i ia COR BETT'S Ee -- Easter Plans. What more charming or worthy ple sun you originate than thisw--to build, emip and ps your own house. Save your, money by putting it. milo a permanent fund, We can show you how to do it. You mny think you have nothing to save, but we oun prove to you thet you have, Just Jet us try. D. A CAYS, 346 King Street. A New Dress For Ten Cents The Price of a Package of Diamond Dyes. Women of every social condition know from practical experience that it is possible with the nid of Piamond Dyes to make A NEW PRESS FOR TEN CENTS Ladies use Diamond Dyes to their entire satisfaction, advantage and profit. There ix no feason why yeu, too, will not find in Diamond Dyes the same aid to economical and stylish dressing. If you prefer to got 5 new dress for ten cents instead of Luying a new one at a cost of from five to ten dollars, buy a package of Dia mond Dyes, and with very fit tle work you can make your old dress look like a new one. WHEN YOU PAINT If you desire the very best results at the least expense you will use . , , THE SHERWIN-WILLIANS punt. CC - HARDWARE. THE WHIG- 68th YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHS, i Aieached ta ase oi the Best dob Print. Ing Ofces in Canada; 4 , " pi rapid. siylish and Precess. FDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. ITIE DAILY WHIG. 'Opiter per Orbem Dicor.' THE CITY WINNING OUT. The judgment of Justice Lount up- on the point to him, growing out of the arbitration res pecting the valuation of the electric fight and gas plant, hus been general- ly well reesived. Judge Lount simply endorses the decision of the arbitra tors, that in the deal between the city and the company the franchise is not worth anything, and he has dismissed the appeal with the company, The matter will not rest there. The amount at stake, $30,000, is too large, to expect the company to accept any result which will be against it until every recourse in law has been ex- hausted. The arbitrators and Judge Lount have decided adversely, but some court may not do so and in the expectation that before some tribunal there will be a change the company will go on appealing. That is not a new determination. It was reached long, long, ago. Eventually the people must vote up- on the question, ana the referendum-- #0 popular nowadays--ought to occur not later than the next municipal election. The ballot then will be upon the new lists --made serviceable for the firet time in the election following referred and costs against Send a postal card with vour ad dross and The Welle & Richardson | Co., Limited, 200 Mountain St." Man- treal, P.Q., will mail you free of cost full range of designs of Diamond lye mat and rug patterns to make selec tions from. Ready For Business. NOW is the time to get your spring suit before the rush. Our new goods are in and it won't cost you any more to buy now than just when you want it, you will get first choice and will alse give us time to make it, J, J. CRAWFORD, crass... THE MO: wUThiTIOUS EPPS'S COC(A Prepared from the fiuest selected Oocoa, and distin. faished everywhere for lleacy of flavour, Superior uality, and hly Nutritive Sroptiien Soft ts quarter. found tins. labelled JAMES PPS & Oo, Ltd, Homwo- pathic Chemists. Loudon, EPPS'S COGOA (ORDINARY OVERCOAT You oan get muy time and yim oan get goud quality too if the sture ba it to sell. Style is hard to get. _ Not an overcoat in a hondred of them but has the ordiumy ready msde look. Not are nu sue hundreds we muke that has J. R. Johnston, TAILOR and DRAPER. ee er Danger does not lurk in all drinking waters but in the MAGI CALEDO- NIA there is positive safe- ty always. At all best clubs, hotels and Gro- the assessment--and- this will be "a burning question" in more senses than one. Cannot, meanwhile, arrange: ments be made for a transfer of the property to the city, on a favorable vote by the The franchise issue should not hamper the work in- cident to the change. It can he dgreed that if the court of final re sort reverses all previous decisions the city will have to pay for the franchise. But that contingency may not he reached for a couple of years, and on that account the force of the arbitration should not be frustrated or rendered ineffectual. -------------- TAFFYING MR. TARTE. One has reason to rub-his eyes and look again when the Toronto World, that - intensely conservative paper which takes its inspiration from Mr. McLean, M.P., is given to a laudation of Hon. Mr. Tarte. It is not so long ago--at the last general election and since--that Mr. Tarte was represented as the troubler in the cabinet, the man of evil pro- pensity, the wicked partner sacrifice sooner or later had electors ? whose to come to pass. Now the World says he repre sents public opinion in Canada "per. haps better than any other of our statesmen, the leader of the opposi- tion not excepted." His has, by ma- licious persons, been pictured as the master mind in the federal govern. ment, and yet the World alleges that "if he had more influence there is no doubt that we would see a great change in the fiscal policy of this