THE DAILY W BIG, TUESDAY, 'MARCH 25 pk pi ARR ANS aM 0 EA RE i PR re IS. OFTEN NFCESSARY, but whan it Ootes 10 speaking | of Palote Varwohes, Stains, Wall Colors, Paint frases. Varuieh Brushes, Carvigie Pants, ete, smaoubio eed By THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS €0, so talk at all be weary. la luet the = for themeelves, and ia bo Soderipin mans Hold by CORBETT'S HADW: AE Corner Princess and Weliington Streets. Young 2nd Mia Love MALT BREAKFAST FOOD In avery providence ieee of our hroad do minion tens of thousands have made Malt Breakfast Pood their moroing dish, and readily adufit that it is the choicest, most delicious and most healthful breakfast food they have ever usd. No man, woman or child has Leen disappointed with Male Breakfast Food. All expectations have been fully realized us far as the establishment of health and strength are corcerned. All admit that Malt Breakiast Food ie the most satisfying, most sustain: ing and most palatable grain food, Malt Breakfast Food may be imitat- ed by unserapulous manafacturers, but it never can be equalled in health giv. ing and nourishing qualities. The pa tent process whershy pure Malt is add ed to the choicest wheat is unknown to the makers of other grain foods. Buy a package of Malt Breakfast Food from your grocer and test it. After osing it you will gladly admit that you have found a true health friend. wnls wpwak Danger does not lurk in all drinking waters but in the MAGI CALEDO- NIA there is positive safe" ty always, At all best clubs, hotels and Gro~ cers, p YHE WHIG--68ii VEAR. DAILY BRITISH 'WHiG, published wich evening, ot HES10 Kaw Street. at yenr, FEdpions st 2350 and 4 ¥ BRITISH WHC, 2 published every Thursiay morniog 6% yenr. Atinched is one of the bent fob Printing Offers in Cannds; rapid, styfish snd cheap work; wine improved presses FW. J. B. PENSE, TIE DAILY WHIG. *Opiter per Orbe Dicer.' HEAVING UP INSULT. Clenernl Miles is having a hard time of it in prevening the diversion to others of the duties that belong to page $a PROPRIETOR. CONSERVATIVE ENDORSEMENT. The Toropto News (conservative) re pudiates Mr. Whitey and those who are opposing the apening of New On tario. "The rapid progress that has tween made in the new territory the Clergue company and the two or three other corporations opened there have begun operations," says our con- temporary, "warrants the stand Mr. Marter has taken and proves that be has a clearer understanding of the needs of New Ontario thar the other members of his own side who oppose sich concessions, as those of the Keewatin company." The "Jy sihee News continues ; is. pos his office. The new army bill, which hus been drafted without reference to | him, him in the | direction of military affairs, It de he ought to in re practically ignores } prives him of the voice have on army and to which his long experience for very much. It is | has suffered many | of polis questions, gard aught to count intimated that he - embarrassments on account ties, When the Cuban war broke ont he was allowed to play only a minor part. Adjutant General Corbin, the office man - at Washington, and the man who has never smelt powder on the field. had more to say than he. He denounced the beef that was offer ed the troops by scheming contractors he called it embalmed ment--and wits shamefully called to account. 'He expressed an opinion, incidentally, on the merits oi the Schley-Sampson con- troversy, and wag practically told that he was not expected to have any views upon the question. He con evived the idea that he could bring the war in the Philippines to a speedy termination, and he was snub- sible that the concessions in this case than anv that but we are more generous have been given previously, mist remember that there was consid apposition to those the same grounds, yet no one will say the provinee did not act wisely in giving ye Clergue and others engaged in de veloping the north every privilege or "grant they It is only hy a policy of generous con cessions thot we ean bring into full use the immense wealth which Ss lying locked up in that country. The gion is of immense size, and the value of its products almost incalculable, but that value cana only be realized through mannfacture. It poor man's country, and we venture to say that unless its development is brought shout by great capital it will remain for ages almost the same wilderness it is today." The government has been influenced by several motives. It bas aimed at the settlement of the new territory. It has desired the use of its immense wealth. It could not ask for tenders erable on country received. re is mot a - ", Now a council of three, bill before the sen | | and | bed again. according to the ate, will, -if passed, render him a non entity," He protests dgainst it, declares that he will resign his place | and go into