Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Mar 1902, p. 5

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cold io pou be whether in ehilibood afm. Catarrh foie ex dircet wrestavnt. Ja panese © Catarch Cee penetrates to every cased pari, heals, dnd cures. It thereiore, Jig pus § killa the germ, re druggists, S00, wt Rn og . "The Griliths M vo. Limit RIP-AN oronte, A-N-S IE 1 Soudision of il-benteh re or A is _snough family bottle, 60 - ver. ALES A orice 1m ne, op woarantoed sowes, & moN ARCHITECTS, MERCH nants' , soramr Rrock aw Wellington streets. 'Phone 212. i MONEY AND BUSINESS. DOLLARS Ih to ten thous Liverpool, London and Globe Yirelnsurarce Company. Available 1487218. In addit oy gp gg ey bg a Reg the ty of the stock holders. a a Before renowing rates. or 'giving new business get rates from STRANGE & STRANGE. Agents | 8. 8. CORNETT, 281 » ol ' PRINOER wy JAMES REID, ties Sursat. Tulaphons 1474." Ope day amd sight. T. ¥. HARRISON CO., , 8388-885 Princess St the Prioss ¢ Quality and eficlency beet. © "hones--Warerooms, 90. - him Night T..F. HARRISON, 8 ROE Sills, 92. COMMERCIAL, GER ' LIVERPOOL MARKETS March 24 Wheat red winter, gis: op, long, , long, clear, hey light, 43s 6d. . i low, Australi G9, g . MONTREAL PRODUCE Sova, MARKETS, ul $1.60 2 Manito ua, bard, to 67 to 4; wo Ode; buckwheat $2.30 w $2.49; eorn- pork, 321 to $a to Ade. marke buster, townalip, 2ie. to to Tfe; exw, 13¢ to 7c m---- NEW YORK STOCK EXCIIANGE. March 24th Cove. 1004 1613 634 13:4 1d 17 ha hen 100: ile, Ti Wee x 168 « 6b4 «183 184 A KINGSTON BOY IN THE THICK OF.IT. - He Was in a Warm Spot For a Time--Lost His Plum Duff and Tobacco--In the Saddle Every Day and Nearly Every Night. The following very interesting letter has just been from. Eliott Dunlop, a Kingston boy serving with the South African constabulary It was written at Winkelhack on Febru ary 15th, and reads as follows "I have been riding nearly every day and often far into the night for the past month. | have had many varied experiences, mingled of course, with the chance of being caught by the Boérs, or shot. Last week ten of our troop went out as escort to our convoy three waggons, going across country to the ratlway station, for provisions. | was among the numbée and forjunately one of the lueky ones, On our way to the station the Boers came on us, and captured four of our fellows, six of us petting away with the waggons. Two of the four who were captured had their horses shot from under them. / were stripped of everything, one fellow having only a pair of socks and an old hat on when he reached {he next troop. The rest of us, with the waggons. reached the station all right. We loaded up and started back for samp next day. When wé had made about half the distance a report eame to us that there was a body of 200 Boers ahout five miles ahead, waiting for us. We camped where we were for the night, and you Let we kept a sharp pkout for Boers. Next day we started out, twenty-five men in ull, including the four of our men who had heen "previously captured. We were extended out in the usual fashion with advance guard and right and loft finakers. I was on the right flank. We were travelling along tak ng everything easy, thinking ull dan ger had passed, when Neddelly from behind a little ride on our Mt out galloped about 200 Hoers, mostly all wounted on white horses, nd firing at us from off their horwes "As | was on the right Hank it was my place to gallop up to the wag gons and stop there when the firing began. But when I reached the wag gons just imagine my surprise to find no one there, except the niggers, and they were just beginning to scatter. The Boers were within 100 yards, coming at the full gallop and shoot ing all the time. It did not take me long to decide what to do. [I did not like the idea of ronming away from the but 1 thought discretion the better part of valor for once in ray life, and turned fail and got out of range as fast as my horse could carry me. 1 made for some kraals about 1.400 vavds from the waggons, where 1 found some of our fellows who had reached there hefore me. We opened up a fire on the Boers, who were by this time hustling away with our. waggons, but it had no more ef fect