THE DAILY WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 24. "MRS, WIGGS, OF THE PATCH," by A. €. Hogan, ibe. "THE HOUSE WITH THE GREEN SHUT. TENS," by Douglas. Tic. "ROME EXPERIENCES BMY, dows, $1. "THE SURPRISES OF AN EMPTY HO TEL," by A. C. Guoter, 30s. "THE WAR IN BOUTH AFRICA; ITS CAUSE AND CONDUCT" by A Conan Doyle, only 10e. Sen our list of 75¢ CABBAGE OF AN IRISH books selling at 25¢ R. U6Low & Co, Booksellers, 141 Princess Street. RAINY WEATHER WILL SOUN BE HERE. Bot ib will Have mo effect on your house if you wee the paint we recommend, and that Is RAMSAY'S, All the mewest whades. Ask for color card. Only $1.60 per gallon, MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. prove to you (hat 3. wn Sita os theojute cure for each avery form St Juching, it, Boo tos: ANSOY, BATES & Dr. Chase's Ointment SECOND HAND GOODS BOUGHT THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR Ladin' Cast-off Clo thing, Stoves and Furniture Bae and Cali or address 388 Princess street, next to St. Au Srewsiebmen. Orders promptly stienaed J. THOMPSON, IE 5 PIL [TIT 4ECOND EDITION NEWS ON PAGE ¥IVE. COMMERCIAL MATTER, What is Going on in the Busines: World--The Market News. France pow bas 4,288,087 acres of vine yards A $500,000 waggon factory is to be erect ed at Petrolia, Husa sported petroleum last year. These fourths of the for a livelihood upon the It is reported from Pittsbury iron and steel will be advanced ton. Maple suger is a plentiful crop in Northern Owtario. The greater than last year Leadiug grocers of Winnipeg inten? forming pssociption this spring Envlish instilations Losed POU,000,000 gallons of peonle of Cube depend sugar Crop. Pa, that w $2 output will be a bhoge coupsratiye after the manoer of Ue The Mumireal stock exchange over Friday, Ssgurdav and Momduy the Faster holidays A. J vasia rail 80 will be « and re open om Today alter yesterday, carried A special train Cashare, way to the Penns 90 miles, ' president of New York, minutes Havre, Franes, fe market The commenti ty in its warchouss seidom falls below 2, Jin the world's largest col- amount of that 000,000 bags. In northern Ontario thers were & cords of puipwood This 40 cents a cord, the rovalty imposed the provincial goversment, shoukl yield a reve nae of $115,200,000 ------ 288,000 0600 amount at by Pierrepont Opens Navigation. "At half past eleven! o'clock this morning, the steamer Pierrepont gtart ed out from the ferry wharf to smash the bridge that spanned the city and the islands Several hundred people along the harbor front watched the gunboat attack the ice. The Pierre pont ran quickly thr gh for a quar ter of a mile until opposite Point Vréderick 'where difficulty was encoun tered However, this thick ice was slowly hroken, the steamer backing and then attacking under full steam Easy progress was made up the har bor to Channel Grove. It was expect ed that the steamer would reach Cape Vincent this evening, Navigation thus opens sixteen days earlier than in 1900 and 1901. Real Estate Changes. has been chang ring recently. J, 8. R. Blair, op + Some real estate hands in the city McCann has purchased from W. Ottawa, a house on King street, posite Macdonald park. On Saturday he sold a house on Montreal street, belonging to alderman R. N. Me Farlane, to Sergt. Clifford, of "A" battery. Other real estate deals are pending. Seth J. Axtell, professor of Greek in Kalamazoo, Mith.. college, for the past twelve years, died on Sunlay from grippe, aged sixty years. WYNDHAM CLINGS TO LAW.| IS OPPOSED TO PROCLAMATION OF IRISH LEAGUE. Cabinet Much in Doubt--One Sec- tion, Headed by Lord London- derry, Former Chief Secretary, Urges Suppression. London, March 24.--The now hanging in doubt with the cabi net is whether the United Irish league shall be proclaimed. It is understood that Friday's cabifiet + council was again concerned with the contentions of the two sections of the cabinet, the one section headed by lord London- derry, a former lord lieutenant Ireland favoring the \mmediate sup pression of the league, under the crimes act; the other section, which includes Mr. Wyndham, the chiei sec retary, desiring to cling to the or dinary law for the suppression of act crime as long as possible. The is vociferously demanding the league as a dan- gerous association, and the strongest measures against 'the organizers disloyalty and lawless coercion." In the past it generally has been the militant party that has gainad the upper hand. Mr. Wyndham him self hopes much from the industrial re-organization programme, if treasury will spare him the necessary fands, and also from his new land bill to be submitted in the house of commons soon. It is generally he- lieved that the bill is specially favor- able to the transfer of land in the congested districts where the land- willing to sell. ive Times uppression of the lords are Uprisings Were Preconcerted. London, March 24.