retirement hefore he will | aubmit to its indignity. He is threat in consequence, with further bu miliations. The the gocretary of war will attend to him, | and his objections. So it { ted. Experience, service, sacrifice, are of no avail when political plans ard at stake, Fancy Fngland heaping in #ult upon Lord Roberts as the United has been heaping them upon Miles ! The thing is incon ened, president and in infima States General ceivable. ---------------- «SOME YANKEE ROT. The Review of Reviews editorially discusses Canada's part in the South African war, and finds fault with it hecnuse it implies a direct repudiation of the Monroe doctrine. According to it Canada should not have become identified with European troubles, and having defied the doctrine there is no telling what the consequences may be. Canada, by the way, never had any use for Mr. Monroe's doctrine. The United States only respects it when The Associated Board OF THE Royal Academy Of Music And Royal College Of Music. To conjunction with MoGill © University, PRESIDENT i' CANADA. #. E. THE GOVERNOR GENERAL, THF RT. HON, THE EARL OF MINTO, VISITOR OF THE UNIVERSITY. Esaninstions will ba held as follows : Theory (paper work)--June 6th. 3 ruetionl--Bettom the 19th May and G0 Tins. exact dates will be duly announced. Entries close on April & All information, ie ihm of Egisy, mclomn theory papers, 6, oan bo obiae J. A. NICHOLSON, Registrar, MeGill University, the ances fit, The Philippine islands, lying away out in the Pacific, are not a part of the continent of America, and they are grabbed hy the United States when her strife with Spain opened the way for seizure and appropriation. That act has been opposed by many Americans, a8 an unwarranted one, as involving a war which is without jus tification; and it has been defended by the expansionists on the ground that new territory has heen acquired for the diversion of America's trade and commerce. The Monroe trine is, therefore, a political expedient that will stand more admiration in theory than in practice. By the way the Review of Reviews intimates that "the one thing in' the whole ontlook of the United States that is in any degree whatever menac- ing or annoying is the arbitrary line across the continent, which checks its natural expansion, and beyond which a FKuropean power is building fortifications." The United States has its eye upon our great North-west, and the Review, continuing, remarks : "Nature intended it for the free and natural expansion of America. It was @& mistake for the English to make mer the great empty Hudson Ray country and the Pacific North-west to her Canadian and maritime colonies of the Atlantic seaboard, which had prac- wically no connection, whether of peo- ple or of industry, with that wild western country. 'The region should, instead, have been transferred, for a proper consideration, to the govern ment of the United States; just ax the Preach sold the Louisiana country a hunched years © ago to out govern The secret is out. Any alliance which will strengthen. the position of for the spruce wood because it is very much scattered and not easily valued or handled. It realized that a pulp mill was a costly institution, and one that hecame the centre of business ae tivity, and so it offered coneessions which have heretofore advantage to the country. been of decided That the | government's policy is 5 good one is endorsement hy re the its preseniatives of party and press, indlicated by conservative EDITORIAL TOPICS. The Canadian Manufacturer says that only the blindness of partizan prejudice could have induced Mr Whitney to oppose the Algoma Central agreement. Perhaps Mr. Whitney can see his error now, but it is too late, C. R. Hosmer, the millionaire cessor of the great W. W. the milling business, is here. He began life in Kingston as a telegraph His rise has been rapid and steady. All power to him, . sae Ogilvie ir well known operator. Events suggests that Canada take a census of people on the de facto sys- tem five years hence. At another out lay of half or three quarter of a mil lion? The work could be done for less, of course, hy the municipalities, with some aid from the government. the liberal candidate in is an Englishman, and Mr. Bergeron, the eonservdtive candi date, is a Frenchman. As the con stitnepev is overwhelmingly Fremch, Bergeron's game is to stir up racial and he and his minions are they can in that direc Mr, Foy, Beauharnois, trouble, doing what tion. At a conservative meeting in Tor onto, C. C. Robinson "was almost going to say that Mr. Marter had played the part of a traitor." Al most going to say it ? Didn't he give expression to the idea, and in the most aggressive form ? What Mr. Marter thinks of C. C. Robinson is not known and cannot be imagined. -- The modern church would not be complete with a smoking-room_ and poolroom. It