on them than a shower of rain We killed only two of them, and they wounded one of our men. | was inna pretty tight hole for a short time -- so tight that I would rather read about vit than partigipaté in another pdiloe--#. We dost oir three wigrons with our plum-dufl, pipes and tobacco from Mrs. B. Powell, I lost all my blankets and overcont, also a bag of grub L had haught for myself. How- ever, T was glad to come ont of it with a whole skin "Pwo days later © got back from this trip | was sent on escort with another troop's wargons, through the opposite side of the epuntry, to the Delagoa Pay, line. T wes six days away from camp on that journey When T returned evefyone was picking up their kit bags for a march out further. | packed all mine, put my writing material in. and they were all sent to seventeen troop. The day be fore we were to move a larae number from each troop went out weconnoi tering. They were all surrounded, and before they were released twelve were killed, including two officers, and a large number wounded. So you see we are kept pretty busy. 1 just hap pened to borrow this writing japer from gu chap in the tent, who borrow: od it off someone else." received else of loers, From Dr. Duff's Diary. Extract from diary by Dr. Duff, of Kingston, surgeon to first contingent, sailing with first half of first contin: gent from Halifax, January 16th : "The Manhattan is a cattle ship fit- ted as a warship, and a very steady boat. Up to January th, we had very nasty weather, raining most of the time. Except on the troop deck, there is no dry spot in wet weather. I never saw sO many sea-sick--very dreary work looking after them. Hos pital is in the bow, which is very ob- joctionable. Case of measles first day ont. and on the 20th, had seven cases isolated on the lower aft deck, thus having hospital at each end of vos sel. Officers and men are well fed, The accontmodation for men. and horses is excelent, hut for officers omly fair, Hospital staff very nearly all sick, and no wonder as they have tp syne two _uiinisters in the ranks, several lawyers, bot only . one doctor; wish have a number of oxen, sheep, ducks, geese and turkeys alive most fon 4 was. Ww fp Ama 23 ep § £ia523 1 SCRAPPING WITH TBE BOERS nist of their time in. hospital. Have there were more. No cold storage, so "of | Cosburne, resides in Toronto, and her fai THE DAILY WHI, MONDAY, MARCH 24 thew. and long for Dr. Ross; he was s host in himself. The present staff are very good, The work between the two hospitals keeps me preity busy, which 'perhaps is a gooll thing, | 27th.--1 was exercised over measle cases last evening. We have now eleven of them, two with severe bronchial eomplications and two with | pnewmonia; none of the témperatures below 10d degrees and much { higher. One man fainted away last evening, and one was so weak that we were fearful he might die during the night Fortunately all show soqe slight improvement this evening, and I am hopeful of them all. No King | ston men have been very sick sa far The 'men all seem bright and happy and are singing merrily on the dick new, 29th. Very warm; all patients proving, Met. ~It has been raining, and as the moasle petients are only in a temporary hospital, they are in a sad predicament; everything is damp and dirty about them, and I am fearful of the efiect it will have, though they are all improving to-day. We crossed the equator about 6.56 this evening Neptune appeared over the bow and announced that he would conduct the usual ceremonies to-morrow, at two o'clock, One of our officers is good at tricks of all kinds and gave us all quite an entertainment this evening. February 1st.--The weather eon tinues cool. Horses and men are doing well, My bad measle cases are improv ing, but a new case has developed pneumonia with .a temperature of 105 degrees. 1 released two men from quarantine to-day, and hope to have most of them out before we reach Cape Town, Ard. ~The weather continues cool, which i= very fortunate for men and horses, The latter are doing remark ab vy well, only five lost so far. One of my pneumonia eases very low and weak and giving me considerable anxiety, - 1th.