SHE PATIENTLY _ BORE DISGRACE Bushand Was Dissipated. How She Cured Him: With a Secret Manila. ; {Whig Correspundence; Letter No. 1,206). New 100k, march la--ibe royal re- presenislive of mortal can enjoy and a royal welcome resounds, through the length - and breadth the republic. He came to us in 8 stormy 'Lhe ontgide ing was most Sever thuhed the heart of those Ger- mean millions thas came out te greet im in the winter's storm. - When this ter reaches you his royal highness ill be battling with ocean storms on is way home. We already know with pride his countrymen will receive back to his native land, to which undoubtediy uring volumes of But what of the after FERELETE of the Greater New k, a h Ne, ughlin, of the m of queens, a scrubbing women and street sweepers, cultivates the quality in common between him- self and Van Wyck, ex-mayor of New York, a val quality in a politi- cian, 'that he a good thing when he seo it_Not long ago Mr. y as see as . a vom as any other could i EEif gc 8 H TH} Mike, redheaded McGovern, eid ih 4] He of might have y-five years ago or i ] hell Rp 3k Hi! 3x i : ; i Szo ii : 4 LH i Ez i sey § : gr i gE i i] ot 5EFL the work is yet in its infancy, but nevertheless it is a grand truth and that time in the near future will of every civilized room throughout the world. an organigation of one so and excitement must and it is said that the abroad is purely on health. She has been attention for wany 11 hi itemnent which is vermin ith and the ident has to el dapger by abroad, but will keep her t home and under the shadow of her roof tree she will receive the jet and needs. £ i x ace jon which she #0 , The refusal hus no poli- whatgver. It is mere- matter of aflectionate solicitude part of the loving parent fora ing child and that's all, the gamblers still con- axe ana revolver are operation with unaba- district attorney de action ' dens. ESE ¥ §is i Il sustain any cinct failed to discover the character of the house, which was well known to boys who played marbles on the sidewalk, Women's, gam! dens bave become common and they have taken the money given togthem by their husbands to 4 vision the house and have gambled it away for a ho less gain on stocks. Through this curse honest wives have been made shoplifters; consequently husbands and children have encountered disgrace and ruin, difficult to escape, ex . "ugh the gates of death, hich, 1b is to hop- ed, that the Almighty will bless them with deliverance. At'a gambling den on Sixth avenue there were forty-two Woden two men and a hundred and Feighty-two dollars in cash captured Pevides the layout which was carried to the corporation yard and d y ed. 'Ihe congregation was made up of was detained for presentation grand jury as 'the most hopeless o their kind, whose future lives will o 1 Hh ; i ] if § E E i fre tis! i 1 : i i ball of the men who elected mayor Low to his present office. I am sory, very sorry, to write this, but so far reform is a: failure. ~BROADBRINM. HOW MORMONISM SPREADS. Canada And Scandinavia Regard- ed as Good Fields. The mewspapers oi Lopeabagen say that the mocwons have enecgeucany resumed thew sissionary works am LeDiark, says 8 recent articie in the Sew 10rs Dull. Lherte. are pow over a hundred Mormon mussiODsOIes AR war ounuy, thelr works Qeug super vised from their bheadquariers at Copennagen, where they a Dewspbpur organ. ibousandas of watts and booas are being conunual- ly seBe out Irom LS Cee LO Suppie- wens she work of the missioBacies. | 'Ane Mormons 1m the United Oiates| have womwnputed an unportant sum Of money toward ihe bunny ol a Mormon church on a piece of property what bas been purchased mn Lopen- bagen. | abe Mormons have always regarded Denmark as an excepuonaily good Lewd lor ther operalions. For some Years after our state department, in the days of K. B. Hayes, sent out the lamous circular warlung loreign coun tries against the euoris of Alormon missionaries, . on the ground that Mormons persistently violated the marriage laws ol this country, au Mormon missionaries were excluded from Uemmark. in the past few years, however, it being understood abroad that the pracuice of poiygamy no longer characterizes the Mormon church, she missionaries have been permitted to remew their labors. There never was a time when the Mormon church put forth greater ef- fort to win converts to its taith than at present. Mishop Joseph Binker, one of the foremost Mormons in Utah, said in 1590 that at that time the church had 1,623 young men employ- ed in various parts ot burope aad America in Mormon missionary work. He said the church was engaged in the greatest missionary labor ever undertaken by a religious body. He said that the church expected in 1901 to have at least 2,400 missionaries 3,500 missionaries in the field. Une of the Mormon newspapers in Utah reported in December, last year, that the church had missionaries at that time in ev country of Europe, excepting Turkey and Italy, in forty- four states of this country, and even in Australia, Brazil and South Africa. Canada and Scandinavia are at pre- sent regarded as the most promising fields for missionary activity. 