THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 18. wn. Easter! Easter Cards, Raster Books, Raster Piotares. Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books. Beautiful -- --y UGLOW & "A Booksellers, 141 Priscess Street. RAINY WEATHER WILL SOUN BE HERE. But it will have no effect on your/ house 4 you ese the paint we, recommend, sod that ts RAMBAY'S. All the newest shades. Ask for color card. Ouly $1.60 per gallon. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. We Bovenr--Haur Soo for either investment or mar. hi the success 15 in selecting the , in making one's purchase, mirlligence and hay a Anowledge of ly you are buying. To such. for clientele, ht issued. free distribu cloth bound, iliestrated, 0 page "Dally Market Letter," enrrect of the markets and its an annually ryngpais Huan & Freese mained Bf) 3 war % He "STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON. Kingston, Ontario. * COMMERCIAL, ---- MARKETS. |. (12:00 pm.j, March 18.--Wheat, 1. Nurdwen, 68. Id; red winter, i Sigil - British, [HE 5 PAL. EDITION SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE VIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS, ---- What is Going on in the Busines World--The Marget News, A company with a capital of §l0 29 is Being formed as New fork wo promols the Marconi system of wirehss telegraphy Mepurts of serious dunage WO fuilsown whet in the Woshingtlon section oF the DOrth-west continue Wo couse mead there wens pow Bite doubt that a large per cent. of the winat sows Lust fall bas been winter killed. This wus due Ww that there was litte or BO sow ground when the ground lroze wo a depth of several fovtes sud the praise was kilied A vew Semry bas teen formed { with » capital of $1,000,000, fur the par | pose of seachicyg end curing salipon on the 4 Brivish Colum and. Alaska Ben Rosamond, M1, is the president of Company company will Biitish Columbia Salmon Canping As a, BAY Some fsbing 4 be conpweted With the wineh Oy on the sywlicats conte, Tue be called, wr EOLy HRD sy Tack new syn monopoly the people Mon wh market took the teal marke JN prise to-any by cig thy price Sela diomision sul und cont te We oval opened for busisues. Bwagl wos Pagher wt 45 and a fraction, willl coni was around 110, compared with BY yesterday It is suspected that both subjected to & good deal by professional operators, wdrols juggling is beng dope heise. Sued soil at 45 w 45 Log wo 109. Pucific was strong a 118 Henry Clews, New York, in bis lates fii ancial review, remarks thet in the United States thres unoer talnties--the situation, the Northers labur agitation--ure all sdverss provemsnt in the stock market and to them must shortly be wdided u fourth, the crop outlook. When the outlook in thew improves and down to more tempting figures, we may pret a substorstinl upward movement several points exchange wo punts of mamipulntion that some betworn mark wh and wd at Canmilan securities Gomi to auy im just pow; respects prices settle ox The general situation is sound and business in wotive, even il less Railroad regions continues a Sue sustaibed, cilliring from short gorn and cotion crops and considering the great wetivity of the continmed pressure of many times profitable ings are than ato arn well except in fant three sears the freight marvellous both enst and west is ------------ The Late George Moss. Napanee Beaver the city of Rochester papers nounce the death, in that city on the nd inst., of George Moss, a promin ent and influential citizen. He was a native of Kineston and a brother of Mrs, Craig L. Uarseallen, of Rich mond. He was for years prominently contwcted with journalism at Water town and Rochester, and was at one time assistant secretary of state of New York, and at the time of his death was secretary of the chamber of commerce of Rochester city. - The Daily Herald wrote of him that he was "'a prince of hospitality and a more social and accommodating man gover lived, He never missed an op- portunity to do a favor and he never made an enemy." He was a member of the English church, r-------- Was Wrongly Reported. Rn. sipoor, warden of the county of Frontenac, was asked this morning if allerman Bell had made an apology or explanation with regard to the statement credited to him by a local paper, as directed against and reflect ing upon county council. Warden Snoor replied that alderman Bell had made a full and satisfactory explana tion. "Alderman Bell has