~The weather continues favor able, and this morning patients ap pear to be doing was feeling quite contented, when in the after noon, a pneumonia patient had a ve vere hemorrhage with a repititic n this evening. 5th.--All patients improving, and am hoping that all will reach Cape Town alive fth.--We are opposite St. Helena Patients doing well. We had another contert and the hypnotist afforded us gregt amusement with his subjects Up to date we have had sixty-one pa tients in hospital, and had thir ty-three cases on the sick list sinpe starting, which have not been in hos pital. Sunday, my one un is well, Oth. --Usual service this morning. The Carson brothers are amongst the best workers on board Franklin is a good man, so i Con lav. Sutherland surprises me, as the work is all new to him, but he sticks at it well. Guy and Ferguson are very satisfactory orderlies. I expect to have only three men for hospital in Cape Town. 13. Our voyage is virtually over None of the patients in a"critical con dition now. 1 have been wonderfully well, only a little anxious for my care. Trite Trafford Tales. Trafford, March 22.--The men. are atl returning from the-different camps Rumor says we are to have a rail road, frem 'lrafford to Enterprise Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dowling spent Monday | evening at I. Furlong's. James Black, inspector of minerals, mado g trip through this vicinity on Thursday. James Dowling met with quite a serious accident on Saturday While felling a tree, his axe slipped and cut a severe gash in his foot Mr, amd - Mrs. Jobn Scanthin spent Tuesday evéning at Mrs. Whelan's Mr. Chisholm visited the ming on Thursday, March 20, and zave orders for the ahead as rapid ly as possible. Miss Maggie Spratt is spending a week in Enterprise, the guest of Mrs Whelan Miss Hattie lowling has returned after spending the winter with her aunt, Mrs ns, shoving work Cous A Kingstonian Candidate. Chicago Canndign-A merican In the Fifth ward, Chicago, the re publicans have nominated Robeit K. Sloan, an independent democrat, wh combines in his personality all the qualities that would ge to make an ideal alderman. Mr. Sloan, a member of the prosperous undertaking and livery firm of Sloan & Cornish, is a native of Kingston, Canada, and was for many vears a valued employee of the city railway company before en tering the firm of which he is now a member. When he ran as an indepen dent democratic candidate for alder man of the Sixth ward in 1809, he polled nearly 2,000 votes. Clean, hon est, vigorous and enterprising Mi Sloan is in every way worthy of the support of the voters of the Fiith ward without regard to party. A Kingston Lady In Luck. Mis. Charles A. Sullivan, Welling ton street, has just receivéd a letter from Wales, Great Britain, stating that her aunt, Miss Lewelling, a spinster, had died and left her entire income to her heirs. Mrs. Sullivan, one sister and a brother, being the only brother's children, will come in fot 8 portion-of .. this. income, which each. Mrs. Sullivan's sister, Mrs, brother, Frank Kniveton, lives in 'Chatham, Ont. Mre. Sullivan may go to Wales to establish her heirship to Miss Lewelling and to receive her in come. x EE ------------------ -- Moving To His Farm. 8; , March 2i A number at- tended the mission concert Thursda night, in Wesley hall. Our close on Thursday for ten days Easter holidays. * Samuel ae intends ing from here to the farm be from Frank moving lately, purchancd Clark. Re Sather Rat' tipped a number trees and reports a good run. ie & 3 - | Four At A Birth. \ urg, W. Va, March 24. -- Mr. and 'din, who veside in the oir skirts * is ¢ity, surprised the yesterday, by that Mrs. Cain had Re Teel ity, Se the seal. will amount to at least $400 or 8500 | of the an id given spent Sunday in and lt at noon for Mont LET FN OLD HER MOREY GAY DECEIVER UNDER AR- REST IN KINGSTON. Mary Brownstein Out $200 on The Strength of a Promise to Mar- ry--Ran Away, But Was Trac- ed to Kingston by Detective Burrows. The Toronto World says that'a tele era to inspector Stark on Saturday aiternoon announced the arrest in Kingston of Abraham Adifi, alias Swartz, who is wanted there to ans wer a charge of stealing 8200 from Mary Brownstein during the month of January last. The parties in the