dm THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 14. RUGS ALL KINDS, RICH HANDSOME RUGS in every size but not necessarily expensive. In Smyrna we show évery size, from the smallest up to the full room 'size. These Rugs are exactly alike on both sides, have a rich deep pile and are almost everlasting in wear, ROYAL WILTON RUGS in rich deep colour effects. Axminster Rugs in three different qualities to cover everything, from the smallest nook tu the largest, room. A splendid showing of ART SQUARES in wool and cotton, in all sizes and very handsome patterns, 'mak- ing altogether the largest and most beautiful collection of 'Rugs ever shown PARLOR SBUITES-We enrry an immense , Nome ns low an S15 for 5 pleces his one-as shown--wa sell for $20. Done good colors or Tapestry Covers ilk jush trimmings. Our meeond fit i+ Bild with Parlor furni Sure. I you want mn good selection we can give it to you. PIANOLA MATTRESS: guarynteed Sary, Pure; Healiby, Duguble. This not equalled Y any $10 maiten . Pure Pion Fibre. The lent used in mattresses, on into ity construction. We guaranter $7.00. price ia CARPETS AND CURTAINS. Ing styles; best auulition, Axminsters, tons, Brussels, Tapastrics, ete. this, All the lead: Mil Curtains, -- Lanes, Silk, Tapestry, Clinielle, Window Shades and Poles. All sizes, ote. I Cloth, Scotch and Linoleum and Floor 28¢. up, Fanglish wakes. Nowe better, I. F. HARRISON CO.. ES par vs ETC. PH NES-- fon CALLs 91.92 ei de Spe FELEK LENNON COUNCIL ADOPTED REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE, ---- The Vote Stood Twelve to Nine Motion to Give Lennon Anoth- er Chance Was Declared Lost-- A Minority Report Declared Out of Order. od to wn minutes to twelve o'clock Ald. King presented the report of the works committee, as published last water already, to the city council at night's mevting. He Jikened the re port tothe finding of a jury after having heard evidence. The speaker deiended the officials who had appear od before the eommitiee and gave evi dence against Felix Lennon. He also paid a tribute to the officials for their carnestoess and interest in bebalf of the department, and asked the coun- cil not to be influenced by the pre judiced reports published in the news papers. Alds. King and Carson mov: ed the adoption of the report. Ald, Hipson asked if engineer Haz {ett had ever complained of Lennon. All. King replied that Mr, Hazlett had reported Lennon to be respectiul, obedient and obliging. Adds. Mallen and Graham moved that the consideration of the case of Felix Lennon be held over until the next meeting. The motion glon : Yeas--Alds. Tait, Mcleod, lane, Mallen, Hipsou, Graham, lop--T. Nays--Mayor Shaw, Alds, Athott, Harkneds, McCammon, was lost on this divi McFar- Dun- Carson, Craig, Farrell, Kent, Kinz, Knapp, Sears, Wallem, White--13. Ald. Graham presented a minority report of the water works committee, but on a point being raised by Ald. King, the mayor declared the report out of ovder, Speaking to the motion, Ald. Gra- bam contended shat the evidence brought before the committee was not sufficient to warrant Lennon's dismis- snl. If the report wes to be taken as a report of a jury, it must have the unites support of the committee, but this was not the ease. The speaker had asked Cullen if he had ever seen Lenhox drunk on duty, and Cullen haed replied that he could not say he had, No one had said that Lennon hal ever heen seen drank on duty. The Jeast the couneil could do would be to give Lennon another chance. The speaker made a strong plea in behalf of Lennon and scored Cullen for not knowing hie duties and for leaving the pumping station before the assistant engineer had reached the place. He moved, seconded by Ald, Mallen, that Felix Lennon be given anothér chance, and that in the event of his being found under the influence of liquor at any time, he be instantly dismissed, This, Ald. Graham said, wes giving Leanon a very narrow margin to come and go on. The city had not been put to the expensé of one cent for damages under the regime of Lennon at the pumping station. Ald. Mcleod thought that it might be that the water works committee of