# COR BETT'S = AUCTION SALE peat $57 REAL ESTATE. IN. PULSUANCE . OF 3 fin he Gonsrsl thot the ol the Bamusd H fuunpshan, deorasnd will Le sold bs J. A Nulted, Auction Be awtion rooms. Noo 385 BrooW Nur the tity of Kings at the & wk in » o ih day of Maseh, In Lids nid premises situate in of Ringwton, in four parcels, PARCEL No. 1. Lots Nox, 637 and 68% of tw Ordnance srvey of Herchmer Farm, &c., situate the northeast corner of Pricccss) and Alfred treete, having a fronteges on Princess Steet of 178 feet move or less med on Allred Street of 62 ft to be situate four 2.4 or with cellar wed ocuthuil S21, 523, £25 'and 523 in good state of repair PARCEL No. 2. Part of City lt No. 12, a subshivision farm lot No. 24 in dhe fret Concession the Township of Kingston situate south sale of Clemgy Street West, frottage of 67 foot more or Jews and exiond Ig buck a depih of 534 feet more or less Upon this parcel are sadd to be situate foiir Satory brick veneered houses, Nos. (8, 20, 23 and 24 Clergy Street West PARCELN®, 3, Siteate on the south side of Clergy Rireet {romeo ur of ele Saturday the he viz, followmy said ity brick oiad b gw to each, Princess Brest, of of on the he | heap work | | { on Upon this parcel are suid | i pro-Boer haviog a | undoubted talents, ~, WIEN YOU FAINT If you desire the very best results at the least expense you will use . . , THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT. HARDWARE. HE Whig --68th VER. DAILY BRITIAR wine, pabitshed 8a »" Der year tioks at 8:80 WERKLY BRITISH WHIG publisng every Thursday morning at $1 Attached in one of the best Job t- Ing Oe in Canada rapid, ah fim, nine Improved proses. EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. ITIE DAILY WHIG. 'Opiter per Orbem Dicor.' LESSON AND WARNING John P Hinois, Altgeld, the ex governer of who died so suddenly after o he had part, had risen to the meeting in which taken a leading prominence hy exercise He began life in as a poor emi of the United 8 y o<tates | wrant boy, and he became a million | aire West apd being the rear pan of lots Nos 8 | and 9 fronting on Division division of farm lot No. 24 in the Brat Con ousston, baving a frontage of 40 feet nove or less aod extending back a depth of 1)0 feet more or less; toge ber with a right of ® feet x 88 Upow this parcel are two 2etory rougheast 40 and 42 Clergy Street West PARCEL NO. 4. Part of City lot No. 9, situate north side of Clergy Street West, fromtage of 31 feet more on less and ex tending buck a depth of 45 feet more or Joan, Bpon this pureed are said to be situ ate two 2story rovugheast houses, Nos 15 and 17 Clergy Street West Each of the parcels will be offered for sale Street, a to be Nos. said houses, on sabe | fet on the westerly side | I words the | having a | first en bloe, and second separately, sulject | to a reserved bid on each For twrms and conditions of sale apply to | the Trusters, the Auctioneer, or CARSCALLEN & CAHILL, No. 18 James St. South Hamilton, : fendors' Solicitors. Hamilton, 28th February, 1902, {| the Pullman strike occurred, and the | Would You Maintain a Full! Supp'y of V tal Force and Encrpy Users of Malt Breakinet Food enabled to maintain a constant full supply of vital fore $0 necessary for the achievement of success in the duties of life. so The ordinary breakfast grain food's charged with insoluble starch and indi gostihile particles retard digestion, reduce vital foree and waste existing energy > Malt Breakfast Food, delicious healthful, conduces to true vigor, adds to vital force and energy, builds up flesh, bone, muscle and tis Rite, Malt Rreakfest Food contaive the full ivivtures of health-giving Malt and the strength vielding qualities of the choicest wheat Ask your grocer for it and and westive Suite and Overcoats FOR SPRING, 1902. Our stock is exceptionally comprising all the fashionable from the best mills in the world All pew gods to select from. surly and woke vour choice «J. R. JOHNSTON .. large, wears Call AS THE DRINK For the sick réem and tonic for convalescents, the carborated M a gi Caledonia Water Is peculiarly adapted. Sold by all best dealers everywhere SKIN DISEASES by Dr. Cowan's Herbal Ointmen Uleers, Burns, Crac Claunses Si. w tment GRIFFITH'S Meothol Ligimens oe. of the penitentiary. are | and energy | | sound sense rebelled hamper and greatly' Wealth appears to come to some easily, but they have to woo it all the same. The money-maker has to be ac tive, industrious, shrewd, penetrating, | and accumulative in his habits Alt geld was all this. He was more was, when he liked, a man of honeved He was an orator, and a power in politics. Hence it was that he made his way to the front of his party. and was elected eventually the governorship of the state. It He lacked judgment which this great trust was the ruination of him the im plied. It was while he