--It | is reported bere from Odessa, says the Vienna cor respondent of the Daily Mail, that re volution and disorders have broken out simultaneously at Batoum, on the Black sea, at Tifhs, and at Baku, on the Caspian sea. Ac cording to the reports, says the cor respondent, the movement was parently preconcerted in each town, and there collisions mounted troops and rioters, The number of casualties is not known. Several warchouses have been burned at Baku. were Inter-Imperial Trade. New York, March 24.-A cable from London to the New Post says : So far as concerns the preferential tariff proposals now coming from Canada and Australasia, designed to make the empire more or less 4 trade unit, in view of the coronation con ference in June, it is understood that the eabinet is inclined to agree to sub mit the whole question toa royal commission, upon which shall be represented special | York More Work For Prince Henry. March 24 with the first squadron, will Spanish waters in May, when vodng king of Spain is enthroned. Berlin, Visit BORSTAL ARETHLLLVLLLTRLTTTTLLRLRALLRRBLLDVLLDRNS THIS WEEK WITNESSES THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF SPRING It is time to begin to think of your New Suit. We are ready with the largest line ever shown in Kingston. We display a perfect assortment of handsome, new styles of garments, and cordially invite your personal inspection when you are ready for your Spring outfit. Our patrons get superb quality, latest correct styles, exact fit, cloth that holds its color, durable and fine linings that match cloth in shade and design, garments that are carefully made by expert Union Tailors, that will wear well and give good service. In addition to all these vital and essential items, our patrons Save Money on Every Purchase Magnificent line of Men's Ready-to-Wear Suits in staple colors and fancy shades. Prices: ........................ $1.50, $10, S12 AND $15. SPRING OVERCOATS 2 . All the new colorings for this season's wear, cut in the new - style, with wide square shoulders, one-quarter inch raised ~ séams, fancy cuffs, and tailored up to the highest pitch of jon. You will quickly purchase one of these coats wie you wt for ea than 315. Tessrdaestareaastanattaar erates SomipSthors can't show anything near as good SOP0000000 000000 00 000000000000 0000 $0002 000000000 Our custom tailoring is in full activity. S. D. Abell, ou custom cutter, is in the front row of successful d gur } cutters, The display of wooilens in this department wealth 5 styles, "the varity of any two of the other stores. fashionable Trousers can be seen now here SEES a out: Ovrom ares $10 oe for A _IVINGSTON & BRO. of Clothing, 75, 77.79 Brock Street. question | of | of | the | in Trans-Caucasia, | | ap- between | the colonies Prince Henry, | the | PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. London's fire brigade last year cost | £2,230 000. Guelph, Ont., will put in a new fire | alarm svstem. | The great London bridge is td be | increased to sixty-five feet wide. { The Ontario government has author | ized the establishment of a high school { at North Bay. Rev. C. 0. Johnston has accepted an invitation to remain as pastor of | Queen street Methodist church, Toron to, for a fifth vear. As a substitute for cotton or silk | thread for stringing pearl or other beads, use a violin string. It will be found to be more serviceable A bill prohibiting the playing of | baseball or football on Sunday has sed the house at Des Moines, la., yw a vote of fifty to sixteen The Torouto Sunday World has this new form of announcement: "The engagement of Miss Beatrice Routh to Miss Wentworth Monk is announced in | Montreal." The citizens of Guelph are agitating a new system of sewage. The building | output for the year will depend great ly on the question of proper sewage | for the sewage. Sir Wiliam Macdonald has placed $125,000 to the credit of the rural school fund in the bank of Montreal | for the erection and furnishing of the | buildings in connection with Ontario agricultural college at Guelph. A concert was given at the grave { of the late Thomas C. Hannahoe, ex mayor of Irishtown, Pa., on St. Pat eick's day. Before his death some years ago, he requested that Irish | songs be played at his grave cach St. Patrick's day. Dr. W. W. Johnston, a | Washington physician, died on | day. He was an expert in the ireat- ment of diseases of the heart and was of the physicians called during the last hours of president MoKinley's | illness, but reached his bedside too | late to be of any service. leading Sun | one | HAVE THEY SURRENDERED ? -- | The Latest Rumor Flying Through London. London, March 24.