the past had shirked its duty in the Lennon matter, and left it to this year's committee to act. He was of opinion that all the evidence taken at the investigation should be laid before the council, and with that end in view, he moved, seconded by Ald. Me: Farlane, that the report be sent back to the committee for this purpose. Ald. Carson was willing that the whole matter should go hefore the county judge and evidence be taken under oath. Ald, King said it waa impussible to furnish the evidence asked for by Ald. Moleod, because it was not taken verbatim, If the case should go be: fore the county judge, it would mean a great outlay, and would result in bringing out a much stronger case against Lennon; it would be a very foolish procedure. : Ald. White thought, in all fairness, that Mr. Nickle, counsel for Lennon, Le heard, so that the council should hear both sides of the argument. AM. King took the ground that it would be unjust to the committee to allow defendant to again review his case. Ald. Walkem supported the finding of the cofamittee, There were some ald- etmen around the board defending Lennon who, in private conversation, expressed the opinion that Lennon was unfit for the position. He was op posed to allowing Mr. Nickle to ad- dress the council. Mr. Lonnon had had every justice shown him. Ald. Meleod's amendment to the amendment, to send the report back for information, was lost on this di vision : Yeas--Alds. Bell, Dunlop, Graham, Hipeon, Mallen, McCammon, McFar- lane, McLeod, White--9, Nays--Mayor Shaw, Alds. Abbott, Sammon, Craig Farrell, Harkness, ent, ing,' K y i Walkin 13 napp Sears, Tait, Ald. Grabam's amend Lennon be given the os % Sha As the hands of the city clock point : SOCIAL REFORM. Rév. Dr. Crafts Gives An Address In The City Hall, Rev. Dr. Crafts, of the bureau of re the work of the bureau and on the subject "Living and Dying Nations. The burean, he represented, was do- ing. move than sowing, he said--it wes endeavoring to temove the influences of wickedness, particularly regarding gambling, drinking aml immorality. in Toronto he found laxity regarding cambling and social impurity. Al ready, he bad effected reforms, and re cently seven foul periodicals had been forbidden by the police to be sold. Similar good results he expected would follow in _gither Canadian cities, through the endeavors of the bureau which pressed much more than the temperance and Sabbath questions. Dr. Crafts asked the sympathy and aid of the people in propagating liter ature throughout all countries by which a great reform movement would result, and in distributing in Canada the laws regarding morality. The speaker then took up the subject of "Living and Dying Nations," giv ing a rapid survey of both. Eternal life to a nation, he said, depends up- on the eternal vigilance of ite people. France was a sad example of a mod- wn decaying nation, resulting from putting the mental before the moral. That country too was a place of de- bauchery and vice, and was without a Sunday law. Impuri®y is the ques tion of life or death to a nation. Look over the tombstones of the dead na- tions, and see how many died where free love prevailed. France, once in the foreground now gives place to the four great nations of the world, Bri- tain, Urited States, Germany and Russia. That is a warning to nations and men as to what follows moral decay. Anglo-Saxon pre-eminence re- suits from reverence for the Sabbath. The institutions of a country are the secret of its life or death.! If they are built on the rock the nation will standd if on the sand it will surely fall. ; J. R. Black was chairman of the meeting. At the conclusion a commit- tee, consisting 'of Rev. Pr. Antliff, Rev. Dr. Laing, Rev. Dr. Philp, Mrs. Macallum, G. M. Macdonnell aud J, R. Black was formed for two ohjegts : First, to send a request, in conjunc tion, with hundreds of others, to Hon. Mr. Chamberlain, colonial 'secretary, that the British government cooper: ate with the United States in giving affect to the proposed agreement to prevent the introduction of all alcho- liv liquors to the tinted and colored races of the world; and second, 