'There are how over 300 Mormon mission aries at work in Canada, and there are about 10,000 members of the church in province of Ontario alone. Every Mormon missionary is ex- pected to proclaim loudly that to-day pial marriages are not sanctioned the church. This fact is undoubt- to duce at least all the yo to emigrate to Utah. a. ver in tod A are very to have their Bboy in this yy reinfor- ced by recruits from abroad. But their main idea now is to build up the church in all lands, so that it may take its place as one of the great churches, established widely in all parts of the world. They, therefore, do not care so much for large immi- gration to Utah or the other western states in which their church is strone- ost, for they wish to have powerful centres of Mormonism in every state of the union and in dll the countries of the earth. This is the ambitious scheme to which their eo + are now devoted; and it must be.said : Tr - S--_-- An a "in rality, and are wiser in their pen | ion than we are." tio wv. Orr Bennett has accepted the L of the Almonte Preshyterians to he vacancy caused by the reésign- | of Rev. R. J. Hutcheon. Induce | Bakes place on March 27th. Reva Hay, Mclean, Scott and | ide will officiate. | thousand and three Baptist | ex in England, have decided to | | part in the sinmitaneous collge- on March 23rd, towards raising | lance for the twentieth century There are 2588 Baptist churches | land and Wales. the late Zionist congress in it was announced that the sul- | Turkey bad expressed his sym- | with the movement to colonize | tine with Jews, and on the | of the . announcement the § at once voted a million of % for the work. . Dr. Carman proposes to attend 4 ethodist conferences as follows : | real conference, May 2th i Ek 2nd; Pay of Quinte, June 4th, Toronto, June 6th: London, June Sth; Hamilton, June th, 10th; { A the conferences of the maritime | doges and Newfoundland, June | | h to Julv 2nd. : Rev, Mr. Tolmiq spoke in glow- | § terms the other . night of the | htiful prayers. of the. Epi chy declaring. thet . he preferred | = h 10. those of his own church. i is ut. least room for fmprove- | tin "one praver of the nl i Sirs, --~ » pot of Kelpion issued in_our C.\ it was one of the jew things we from Cape Town to the froet |» us. v Ih was very useful, indeed, one of | fivess and nuickett remedies. for | sprains, skin diceases, | [The Soldier And His Pot. Pulham, Eng. ir Belvion swiprised ev ne used it, for the way tle sores, and it ought to | 85 Fling ner ial eel {-DR. MCLAUGHLINS THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 16. REDUCES EXPENSE == Adds Comfort in the Work to Cleanliness in the Linen. == Deducts the Cares of Washing Day from the Housewife's busy life. X Trultiplies by two the Life of the articles washed. ° w= Divides by two the Hours of labour. $6 000 will be paid by LEVER BROTHERS, ' LIMITED, Toronto, to any person Roward who can prove that this soap contains any form of adulterstion whatsoever, or containg any injurious chemicals. Ask your Grocer for Octagon Bar The Ideal Laundry Shape PA CUARANTEED PUREFAN DIO) CONTAINING INY URI 1f your grocer cannot supply Sunlight Soap, write 10 LEVER BROTHERS, LIMITED, TORONTO, sending his same and address and a trial sample will be sent you free of cost. Please don't omit to give your own full name and address. Sporting Goods Catalogue We send our 200 page--iltustrated catalogue free on receipt of 2c. stamp to ae he Ye lo Li hed Pills > help pay postage. . No matter what your sport is you should have a copy. ust ar uiblin ave A With it choose for field or indoor for pain, griping or discomlort attending FRE 3 you - te Jour asi ou Be ox Indes Spee their # . we make special prices for our catalogue goods and our trade is so large The whistle of the locomotive is un sell Almont 44 cheap as some dealers pay for their goods. Here : i il- are a few lending lies ; BICYCLES, automobiles . heard 3,300 yards; the noise of a rail gli i and Sundries, Lacrosse, road train 2,800; the report of a mus RIPLES, Revolvers, Ammunition, ket and the bark of a dog, 1,800; an SE ATES, Hockey Sticks, SNOWSHORS, Toboggans, Punching Bags, orchestra or roll of a drum, 1,000; the T. W. BOYD & SON, MONTREAL, P. Q. croaking of frogs, 900; the chirping of chickens, 800. that they appear to be meeting with at t as a measure of suc cess as that achieved by the mission ary societies of other religious sects. All disorders catised by a bilious § : MeLaughlin's TALK TO MEN Are Not What They Ought to Be. {} If you are a man whose youthful vitality has been wasted by indiscretions, excesses or over-work, I want to assure you that re there is a positive remedy for your trouble. If your condition is that of exhaustion or feebleness, the very element which you have wasted, viz, human electricity, can be put back into yod¥ yo body. When you get it back your weakness will disappear, and \ : you will become strong in nerve, brain, muscle, and every organ, \ and filled with joy that you are once more a perfect specimen of \ manhood. Dr. Mol.aughiin's Electric Belt will fill your ! system with the power you have lost. It does this in a gentle, glowing, soothing way whilé you sleep. You get up in the morn- ing refreshed, all aches and pains disappear, and you feel strong enough to attempt and accomplish what any other man can or may. It makes you feel like a mew man, because it restores and 8 develops the vigor originally given to men by nature. - Pick out the men who have worn my Belt. See them with - §| head erect, chest expanded, the glow of health in their cheeks, cour- 7 age in their hearts and a clasp of the hand that tells you "I am the man. And how is it with you? Have you rheumatism and pains, a dull ache and weakness over the kidneys, dull with a tired, stupid feeling? Are you losing your vitality and self-confidence? | Do you that you are not the man you would like to what electricity My Belt will eure you, und if you will come to MEN." H you can offer reasonable security you ean have my Belt and ° PAY WHEN CURED. Sa: Be) re /) cakness and drains of vitality opr Fem ly es Howel, Live, Kidney and EET EN Vi ) a. ko