DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12. i < PRAISED BY A FAMILY." Father, Mother osd Lille Daughter Cured by the Great Blood Food, Powley's Ligquified Ozone, hE Sik, 0 FON, Loopy ly And 'wits ov to experie i te sseond bottle. and affer Sui aite free from wey throvgh the ordina Jeethct cise; and en- at 4 "who was four years tile w walk, bas AME EUGENE Sao, 200 SHAW SY. MONTHE kewide -- ars Henefited, The Jtned 10 HL the needed nour (0 the almost Wielem nd nd She an now walk with an, be of great yalne, and Sram ore all that fs claimed Mme. Enagene Gagnon, ee Tr ) Monttent. PQ. tary Ako fie we Indigestion wank an th ie wer on beg in ge pals general bealth, al cht tu search of the eal advice to meet my cone, ort failed. The heart's action me very weak, widie J was practier for want of proper rest, as | way oo down at night, but rested rt month in and mony ever Talllig to or fod | fvercome b dis fdigestion and oi Juliva, and of Baus GAGNON, bottles of Ozone that L have ased, 1 ve. It to heoo pest remarkable system rig itu, und can honestly recom: i tg eared wr Jttle A, 1 four years of a weakinss from which she had bev tes to Sat Hines Fagens ground ap by the neve into , Srolation ty he after f inert. wil wuffor ropiod st toh of heard henrt-burn or pain in ©. a1 ome ® Liguified ren gives rollef to] Hgoriers use it. atunnide tn Wigest the food eaten, te tH ferorent ation of oe etiovan Ad antekly. One of the principal fed ~ Dame ie _that fr Tu. the id Fav: perform the process of thorpughmy «mak cs # ahkorh the a LAF thé food, © Tw that wey hulls the svete and forms sound flesh * Yon afferd to be without itt will Thre peraginently, S0e and £1 at all An The Osone Co, of ae, ly to. The liquid Ozone 229 Kin Chieago. = y 1 friends,' and Morven regrets her The sale of the farm ---- : i John Gordisear WHAT OUR CORRESPONDENTS HAVE TO TELL US, The Tidings From Various Points 'Ontario--What Peo- Doing and What They . Hicks js staying cently Jost his wile. Preston Vale Personals. _ Preston Vale, March 11.- a few davs last week at to the bad oon- dition of the roads he could not get Ferguson's Falls Facts. n's Falls, March 11. Mrs. J. . Morris and Master Ebert Monday with friends Miss Maggie McCusker R. A. Richards has completed his contract 'bl supplying wood the Xinsinsipipi cheese ar t . 'Doyle visited his man left on Saturday to visit friends : TH. | Clous to his leaving for Dttawe. Mrs. | Alexander Sommerville is visiting her sk i . W. MeKerracher, Black's Corners, at 9. Horrick's; W. MeKerrac visiting friends in Perth. Quite at Jacob Morris', a few Wore "intend going to Manitoba Lake Opinicon Opinions. Lake Opinicon, March 10.--A. Darl ing is hauling the materials for K. Halliday, Elgin, Samoe! Hunter, Richardson's mining foreman, is fou: ing a few days at home. i Of For The Northwest. Latimer, March 11.--Revival =o will close in the church here on Fri- in the church on Sunday, the re opening Ta Glenburnie church, McFarlane will leave ahr for ae NWT. Murray intend starting. for their future. home in Edmonton, Miss Nellie Watson, visiting at dames Sherman's, Ida Hughson and Pearl Taylor, spent Sunday at their homes. Edwards has returned afew days in the city. Mr, Buck, Miss Wood, Mr. pulpit on Sunday evenings We great- ly appreciate his services, Some of the farmers have begun sugar-making, and reppre good runs. James McLean has Miss Edith Camphail, iting her gister, Brewer's Mills Items. ing op this vicinity on Monday. Robert Curran Gg. V. Everett is Spenming wid his parents a fow weeks at G. a visit last week. i Joyeeville, having spent the past two weeks with Misses doing a Fashiars. business with their sawing An Old Veteran Gone. Fernleigh, March been cast over this vicinity by death of Timothy P. Sunday remewing Capt. Fleming, Chafley's seks, is visiting at James Milnes, Cole Lake Locals. 11.