re Shioh's Consumption Cure Cures Coughs and Colds at once, It has been doing this for half a century, It has saved hundreds of thousands of fives, It will save yours if you give ita chance. 25 cents a bottle. H after using it you are not satisfied with results, go to back. . - money Write to 8. C. Wiis & Co., Toronto, Can., for free trial bottle. or RUGS | OF ALL KINDS, RICH HANDSOME RUGS in every size but not necessarily expensive. In Smyrna we show every size, from the 'smallest up to the full room size. : These Rugs are exactly ' alike on both sides, have a rich deep pile and are almost everlasting 'in wear. ROYAL WILTON RUGS in rich deep ' colour effects. Axminster Rugs in three different qualities to cover everything, from the smallest nook lu the largest room. ' A splendid showing of ART SQUARES in wool and cotton, in all sizes and very handsome patterns, mak- ing altogether the largest and most beautiful collection of Rugs ever shown has been called wider the budget, & condensation which i= given below. {to the detail of the budget has this to say ; eluding de' entures to be issued this year, is $994,365.92, maile up as follows : $38,600; high, $22,200 Schools, public, $38,600; high, $22 200; your druggist and get your total, $60,500. Local improvements, city portion, $54,256:92; local portion, 807,008.57; total, S151.204.99. General purposes, $004,965.92, R46, 742.06, and of this $41 435.02 sued, WHAT BUDGET CONTAINS WHENCE REVENUE DERIVED AND HOW SPENT. The Rate of Taxation ~Will be Twenty Mills on The Dollar-- The Charities Receiving Grants ~--Inerease in City Clerk's Sal- ary. 2 A speeinl meeting of the city council for to-night to con of The preamble "The debenture debt of the city, in- for works, Water $262,850. $519,420.93; grand total, in ix invested in local improvement bonds of this city, and 'he balanee, £5304. 04, is on special deposit in the bank of Montreal, and will be invested in local improvement debentures when the game are issued. The amount of taxes to be levied for the sinking fund this year is $5618.55, the property "The amount of the sinking fund owners specially benefitted paying $35, $2, "Your committer find that while the assessment is practically the same as that of last year they are obliged to provide for increased uncontrollable expenditure. for debentures and in- terest, hoard of education and admin istration of justice. The debentures issued in connection with the bonuses voted in recent years and for the pur chase of the fair grounds entail an an- nual expenditure of over $10,000 and the amount available for ordinary purposes has consequently been re duced to that extent. "Last year the amounts asked for by the different spending committees were reduced to the lowest possible figure conkistent with the efficient carrying on of the work of the depart- ments and your committee have been obliged . to practice similar economy this' year, but find that it will be im possible to maintain the rate of tax- ation at the same figure as last year, Your committee recommend that the bylaw regulating the sale of fresh meat be amended and that a sum of £50 instead of £2 as at present be charged for each license. Your com. mittee recommend that a rate of twen- ty mills on the dollar be levied on this year's assessment." 009.10 and the city generally, 019.45. X Liabilities And Assets, Statement of floating liabilities as on December 31st, 1901, and assets applicable against such liabilities : Liabilities--Overdue debentures 'and interest, $36,051.67; bills payable, $30,- 000; Kingston light, hent und power company, 81,944.93; bank of Montreal, $1,380.50; Queen's college, $20,000; trust funds, 82.900; premium on de bentures, 8575; Mes. Pound, £300; Sel by & Youlden, $198: drain deposits, $247.29; sundry accounts, $699.52: 1o- tal liabilities, $97,306.21. Assets---Cash, $1417.67; taxes, £49. 