country." It is beginning to dawn on the con: servative party that they made a mistake in letting Mr. Tarte go. Sir John Macdonald made the blunder of his political life when he turned Mr. Tarte down, though it was a case of repudiating either him or Sir Hector Langevin, and he held to the minister of public works until his scandals drove him from public life. Mr. Tarte was abandoned by the conservative party and called all manner of names. Everything that mad men could do they did to wreck him. And he has actually prospered in adversity. The more he has been harried the happier he has been, and the more aggressive. Of all the agencies against which the con- servative hosts have pumped this one wems to be most impervious to their assaults. So a pew tack has been adopted. Mr. Tarte is to be taffied into submission and into admiration for his old associstions. "U," says the Woeld, with sauvity RRNA lh SR honk Sh -- ---- prised some day to find" things taking a shape which they have little antici- pated." That will be fine reading for the Hon. Mr. Tarte. He will wonder at it, and at the motives that are be hind it. What is the inierence ? That the man has been maligned beyond all reason, and that the people who have been abusing him all these yéars repenting of their work. Verily all things come to them who wait, and for his vindication Mr. Tarte will be duly grateful. are -- SATURDAY SUGGESTIONS. James Conmee is nominated by the London Advertiser for a seat in the local government as the represeutative of New Ontario. -- Folger, K.C., wili probably be a member +f the new railwiy commis | sion which will build a road from North Bay to Temiscamingue. ---- The judicial machinery does not | run very fast, but it is in 'motion all | the while. The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind sure. Sl Hanna "and eel are looking forward for the Presidency of 1904. Mark is ponderous and Teddy theatrical, and each in his own is making his impression, -- The medical men are to have a re. ferenduim, exceeding is way in order to express what they think of the medical council and how they want it reformed. The result may be a surprise to some people. -- The last resolution of the session was one of denunciation by Mr. Whit: ney at all and sundry who had done wrong in the elections. Like the old ac- tor he has a great love for colored lights. -- P. J. Loughrin may know a good deal about canals and dykes and riv- er courses, but an engineer will know more about public works, and will be the best man for Mr. Tarte to consult in regard to the French river route. -- The New York Presbytery has dis- approved of a permanent heresy court Those fellows who are on the look- out for trouble should be herded to- gether and allowed to talk of nothing but their creed. In time they would be proper rebels. Another of the Booth family has re- tired from the Salvation Army---Her- bert, of Australia. This time it is on account of ill-health. A mother's care and diplomacy missing The army lost its best friemd when Mrs. Catha- rine Booth passed away. All the Methodists do not think with Dr. Courtice and Dr. Carman on the prohibition question. Here's Rov. Mr. Wilson, of Peterboro, who says that the denominations that cannot roll up 200,000 and more for the mea- sure in December are not worthy of the name. "If we 'tum our backs on it," he adds, "I don't know when we will get another as good." Mrs. John Dunham. nee Beaver. nna Dolan, wife of John Dunham, Thomas street, died suddenly at her residence on Sunday last, 9th inst., after a few hours illness, or paraly- sis. She was in her usual health up to Saturday noon last, but soon after dinner was taken suddenly ill, much to the alarm of the family, by whom everything possible was done for her. She evidently remlized the situation and was able to say.to some of them "It Is all right; it is a stroke; vou cannot do anything." She soon after relapsed into unconsciousness and did not rally again. She. died early the next morning. She was a daughter of the late P. Dolan, of Richmond, fifth concession, and spent all her lifetime in her native township and this viei- nity. In her early days she was a well known and successful school teacher. She married John Dunham, who sur- vives her, with their five children : Mes. Gault, Mrs. J. H. Craig and Mrs. E. Pringle, all of whom reside in Napanee; and two sons, William, now in Dawson City, Yukon, and George, in the southern states, She was a member of the Presbyterian church. The body was deposited in the west- ern vanlt here, and the interment will be in the Deseronto cemetery. ------------ Free To Mothers Only. To every mother of young children who will send us her name and ad- dress plainly written on a postal card we will send free of all charge a valuable little hook on the care of infants and young children. This book has been prepared by a physician who has made the ailments of little ones a life study. With the book we will sond a free sample of Baby's Own Tablets--the best medicine, in the world for the minor ailments of in fants and young children. Mention the