Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Mar 1902, p. 5

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. TURNING IT OVER. Manny beaple find money in real estate: why fan's you We have some attractive hos and dwellings at alluring prices, snd you ui aks ferme to sit you. We ure you SRY Way You suggest ee we offer, Pertunity. . J. S. R. McCANN, , 332 King Street. Special Announcement We have to be in the swim therefore we invite the public to BAND CONCERT in bur store on "MONDAY EVENING March 24th The First of the Season. Our fine stock of Spring Foot- wear will be pn display. .Armstrong's.. 184 Princess Street, ford yl eo Bley ded i or 3 which they are il not been Pose selected, did wot sw, complete and de tailed information, Son hontlr the customer. T) majerit hoses, will nol 2 to the ex, com, ah amd civeminting | or benef I» & ery hy weed ful our 400 page, slat bound "Guide to Investors," "Dally Market Letter," | enabling fatiessars ta ntelligenily, thug in creasing hance onde Success enormously. Huenr & Freese STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON. ERE TE 18: Gout Tne a 20 Sg of 9 am and 1 pm aby data, place tn the hands adjuncls, we wine slson IN BPLEN 10 suis, Cell between the . "COMMERCIAL, RAM LIVERPOOL MARKETS, Liverpool, (12.30 pam.), March 22 -- Wheat No. 1 N Ge Id: red winter, Se Tdi Ra 1 Cao oo goed winter. firm, now, Ss. Md; oll, Bs. 34d: peas, 6a 8d; 48s; pork, 7is.; bacon, long, clear, 48a, J0d.; bacon, long, clear, heavy Abn. whiort, celear, light, 43s. 6d. tallow, Al Bl; tallow. Assirall an, be choose, colored, S8s.; chebse, 3 white, MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKETS Fo. Ma 22 Wow receipts, 300 bbls. Ne Tat, 7 Apri 9 fo i oh ole a oie trong bakers, .60 to ta 13 to 18; butter; le. to 2%.; wes tern, 13a. to 17e; ams, 13¢ to 17e. a NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. March 22nd C Iq Tw Union Paciiie . Se. " Bone ook Leland ooo Pennsylvania Rit. Pexan d Paci oniranl Cotte Sra O "\ party of Jom jople was enter ol -- ------ NO MORE SPANIARDS AMONG THE BISHOPS. Decision in Reference to Catholic Work in' Philippines--American Interests To Be Considered. Rome, March 22-Mgr. Sharretti, the papal delegate to the Philip- pines, who is on his way to the Phil ippines by way of New York and San Francisco, will make a brief stop at Washington in order to consult the United States government in connec tion with Philippine affairs. The story that he is taking with him a papal bull prov ding for the re- establishment of a hierarchy is auth- oritatively denied. The vatican auth- orities intend to hold the matter in abeyance until the situation in the Philippines becomes more settled. It is the vatican's desire to finally ad- just matters in the archipelago in ac- cordance with American views and interests, It has been decided to appoint no more Spaniards among the new bis hops. As a résult of this decision, Mgr. Hozaleda, archbishop of Man ila, now here, has tendered his resig- nation and will proceed to Spain, where he will hereafter reside. Sharretti Has Authority. Paris, March 2A dispatch from Rome to the Paris edition of the New York Herald, says that the pope, when speaking to a cardinal, said he had given Mgr. Sharretti full power to negotiate the Philippine question at Washington, and that the pontiff expressed the opinion that an agree- ment satisfactory to all parties would be, reached, although Washington in- sisted upon not recognizing the mon- astic orders in the Philippine islands as legal bodies. -------------- Wellington Waitings. Wellington, March 21.