328.32; bills receivable, $1,073.28; as phalt walk material, broken stone, tile, ete, $1 81284: loeal improve ments, local portion, $1,479.14; city portion, $1,530.74; in course of construction, §1,327.5% Kingston street railway, 828.78; sundry ac- counts, $330.75; debentures to be is $28,000; arbitration expenses, E8.I57.15; total assets, $05,335.22; balance deficiency, 81,770.99; grand to- tal, $97,306.21, 'Lost year the total assets were $107,420.12. The committee had to make up gq deficiency of $4,320.89 car ried over froin the year previous. The a i rate was nipeteen and one-half mills PARLOR SUITES-We earry an Some an low as $15 for § a Seas, tunis sell for $30. hone goo ore or Tapéstry Covers | 5 Plush trimmings. Our weond fint is filled with Parlor furni tute. I you want a good sloction we can give it to you. PIANOLA MATTRESS; guarnnteed Seni Heuliby, Durable. This mattress any $10 maitre on er k Beattie fhre Jnown used in mattresses, enters large into iw We guarantee this Our price is $7.00, ETS AND CURTAINS. All the lead Sans qualities, rminsters, Mik Ton: a ™ Tapestries, Silk, Tapestry, Cluniel Poles, Og Pg ag Linolewm Floor Ol Cloth. Seotch and English fd None better, 23c. up, y T. F. HARKISON CO.. "PH ING, ETC. ed at $157,121.43, and estimated i S80 on the dollar. es, Whence Revenue Is Derived. The total estimatéd revenue is plac- ex- penditure, $157,117. leaving an es- timated syrplus of 83.59. Last year the total estimated revenue was $181,- 01049; and total estimated expendi- ture, $181,901.72, leaving an estimated balance of $16.77. The estimated 1e- venue is made up of these items, in part: Rents of city buildings, $651; market tolls, $1,600; Bell telephone company, $400, etc., making a total of 83,205. 50, or 864.26 under last vear. Liquor licenses are estimated to viela $7,200; auctioneers, $160; cabs and livery stables, $125; carters, $250; butchers, $100; second-hand stores, $200; billi- ard rooms, $200; ete., making a total of $8,978, or $6,309 under last vear. Police court fines and feos are estima- ted to bring $900, or $179.30 under last year. From dominion gov- ernment $388.13 is received for light- ing the city hall clock. Dividends from Cataraqui bridge company will yield non-resident land tax, $600; street watering, $1 900; interest on un- paid taxes, "81 500: and the water works department will pay $925 for services of city officials. Recapitulation--Revenue from sources han taxation, §IS610.63; dog tax, $300. it, $7,706,510, at twenty mills, 3 . maki a total of estimated revenue of $108, 210.80. > THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, MARCH 13. increase of $647.50. Other items are : insurance, $375.44; decrease, $61: printing, $1,500; decrease, $116.39 hoard of © health, including salaries, £600; Gecrease, $196.97. Parks get $1,500, which includes salaries, and is a decrease of $1226. City property gets $1,300, which includes 86 for repairs. For markets, including sal aries, 81,025 is wet aside. The fair grounds ot 5, which includes KWH for the cardtaker and 8250 for repairs. The board of works must get slong with $13.000, which in cludes $1,250 for salaries, leaving $11, S00 for street work, which is $374.50 under last year. The wages of firemen will use up $6,626.30 of the $9,000 set apart for the fire and light depart ment; the actual appropriation is $1, 926.50; the eommittee last year spent $0614.37. The only addition to sal aries of officials is an increase of $100 to the city clerk. The salaries of the three commissioners of the court of revision is placed at 850 each, or just hall of what they were in former years, The following grants are provided for : House of industry, $800; Kings ton general hospital, 81,500; Hotel Dien, $500; orphans' home, $175; chil- dren's aid society, 850; home for friendless women und children, $175; poor relief, 8175; mechanics' institute, 300; Kingston fair association, £300: Victoria order of nurses, $75. Other ilems are : Victoria day grant, 1901, $00; pauper passes, $100; Victoria industrial school, 2600; law expenses, $200; taking census, $75. incidentials, $300. Total controllable expenditure, $61,358.05; uncontrollable, $95,758.56; total, $157,117.54. a -------------- PERSONAL MENTION, Tovements Of The People -- What They Are Saying and Doing. Miss M. Mullen is the guest of Miss Barron, Clergy street. W. J. Paul, ill for some days, was somewhat improved to-day. J. B. Blanchard, Napanee, is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Frank W. Coates, Princess street. Alderman Farrell is likely to be the next president of the young liberal club. He is very popular among the young men. Willian Hines, aged sixty-one, died