name of this and address The Metlicine Co., Brockville, Dr. Williams' Ont. Eugene Cowles. Eugene Cowles, who heads his own company at the Grand on Thursday. is a Canadian being the son of a well known physician in that country. He studied singing in Chicago, wnder Al bert Ruff first appeared in pub- lic as a church concert and oratorio singer. Na Union J. D. King THE DAILY ® HIG. SATURDAY, MARCH 15 = TORONTO'S VULGAR PLAYS. A THEATRE THAT HAS DE- GRADING PERFORMANCES. The Matter Has Aroused Indigna- tion--Municipal Control Of a Power Line Refused--Toronto Claims Pretty Girls ! Toronto, March 14. -- The civie scheme for municipal control of a power line to be built from Niagara to Toronto, received its death-blow gt the hands of the municipal committee of the legislature. The measure was to empower cities of 100,000 popula UoA or more to develop electrical energy by water-power or otherwise and transmit it and dispose of it to persons, companies or mudicipalities. Major Howland argued that such legislation would mean the cutting of power prices in halt. Mr. Gioson thought it brought the municipality into direct competition with the com- panies who now held rights and char ters, The Toronte electric light com- pany said the meadure way a deliber- ate attempt on the city's part to ab- rogate their thirty year agreement with the light company, which gave a perfectly. satisfactory service. Alder- man Spence replied that the service was all right, but many people thought the price was all wrong. A. Pattalio, M.P.P., called it a wildcat scheme. He thought Toronto would be obtain ng an unair advantage over other municipalities. He want. ed it deferred tor a vear. A vote was taken on the principle of the bill, re- sulting in its defeat by twenty-three votes 10 six. According to the Rev. Dr. Wilhur F. Crafts, of Washington, some Toron to stage performances rank with the lowest. Dr. Crafts is 4 moral reform- er and one of the broadest-ininded, far-seeing men of the day, and has ex posed facts which may prove interest ing to reformers both inside and cut of Toronto. This certain theatre situ- ated in the down-town districts has been refitted under new management, who seem to have made it a point to produce performances of degrading character. No attempt has been made at rendering legitimate plays. Cheap burleshues have been the repertoire anh from all outside appearances the house was making money. Increased advertising of lurid character was in- dulged in freely: Toronto folks den't like this sort of thing, and the time ly utterances of Dr. Crafts have let loose a tide of public indignation. However, investigation has revealed some secret proceedings which may be the better of a little exposure, When the enterprising manager of the play- house in question "was looking for funds to start operations he made a bold move by applying to the police henefit fund for a lean. The trustees of this fund for supporting aged and retired millions of the law seemingly liked the manager's honeyed smile and gave their gladdest hand, incidentally en~losing a cheque for $17,000, 4 loan on the building, and in doing so made the Toronto police virtual owners of the business. and prevented their in terfering with the conducting of the place to save their own interests. Al derman Graham has introduced 4 mea- sure into council to provide for the restriction of such places of public en tertainment and now somebody wants to. know where the £17,000 lraned to the theatre is coming from. When once its business is stopped such a show-house would he valueless. The manager cannot be held for the amount and the result will be that the police will have to lose. This week the city in the down town districts presents a lively array of pretty trimmers of hats who have focked in from all over the province to see wondrous creations of head wear, displayed hy wholesale and mil limery houses. Toronto lays prood claims to being able to show not-only the finest array of pretty girls of any city on the continent or anywhere else, but she claims mothership to all the dainty maidens, who throng the city streets these find Mar:h duys. And its a fine appearance they make, too. these bonnie lassies from city and town. } Spring trade received its first in auguration this week. Special sules and the millinery openings have given an impetus to wholesale business and the active demand for all lines of heavy goods since the holidays has placed the retailers in a satisfactory financial condition fo hustle the sea- son's work. There is little tied wp capital in surplus stock this year. The large demand for eastern goods from the north-west greatly encour ages the manufacturing element, while the prices remain' firm. A healthy growth is produced. --J. A. M'CLEL- LAND. Shops To Be Retained. Perth Courier The new C. P. R. shops at Montreal will number eighteen brick buildings, but the officials have informed the Montreal papers that the shops at Perth, under the new plan, will be used for repairs. This means that the shops will not be removed from here, but only the character of the work changed. This is good news for the town, and the fact will give perman- ency to the interests and business conditions of the town, as such shops cannot be maintained without a good stafl of men to operate them. At present the shope at Perth were pever as busy before, and they em- ploy a force of hands than at any previous time. -------------- A Specific For Throat Diseases. Brown's Bromchial Troches have been long and favorably n as an admirable remedy for C Hoarse- ness and all Throat t "My communication with world is very much enlarged by the Losenge, which | now carry always in my pock- et; that thro in my throat (for which the "Troches' are a specific) having made me often a mere wi er."