--A gloom has days before his death. While Ol eh. Lt ing from Cloyne, he stopped meeting of the Hinchinbrook i factory was held i . is getting out. tidgther to build Lennon is engaged to put John F. Campbell and G. W, Killins are getting in their supply of ice, A namber left from here to-day to attend the races at Vérona. when returning to his cutter, and fell on g mining backet. only about two days. The remains were placed | ) English burying ground at Plevna on with their teams from the shanty near The family were all present, . Jaws Kitzgerald and seventy-one years «of g township of Hollowelk ter at Mra. Conlter's, Wedding Bells To Ring. Halliday's Corners, school is progressing" management. of Migs A load of young Bongard's Corners Briefs. Bongard's Corners, March 10. Pypus, an old resident of this place, ast week. # aml passed away February 23rd, after hn x ssi, » the Free Methodist meetings at West. B. Bateman at E. s As Tryon at Sh McCormack iz disposing of some his cows and has let his farm out on who have sap bushes and Anson ei are ill. visiting with friends at Cherry Valley, have returned home. Cormack is in Ottawa this week Ira Stormd is getting . Toby spent a woek vr at South Bay recent. mor says that won Glenvale Glimpses. 10.-A number of Orangemen attended a 4 Arh meeting in Glenburnie recertly. oda Binuington and Mise Rose Creamer; ill with- pneumonia; are im- proving. We are glad to see Michael Hawkey around after his illness. The James Bradley's. ~ Byron Harrison Roswell Hatvinon's; Mr. i Hany Williams at Glassford's on Thursday, « ' tell has purchased ney Watts and sister spent Sunday at Stella. Miss Liugie Ellerbeck; visiting "her sister, Mrs, W Gi Cormack at Mr. Mi Peter at Robert Re-Opening Of Methodist Church. , March 10.--~John Kelly's sale of cattle on Monday was well at- i. Mileh cows sold: at from $30 to $35 wer head. E ive i Miss Sarah Knight and Mise Yiola : Frederick Burnett, Cataraqui, at at her father's, oP, Pillar, Kingston. Reynoldston Personals, it a very handsome David Shannon, bert Shannon, of this plage. Re-opening services will be conducted shortly, at which = several from a distance will take part. Pearl Spooner is of this place who spent the winter in the shanty have returned home. A. Syalde has Purchasd the farm for- . of Joseph eliray vom a severe attack of ua. J. Wagar, vidgiting friends for 'a fow days, h i home in North Dakota. just returned from a visit to his Sith has B has gone 40 to E clean of Re deahan high school, at home. Visitors: Miss Howie Steel at C. W. Reynolds'; Snider and daugh Rak, Brace: bridge, at his brother! ah Saider. Broke Through The Ice. Try Lea, March 11.--A team be Thomas Shipman aD the ice near Ulmon island drawing | igh, The aveident was geo Wy WW wood. 0 town ban hw The howe aiter a two weeks' visit among friends in the city. Mony farmers from this locality at- tended the Massey -Harris delivery | Kingston on the 27th uit, | i they brought their annual supply visit her parents harvesting and other lahor- saving ma Jeflrey and Miss have returned to their home in Mon: after a short A Birthday Party. Sydenham, neh i1.-~John Thomas, i returned to his home in southern Manitoba, accompanied by his cousin, Harvey Thomas, who. in i the summer there. tay. to visit his son, who is very it, pnt - pleasant time was Span snd have moved into the house with Rev. T. €. Brown. Spring Valley Views. Spring Valley, March 10. Walter Johnston, mail earvier, amd stage driver between Brockville and Athens, has given up the busines o Mr Sliter, Toledo. Mr. Johnston, 0 i up derstood, intends running s baking ' business there. John Golden has gone to Oswego, N.Y. to visit friends Mrs. King, of Athens. is visiting at Miss Molly. O'Donnell"s; so Mrs Eugene Weight. Mrs Losing in at Jo. soph Parker's. Mr. Latimore has rent ed Mrs. Darling's farm and will take possession soon. Mr. Finton bas | started to move to the place which | he purchased from John Rappel | | : g { time trapping in Nipissing. Howard George Boyd is kept husy cutting out piteh holes on Victoria road. John Ireland's little hoy was severely cut with an axe. Neal Donnelly and fami Iv have moved to the farm which they purchased recently from J. M, | 1 ' { child has been very sick with it but is Gill, Brockyille. The new proprietors of the cheese factory are preparing to start making cheese early -- Rockport Ripples. Rockport," March H.