at Defeviet, N.Y., aud was buried at Carthage, N.Y. He was formerly of Kingston, Ont. Dr. Jolmston, Merrickville, is ill with pneumonia. He is a Queen's gra duate, and a son of James Johnston. University avenue. Mrs. C. J. Warwick, 56 Arch street, has returned from Smith's Falls, whero she was the guest of Mrs. R. W. SBteacy for a few weeks. We regret to hear of the death of the mother of Rev. I. W. Jones, Tam worth, which occurred at N wington, Hull, England, on February 22nd, in her sixty-second year. Requiescat in peace. Robert Meade, M.A., late inspector of Brockville schools is slowly recov- ering from a serious illness, which confined him to bed for over six weeks. He was attacked while visiting at his home in Nassagaweya E. F. B. Johnston, one of Toronto's cleverest criminal lawyers, will appear for the C.P.R. company at the assizes next week to prosecute Hayes, the re sident of Arden, charged with intimi- dating employees of the company dur ing the recent strike on that road. ---- ---- The Sin Of Hyprocisy. Rev. G. L. Starr's Lenten sermon in St. George's cathedral last night was upon the reproof administered to the angel of the Church of Sardis, that church which lived in name, but was dead, It lacked in the spirit, doing nothing, suffering nothing. It obser ved the letter so long as it did not clash with its advantage. Sardis had only used its spiritual advantages as a means of temporal: gain. In a word, said the preacher, it was full of hypocrisy, as are many churches and people to-day. Though the outward observances are strong, vet there is that deadening spirit. = As to those who are outwardly religious, who ab- stain from the grosser sins, what spirit of sincerity, the preacher asked, enters into their devotions ? Those who have observed the Lenten re Aicements should ask themselves if they have been uplifted. We do not always feel uplifted, but the patient Fone will develop true spirituality. Our prayers and devotions are only means to an end. Special Bargains In Ready Made Clothing, Prevost, Brock street, is offering the shoice of any ready-made suit exhibit- ed in his window for $6.75 for one week only. These are worth from $9 to $10 a suit. There will be a ten page Whig an Saturday. GOOD WORK. Proper Food Makes Marvelous Changes. Providence is sometimes credited with directing the footsteps by so simple a way as the reading of a food advertisement. A lady 'out in Shelbina, Mo., says, "About two years ago | was eom- pelled to retire from my school teach- ing because I was completely broken down with nervous prostration. I suffered agony in my back. My hands and feet would swell up nights. I was in a dreadfully nervous condi- tion, irritable, with a dull, heavy continuglly, had no appetite and sould not anythi i toied unable to remember for my work. Rome. said I had cansumption, others } .. One day, as if provi dence, I read the testimonial of lady whose symiptoms were much the same 5 5 a IE i fF i 28 lyr i In i i i 7 i if : 5 { TE i i 3 ! ! § 4 th it i i Ki 3 il - AT THE CRAND OPERA HOUSE '" THE CLIMBERS "" WAS QUITE A GOOD THING. It Illustrated The Life In The So- ciety Circles' The Runaway Girl," and ' Foxy Quiller Well Worth Seeing. In this swift age thers is no room for such a play as the "Climbers; there is enough real saddness and sor- row in the world without parading more of it on the theatre boards. The "Climbers" is a cleverly written' Jo duction, but the theme was illy chos- en. It opens with a funeral and ends with a suicide, and all through the four acts there is scarcely a word of humor to relieve the sombre set ting; there is nothing elevating in the whole performance; it is bage and sor did, but it may represent society in New York. The mother 'fishes for a husband for her youngest and favorite daughtet, and then "outs out" the daughter, marrying money instead of a man. A married woman openly de- clares her love for a man other than her husband; another woman declares her love for a married man, and be case of "principle" will not allow him to divoree his wife that he might get! her. Society women intrude their greed into the presence of death. The types of women portrayed are none pure-minded men could admire. But the company is an excellent one. Half a dozen charmingly dressed women