"THE D | ------ 69TH YEAH. NO. 67. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1902, AILY BRITISH WHIG. -- LAST EDIT1OX * Q J. REID, pte UNDERTAKER, 2 Doors Above the Operas House. : TELEPHONE 5J7. Heres a snap For You. » All Hardwood Extension Tables only $3 50. Regu ar price $5.50. High Back Leather Diners only $1 25. ) ~The Number is Limited. LOCAL MEMORANDA. Readers to Post Themselves By. Jenkins' my hmtter. This is the first day of spriog. Last meeting of skating ciub to-night. A mom's best servants are his ten fingers. Greased pers bouss, "Seow Bound," at 8 pm. One thorn of experience is worth a dozen buds of advice The sun rises Friday at 6:01 am, and sete at 61% pm. There is no genine in life like the genius of activity ~D. G. Mitchell. Much more gracious wnd profitable js doe trine by example thas by rule --Speucer. The fewest words that will convey the advertiser's ileas are the right ones. --Horace Creely. "The condidate who gets the vote of the fair sex ought to receive yuite s handsome \ majority. When a young man advises a girl 10 take boxing lessons, she peed not waste her time in figuring on proposals from him. Me. and Mrs, Beauchamp, returned mis slonmaies, from Chive, will speak in Brock street ch tonight ot 8 o'clock. This day im the world's history. --~Sir Tsauc Newton died, 1727; Alexander Mclachlan, poet, dies, 1896; princess Louise married, 1971: mrent revolt in Pda, 1857; British wider duke of Wellington, defent French un der Soult, at Forbes, 1814; remedial bill 1- THE== pte Calvary AN IDEAL EASTER PICTURE and most suitable Easter Gift. CALL AND SEE IT. KIRKPATRICKS ART STOR given second reading in house of commons, 1806, Dine Sets. Tea Sets. Toilet Sets, CHEAPER E "AUCTION SALE. THE | Y NUMBER 35 ON of James wet, , ° at clock noon, Dotad 160k March, 190% "A CARD. on many 2 Doors Below Barrie Street. ; ESENT OCCUPIED Drug Wade's OVAL NOTICE. TH by M , om 27th day of March inst, Brock street, HANNAY WiLL BE AT HOME TO vor wtrlish and ie milo will yeeive pA ong 18S HANNAY'S, 13 iie THAN EVER. COME AND SEE. S-------- IE r. A. J. SMALL, Lessee and Manager. SPECIAL LENTEN ATTRACTION Andrew McCormick EUGENE COWLES Opera & Concert "Company ia an Orginal Operetta Entitled And a Selected Operatic Programme Preseating EDMUND STANLEY, Tenor. SIUNORA GINA CIAPARELLI, Sopremo. MISS GENEVIEVE BINLAY, Contralto. BIG, GAETANG MEROLA, Piaoiwt aud v CANN WILL, AS SOON AS JUGENE COWLES, Basso. 3 1 remove So ibe ground on Brook strest, floor next 10 Wade's Dri ut Y'S. AY, with their Bro's., tumous SAIL BOAT WANTED. BE NEARLY NEW very , Send | by ono. ull particulars /.. REAL ESTATE. abo. a nine FOR SALE. L Kjrag, 10 3, hr ue Barrie ----. -------- THERS, IN quantities to suit, Call Street, between the us of 9 am asd | pa FOR. SMALL FACTOR Ww AW. Wood, Plevn: NICE ROOMS. (Day be hed ws You can sve . G. Mershall FAST SAILING SOLD o WITH Stuart spectacular SUPERBA. BEGIN YOUNG. w CLIFF OFFERING GREAT BAR- i this line, 116 Brock St. A Une doles are sany to get und eusy hold, une they nt suluable lots and she paid for on easy terms. J. S. R. McCANN, 332 Kins Street. TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES SEALED TENDERS WILL BE wrtil ¥. = Beef, ete, W. ¥. NICKLE, Beordiary Kingston, March 20th, ----------------" DRUNKENNESS CURED. 18 YOUR ARD, SON, F brother. . ? . EE which costs Cure a Permanett Co., Box 807, rama Po, a-- i The Daily Note Book For Whig ROBERTSON BROS. GRAND OPERA se Presents the SNOW BOUND March ergy A SINGULAR TRIBUTE Paid to The Influence of Cham» p:riaia S EXPECTING A REVIVAL IN SPECULATION ON THE " STOCK EXCHANGE, The Reply of Russia and France Not Regarded as a Menace-- The Prince of Wales Tells England to Wake Up--To Ap- ply Science to Commerce And Manufacture. London, March 20.