--Thomaz Jeroy has purchased a Jot on Main street opposite the C.O.C.F. hall from J. F. Fitzsimmons and intends building. Mrs, Pewitt Williams has returned home after spending pu couple of weeks with her parents. W. P. Dailey, of Brockville, spent Sand the guest of Charles Cornwall. "Ted: Murphy has rented the farm of Abel Root oa Star island, and Abel Root has pur chased the store of John A. Carnegie, and intends moving into the village next week. Thomas Jeroy is moving back to Deer island for the coming seasons Mrs. Peter Stale is spending a few weeks with her son, George, Mrs. Charles Cornwall is convalescent. Amasa Seaman, of Lansdowne, spent Sunday with his mother, Frederick Huck has purchased the Bagnell house of W. P. Dailey, Brockville. Rev. Mr Leach, of Lansdowne, held services in the English church last w John Wallace, caretaker of Wallace light house, made Rockport a visit on Mon day. Wolfe Island Chronicles. Wolfe Island, March 3.- The munici pal council met, reeve Thomas Faw- vett in the chair and councillors J, 8 Armstrong; W. G. Woodman, James Russel, Thomas Flynn, vresent. Mon ed, Armstrong -Flymm, thot the min utes as read be accepted by striking out that resolution giving John Mc Caul permission to cut dowh a twwe, and that the clerk be instructed to notify John McCaul to refrain from cutting down said tree until fur her notice. Carried. Moved, Woodman Russel, that these accounts be paid Goods supplied to Mrs. KE. Baker to Mrs. Orser, $5; hoards sapplied hy John MeCaul to Charles Norris, $6: John Mudie"s Will re Simcoe Island for surveying, attendance and expen "8 in connection with a road, 826.82. Mrs. Cameron,' for keeping Samuel Eccles, $5; to Mra. Orser, charity, 83; Moved, Flyan Russel, that tenders be asked to build a bridge overs the canal to be operated March 13th at the bridge or some other pace ap- pointed hy council, Carried. Council adjourned to meet the first Monday in April at ten o'clock Yarker Yieldings. * Yarker, March 12.-- Very little wood has been got out this' winter, The Methodists of Yarker are making a move tg do away with having enter tainments to vaise funds for charti- able or church purposes. Lenten ser vices were held last week in St. An thony's church by Rev. F. D. Wood cock, Mrs. Thomas Furrs, daughter of the Tate High CTawmbridge, died on Monday, Only. a few days ago she she gave birth to twins. She leaves seven children, the oldest being but thicteeh years. Mrs, George Dear is improving and will soon be able to be around, J.C. Connolly is improving the inside of his residence. He wiil build a summer residence at Svden- ham Lake. Z Vanluven of Moscow, having sold his farm and residence will likely locate in Yarker. Michael Vanluven will also likely settle in Yarker. Yarker will soon be the home of married men. Mrs. C. Shulize re turned home from Prince Edward Mrs. J. H. West has gone to Omemes; her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Cameron, is low with fever.. W. H. Walker is spending a few days in Yarker. He is engaged in mica mining. Charleston Jottings. Charleston, March 10.~Farmers are preparing for. sugar making. John Foster, sr, who spent the winter with his son here, has returned to the farm. Thomas - Foster has returned from Smith's Falls, Mr. and Miss Guvin were recent visitors. W. J. Slack, Long Point, spent a few days here vecently. He It on - ssdday for Cardinal. Mv.* and Mes. W. J. Berry, Secley's Bay, spent ris with Mrs. Berry's «mother, Mrs. H. Johnson. Mise Edna Berry, Seelev's Bav, visit od her grandmother, Mrs, Johnson, for a couple of weeks. 