MARCH 16: TRAVELLING. Kingston & Pembroke & Canadiar Pacific Rajlways. Commencing Haech a ha Unt! April SPECIAL COLONIST _ RATES ARMA {Data NORTH PACIFIC COAST and KQOTE. NAY POINTS, i. (946.05, : Yic $43.55. $43.05, Second-Class URSIONS SE1Y Masftobs and Canadien North-West. leave avery Orsay dari MARCH Fol pardoutate aX" Office, Ontario Et Cp. R ¥. Govay. Breet. » ¥. A. FOLGER, JR. Ag. Gea, Supt. Y OF QUINTE RAILWAY + NEW SHORT LINE FOR SPOKANE, Wa. Bl, Bont, na LERS' One-Way HOLIDAY FARES Round Trip Tickets Will Issued as Follows : General Public SINGLE FIRST-C1ASS FARE. Good going March Toouus Wo ad 27th to uding - School Vacations To tmehers and Pupils of S A «l bagen (om sifrersier Of wiow Bebtol Vacation Hallway Cesti Ly Principal), Single First-Class Fare and One-Third. Coen! Suing March 20et to 20h, fnelusive tickets vad relorhing from desundtion on or before Apeil Sih, 1902, J, P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passr. Depot. "DOMINION LINE. Fall Steamehips, Liverpool Service. FRO PORTLAND, March 15th, Red Fdo wot carry pase "Rais RA oF ASAG-Salogn. % i Pn i Single, olor, Betond Saloon, F Third Clase, $25. » FROM MONTREAL. WEY vrais Se ard. 1) Si May 17¢h, PROM BOSTON, Sommenwaatin.. «March 20th, he dR March 22nd. NEW SERVICE 5origs e cne Casi brotan, April 9th and May 21st. hletrio light, epanione J. P. Hanley, gna) the Bote army aad i, Sand 8 ats ite attractiveness, ne _ ret slags rom steamers DAD A In fortywicht hours rom avery five daye he mer. MARTAGOR, MARTINIQUE, DhLa SALEGEOLS. 2 AND a ALARA, sho afford BA, Toched Mi an biel Cron ham, New Sk Sescrintive Pambih ned dat sailing FEMILH in OUT RBRIS & y my, New York: J, 1 GILDERSLEEVE, ARTHUR AHERN, sere For Liverpool and Allan Lire Loadonderry, Reyal Mall Steamers. Prom :. John. From Halifax. Tunisian, Sat, St Ruan. day, Mar. 8. Qorinth A puday, Mar. 10 N £ » Mar, onion, Sab Bh 23 Pe ond, Ha 4 Jian. Su Sat. pa. 49 hae, Monday, Mar, '31 RATES OF PASSAGE. it Cabin, 243. apd upwards; return, ABL10 sr To £31 a axtra; Ard Liverpool, Dery, Bellast, Tha Firs! to Giasgow and Lond nderry . Sat, Feb. 22, 10 am . Sat. Mar. 8, 0 am wh alate Mar. 22, 3 om, Third: $38. oy Agent, City Pawson; und n and Ontario" streste, of. A = Now is the time to have you , Carriages repaired ane painted "and the place to ge them done is at LATURNEY'S 2390860 S95 39v 044 FEE IBIEEE OVER THE Te CUPS, A satire on ber written by one who his world, and though presumably lustrating one phase of York the hosmdaries of that world extend far and hevond the great er New York, pad "The Climbers' is practically a satire on life, We saw it Wednesday night at the Grand, faughed at the capers of the diy-minded social Mrs Hunter, and her youngest daughter Clara, who was her moth er's own child-only more so. We laughed also at the three other social climbers, at the inimitable Johnnie Trotter, with his money and his sang, bat who was after all, "no dodo. bird," and not so small az he looked; and, at Miss Sillerton and Mise Godesby, the part of the latter been particularly well acted. At the climbers after wealth we did not laugh, their story was in a minor key, uw was also that of the climbers after happiness. Climbers all were they chimbing always, and reaching out eager "hands towards coveted ends which seemed ever to be just beyond their grasp. Then came the end, and what was it? Disappointment in every case, bhecauke these climbers chose cankeronus trees in the garden of life. The curtain fell on a tragedy and so closed the story of "The Climbers." And the maral ? Ab, ves The moral was there for those who chose to read it. We all are climbers, and have been from the beginning of time, Macbeth was a climber, so was St. Paul-but the difference lay in the goal. No one denies that jt is right to climb, but let us\ sde it that the foundation