popular as gul pure for the purpose A cymic says : Tho surest way for a woman 'to make money is to keep away from the shops. ---------- EMIGRANTS FOR! CANADA. Large Parties Expected To Leave Great Britain. The London Times of February 20th publishes a letter from A correspon dent, which contains the following in formation regarding prospective emi gration to this country. An important scheme for the development of emigra- tion to western Canada has just boon finally arranged as the result of a vis it to this country of James A. Smart, deputy wmisister of the interior for the dominion of Cavada, and W. J. White, inspector of United States immigration agencies in Canada, acting in .conjune tion with W. T. R. Preston, Canadian emigration dommissiontr in London, | and no fewer than from 2,500 to 3.6000 persons will leave Liverpool or Glas. gow during the month of Murch to settle in the dominion, while others | aro expected to follow in April, May | amd June, at the rate of about 1,000 | per month. The scheme in question follows an active propaganda which was set on foot in the United States shout four years ago, with the view of inducing residents in that country to. move across the frontier and set te in Canada. . ... The propaganda ' set on foot in this country hy the re preséntatives of the dominion govern | ment has beet not much' less active | than that previously erried on by them in the United States, and al | ready there are some seven. or ight | special agents here waiting to "eon- | duct" the parties of emigrants of | whom the first two 'will start from | Liverpool on March 14th. and fron: | Glasgow on March 21st, subsequent parties leaving every other week. ! eanwhile inquiries on the subject are | | W., from all parte of the cotintry, the very pamerous com. munication coming to hand towtifving to the widesp interest the move ment has oxcited, Headquarters For °° Style And Quality | In SPRING FODTHEAR. Armstrong's f { | | | | & AH ty he TENDERS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES, | SEALMD TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THN | undoreigned aod | endorsed Tendors for | lodinn Sapplies " will Ie reegived at Ue office up tw soun on MUNDAY, 14th Apk | 1902, for the delivery of Indian supplies der | ing the fecal yenr ending 30th June, 1908 { at various points in Menitobs snd th | Northwest Territories. § Forme of tender containieg fell particular: { may be had by applying to the undersigned | or w the Indigh Commissioner at Winnipeg | The lowest ur afiy tender not decessarily of { ce A { J.D. MeLEAN, { Secretary. | Department of Indian Aflaire, 1 tiawa, . 28h February, 1902 ei NB --Nowspapers inserting this advertise | ment without authority of the Departmen | will not be paid { TN 7 | feature is good coal, Foot of Queen St.--'Phone § PROMPT DELIVERY. That's one of the features of our selling coal. The other A right quality always, Weve. been fortunate in tour buying, and you will get the best. (HE RATHBUN (CO. A COSY BRIGHT FIRE Is an stiractions for svaryons. The and intense beat of our Lot make fisolr nls old weather, N Let us your ble with 'BOOTH'S COAL. Cocoanut, 8 CENTS. Ripe Pinsapples, | Ripe Tomatoas, --AT A. J. REES',| | | Princess Ntrevt, Phone 88, or to-- i $ ; { i $ : AS THE DRINK For the sick room and tonic | for convaleseents, tie . carborated i Solid by all dest dealers everywhere HN PASTILLES » Phone 188. Voor of West Street ce tse lt as Your Neighbor Says WALSH'S SCRANTON COAL IS ALL RIGHT. Have you tried it ? Shall we send vou aton? ima pr ---------- STOP BURNING DOLLARS § BN AR. THATS WHAT YOU #0 Ww NOU USE TUE. YOTT0" "et Superior 20 sll other ol your gos Hills BRECK & HALLIDAY, SOLE AGENTS. AUCTION SALES Household Furniture. EE LE : "a Ed 83 pwr owt VE wiactory