--Alfrea Terrill, Pieton, visited his mother, Mrs. J. Terrill, at J. E. Clark's, on Tuesday. The funeral of the late Denton John san, Rose Hall, was held at Rose Hall ¢hurch fon Tuesday. Spring ducks are making their appearance. A wonding party took its departure on Wednesday: per C.O.R. train, "viz., Mr. and Mrs, Ferguson A large ship- went of cattle and hogs is made from here cach week. W. I. Steers hag all of Ris fancy peds for spring use ussorted. Miss Kelly, our popu lar milliner, has just returned from Toronto, where she spent two weeks at the millinery openings. J. E. Clark is making some most wonderful cures by vital electricity healing: People are coming . from a distance fo be treated by him. Mrs. Emma McDon ald is slowly recovering from a severe sickness. Andrew Hubbs is suffering from kidney trouble, Mrs. N, 8. Herrington is confined to the house through sickness. Mise Allie Harris, ill with rheumatism for some weeks, is able to be out again. Richard Nox- on bas gone out of the grocery busi ness. Mrs. James Vanhorn is again out after a severe sickness of some woeks. Mr. Streets, Belleville, who was obliged to lay off from work ow- ing to some obstruction of the bow- els, says that J. E. Clark, Welling- ton, was the only one who removed the pain from him, by his method of tréatment, From A Former Resident. Cushendall, March 22.--A letter late ly receivea from Mrs. Woods, Winni- peg, wife of Isaac Woods, formerly of Cushendall, announces that there are now eight feet of enow®in the main dtreets of the prairie province capital. The blizzard that passed over the city lasted three days, stopped the street car service, and was the worst storm seen in three years. A youny farmer from this locality was' before magistrate Duff, Kingston, on Thurs any. for getting drunk. He was ask- od to pay 83 and costs or spend four teen days in jail. Sympathy is ex tended to Evecist Dano, butcher, who resides near here. His daughter, Frankie, aged eleven years, died on Thursday. Many from here will at tend & sale of farm implements, stock, eto, on the 26th inst., at Joyceville A number of local © vesidents were in the city on Wednesday and Thursday to give evidence in the Mise Minnie Hutton vs, Delos Grimshaw slander case. After the arguments had pro- woded some time the counsel on each side agreed to withdraw their charges, and the case dropped through. Walter Woods, jr., lately visited Joseph Don- aldson, Kingston, Spring Valley Views. Spring Valley, March 21. --Harry fide, a prosperous young farmer, of Glen Buell, was recently married to Miss Montgomery, of the same place. Mrs. King and Miss Molly 0'Donell have returned from visiting friends in Lansdowne. Miss Maggie Johnston, Addison, is visiting her uncle, Joshua Gilroy. William Shaver, a G.T.R. fire man, of Brockville, was ealling on riends here recently. John Golden has returned from visiting friends in Os- vego. Miss Charlotte Webster, Jelly- Ww, is visiting her uncle, C. R. Green. tained by Miss ie O'Donell on 'hursday. Miss Miriam McConkey wd Miss Minnie Hays were calling on Mrs. William Rogers." Leah Bulger, Brockville, is the guest of H. M. Mor. vison. W. McCallam is now preparing ¥. Morrison's vacant house. The fu- wield of B. Parker, i massed here yesterday and Edwin Pittim was the guest of G. N. Young = and 'wmily on Monday. i ao Ay ---- Notice Of Appeal Prepared. This morning, Messrs. Walken Ralkow, solicitors for power y rool ' Sp. Haina the t, heat A | mvorENTS OF THE DAY. ---- : Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. ° Caps to-night at Jenkins'. The budget debate is still on in the house of commons. Cambridge won the the Thames to-day. Henry Wade, druggist, to his home with illness Charm Ceylon tea mowt delicious in flavor, once tried always used. PD. Couch, Belleville, is visiting friends at the lower GC. T. R. station. Dr. Johnston, Merrickville, danger ously ill with paewnonia, is. recover- ing. For your morning cup of coffee try Charm, guaranteed pure, sold only in ball-pound packages. The M.T. company offered the tug Active to the Wolvin company for $5, 000, about one-cight of what the ves sel cost. Capt. J. H. Scott ix in Toronto, superintending the work of fitting out the steamer Persia, on which he will again sail this season as master, A large number of new boards are required in the walk on Bagot street, between North street and Raglan Road. It is at present a dangerous spot. Gr, boat race on is confined Deceasse, "A field battery, guilty of drunkenness and disorderly conduct, was fined $2 and costs and ordered to he confined for ten days by a court martial. Monday evening in the council cham- ber there will be a meeting of citizens interested in a celebration on May 24th. Mayor Shaw hopes to have a full representation. The