'to prevent any foul or impure literature being sold in Kingston. Recent Investigation Recent investigations enable us to point to Eastern Balm as the best and purest cough medicine on earth, hence the remedy that is giving the greatest satisfaction, Largest bottle on the market and every bottle guar. anteed to give satisfaction. Buried At Amherst Island. The remains of Mrs, Mary Wright? North Bay, were brought to this city and yesterday taken to Amherst Isl and, the decepsed's former home. She was seventy-four years of age, and mother of John Wright, of Maence & Minnes' wholesale dry goods house, That New Hat. You can hold up your head wherever you go, If you huy your new hat from George Milss & Co. Those Easter egge with 'any name vou send in for Se. W. J. Crothers. AN EVENTFUL DAY. When Coffee Left The Household. "I never began to pse coffee until af- ter 1 began teaching school, then a good, motherly old dame served such nice coffee that she got me into the way of drinking it. Inside of a year I became a wreck from insomnia and nervous prostra- tion. Every afternoon | was so drowsy and filled with apprehension that I would have crying spells without knowing why. 1 laid around the house in misery, and was a misery to every one else. (nce in a while a friend would tell me that coffee was the cause of my trouble, 1 reasoned with them that only had one cup at breakiast at] that was not enough to cause the trouble, and I found that that was the secret--that one cup of coffee. It was an eventful day in our house- hold when I quit coffee and started making Postum. I followed the direc: tions and the result was wonderful ; no other words express it. The Pos tum coffee was of a rich, beautiful eolor and when cream was added looked as delicious as it tasted. A doetor who was in the house tast- sd the Postum and said that it was equal to the best Mocha or Java, then quickly turned away as though it was i hensibl H ted there defeated on this division : Yeas-Alds. Bell, Dunlop, Graham, arkness, Hipson, Mallen, MeCam- mon, McFarlane, Mol.eod---9. ® te-- Ald. King's motion to ad the port was carried on "the _ divi. _-" o ¥ wes coffee in it but 1 have been assur- od of the absolute purity of the Pos- tum and have confidence in it. Nothing ever tasted better to me than that first, well-made cup of Pos- tum, and never since have 1 tasted cof- fee, and 1 now look back with horror upon' the sickness it caused. We began, very quickly, to see the difference be- tween my condition under Postum and under common coffee. 1 lost that feel jorm, Washington, addressed a public | meeting in the city hall last night on } {IN THE FIRST OF STANLEY CUP MATCHES. Score Was 1 To O--Canadian La- | crosse Teams to Play in New York -- Gananoque Baseball Club Organizes. Ie Rov, an Indian, will be one Bafialo's pitchers this we Pitcher © Drohan, with last year, will play with this season. Arandon won the western intermanli ate hockey championship, defeating the C.P.R. team of Winnipeg, three to two. A¢ the Canadian racket tourney ia Montreal, Capt. Symons, Kingston, defeated Edgar Scott, Philadelphia, 3 ta I. Capt. Symons this afternoon played in the semi-finals. The first of the Stanley cup matches between Winnipeg and Montreal took place in the prairie city last night. The contest was very keen, and Win- nipeg won hy the small score of 1 to 0. Hamburg, where the greatest inter est is taken in sports of all Kinds, and where the German Derby is de cided, is about to celebrate the fifticth year of its existence as a sporting centre, The Canadian lacrosse teams which will play the New York Crescents will be Toronto university, on May 730th and 31st; Dufferins, of Orangeville, on June Tth: Crescents of Perth, on June 14th, and Shamrocks of Montreal, on June 21st. The Metropolitan golf club, Mon- treal, will engage a professional conch from the links of Auld Scotia. Allan and Brown, Cornwall lacross: players, will be with Montreal nex summer, Toronto and Montreal are offering big inducements for all kinds of good athletes, A cocking main was pulled off near Waterdown, Ont., on Thursday night, between Buffalo and Hamilton