DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 18. & Pembroke & Candin 'Pacific Railways. Vi Commancing March 14t and Until April SPEBL COUONIST RATES PO ee » NORTH PACIFIC COAST and KOOTE. id a NAY POINTS. 1846.05. | $43.55. | $43.05. One-Way Ia a Y OF QUINTE RAILWAY ied FUR SHORT LINE FUR Train leaves R HOLIDAY ARES Roan Trip Tickets Will be . 7 Issued as Follows : General Public SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE Good going Match 27th to Blut, inclusive: Sustining up to. sed including April dst, School Vacations Fo teachers Pupils of Seliovls and Col Jeon Ng sur) - vol Vacation of stondeed form of ay Certificate, signed be Single First.Class Fare and Oae-Third, March 21st to 20th, inclusive return destination on April me Pv . J. P, BANLEY, Agent, City Pasar. Depot. DOMINION LINE. Liverpool Service. FROM PORTLAND. Tool tickets or botore BOL CArTY pass AGE-~Saloon. $50 and roturs: Second Saloon, se FROM MONTREAL. & Sancanzers.......w: «May rd. coos on May 17th. FROM BOATON. sengers. RA' P . 3 OB WOBItH, cv serivi or March 20th. ' . «March 22nd. NEW SERVICE "iii... broman, A 1 9th and May 2ist. : sleotrlo light, puts wy ARE + Liverpool and IN Londond ry. Royal Mail Steamers. "From St, Jobn, rd Halifax, " RATES OF PASSAGE. pr Es je a Derry, Bullast, Glasgow, ark te Graages and Londonderry oly , Gatriages répaired aor and the place to gv is at LATURNEY'S thing is dons unde on. 0 PRINCESS ST Telephone 152. STOP BURNING DOLLARS BURN AE THATS WHAT YOU DO IF DANGEROUS SURGERY Should Be The Last Resort. Many people suffer from piles, be cause alter trying various lotions, salves and ointments without relief or cure, they come to the conclusion that | a Surgical operation is the last resori, i § and rather than mibmit to the shock and risk fife of an operation, pre fer to sufier on; very often, however, the afflicted one is over persuadea to sort to the knife, and even though the omcation is apparently successful, and there is complete recovery from the shook incident thereto, the resuit i invariably the same; the piles soon er or later return because their cause Las not been removed. This result is a logical one, inasmuch as the knife removes the effects of the disease only, whilé the cause remains as before. There is claimed to be a remedy which aces remove the cause, hence eradica ting the disease, and that is the Pyr amd Pile Cure; it is in the form of & suppository, is applied directly to the parts afigcted, and brings about a complete eure, quietly and painlessly. In this connection the testimony of John Cullen Bryant, the well-known bookseller of Haverhill, Mass, is of nnusual interest. "{ desire to contribute an unsolici- ted, but purely voluntary testimonial in favor of Pyramid Pile Cure. 1 have suffered for more than twenty years with hemorrhoids, and have consulted numerous physicians and expended a great deal of money jor medicines that did me no. good. 1 had olen seen Pyramid Pile Clive advertised, buy hesitated for' months before buyin, same, thinking it a patent or quad vemedy that had no merit; but having tried every other remedy prescribea 1 was finally persuaded one year ago, to try Pyramid Pile Cure. I bought a fifty cent package at the drug store, und while | may not be permanently cured, the past vear has been the only year of my life worth living during the past twenty yewrs, and nothing but the Pyramid remedies have wrought this change. I offer this tes timony for the benefit of suffering hu- wanity."" Carling's | Porter is the kind the doctor ordered. He knows that he can rely upon the purity and thorough age of every bottle. Sole agent for Kingston, Henderson. R-I-P-AN- Prue is scarcely aa ¢ condition of ill-health ut is not benefitec by ocoasioral use ol + RIP.ANGS Tabule. For sale hy Drug re ve-Cent ask fa enough io aa ordinary occasion. family bottle, ome contains & wm Uv a ar PROMPT DELIVERY. That's one of the features of our selling coal. The othe: feature is good coal, A right quality always. We've been fortunate in our buying, and you will get the best. ; THE RATHBUN (CO. NEW Cocoanut, 8 CENTS. ~~ Ripe Tomatoes, ------h TT ---- A. J. REES', Princess Street. 'Phone BS. Sp ---------- PER CENT. REDUCTION OFF : | CARPENTERS' TOOLS. ; NEWS OF THE DISIRIT SPICE OF THE ARTICLES IN VICINITY NEWSPAFERS. The News Put Into Condensed Shape--The Episodes That Cre- ate Talk in the Country and Hereabouts. Allan M. Caskill, of Newbovo, last week, aged eighty-seven years. The C.P. railway will build extensive works at Sturgeon Falls immediately On Thursday, August Salts, of Alice, fell on the icy pavement in Pembroke and broke his leg. Reuben Gile has sold his farm in Kitley, to A. Finlay, and will take up his rididence in Smith's Falls Wiss Wilson, for fifteen years prin- cipal of Lyn school, has resigned. She was presented with a purse of $50 in gold, John Cooper will Newhoro, where he will work for Wright & Spicer, cheese box manufac turers Misers. James and have purchased