Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Mar 1902, p. 1

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e-- 69TH YEAN. NO. -- LAST EDIT1OX ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1902, | PAO-BOER TALKING Knockcd Dowa By a Young Farmer AN EPISODE AT COLBORNE THE YOUNG FARMER WAS FIRED UPON. KINGSTON, 10 MANIFEST REGARD In The Chivairous Act of Gen. Delarcy LORD .METHUEN'S WOUND HE WILL SHOW ITS EFFECTS "ALL HIS LIFE. 63. 9 PITH OF THE NEWS. CRITICALLY ILL. WEATHER PROBABILITIR®, The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World | Mrs. Junes, wile of dean Innes, of London, Ont., is dead. J. 8S. H. Bergeron, ex-M.P., has ac- cepted the conservative candidature in Beauharnois. Navigation on' St. Mary's river at Sault St. Marie, was opened on Fri- LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Cromley Bros'. millisery opesing, Tuesday evening. Ons cent's worth of enirth is better than a dollar's worth of avber Even the chromic Sore cau delp a busy man by mot hindering him. } Great selling of new spring bats at Camp bell Bros, 84 Princess St. H you do what you should sot you mast bear what you would wuot.--Frenklis, Every doty which we omit obscures some truth which we should have known. Ruskin The sun rises Sunday et 6.10 am, and seis at 6.07 pm; on Monday at 6.08 am, and acts ot G08 pm.' This day im the world's history --British, winder Gen. Gatsxre, occupy Bethubie, 1900 ; Boers drive Gen. Plumer's relieving fores Lo- budwi, 1900; duchess of Kent died, 1881; first pmrhiament of Manitoba met, 1871; Julios Corser wenessinated, B.C. 44; Nero died AD, 3. Dinner Sets. Tea Sels. Toilet Sets, CHEAPER. THAN EVER. COME AND SEE. ROBERTSON BROS. GR AND °FERA HOUSE A. J. SMALL, Lessee and Manager Wed'y March 19th KIRK LA. SHELLE PRESENTS TUE EMI NENT ACTOR, J. H. STODDART In the culminating triumphs of his career; "THE BONNIE BRIER BUSH." Dramatized from the exquisite' wiories of IAN MACLAREN, supported by the same company which won universal endorsement R. J. REID, Les8f.y UNDERTAKER, 2 Doors Above the Oper House. TELEPHONE 5/7. Here's a Snap For You. bi 8 3 Physicians Are Resorting Now £0 | Toronto, Ont, March 15, (10 sum)--Fale milder, becoming showery I PECIAL INES OF SET TAILOR-MADE ag im 3 l ml N 0 3 condition. Mr. Rhodes passed a very essential when selecting had night. His condition at times was highly critical and the attending material for a tailor-made costume to make sure that the fabric is firm and physicians had frequent recourse to oxygen. The patient's continued loss substantial eaough to stand the strain Sometimes it's diffi- of strength causes great anxiety. The | just such material in | and : ay. KR. L. Borden lectured at Lindsay on Friday night on "The Influence of Canada on Imperial Policy." The king will ledve for the Riviera at the end of this month, and will probably land at Cherbourg. A mail waggon in Chicago was rob bed on Thursday night and 81,700 se- cured. The theft is a mystery. The Canadian Northerw' railway has reduced its tariff on soft wood lumber | L. Merrick, formerly pastor of a St. between Port Arthur and western | Alban's, Vermont, church, but lat points. terly local agent for a United States Sir Thomas Lipton is said to have | assurance compeny, is a rabid pro fallen a victim to the beauty of Miss | Boer, and when he learned of the Elfie Fay, an American actress and a | capture of Gen. Methuen, he publicly marria. ¢ may follow. expressed the hope that Gen - Kitchen Capt. F. H. Swith, an English- | er would be bagged next. This remark man, who has arrived at Seattle from | Wa% resented by Caspar Wilbert, a Japan, declared that war between that | YOU0g farmer, who promptly knocked country and Russia is soon to come. Merrick down, . Hotel keepers.and Jiquor dealers of | . That night when Wilbert was pass Toronto will raise a fund to assist | "8 Mervick's place, he was fired on the liquor interests of Manitoba in by some one concealed in a barn, and defeating the prohibition referendum, | charge of buckshot entered his left which is to be taken early in April. thigh. Wilbert did not wait to inves The nationalist members, reinforced | 88%, but hastened home, where the by T. W. Russelll, complained in Bri wound, a slight one. was dressed. On tish parliament that the congested the folowing morning, Wilbert lodg districts board had failed to give any = a Sou) amt against