--The passage of the aged pensioners' bill, on its se cond reading, yesterday, in the com- mons, was a singular tribute to the influence of Mr. Chamberlain. The measure followed the lines laid down by him in many public speeches, and aimed to provide pensions for work- ers above the age of sixty-five with the co-operation of the poor law guardians and without discouraging habits of thrift. There were fair signs of recovery in the Kaflir market yesterday and there was decided improvement in Canadian end American securities, but little business was done. There is expecta tion of a revival of speculation on a large scale until the trend of the mar- ket can be forecast after the delivery of - the budget speech. General busi ness remains undisturbed hy the pro- traction of the war and the uncertan- pies of the budget. The reply of Russia and France to the Anglo Japanese glliance is not re- garded here as a menace. It implies no more than that the Franco-Rus- sian alliance extends to the far east. The only newspaper that sees danger in it is the Daily Mail. The Morning Post. on the other hand, says it is a declaration which all the world may read with equanimity. The prince of Wales' address, in de- elaring the national physical labora- tory, at Busheye Park, open, vester- day, was the most interesting he has delivered since his famous speech in the Guild hall on his return irom the tour of the empire. He again told England to wake up; her comm sreial supremacy Was threatened and the only way to maintain it, he said, was to give greater facilities for further- ing the application of science to com: merce and manufacture. Lord Charles Beresford, at the din ner at the institute of naval archi tools, last night, referred to the de cline in British shipping. Ten years ago the mercantile marine formed eighty per cent, of the ship ping of the world, but to-day it ac counted for only sixty-nine per cent, Proper preparations should, the sy aak- er said, be. made for the protection of Britain's mercantile marine. He ap- pealed to the nation to see that the naval reserve was placed on a more satisfactory footing, and then electri: fied the audience by declaring that he should go to different towns in the country. and explain the condition of alinirs, even if the authorities should court-martial him out of the ser vice, A despatch to the Express, from St. Petersburg, says that Harry De Windt, the explorer, has obtained Rus sin's approval for a pew railway branching from the Siberian line to Hehring strait, but the government does not associate itself with the un- dertaking. The line will be construct- od with foreign capital. Mr. DeWindt is now surveying the route along the river Lena, The county council proposes that the dinner to be given by king Fdward to the poor of London, on the occasion of his coronation, shall be served in marques in the public parks, and that the dinner be followed by open air fetes, music and games. To Locate Wreck. Basrington, N.S., March 20.--An at- tempt will be made to-day to locate ks which must have occurred at Cape Sable. People at Bacearo heerd a steamer"s whistle at 8:30 o'clock Monday night. Medicine chests have been washed ashore, * A Vessel Aground, Dover, Eng., March 20.-A severe gale is blowing over the channel. An unknown steamer went aground on Goodwin Sands during the night and is still fast. Assistance has been sent from here. Early Navigation. _ Detroit, Mich., March 20.--The open- ing of navigation on the upper great lakes, will be earlier than ever this season. "Ships will be plying between Duluth and Lake Erie ports by April st. Condition Improved. Cape Town, March 20.-Cecil Rhodes passed a better night. He slept more for oti «© ly there PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World The Afghan army is in a state of in- subordination, owilg to arrears of y. i district of Roberval, Que., was visited by on earthquake on Sunday night. The admiralty will create a new class of war vessels to be known as scouts. Tota of six and eight years of age are at work in the cotton mills of Montgomery, Ala. Dr. M. J. Kelly, inspector of schools in Brant county, has resigned after thirty years of service Samuel S. Hammill, a retired loco- motive enginger of Dunnville, Ont., died on