from P. J. Westport, the George Barr farm 82,700. Isaac Bobeson died in Athens. on Saturday aged eighty-five years. His wife died one week ago. Three chil dren mourn, A fourteen year-old girl named Ber trand was shot through both her logs at Graceficld, Gatineau, by her seven: year-old brother. William Clark, of Smith's Falls, has donsted $20 to the British and foreign hibla society, as a memorial to his deceased daughter. Robert Lewis, Smith's Falls, aged fourieen years, had his eyes badly burned with lime on Thursday. He will probably lose his wight. Mr. Yot, for a few months past in the office of the T.I railway, Gan anoque, has removed to Consecon, where he has a similar position, Smith's Falls town council has paid Mrs. Wallace 2350 damages sustained from falling into an unprotected open- ing in the side walk of that town. Joseph Lyons has vented J, H. Ar nold's house on Concession street, Westport, William Crozier intends moving into his brick residence on Bedford street, Mrs. Russell Darling died on Wed nesday night at the home of her mo- ther, Mrs. Julia Simes, Athens. She was aged twenty-five vears, and leaves four small orphan children. J. H. Whitmarsh will soon move to Westport, having exchanged pro perties with Noah Whitmarsh. Though Nosh has purchased the old homestead he will continue to reside in thé vill: age Land in the township of East Tem- pleton, opposite Ottawa, is valable, It was put up at 100 acres, and re duced by bidders until one inch was bought in at 832, being the amount of county taxes against it. While Isaac Gunnel, a farmer near Kaladar Station, on the C.P.R.. was driving in his stock recently, he found a nugget on his farm, which he has had assayed, and now finds contained $50 worth of gold. Mr. Gunnel will see if this means that he has a gold mine on his land. : An old by-law of 1877 passed by Pie- ton town council fixed the distance in the harhor there where docks could be built and a8 a result work was sus pended on the new wharf for Gilder sleeve"s boat. The council, however, met and repealed. the bylaw as it was manifested that the construction of the dock would be no impediment to navigation, and the work will pro- coed. . Is Not This Stealing ? Are Not Imitators Who Live On the Reputation of the Article They Imitate Thieves? died Sheldon Barr McCann, for [no Bpite of at Least Half a Dozen Imitators, Dr. Chase's Byrup of Linseed and Turpeative Has More Than Three Ti the Sale of Any Remedy snded for Throat and Lang Troubles. Have you been imposed upon when asking for Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin- seed and Turpentine--by being offered on imitation ? Many have been, and we know of some who have changed theic druggist as a result. It is not safe to deal with a druggist who of fers imitations and substitutes, An honest druggist will not offend his customers by such questionable me- t " The use of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine has become so universal that on all sides are springing up preparations of turpen- tine linseed; put-up in packages similar to Dr. Chase's with the ob- ject of making sales on the reputation of this famons remedy. l& not this dishonest ? Is it not stealing or even worse ! For, besides the injury done sprietors of Dr. Chase's are being deceived. eases, no doubt, even life is lost as a result, ing deceived ? to, ra f iit 1 l Lom 22TiE Fs? ir i iii f rs a shortly move to} | Alds. Farrell, OVER THE TEA CUPS. Social Events Of The Week End. Mrs. Carr-Hapris was "At Home' at the tea hour on Saturday in honor of | her sister, Miss Wright, nnd Miss Mary Durie, of Ottawa, who are her guests The ten table was in charge of Mrs Ernest Harris and Miss Etta Kirkpa trick. The guests included Miss Mal loch. Miss Redden, Miss Graham, the Misses Hoss, the Misses Richmond, the { Misses Straubenzee, Miss Strange, Miss ' Cooke, the Misses Kirkpatrick, Miss Hague, Miss Anna Lesslie, Miss May | Smythe, Miss Isabel Macpherson, the Misses Wrenshall, Miss Nina Ferguson, i Miss Going, the Misses King, Miss | Mann, Miss Richardson, the Misses | | «The i Callaghan, Miss Constance Tandy, the }/ | Misses Mudie, Mr. George Grover, Mr. | Jack Calvin, Mr. George Dalton, Mr. | Leonard Jones, Mr. E. Sheffield, Mr E. H. Pense, Mr. Jack Macdonald, Mr. feckie, Mr. Seott, Mr. McLaren, Mr. M. Ferguson and a large number of cadets, | There will be a general meeting of the Badminton club at the armouries to-morrow afternoon at four o'clock. Dr. and Mrs. Gobdwin entertained at dinner on Saturday night in honor of the senior science class. The guests numbered twenty-four, . Miss Isabel Macpherson returned Ottawa to-day. Mrs. Bruce Carruthers is welcomed home again after a fortnight's visit with Colonel and Mrs. Rutherford, at Ottawa. Mrs, Hiram Calvin gave a small tea for married ladigs on Saturday after noon. Amongst those present were Mrs. Brownficld, Mis. Kent, Mrs Pense, Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson, Mrs. Howard