cass are Robmanian Jews Miss Brown stein was living in 'the rear of the hotel at Adelaide and York streets, when she became acquainted with Ad wha, it is alleged, proposed mar rage. On the strength of the en gagement he induced the woman to hand over the money, after which he jeft the city. Miss Brownstein, who now lives on Elizabeth street, was pot satisfied with bis treatment of her, and communicated with the po tice. Detective Burrows traced Adifi to Kingston, where he was arrested on Saturday by police constable Aiken. Adiffi was found by the loeal police loaging at the home of a well-to-do Jew on upper Queen street, and was at once! placed under arrest and taken to the police station. Two rings were found on his person, which were iden tified as those stolen from the house in which he had been stopping. It is unlikely that a charge will be laid against him for this offence, as the rings were of little value and soon recovered. At noon to-day arrived in the city, afterwards returned to Adiff in his keeping. DIED AT TORONTO. detective Burrows and a few hours Toronto with Scott, Onee a Kingston Schr»! Teacher, Dead. James Scott, a former Kingstonian lied at hig home in Toronto on Sun day, at the age of sixty yearg Hi was born in Kingston, where his fa ther taught school for a number vears in the little frame building street, near where Dr. Duff live. The son, in early life his father's occupation, teaching in the Wellington street «choo! and the Johnston street school now called Louise school. This was about thirty vears ago. From here he went to Brockville, to accept a posi tion as hookkecper with the James Smart manufacturing company: then he entered a bank as clerk and final lv connected himself with _ the Geor gian Bay lumber company. He rose cteadily in position until he became manager. Theodore W. Buck was the wroprietor, and when he died Mr. Heott was appointed guardian of his children. They are now all dead with the exception of one daughter, who makes frequent visits to Kingston and ix well known in local goviety cir cles It was only a vear ago that the de coased's father died and was laid to his wife in Cataraqui Scott will also proba Quly two sisters James of on Bagot ueea to followed rest beside cemetery, My bly be buried hove survive, namely, Mrs, (Rev) Bonny, St. Catharines, and Miss Scott, who resided with her brother in Toronto The deceased besides being a former president of the lumber company, was n the Northern naviga tion company He resided at Park dale, a suburb of Toronto. For many vears he served the city as alderman, and was the moving in bring ing about . the investigation the alged wholesale plundering of ety fulds by certain officials Mr. Scott was well known in Kings ton He was a bovhood chum of 4 '. Wilson, liveryman rime thev had together. Mr. Wilson heard with pain of the loss of his iriendd. By his death Queen's college and the general hospital staunch friend, as he contribiffor to these titutions director of spirit of and many a good lose \ frequent rthy in was a tWO Wi Holy Week At St. Mary's. This is "Holy Week" in the Roman (Catholic church On Wednesday at 7:30 p.., the office of the Tennebra and confessions will be 3 to 6 p.m. High mass 7:30 on will be sung, made from will eo celebrated at Thutsday, followed by consecration of the holy oils and 4 procession around the church, after which the blessed sacrament will be deposited on one of the side altars, where it will be left for ibe adoration of the faithful. On Thiirsdav morning mass witl be song at six, o'clock. Om Friday Morning a mass the priests sancti fied will be celebrated at eight o'clock, and in the evening at 7:30 o'clock will he the service of the holy way of the followed bv a sermon on th The bells will pot be tolled morning until Satur day morning, On Satorday the holy water will be blessed at 7 am. The Catholic" gocieties will 'attend commu pion in a body on Easter Sunday morning at 7:30 o'clock. Masses on Faster Sunday will be celebrated at H, 700, 9 and 10:30 a.m. Good cross, Passion from Thursday Magnet Saves Child's 'Life. St. Touis, Mo., March 23. After the surgeon's knife had failed to-day to ive reliel a tack was removed from a Shietk's stomach by