Yervich, help in many parts of Ireland schedul- | C'2T8'"€ him with firing the shot, On wh oni Eom tn Yori) The An American syndicate is said to be | °F ler en Oriven on e nating fo the purchase of he |, bios fo. Cobourg, from old Entrance gates to Hampton court hy wich, for the yp Merrick * wife palace They were recently pulled ! t J however, said that he went to Co- down, and are now in the hands of a bourg to consult a lawyer, prepara- well-known dealer. he v tory to bringing an action against |, : { Samuel Cooper brought to the Wilbert, for we Mrs and also for I'he whole side of an un-named moun- | Huntsville hospital from Sequin Falls slandér, She further says that her | (21? split open and fire and lava wers | a few days ago suffering from the of The village of Kenai uring fr t husband will prosecute several farm. | P¢ ng rom h hes { the earth fectsr of cuts and several gun shot | erg in the vicinity of his home, who | X46 Caveres wilh asa anc the earn wounds, died of his injuries on Fri are alleged to _have threatened to | 4"ke which accompanied the eruption | day. An inquest will be held. burn his buildings if he continues to | Caused several tidal I. W. Russell, the liberal unionist publicly sympathize with the Boers. | 18mage leader of the new Irish land move. ) " There much excitement over the ment, in the British parliament, had matter. a tilt with Sir Edward Carson, who - he called "the paid hierling of the J. L. LEGARE REWARDED, government." . When the situation -- grew warm he withdrew the expres- | Sitting Bull's Visit To Canada Recalled. son, FRENCH OFFICERS MURDERED | Woshington, March 15.--In the wn ate, on Thursday, a bill was passed ap Germany Is To Withdraw From |ProPriating $5,000 for the relief of Tien-Tsin | Jean Louis Legare of Canada, for ser vices rendered and money expended in London, March 14.---A despatch from securing the return to the United Sta Jr. Morrison, in Pekin, to the Times, He Accused an ex-Preacher of the Crime and Lodged a Com- plaint--The Pro-Boer Fled-- - Excitement Over the Matter. Colborne, Ont., March 15.--Henry Delarey Telegraphed to Lady Methuen of His Intention to Release Her Husband--Another Great Drive of Boers With Us- ual Results. London, March! 15.--~The war office announces that lord Methuen's wound was fromm a bullet in his right thigh. The fesmir was fractured and as a re- sult of a necessary operation his leg will be shortened. The gencral is not yet out of danger, but with the best of attention, which he will receivé, it ix believed he will ultimately recov- © All Haurdwnd Extension Tables only $3.50. Regul- ar price $5.50. High Back Leather Diners only $1.25. The Number js Limited. Robt. J. Reid, doors above the Operas House. he NOTICE THE ORANGEMEN OF THE are ted 0 mest at HALL, on SUN- , the luth inst. at for the parposs of mirews church. The 'Prentios Boys, True Blues, and the In- orth us Fila and Drum Band ly avited to attend BD. BHOWN, RJ. FLLIOTT, District Master, MILLINERY OPENING WEDNESDAY NEXT, 19th MARCH. SPENCE & (0., MILLINERY STORE, 1m mcess Street. TENDERS TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE the water works' commits up vo North Suh y Naseh , for the construcvion of a 4 he weter works' department. Spe. juny te scen at the Water works' old beiler, for the T. HEWITT, Superiotendent. APPLICATIONS Tr. The Daily Mail, says it learns that ren. Delarey, prior to releasing Gen, Methuen, telegraphed his ingentions to do so to lady Methuen through the British. It understands that the Brit- ish have thanked Gen. Delarey for his treatment of Gen. Methuen, and will shortly give some proof of their ap- preciation of his chivalry, They will not, however, surrender any prominent Boer prisoners. A despatch from Brussels states that Gen. Botha ordered Gen De larey to release Gen. Methuen, as Gen. Delarey had no doctor to treat the British commander A despatch from Heilbron, the Central News, reports another great drive of Boers hy the British cordon last Sunday. The line extended from Frankfort on the right to Lindley on the left. It resulted, as usual, and had the usual feature of the Boers driving the maddened cattle at the lime. It's most thysicians are in constant cable com- | munication with the London heart specialist who attended Mr. Rhodes last year. VOLCANIC ERUPTION. - of close fitting cult --- | medium priced goods, but we're glad Some Excitement 'Away In The |, ..v that by diligent search in the Far North. | English markets we have secured sevs Seattle, Wash., March 15. ---A special from Juneau, Alaska, savs that a let ter has been recived there from the | Greek priest at Kenai, on Cook inlet, | telling of a terrible voleanis eruption in the vicinity about January Ist to procure eral very desirable lines, A few of which we name below : PIRLE FINISH Grev, Fawn, Brown, Black, width 75c. yard. BROADCLOTH, to 5 ia. ENGLISH COVERT CLOTHS, all | the new shades, 56 in. width, $1 yard. PIRLE FINISH different colors, | OUR SPECIAL waves, doing much | ypNETIAN, twenty | 81.50 for $1.15. is : Has Won Everything. | OUR LADIES TAILORING DE- Brampton, Ont., March 15.--Word | PARTMENT, is better prepared than has been received from New York that | ever to fill your wants in made to-or the Dale estate, Brampton, has again | der suits or separate skirtq and coats. swept everything with its roses at the | Fig and finish guaranteed. Place youg great Anwricnn ua ay hdd In | order early. This will enable you to ow York this wee e Vale estate | out your suit at the time that ou beat everything with its Bride, Perle, | i od delay later on, ¥ Sunset, Bridesmaid, Meteor, Morgan | y Fn EE STEACY & STEAGY TRAVELLED IN POTATO SACK From Kansas City To Chicago And Wins Wager. Chicago, March 15.--Billed as a choice sack of potatoes a young man has arrived in Chicago from Kansas City, tied up in a pack. For three days and a half he had been confined in the sack, and daring that time he had travelled close to 700 miles in a freight car. The sack which covered him was enclosed in an open fruit recived long roses, took the special Benjamin Dorrance Silver plate prize for the best collec H tion of rose blooms grown outside a tes of Sitting Bull and his band. APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED RY acon pi, Turks' commit hy 4 . posi . on ND ONE ON tis. during ita run of 12 weeks at the Theutce Republic, Now York. rices--28¢,, B0c., Tbe, 81, $1.50. Seats now on sale at HANLEY'S. THURSDAY, March 20th SPECIAL LENTEN ATTRACTION Anrdeaw McCormick Presents the case, The traveller, who is Martin J, Klansdigger, a machinist, of Kansas City, was nearly famished when he was taken from his prison at the Chi- cago . and Northwestern freight house by a friend who had been waiting for a day and a half in the city for him to afrive. Kinnsdigger began his jour ney with only wu quart of water "und says that quickly following the reas. suring messages from Kwang Si, news has been received of the murder of two French officers on the frontiers of that province. The Chinese govern ment is alive to complications that may ensue, and is taking measures to punish the officers under whose juris diction the murders oreurred. ties, who was molesting to chief refused riors be resisted all attempts at cap- th and ul radius of 150 miles of New York. In I873 the United States authori : having called on Sitting Bull, Montana settlers, celebrated Sioux about 3,000 war Had Lived In Toronto. Toronto, March 15.- whose death at Huntsville, from effects of cuts and gun shot wounds, as announced, in a despatch from that place, was born in Toronto. forty-two years © old and unmarried the With surrender, we, held back two American forces, after cutting up Gen, Custer's April Designers and Standard Fash- | ons. Samuel Cooper, the BORN, | REDMOND. In Picton of March 10th, 1902, He was | to Me Mrs. J whith bors DOXSTATOR- At Dossronto, on March 7th, Mr. awd Mrs. Doxstator, a soo and lsdmond, » son, wo BUGENE COWLES ra & Concert - Company Se nal Utgisal command at the Little Big Horn, fled with his force to Canada. He encamp- ed about thirty miles from Port Walsh in the Cypress Hills. Maj. Walsh, now of Brockville, then in command of the fort, sef out with four mén and rode into the Sioux camp, where he actual ly slept all night. This piece of dar ing gave the major much prestige am- ong the Sioux, and on his informing Sitting Bull that he could only remain fon British soil by obeying the law, the latter replied that he had buried the hatchet, nd promised to submit to the regulations of the northwest Later the United States wished to send a commission to entice Sitting Bull back across the horder. To Maj. alsh was assigned the difficult task of persuading the chief to' receive this commission. This the major accom plished, and at a conference between Sitting