reignea that president of the United States had to exercise the power he possessed! to 'or the was while he ruled that an der out the troops and suppress It archy broke out in Clicagn, that the strife rioters were pardoned out One Haymarket thing after \ tor dissipate the the aothér took place people's confidence in man, and when three years ago he laid envious eves upon the mavoralty oi Chicago, ard offered as a candidate, he was un rejected, The people's eceremoniously against the idea | of hie aspiration for further trial. He and Altgela is a type of had been tried in the balance found wanting the hility. who cannot carry Quick to men responsi act, clever in mind they are burdened with great trusts, and then they fall Only those survive the test who have Altgeld had his disciplifings, but he was a moral He was expected rise in public experienge until the crises come--and heen trained for serviee. was a demagogue, ana him hie defective when "most of aid the least onvesg lesson and a warning. « The man's Q rm er -- THE ISSUE OF THE HOUR The patriotic one, and it conduces to some transportauon question 18 a very patriotic speeches. But the needs of the bogr are facilities for handling the efiormous crops of our great north- It and the yield is getting the best of the west is a land of grain growing railways quite a bit. were 100,000,000 bushels of wheat and oats, to say nothing of general pro- duce, and according to Mr. Douglass, MP. stock and warchouse accommodation, the most be oon there wes a deficiency of rolling Assinaboi suffered i and was without railway petition. The loss to the people estimated at $5,000,000, and it is one which trate attention upon the developments The question is many: canse is to concen- shocks and ought of the future sided and involves these considera: LIONS © I. Elevating power. There "ae cording to Mr. Tarte, about fiity mil lion of it all told, but it is widely digtributed. trade converges is Fort William, which has capaci'y for five million bushels, and whica, next seasom, will have twice the space. Even that will be very inadequate, and in consequence of is, modation, the Cabadian grain is go ing in another direction, via Duluth, which has ample elevator space and adds to it from time to time as cir cumstances warrant. The elevators in the northwest, in Manitoba, and at the two shipping points, must be greatly multiplied and without delay. 2. The railway rolling stock. The sash evening ot 306 810 King Street, st Bar and 13 pages, | hie | He | to, ? World's and speech. nervously aggressive, they | he | is at | Last year there | The point towards which | the glut, of the insufficiency of accom | THE ame assurance that ik is providing the emergencies of the future It . asking {or power to expand Guan amd to add to its capital pow It has definite plans, no doubt shops for ck Is warchousing As the mithon enlarge its rolling st the facilities ture of ard to nd transportation in » going to.guard ther hive \WAINSL an That point' ought to be set {thal pow Mr. Tarte had i the French River expects to relieve the congestion the repudiated the three hundred but it to defend which he in He it would of dol Immense oocasion route, by west as nothing else can do idea that millions an the fac ihtied cont will cost what be the shipying link Inrs, will sum, , and good of it, without bie way connecling between the raul the ca Can terminus at side and nals entrance on the other ? i | das bottonis are four per pent of the tonnage, and if Canada is to get an from its trade and its | exclusive benefit \ } 1 | commerce, Hs Crop, rajiways and | its shipping, there will bave to he a | change of plan all around, and at a | cost which is at present incalculable. I'he transportation issue is the one that necessitates the deepest thought and most practicable service. It will | not be settled by talk, but by action | of the most direct and definite kind EDITORIAL BRIEFS Hugh John Macdonald now repudi | ates the Roblin referendum. The idea ] he says, was to enforce the it the | originally, | liquor act dorsed it, privy council en | ---- { ' The women righters in Toronto have achieved another victory--the election | to the staff of the general hospital of And she's a a women house surgeon too ! peach, of the * The larte Must Mr. Borden, das leader | opposition, go ? Is he a failure admiration of Mr | makes one suspect that there is a new | conspiracy abroad The bill, which presumed to confer special and uncalled for powers, upon ! the with { drawn from the Ontario legislature, It | was regarded with great hostility civil engineers, has been is talking hut it | The against | the New | not putting its opinions in the form Isn't that the party should put itself on record ? opposition Ontario railway, is I of resolutions wav a There may be many to endorse boucheére's