5 > MN NTROBICTON It in our desire intre attention to ihe have to ADVIRING Dew to many There duce your nice things we show you is wearcely in the paint line. which cannot Ye fond in our stock; if vou call vem wilh he convimed that our stock fa towed, Sherwin = Williams Co. SOLD BY CORBEIT'S HARDW. RE of paints ihe best hy are mann 'Easter Plans. What more charming or worthy pla, can you originate than this--to build, egip' and own your own house. Save your money putting it into a permanent fund We con show you bow to do it. Yon may think you have nothing to save, but we can prove to you that you have) Just Jet us try D. A. CAYS, 346 King Street. Danger does not lurk in all drinking waters but in the MAGI CALEDO- NIA there is positive safe ty always. At all best clubs, hotels and Gro- cers, Asthma Clarke's Kola ° Compou d The wreat constitutional ore for Astigna. The only positive cure. It never fail i given uw good honext teint. De. RA. Gray, odi tor of she Joumal of Health, says: ""Ascortatned facts have proved to us that CLARKE'S KOLA COMPOUND has cured in numerable cases of Asthasa and Broonclitia, after other romedios had completgly fail wl Wo ached ow con clusion after a mot poarch beg expmrimmtion lito its 'recortl. Send 10¢.° for sam pl The Griffiths & © Mao phorson Cor, Limited, 1% Out ANGLIN HAS IT. At The Lumber Cal Yard and See. : «FOOT OF WELLINGTO% . STREET. $08650000040800004000 Ul. hw, vonde 0 CATARRH CORE... £00. is sent direct to tne aiscased fans bx the Improved Blower, be ulcers, clears the air S000 090000C * . . ° . ' * . 4 ' . . . + ' 1 * . » Cures ney and Troubles. DRUNKENNESS CURED. 18 YOUR RUSBARD, HON, FATHER an " Soy send de BE Bhat 5 King a Tor Rubdt, ai A Jit. a for A free roy King on S07, Torowte, PO. EST CASI PRICE PAID FOR OT Cloth 'and destroy, I1HE WHhIG- 68th YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ated oath evening ot 308.470 X Kin $6 per your. Editions at 5:30 VEEKLY WHIG, , 18 pages, pubfished every ursday morning at r Attached is one of the best ing Offices in Canada; repid. stylish and cheap work: sine improved pre sce EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR tIHE DAILY WHIG. 'Qpiter per Ortem Dicor.' CHANBERLAINS Col. Hughes government $i BULLN been asking the that are He read in the pa Chamberlain, the coloni ESS has some questions really that interesting Mr SeCTOLAry per al addressing a deputation of Patagonians, questioned the advis hot terrible rigours of the He the something they ability of emigrating from their to the winter, country Canadian feared he The going change would colonel wants to he the suggests that Mr, Cham berlin de enlightened in regard or our clEneRe Bey He 6 wend a the should not face know what | to dom ihe of eo soeretary He in way ationg colonial without My Canada; engaged for of South experience with the gentle delay Rifton that the recommends of Wi nn teachers, mip fndy con centration aap have an men is passing through London; Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the of the visit to London in June, gave Mr. Chanberlain a severe talking to. Something should certainly the Chamberlain on occasion be to remove which Mr. They are simply inexcusable. wrong entertains in London a Canadian high commissi and a Canadian office with sev eral officials with whom Mr. Chamler ain should spend a hall hour oecasi onally the oner their should not he to the be in hurtful to Canada if it is hurtful to himeeli, What Mr. Chamberlain should do, in visit the Hud he able take in the trip which Dudce York made to Australia and Canada out colonies from represent atives, and he advertis ig his ignorance world, cause it not also, been colonies, to the last year he would have got life long | and they been to his advantage, is in polities for good would have seeing that he impressions, and may some day be premier of England, CONRU'LT THE COUNCILS, The vet Whig long operations on have, the to demand cities will as since suggested, begin parliament hy ur that their members shall not con ant to any legislation which im hes a neglect of lpeal interests This fight between monopolies and rd : | city councils is becoming serious, and more and more so un til it is definitely settled that the nivipality «hall not he ignored«in the It thing short of an outrage that a city, which is the highways, which and pays out Enormous it wil! become mu and abuse of streets, is use no careful of paves them in keeping them in endure the trespass of telegraph, whose suns repair, met as, and 'electric telephone, light companies, agents dig g and fail, usually, to re ford the strects to their former con dition, Mr the bowed to public 'epinion in the legis- when