Folger, Mrs. Hemming, Mrs. Waddell, Mrs. Campbell Strange, Mrs. Frank Strange. Mrs, Kent gave a young supper on Sunday night for Grace Lowry, of Quebec. The final meeting of the skating club will he held at the rink this evening. The hostess will be Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Bate, Mrs. March, Miss Oldrieve, Miss Merrick, Miss Kathleen Harty, Miss Alice Callaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Derek Keppel are now at their Londom house in Buckingham Cate. Mr. Keppel is a younger broth er of Lord Abermarle and the Hon George Keppel. His wife was Miss Bridget Harbord, youngest of tld many daughters of lord and lady Suf field. The young couple stand in high favor at court, especially with the prince and princess of Wales and form ed part, of their suite during, the me morable tour of the Ophir. Inviations are out for the marriage of Miss Fihel Gormully and Dr. Hugh Fleming, which will take place Wed- nesday, April 16th, in St. Alban's church, Ottawa. The engagement of Moore, second daughter of William Moore, real estate agent, and Mr. Fred. Sparrow, Montreal, is announc- ed, Mrs. Atwood, of Lakefield, who has been visiting in Montreal, has come to Kingston to visit her daughter, Mrs. Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, who Mrs. Almon's guests, returned Montreal, on Saturday. The engagement was announced yes- terday of Mr. Francis H. Macnee and Miss Clements, youngest daughter of Dr. L. Clements, King street. Major Panet gave a little tea at the Military College yesterday, in honor of Miss Pacaud and Miss Lowry, of Quebec. i to people's Miss Miss = Irene were to AT THE GRAND. "The Bonny Briar Bush" on Wed- nesday Night. John Kendrick Bangs, author "The House Boat on the Styx," and editor of Harper's Weekly, has this to say of "The Bonnie Brier Bush" : "The play has. intrinsic elements of SUCCESS. Mr. Stoddart's Lachlan Campbell would have made a reputa- tion for this actor even if he hitherto leoked it. Thé role fits him with that precise nicety that has made Jefier son's "Rip Van Winkle" the perennial attraction." lan MacLaren's beautiful stories of Drumtochty life are as well known here as is Mr. Stoddart, and this veteran actor is to be congratul ated upon having scoured so fine a vehicle for his dramatic powers. of A Canadian On Thursday. The announcement that the Kugene ('owls opera and concert company will appear at the Grand on Thursday should draw a large audience for Mr. Cowles is admittedly in the foremost ranks of his profession and: the artists that have been selected to support him are all of the highest calibre. An- drew A.-MeCormick, formerly manager of the Broadway theatre, NY. is di recting Mr. Cowles' tour. $11 Kingston To Washington And Return. A trip to our national capitol is alw an enjoyable event when taken by the New York Central. Their 16th annual excursion will be run on Tues- day, March 25th, 1902. Special fast aim, So change of cars, limit 10 ye. vers on return trip mitted at Philadelphia and New York within time limit, giving those who desire to do opportunity to lis, where the bei | be displayed. Fred. A. Folger, agent. Civic Contracts Awarded. The civie committee on printing met yesterday afternoon to open ten: ders for jen. There were present : chairman; Mallen and . The contract for peinti was awarded the News office, the be Ying: News, B512.84; Whig, $52.68; the difference in' the t , about 219, wax made up in three items. R. Bglow & Co. will again supply the Negessary stitionery; the tenders were: R. Uglow & Co. 801.97. T. MeAuley, R120.60. The hook work goes to C. H. Otto, whose tender wae $00.65, | against $116 tendered by T. McAuley. "Grosvenor," Oak Hall, ' the new Jong coat for swell nea Tain cont, com : D. Bibby Co. them contain opiates. poisonous drug of any sort. happy = possessor "Every fall and winter program. try them with my children. as I once did. DRAWN BY EAGLES, It Is Said They Can Pull The Bal- loons. lerlin, March 18.--~Prof. Kaiser, a fouth German mechanical genius, bas published a pamphlet on "How to Steer an Air Ship With Eagles.' Prof Kaiser says an eagle has sufficient strength to draw a balloon and by means of numerous diagrams and ela borate calculations he shows how eagles can be harnessed and the weights they can pull through the air. In spite of the ridicule with which the pamphlet has been among the technical aeronauts, Froi Kaiser is training a team of eacles for a balloon which he has in readiness. Right Now. It's about now you need a new top coat. We ave ready for you. Price ¥7.