written to me. said warden Spoor; "stating that he did not make use of the woras credited to him by the news paper. He stated, further, that he did not cast -any reflection upon the county council. Alderman Bell's ex planation is fully satisfactory to the county council and myself." -------- Delegates To Grand Council. The grand council of the C.O.C.F. will meet next Tuesday in Toronto. fin Monday the executive meets, to be attended by pr. J. H. Bell, grana vice-councillor, of this city. The dele gates to the grand council will be : From council No. 20, Pr. Bell, C. L. Base, {. EK. Linton, Charles Clark, Andrew Moore, D. J. Garbutt, Ri C. Bell, Joseph Wilson and George Walk- er: from council No. 217, James Daly and Daniel Staley: from council No. 121, James McWaters. Upwards of 500 delegates will be present. The res ent grand councillor, W. J. MeCam mon, will probably be re elected. an -------------- Created Favorable Comment. Rev. Prof. McCombs sermon on "84. Patrick," in St, Andrew's charch on Sunday evening, has created much fa vorable comment. Said a Roman Catholic this morning : "Hf there were more priests and clergymen like Prof. MeComb it would be a good thing for the peuple. His broad-minded views have won for him the esteem of the Roman Catholies, Prof. McComb is a credit to Ireland and to the Pres hyterian church." Ar -------------- Sullivan For Hartford. Toronto Globe. : 3 pig George Sullivan, of Kingston, ubbed the "Canadian Ma- Sl oh Given Away oD oars wale of Louth ste, at Aba $ structural | slicks are Woley | NO CHANGES PROPOSED IN THE TARIFF. The Time For the Free Importa- tion of Beet Sugar Machinery Extended -- Estimated Surplus Nearly Six Millions--Growing Trade and a Buoyant Re- venue, No changes in the tariff. ihe extension of the right mn port free of duty machinery and iron for beet sugar factor- ies for twelve months from April 1st. Estimated) revenue for the current year, $56,500 000 Estimated expenditure for the cur rent fiscal year, $51,000.000. Fautimnted surplus for the current year, £5,900 000 Addition to the debt of the domin ion for the current year, sbout $6, 00,000 Ottawa, represent to March 17 the sahent The foregoing features of bud speech delivered by finance mms this afterncen. Mr. Fielding spoke about an hour and forty mmutes, hix statement being luminous, convia cing, aiwl at times most eloquent. The keen interest displayed in the budget was evidenced by the solid array of members both sides of speaker and the erowded state of the galler The finance minister's speech was puncteted with applause, and kis eloquent peroration in closing elicit ¥ 2 a volley of hearty cheers from the mifisdonslists. He began with a hap- | oy phrdese. ine which the budget styled another chapter in the conting ed story of Canada's prosperity. He reminded the house of his supposi tion last year, that Canada bad 1 most reached the crest of the wave, i and of the pessimistic view eniertain ed on the other of the Now 'with the operafions of another year before them, and with the very | pleasing outlook for the future, they could ¢omgratulate thumselves that conditions had turned out much bet ter than they had expected. The past vear had been one of very great ac tivity throughout the domivion mn | all branches of industry, and there has been a fair degree of prospérity in the permanent industfy of agricul ture, which must long continue to be the foundation of our country's sfc cess. The conditions were particularly | gratifying in Mamitoba and the north west, wheve an increased acreage and an abundant harvest yielded vast stores of grain, surpassing all ow transportation facilities and warning ns of the need for making greater provison for handling the golden trea sures of the west, The census returns | were the disappointing feature, but if the decade was divided into | two five-year periods it would pro bably be found that the whole in crease had taken place during the past five years, and was therefore by no means discouraging. This state- 'ment drew forth ministerial cheors | and derisive counter cheers from the opposition, get ter for on jon, al side house. one The Year's Finance. { Dealing with the results of the year from a financial point of view, Mr Fielding pointed out that the recoipis on consolidated revenue account am omnted to 8525014,701, while the ex penditure was $46 367, lvaving a | surplus of $5638.33. The capital ex penditure for the year had