of our ascent is on solid ground, not on the quick sands of life where, with each upward step, our own weight drags us down. We il not trouble thinkidg ahout the moral to be learned while thowe clev er actors were entertaining us - on Wednesday night. The amusing parts were so fusny, and the tragedy so sad that we lived with those on the stage and, for the time being. forgot But afterwards, we saw the undercurrent of it all, and realized that "The Climbers," clever satire fife that it is, can preach a fairly good sermon to those who have ears to hear society is "The Chm Enows New society, oft und wor ber, Gedrge to all else. . - » . Barrie #trect, vesterday aiter stood two pretty little children, a boy and a girl. She was eating candy ana handed the small paper bag towards the boy, thinking to shave her treat. He looked into the Lag and then withdrew a pace, refus ing the and saving in a tone of righteons indignation, "You ought not to be eating that candy." The wee girl's eves opened wide with sur- prise and she drew nearer ta theuboy, as she asked "Why ? "Because it's Lent," said the accuser, The surprise. died away from the girl's fpge and her little voice showed the inward conviction of her superior knowledge as she tossed her head and pnswered : "Well it isn't, for I bought it myself at the corner with the money Grannie gave me. So there now ™ in noon, vweets store bie "Roselawn,"" was host- ' lunch on Wednesday in honor of Mise Cecile Pacand, of Que- bee. The guests were Miss Grace Lowery (Quebec), Mise Edith Drury, Miss Lottice Tandv, Miss Constance Tandy. The pherson's, afternoon The Tuesday Mrs. Grant, at a girls" macing club met at Mise Mac Clergy wtreet, on Monday club will meet at Mrs. Cap Singleton whist evening Adam Shortt from five till To erlehrate Shortt' birthdav. Miss Portia Mackenzie was hostess at 'the weekly roinp of the erstwhile toboggan club of juveniles last night at the Bank oi Montreal Miss Grace Lowery, of Québec, who was the guest of Mrs. W. D. Hendry, now with Mrs, Kent, Bom gave a juvenile mine o'clock ves Mise Muriel arty trrolay staving ersbv House Misses Edith and Emma Pense spent this "week in Toronto, the guests of Mrs. John King. Mrs. McMurrich, St. street, Toronto, was hostess at a ton on Weanesday, in honor of Mie Bessie Smythe, who is her guest. Mrs. J. Ernest Cunningham spent week with Mr. ana Mes. Carter at the Windsor hotel, Montreal. The ladies who are interested in the mamagement of the Home for Friend Advice Worth Following When several hundred peo- ple have tested a new remedy, and found it good, there is a tempration to try it. But whan thousands of men all over Canada have beén com- pletely cured of Nervous eakness, Kidney, Urinary and Sexwal Disorders a reliable treatment like that of Dr. Bobertz, and out of graitude recommended this Doctor in every way, it seems almost a duty that every man, who is similarly affected George George this should at once write to this successful. dinner at DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, Fe less Women and Children have arrang- ed to hold an afternoon of work at Mrs. Ward's residence, corn er of Johnston and Sydenham streets; nm Easter Tuesday, April let. A larg attendance is anticipated, » . > Mrs. Carr-Harnie is giving a this afternoon, Mr. and Mrs Romershy nesddy night the party after wards went on to cee "The Ch ers" at the Grand The: guests were Miss Macnee, Mise Grace, Lowery, Que Surgeon-Colonel Neilson, W. C. Kept Rent entertained House at Wel on and of bee Hewett apd Mr, . ry. Matkenzig is giting the Bad minton tea at fhe armouries this af fernoon, Mr. Bennett, of New York, who staviog at Mrs, McParland's, was host at a theatre party at "Foxy Quilier" last night. The guests were Colonel and Mrs. Drury, Mr. Fred. McParland and Miss Kathleen McParland. Mrs. Caldwell, of Lanark, guest of Mes, Archie Strachan. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, of Montreal, are staying with Mis, J. C.-C. Almon is is the wl ee There were two box parties at "The Climbers on. Wednesday night. In were Mrs, Pense, Mrs. Frank Strange and Miss Flic Pense and in the other Lieut.-Colonel and Mrs Reade, Captain and Mrs, Lesslie and Major Straubenzee, one alley Mise Mollie. Cartwright canie from Ottawa Thursday and guest of Mrs. Francis Hora, and Misses Hora, 45 King strect iss Laura Frost, of Smith's Falls, spent Thursday in town. Mr. Arthur Grasett, of Toronto, was in town on Thursday, the guest of his brother-in-law, Major F. V. 0. Hewett, Royal Millitary College, Mise Neelons, of Linds y, spent this week with Mrs. Fortt, returning home to-day. Mrs Roderick Mackenzie gave a juvenile party on Monday afternoon in honor of her little son's birthday, down is the the Amongst the many who were on the ground Hour of the Grand Fuxy Quiller * last night were and Mrs. Kent, Mr. W. Kent, Miss Girace Lowery (Quebec), Lieut.-('ol and Mrs Hunter Ogilvie, Major Hewett, Col, and Drury, Capt and Mrs, Leslie, Mrs. March, Miss Cle ments, Mr. Augus Macdonell, Miss Macdonell, Mr. Marvin, Miss lda Mar tin (Picton) the Misses Hora, Miss Molly Cartwright, the Misses Mac pherson, Miss Isabel Macpherson (Ot tawal, Mr. Macnee, Mr, Macnee Mr. P. H. Maenece, Mi Gildersheve, Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Henderson, Ur. and Mr: Connell, Mr, gud Mrs. Car son, Miss Leta Carson, Lient.-(ol and Mre, Hemming, Mr. and Mrs, Nickle, Mr. and Mrs. D. Stewart Kob ertson, Mr. and Myre Howard Folger, Miss Price, Mrs. Pens', Misses and Marjorie Pense, Miss Ford, A Herbert Pense, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strange, Mrs. Almon, Mr. and Mrs Hamilton (Montreal), Miss Irene Swift, Mr. and Mrs, Fortt. Miss Noe lons ( Lindsay), Miss O'Hara, Miss Kent, Mike McParland, Me. and Mrs Dickson, Miss Dickson, Miss Knight, Mr. Mudie, the Miss Mudie, Miss Jessie Field, the Misses Tandy, Mr and Mre. C. Livingston, Mr, and Mrs Waldron, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart, Mr. and Miss Redden Miss Caldwell Mr. amd Mrs. Bampfield, Mr. Crysler, Mr. Beech, Mr. Fox, Mr. Ellis, Mr Richardson, Mr. Taylor, Cunning ham, Mr. E. 0. Strange, Calvin, Mr. Pawn, at Mr. M. Mr. Mr Mis, . » 4 Announcement has been made of the engagement of the Rev. Kenneth M Feawick, of Montreal, to as Ster ling, vow of Alvinston, Qat., but jor merly of Picton and Kingston The marriage is to take place at London, Unt. in the middle of April. As Mer, Fenwick and Miss Sterling gre so very well known in Kingston, both having been residents herd), the engagement is of a large circle of old friends, The hostesses at the skating club to-night will be Mrs, Kent, Mrs. Pense, Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Mrs. Waddell, Miss Drennan, Miss Graham, Miss Kent, Miss Paterson, Miss Power, Miss Richmond, Miss Watson and Miss Ethel Wilkinson. The funds will ad- mit one further mocting of the club, so, if the weather continue cold, there will be a final skating party next Saturday night. interest to Eas Ne Captain and Mrs. Eaton from Ottawa on Thursday. ad returned As the funds of the Badminton Club are about exhausted, a business meet ing has been called for next Wednes day afternoon... It is hoped that the club may be continued next season as it has been such a success this winter thanks to the untiring energy of Mrs. Hunter-Ogilvie (who is responsible for Hs organization) and to the efficient secretary Major Hewett. - - - - Mrs. Richmond was "At. Home" at the tea hour yesterday and her rooms were thronged with guests. The tea table wae done in pink edrnations and was in charge of Miss Mair, Wise Peirce and Wiss Horsey, assisted |y a number of Young girls: Miss Durie