TRE paiLY wWHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 17. ------ ha ot + RUG ALL KINDS, RICH HANDSOME RUGS in every size bur not wecessarily expensive. In Smyrna we show every size, from the smallest up to the: full room size. These Rugs! are exactly sides, have a rich deep pile and are almost everlasting in | wear. ROYAL WILTON | RUGS in rich deep colour | effects. Axminster Rugs in three different qualities to cover everything, from the smallest nook to the largest room. A splendid showing of ART SQUARES in wool and cotton, in all sizes and very handsome patterns, mak- ing aliogether the largest and most beautiful collection of Rugs ever shown. R. McF aul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. ----------y. ------------ PARLOR SUITES. ne, Rome This one fn good Plush ow whit wir---we colors or trinamings an immense for § pio $20 Covers carry as B15 sell for Tapestry an Our second flat is Billed with Parlor fuel' ture If you wast a good section wa can give it to vou, PIANOLA MATTRESS tary, Pure, Healthy fr not epialled Ly any 310 w ' ket, Pure Pive Fibre. The | st bite known and weed in mattresses, cnters Iy into its tion. We guaraniee Our price in guaranteed Send Durable This ma rons fares this CARPETS AND CURTAINS. ng sivies; best qualities, tous, Drussels, Tapestries, All tha lead Axminsters, Mil eto. Bilk, Tapestry, Cheniells, All sires, otc Curtaing, -- Laes, Window Shades and Poles Linoleum and Floor 0fl Seth, English niakes, None Yel 1.F. BARKISON Co. : UNDERTAKING, ETC. PHONES RYT, 91.92 Hoe otrh and Are no respecter of persons. People in every walk of life ara troubled. Have yon a Backache? If you bave it is the first sign that the kidneys are not working properly. A neglected Backache leads to serious Kidney Trouble. €heck it in time by taking DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS, the great kiduey specifie, "+ They eure all kinds of Kidney Troubles from Backache to Bright" s Disease, B00. a box or 3 for $1.23, all dealers or The Doan Kidaey Pill Co., alike on both] TE JUBILEE SERVICES : SYDENHAM STREET oy IN THE METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. Dr. Briggs, of Toronto, Em- phasied the Fact That Christ Alone Can Save--A Big Sun- day School Rally in the After- noon -- A Fine Musical Pro- gramme, Jullee services In Methodist church aiiractive and of green and pretiily b ted the " yester Methodist preacher of the was the Briggs Toronto, Dr bookrdmn preached prac tienl his text from { nan, he SETmons In the jeot sisted of two tle to the Romans These } practical morning ris experiem juived by s making worketh a he delivered wnt that atteth the the ju w } text hope : the ex the hop inture of the past be -- Sib Only meant Christ all thing vith me on a feet, atewment but on Jest I interceding religio n Christ, are Christ alone worship. Mo bled Me prophet I'he ing, fou ded not alone « g foun! Y wimonism hammedism, and a false quoting wir future ht wl the experience tain, He i and 1 si id Ih wh and only death only to ence Obedience No elo convert a soul to reion. Only this Jesus, and the ul There is no heartache. the deceased and ah the church--those been lost the vears-- Dr Brigg Christ, the greatest attrac will be to see there the friends who have ater Lod must preach ¥, to tranguilize fering brow, for the reierring to members of whose past "Next tion of heaven of those conv the can do through 1 son] a Penre sent faces have filty daring saxicl to faces gon before In rally afternoon the of the Sunday tendents- Meek, frown hrought the of street Princess respectively, Abraham Shaw "The Early Reminiscences of the Sunday School." The former gave the history of it from the time the school originated in a little building on Bay street tilt abont Swany five ago. Then Mr haw fini task, bringing the I up present tin Mrs. W Martin sang a solo and the schoo] rendered several choruses. The musical part of the services was very fine, and much redit falls to Miss Shaw, the clever organist, and her capable assista Solos were rendered in chan r voice by Miss Eleda Perly, Arths ; and Mrs. W. H. Martin; violin solos hy Miss Armstrong; flate by R. Skin ner: anthems by the large and well rained choir; ducts, Arthur Craig ad Miss Perley, quartettes by Misses Perley, Mro W. H. Martin, Cuers De Long and Craig. The were old favorites and they with great vigor and the rongregaiion, of Harrowsmith, the re was a jubilee school. Superin and Rev. Mr, congratulations from street, Brock Methodist Melntyre; spoke on Godwin schools Queen and cs, K.