birds. A special train was chartered to. carry the large number of Hamilton 'and Buffalo sports to the scene of battle and a large amount of money chang- ed hands, the Canadians getting long odds. Thirteen battles were fought, of which Hamilton birds won seven and Bufialo six. An enthusiastic meeting of the Gan- anoque baseball club, was held last night, in Turper's hall, Some $310 was collected independent of $115 con- tributed at the first meeting. Officers elected were * Honorary-president, George Taylor, M.P;; president, George Toner; vice-president, D. J. Lyodd; second vice-president, |W. Phillips; secretary, J. T. Green; treasarer, Ww. J. Wilson; executive, J. Shields, Clarke Allen, T. B, Phillips, J. Bul- loch, M. McDonald, A. W. Phillips, W. Batiams. The management. of the team was unanimously given to C. McCarney, the most energetic mem- ber since the introduction of haseball in the town, and there is no Guestion but what he is the "right man in the right place." Already there have been several applications received from pro- minent players and which the execu: tive has under consideration. There is no question but what Gananoque will again be to the front this year with as strong a team as ever, Has Conservative Support. At the libefal convention in Madoc on Wednesday, Joseph James, of Ac tinolite, a conservative, was present and spoke about the arsenic bounty. He attended the gathering to thank the liberals for the support they had given him. He could not say that of some of his fellow conservatives. Mr. Lott, Mr. Dale and Mr. Cross aveom- panied him to Toronto to assist in getting this bounty snd be thanked them heartily for their support. The mining interests had no better cham- pion than his friend, B. 0. Lott. Commenting on the above. the Belle- ville Ontario_says : "The presence of a well-known con servative like Joseph James at the meeting, and his address to the elec- tors, was a highly significent factor. Mr. James wants to sce the most made of the county's mining resources and he knows the Ross government will do a great deal for the north riding. Mr. James represents a large number of conservative voters, who will, without doubt, give their vctes this time for Mr. Lott, in the best in- terests of the riding: There is noth- ing to expect from the other party." wf som Gananogue Hartford ce. Montregl Herald. . Captain Noonan, 'of the Rideau Lakes navigation company, announc- ed that the company is to build an- other steamer for 'the daily service be- tween Ottawa and Kingston. The new craft will be 112 feet Jong, 28 fest beam, draft 4.6 feet, speed 14 miles per hour, and triple expansion en gines. There will be sleeping accom- modation for seventy-five guests and sixty seats in the dining room. boat will be ec in about ten months, and will cost $40,000. It will be named Rideau Prince, and to- gether with Rideau King and Rideau Queen will form a daily service bhe- tween Kingston and Ottawa. Roadbeds Deeply Submerged. John Lemmon, of Lemmon & Law- renson, returned vesterday from a drive to Seeley's Bay, where he was fitting up a cheese factory. He de scribes the condition of the roads as heing somethi fearful. He was obliged to walk half of the twenty- five miles, and was almost obliged to swim in places. In some districts wa- ter to the depth of two feet covered the roadbed for a distance of half a mile. The 1 bridges were sub- merged or pars and travel- ting was well-nigh "impossible. Mr. Lemmon says that in all bis travels through the soumy he never saw the roads in worse pe. Snow banks and bare ground come alternately. ---------- Fine $2 Hats. We have the largest assortment of nobby, up-to-date two dollar hats in Kingston. George Mills & Co., hat specialists, Wellington street. ' Clothing For Boys. There is only one kind to buy and that's all wool, carefully cut, well werloved, amd stylish. Proowrsble at Livingston Bros. BEAT MONTREAL Juoorea | WATERWORKS COMMITTEE. Was Sent In To The Council. For the third time this week, the water works committee, a most un happy family, gathered, together yes terday afternoon, chisirman Adds. Sears, Tait, Mallen, tirasham awl Carson