he amended an act which provided for electric railway connec tions, that companies and lihson, attorney-general, lature 20) digputes arising be tween cities could be referred to a special committeetof he for adjustment. the of will see! the wisdom of introducing in to. his government Fitzpatrick, minixter justice, hill for the regulation of tele phone lines a provigion by which the | will about purely The of as now suggested, to the privy council, is an awkward and municipality have something local matters. differences, ay reference all expensive arrangement, and something better should be pro vided. : The G saying that citizen who lobe illustrates the point, "the suggestion that a discovers a lincman eroaching on his boulevard by and cut Sting the tops off his shade trees must go to the privy council at Ottawa for redress is too absurd to require argue ment." Se it The council's eon- sont should be required, and. the city =, members in the commons shocld com- bine to insist that the legislation be- fore the house be amended according ly. \ A PAIR OF DODGERS. The Ottawa Journal dissents from the opinion of the Whig that Mr. Rob- lin and Mr. Whitney are a pair of dodgers. They are the only two poli tical loaders, says the Journal, who have sand enough in their composition to say that they do not want prohi- bition. "Is it any wonder, " asks our Job Print. | Africa | that | done | impressions | There is | He can learn a great deal ab. | of | And Mr. | on- § THE DAILY W HIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 18 | ded that the Liquor Act should nto the force on the pre wiamet ion 1 Qunci, i come i | { anvthing wrong w lieutenant governor in-¢ asked if there th the act pt no, that ear Bld it in abeyance pending the discsion of its | stitutionality. THe government pro | posed to appeal it to and argue it be { fore the privy council, I Not one Greenway was and the | attorney-general 4 only to con- word was said about a re to get rid the So when new tactics were bwing adopted this year, Mr. asked Mr. Roblin i, bad the constitu tionality ferendum, or an attempt {of act, Burrows been at- of the measure not ! tacked, he would have put the act in 1901 ? The ques- then. He has "and," savs the to force on June 1st, tion he did not answer, pot answered it since Winnipeg Free Press in a recent issue, | "HH be | tact' with this simple i it, he protestations shows that he is afraid of eon issue, and fights will eampletely discount fie sincere Ra hy of whatever may make of truthiulness dealing much according and for the with the liquor act' Mr. Roblin, who is, Ottawa Jonrnal, a to man of candour, i i { ; fand the reverse of the man "who hunts his hole." Mr. Whitney Mr government its other Whitney was a sphinx while making prohibition. Later he the fact that the gov Pernment was in a stew and he propos i it there. He and his par gomg to remain the the public is ideal lead br the potiey was is on i gloated over ed to leave ty were That on neutral in impression which he left the and mind when party banqueted him Toronto { him = the | speech. Later { prohibition was in gave to make a that the he he was opportunity still he decided for that not good he Granted country, and so declared | was against it, that f enough to make this deliverance findlly, wasn't he a shuffler and a dod g all the ? Wasn't the Whig's | de scription of him correct ? Both Roblin | Whitney the tastes and ! brave er same Mr. but men--Mr, and may suit Journal, differ, and it is a good thing that they do. ideals TUESDAY THOUGHTS, adoration of Mr The Brantford the man in that he is such because atl his instincts he That ought Lo settle it! i | The ng Tarte Courier is go refers the on, { to him as brainiest cabinet, is a conservative! The chief conservative organ thinks the last legislation of the liberal re 'wime has been heard Indeed ! The outlook is that the liberal party the le after the next election from. will be stronger than ever in gislature, Of the MM 870 persons who emigrat- ed from Ireland 3.942 lo- in the How many Irishmen It re- last year United States. came to Canada ? cated ought to have some substantial turn for the cost of bureau in Ireland. its emigration -- The Mail has it that the govern ment had a hard time of it keeping its supporters line. There public evidence of this. But there evidence that the opposition had a lively scrap among themselves, and not named, was accused a caucus away. The fact that a few Presbyterians mn 1% - ho is one, of giv? ing Methodists like the ag it is does not warrant that the Methodist Presbyterian churches are dissatisfied The churches have not disapproved of and they or do not prohi bition act