Monday of cancer. The Canada "thread company, of Montreal, was fined $20 for refusing to answer census questions. Messrs. Wolmarans and Wessels, Boer envoys, left New York to-day for France on the steamer Lg Gascogne. Mail esrvier Morris, Bowmanville, was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary for robbing the mails Mrs. William Heselrie, Hamilton, has ofieved 'to build a home for nurses in connection with the Hamilton Fospi- tal. The hoard 'of adjustment for the brotherhood of railway conductors on the C.P.R. will meet in Montreal in Jane. a Modern Athens, Greece, is now a city of marble. Even the sidewalks on the principal streets are paved with marble. The Halifax electric tram company has a hill hefope the legislature in- creasing its @apital by $500,000 to $1,500,000. Commandant: Christian PDewet was recently at Pagy's Drift, on the Vaal River, to the west of the line to Jo- hannesburg. The will of the late marquis of Dufferin who died February 12th last, was probated an Wednesday. The es tate is valued at £108,548. Lord Kelvin, $he maoghlamons elee- trical scientist Britaim*is going to the United Stafles 'early in April to visit the electrigal plants. Marconi hopes to have his wireless system working in time to gend g con- ratulatory message from Canada to ingland on coronation day. Paddy Donoghue, a local character, of Lindsay, Ont., has been - missing for a week. It is thought he fell in- to the river and was drowned. A monument to the memory of Mat- thias Baldwin, the father of the loco- motive building industry in America, will be erected in Philadelphia. It is said that some £320,000, the pope's personal property, has been embezzled by the vatican officials, who are to stand seeular trial, Since the opening of the New York state legislature at Albany, some R00 bills have been introduced in the se- nate and. 1.285 in the assembly. WW. , a Detroit meat dealer, was killed by being thrown from a waggon. He was Afty four years of age and horn in Hamilton, Ont. Robert rns' birthplace, at Ayr, Scotland, attracted 7,000 more visit ors last year than Shakespeare's birth-place, at Stratford-on-Avon. Lumbermen report that a great deal of their cut will be tied up on ac count of the want of snow, the thaw having ruined the roads for hauling. The funeral of John Solan, Trenton, N.J.. was delayed threp hours until walking delegates secured the dis: charge of three non-union cab drivers. Lord . Strathcona has aécepted the invitation of the New Vagabond club to be present at the dinner to Gilbert Parker, M.P., on March 20th, in Lon- don, Gen. Gallieni ds actively pushing his railroad toward the east coast of Ma- dagascar. The locomotives, carriages, and rails bave been landed at Tama tave. A tank containing fifty-six tons of molten glass burst at the Lockport, N.J., glass works. The fire was with great difficulty suppressed by the fire department. The body of Mrs. McPherson, who wandered: away from her home in the night of the storm, was found in a snowdrift in the northern part of Winnipeg. C at the Stratford assizes against engineer Peters and fireman Slater, of the train which killed Mrs. Camm, were dismissed, Richa Croker's name has been erased from the personal tax list in New York, because he made an affi- davit that all his personal belongings are in Wantage, Eng. He was assessod for $25,000 in New York. Mrs. Anna Bell, a native of Ireland, and ome of thes oldest residents of London, Ont., the grandmother of thirty and the great-grandmother of iwenty-three children, died on Sun day, at the age of ninety-three. «i A fiom known as the United States Salyx company, operating from New Concord, has had a fraud order issued against it by the post-office de rtment at Washington. The mem- bore of the company are in jail. i legislature bw of manslaughter In the New nsw the budget speech was delivered \ premier Tweedie. He a od the estimated receipts for the fiscal vear at S835.676.74; estimated expenditure at $505,767.15, ond the estimated sur- hy commissioners to swear tax on $1,000,000. He 28 Teaiddenen ay an n Rr on SIAT000 a New Yor sonal tax on York tax a also captared t TRIED TO END HIS DAYS He Was Arrcsted Bofore Succeeded 10 ASSIST AT THE MASS TO BE CELEBRATED JUST BE- FORE EXECUTION, He The Conservatives Thought They Scented a Job, But When Mr. Pottinger Got Through His Evidence They Found Them- selves Sadly Mistaken. Ottawa, March 19.