and Miss, Weight. of Ow tawa, are guests of Mrs. Carr Harris Miss Bernii yesterday for Quebec, . . - - The building fund for the nurses' home at the general hospital is in debted to Mies Loraine Dalton, Miss Kdith Low, Miss Bea McGill, Miss Grace Oldrieve, and Miss May. Smythe for their share of the proceeds of the Belleville- Kingston ladies' hockey match played at the rink on Febru ary Hth. The money (816) was paid in to Miss Flaws yesterday afternoon, and the hospital authorities. have fa to be grateiel to the Sirie for thelr wenerouipy towards much needed home for nurses. Spring Importation For 1902. snrepust Nap received al Lis goring rd Tagan tweet, alos a fae wie of woryteds, Jhesigte am gave a small tea #8 Cecile Pacaud, of Major! 'IN THE RELIGIOUS WORLD| : tea and sale' "TRIBUTE TO METHODISTS AND PRESEYTERIANS By the Canadian Anglican Organ-- Activity of Archbishop of Can- terbury--Baptist Churches in England and Wales. Albert Belleville, enlarged, Franktown a stome edifice The Winnipeg Presbyterian carrying on revival services Lent Revs revival April 6th Rev. R college, is to be Preshytevians will erect union is during Crossley and Hunter begin a campaign in Trenton about A. Scarlett has accepted an invitation to Prince Albert, NW.T., | whist church J. €. Davidson was presented gold-Readed cave by the labor Peterbore. Res M. Macgillivray will pulpit at St. Audrew's church anogue, on Sunday, There are in the province of On tario, 5,500 Sunday schools, The scholars namber 423.508, The British Columbia Methodist con ference has stationed Rev. Mr. ford at White Horse, B.C. Rev. W. G. Clarke, B.A., Woodville, with a wen of occupy , Gan Cos { fons of jiex The general ogipion is that the second prayer would lose nome of cut in two.--Wind terians, its effet if it were sor Record. It is reporied from Jerusale t wr the holy « has bed uty of fresh and good drinking wa which is a sienifi héalth eonditions two large pew furnish the city the hest water great ceremony. One is for the use pe ter the The which of these w of the with works Mou) ling Baker, in a ser | mon at the Woodstock Congregational chiwech, mentioned the of toney for Feteptions™ Lo prince v in New York last week. Speak of the 820.000 luncheon that was en him, Mr. Baker said : "Hf the ple woula spend their money for glory of God as freely as they do for the glory kings and princes they would show a gooa deal more common sense." The London Free Press points out that dean Carmichael is the tenth bishop furnished to the Church of England in Canada by the diocese of Huron. Here is the fist: Bishop Me Lean, bishop Pinkham, bishop Sulli van, bishop Baldwin, bishop Du Meu lin, bishop Hellmuth, bishop Fau- quier, bishop Mills, bishop Sweatman and bishop Carmichael. It is claimed that the diocese of Huron has great expendi tate i Pe the of also heen invited to the pastorate of ittle Britain Methodist church. Rev. J. W. Gregory has resigned the sastorate of the Binbrook, Caistor ened Tyneside Baptist churches Rev. Mr. Wright, a graduate of Trinity university, has been placed in charge of the Anglican church at Ox bow, N.W.T. A. Morton and R. J. Drysdale, Montreal Congregational college, have | two-thirds accepted calls to pastorates at Co bourg and Georgetown. On a recent Sunday £1,200 was sub- | towards making other Methodist seribed and do Central putting on a new improvements church, Wood roof . J. C. Wilson, president of the Bay of Quinte conference has accepted, an invitation from the irighton Methodist church for the fifth year Some $90,000 to remain the thanksgiving fund of the Preébvterian church re mains uncollected: It will require addition $25,000 to make the waired for the common fund. Father Caficrata, the new canon of George's diocese, England, has <ignalized his elevation bv making over a legacy of £2,700 