idea, that if ders any more troops for the war she shall bear all the The selection of the men expense to the equipment and support of them in the field. La Canada ten expenses of them is a small The offered Hamilton is a favoured place Bell Telephone has $3,000 4 year for the use of the streets which their service. nition of the council and Company in to promote and improve There is here the recog the tion of its municipal franchise ---- The fact that Dr. Courtice and Carman are dissatisfied with the ferendum is thus heralded by Mail : "Methodists Premier Ross. Electors will condemn preversi { tv of liberal party." Is thé Metho dist vote in the keeping or giving of set ? The ob valun Dr re the warn answer any special vious -- Mackenzie Bowell is not kindly to the liberalizing senate. The grits is feelingly commented upon by taking of vacan nes Sir the filling of by | Intelligencer. Would it have these va How the govern canvies filled by conservatives ? | many liberals were appointed to senate by the conservative ments during the eighteen years which they ruled! Why should the selection of the teachers who go to South Africa be left with a couple of men, even the principals of the Toronto and Ottawa Why was not educational centre allowed to one or two the population The troops were not or: in Normal schools. each nom: nate as warranted ! ganized as the teachers' contingent appears to be. "The American Machine telephones does away with the girl in the on tral office, and the delay in making connections. It is the newest thing in telephone discovery--is a marvel in {its way--and is the product of a | young Canadian-who did not live to | see the glories of his genius. - When this system hay' been installed there will be a great change in the tele phone bu<in-ss. Acquires Branch Line. St. Louis, March 14.-The St. Louis & Memphis line, extending from Paw Paw Juntion to Laxora, a distance of seventy-five miles, has been turned over to t 81. Fowis, Memphiz & South: Eastern, which a Fecentiy organized and which will form the St. Louis: Memphis line of the "Prisco sys: tem. The Prisco system has grown t, with its ve DAILY W HIG, FRIDAY, TELEGRAMS FROM THE YOUN QUARTERS OF THE EARTH, Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read And Remembered by the Dea ' Public. Spanish cabinet has resigned i he | Penns al will me on Tuesday to decide whether or not » strike Ivana coal miners in Lloyds, on Mr forty Rhodes guineas bok an nad \ who died at Ghisifw LLL for Fusurance r SIX months, an William Martin, Hamilton, carbolic acid with suicidal tent ill probably die. James Dick, recently, begyueathed dix inthution among his employees 1 Re the domimion parliament against proposed cattle guards legislation | w North Hastings ih Nave Pearce, Mar way employees are petitioning the conser ates ol Ww nominated J f mora, for the legislative assembly The grand Orange lodge of Omario west" concluded its meeung at Petro ha. The old officers were reelected. Representatives of 'the labor unions engaged in the Boston strike recom mend that the strike be declared off. William C. Foster, teacher of draw Hamilton, an employee of the school board for twenty-five vears, has resigned, : Fr Quiniivan, of St. Patrick's Montreal, died in Paris on He went to Paris a month Deceased was a native of Strat tev, church, Thursday. ago ford, Ont, It is rumored in Washington that attorney genergl Knox and 'secretary 'Wilson will soon retire trom the cabi net and private from his offies Mrs. James Kaiser, Hempstead, L.l., wants $10.00 from Madame Julia Coates, a Brooklén hair dress er, because, as she claims, Mrs Coates turned her hair gray to purple : It is reported to-dav that Booth, son of ten Witham will retire as chief of the and that he organization under trol Bryan, who was in York day, declaves the death of ex-governor Altgeld 4 national He says "There is something sublime in "the thought that he died defending a down-trodden race." The South African turbed | by premature re death of Cetil Rhodes I'he condition of public opinion respecting Mr Rhodes has heen greatly modified since the raid South Africans agree his influence he beneficial in healing after the war, and that mination of illness will secretary ( 'ortely ou of from Herbert Booth Australian will start a rival government con forces Ne Ww to loss. market is dis wis of the Jameson that will most the race fond the fatal be little than a disaster » ter less TOO LATE TO ACT. Says The Under-Secretary Teachers' Applications. In reply to his letter of the 12th inst., isgpector Kidd this morning re ceived _& communication from Joseph McCabe, under secretary of state, re pecting the applications of the Misses Bureau and Abrams, of this city, teachers in the South Africa concen tration camps. Mr, McCabe writes The applications came to hand af ter the