8. Babeock has retusned from Frankville. Mr. and Mrs. BD. Johmson, Lansdowne, visited friends here last week. Mise M. A Foster returned from Newhoro about two weeks ago. She is emjoving the best of health, notwithstanding ber severe illness last summer. Thomas Heffran, ill for a few days, is better, School was closed for two days last week oft account of the illaiss of the teacher. Sympathy is extended to Mr. ant Mos. R. J. Leeder, of Trevelyn, in the death of their = little son. W. Murphy, Bt. Paul's, Mien. visited friends here last werk. J. Webster, very ill, i convalescent. Wagarville Waitings. Wagarvitie, March 10--The arinval _of the pations of the Fron SUNLIGHT SOAP raovess Two washinazs wit than one less cost for the same result Ask for the Octag If your Grocer cannot supply, write to LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, Toronto, sending his name and addreds, and a trial sample of Sunlight Soap will be sent you free of cost Storey has returned home after spemding some time in' Tweed! Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Wagar are visiting friends at Fcho Lake. Scarlet fever is again making its appearance, A gars now improving. Mys. W. McCumber is visiting friends at Moscow. Visitors Wilbur Wagar, at W. McCumber 's: Mr, and Mrs. J. Wagar, also Mrs. 3 gor and Miss M. MeCumbe Cumber's; J. Smith and fas Smith's Budget From Allisonville. Allisonville, March 10 Robert derson leit here on Monday with tu cars of stock] ete, f in the far west. 1 mans, Chicago, arrived at her ther's on Monday before the sale; had a large stock to dispose of everything sold at a high price many friends pathered at his howe ¢ Wednesday evening with well filled ; The bours passed pleasant v. Mr. and Mra. Charles Hubbs, of Indian Head, NWT. with M Hubhs, ir., who have heen visiting friervis in (his loeality for the past three months, leit on Thursday for their respective homes. Stephen Leavy ens sold a team of four-vearolil colts to John Hubbs to take with him te the west; he delivered them at PP ton Saturday Mr French and family, Bay Front, - have moved on r's farm David Sprung lost o last week while driving through deep snow to open up the yas The horse dropped dead Philip Terry and E. Calnan are |! filling their. ice houses (ro Pert. McFanl, \ leit on Wedne ast fo h in Portland, egon They expect visit in Toronto, Detroit and Chicage and re och home the last of month. They spent six we father's, H. A. McFaul's, ber of Orangemen from } y ange lodge, No. 175, went to Redners le last Thursday night, to attend a Royal Arch meeting; they had a good time and an excellent supper such as the Redunersville Wdics capable of getting up. Rev. R. Bamforth, Rednersville, preached on this cirenit yesterday. He and Rev. J. W. Shier exchanged pulpits. Jesse Warnes is making preparations to build a new ' next summer Mrs Willet Valleau spent last week in Bellovill visiting friends, Miss Maud Flindall, Hier, is visiting at Mrs. 8. B. Pal aderith Nease, son of Georer ime back to Prince Ed ward to reside He has been a wn dent of California for the past twen ty-soven years; A WONDERFUL BABY. Kansas Infant Predicts Six Years Of Famine. Lincoln, Nébh., March 12.--A spatch from Harper, Kas, says an alarm amounting among the superstitions to almost a pan spread. here because of what gre heved to be the prophetic in worils a five weeks" old infant child be span talk at the age three weeks. lta st attempt wa made on Februa 20th. Ie word were clear and incis , and it ha kept repeating them at irvegular in tervals durip kefulness ever sipoe They are: "Six years of famine Kansas." The semtence ; ea message fr } digregarded by hearer Already a number of farms ing the state, long drought is child shows unusual gence, is well formed and of normal growth, but parrots the words like a phonograph. It can sav nothing e The father, John Shelby, is ing man Hin reds has here and waited for confirmadion of baby's hips bn Pays Death Penalty. Norfolk: Va... March rangements . have beer exvoution this after back, golorsl. On Jansary Btanback, who is but eighteen old, attempted to assav abeth Preifer, a vent) white woman, living near Ports mouth es t-- No Prospects Of It. London, March 12. Referring to re ports of a visit to France, by king Fdward, the Paris eorrespondest of the Times says it is able to state that the king desires 10 visit the south of France, but there js mo jm mediate prospect of hi= doing so. Richard Green amd familie] of West port, whe has been for the last five yours in the eugloy of W, H. Freden- burgh, will move to Brantford on Taesday, the 11th inst. HARDSHIPS OF TOMMY ATKINS. Wandsworth, S.W., England, Gentlemen ~~ 1 am not mich of a letter writer, but having seen how very vselul Bel pion was £3 us on oar jong marek. 