towards the debt on his church at Chatham The activity of the archbishop Canterbury is surprising for an octo genarian nhuost every tends more day I'he ol sq and sometimes at in the day, than one function of there able "x. ex- Napanee Beaver, speaking Eber Crnmmy's sermons on - Sunday, said: "He an preacher and evidently a man of cellent ability as well as of large perienc? rh hurch erected at Teni-tug-Kha, North Formosa, in memory of great Presbyterian missionary, Rev. Dr. Mackay, has been opened. There were addre by Chinese and Japan Christians. Rev. J. P, C.. will be Centennial of Vernon, B. the next pastor of the Methodist church, Vancou or, The present pastor, Rev. W, Il. Barroweclough, has invitations Kamloops and Viatoria West. A handsome brass tablet is placed in, St. James' church n memory of the late Rev. Dr, re. The amount necessary is to be cubscribed by citizens of all denomina tions, and will be in the neighbor hood of 31.000, Preshyterians will raise a Robertson memorial fund, as the general assembly may suitable, for the purpose showing recognition of the done hy the late the western field Referring to the increase of Metho dists and Presbyterians in Canada, the Canadiad Churchman pays tri bute to the zeal, energy and wis displayed by these churches which, it 's, excel the Anglican church ralitv, and are eration than we are" Rev, Orr Bennett has aceepted call of the Almonte Presbyterians to fil! the vacancy caused by the resign ation of Rev. R. J. Hutcheon. Induce tion takes place on March 27th. Revs Mes Hav, Mclean, Scott and Woodside will officiate. One thousand amd three churches in England, have decided to take part in the simultaneous eollee- tion on March 23nd, the balance for the fund. There in Englavd and Wales. At the late Zionist congress in Basle it was anapunced that the sul tan-of Turkey had expressed his sym pathy with the movement to colonize Palestine. with. Jews, and on the strength. of the announcement the couneil. at once voted a million of dollars for the work. Rev, Dr. Carman proposes to attend the Methodist conferences as follows : | Montreal conference, May 25th to June 2nd; Bay of Quinte, June 4th, 5th; Taronts, June 6th; London, June 7th, Sth; Hamilton, June th, 10th; and the conferences of the maritime | provipees and Newfoundland, June | 17th to July 2nd. The. Rey, Mr, Tolmig spoke in glow: | ing terms the other night of the beantiful prayers. of the Episcopal | church, declaring that he preferved them fo those of his own church. There is Bt lens room for improve. ment In obo prayer of the Preshy- Vestman, to Orillia, James to be used deem of most superintendent in wiser in their pen the srs, twentieth century | : | The Soldier And His Pot. | : . Fulham, Eng. Pear Sirs, -- { The pot of Kelton isstied in our C. i LV. kit was one of the few things we took from Cape Town to the fropt | with us. . It was very useful, indeed, one of the fives and quickest remedies for | sath, sprains, skin dicoases, metas nd bruises, om a Kelvion surprised everyome | w it, for the way it cured | To sores, and it ought to command | in South Africa if adver | 4 r oF bey ol | praises from all C. I. regulars who gor it, and I! + evety CLV. { constitutional as { made without * | Yast { and by a officiate of the | | Cooke's | eleven o'clock m i $600,000 He either speaks or preaches, | the | to | be | Wa- | great work | in | fom | | gr Baptist | towards raising | are 2588 Baptist churches | | tic and motherly, { companion and counse | position | tenstie fos ». Nevion and J. Quinn, sent missionaries further northward and southward than any other ip Ca nada. Rev. 8. J ter in the Guardian, claims that the change in the disciplinary note, add ed to Wesley's rules by the' Methodist general conference of 1856, was un the change was 'a three-fourths major ity of the