second game of pool between the K.B.C. team and the Busted club was played last night, resulting in another victory for the wheelmen, the score being about 200 to 135. Capt. D. J. Pritchard left to-day for Newboro to fit out the tug Edmund and barge Columbia. For twenty-one seasons, the captain has sailed as master of the Edmund, a long and praiseworthy record. J. Sproule, Westbrook, offered sale on the market this morning the largest turkey ever seen in the city. The bird weighed, dressed, thirty-four and one-half pounds. It was a bronze turkey and not yet three years old. From now until 1st of April ten per cent. discount on all wall paper. A large variety to select from, In grain and Embossed, all latest designs at W. H. Lemmon's, 78 William street. successor to Savage Bros. Phone 373. At a meeting of the officials of the Sydenham street Methodist church lust night a vote of thanks was pass ed to Rev. Dr. Philp for his efforts in bringing to a successful issue the jubi lee services, and for procuring contri butions. J.C. Judd, Broekville, is making inquiries here as to a suitable boat to run excursions on the Rideau from Smith's Falls to Jones' Falls, during the summer. Next year a company intends building an excursion steamer for that route. Joseph Cramer, of Glenvale factory, has received the handsome and much-prized award of the Pan American exposition association, Buf falo, for the quality of the export cheese he exhibited. ~ His score was ninety-seven points out of 100. This is an.excellent recommendation of his skill and the condition of the fac tory. for cheese Root And Branch. London Answers. A gentleman wishing some bushes removed from his garden, told his gardener to pull them up hy the roots. Some time after he went into the garden and found the gardener digging trenches round the bushes. "Why, George," he said, "vou need not dig around those small bushes in that way. I am sure you are strong enough to pull them up by the reots." "Oh, yes, sir,"' replied the gardener, "I am strong enough; but I must dig a little before 1 ean catch hold of the roots. If you had told me to puil thems up by the branches I could have removed them." ---------- The Coming Man. London Globe. Prof. Brunor makes a startling pre dittion as to human cevelopment. He secs in the future man a being in whom strange transformations shall have taken place; a being in whom brain is master, ruling a body much larger than that of the present 'man; a body which = has lost its floating ribs, its vermiform appendix, and its little toes, and in which many other changes have taken place. He believes the chest ana upper and lower limbs will be larger and that the future man will he much taller than his proto type of to-day. The Father And His Boys. Good Housekeeping . Let the father make the first ad vances toward a community of inter ests, and thel way in which the boys respond will surprise and delight him. The benefit will be mutual. The father often gets more out of it than the boys, It keeps him young, gives bim a new view of life, keeps him in touch with childhood hopes and fears, and in sympathy with the enthusiasm and aspirations of youth. The bigger A man's character the more he will profit by such association; the small the father's nature the more he needs it. You Will Not Be Sorry. For doing good to all men. For being courteous to all. For hearing before judging. For APeaking ovil of no one. olding an angry tongue. thinking before apie. being kind to the distressed. asking pardon for all wrongs. being patient. toward every- body. For stopping the ears of 4 talobear- er. TEE BLOOD TROUBLES MANIFEST THEMSELVES IN MANY DISAGREEABLE WAYS. Such as Scorfula, Eczema, Boils And Pimples -- The Blood Should be Purified During the Spring Months, The spring season blood cleansing and Blood troubles are many--and dan- gerous--and + manifest themselves in a score of painful and offensive ways, such as serofula, eczema, boils and pimples. The impurities that get in- to the blood pursue their poisonous way all over the body and are respon- sible for a large proportion of all dis cases, various in their nature, but dangerous in the extreme. To have