(., and street John vénrs shed th to the nig Craig hy and Armstrong Winneit, hymns wore sung easnestnoss hy Rev. Mr. P'Mle > conducted the opening levotional exercises, Let There Be Light. Rev. Mr. Lynch, of Wyckliffe col Toromwe, preached a very able mon in St. James" church last 1 wr, basing his remarks on the words found in St. Matthew vi~14, 15 and 16--&e are the light of the world, A city that iz set on a hill cannot he hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candelstick, and it giveth light unto afl that are in the holise, Let vour light so shine before men that they may your good works and glorif your father which is in heaven. speaker likened light to purity and knowledge, Those who do not par take of the Yight of Christ's teaching are in darkness. Christ gave light to His disciples in order that they might spread that light throughout the world, The digeiples were a "'de- rived" light, whereas Christ is the san itaell. Christians should ever Keep their light trimmed and burning. that - its rays may be seen by some: ane in darkness, who would thes be fed into the Hght. A Christian should be ever mady to stand wp for the light of Christ. A fountain that does shy » above By. Px and =o wil i and within not r celal his head of hgh The Full Amount Raised. The pastor and people et Methodis reh month ago raise HEY In co 1 it t ugoert money to used to ating debt and to resovat jor of the church efforts asked for crowned the am scribed Suet than been su and more has i terday alone money and subserip totalling over $4,000 were es. The wd of such an achieven pastor; ' chur vp ht the Hp, wil Mf his canvas ' ering the people gation, energetic i Of -------- Church Paragrap Druce U a Wwilo very ac hurch alloway sang tably in Chalmers last might. Oliver, Inain, gives 1 lecture Pr. a retun Alon dress on in Fri an al roGin from Young Winnipeg, the ¢ oX-Pas of Sydenham street Mi thodis t church, has sent his reotings on this, the jubilee annivers of the church. v. Prof. Ross Andrew's church, The : preacher paying { Rev Ai of Queen's, preachdd Sellovitle, tribute memaori to the mday Bervi lat and profits varv church of Gananoque, pulpit Chale hoth services, M. Macgil St. Andrew's mn bier honor an enemy, mi od w by His realiy the old friends were to gre Mr pom and 1 wer man. Many at Service idedly the Bay of work of eset , who is ver ly conference, A Good Thing. German Syrup is the special prescrip tion of Dr. A. Boschee, a celebrated German physician, and is acknowledg wl to be one of the most fortunate dis coveries in medicine. It quickly cures soughs, colds and all lung troubles of the severest nasure, removing, as it does, the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. It is not an ex- pe rimental medic 'ne, but has stood the tat of years, giving satisfaction in s¥ery case, which its rapidly increas ing sale evry season confirms. Two million bottles sold annually. Bos "hee's Gerpran-Syvap was introduced ini the United States in"1868, and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world. Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough. Price 75¢. For sale at Wade's drug store A Fine Play. Stonldart, in "The hed for XH. Bonnie firier- Bush' at the Ggand on We 19th. The play is a founded upim lan Maclaren's stories of title, proven of the artistic and comedy msurcosses York season, and it is of Mc. Sted well balanc- in hoe appearance March dramatization Inesday, similar has one higgest of the ficiakly dart bring Ne Ww announesd that s with him the ed and sable supporting company to whose efforts a large share of the play's success is due, The dramatiza by James MacArthur, a native Scot, and it is said that he has preserved the atmosphore which chief charm of the play as oi Stories, tion was made is the the An Order Issued. nors have su prohibiting wem longing to the wa into effect at prive constables Aiken of their COMMER order force The police ed og strange bers of the militia. The once. This will de Graham, Arniel and standing in Jocal corps, and will pre bably be the means of their their chanee of obtaiing long servie medals Elsewhere the vi is taken that military henéficinl to policemen, and in some cities the con- stables undergo regular military drill. Banquet And Presentation. On Friday evening the home of Nr, and Mis. T. H. Ferguson, Garden Is land, was the scene of a very happy function, whea their many friends, both old and young, tendered them a banquet amd prisentation, accom patied hy a very appropriate ad dress showing their regret at their departure from the Island. Mr, and Mes. Ferguson were each the recipient of a very valuable ring. Mv. Ferguson responded in a few well-chosen words. order losing sort ice is To Have Pleasant Gathering. The committee having in charge the arrangements for the unnual meeting, to-morrow fight, of the young liberal eiyh, has whde elaborate preparations for providing a pleasant time for those attending. There will be music, $iruging. short addresses, smoking end light refreshments. Expense is not be- {ing spared to make the formal open: 3 ng of the renovated reading rooms of the refonn association, Golden Lion block, a mémorshis occasion. The large fBagsiall at Tote de Pont barracks was blown down last oi of Sydenham | IBN. OF THE