general conference, or a majority of each order voting separately," as the basis of union demands. He adds : "The at tempt to amend Wesley's rules in the hours of a" general conference, 'note' at the foot of 4 long report, with which it" had nothing ai all to do, was a blunder arising al to the rime," Shorey, Picton, in a let most dimensions of ga Sunday Services. tev. Prof. McComb will preach church, Sunday morning, J. Lynch g St. Joba's outh, on Sunday St. Andrew's church Patrick's special service, Rev. Prof. Mc omb, D.D., will give address "Sy Yatrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland In Bethel Congregational church Rev. D. N. Morden will preach to-mor morning on "Full Moon Chris "Strangers Seats are all free . First Congregational church, Wellington and Johnston streets, ser vices, Ll am. and 7 p.m. Morning A. McMillan, B.A; evening, D M Solamlt, BA. biect, ** Student Volunteer Movement Brock street Methodist Eber Crummy, pastor evening Il am and 7. p.m I pastor preach--at both ser vices, Kvening subject How to En | tertain Morning solo, "The Lord is My Sherpherd,"" Miss Annie Davies; evening "Fe Thou Nigh," Ollie Devry, school, 2:45. Pastor's bible « Queen strect March 16th--Rev, S.J. Shorey, ton, will preach at 11 am. and 7 | m. Collection will be taken in aid of the superansuation _ fund Sabbath hool at 245 p.m. The mid-week ser will not be held this week on ae { count of the union love feast in Sy lenham street church on Wednesday | evening Sydenham street Philp pastor. Jubilee Sunday, March oth, 102-045 a.m. special praver and praise BOTVice in lecture room--Il am. and 7 p.m. Jubi « sermons by Rev, William Briggs. of Toronto. Jubilee offerin both services Special - jobilee musiciby the choir } p.m, open juki lec by the Sunday school. Ad | dresses by J Melntvre, KO, and Monday evening, Mafih 17th jubilee banquet and platiorm Wednesday evening, » Jove feast of the Kingston church, Ports morning ~at, ach in on row tian welcome. corner church, Rev Morning and services he will olo, Sunday lass, 4:13 church Pic Pp Methodist viee church, Rev br HOPVICS others wed meeting Union jubil dist churches of = p.m Meth EQUAL TO ANY SITUATION. Ross Typical of What Wo- man Should Be, Uttawa Journal A conservative inion house, who knew said of her 1 the wives of our ada, and 1 being the a woman cious; she fectation; | Mrs. the don Mrs. Rossavell, met many of public men in Can would put Mrs. Ross as most typical of what such should She gn had a presence without af she was alwavs svmpathe and was a devoted or of her hus read of how the public men in the states way to the highest there; this was very eharae of Mrs. Rose. She was equal situation, and was at home in You would not quite say member ol } nave be Was band. We wives of the in an easy often to any them all. { that she was a voviety woman in its | marrow sense. { social woman and a social centre, and { commanded the respect of all, She was essentially a the many who cane Jove and alizetion of the to know her well. Hers was truly a lovable character, Her hoshand will be a broken reed by her loss. She nursed him, was his constant compan ion, afd gave him that helpful sympa- thy which goes so far in making vp a wacvessiul public man these days." Joyceville Jottings. Joseeville, March 13. --Mesars. James Morris and P. McKenna Kingston paid a flving visit hove. Pugh Donakl- son has retbarned to Trail, B.C, with a cvarload of young eattle. TT. Nevion hae returned to Buffalo, N.Y., after spending the winter with his parents bere. Pin Troe is in the Hotel Yew, Ki on ving # canoer cout rom hit and Mis Mamie Robar wutderw®int a successful operation on Monday at the Hotel Dien for the new cure for consumption. The assessor, J. A. Hatton, was around this pars last week. Visitors : Messrs, T, low, B. Walker and W. Metealie, Co