--N. P. Willis. ; os Obtain only Brown's Bronchial Troches. Sold only in beses. Price 25 cents. Much Rope Jumping Killed Her. Shenandoah, Pa., March 15.--As the result of excessive rope jumping, Hes wie Jefferson, twelve DISTRICT DASHES. News of the District Condensed From the Whig's Zxchanges. Froest McMullen, Belleville, has been selected as manager of the Merchants' bank at Meaicine Hat. Ff. L. Peters, Wagarville, , removed to his farm pear Selby, which he pur chased from James McMath Capt. A. R. Hinckley, Cape Vin cent, N.Y, is thinking strongly of taking up residence in Ogdensburg. eesrs. Jesse and Waldron Green, Athens, leave on the 25th inst, for their new home in the vicinity of Edmonton. a Henry Huffman bas sold his mercan tile business at Kinburn and will try farming with his father-in-law, Joseph B. Lucas, Moscow. Miss Anna, daughter of the late James Blair, Napanee, was married ou March 5th, to Capt. 8S. E. Burn- ham, Duluth, Minn x Dr. Easton has resigned his office as medical health officer for Smith's Falls, a position he has held for the past fourteen years. Three of the lady teachers on the staff of the Smith's Falls publie school, have applied for permission to go to South Africa. The Frost & Wood company, Smith's Falls, have already shipped a carload of mowers to Germany for this season's business Elizabethtown council is up-to-date, having, at its last meeting, decided to abolish statute labor and take up the commutation system. The Napanee Beaver is) told that the costs so far in the Welt vs. Ben jamin case at Yarker; have reached $7,000. The case began in 1835 Thomas Jackson, an old resident of Brockville, died suddenly at Brock: ville on Thursday. He was sixty-sev- en vears old, and leaves a wife. Robert Scott, a resident of Ganan ogue for years has left for Webb- wood, Algoma, where he will take up farming. He was accompanied by John Thomson Mr. and Mre. L. A. Scott. Napanee, celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage on March 5th. Mr and Mrs. Scott received some beauti ful and costly presents Mrs. O'Brien, grandmother of John B. Hughes, Bathurst, lacks but twe months of being one hundred vears old, and is yet active and healthy She was born in Ireland The blacksmiths in the vicinity of Almonte, have formed an association, which embraces twenty-five shops Prices are to he advanced to between fifteen and twenty per cent. Mrs. William McConkey, of Bel lamy'e, died on Thursday of paraly wis. She came to Canada from Ire land in 1811. Mrs. Webster, of Bel lamy's, is a daughter The government has consented to complete the Deseronto post office building by the erection of a stone wall, the laying of a cement sidewalk and the placing of clock in the tower. On Monday, William A. 1azier, Belleville, was stricken with apoplexy. and died on Thursday. He was fifty nine vears old, and lived most of his life in Picton. A wife and one son survive, Hugh Turkington, "Wilton Beach" summer resort, on the St. Lawrence, is erecting another large house on a point near Ivy Tea which will accommodate over sixty guests. He is a capable manager, who has made a success of the business William Hatch, of the Deseronto house, and John Concer, of the O'Connor house, for selling during prohibited hours, were convicted at Deseronto. The former was assessed 240 and costs and the latter £20 and costs, both cases being settled gut of court - The Baldwin, Manitoba, Gazette gives a hinethened account of , fash ionable marriage, Miss Effie Myrtle, a daughter of Walter Jackson, form erly of Lennox county. and a cousin of Irvine Parks, J.P... county treasur er, to Sylvester Darling, of Treherne Manitoba. Mrs. Dorothy Chapman. Cape Vin cent, N.Y.. celebrated her eighty third birthday on March 7th. there being present four generatidns. the member of the fifth generation resid ing in Michigan and unable to at tend. Mrs. Chapman is in excellent physical condition proprietor of " The Bonnie Brier Bush." J. H. Stoddart in "The Bonnie Brier Bush," is the attraction at the Grand, on Wednesday next. All of those who have heard of the favorite old actor's success in New York in this, his new piece, as well as those who remember him in previous plays will look forward with great antici pation to his appearance here. There was always an indescribable charm about the kale yard storits of Tan MacLaren, and it is said that in cor relating these into a play the drama tist, James McArthur, has even in tensified the Scotch atmosphere. Stops The Cough And Woras Of The Cold. Laksthe Bruise -Quivine Tablets cure a Oo in one . 