Leen $7, 605.488, and, adding to this sum or tain special expenditures, which were also classed under the same bead, it gave a total of 811,116.495, or an m crease of 81.904 311 The aggregate expenditure of all kinds was & 866, being an increase of 3, MN The total net debt on the 30th of | June, was SNS A800, an increase of $2,986 000 over the pre ious year The average increase for the past five | years had been £1.906.511, ns against | an average for the eighteen years of conservative rule of 86.52.0756 Mr Fielding enumerated the of | revenue under the 1 heads | which had taken place during the | vear, including 3295469 from post-of fice receipts. The deiléit in that de partment. had been very materially reduced, and the post-office returns for the ourrent year indicated budget would disclose even more sat isfactory results, For the eight months of the present year the re ceipts had been $3,172,931, as agaiust 2,000,198 for the corresponding peri od of the previous year, and $2,046, 31% for the eotresponding period of | 189%. Sinoe the last-mentioned year | the domestic rate of postage had been reduped from three cents to two cents, | and the imperial rate from five cents | to two cents," notwithstanding which | the betterment upon the operations of the last eight months was over S30. 000 The totai net surplus for the past five years had been $16,743, 557. and the average during the same period $3,348.705. For the eighteen years- of conservative rule the sur plus amounted to 827.962.3611, and the total deficits SIR 060.648, leaving §.- 01.713 as the total net surplos for | that period, or an average of $354. 5%. For the current year up flo March 10th, the revenue amaunted to 15 (47.655, and he estimated that at | the close of the vesr the total re venue would amount to ¥56.800,000, as against an actual revenue last increases NOVO the buble increase for the year would. be | 3 There had been expendad . Inet year's expenditure and allowing | for a considerable increase this year, he anticipated the total when the taclve months closwd would be 851.1 O00, 00, $4,163 in advance of | 's expenditure on consolidat- | ted the surph i i Ie IG te i ov } for L180 to 1886. only thirty-five per cent { the present year or next year, was F | was adapted to the soil | to some elaime which had been I vanced that the government should be | to | ference | to-morrow. ment | the Canadian | pecessity of such protection to | adian interests, this house affirms | prelerence | The Very Latest { murder { mentioned marks made in his paper abou | putation receitly waiting on the gov | the 130.133 300, and faking into account | £9 TI). as waa then amount to { against $6.563.000 daring the conser Mr then gave [xarive Fuldmg show in. the period Is thirteen of the capital charge was out of revenue and regs 16 per paid from 1, how was so paid. From 1597 to of the re ever--assaming bis estimate | sult of the present year's operations | i to be correct--the government have provided for capital and special charges out of revenue to the extent of seventy-one Az to the pext fiscal year, beginning on July ist. Mr. Fielding no that prosperity not per cent saw would continue Notwithstanding that the government | had been able to meet the large capi tal and special expenditures imposed | upon it, recourse had been had to temporary loans, aggregating about 31.250 00. Having regard to this and | Joans which would - shortly matore, the government would shortly have to go upon the market borrowers. Whether this would done during when the loans matured, would be determ as be i ined later The government had been asked to grant a bounty in aid of the produc tion of beet root sugar and to raise the customs duty sugar. Neither proposition commended itself to the government's judgment, An addition to the existing duty on sugar wo! 1d be burdensome to the customer, and should not be impossible, except for most urgent reasons. As to & hounty upon beet sugar, the experiment had been tried some years ago and had not succeeded. 