I'he was debated as to whethet on the Linnon case should be present ed at last mighty coundil meeting Alds. Graliam and Molen wanted the matter loft sill the. next regulne session of the council, but the ma jority opposed this. AN. Graham hed some plain things to tell the chairman. He said he had sal on 5 committe last year where "whispering" went on hetween chairman and his right hand neigh bor. This, Ald. Graham declared, he had just discovered to be going on between chairman King and Ald Sears, and he had overheard the word "rail roading" in connection with the Lennon affair. The speaker was not going to stand that, and raised a protest. The committee then considered the proposal of the finance commitiee 10 take sway the usual grant of $750 for water, While Ald. Carson. was pointing out the necessity of the com Wittee standing firm and refusing to allow this £750 to be withdrawn, the chairman asked leave to say a word to Ald. Graham who wasi talking in a low voice to a couple 'of reporters. Ald. King stated that since Ald. Gra ham had objected to his whispering to Akl Sears, he (King) wanted AM. Graham himself fo follow out his own advice. This the latter promised to do. On motion of Ald. Graham the committee decided to press couficil for the $750 referred to. The members of committee favored strongly the giving of the contract to build the new boiler to a Kingston firm, if the local price was any way reasonable. However, tenders will be advertised for, to Fe in by the 26th. ! The Report question the refort user its Sudden Death At Cataraqui. The death of Mrs. Sophia O'Shea, Cataraqui, whose death was announc- ea in Thursday's Whig, came very un- expectedly. On Wednesday evening she had entertained some friends to a small party at her home. She was jovial then, and in excellent health On Thursaay morning she ate a hearty breakfast. Shortly afterwards she was taken ill, and in a few min utes expired, Death was undoubtedly due to apoplexy. «It was only a cou ple of years ago that she removed from the city to Cataraqui. She was seventy-four years of age. In religion the deceased lady was a member of the Catholic Apostolic church, She had 'a wide circle of friends in the city, who will be deeply pained at the sad intelligence of her unexpected de mise. Five children survive. They are William J. O'Shea, a gardener at Ca- taraqui; James, in the north-west; Miss Grace O'Shea, teacher in the Cen tral school, Kingston; Miss Annie, at home, and Mrs. Small, of Ottawa Considerable sympathy is felt for the sorrowing family. Some Y.M.C.A. Notes. The new writing table in, the Y.M, C.A. reading room fills a long-felt want. Pen, ink and paper are free for all who require the privilege. The seniors will rejoice to know that the carum boards have been repaired and new carnms purchased. On Monday the general will publish some excellent hints. Watch for them. Charles Low has arranged for a tea for the religious work committee on Saturday evening. Tt will be held at the home of one of the mothers, The shuffle boara has a crowd around its lengthy sides every éven ing. All are invited to drop in and try the game. sacretary health ---------- Officers Of The Alexandria. T. J. 8. Milne and David Sinclair have gone to Picton to fit up the steamer Alexandria, on which they will sail this season as first and se cond engineer, respectively. Capt. Willer, of Picton, will be in charge. He has had command of the Alexan- dria for "over twenty-five years, and has been in the employment of the company for nearly half a century. ---------------- Don't Teach Them. Séhool teachers are frequently refer- red to as those who "teach the young idea how to shoot." It is to be hoped that the Kingston teachers who may go fo the Boer concentration camps in South Africa will not do this. The Boers can shoot well enough already to suit most people. A Quorum Not Present. A regular meeting of the hoard of education was called for last evening, but a quorum was not obtained. The members present were chairman Sears, Thomas Lambert, D. A. Shaw, Prof. Dyde, J. G. Elliott, James Laturney, J. P. Oram, Fdward Bennett, De. Fee and J. 