pure blood and plenty of it, yon need a tonic and blood builder, and for this purpose there is nothing ean equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple. These pills cure all diseases due to impurities in the blood by prompt- ly cleansing and freeing the blood from all poisonous and offensive mat- ter. I your blood is thin or insuf ficient; if you suffer from exhaustion at the least exertion; if you are pale, easily get out of breath, and feel con- stantly languid and fagged out, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills wil eure you by filling your veins with new, rich, red blood. Robert Lee, New Westminster, B.C, says: "Before I began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, my blood was if a very impure state, and as a result, pimples, which were very itchy, broke out ali over my body. My ap- petite was fickle and I was easily tired. I tried several medicines, but they did not help me. Then my wife urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I got a half dozen boxes and hy the time 1 had used them I was completely restored to health, and my skin was smooth and clear. I shall al- ways speak a good word for these pills when opportunity offers." It is because these pills make rich, red blood that they. eure such troubles as anaemia, shortness of breath, head- ache, palpitation of the heart, rheu- matism, erysipelas, St. Vitus' dance, and the functional ailments that make the lives of so many women a source of constant misery. The genuine pits always bear the full name, "Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Pale People," on the wrapper on every box. Sold by all dealers, or sent by mail at Hoe. a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by ad dressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.; Broekville, Ont. eit: CONTINENTAL RULERS. is the time for blood remewing. Review of a Century of Leadership And Greatness. Volume six of the Nineteenth Cen- tury series, of Linscott publishing company, Toronto, presents an able teview of the leading men of Europe for the hundred years. It was written by Percy M. Thornton, M.P., of Lon don, England, whose books on weighty Ristorical subjects have given him a wide reputation. The editors of the series, Rev. Dr. Withrow, C. D. Roberts, .J. Castel] Hopkins, T. G Marquis, Rev. T. 8S. Linscott, have been highly successful in their choice of authors and selection and ordering of themes. 'This volume is dedicated to the earl of Minto, governor-gene ral, in remembrance of Cambridge days and in admiration of the peo ple of Canady for rushing to the assis tance of the empire in time of peed. This compendium of political his tory first, covers the councils of Europe at the time of the death struggle for external freedom, during evolutionary and Napoleonic wars, and subsequent democratic strivings towards internal freedom. The cloud bursts over the continent, the pation al awakenings and the deliverance of Europe are grand food for a historian with a graphic. pen and fair mind, and these the writer possesses in marked degree. The guarding of peace from I815 to 1830, when unrest broke out, culminating in the revolutions of 1848, furnish interesting narratives, all the more welcome hécause not often treated with the full ness and thoughtless here ex tended. The second half of the cen tury, with its comparative calm, cov ers the Crimean, Franco-Italian, Fran co-German, Russo-Turkish wars, and is treated with uncommon impartial ity for contemporary thought The whole review is an 'able presentation and valuable condensed record. United Ih Marriage. Wagurville, March 21.<A dumber of farmers hgve tapped their sugar bush- A quiet wedding took place r= cently at the village of Arden, when Miss M. Good, of this place, was uni ted in the holy bonds of matrimony to W, Amey, of Mclean. DD. Ruttan has retarmed to Port Lydon, N.Y., after spending a few wieks with friends here. He was accompanied by S. Wagar and family and Miss Cronk. Draper Wagar has also leit for his home on Rhode Island A number from here attended the pie social at McLean on the 14th inst. E. Vanvol- kinburg intends having a sale on the 2th of this month. The Misses €. and H. Storey bave returned from Odessa. Lingering Illness Ended. Mountain Grove, March 18.