Bull, Maj. Walsh. Gen. Terry and Gen. Miles at Fort Walsh in 1877, the chief agreed to return to the Unit ed States. Before he left Canada Sit ting Bull presented Maj. Walsh with hie famous war bonnet. The name of Jean Louis Legare is not mentioned in chronicles at hand with regard to the matter, but no doubt he was a valuable assistant to Maj. Walsh. WHAT IT WILL PROMOTE. Reasons Why Laborers Have Formed Association. London, March 15. In the at the city liberal club, yesterday, lord Rosebery said that those who had gathered with him at Chesterfield had formed an association to promote the principles set forth at that meet ng, and to endeavor to inoculate the liberal party with some of their lymph. They did not desire to create dissension in the party professing opinions in regard to the war with which they could not associate them- selves. They thought it better to make an organization to promote principles of a different kind in con nection with liberalism. Referring to Right Hon. Jobn Morley's recent ex celient speech at Manchester, lord Rosebery said that, reversing the parable, Mr. Morley was so intent on watching the beam in his ( Rosehery's | eve, that he paid little attention to the mote in his own. a -- Drilled Into A Cavern. Blafiton, Ind., March 15--A well on His relations have received no notifi cation of his death, nor particulars as to how he came by his in, uries. DIED. lu Kingston, om 1vo2, Mary Owen, Willis Woods The Italian, German, Japanese and Russian representatives met yesterday to consider their reply to China's in- quiry when the foreign government will be withdrawn from Tien Tein. As a result of the meeting the German minister expressed his willingness to withdraw at a datenot earlier than July. He stated, Wowever, as a con dition that Germany would require a foreign military officer, preferably a German, on the river conservation board. Pr. Morrison says that while the occupation of Tien Tsin continues, China is losing an income of six hun dred and seventy-five thousand pounds annually from salt. while the closing ol the native banks with correspon dents in the interior is seriously in- juring trade. A DEAL PROBABLE. And Much Unsold C.P.R. Lands Disposed Of. Winnipeg, March 14.--A deal for the purchase by the Dominion land and colonization company of nearly all the unsold Canadian Pacific lands in south eastern Assiniboia and part of south western Manitoba, in under way and will be completed next week. The deal involves the titles of nearly half a million acres and it is understood, a csum in cash of about one and a hali million dollars. The company is largely composed of St. Paul and Minneapolis capitalists and has a cap ital stock of $2,000,000. The intention of the new company is to colonize the land, and will settle the greater part of it during the coming season. I -- Friday, rulict of Agd March the wighty ain two pounds of crackers in the sack with Ton this being a condition of the wager of $300, which caused him to make the perilous trip. When re- leased Klansdigger was nearly blind. ed by the dust which had erept into the sack, and his throat and mouth were so parched that he could hardly speak, his little cask of water having been spilled after he had been on his journey only a day. For nearly three days he had been without water, and he stated when he was able to talk that had it not rained Wednesday, he would certainly have died of thirst During most of the storm the ear in which he was packed was side-tracked out in some small country town, and the water came through a crack in the roof and fell on the sack. The burlap became quite wet, and he was thus enabled to suck from the cloth a few drops which allayed his thirst. WOODS { Jah, law | yours { Funeral private FRASEIL--AL Sophinbureh, Angus, youngest som of the Jiugh Fraser, years MALLETT on February 20th, Lived," Rev. RB Mallow, formerly M. minister on Urey cirviit, ned Beloved wile of C.K. 1aylor, ber thirty fired year SWANEY la ficton; on Sweney WOUD--- Iu Sophiasburg, on March er Wood, syed eighiv-elx voars FURRS--At Follows March 10k, Agnes Cambridge, wile of Thos. kK Hope For Early Arrangement. Boston, Mass, March 15 Crane and the board of arbitration be lieve that the strike problem is being solved quite rapidly, considering the great proportions of the strike, and | ask only for time and patience from both laboring and business men to remove a resumption customary conditions March inte 14th, Governor of March eh, Bariay all obstacles to " : Gh, tof freight under Pot. Mary Fuers, A Disastrous Fire. Selkirk, Man., March 15.