DAY. PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OU BUSY REPORTERS, The Spice of Every Day Life-- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At tention. He x .Z {wise heed) has an advantage over other soap powders inasmuch as it also acta as a disinfectant. The Gram operas house m ement 1 rrounding towns here. in the wa come Tete down staff at barrack wind last night newly formed FA. will Rockwood hospital to-morrow even square blown strel troupe of periormancy min ive a ¢ y schools close one week the Easter haoli sed till Apel The publie Thursday for réthain cle from and has mis King who pat to charity pox sinters of sinall have returned aftending Cornwall, has foreman in the an Smith, prositic department ton mill ementber the w Bros, of on band, CRT the n of inning t of millinery opening to-morrow night by the at , with an evening masic Hth bat the staple Colds, et is now and the you pet article Eastern Balm. sure genie and mail an Kings of are Lon an ans an ice 'finance com ht, urdav nig instrument d Montreal the me © PAVE pa heavy vho visite he streets of wali and meeting of v hoard summoned for four lay afternoon award but at the appointed hour only chail man Mcleod put in an appe: The city who poring who advertise to nders He merchants are pr most are mo ax tensively and here else + the ing mediums this drying up, the bicyclist repair shops with wheels fresh start in streets are fast llenot be will be ont already ri snovated for a fore wirdened ered the side® t corner Union and Gordon str last ing, through which pedestrians abliged A sr r badly nes that point, Sunday attempted to « Cataragui river, north of Ontaranui bridge, between the and Barrie field. Four of their number dropped through an air hole, but managed to scramble out again, It was a narrow of even were to wade led at six hoys opening is ros escape cordially invited to an. open meeting of the historical so Tuesday, March 18th, at 8 the elass-room of St. Geor Paper on the girivation mn The puoi are ciety on p.m., in Hall of I't The ice re of Canada eiverdd a severe <haking up ht and 8 Open now visible Milk An by a up go's names various places' Saturday nig water is point, and the prison | oth vin storm fe ith will break rly of the Kings purchase will pay Mr pay a ate which "the hotel! the hostelry Dunlop is making handsome income On Saturday a new smoke stack, about twenty-five feel high, wag erect ed the Clarified 'milk company's new boilding This will enrry the smoke higher, so that -it not bother residents and near the building. It ful act on will business was a thoug ion. Police Court Tips. At the court this morning, W. OC. Martin was charged with con- ducting an opera house without ah conse. His case was remanded for oné week. A charged with assault ing a fellow boarder, in a Brock street boarding house, was held over for medical examination as to his ani police sailor, Ly A BUSY WORKER. Coffee Touches Up Different Spots. Frequently coffee sets up rheuma- tise when it is pot Busy with sone other part of the body. A St. Joe, Mo., man, P. V. Wise, says: "About two years age wy koees began to stiffen and my fect smd dogs swell, so that I was scarcely able to walk, then only with the greatest difieulty, for 1 was in constant pain. I consulted De. pes, one of the most prominent physicians here, and he diagnosed the case and inguired, 'Do you drink cofleg !' Yes," 'You must bt using it at once," be re so and commenced drink- ing Postumi is its place, "The swelling in my feet and ankles and the rheumatic pains quickly, and during the past eighteen months 1 1 wey enjoyes most exeellent health, and, alt I have passed the sixty eighth milepost I have nev vr enjoyed life better, Good health. brings heaven to uw heve. 1 know of mi eases where wonderful cures of omer. and and heart teonble have been made by simply throwing away coffee aud using Pos- tam," the } the dwell {| day ! the i Bity PERSONAL MENTION Jovements Of! The Feopls -- What They Are Saying po Doing. Joh 1 Uta Js nn the city Walkem, R.L Steady wa, aw ¢ SUPT Baniel Dow r f Suni the Hote morning pe suffering LY BW, lays with 1 Yoh fubilee sor guest of H boy" attending the on Sanday. was the iP. Raw sent street, i Shamrocks Shirley, Going Whig a VE rom seed Brock amrocks wore developed. Prof. Dupuiz, Queen's, lectured F in cit hall, Belleville, under auspices of the Belleville univer graduates' WwW. H. Baer, § the Kingston bush a box the teacher in ge, has been sper head ington standard Toronto. H. Martin, Jopules traveller il remove his Mon treal ative plrce swnierly. & ess colle and pointed k-ke ashier for Rem typewriting com , in hard tan They Mrs ist of mich come back to ther Warren, of is Sutus hei s with hand bad nth THE JUDGE'S JUDGMENT. The Way Judge Lount Put His Conclusions Kin mand King npany the having sary peal did to co Il of projerty ceding franchis Mundy 15 ted sense | a right of access