0 gure, no . Price 25e. vay oil at Red CATARRH. by germs, therslore o . Boneless Anchovies in den's. removes All Church St, Post patd. Dr.vowan's Ointment Cures P les Lic As #1, UIASLD CATARR CORE .., LUC. Is sent direct 15 toe diseased by the Improved blower, orth Aegon gtd pi passages, stops inthe Caer umd Frag Peover, Bier 'br.A W LL TE ond DRUNKENMESS CURED. --- snaps MISS LAURA HOWARD, er i President South End Ladies' Golf Club, ° must be based npon positive evidence, for commercial reasons ? Impossible ! which you read these words. Chicago, Il ences; in her Com Chicago, Cured by Lydia ¥E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound After "the Best Doctors of Chicago Had Failed to Help Her. Such letters as the following must surely convey conviction to tho hearts of all women that the great claims that Mrs. Pinkham makes for her medicine Is it reasonable, think you, that we could hire such women as Miss How ard to speak well of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable and it is an i Mrs. Pinkham to suggest such an idea ; therefore, let every w 2 letter and believe, for it is as genuine in every particular as the eyes with Compound ust » er and man read this msuit Mrs. Pinkham invites all women who are {ll to write her for advice. Address Lynn, Mass., giving full particulars, MISS LAURA HOWARD. "Dear Mrs. Prxknav: --I can thank you for perfect health to-day, and gladly do I acknowledge it.. Life looked so dark to mie a year or two ago. I had constant pains, my limbs swelled, I had dizzy spells, and never knew one day how I would feel the next, no appetife, neither could I sleep soundly nights, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, used in conjunction with your Sanative Wash, did more for me than all the medicines and the skill of the doctors. For eight months I have enjoyed perfect health. I verily believe that most of the doctors are guessing and « xperimenting when they try to cure a woman with an assortment of complications, such as mine; but you did not guess when you mixed your Compound ; you evidently know what you are giving suffering women and are sure of what it will do. How I wish all suffering women could only know of your remedy ; there would be less suffering and many thousands more happy and heal hy women in America."--Lavra Howarn, 113 Newberry Ave, 1 was nervous and had Eight bottles of O, my sisters, I do pray you to profit by Miss Howard's experi- ust as surely as she was cured of the troubles enumerated ter, just so surely will Lydia E. Pinkham"s Vegetable und cure every woman in the land who suffers from womb troubles, inflammation of the ovaries, kidne y troubles, nervous excitability, and nervous prostration ; remember that it is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound that is curing women, and don't allow any druggist to sell you anything else in its place. $5000 is mission. REWARD, -- We have deposited with the National City Bank of Lynn, $5000, which will be paid to any person who can find that the above testimonial letter not genuine, or was published before obtaining Lydia KE. Pinkham M. the writer's special per leine Co. Lynn, Mass. sees A Ss STOCK BROKERS & INVESTMENT AGENTS Members Torunte Stock' Exchange 26 Tomowro BY TORONTO shares treml, thom. Careful attention of private funds in J We execute orders on Torovie New York and Losdmm exchangm Out of town orders resive oarelul abies Correspondence inviied. ven to the jovestiment Bok. Railway and other * save is told to-day. All Dress Materials ing*, Drews Patt Linings and Dress and Silks, Sait Waist Patterns, Trimmings All Embroideris and Laces, Lace Goods of all Kinds Notions, Toilet All Haberdashery Articles, Fancy Goods, Goods, Tailor Un Underwear, All Ready -to-wear Made Suite, Jackets, Dress Skirte, derskirts, White Cotton Corsets, ete. i 20 Per Cent. Discount. All Millinery Goods. 20 Per Cent, Discount, IS YOUR HUSBAND, SON brother o dronkard ¢ NH bere, the first | ol STARR 18 and 120 now when you must 20 Per Cent. Discount, 20 Per Cent. Discount, | 20 Per Cent. Discount. { Goods DISCOUNT, To be saved by buying your General Dry Goods for spring during this coming Two Weeks at this store. The reason why was told yesterday. What you can H 20 Per Cent. Discount. rod {a 20 Per Cent. Discount, All Prinis ' 20 Per Cent, Discount, wneral Except (ot util ff 20 Per Cent. Discogs a y fash Goods Ali « Sta Ia All Linens and Linen , 20 Per Cent. Biscoust. Covering b3a- Crowds will come from far and near to Take advan. tage of this offer of 20 per cent. Discount. The public know that wha we promise we perform, Sale starts to-day. Starts with a rush and will keep up with a rush, because a saving of 20c. on your dollar money for Spring Goods is ba an offer not to be dispised. Buy your Spring Dress Ma- terials now, pay for them now, save your discount and let us make them up when we have time. & Princess SUTCLIFFE'S, Street, : Kingston, Ont, *