----On Friday occurred the death of Mrs. T. G. Flynn, after a lingering illness. The funeral sermon was hed on Sun- day by Rev. Mr. Clark, assisted by Rev. Mr. Boyee, Arden, and was very largely attended, showing the esteem in which she" was held, Mr. and Mrs. D. Sproule have returned to Duhgan non, after spending the winter there. M. Flyan and D. Cox have retdrned from their winter's work. E. Godfrey visited friends at Godirey recently. Miss Etta Kennedy is recovering fram the measles. Visitors: Mrs. . 8, Lake at A. Laidley's; Miss Carr, Petworth, at D. Yeoman's. ------------------ Real Swell. Our new spring shirts beauties, Sbc., T5c. and $15 Bibby Ce. 228 os, e HD. To-Night | To-Night | wasp goed gt wen ne 4 Ni here and save money. Special Discount. On men's fine footwear to-night at 4 turned to Bath. The Clapp entertain THE DAILY WHI, SATURDAY, MARCH 22 E------ ---- -- DISTRICT DASHES, News of the District Condensed From The Whig"s Exchanges. William: Birrell hag removed to the Huffman farm, near Bath 1 Dr. J. Collison, Iroquois, has been appointed to an important position in a Montreal hospital. For registry purposes the town of Carleton Place has been removed from the southern division and put in the northern division of Lanark J. H. Mowers, Napanee, has left for an extenved western tour. He will stop at Winnipeg te transact some busipess, thence proceeding to British Columbia and the coast. On Tuesday Messrs. Richard and Michael Murphy, two progressive young farmers from Balderson, left for Severn River, Man,, where they in- tend to start farming. Arthur Green, a son of Daniel Green, Tyendinaga, has the first frog seen this season. The batrachian was founa airing himself on the bank of a stream near - the Green residence on March 16th. At the meeting of the Renfrew coun- cil the clerk was instructed to notify the C.P.R. that the town would give them water from the water works for £1,000 a year, alter the expiry of their present contract in April Frederick Darou, Fallbrook, bought a black fox skin from a man named Campbell, beyond lake Calabogie, and sold it to a dealer namea Badd, of Renfrew, for 8175. This sort of fur is very rare, and brings a high price. On Thursday morning Hugh Henry, father of Mrs. William Mekee, Deser onto, passed away at the age of eighty-four years and six months. The deceased formerly resided in Napance, but for the past five or six years has made his home with Mr. ana Mrs William McKee. The prospects of having a canning factory established in Napanee for this season's pack are about gone. The movement was set on foot at too late a time. Mr. Miller has leased an other factory, but has not withdrawn from his proposals to establish providing - the necessary' by-law passed and enough stock subscribed. one, PULLED HIS HEAD OFF. -- Drop Was Too Much For Hanged Criminal's Neck. Abérdeen, Miss., March 22. --After the fourth sentence by the courts for the same offense, William Laniér was hanged here yesterday in the presence of five thousand people. He made a short warning young men against making or drinking whiskey or violating any of the laws. The drop was six feet, and when the trap was sprung the fall broke his neck, com pletely severing his head from the body. The head fell on one side, the body on another, while the noose re bounded to the floor of the seaffold The physicians accounted for this ca tastrophe by his long confinement speech in ING OSCARII. Of Norway and Swvicden. HIS HAJESTY APPRECIATES AND THANKS MON- SIEUR MARIANI, AND | PERSONALLY ADD MY OWN HIGH ESTEEM FOR THE "VIN MARIANI." BARON AUG. VON. ROSEN p40 BVT The Ideal French Toalc Used by Prominent Personapos! Bvbrywhere, Fado Stimulant without unpleas Mularia, Wook Blood Cosma Overwork, Nervous Trosbls and only Pa PHYSICIANS BAY wan't ite equal in Lung and Stomach *WHAT I he Particular thee Anpetite Digestion, Removes 3 Nirengthaning and Tmproves the ted for Children. Habs the remarkable = tof Specially Recommended for Weak Women and Overworked Men, wuratis wl We will mail, album booklet with portraits SPECIAL OFFER of erowned head AT ALL DRUGGISTS, and AVOID SUBSTITUTES. LAWRENCE A. WILSON CO., LIMITED, censdtan agents, prison and the fact that he was fleshy build, with smail bones. of Milburn Minglings. Mi" urn, March 19.