are the real features. As Mrs, Richard Sterling, the wife of the weak lawyer, Miss Jennie Eustache had a difficult role assigned to her, but her cleverness was more than a match for the part. Charles Kent, as Richard Sterling, was really marvellous in the delineation of the tempted lawyer, who by dishonest means tried to climb to wealth. The other characters had lighter parts to play and did their work well. The performance went with a swing that denoted a highly trained company of artists. The cos tumes were beautiful, the ladies chie and really clever, and the scenery be witching. Repeated encores brought the performers before the curtain in acknowledgment, Miss Marguerite St. John, who took the role of Mrs, Hunter in an admir able manner, played with the "English comedy company" several starring en- gagements in the old opera house here Ome years ago. " A Runaway Girl." The popular musical comedy, "A Runaway Girl," is the attraction to- night. The company is the only one presenting the play in the country, and is said to be an exceptionally strong. organization. There are some fifty members, headed by that clever and versatile comedian, Arthur Dunn. ' Foxy Quiller." This latest comic Ereation of de Koven and Smith's will be the attrac tion on Friday night, with Jerome Sykes in the title role. The charact- er of "Poxy" is taken from the "Highwayman,"" but the opera is not a sequel to that popular one. Mr. Sykes has won an enviable reputation as a comic opera star. "Foxy Quiller" is one of the best productions to be seen this season. Theatrical Echoes. De Reszke, the tenor, has been offer ed $200,000 for forty American per formances. Charles Frohman is stretching out for a larger stage of operations. He is said to have thirteen companies touring England. It is proposed that in case New York gets a permanent French theatre, alternating opera comique with regu lar plays might give it a better chance ol being self-supporting. - Paris in certain lines of amusements is seriously considering America's cheap theatre plan. As it is, in many of the places there 81 is charged for seats at shows no better than, if as good as, may be had at 20c., 30c. and S0c. houses on this side. The Caretakers' Increases. The property committee of the board of education has decided as to how it will divide the $100 set aside for increases to the caretakers' salaries. The janitors of Frontenac, Victoria and Central schools will sach get 825; Ridean school, $15; Louise, 85, and Cataraqui, 85. The committee will also recommend to the board that Samuel Birch, an 'expert on heating and ventilation visit Vietoria school and report on the suitability of the repairs made to the ventilating sys tan there, To Form AY. M.C.A. Library. At a meeting of the Y.M.C.A. book sovial committee, held recently, it was decided to bold a book social on the evening of the 28th inst, and to invite' all the members and their friends. Fach person is supposed to bring a book, the collection to form the nucleus of a Y.M.C A. library. Yesterday aftermoon Rev. Mr. Mar grett, evangelist, gave a bible read- ing before the ladies" auxiliary of the Y MOA which proved very interests ing and helpful. Mr. Margrett is a thoroughly-trained bible student, He Is Quite Thankful. B. W. Folger is the possessor of five bronchos, stocky little animals that are full of fun. Yesterday while go ing among the ponies, Mr. Folger was made to realize that his prese resented; ome of them kicked him severoly and he is thankful that be is not to-day nursing a broken Jeg. Kingston To The Front. To Cure a In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinitie 'Tab: Jess. All 1 iit fails RC A J = ' pS ---------------- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Use "Yotto" lamps, lowest prices. Dreck & Halliday. Boys' suits, pew | goods Grand Union YZ (wise heed) has an advantage over other soap powders inasmuch as it also acts 4s 3 diginlectant Phe 'Womgeson skating rink will like ly close next Monday, a week earliee than last year "An Account of His Majesty's Chief Titles" will conclude the coronation series in next Saturday's paper. Telephone communication can now be had with Hotel Congress; a pew 'phone having been pldeed in position to-day. Miller's Headache Powders cure headache in