--The hunt for an Intercolonial scandal, which is being made by Samuel Barker and Hon. John HWaggart. came to grief a second time this morning. : A large addition to the Intercolonial coal supply savored 'to these gentle men of a job. D. Pottinger, general manager of the Intercolonial railway, was examined beforg the public ac counts committee his morning by these gentlemen. He explained that as the Intercolonial had large mines on its route, little coal was carried in store, the mines being depended upon to furnish what was needed. In De ecemiber, 1900, the railway found itself with only a six days' supply on hand and a wirike in the mines. The mine owners gave notice that they could not eontinue to furnish the Intercolo nial cou! supply. Orders were placa in the American market to protect the railway. The result of this purchase was: The mine owners, seeing their business leaving then, gave the min ers the advance asked for. The Inter colonial then laid in a larger supply of Canadian coal, ana adopted a pol icv of never allowing the supply to go below 50,000 tons, Ottawa, March 20.-- James H. Jack- son, fifty-two years old, colored; ani hailing from Montreal, tried to sui- cide here last night by shooting him self, but was arrested. before he suc ceeded. Jackson appears to le some what demented and will be held for medical examination Stanislas Lacroix's nine-year-old son will assist at the mass which will be celebrated just before the execu tion in Hull jail' to-morrow morning lacroix was visited by his son yes terday for the first time since the trial. Both were mo®yl to tears and the father welcomed the child jovous Lacroix has fasted since Satur y, but to-day ate dinner with his gon. It will probably be his last meal as he is likely to take no more food. The execution will take place alont eight o'clock to-morrow morn ing. The scaffold was tested yester day and the drop worked satisfac torily. Radeliffe, the hengman, has bern drinking considerably since com ing to Ottawa, and in Hull, yester day, and in this city he has been fol lowed by crowds of curious people Radelifie appears to enjoy the pub- licity. Radcliffe is reluctant to give any information about himself or his calling. 'I have a duty to per form," he says, 'and in the perform ance 1 protect society, my wife and daughters, as well as outsiders, No one knows my feelings. Instead of getting used to it. | seem to feel worse after succeeding execu- tion." Radeclilie prides himself on never having bungled a "job." It is reported that small pox has developed in the second section of the Canadian mounted riflcs, and that the troops are in guarantine at Durban This is confirmed by the facts that the relatives of the bovs have received no news from tHbm for a long time, and by the deputy minister of militia, Col, Pinault, who states that the de partment has been notified that the disease did break out among the sol diers when they arrived at Cape Town, but it was of a nald type. every ---------- Were Terribly Injured. Winnipeg, March 20.