8. RB. McCann. Union For Ever. See that your new hat has a union label in it. George Mills & Co., Wel lington street. Norfolk suits for boys, 10 to 15 years, cut with a yoke--#tylish pat- terns. Grand Union. WHY STAY PALE. A pity to see pale girls stay pale and dull when it is so easy to get Scott's Emulsion. One of the best things Scott's Emulsion does is to give rich blood to pale girls. The result of regular doses of Scott's Emulsion is an in- crease not only in the red color of the blood ard in the ite butin the good looks 'bright manners which are the real charm of per fect health. Send for Tree Semple. BOWNE, Chemists, Tovonto. King and ! Abbott. ! INTENSE SUFFERING ou p------ PARACRAPHES PICKED UP BY | From Dyspepsia and Stomach O0UZ BUSY REPORTERS, The Spice of Every Day Lite | What the People Are Talking | About--Nothing Escapes At, tention Suoked salvos in tins at Redden's. | Boys' suits that will not wear 'out Grand Union Miss Polson, Kingston Mes. Way, Hamilton Prof. Dyde leavis April 10th, to spend six months. is visiting ' | for Germany OR | hed Troubles. instantly Believed nad. Pecmane Uy Stusrt's Dipegsia Tobiels, Cured by {A Yew Discovery. Sat Bol a Tatil Mediclse ---------- Pe. Recwvll redntes an Datorest 0 {ol what BW vonddas a i --_-- i | atte botnet winble cand whrodie @vapepsia fiy the se ¥ ew durdvery, Siaart's was uw omen who for yoare Y.Z {wise head) has sa advantage over | other soap powdars inasmuch as it also sete as o disicfectant. i The New York Central RR. will put | ois train to run from New York to | i i { Clayton in eight hours. Anchovies in oil at Redden's. J. Nevin Doyle, the well-known Belle- { ville baritone, has secured a position | i | with "The Runaway Girl' company. lee is being harvested at Cape Vio cent, N.Y., for family use in Water town. Some ice is three feet thick. Horvings in tomato sauee, herring | in Anchovy sauce, herrings in mustard sauce, herrings in shrilup sauce, a Redaen's. In New York state unless a school can boast of a flag the public mosey | appropriated for it may be withheld Saturday at the hest boys' clothing. "An Account of Titles" will conclude serios in next Saturday's paper. The remains of Mrs. Mary Ann Ab- hott, who died on Carleton Island on Friday last were placed in the vault Marysville, Ont. Two mantles for 25e. day's, Two, robing were seen this morning in the grounds surround ing the orphans' home, merrily pip- ing their announcement of the arriv al of spring. A 20 per cent. to be lost sigh and an opportunity not of. Read Starr & Sutclifie's ad. the reason why? The Grand Trunk is using Nova Seo- the Grand Union for | His Majesty's Chief the coronation Breck & Halli: and hoard discount sale of dry goods at the heginning of a seasow is $ dyspepsia. Everything he ate opened sour amd crests gases in the stomach. He hed pains lke rheumatism in the baok, 1 shoulder blades aod Huds, fuliois amd die | tress after eating, poor appetite sid loss of cebill, deuwing pal i | with to "| gave bim power! blood romeshios, but to Bo purpose experiment 1 finally bought a 50 cent pack: swe of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at a drug store aml gave them 0 bin. Almost immediate relief was given, suet after he had used four boxes he was 10 All ahpearances tully cuted " There was Bo more heidity or sour, war tery riwings, no bloating alter. menls, the appetite was vigorous and ho has gained be- fween 10 a 12 pounds in welrbt of solid, Bealthy flesh § " Although Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are mivertised and sold in deur stores, you consider them & most valesble addition to - | any physician's line of remedies, as they are y karmicss and orn be given to obil dren or invalids or in #av comiition of the stomach with perfect walety, being harmieos and contaeing weihing but Tuts and veweta- t | ble esmcon, pepiin and "Golden Seal. i " Without any "question they are th cot, most effective cure for e . I jongtipation and all angements of the stomach, however slight or severe." t tia coal to drive their locomotives and 3 | 900906000 draw their trains This means tha thousands of dollars which annually