--The Westin ster Gazette, this afternoon, urges that any peace proposal should be re- | garded on its. merits, pointing out | that the ungenerous assumption -that the previous Boer overtures were | signs of weakness contributed largely | to the failure of the negotiations. The Pall Mall Gazette "would like | to think that the bravery and skill in { commanders Dewet and Delarey have | arrived at the height of moral cour | age once attained by Gen. Lee and { have realized that 'the trust patrio | tism does not consist in the prolong ation of a hopeless struggle," but' the paper cor losses that the military situ- { ation is not auspicious for such a | change of mind. James Gazette extracts from the i despatches, thus far received from Pretoria, the theory that Mr. Schalkberger and the other members of his party have possibly already surrendered and have been released on parole for the purpose of seeing president Steyn and Dewet. generally good effect on the stock ex- change. There jis good reason to be lieve that lord Kitchener, in his in- terview with Mr. Schalkbergor, to withdraw the banishment procla- mation issued in September if Gen rendered. What War Secretary Says. London, March 24 commons, to-day, and Mr fortnight ago, Mr. ated to lord Kitchener go desire granted a safe conduct through British lines; | Mr. Steyn, with the | peace proposals. { with the consent of | bad acceded to the the Schalberger in possibilities Lord request, TO FIX THE DIVIDEND. tion is Passed. Montreal, March 24.--The of the Dominion steel company in session in this city, to-day, action regarding the dividend of preferred stock, which would, in regular course, be Ist. no declaration will be made, owing to the bill before the all the stages necessary tion. That the dividends will even- wally be paid as soon as the legisla- ture receives the assent of the lieu tepant-governor, not doubted. dividend amounts to £175,000, three and one-half per cent. 000. Hon. G. A. in W. Whitney and James Ross. ersault Cure For Obesity. London, March 21.-- don novelty is the "somersault cure for fat women. gymnasium, where aristocratic tients turn somersaults, on principles, in their obesity. The be most efficacious. "eure" Appeals For Funds. Dublin to the Times, mentary party. borate organization for coll money by means of branches of United Irish difficulties are overtaking the party. No Seals Caught. St. Johns, steamer Newfoundland, the first seal with reports which indicate that the season's was the worst on re The news from South Africa had a wgreed Dewet and the other Boer leaders sur- ~In the house of war secretary, Broderick, announced that, a td be , the amt back inorder to see of Kitchener, the government, Likely to Be Paid After Legisla- directors are to take the the payable on April It is rumored in the street that to-day, Nova Scotia legislature, not having passed to compile- The being on §500,- Cox is presiding at the meeting in the absence of Messrs. The latest Lox at the entrgnee to Picton A West End surgeon's house has been fitted up as a luxurious Swedish the hope oi reducing is said to London, March 24.--The Dublin na- tionalist press, says a telegram from is issuing ap- peals for funds for the Irish parfa- Tin spite of the ela- the , it seems financial NAd., March 20. The MURRAY TO INVESTIGATE AS TO THE CAUSE OF JANES QUIRK'S DEATH. He is Supposed to Have Been Murdered During the Night-- The Death of Johr Ryan, a Leading Citizen. Toronto, March 24.--On the request attorney-general, this "morning, ted inspector John Murray to investi gate the circumstances attending the death of James hotel keeper, supposed to have been murdered in his own barn there, yes terday. The death took place here of John Ryan, a member of the well-known family of contractors of that name. Mr. Rvan was in his sixty-eighth year, and died of heart failure, which affected him for some time. He leaves a widow, three sons, and two daugh- ters. With the exception of Sir Casi- mer Guzowski, Sir David MacPherson, and one or two of the first railway huilders .in Canada, Mr. Ryan had built more miles of trackyhan any other Canadian contractor. He built part of the G.T.R. and Chicago & Al- ton in 1860, of the Intercolonial ana C.P.R., west of Winnipeg, the Ontario & Quebec railway from Toronto two Perth, the Brockville & Ottawa, and many shorter lengths. Latterly he was associated with his brother, the late Hugh Ryan, and M. J. Haney, in the building of the Soo canal, and the enlargement of the St. Lawrence canals, The excellent condition of business in the city is shown in the revised as sessment of the year, which was sign wd by the county judge "his morning. The total is $133.965.543, as com pared with 128271 5838 last year. This is the largest increase since the collapse of the real estate boom when the assessment stood at £1353,000,000. There was a large attendance at the annua! meeting of the Ontario rifle association, at the military institute, this morning. Capt. Harbottle, the secretary-treasurer, reported that the association had made a net profit of $5,260 out of the sale of seats for the royal review last fall. This sum will be kept in a special fund for the en couragement of rifle shooting. The government, it was also announced, has agreed to make important changes at the rifle ranges at Port Credit, in cluding the erection of a number of new targets. It was decided to adopt the rule of the Dominion association, that all persons who have served twelve years in the militia shall be permitted to take part in military competitions, whether or not they are now actively connected with the ser vice. Officers were. elected : President, E. B. Osler, M.P.; vice-presidents, first district, Lieut.