a magnet. This is the first case of ite Kind on eo 3 he girl, wha is nine years old, swallowed the tack several days ago. It lodged 'in her stomach and threat ened her life. Surgeons were calls in, but failed to extract the tack. Then De. A. V. L Brokaw resorted' to the magnet, which was devised by Dr Schandeyson, of she city hospital, and electrician Graver. of tbe Western Union telegraph company, It worked like a charm. Some very substantial and long needed repairs are being made to the Coy, block; corner of King snd Brozk steets, Tt will be a fine office building when renovated. J. RB. Olark, after a lengthened visit | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Snow Ten Feet Deep in Manitoba --Surveyors Tq Work Napinka, Man., March 17.~(To ditor) ¥ / all prépanng se rain, for th gz, but Raturday's stormy made them again se cover be side the On Frid ev th worst wm of the year in from the north. A very high wind acon panied a very fine snow, and pt in many places fen feet L expenence of the h and made me think of Old beads say that this as bad as the storms they had some How what I hit a fine winter. A stopped 'on the trail and rg A pajty of surveyors are laving out a roaa for the C.P.R., north of Na pinks, about six mies, to run through Lauder from Wood Bay te Arcola They had it surveyed to Lauder iall, and then the fine weather of last week them think that spring time had really come. Today they geing out thew ts from a bapk eight feet « Some think it only a blufi of t CPR. to be fret in that country, and so keep out the C.N.R., which is likely to run through the same country ka Last Weanesday a meeting was held n Graham's hall of the ratepayers of this district The object was to see what inducement could be held out for a mill in Napinka. The town is badly in need of a mill and 83.5 a honus. A ! from Sound will put in a plant this yexr, to he Gir readiness for the crop of 1992, A number will attend the me ing at Mileta next Wednesday, when Hon. Calvin Campbell and premier Roblin will address the people on the referendum. ~-G stove st set deep Masitoba Untar:o not pearly 1s glad I am trafic is road years ago last made are di HOW via Napin od as mill Married At Willetsholme. Willetsholme, March 22.--Many grieved at the 'death of the late H Harding, Gananoque, Deceased was well known and enjoyed a wide popu larity around Woodburn. Several from here attended his funeral, which curred on Tuesday. J. Windburn been pressing hay for farmers in vicinity. Rev. Mr. Oliver, of this cis cenit, took advantage of the good Crossing ntly to visit one of his late parishioners, J. Parks, now of Watertown, N.Y. On Wednesday ing, March 19th, a pleasing event oc ewrred, when J. Thompson and Miss A. Wilson were united in marriage by Rev. Mr. Oliver, The event took place at the bride's parents in the presence of only the immediate friends The bridal couple were assisted R White and Miss S. Bennett, respective ly and sincerest wishes for their hap piness are expressed by all who know them, as they ave both highly pected. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Todd are pleased at the presence of a little boy stranger. Miss Maud Wilson, King ston, is visiting friends here. The T. R. station decidedly better since heing painted. Miss S. Darling Stonese' Corners, has been the of friends. A!l sympathize with John Wilson, in the recent death her rvother, Mrs, Hyland, Cataraqui Dees had ill for and was lovingly attentled by daughter were ha this even by res looks ed heen some ting The Title Of Princess The title of "Princess Royal," whicl English papers will persist to kings Edward's the duchess of Fife, misunderstood that | Royal many mn giving eldest daughter in so thoroughly may be as well to explain that it is a title which is given to a princess, u daughter of the when she happens to be next heir to the throne. Thu Victoria's child as o name Frederick sovereign the (queen rh leing styled prince honor empre was I which is and an heir was offic of her trictly spea « Roy n the to hold « a matier nt the But inasmuch a Wales son hecams she itty birth brother and in pr ne when h world the of co der compliment during her Life the present prince of and & daughter