--This morning the building occupied by the Selkirk Journal caught fire and every thing was destroved. The plant be longea to Bovd, the proprietor of the paper, who just recently paid 'almost 23.000 for it Mr. Bovd loses every thing as no insurance was carried. 5 venrs HR--At Deseronto, on Jomeph, the infant Wim Doxstetor aged 3 DOXSTATC William and Mrs PURE MILK. CLARIFIED MILK DELIVERED IN THOR. oughly sterelized bottles is uniform in quali tv and ator quantity of eresm than ubiatned, sxoept by our vy stem March ono A FEW on 10th, -- . ------------. ti ss Mr, A NTRONG MAN, TO WORK IN THE . Tir. WOMAN ot the British American -- MEN AND WOMEN TO WORK AT J i Write Glasgow Wootlea 0 €., Toronto. TWO BOARDERS. an joous, SnrH $12 WEEKLY FOR COPYING LETTERS either wox. hh dl two stamps for Street, ion MEN AND WOMEN Jo DO COPYING i ® 0 8 weekly + p On aiming; Chicago. GENTLEMEN ENJOY EVEN. twelve dollars Por week. your with Senta stamp to Box 208 Loudon, Onterry SMART INTELLIGENT YOUNG LADY 3 ont ph ood AG to ri . ey OE BOOK CANVASSERS, MALE or $0 cover the Dominion. Liter for Best books out Howpital Fontes elt Room 14, or ------------------------ E+ DO YOU WANT A BRE : a PATIL, keeper on earth, ais Ty rue of charge? WF. MeCay, 88 Chub eaars 34 ance. Toronto, contain a wre wn possibly of distribution The merit of our milk, oream aod hatter, brings comstantly increndog deemed Tickets m be purchased from our deivers or st the off 'THz CLARIFIED MILK CO. MAY ACQUIRE THE ROAD. ne Girl Killed. Cleveland, Ohio, March 15 sult of a terrific explosion plant of the Fairmount ing company, at 2200 Euclid avenue, early to<lay, one girl employee of Kingston, Limited, fend, while five others are probably | Cor. Brock and Bagot Sts. "Phone 567. atally injured. The company manu. | --------r------ | LARKIN & CO'S factures fire crackers, Lorpedoes, ete. ---------------- y i Death From An Explosion. . Brampton, Ont. March 15 William | A $10 BOX OF SOAP. VILLED TO CHOICE Peaker, ir., of the firm of Peaker & | and a premium worth half the outlay, de Son, hardware merchants, died at his Foal 2 "harirs paid, = ingaton, ' . 'i {813 A w b Jot and a your choles home this morning from the effects of Lo ont ow epi ~ premium. the injuries he received on Monday Negotiations On Foot For Ottawa Northern R.R. Ottawa, March 15.--Negotiations are in progress for the acquisition by (he Canadian Pacific railway of the Ot- tawa, Northern & Western road in or- der to secure an entrance to the pro- posed central station over the inter provincial bridge. --F Some §25.000 had been raised for the lady Minto cottage hospital fund, almost the entire sum being raised Reform H«ll, Golden Lion through lady Minto's personal efforts. rok A Montreal company is applying to TUESDAY Me . 8h parliament for a charter to build a itunnel under the 8t. Lawrence river ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR ENSUING YRIR agricultural department has NE. O'CONNOR, Secretary The As gu re in the manufactur Y, 59 | Mim Mesare, TO RENT. Operetta Eatitied LHR 2 S| SNOW BOUND -- EDMUND STANLEY, THERS, IN SPLEN. ~ N SiG, «¢ ANC MERCOLA, Pisnivt and hours of Pam and I pm Bas growed flogr, 78¢.; 2 rows. balcony, 81; Seats on Sile W AT GIS. APPLY KING- i homamiign HOUSE Under the Auspices Y. I.C.B.A, Rove Braniff, Miss Wasivtant pump | hy . MEWITT, id Superintendent. vi ST. BVT PIAND, IN GOOD CONDITION. ---------------- | MADE BY LADOUX. IN GOOD And a Selected Operatic Programme With wp, turn table § hy pply 194 karl Se pursssuting 2 B SIGNORA GINA CIAPARKLLI, Soprano. Sells matiace 'vo me roy | MISS GENENIEVE WINLAY, Contralto, jroct. between the | LUGENE COWLES, Basso. ' Prices, 14 rows ground floor, $1; 5 rows, WANTED, 3 rows, haloony, 750. balance of balcony, RR st --_Smear me | DOC nllery, 2Be Hike GOON V ¥ 3 y at Hanley" A Ogiive, To Regn MES. HUNTER- | - Not wetraction, March 26h, ~SUDERBA." GRAND °"** Monday, March 17 BY THE . 4th Regimental Band ASSISTED BY N. KE. OCommor and Charles Hur vey, and 14th Band Quartette and Chorus. W. -Trendell, conductor. 