would only be com plete with the barroom, and geod beer and spiritbous Mguor on tap, as suggested by a well-known New York clergyman. It makes one dizzy trying to imagine what the church of the futare is going to be--with all these wiarked improvements. -------- Harper's Weekly advocates the hang ing of Lord Methuen by the Boers, as an ofiset for the execution of Kruitzinger hy the British in Africa. Hak Methuen slaughtered the wound- ol and dying? Hax be been charged with the crimes of which Kroitzinger was proves guilty ¥ If not, why should he be hanged ? Harper's Weok- I¥ ie too anti-British to find a lodg- ment in any Canadian bome. Of A Traitor. itiam Dunlop has re tion of fine photo son, Elliott, with the One of THE AFFAIRS OF THE HOUR. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody ~--Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Two Cancasian regiments have been ordered to proceed to Central Asia. E. B. Osler, MP, was reelected president of the Ontario rifle associa- tion. Rev. R. J. a call to the Owen Sound. William Clark, of .the Hamilton po- lice force, has heen appointed chief constable of Galt. Monday, August 4th, has bern se lected as Toronto's civie holiday for the current year. The beautiful new rooms of the liberal clubs of Hamilton were formal ly opened on Monday night The stemmer Islander, sunk last fall by 4 collision with ag weeberg, will be raised. Lioyds' agent hos contracted with a Seattle man There is good ground for believing the Ameer of Afghanistan has recontly shown a leaning toward Russia, which may have important results im the future. ' Fire in the boys' home, Toronto, last night endangered the lives of its inmates, "but by the coolness of the superintendent and nurses all got out safely. Madame Tarte, wife of the minister of public works, and her three daugh- ters, sailed from Halifax, on the Royal mail steamer lonian on Mon day night for England. federal grand jury at Wichita said Hoffman, 4 prisoner in the Boer camp at Bellary, Bombay, climbed the gate and attempted to escape, He was shot by the British sentry. The new rooms of the liberal club at Hamilton were formally opened last night. Hon. J. M. Gibson, Hon. J. R. Stratton, Messrs. Pattallo, M.P.P,, and A. F. Pierre delivering addresses A movement is on foot in Toronto labor to establish what spoken of as a 'defence fund." intention is that this fund shall used to assist union men in case lock-out or a strike. The British house of commons, with out discussion, has accepted Mr. lal four's motion that the suspension of John Dillon, for calling Mr. Cham berlain a liar, be for one week, from March 20th. Toronto council has passed a by- law giving officers the right 'to enter any theatre, or place of entertainment and order any immoral or indecent performance to forthwith stop, and to arrest the pertormers without a warrant. The colonial the movement McCalpine, has accepted Presbyterian church in "0 is The a ola cireles office encouraging to establish cotton growing in Togoland, East Africa, as a permanent native industry on a large scale. A commission of ggricul tural experts will he sent to the Uni ted States to study. cotton cultiva tion awd collect daty with a view to starting experimental stations in To goland. Ww Mayor Jones' Factory. Frank Leslie's Monthly. the famous Lowden Rule fadtory, where mayor Jones, of Toledo, . has made 4 handsome part of his fortune, is situated near the corner of two streets. A small park adjoine aml beneath 4 score of tine old trees are grouped settees and benches, Thive are swings, sea-saws, and Maypoles Flower beds light the spot and gra vel walks thread it. Here in summer speakers of national fame in economic matters deliver addresses. The sigrs upon the puths do not read "Keep off the grass," but instead "Children take care of your property," "Dont keep others waiting longer than you would have others keep the places while you are waiting. The factory employees have an orchestral organ: zation and a vocal guartette. The factory building is a modern workshop. On the wall is this legend: "Rule governing this shop : There jore, whatsoever ye would that mea should do unto vou, do ¥& even so ubto them." Uncer this rule the men work conféntedly. The eight-hour day is in vogue and a percentage the annual profits of the concern is dis wibuted among them. Their children are educated in the factory kindergar ten. There is a dining-room in thé building and the workmen are served with a warm lunch at the noon hour for which they pay fifteen cents. of A Jump Inte Politics, Frank Leslie's Monthly About seven vears ago mayor Jones quietly became a citizen of Toledo. At that time be was deseribed by his neighbore as a man with odd notions about the eight-hour day, equal rights, the golden rule, abd a com mon brotherhood. He had fashioned a dress suit