property ana Clause franchi to be surrender the work words which clauses the Ves gho giving plant appliane company 15 uses » words "rights privileg which are on the acpi the 1 used tion of corporgtion in k intended franch been for, we Provi=ior weed clans i cent he the works , he MONTREAL WON THE SECOND OF THE STANLEY CUP MATCH. ES AT WINNIPEG. The Prairie City Team Was Badly Beaten--Score 5 to O--- The Kingston Ice Yacht Races Postponed, team won the matohes Winni The spite 10e cle layed to-night Moatreal will win That the 0 without a few enthusi to beat them a deci } as the local three of the while their lighter Yet and Be every attack game at the only one chanes combination wntage of the avor to lay more agile op that the Winni practically a They have all e. No won skated al that Win favored the were shiy fence the bod for Winnipeg Hingham on score taved was why first half It was p Montreal's ov took dr fully this of the stood their only leniency to enue and facts is to-day vOunger Monty » wonder Sport In General. nto will have another eurling next tn winter Les PAPE Temar thst ung men will make a searon plaving base have been « po tT o that et on the kin | activity WO the on I'he ark ite has win ttle change in Foronto turf Mi Sea {, a out It there is no great the hell heing Argo "The and The onto Bar former « and Lentry of the sary affida land naut. eres neces have Eng Dairy School Examinations. The results thi piination n king at King 2 wil of long course ex arbitratic costs PRIN. GRANT OPERATED ONS Is a Patient in St. Michael's pital--Getting Well. Toronto World Principal Gr Kingston Hod i. ant, Queen underwent calculus St. Michael's hospit and pn Satued that the disting a fair road to fer days was reported patient ery br nada tracted was on recov Grant, while gOme Mor cot a oc after his arri ston b fife was recos vred st was abl conn the o ouhl roned i form, and, after con physician, he decided to « city and gnter a hospital tion was performed three well known local ph ing mn atte dais The operatic everybody wil that principal Gra leave the mstitut mg ultin The opera Thu on reday, know an during WEEK: ---- on -------- Marine Intelligence. Jeft to-day for Picton steamer Watoriils on sail this season as lirdt steamer bw This is the first vear had hia fir<t on George Sanve te fit out the which ke will engineer. The A.W. Hepburn that Mr. Sauve has gine & papers The directors of the Richelieu & Ontario pavigation company have made the following sppuintments to their fleet for the ensuing 'season Kingston, Capt. H. Esfond; Toronte, Capt. Harry Grange: Columbian, Capt. C. Hinckley; Bobeminn, Capt A. Dunlop; Corsican, Capt. BD. Mills ; Hamilton, Capt. A. J. Baker; Spar tan, Capt. J. McGrath, -------------------------- To Build New Work Shop. Frwin Chown & COs., have decided to build a threostorey workshop ad- joing their warehouse on Bagot street. The new building will probab- fe be 20x00 feet in size. Plans will be at omee gotten owt, and the work started. The growth of the firm's business vecensitades larger sod more up to daje buildings. is owned Niky andy For Falling Hair, Eczema of th . Use . COK b ANDRUF Band In The Park the park, but the with Perfect, confidence sale Want Long Service Medals, aber of we thi with nade appacataoe When they edd to the torane of nwo ted ar men prove to you thes Pg 8 2s Ojnimeos ia 2 curinin shvalute eure for eash aud every forn of ftehing, Beading and protending pi arors hats cuarinieod if, Sov tes fale im tf 2 dally reverand sok your nench what they t luk © it. Yon ih we ib and get yom ¥ back if not red, (Men bot. sll Gentes or DMA SAN, ATES & Co, ™ Dr. Chase's Cinimart STRAIGHT BUSINESS W. Murray, Jr., Auctioneer and Commission Mer chant, Market Square. STUDENTS OF QUEEN'S! HONG LEE Ld 338 PRINCESS STREET. Tursieg ont the Ss andy wat So » se fe, 2008000000008 ¢ Hut ial Praiarnce, We lipeiter you th dav Swift's Scranton ¢ Coal 4 And yon'd a preter H it te all ® other kinds if you once tried it. JAMES SWIFT & SO. "Phone 135. HONEST COAL. a Conl that will give you the full value of kind we sell, The the way through---in you pay counts he your money Is the only that is evoly clean all penny varmth and comfort slack burners, and stoves All kinds of Wood and Kish wind which Coal for grates, A every liud, Crane Foot of Queen St.--'Phone A COSY BRIGHT £% FIRE fs an attraction for everyones. The low wad intense beat of our anke fueolt felt with pleasures ald weailior, we in ww with, too. Let | your bin with BOOTH'S COAL. Phooa 139. Foot of Week, Bseset. Yo our r Neighbor Says WALSH'S SCRANTON COAL IS ALL RIGHT, Have you tried it ? Shall we send you aton? re that's rich and bell Want No ook Gocoanuls, "Ripe Pineapple, Ripe Tomatoes, A. J. REES', Princess Street. 7h Street. Phome §5. PER CENT. REDUCTION OFF CARPENTERS: Th, A. Ask For Trading Stamps. STRACHAN'S HARDWARE AUCTION SALES Household "Furniture. rt EE ll te .