---A number of farm vs have their trees tapped, but owing to the sudden cold weather, it has stopped the process of sugar making for the present W. Sands, after gn absence of twenty years, has returned on a visit to his parents Those who attended the surprise party at the home of F. R. 'Keelor re port a pleasant time. Owihg to the sudden disappearance of the snow, the long-expected horse races did not come off. However, we hope our sportsmen have not lost their labor as "there ca A COK Do Not Use Anything to Force the Hair. Dandruff Cure Keeps the scalp in a purily healthy condition, using a natural growth of hair. Sold by All Druggists. Applied by Barbers. . R. BREMER CO. LIMITED, To®»gyro, may come a time, some day." A little daughter has applied for board at the home of Fenwick Sands; it's a girl, Several attended the revival ser vices in Battersea, conducted by Rev Mr. Ferguson Henry Hughes and on, city agents, passed through here last week and supplied some-of our farmers with farming implements Visitors : Hugh Ritchic and family, at Thomas Dixon's: R. Dixon at J Sears', Battersea: Miss Allie Patter son, Keelerville, with Miss Gertie Pat térson; Mrs. A. Brown, Pittsburg, at . Keeler's; Mise. Martha Hanley visiting friends iri" Sunbury: Mr. gnd Mrs. J. Hanley at W. Keelor's, and W. Knapp, Battersea, at W. G. Pat terson's. u Two Marriages Wednesday. Holleford, March 21.--D. Walker has moved to his farm here, while H, Clow, the "yrmer owner, has moved Hartington. Two of our voung men were married on Wednesday even ing, viz., A. Babeock to Miss Fvg Campsall, Godfrey, and W. Collins, to Miss Alice Page, Desert Lake, Mr, and: Mrs. Babeork will take up house keeping right away. Mrs. Davee is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. D. Walker, sr., have moved to their son-inlaw's, D to M Oak, antee every sweeper sold. National Camet Sweepers, These Sweepers are the only ones made with ROL. LER BEARINGS protected by a dust cap. This devise, which is carefully fitted, re- duces the effort required by -- iw about one half. They are tifully finished in Natural, Antique and Golden Mahogany and Natural Sycamore. We guar- cKELVEY & BIRCH 69 and 71 Brock Street. : Collins, Desert Lake. Charles Mar tin purchased a house from H. Clow Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. James Deyo, Desert Lake, at James Walker's: Messrs. A. Collins, J Collin:, M Cummings. Clayton; T. Clow, Har tington, at A. Collins'; Miss Edith Walker, at Cataraqui. Bath Brieflets. Bath, March 2. Miss Hattie Cham- bers, home for a few nocks, Las re ment company, to Mow here on Mon- day. failed to fill thé appointment. William Ruttan and family have mov ed into the village, and he is working Herbert Lewis' farm. Daniel Snider, of the hotel National, has sold out to some man in Kingston. Our stage dri ver had a serious break-down on Sat- urday, as he was coming from King Our wring stock of Irom Bods bave fos arrived for your lnepectidn. They are come rows of prety asd deisty designe; Brose and White Foamel, Alo Mattrossed sod Springs to Gt Have your Parlor Betts or old chales re do all kinds of Repairing and upholstering, and enrry a large sesorts ment of covers to chooses from. an we LEADING UNDERTAKER. ston, Ready Lunch Beef. Simply prepared gnd easily digested. Different and better than any other canned beef. Made omly by William Clark, Montreal. " 77 2» Dr. Humphreys' "Seventy-seven eaves Colds, Grip, Influenza, Catarrh, Pains and soreness in the head and chest, Cough, Sore Throat, General Prostration and Fever. ' ' $ : s | s JAMES REID, NE ------ ---------------------------- A VPLS VAHTHLTRHLDLDLVLLD SHB VNe 3 Have you seen our stock of fine Easter Goods ? It is the largest in the city. You will find here some very appro- iate things for your ta aster Eggs, Chickens and novelties of all kinds All must be sold, and we are offering some rare bargains. $ : : : TOYE, Market Square, }

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