the assertion and | the act and the referendum, to do so, Mr. Whitney, hot in the legislature to refer to the mour that he would, peal the Liquor Act of 1902 sat down, hot and angry, without saying what he would And he's the Ottawa Journal's ideal of a can { did and courageons politician ! are not likely and angry, rose ru- to | if he could, re 2. And he do Montreal has a man named Serog who did quite a business with out advertising. But he tried print. er's ink, and he found that it paid. Scroggie is now one of the biggest gle, advertisers, and he is conducting one of the biggest businesses in the city. Herein is a lesson and a moral. Mr. Sargent, the head of the Rroth- erhood of Locomotive Firemen, has heen invited to become a commission. er of immigration in succession to Mr. Powderly, who was formerly head of the Knights of Labour! What is the matter with Mr. Powderly ? Is he resigning ? Or ix it time to make a new bid for the labour vote ? The uplifted hand, when taking the it was i oath in court will be permitted here | THE AFFAIRS OF THE HOUR. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Wiliam Pardo, brother of T. L. Pardo, MP... died at Cedar Springs W. E. Hamilton, editor of the mar ket guide, died' sud y at Chatham. Toronto bay 8 ¢ r of we except narrow fringe skirting the isl for a and C. N. Smith, of Sault Marie Express, has been selected as liberal candidate for new riding of Algoma: the school board of Stretheona, Al berta, has received a cheque, for ¥1.- 5% from lord Strathcona, to be used for school purposes in the town. \ deadlock has been reached tween the Prince khdward Island Je gislature and judge Hodgson im re gard to Mr. Mohaonon's election, Mrs. Mary A. Curran, Brockville, is dead, aged sixty-ae, years, She wos be mother of J. J. Curran, Brock ville, and P. Curran, Morristown Under the will of the late Rev. Ii Andrews, of Keene, Miss Jame Mii nurse in-trammg in Nicholas hos- is made the recipaent Ste be ler, pital, Peterboro; of $5; State senator Lester Hayden Hum phrey, who represented the 46th tect, died at his Albany howe morning of pneumonia, aged two years. An Emglishman named Arthur Simp son was dangerously wounded in a fight at Calgary. Joseph Mcbonold is under arrest and J. Sconten is being pursued by the police. C. B. Hunter, of the firm of Swan & Hunter, Newcastle on-Tyne, England, has 'taken a large interest in the steel shipbuilding firm proposéd to locate in Nova Scotia. Admiral prince Henry after completing the fleet manoeuvres during the coming summer, will gn the command of the first squad ron, which he has held for two years. Navigation inthe Detroit river and lake Erie was opened for. the to-day, when the city oi Detroitclear ed for Cleveland. The steamer fit wad with telegraphy appara tus. I'he proposed HE this fifty: of Prussia, sign wireless Anglo-Australian par liamentary cable chess match may have to be abandoned and the chess enthusiasts of the British house of commons are now suggesting a cons test with the United States. Prince Henry Prussia, eldest of prince Vladimir, is going to mann's sanitariom, Dresden, young prince, the paper says, suf- eral weakness and has son { ah- near The of is fering from g great difficulty in walking. A negro answering the description of Prince Fadwards, charged with the murder of young John Gray Foster, near Sheveport, La., last year, heen arrested and is in jail at Santa Anna, Mexico. Governor Heart has applied for his extradition. The Ottawa tailors' union which asked for an increase of about ten pet cent. in wages has given the merch ant tailors an ultimatum to agree to the terms within a week or decisive action will be taken by the men A big rainstorm in the maritime provinces has done much harm. The C. P. Rl line is flooded and trains stalled. Lowlands are deep in water, The ice nearly all out of the Nt. John river, The early opening for navigation is unparalleled. \ despatch to the London Express, from Berlin, says that the censor has been kept busy by the recently arriy ed American journals. Whole pages have been cut from Puck and fudge so that the people of Berlin will not see the lampoons on prince Henry The verdict in the Cosper shooting case at Seguin Falls, and that the shooting done in self-defence, 'but,' added the jurymen, of opinion that those who were about the by combined action, the without has was "we are promises could, have secured decensed shooting Another charge against H. P. Davies, the manager the American. tire company, Toronto, now in liquidation. E. R. C. Clark the li uidator, has issued a writ against Davies for 85.000, which the liquidator atieges he embezzled the American tive company. A