selection for this province had heen determined upon. The provincial authorities have been entrusted with the selection of a certain number from the western portion of the province, and possibly it might be 'well. for vou to address the provincial secretary at Toronto on the subject, But gards Eastern Ontario the --applica tions are too late for consideration." The last sentence regarded as very remarkable by educationalists in this city. The Kingston applications were sent in just as soon as the perial request for teachers appeared the daily press. The applications therefore have reached the de partment as as those of any other place. However, the local an plicants have not given up hope. Se veral prominent men, who have the ear of the government, are exefting themselves in behalf of the Kingston young Jadies Re as as re im must soon WHAT THE PAPERS SAY. Competition. London News Gen. Delarey has entered into com petition with American heiresses. He bagged a lord It Hasn't Been A Habit. Ottawa Citizen We do not recall another instance of a British general being captured in the past fifty years. Large Expectations. Montreal Herald Some men sow a few seeds of kind nest and expect to reap their reward with a mowing machine. A Venerable Lady. London, Ont. March 13.--The death is announced of Mrs. Ann Bell, wife of William Bell, of London township Deceased was ninety-three years of age, and an old resident of the town- ship. She leaves four daughters. Mrs Bell had thirty grandchildren and twenty-five great grand children. Arts Of The Past. We combing all the arts of the past with al! the knowledge and skill of to-day, and thus produce up-to-date and well madé garments: Livingston Rroe ARENT ERE MARCH 14 BOARD OF WORKS. Street Railway Company May Sprinkle The City Streets. The board of works held a regular meeting Thursday afternoon. 'I hose Alds. Mcleod, chair McCammon, Yraig, Walkem, Mc w, Dunlop, /Markpess and city Kirkpatrick chairman attending bei gineer A he that the nounced Lrst item on slate t of sired the was the gies sprink by the street ng ratiway company { Nionde the in lwhali that to city was present Ite be willing with the on the a term of of Lic of company Lhe enter to route of five or a foot, the charged. The company must sprinkle the waole and would also agree to in Wethiamsville and Bagot street, but not agree take a hiodk here and there. 11 had been suggested that the company wrinkle King Union streets; the tion company sand would into a sprinkle the the belt line more years at coniract streets for rate Sane as Bow huwever, route, take would to mn unable to West to the spuinkie the por and would not ag ree to a contract unless that portion Fd all blocks on the in cluded, The company appliance that would throw ight feet on one ty feet on two sides Chairman MeLeod stated that as he understood the question, it was in tended to have all the streets water od on which the cars ran Mr. Nickle replied that received from the city out mention of Barrie street ft was pointed out that Alfred street had been sprinkled for years past Ald. McLeod thought that city could have the sprinkling at a the present probably people would have sprinkling their Ald would be street from stich was not can cosnpany could in question, route were could secure ah a stream seventy side, or six the letter engineer left not the done of figure below cost, more done on streets fronting premises My Craig suggested that Nickle put his terms in writing, that the committee could have some thing tangible to work on Mr Nickle promised to do so He had talked over the with Mr Folger, the conclusion determin the could not ept a contract for the at than two and a half a foot The company would to invest S2000 in appliances, besides having to employ more The company could sprinkle the helt line, part of Williamsville and Bagot about thirty minutes, Nickle presents the com the matter the matter aud ed was that afford company to a service less cents have men streets In When Mr pany s terms be mn taken up by writing will again com mittee I'he disputed account of $535 tween the city and street railway was next taken up The chairman stated that there was about 0 in dispute between the city the Unfortunately for the city, two good witnesses were not pow the employment of the corporation, namely, the late city en gineer and Ernest: Roberts. The ac count in arose over the grading of King street west, where the company laid a new track. He was given to understand that the late city - eng told the company's presentatives that if the of the track was postponed until a new sewer was being built in King street to great out be oom pany and compan question er re laying the cost of grading the company would not be This advice hud been followed At the the work was undertaken the pany had deposited £300 with the city