1 think you are deserving of all the you can get. I am thankful to say that T never had much wwe for it weolf, but when 1 did have occasion md gay It waa this bet thing 1 HOW I CURE WEAK, PUNY MEN, Give me a man broken down from excesses, dissi worry, from any cause which bas sapped his vital advice for three months and 1 will wake hiln as vigor as any man of his age, I ean give back to any man what he has lost by abuse of the laws of nature. 4 A man who is nervous, whose brain and body are weak, who sleepy, badly, awakes more tired than when he went to Led, who is casily diss couraged, inclined to brood ever imaginary troubles, who } lost Lil Ton and energy to tackle hard problems, lacks the animal electricity whieh thy Dr. McLaughlin Electric Belt supplies. % The whole foree of vitality in your body ix dependent upon your afis mal electricity. When you lose that by draining the system in any mgs ner my belt will replace it, and will cure you. D. CRIBRS, Gye ph, Ont Now to be brief, it Is a w and my back does at bothe 1 give the Belt credit for it all, a but wear the Relt" . Letters like that tell a story which means a great deal to a sulerer. They are beacon light to the man who hes become discouraged from use less doctoring. I get such letters every day My Belt has a influenice upon tired, weak nerves, It broers ar vd invig or stirs up & great foree of encrgy in a ma Any man or wou who will secure me ean have my Belt and PAY WHEN CURED. I make the best electrical appliance in the world, having devoted twenty years to perfectir 1 know wy trade. Cures after evirys body else has failed are my best arguments. "Befute using you to 08 pounds, aod o Hervous pou ble months sine | } have gained 62 poy Give me a man with psins iv his back, a dull ache in hi pints, "ec » 1-go® pains in his shoulders, chest hip, I y Rhe i ir. any ache or pain, an 1 and drive ht eit is worn T. HOWETT of Sirathconts, "Ont. says i "I have had i Kon a Wea Hg the Ber. My nppetite ", good, aod 1 night 3 There is not a town or ham let in the country w bi h has not cu by MeLatighlin's Electric Belt what does this mean to you dear reader ¥ J you are pot what : any better proof to make you try there a remedy wh imple, an easy fo use, as sure to cure, and cheap as McLaughl dectiic Bolt ? I have not seen one must try it. In § sta yoursell, and te those whe look to their future happiness, try it now. . Act this minute. Such a matter ought not he delayed 3 It's as good for women as for me= Worn while you sleep, it causes nn trouble. You feel the flo, glawing heat from it constantly, but ho sting, no baratug. as in vie belts vi au olose onongh to call, do so. Leb me shaw t fog onon Bag wena fy upd o-date ngpliance A old style, bairn'ng 4 : sta au wy my Belt cufes when they fail. If you will byl you how it cures © » or my bemupifi] descriptive book showing Free Book. ho RE en and giving bundreds of letters from grafbful | people. Address, Incigaing thie Ad OR. M. K. MoLAUGHLIN, dn OFFICE HOURS 8 5. m. te 820 p.m. CARPETS and OILCLOTHS At 20% Discount. For one week we will offer all Carpets and English Floor Oil Cloths at a discount of 20 per cent. This means one~fifth of your money back. and a great chance to! purchase your New Spring Carpet or Oil Cloth at a genuine bargain. Tapestry Carpets, 35¢. to 75¢. a yard, less 20 per cent. Tapestry Stair Carpets, 35¢. to 75¢. a yard, less 20 per cent. Union and All-WoolfCarpets, 35¢. to $1.10 a yard, 20 per cent. Hemp Carpets, 12%¢. 10 joc a yard, less 20 per cent! Tapestry Carpet Squares, $6 to $13 each, less 20 per cent, Eoglish Floor Oil Cloths, 2 and 4 yards wide, s0¢., 60c., 75¢., $1, less 20 per cent. & Réduced prices for one week only and 'all sales for cash. i CRUTILEY BROS.