five minutes. In boxes 10¢ and 28¢.. at Wade's drug store. Tete de Pont.and artillery barracks wore inspected to-day by surgeon-gen eral Neilson, as to their sanitary con- dition. A look over the opera house last night would have convinced anyone that Kingston has, indeed, scores of pretty "girls and women. First come, first seeved ! | Secure your passages now for spring travel to the old country. Gildersleeve & Kirkpatrick, 42 Clarence Street The liberal conservative convention to select a candidate to contest Kings ton at the coming provincial elec tions meets on March 25th, A marriage license obtained from Mr. Gildersioeve is good for a mar riage in any pary of Ontario The annual spring cleaning-up pro cess hus begun. A number of citizens have. lost their beautiful whiskers The streets will next be attended to. Our boys' Noriolk suits. See the new stripes at the Grand Union. A citizen has complained to the po- lice that a gang of boys were behav- ing rather disorderly on James street. The police will look into the matter A wap of 169 shows lake Ontario to be called "Lac Frontenae' and Bay of Quinte as "Kinte." In 1732, a map calls it lake Ontario, but Bay of Kinte. All disorders caused state of the systom can be cured by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, No pain, griping or discomfort attending their use. 'Fry them. Companion Court, No. 437, 1LO.F., at ite regular meeting last night in tiated one candidate and appointed a committee to make arrangements for an "At Howme" in the near fu ture Auction sale farm stock, ete., at the residence of © George Bawden. Front Road, township Pittsburg, three miles from city on Friday, March 14th William Murray, jr.. auctioneer. Smith's White Liniment is the most penetrating liniment known, and a positive cure for sprains, swellings, inflammation, neuralgia, rheumatism, and lumbago. In Potties, 23c., at Wade's drug store. At nine o'clock one farmer's sleigh square with its load of produce. A few stragglers came , in afterwards, preceded by one or two florists, That was the extent of the day's market. From lst to 15th March 10 p.c. dis count on all wall papers. A large variety to select from, ingrain and embossed, all latest designs, at W. N. Lemmons, 78 William street, suc cessor to. Savage Bros. @ Auction sale farm stock and imfle- ments ab the residence of late George A. Wright, 10t No. 24, 4th con.,town ship of Kingston, two miles N. E Westbrook, . on Wednesday, March 19th. William Murray, jr., auction cer, The regular monthly meeting of the hoard "of education takes place to night. The committees have but little business to report, and the meeting will likely be a light one, owing to the special -one held only two weeks ago. Il you had taken two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring you would not have had that coated ton gue or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial with you for occasional use The Living Age, of Boston, con tinues to produce the latest striking articles written all over the world, "Anglophobia in Germany." "The So: cial Abyss," and "The Anglo-Saxon Society Woman" are graphically pre sented by famous authors. April Seribner is a worthy number, with + articles by Richard Harding Davie, James B. Connolly, Alfred Matthews, president Gilmour, Thomas Nelson Page and Mary R. 8. Andrews The illustrations are by Frost, Walter Appletan Clark, Howard Pyle and F. C. Yahn. Connolly's sea stories are clever. "The Four Track News" is G. H Daniels' latest venture for the New York Central RR. It has some finely written grticles together with a gens ral fund of valuable information re- garding lake and mountain resorts, railroads, books of the day, theatri- cal affaires, the whole illustrated Iv fine halftones, including one of the Rivleau route. in to-cay. by a bilious this morning only stood on market Fossil Pills. The demand is proof of their worth. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills wre beating ' ont many fossil formulas at a quarter a box. They're better medicine, easivr doses, and 10 cents 8 vial. A thous: and ailments may arise from a disor dered liver. Keep the liver right and you'll not have Sick Headache, Billi- ousness, Nausea, Constipation and Sallow Skin. 100 pills in 25¢. size. For sale by Henry Wade and E. C. Mitchell 61. To Visit The Schools. The management committee was call- wd to meet at the board of education rooms this afternoon, from whick place they intended to start on a tour of the schools. As Messrs. Me: Intyre and Richardson are out of the city, and us some of the other mem- bers are engaged, the trip will fot be well "patronized." Recent Investigation ak hae B+ phy satisfaction. Ro bottle on the market and every bottle guar snteed to give satisfastion. New Rain Coat. Made feos English rainproct worst: jee 12.99. Hell. SIG EXBALST STAN ' 4 MECHANIC" SEES NOTHING NOTEWORTHY IN IT. He is Inclined to Ridicule The Whig's Article Steam Heating at The Loco- motive Works--Some Facts Given in Defence Article. Kingston, March tor) In your issn there is a long article New Method of Heating," the locomotive works about five tons of coal a day. With all candor, I cannot see anything new or notewor: thy in if. It says that formerly the sléam, after it had done duty in the powerful engine at the shop, passed off into the air as exhaust steam "Now ali is changed, the steam has been made captive compelled to do this work," ete. "The exhaust steam, which previous Ivy went to waste, i§ now turned into six-inch ashedtos covered mains, which run from the engine into the boiler," ete. Now, that method of dtilizing the exhaust has been the usual prac tice for generations. © To prove that this is so I have only to repeat his own woras, near the end of this ar ticle, He says: "The exhaust steam heats (he big tubular feed water heat- er in the engine room, so that when of "To the Edi of headed, and less coal, and consequently less work, to turn it into steam, thus what was to heat the builaing."" So far, so good. Permit me to re mark here that any novice, any fire wan, who has been about engines, knows that the to the super heater, which heats the feed water before entering the boiler, Why, sir, it is passing strange the locomotive works should be so careless, and indifferent about to go to waste, air as reported to pass off into the Query : Was it so? We have to bear in mind that the wonderful combination of asbestos coversa pipes do not generate steam, the pipes the steam. --ME CHANIC, convey As the above letter attack upon the reporter who wrote the original article and as some of the facts and sormises are very mis leading, it would not do to suffer the article to pass without eriticism. First of all, the reporter has thank "Mechanic" for such liberal quotations from the original article, as he is glad to see some one help him to extend<she knowledge of a good thing. Second, "Mechanic" says ho. "can not see anything new or noteworthy in it." No doubt he is candida. Let us enlighten him In the March let issie of the Plumbers' Trade Journal, of New York, the recognized author ity on plumbing, steam heating, etc., it a Jetter from a Pittsburg, Pa. plumber asking the editor what me to N at the loco if the me similar to that existing motive works here. Now thod had been "known tions," as "Mechanic" declares, a plumber in a leading American mann facturing city woula scarcely be ask: ing lor just such information; neither cussed in an up-to-date trade journal While the reporter tho system so new that it is deseby ing of a patent, still he belioves it is of wo great importance to the large steam users that they should know of it Again, if it were "known for genera tions," surely the leading factories of the United SWtes have long since adopted it. But Fave they 7. Some years ago the system of heating the buildings by exhaust steam was ndopted by the Dunkirk, N.Y., loco- motive works. The attempt was a failure, as superintenaent Tandy, the Kingston works, can bear testi mony to. More than that: the su perintendent of the Dunkirk works has recently been in correspondence with the local superintendent regarding the success of the experiment here, and has expressed a desire to send a man over to study the system. ""Mechanic" thinks thix system is "older than Ad am," whereas it is as "young as the morning aew."" If it were universally known, these facts would not stand out se prominently. "Mechanic" also truth of the writer's statement that hitherto the exhaust steam at the locomotive works was allowed to go to