At the request of Ald. Walkem, the | went to the United States now stay in Canada. board of works will crossing over King street, from front of Waddington's butcher shop tc the walk om the other side of market. City scavenger Attwood keeps al Clergy street serves an increase it is this man, whe has rendered faithful service since hi appointment. Cannea salman, mackerel, sea chickens, at Redden's. The school rate was 44 mills in 1881 Last vear it was only 378-100 mills. an the to-day the number has risen { oal the written to the board of edueation requesting In 1881 there were only 1.314 of average daily attendance in schools to 2.122, and the taxation role is low er. Ww. G building Hamilton, secretary of trades council, bas the board to employ only union la bor on all work with the city public collegiate institute done in Harry Brock says that the person mistook the robin for a edda does not who grosheck history very well more similarity between the two bird than there is between a SPArTOw an and a hawk At yesterday's meeting of board of works Ald. McCammon call ed attention to the fact that man Meleod's remarks in couneil a the last meeting had borne good fruit inasmuch as it had resulted in a full attendance of members Canned lobsters, scollops, clams, cockles, at The successful er of Brock and King streets, are Masonry, Langdon & Hamilton; heating and metal work, J. painting, A. McMahon Power & Son are the architects. Broma. A powerful tonic and builder up o the blood and nerves, givi strength, vigor and health to weal antl pale people, to convalescents Broma cures weak, exhausted, nerv ous and dyspeptic men as well as wo- men, Broma cures 'young girls mia, nervous to constipation. Broma cures children, weak, suffer ing from anaemia, loss of appetite scrofulous or rickety. t-------- A Fraternal Visit. Cataraqui lodge, No. 10, 1L.O.OF. has invited the Gananoque jodge to wn me | BRIGHT OO tion has been accepted. The lodges at Napanee and Harrowsmith will elso A good recep pay them a fraternal visit on the ev ening of the 20th inst. be invited tb attend, tion will be tendered them Spring Importation For 1902. Prevost bas received all his spri importations, consisting of Beote and English tweeds: also a fine selec: tion of worsteds, cheviots and serges spring overcoatings, showing a great A first-class fit for suitings and In pantings, he is variety of patterns. guaranteed. ---------------- Looks Right! Is Right! When you have your mude right. Livingston Pros. Apples, Apples, Apples. We have a few of Eran left. "Phone your order. Crothers. ------------ Black Shirts. For wolkingmen. H. D. Bibby Co. ------------ Pletacke cakes and Something new: Uy will le sarisfid that we put the material in our cakes. Fach day is "bargain day." W. J. Crothess' construct a sis Preference. the sardines, lobsters, mnection srhools and abe khow his natural He says there is no the chair mackerel, shrinips, Redden's. tenderers for the re: modetling of Pr. Cov's building, eorn- car pentery, Hunter & Harold; plumbing, Jamieson; and wo men, pale, weak, suffering from anae- dyspepsia and inclined clothes made hy us, you may depend on them being those Northern Ww. 1 Res our black shirts, extra values, 5c. and 75e. The maple mulline. then and you Tot | Er oly pt Rog nappa: FEE FRE We'd prefer you to buns i the crossings clean, even as far up as 9 9 If any city servant de- WwW S » 1¢ Scranton And you'd prefer it to all other kinds if you dice tried la JAMES SWIFT & 0. "Phone 135. r t Coal that will give you the full values of your monwy is the only kind we sell. The { Mind What fs clean all the way Shrough--is which every 'peuay you puy oousts le warmth and comfort. 1 Coal lor grates, slack buroers, and stots "| of every kind. Al kinds of Wood and Kish linge. » Foot of Queen St.--'Phone 9, 1A COSY FIRE jo-on stmaative. fot crerfoms. Fie and imbues bens of our Lomi fede with ve » ne your bie with BOOTH'S COAL. 188, Foot of West Beret Your Neighbor Says - WALSH' SCRANT( COAL 'IS ALL RIGHT. Have you tried it ? Shall we send vou a ton? LADIES, THREE DOZEN FREE. Bil. CHARCOT ANTLGENM PASTILLES Hroolt weather --_, wo.