14 Prices, S0c., . Seats now on sale at HANLE Office. Young Liberal Club ANNUAL MEETING AT; oven King ings at address | All who have tried have been well satisfied, last hy the explosion of a canister of } RB. DOUBS, 195 Johnston 84. powder in the firm's warehouse, { A CARD. Yound A In Bed. | MISS HANNAY WILL BE AT HOME 7¢ x 188 INAY EA 0 ) Arthur, Unt y March 15. Charles | her old customers amd as many new as de Mclean, of this village, was found | sire exclusive, sivheh and artistic milimery. dead in bed by his wide Neuralgia of | Al orders will revive prompt a at the heart was the cause of death, Me | MISS HANNAY'S, 714 william Lean wax a farmer and was % { Z Doors Below Barrie Street sixty years old . TO-LET. Found No Trace. D. 1 VAUGHN TERRACE, FROM MAY let. Fatowion Kitchen and afl modern NO Victoria, B.C., Marich 15 -H MS. | Phactom has returned here after al BORYaneNOn Apply at Wiig Office or as } No. 6 of the Terrace. } been advised that the imperial insti ABDUL WILL GET SAT ON. tute in London has been transforred from the control of the imperial com mission to the board of trade. This will not affect the Canadian exhibit which has been displayed at the in stitute. If He Tries The Scheme He Is Proposing. Vienna, March 13. The Tageblatt, in a sensational article, Warns the civilized world that it has discovered that preparations arc under way for an invasion of Europe by Islams. Se- cret and Islamatic organizations, the paper says, have heen formed which embrace the Moslems of the entire Ot toman empire, the northern cquntries of Africa, the Soudan, Aralgg, Persia, India and Aighanistan. 2 Sultan Abdul Hamid, of Turkey, the Tageblatt asserts, has assumed direc- tion of the movement, and his sword will mobilize 150,000,000 fanatic war riors who are prepared to force the | the J. 8. Lockwood farm, in Notting- Koran upon the christian world, ham township, ie causing much specu : lation among oil men. Several weeks ago contractors began drilling, but i By Kissing. A COMING EVENT. od Raison ah e---- had only proetrated 160 feet when the . 15.--~An omtbreak of | Prince Henry To Visit England | rill struck a ninety-foot cave in the diphtheria, which at first was mis- rock. The tools were lost. and the taken for croup, has occurred at Lit With a Squadron. derrick was removed fifteen foet to the tle Clacton, and has resulted in sev- deaths. The UPHOLSTERERS. MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER, OLD Ones made over as as new: i taken cleaned laid, McUCURMACK & GAVINE, 21s ---- Religious Disinterestedness. : PERSONAL. London. March 15--One of the . YOUNG WOMAN, AGED 21, JUST CAME | pleasantest features in connection into possession of W000 desires or | ith the various twentieth century funds is the way in which members of one denomination bave helped an- other. A notable instance of this was when Mr. Hartley, a Primitive Metho- dist, promised £5080 to the Wesley: an fund, and now it is announced that a Congregational deacon has con- tributed £1,000 to the Baptist fund, which now amounts to nearly £1352, BUSINESS CHANCES. "000. FREE SHARES IN GOLD MINES AND OIL ' Ane hd plan. Write for Owlitormia thorough and anavailing search for the missing sloop of war Condor. This vessel has now boen officially posted as missing, respondence . man who would appreciate good wile. Box 2538, Toronto, Om, . SHIPRUILDERS WANTED. RST CLASS PLANKERS, ON CARVEL built 3 hour to capsbie Avene, Toronto. REAL ESTATE. GED. CLIFF IS OFFERING GREAT PAR gwins in thie five, 115 Brook St THE QUALITY That's first la buying aA Watch. Price should be second, but ta buying from us you pay ne mere for top metch quality than ethers 'charge for ordinary. That's where you gala. To-Night ! To-Night ! Great welling of new spring hats at Campbell Bros, 51 Prirsess street. |} * If you like washing Keep At It. If vou don't, send your to BAKER'S LAUNDRY And get it nicely wash. ed and carefully laund. ered. Our work will east and the drill was again sent down, with the same rewult as mark- ed the first boring. Then the ground between the two holes began sinki slowly. and fearing the ivi enguli everything, would fall in and the drillers refused to go ahead with keot winking prince Henry will at the end of April. In the manoeuvres the to the work. The until there was a depression ten fot deep and twenty feet in circomisrence, when it stopped. The ofl men lost £500 in the well, besides their work. ) ---- -- -- Boy ready-to-wear goods now. See ad. Bave Me. on 'the dollar at Starr Ries ms Lo

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