- 50, 88, $10 and 812. The H. D. Bibby Co received po Many analyses of cheap couglt mixtures and cough and throat lozenges clearly proven that a large proportion of The temporary relief which these cheap medicines often give in coughs and colds, especially with the little children, is because the opiate, by destroying the nerve sensation, , the irritation in the throat, which causes the cough, is temporarily reinoved, but the real cause of the cold is not in any way removed by the opiate and will promptly return. The best thing to use to remove the cat- arrhal secretion which causes the cold, the hoarseness and irritating cough, is a new preparation composed of antiseptics like Eu- calyptol, Red Gum of Eucalyptus tree, Blocd Root, etc., under name of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, which contain no opiate, cocaine or A mother living in Charleston, Mass., the of - four children, I have laid in a stock of cough medicines, croup mixtures, and throat remedies for my little children, for somehow or other they never seemed to be free from colds, croup or sore throat. ""P'his fall I made a change in the usual I had myself been cured of an ob- stinate catarrh, from which I had suffered for years, by Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, they were pleasant 10 take 1 determined 'to Qur family phy- sician told me he knew them to be perfectly safe and nothing better could be taken. So I gave them to the children tnd have con- 'tinued to do so ever since, whenever there is the least sign of croup or sore throat, and I no longer dread the approach of cold weather "Stuart's Catarrh Tablets not only cured me of chronic nasal and throat catarrh, but Little Ones Be Careful In the use of Cough Modicines for Children's Coughs and Colds. they have saved me many an anxious night with my little ones." Mr. A. R. Fernbank of Columbus, Ohio, says: 'I suffered so many winters from Catarrh that I took it as a matter of course, a4 that nothing would cure it except a chauje of climate, which my business affairs would not permit me to take. - My nostrils were almost mlways clogged up, and I had to breathe through the mouth, causing an inflamed, irritated throat. The thought of eating breakfast often nauseated me and the catarrh gradually getting into my s.omach, took away my appetite and digestion, "My druggist advised me to try a 50 cent box of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, because he said he had so many customers who had been cured of catarrh by the use of these tablets, and he felt he could honestly recommend them. I took his advice and used several boxes with results that surprised and de- lighted me. "I always keep a box of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets in the house and the whole family use them freely on the first appearance of a cough or cold in the head. "With our children we think there is noth. ing so safe and reliable as Stuart's Catarrh Tablets to ward off croup and colds, and with ' older people I have known of cases where the hearing had been seriously impaired by chronic catarrh cured entirely by this new remedy." People who have used sprays, inhalers, salves, and washes for catarrh and have found how useless they are, will be agreeably sur- prised at the results following the use of a pleasant internal remedy in tablet form. Druggists everywhere admit that Stuart's Tablets, which they sell at 50 cents per pack- age, is the safest, most effective and popular of all catarrh remedies. have writes: and as A, Are an invaluable remedy for all kL diseases and disorders arising from Vi Weak Heart, Worn Out Nerves or MILAM Watery Blood. Ll 4 Mey They are a true heart toric, NURS nerve food and blood emricher, WR' bullding up and renewing all the worn out and wasted tissues of the body and restoring perfect health to those who are troubled with Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Nervous Prostration, Brain Fag, Faint and Dizzy Spells, Listlessness, Palpitation of the Heart, An@mia, General Debility, Aftor Effects of La Grippe and all troubles arising fram a run down system. MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS are 60¢. per box or 3 box: for $1.26 at all druggists, or will be sent on receipt of price by €0., Limited, Toronto, Ont. EE {IIT The T. MILBURN ad Bricklayer's Backache. It requires a good strong sturdy man to stand the strain of the hard work thatfallstothelot of a mason. Exposure to the hot sun over, inhal- ing the fine dust of the lime, brick or stone, all these things are bound sooner or later to tell on the kidneys and put them out of working order. The poor old back begins to ache and pain, the urine is scant and scalds when passing. Any mason who finds his back aching and his kidneys bothering him can have these troubles re- grgpes k 13 LH i i 7 h } ¥ F tn a * ca . 7 | SUNLIGHT | COAL OIL Is the best grade made in the world ; in other words you cannot get better anywhere, and judg.ng by the quantity we have sold during the past few months it is filling a long felt want with the citizens of Kingston and surrounding district. If not already using this brand try a sample. MCKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. THE SUPERIORITY OF ------THE------ KERN BURNER BOTH IN Gas Saving and Yolume of Hlumination. Makes it a necessity wherever gas is used. Try one and be convinced. OLDFIN, City Agent, 253 KING STREET.