1t might not be at- tempted again without full and com plete information as to the likelikood of ix A namber of beet-sa gar industries were about to Le lisheil. and they had a fair char being § if the industry of Canada The right to import beet-sugar ma chinery and structural iron would he extended for another vear from April ist. It was not proposed to make any changes in the tariff. It was vot claimed that the tariff was perfect, but it was only right before vielding ad on HOOOesE os tad of successful, in possession of the industrial statis ties of the last census, Moreover, ne roceeding in regard trade with Germany, and a con impending with respect to trade relations Between the colonies. The present vear was deemed inoppor gotiations were | tune for tariff changes. Mr. Borden ocoupied the floor for fan hour in reply) and will continue | of his in amend congervative He gave notice the following the tention to offer embodying policy : "This tion the opera nonsense regarding tarifi house, of the present as | factory, is of opinion that this coun | try requires a declared policy of such adequate protection to ita labor, agri cultural products, manufactures, and industries as will at all times secure market for Canadians, and while thus firmly maintaining the Can its in a policy of reciprocal trade within the empire." PITH OF THE NEWS. News Culled From All Over the World. Lord Pauncefote is still in bad | health. Andrew D. White, the American am { bassador to Germany, will retire next November. St. John lodge, AF. & AM., BS John, N.B., has completed plans for centenary celebration on April 3rd and Sth. The Canadian Pacific telegraph com- puny is completing a new line to the lower provinces through Canadian ter ritory John Humble, Rat Portage' has been | appointed sheriff Bi the provincial ju- i dical district of Rainy River suceeed ing the late W. H. Champion. A car load of horses was shipped yesterday from Allegan, Mich, New York for shipment to South Af rica for use in the British army. John Young, was hanged at Mount Holley, N.J., this morning for the of Washington Hunter, of Riverside, N.J., in December last ~ Marter will likely run as an indepen- | { Tient in North Toronto. He will not a conservative. J. W. Flavelle is for the conservative stan dard bearer in North Toronto. William Apps. master car builder of the Canadian Pacific railway, has re signed and will go to Florida. Mr. Apps has been master dar builder of the Canadian Pacific sinee December, my - Mr. Brierley, of the Montreal Herald, was to appear at bar of the legislatore. today, to exp be Québec 0 re a de ernment. The removal of the general %affices of | the CGrawd Trunk from Point St Charles to the pew building in Mell street, Montreal, ie expected to. begin | The disposition of the old | April 10¢h. building has not yet been determined. Montreal hockeyists « are congratul- ated by Wihnipeggers at winning the Stanley cup. v the pewter will not long stay 'in Montreal. Referve McFarlane was year of $62,514,701, so that the pro- baiven a gold watch for his impartial work. On Wednesday the Montrealers start for home. Evervhody praises + team for its fine play. \ Mrs. Loe Sing: Noston, the widow of | i the wealthy naman, who recently died in that city, passed through Montreal, today, secomparied by a party of wenithy Chimse irom the United States. The party had in charge the body of the late Lee Sing, which is to be buried at bis old home would | mlications | to | The Yies: of Winnipeg, | Te . . TWELVE OF THEM DROWNED BY THE CAPSIZING OF A LIFE BOAT. | The Rescued and the Rescuers Both Went Down toa Watery Grave--Surfman Ellis Reached Snore, But Unconscious. Mass., March 18.--Seven of the Momowmy 4 and the captain and men from the barge Wiriona, { which was m dis on Handker chief shoal, were drowned on Monday by the ecapsizing of a hie boat in a torvific sea. One boatman, Suriman , escaped. He was unconscious hours, so that the details of the disaster could not be lear At frst it was thought that only the seven members of the life-saving crew had heen lost, and it was -Bot until { Flhis to return to conscious | mess that it became known that the | hid at had reached the barge and | { taken on board five persons, and was | | peturning to shore when it was cap sized. These men were drowned in | acdition to' the erew, making twelve | i men in all who perished. Chatham, v nen the crew oR saving Staton, Give roses fe began -------- A Library For Sydenham. Sydenham, March 17.