James Nobex, Brewer's Mills: J. Syroula: Harrowsmith: Mr. il ttn; Sin Green, Delta; Miss eishy, Secley's Bay. Vee "Yoirto' lamps, lowesh prices. | | | f 5 COLONIAL HOUSE, MONTREAL. DEPARTMENTAL STORE New Spring Catalogue WITH ILLUSTRATIONS OF Every Household Requisite FREE To Any Address. SAMPLES k OfNE W SPRING GOODS sert. as often as desired, and Special Attention given to0 Mall Orders. HENRY MORGAN s&eo MONTREAL COKE DANDRUFF CURE A clean healthy scalp means an abundant growth of healthy hair. Sold by druggists. Applied by barbers. A. R. BREMER CO., Limited, Toronto, Chicago. FATHER O'LEARY. LEASED A DOCK. Sent On a Mission To South Africa. March 15 { at it is umderste Railroad Company To Control Dock at Alexandria Bay. | Thousaiad 1 Sun, Al . for the par fv the te a contract apr 8 . 1. | York Central orkir aie Cor and it | for one year fr rch lst, 1902 be ond unet the . A . £2 ¢ far as the « v baggage, Mey Be xamiria Bag the New control in this village Quebec, "Se V Leary i the « ne of raily obtain : ce in connection with the m wall Dr of the graves in South Alrvica quite that he er to superintend the wi could not revered g burial of many boys and else the lo the railroad ig proposed to na nal deciding for which } pow oN ws will be probable will ters are hands of it al ter choice possibly the ch as radi entiemar in as the at "the brave made, hax in change, $Le of Can ation of an anvone which it in a permanent way tantial iptions cited throughout the graves, allow subsc nre being doing Recent Investigation ent Re to pont to E investigations enable us A Casket Of Pearls Pr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tal! would prove a great to the di heartened dyspeptic test their potency nm preventing stomach disorders ax the host on earth, giving the Largest bottle Lottle astern Palm nd purest cough medicine » the nedy thet greatest tiskg wolace if he They're the hy est ior 6) would. but tion n the market and veritable ery guar ems o give satisfaction imulating So. health wt 35 cents physic Union Made Shoes. King's latest styles | them window fi for Abernethy 'pearis" in a box, Recommend Wo most 1 ians, F and FE, ( hn for mm 2.50 OR men, eminent regular unr A rv Wade Barrington Hats. shades. Ask for a Ca 1 The vernm steamer Nanube, Barrington | at to to search D. Bibby Co. steamer emer v Halifux at Redden's liscoveries Tell Me a Friend Who is Sick. NO MONEY Is WANTED. SIMPLY LET ME SEND HIM MY BOOK. friend who That Aberdeen, for the re New te rer able The H. iron has with nis at raed ut making any VA I will either curs that friend % treatment I will at least do the ut the best advice in mv power a penny of cost Hf 1 do tha m Oxt « at the sick one lo th start | send the Din I have ands ask caricer But | loser show paid for th 40 sre cur that 29 of each roe licine (pion, hat fact 4 A | het years 3 ench There are 20 chances in 40 that | can cvre your friend My success is due ifetime of effort ™ how to strengthen t j le ner It 3 alome that when it has sufficient er--Thet is all. It gine at is weak My book will -- BEE E JOnaT ir this organ is s. No org I bring bark the steam to an #8 operates weak Ll nerve pro is just like giviag more explain it all. { sick nowy friend find another way Fvery soul who reds this You know somebody whe will ged well, Let me tell that friend my way I mist be socorssful. My remedy claim I it did not, we ip a month, he wick one is Your friend--a stranger to me. H I am willing to do wo wack, Won't you write a postal, that he or she may get well? on . the Kidoeys, Simply state which | Eo Yo oath book you wint ani ad. dress Dr. Shoop, Box 40, Book Timmmtienm. ave often cured by ome Racine, Wis, two hotties. AS sll drug gists. Ome never must do what | sach an offer se this would benkrupt one Tat Jock | Hook Fook -- Wild cases, vot chronic, or