waste. "Query : Was it so ¥' fe askes. Yes, it was so. Up to last win ter the company neither used exhaust steam for warning the feed water nor for heating the buildings tubular feed water beater was put in at the instance of Mr. Birmingham, the managing director of the works In his article the reporter merely men tioped the fact that the exhaust steam besides warming the water, heated the shop and offices. Though only a lay- man in mechanics, be knew enough about engines nol to attach any im portance to the water-heating part of the scheme, The Whig merely wivhed to call at tention to an advance in steam heat ing wethode--something that was useful 10 the public and thst they should know. It now feels called upon 10 add these facts: The avetem was installed on the guarantee thet it would cause no back pressure. . The results bore out the guarantee. (ye engine made 20 and the other 30 revolutions a minute. The svstem did not cause them to lose half a turn: it did wot lower their speed one Iota. I is to be wondérdd st--yet it is a noteworthy fact-that so many mien would go through life and never hit upon such a . ""Mochanic'" in perhaps one of them. The reporter, he. cause of his ignorapoe of mechanics, hesitated to controvert "Mechanic's" statements and i mailers in the right light. He ired to give the public information touching a new worthy system, not knowing that he imi AY called spon to ex plain matters for the benefit of some perhaps too sensitive citizen. Theee applications of Peck"s Corn Salve will cure hard or soft corns. In big hones, 18e.. at Wade's drag wtors House owners ! | Do you know that we ean insure you against loss of rent ! Gi e snd Kirkphirick, questions the BY Bin Sildgsvicer Clarence Street. on Exhaust | The | exhaust | the water passes into the boiler, it is | already hot and requires considerably | before wasted on the air is now useq | exhaust 8 connectea | that | their | exhaust steam to allow so much of it | ours 1 constitutes an thod can be adopted in a case almost | for genera | would such an antique method be' dis- | of | The | = IN THE AIR. The Germs of La Grippe Are Oon- | veyed Through th Atmosphere, No oem can esupe the La Grppe guess be onuse whew sn epidesic of | prevailing, the air ix i The otha the the aden with it "arvume dose pot have time Ww heonuse the £ porbet Bealth are "i nnd throw off the whe for sey rosson of bealth, Tall rescly -- diwand in best Saturday | "A | that saves The first sywpioms are those of sew tarch resorlbing a bord eckd and it pro breatmmens Is applied nt shin tise, i jensily bo broken up; ome. of the beet Teme. dies at this stage is Stuart's Cainerh Tab lots, "sold hy uraguisis sveeywhore wed i taken freely, say' anu tablet every hour of two for tho or three dave, the danger of | Preamonia and serious complications will be averted E. Palmer, Baptist clergyman n Bich, ny es a stabomend of ine terest to atareh and Geip seflerers. says: "Siourt'y Outerch Totiors a Windy bon a blessing to me. I have weed suffered for years 1 fel that 1 ean freely found them wo safeguard arninet La Grippe { and Cotarrhul woubdee from which 1 hive sufformd veme 1 feoll that | can frecly { ard eonscirntionsly eoommend them." Persons who suffer from Ontarch of the | head amd throat ar very susocpiible to La oon | Grippe and such will find a nlowsant, veniont and wale remedy in this new eatarrh Stuart's Catareh Tablets are comnosed en trely of hovedoss antimeptios and may tw weed as freely as necessary as they "contain fio cocaine, opiate of polsoncus drug of any kind. ; 0066000006006 Mutual Preference, Swi Scranton Coal And you'd prefer It to all other kinds If you once tried itd JAMES SWIFT & 50. "Phone 135. doesn't consider | i HONEST COAL. Coal that will give you the Tull wales of your movey is the only kind we ell. The kind that is clean all the way throngh-in which every penny you pay counts ke warmth aad somiort. Coal for grates, slack burvers, and stows of every kind, All hinds of Wood sd Kish Gagted Foot of Queen St.-- Phone § A COSY BRIGHT FIRE | | BOOTH'S COAL. Phone 138, Poot of West Fires Your Neighbor Says IS ALL RIGHT, Have you tried it ? Shall we send vou a ton ? LADIES, THREE DOZEN ¥REE. PR Laaroars AsmiaEax RANTES = Momibly tesmedy 1 Never L Hara ¥ with E Jp hE mu "