--Efiorts am | wo made to establish. a public hi brary in this place An orgasization | having this objet view has been | founded; consisting' of vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Subscriptions will be solicited. Mis SIONATrY Anniversary were held Lin. St. Paul's church yesterday 8S. Tighe preached, in bebalf of | massions Houses for rental ave {demand in this place, but none are to be had. Here is an opportunity some one with money to invest. Tuesday night parties ber SOTVICeS mn fome the league meeting by bombarding the | On Thursday stretched door with balls. night a street wire was across the walk in place, thereby endangering the limbs {if not the lives of pedestrians | kind of thing mav be fan for { parties, but it will not be if | out, snow side A Regretted Death. Stoco, March 17- | Some | m not been opened this year Sturm, music teacher, Tweed, ganizing a class in this vicinity untimely death of Mrs. Mitchell Tra deau, a short time ago, was amiver sally regretted by all husband and friends have much sym pathy. J with potatoes other at Tweed said, will be e company on the survey of the propos ed extension of the Bay of Quinte railway, running north from Tweed iss is oF Maribank and Thomas Haley, at an it Falconio Chosen. Rome, March Among the many candidates to succeed monsignor Mar tinelli, as apostolic delegate to Wash ington, it is ndw confirmed, on the highest authority, that Faleonio will be chosen, As the pope was receiving Most Rev. 1. N. Begin, archbishop of Que bee, yesterday, he said : "The aposto hic you, but will stay on your side of the world, going to Washington." The Last Sad Rites. ? The funeral of the late Frank Hafl ner place at 2 p.m. this after noon, and was very largely attended The service was conducted' at house of Rev. Thomas Brown, of the Prineess street church. The pallbearers were the six hrothers-in-law of the deceased yemaine were deposited in the vault | The casket was almost the wealth of floral IS. took . at Cataraqui } hicden beneath | offerings. Captured Boers. Pretoria, March 17.--Gen. Hamilton captured a small Boer laa | ger, eastward of Vryheid, south-east ern Transvaal. Some were killed, six | wounded and seventeen were mac | prisoners, Gen. Botha's brother in-law, Cen. Finmett, aniong the Boers | | captured was Secured His Release. George Sullivan, the Kingston pit cher, applica to the Toronto basebnll clubs for his as he demanded | more Salary thin the club could pay His request has been granted. Sufh van has offers, and likely to play with Hartiord release, veveral good One License Issued. William Harkness, Wellington street, was the first butcher to pay the fee of | 1 850 and take a license from the city tremsures of the oldest | butshers in the city declare that they will-fiot pay the they will shut up shop. i oat Ronn | [0H Won The Handicap. London, March IS <lol. MeCal mouths St. Maclou won the Lincoln- | shire handicap today. R. 8. Sievers | Beeptre wes second and Mr. Binding's | i Over Norton, was third; twenty three | { horses ran. Baltimore packs 7,000,000 bushels of oysters per annum. An oyster at three months old ix the sine of a quarter; six months. hall a dollar, but is not Ht to edt before four years 0G. Fx-alderman Tove's health, his friends will regret to learn, is sot of the heat. Jt will be several weeks yet before he will be able to be around mn. The Mobins dramatic or y ar rived bere from Peterboro this after noon, und left for Cape Vincent to 6H a president, | Rev. | home | for | On | disturbed | a certain | All this | certain | found | people are | aking maple sugar and syrup. The | | school in the Larkin neighborhood has | The | The bereaved | Dunning is loading a ear | gaged by the Rathbun | monsgnor lelegate at Ottawa will soon leave | the | pastor | Methodist | The | Bruce | SPECIAL SALE OF EMBROIDERY To-morrow, Y&ined: 'Severe se ne A particularly good Embroidery Bargain, has just been received and we will sell the lov TO- ¥ MORROW. YARDS 4,300 EMBROIDERY, Narrow, medium and wide widths in the lot. Ranging in value from 7¢., 8¢c., 10C., 1 5c. yard. | 3c. yard. SALE OPENS AT 10 O'CLOCK AND LASTS AS LONG AS EMBROIDERIES. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. Your Choice To-morrow YARDS 1,500 INSERTION. Regular sc. quality. Sale Price To-morrow 1st. We continue the Bargains gotiin the Gourdier and the Toronto Shoe Stocks which proved so attractive last week. and. We open up and bring to the front a grand stock of NEW SHOES, such as the New Empress Shoes, the Hagar Shoes, the Slater Shoes and a lot of King's make. With the bargain lot and the new stock | few places will be so attractive as THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE Kitchen er) Reports. from the rear. ELLIOTT BROS.. 75 AND 77 PRINCESS ST. 4