guarantee, was shown that the tor had deducted 8225 from the count, and the company had admi ted R1OB.7N, leaving a difference RIN standin city and the company A After a short debate, it was de that before settlement, a report asked for from the city solicitor the matter in dispute} : The claim of Julia O'Brien damages for broken arm receives reason of falling was refused to the The city engineer, chairman Leod and Ald. McFarlane will as to the advisability of opening rick street to Stephen street. Alf Barrie x} time com as a It city sol in dispute betweer}; on a slippery city solicitor to repairs meeded to north Fenders opened for sup; but contracts were not awarded. the were petition between tenderers very keen NAPANEE NOTES. A Freight Train Derailed--H From a Bridal Tour. Napanee, March 14.--The harbis of spring, the rohins, have made appearance. A freight train at Frederickshurgh Station caus delay hours to the v4 going lay evening auxiliary came from Belleviile cleared the track in a short The Napanee lodge, 1.0.0F., y Tue der of several east on | ue tained the Deseronto lodge to a per at the Roval hotel on night. Herbert Gibson and bride} turned this week from their hd moon in the west. After a seasor! visiting relatives in town, they | leave for Calgary, Alberta, w they will make their future home Little Misses Hamel and Fra Leonard entertained a number juvenile friends very pleasingly Monday evening. The constant | for the last few days has taken a} the spow barks and left the road{ a bad shape. Farmers find it very! ficult getting to town. i Mrs. W. A. Embury is delegate the Presbyterian women's foreign 1 {you cannot get better at, .p.. | quantity we have sold dur filling a long felt want wit__ | surrounding district. { a sample. JAMES REIL | We Always Have | | A Good Reason |For Any Move we Make and in Announcing a | | PER CENT. DISCOUNT SALE From? Now Until Ist -April, we Why ? After that date, April 1st, we are making some changes in our business relations and store mv thods, the Give the Reason. When these changes were under contemplation some time ago, we calculated that by then, under normal conditions, we would have our stock and other matters in such shape as to allow of these arrangements being carried out, but owing to the extreme dullness of trade during the past two months we see our calculations likely to be delayed or up et unless we place ourselves in a better condition regarding the amount of stock on hand. During the past week we have been testing the best way to bring about the desired result and we have decided to make this open offer good from now until April 1st : : The Choice of our Entire Stock of Goods (ex~ cepting Cottons and Sheetings), including all our New Spring Goods and Gocds Contracted for and to Arrive. will ba Sold At A Discount of 200, OFF REGULAR MARKED PRICES. The goods are all marked in plain figures. OQuali- ty for quality they are as low or lower in price than they can be bought for elsewhere. With the reduction of 207, off each doilar it makes a saving 'which it will well pay you tu take advaaiage of Sale Starts SATURDAY MOANING and Con- tinues Until April Ist. STARR & SUTCLIFFE'S, 18 and 120 Princess Street. Kingston, Ont. D.& A. Straight Front No. 297. The picture shows you the effect "ur reputation assures vou that the Jmanship, and durability cann D&A. Guine Straight Front = From $1.00 to $2.00 a pair. Is the best grade mad, minion Corset Mfg. Co. Montreal Toronto If ni ng Shoss Are Here. se splendid ARD MEN'S SHOES. ade in Brockton, Mass., and iy all dressy young men. NEW IG STYLES now being shown. ONLY TWO PRICES 50 and $4.50. e control this m. See them. ; rland & Bro. 69 and 71 | | McK ELV E Vis is the6th season in Kingston great line for STUDENTS OF QUEEN'S! Don's forges thas sionary society in session at Be ville this week. Mrs. Tori Si Plehsant Valley, has been confined her house for the last couple weeks with a severe cold Union Label Hats. It is now generally known 4 George Mills & Co, the Welling street hatters. carry more union m bate than all other stores in the 4 combined. y Union Made Shoes. J. PD. King's latest styles for nf regular price K3. See them in al SECOND-HAND GOODS i EE Sots. all nt Bought and Sold. lor woond hams DV boots furniture, stoves & of how Drop & pom int ard sod we will oe I. ZACKS, | Torsing ost the & wt mandey work - er hw STAMPS AND MARKERS, RUBBER BTAMPS GF ALL KI, SVLY ghors. Liven Barkers. Outer. Saale, Stsodis Bask, Thhet snd Uo a Heowd orem SEIN OFVORI. Whey -- IEORGE W. BELL VS, DVDS Oficn 70-72 Prim sae srent, Glover mmod ST ht wn Ti tu AEN window for this week for 8.50. Abernethy. Colored Shirts. Arvived to-day. Another lot of shirts. are heanties. HENRY P. SMITH, Architert, otc, Jwchor Bulldiey Waghot Snwnre head 148 - oe There will be 5 ten pape hy on Raturday. - ;