--James Archi bald, John Stamard, Malcolm Spears and Richard Robinson, miners, were brought to the hospital hers, to-day suffering from terrible injuries caused by a premature explosion of dynamite in the Big Master mine at Gold Rock The men were working at the bottom of the shaft, 180 feet deep, when, it is supposed, one of the picks struck' an unexploded charge. A Sister Dies. Woodhwidge, Ont., March 20. Mrs Matilda Simpson, eldest sister of the late Hon, N. Clarke Wallace, died at her residence, near here, this morn ing. Seven weeks ago she slipped on the ioe and broke one of her jegs. Last night she sustained a paralvtic stroke. from which she never rallied. Mrs. Simpson was sixty years of age. Horses Frozen To Death. Winnipeg, March 20---Seventy-five horses, in three cars, consigned to Winnipeg and western points, were frozen to death at Voss, North Da koka, during Saturday's storm. : Imported. Boys' suits, in sailor and two-piece, made in England, 81.50 and wp. Jen- ns. Chinese imperial troops have been defeated at Shing and st Popak. In Yun Nan province the rebels hold the town and district of Foo Chuen, twenty miles north-west of the pre fectural town of Yun Nan. They have She 2 - he town of Sin Chou ing. 4 Fowl: { fought bravely, | too much for | The employees held the LION KILLS A HYENA. Fight Frightens Man So Badly He Plunges Into River. Jacksonville, Fla, Maren 19 Prince, nual show hore, again his cage was being cleaned Prince sprang over the head of the man and escaped into the tent. There were few people about, but they were scattered in great slarm. : Near was a Derce hyena that had been taken out of its cage on account of its constant fights with its mates. Prince spied this animal, and with a roar he leaped on it. The hyena but the big lion was and soon killed it lion at bay with red-hot irons and rapidly built up a barricade around him. Placing a small cage at one side, Prince was driven from the carcase' of the hyena into the cage. The sliding door was shut down and he was secure agsin. For an hour the excitement on Bay street was intense. A negro was so badly terrifed that be ran two blocks and plunged into the St. John's river, n LOST LOOKING FOR ARK, Monks Ascend Mount Ararat And Cannot Be Found, * Berlin, March 2. -Two Armenian in They have heen close friends and frequently spake te the fraternity of their desire to ascend the neighboring Mount Ararat to discover whether or pot any trace of the ark still remain ed. The abbot and dissuade them from the project, and when they saw that all their persua sions were the two were put under lock and key as mad men. useless way to the foot of the mountain they collected gstore of provisions in a Kurdish village there and on their lonely climb been heard of or and searching parties have failed to trace them. It is supposed that the line of perpetual snow and ished in a storm. seen sinoe, per Rev. J. W. Horsley Traces Cause Of Betting in England. March 20.--In giving evi of m London, dence before the select committee the house of lords, appointed to remedies, Rev. J. W. Horsley, who, as former chaplain of Clerkenwell pris on, had been in contact with 100,000 criminals, traced many of the erimes he declared was of the aristocracy. "the King say will where betting is practised,' would entirely disappear." NEGRO LYNCHED. a -- Mob Takes Summary Vengeance On Planter"s Murderer. Natchez, March 20 John Woodward, murderer due to the example 10," _he said would tomorrow, the Mississippi, the mogre at Union Point, Concordia Parish La., was lynched yesterday within 200 yards of the parish prison, in Vi dalia, La. The mob gainea a prisoner from Cataboula parish After the door was opened thev manded Woodward. Jailer Such rofus ed to surrender him and was over Woodward was taken to a tree and banged. powered Confessed To Perjury. St. Catharines, March 20.--A eonles sion made in the police court by Mm Stella May Campbell goes to that she and ber husband had perjur ed themselves in a serious charge they had preferred against her father Louis Remo. As a result the authori tins are now alter Campbell, who thought to be responsible for trump ing up the false accusation. Scantlin Arrested Winnipeg; March -20.--A Calgary de spateh says Seantlin, the man wanted for shooting was arrested last night. He retorned to town with his moustache shaved off and wearing eye glasses, but was soon recognized by a policeman. is improving. ------------ Hetty Green's Husband Dead. Bellow's Falls, 'Vt., March 20.