train load of calves was shipped from Peterboro on Monday to the Canada and Dakota company's ranch in South Dakota. This ic the first shipment made from Canada by this company. which proposes providing the farmers of Ontario with a market for several thousands ealves pach vear has entered been son, from There Was Not A Quorum Ag was expected, a quoram of mem bers of the city council failed to ma terinliee last evening, at a regular meeting, the reason being the numer ous counter-attractions and the fact that the slate was pretty well cleaned up st Thursday's special meeting, At ten minntes past eight o'clock clerk Shannon took his place in the cham ber and wroceedéd to call the roll with due solemnity. These members answering to their names: Alds. Kent, King. Abbott, Carson. Mallen. Hip- soni. A yumorum not being present the clerk announced that wo Losiness could be transacted, so the aldervien quietly filed out and wended their way--presumably--homeward, It is ab- ott ten véars ago kines a gquoram of the council failed to be present at roll eall. ¥ Mr. Cleveland Now Aged 65. Princeton, N March 1%. ---Congra- tulatory as in abundance were received hy former president Cleveland to-day, on the vecasion of his sixty: £ith birthday. The ex president spent he day at home with Mre. Clove need a their children. Mr. Cleveland was born in Satduell, Frex county, New arch 15th, 1537. -- We invite the ladies of Kingston to vigit our ap stair millinery parlors on Wednesday and Rguini 1. days, to the wwellest creations or season | | MONTREAL TAKES IT. The Stanley Cup Returns to the Metropolis. The gate receipts an ericket matches in Svdueyv amounted to £ 10am American jockeys rode at Paris, n >daturday, French tur season opened, The Winnipeg rink owners declare that hockey doesn't pay any divi dends on their investment Yale beat Harvard in the Siates intercollegiate hockey pionship se by five goals nm New York Cambridge ong the experts versity boat race, proved steadily under ng Montreal hockey team defeated Win nipeg last night by two goals to one, und the Stanley cup leaves its west ern dwelling place and again comes to Canada's metropolis . It rained on Monday, March 3rd, at Melbourne, and destroved the chance of MeLaren's Enghsh team to capture ve bith test match, Australia win ning hy thirty-two runs, : During evronation week in Maher will fight Sharkey for ish championship; Rublin will tackle McCoy: Walcott will Tommy We, and Ryan will encounter Gard ney There was to have been an ice yacht race this morning, but again the con test was postponed on account of the ive being full of holes, The vachtsmen expect that to-morrow will be more favorable. , Of the seventy starters in the six days' walk at Philadelphia, only sey enteen stayed to the finish. Pat. Cav anagh, of Trenton, N.J., was the win: with 'a record of 332 miles. The Fahey, covered 514 miles, third with a score four oNeY two winners when the United cham es to three remains the favorite am- for the rvauglish uni but Oxford has im- scientifie coach London, the Iv box { ner, { second man, and Tracy was 505 miles. Smith's Falls of and Perth hockey concerns are waging as hot a battle in the columns of the Ottawa Citizen as they have done on the ive, Smith's Falls has twice "trimmed the Perth team, but the latter wants another battle. In a column article, a Smith's Falls writer tries to impress upon Perth the fact that the latter is in the same class with Smith's ever not Falls DEFENDS ASSEMBLY. Rev. Mr. Frismell"s Objections to Grant's Statements. In a letter to the Globe, Rev, Mr Frizzell takes objection to principal Grant's statement, to the effect that great change has come over the tone of the general assembly in deal ing with the question of prohibition The statement, Mr. Frisell is unfair, and is caleulated to put the general assembly in an unfavorable light before the public The doctor thinks," says Mr. Friz zoll, "that the fever of ten years ago has passed lime will tell us are thankful for the fever vears, The temperance cause occupies the prominent place it does to-day within the bounds of the assembly; partly owing to that fever. Had the assembly followed Dr. Grant's advice chills without the fever would have sadly affected, if not totally = des troyed, the temperance sentiment of the church." declares of of these Some Will Lanier To Hang. Aberdeen, Miss, March 18. --~Unless he manages to make another of colebrated escapes in the meantime, ome of the higher Kis behali. Will county outlaw his or powers intercede in Lanier, the Monroe and murderer, will LO MOrTOWw Lanier two vears ago of Biddle brothers, in the crime hy two other members of his family. who are