-Col. White, Guelph; se cond district, Maj. J. J. Mason, Hamilton: third district,, Maj. N. F MacNachtan, Cobourg; fourth district, Ligut.-Col. Sherwood, Ottawa; tary-treasurer, Capt. Harbottle, To ronto; council, Lieut.-Col. Delamer, Toronto; Licut.-Col. Bruce, Toronto; Lieut.-Col. John Hughes, Clarke; Lieut.-Col. Edwards, Peterboro; Lieut.-Col. Anderson, Ottawa; Lieut. Col. Macdonald, Toronto; Mai. G. W Haves; Maj. Wilson, Seaforth; Maj Helmer, Otlawa; Maj. Sylvester, Lind say; Capt. Crowe, Guelph; Capt. Cun ningham, Kingston; Maj. Ropér, Ot tawny' Lieut. Pain, Hamilton. The remains of the late John Ryan, the railway contractor, were taken to Brockville for interment, on the train leaving here at nine o'clock this morning. Mass was said at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes by Rev. Fr. Cruise, in presence of many friends and relatives. The pall-bearers were M. J. Haney, Col To J. J. Foy. John Morison, Hon. 8. C. Wood and Thomas Flynn. Mr. Dean to-day began duty at the liberal rooms as hy Svetary for the coming campaigg+" The rooms in the Golden Lion bililding are splendidly equipped, and are open for reading purposes to all who desire to visit them. A Toronto despatch says : cer" Elliott, the university athlete, trial at first base, and if he makes good, will have a permanent job Elliott is much fancied by Mr. Bar row, The New York athletic club hockey team defeated Ottawa 6 to 3, on Sa- turday might, in New York. Clarke and Carruthers, late of Kingston, played with the United Stafes team. Clarke scored three goals. The sergeants of the 14th regiment have made arrangements for holding an assembly in the main drill hall on Thursday evesiing, April 3rd. There will be no lack of space in the big hall "Chau well-known Queen's will be given a meets to organize for "A" company, al will meet for drill 14th regiment, the season's drill. ready organized, to-morrow night. Bay of Quinte Navigation Co. are building a wharf at Chimney Point, This will mean a saving of three-quarters of an hour to a steamer going in and out. H. D. Bibby, sick in the hospital for the last two weeks, has been under an operation for appendicitis. It was performed successfully. The charge for water in Guelph is to be out down one-half this year, which is expected to leave a good sur- plus for the company. In St. James chwch last evening, Rev. Mr. Savary, preached his con- cluding Lenten sermon on "The Three Temptations." The largest mail received at the lo- cal that of last night; it nearly buried ®. The non-commissioned officers' clase of the lth regiment meet at the drill hall this evening. gg Nntuient that po' Les re heey CHIPS: LINIMENT Griff a i il fie aid i ba rid (HT - ir » if =f 1 3 i Li] LE of the Brantford crown authorities the depu- | Quirk, the Brantford | secre. | . pee ! On Wednesday night "E' company, post-office since Christmas was | Seal ¢ Brand Coflee (1 1b.and 2 1b.cans) Its Purity is its Strength Flavor and Fragrance its natural attribates.} imtaions + | CHASE & SANBORN, aumerous. MONTREAL AND BOSTON. ool Lace or allt SAMPLES TO-MORROW. - d We have just secured the complete Sample Sett of Lace Curtains from the representative of an English Lace Curtain Manufacturer just previous to his return to England, and we will sell the lot TO-MORROW at very special prices. THE LOT INCLUDES : PAIRS FINE LACE CURTAINS, All different designs. Raaging from the ordinary Nett Curtain at 75¢. and $1 on up through the different qualities to the fine Swiss Curtain at $12, hese will be soldat prices ranging from 13TO 14 OFF. i CURTAIN SAMPLES. About one-half of a Curtain different qualities. Your MORROW 25c¢. each. SALE OPENS pa 0 O'CLOCK. J. LAIDLAW & SON. iid AS POS APA NALS AANAA "DID YOU EVER HAVE THE in size, choice | | = 3 | | 2 | Razzle Dazzle ? We are dressing our windows this week with the BEST AND FINEST SHOES we carry. We promise a dazzling display of FOOTWEAR fiom the best makers and we shall ticket them with prices in plaia figures. For shoes from the very cheapest to the very best there will be po place like THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE .The Only Pure 5 And Wholesome Porter -¥ --1S---- bs LONDON