--¥il Niunpson, died at his home yesterday. been ill for a long time of a compli eation of diseases. To Sail For Quebec. Quebec, March 20. The S58. Lake Champlain, of the Elder-Dempstor line, on the 14th of next month. ---------- Success. Is the one word that proves the popularity of sny store and this is eupecially true of our hat department, we are selling hats. Jenkins YOUNG WOMAN ! Before you get mar- ried, make him pro- mise to send his Linen to $ STEAM LAUNDRY. The happiness of your married life will then the big South African lion jn an an- | distinguished | himseli by killing a big hyena While | monks have myiferiansly disappeared | | from the monastery near Erivan, | Transcaucasia sion to the jail by claiming they had | will start from Liverpool for Quebec | others tried to | WEATHER PROBABILITIES. a.m Fair, se Friday shout 20.110 temperate. Toromta, March much change in the same SPRING MILLINERY OPENING. Where Dame Fashion unfolds to her devotees in Kingston all the millinery glory and richness oi her fashion fan- gies for the coming season. Our mils linery display simply gorgeous. Other seasons we have won unstint- ed praise for the wealth and extent of our opening displays, but our pre. sent efforts surpass anything of the kind attempted in. Kingston, Come and judge for yourself. : As for styles, word pictures at theie best can do them meagre justice Who would attempt to describe the beau ty and elegance of those aristoeratio creations designed by such world-res modistes Boyer, Josse, Camille Meyer or is ever ! nowned as Faulkner, Roger, | Lewis, of Paris? What language could monks | | exquisite give you a clear, adequate idea of the models we have selected | trom the brightest stars in the millin- But they escaped, and making their | started | They have not | they reached | ating {| than ever; EXAMPLE OF ARISTOCRACY. | ery galaxy of New York, the fashion centre of America? Even the original creations from our own work-rooms have a fascinating charm and style, 8 distinctive chicness that baffles des cription, Such elegance, such novelty; such good taste; beautiful and fascia the extreme; more lovely exquisite array of ap: to and fashiondom reflecting the most | proved ideas of the fashion leaders ia vestigate the evils of betting and its | he had investigated to betting, which | | Funeral never again go to a racecourse evil | 'You Are | | the old world and the new. Come and see if only to see, Steacy & Steacy DIED. DINNIE--In Kingwion,~ March arine Froe youngest Dyed Pivtsbery, aged 11 years lonves theo mdenoe of Ber cousin, Mrs, Rekl, 46 Charles 5i., Sesurduy tervoon at 2.50. Friends aml acquains tances respeetially fovited to attend 19th. Cathe davghter Iverio The Judge And we have pot the slightest doubt bus | your vemlict will be in our fever wise you of Leonara Calvitt,' a white planter, | ' 1 Ladies admis | } woe our stovk of & Gent's Watches. We take pardonable pride in. ow watch der partment, handing the latest and most dee Fhicute ~ dewtirne at marvelously Jow prices. 'SMITH BROS, | Jewellers show | 250 King Street, Opticians, The Associated Board Evamivations will be Simpson's condition | ward Green, husband of Hetty Green, | He had | | not too t | ! i | costs this spring at Jenkin' OF THE Royal Acadamy Of Music And Royal College Of Music, emjupction with Metiill University, HESIDENT FOR CANADA THY, GOVERNOR GENERAL, THE HON, THE EAKL OF MINTO, THE UNIVERSITY. shiermwn i th Mav snd Gah i. E LL VISITOR OF Theory (paper work) Pracitéal- Fetwey 1 J ume The exact Fairies close on All information species Shoory Pana, ol from inten will be duly asnouneed. forges of Entry, wie, oan be obtain J. A NICHOLSON, Registear, Moliill University, Mon A Careful Fitter. Makes a stylish garment, The subs ting ard fitting are quite as impor tant ax the material. Our prices are high for you. But g. just high enough to insure you the best workmanship and material, Have vou tried our pew cutter ! Livingston Bros. ---------------------- Homespun. A Dak grey homespun is one of the special tures in Fit overs THE QUALITY witis-- That's first In buying a Watch. Price should be second, but in buyley