in the penitentiney serving The erime uliarly atrocious. Just g few davs prior to the dats by the supreme the hanging Lanier escaped and remained at large several months He was" captured in Georgia and returned to the county intl here, While awaiting he again escaped and large several days, being enptured near his old home appeal was then taken to the which tribunal reafivmed the of the lower court ant fixed to-morrow as the date of exeention. bet wad the being hanged heve convicted nearly mupder of the assisted now sentences was pec court for re-sente v remained at finally re Ana ther supreme court, decimon Small-Pox Reprieves Murderer. Mount Holly, N.J., March Thanks to the prevalence of smallpox in the county jail, John Young, victed of the murder of Washington Hunter, was not hanged to-day, the ante set hy the for the execu tion. Upon learning of the existence smallpox among the inmates the ors appointed to witness the tion refused to enter the jail This gives the condemned murderer a new lease of life. and it is not improbable that his counsel will take advantage of the peculiar facts in the case and endeavor do prevent the sentence be ing carried out now that the date fix ed for the execution has. passed In. ~ oon court of jur fRecu Sent To Jail. An old man named Patrick McAvoy was placed, under arrest last evening while in an intoxicated condition. Last January he had the misfortune to break a leg, since which time he has heen confined in the Hotel Dieu. A day or two ago he was discharged as cared and has been hobbling around the city with the aid of a coutch. Last even ing he attempted to get along "with out the use of the crutch, with the result that he fell and again injured his jog. He was sent to jail ax a vagrant, there not being any other place open to him. Princess Louise's Birthday. London, March 18. To-day being the fitv-fourth anniversary of the birth of princess Lowise (duchess of Argyll) the bells of St. George's chapel, Wind. kor sastle, and St. Jobn's church peated merrily in honor of the event. In the afternoon a royal salute was fired in the Jongualk. Princess Louise as born at inghamws palace on March fh, 1808. 14 A Significant Fae Fact. Halifax, N.S. March 15 A report from Cape Sable, nesr Barrington N. NH. states that several bed sacks, orange boxes (one-half full of Fruit} washed ashore this io Pe For Any Pain A sprained thumb, arm, whist or ankle, a stiff elbow or knee, a lame back or shoulder,an aching hip or leg--all these things are alike to Omega Oil. An ache is an ache, and a pain is a pain CARS JOEY bow wherever located in the flesh, muscles or joints, and Omega Oil is the/ proper liniment, to use, Rubitin, and the hurting will stop. , Don* be afraid of using it, because it won't burn or blister, Nature makes this oil for exactly this purpose, and Nature has never made a mistake since the beginning of time. 'Omega Oil is good for everything a liniment ought to be good for. prasveaaes ream eete tT. ." ast assee | SEE OUR WINDOW And you will see samples of the finest stock of Easter Goods fo tiers in Kingston. ALL PRICES. These range from 8c. to 258¢. each. Novelties are catchy. TOYE, Market Sn, 3202 "un ANN VV WY 4a - IRON BED } Any druggist will supply yon, ov the Omega Cherm York, wiih mash & bottle prepaid for goc. cast A Our Easter ' | $ $ $ Tv trrnrsrerasess sae ~~ S SS. wid have juss dre come ne © Brose and chairs Wr ™ Pairing wr JAMES REID, Dinglagss and Unsightiness | Turned Into Beauty | yok A Bimple, Easy sud Economica! W.y | of Howe Dyeing-- Diamond Dyes Make Old Dresses aud Clothes Look Like New--Co'ors That Never Falco Wash Out | Ly { ini | dreescs Old blouses wray and suits fled and edd beauty power of Diam sands of home thé Pacific save using as ding into gurng i the vonde mel +1 Open Up Your Purse Ther the world year hy nd Dyes the standard home dyes o and as such prranted Lo best results in give the | m unfading | bhthiant and colors, Diamond Dye are selling faster dealer does not ferns, seid vour & Richardson Mor will mami! vou fr Prices from $2 to $4.50. 10% DISCOUNT TO STUDENTS. /Armstrong's.. 184 Princess Streets Mat thao | these address tain #ireet Ra A LO GIA PACKARDS slo DRLSS HG A Practical Lesson. The cost of spegaally tailored clothes is : er than those yo : ; all ready to wear, BF the worth is great The garment weal longer, looks well al- ways and is angconomy in the end. J. R. Johnston, The Kingston Rag & Metal 1Co., 389-391-393 Princess. §1. Fay lor Kaun. From, $02. guy 100 tow; Revs Bika, 100 fhe, OM. Wubdwrs Be por db, Ale les 20. paw dow. Joop ww 8 owed, oe wl pple home Wn, RAR. pnt we WN mond fr theme. Five omnis allow, | ity. ol odd delivered