f crown are all superior t Louise, earthly has three whose. right f on to the those of princess there i ne should duchess reg latter toyal A muskrat spent the winter th collar of the residence of § C. Alguir Athens. He interfered in no way with family affairs, but in fact hax bed a weleonte guest; ae he kept-the plac foge from zals ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signature of Dr. 0. W. Daly's Dertal Office Will be eopeoed is Vay, when be soturnd the busv | ired Stomachs | Show Little Evidence ot Real Disease--They Have ly Been Gverworked and are Tired, Fagged, Played-Out, Exhausted. _ Don't try to whip them to greater exertion with stimulants, eondimen and apices Buch treatment will only leave them worse in the end. Y The proper treatment 1s something to help digost the food sod give the stomach noeded rest and at the same time tone up and ener ize the exhausted orga. There is one remedy that will do this, Jt , eheap, reliable and satls- | , Oboe used, the dyspeptic is its ad | yocato and friend. It can be bought as any drug store for fifty ents a box; galt for Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and you have it. Mrs. G. i Jrotsley, 838 Washington SL, Mr. N leAgO, Hoboken, New Jersay, writes: "Stuart's Dys. "Catarrh is a local condition resuitin pepsia Tablets just ill the bill for dren | one 4 in the hoad. whereby the a8 well as for ofier folks. I've had tho best | Hain rans of tho noke becotnes inflam. of luck with them, My three-year< 14 girl] ec somous diseharge takes them as readily us eandy. 1 have ohly rd into the throat reaches to say 'tablets' she drops everything |b | producing eatarrh of the else and runs for them." cal authorities prescribed for Miss Lelia Dively, 4627 Plummer St., Pitts. ars for catarrh sto purg, Pa, writes: "1 wish everyone to know hut today 1 am the happiest of reteful 1 sm for Stuart's Dyspe ing only one box of Stuart's I suffered for along time and 4 Dyspepsia Tablets capt $44 spDroprl 1 lost flesh right] ate words to express m ve ling. oad an advertise-| have found flesh, appetite and sound rest thing that has seached my ailment." mm Mrs Del. Eldred, Sun Prairie, Wis, wf was taken diz7y very suddenly during the hot weather of the pust summer, Aller lon days of constant dizziness I went to our lool shysiolan, whosad my liver was i rpid and da Jd my blood; Be doctored oh improvement finaily 8 Dy: popula Tablets (which had used g betoro for verious bad feelings) and tho fie three tobiols helped me. They are casly the best all aronad family medicine 1 ever used." Mr. N. J. Booher, Ch Ih. writes: from pot know what alled we, until one day I noth of these tablets and . immediatoly bought a 50 cent box at the drug store. | am iy on the second box and am gaining in aad color. 1 have at last found sowme- from their usa." Sond a postal eard or letter to the F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall Mich, for their free book on dyspepsia. Do Not Use Anything to Force the Hair. C OK Dandruff Cure Keeps the scalp in a purily. healthy ondition, causing a natural growth of hair. Solid by All Druggists, Applied by Barbers. A. R. BREMER CO. LIMITE , TORONTO, CHICAGO, National Camet Sweapers. e-¢c Sweepers are the es made with ROL- JEARINGS protected This devise, ETEIEPT ; ich 15 carefully * fitted, re- : b duces the effort Feduived by ER N about. one half. They are beautifully finished in Natural, Antique and Golden Oak, Mahogany and Natural Sycamore. We guar- antee every sweeper sold. % BIRCH 1 by a dust cap. McKELVEY & 60 and 71 Brock Street, IRON BEDS. fron Peds have jusd They are gow designe; Brose Mutiraame ard stock of sr inepertion and dairty el Axo w Belle or old chairs rm 4 alt kinds of Repalring and arry a large asgorde we from LEADING UNDERTAKER. JAMES REID, AVERY 2299999 VEVAVIVS LVL VEe 3 Have you seen our stock of fine Easter Goods ? It is the largest in the city. You will find here some very appro- priate things for your table Easter Eggs, Chickens and novelties of all kinds All must be sold, and we are offering some rare bargains, TOYE, Marke! Square. : {rrrsss srssssssssse Mi BTA Te LVR LLVRVHBRR GN PRYLHEDEVOUH OR

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