philosophy out of home spun tharic, The fit was good, hut hands that write cheques were held up in fear lest it should become stylish. He lived in a fashionable part of thy city and rode down the venue in a rubber-tired squippage. From the en vironment of a monopolist he declar ed himseli the friend of all the peo ple. Politicians canght the flash of a solitaire, SEED GRAIN COMPETITION Training The Farmers by Practi- cal Methods, The annual report oi the winister of agriculture lor the dominion is inter esting reading, mofe especially the progress by young Canadians in pracucal grain culture. To stimulate interest in the growing and systama- tie selection of seed-gram, a competi- tion among boys and gwls living on Canadian fatmis was stared in the spring of 10, Sic Witham C. Mae donaid, of Montreal, cn od S10 tki,, in cash prizes, on plans arransed by Prof. Robertson 1hese prives are distributed by whe dominion depart- ment of agriculture «The competitors are growing seed grain on specially prepared plots of and, of one quarter of an acre each, selecting vach year from these plots to sow for the succeeding vear. They gather well-fitled beans from vigorous plants before the grain is cut amd after all the conditions of growth have been oloorved, and then thresh these heads. This mannw of selecting seed has been conduct dd for two years on eight huydred Cana dign farms throughout the dominion The expressions of appreciation re ceived from parents amd wachers " of many of the boys and girls who have been managing 5 seed plot have heen gratlying, The nature study connect ed with the selection of seed grain as helpful as it ix teresting. A tematic, continued seledtion of grain from the most gorous productive plants in the lead to great improvement crops throughout the country The educational inthuence . of the competi- tion is exerting wholesome ofiect upon hovs and girls whose school years gre nearly ended, and, who may never again be offered An inducement suffi- cient to awaken gnd to develop 4 hk- ing for , careful study of nature's me thods, as to seed is SVS seed and plots will in the She And Love Grew; He Didn't. Cimctonati Enciror Kingwood, W. Va. tallest and perhaps the heaviest wo man in West Virginia was married last night to A comparative midget, both parties hailing from this place, where they reared and went to school together. The bride was Miss Mary Craig. who pails down the scale at 235 pounds and stands six feet and six inches in her bare feet. Her hus band is Elza Winfield Thomas, a car penter, whose head barely reached his wife's shonlders, and who weighs but 115 pounds. The bride, who is ia miliarly known in this community as Miss "Dot." thirty-five vears old and her hushand is one year her seni or, they both being born on the day of the month. The two were ers when scarcely out of their March 15.~The were same lov teens ¢ Suits." will suit Ribhy '" Suits." Oak Hall. If vou look about comparison force von to buy your spring hore, 86.50 to ®i4. The H. D Co. Do Not Carry Your Load of Disease Into the Spring Season. Paine's Celery Compound viakes Rich Pure Blood, Btiong Nerves and Gives a New ee of Lifs. Too often people drag with them into the spring season a load of dis Fase that has proved a heavy burden during the wintér months. Impure and poisoned blood, eczema, salt rhoum, boils, eruptions, neuralgia, rheumatism, kidney liver trouble, dyspepsia and nervous com plaints claim thousands vietims throughout the land, The cleansing, healing and newing work of Paine's Celery pound in the past should be a suffi cient guarantee to every sufferer that it will surely and quickly overcome every form of disease just referred to In every Paine's Celery Com pound one remedy that will completely and permanently hring back health, make pure. rich blood, regulate and build up the weakened nervous system. Mrs, Adamson, Head of Millstream. N.B.. who, after years of sickness and suffering at last found a new life in Paine's Celery Com pound. writes thus "I feel it 'uw duty to briefly testify regarding the value of Paine's Celery Compound childhood | suffer ed from sick headaches, neuralgia and constipation Had attacks week which kept me confined to my bed. Have been treated by a mamber of physicians without beneficial re sults, 1 procured six bottles of Paine's Celery Compound which was strongly recommended to me, and af ter a short time | found that new life and health coming that | had so long wished for. Two vears have passed and | have not had a return of my old troubles. 1 can never say much in favor of Paine's Celery Com pound." . disease, of life re Com case the Since once a too When the Toledo republican conven: tion met in 1507 there was danger of a dead-lock between two factions. In a =pirit of compromise, necessity lush = the wite of James M. Ashley, one of the leaders, to rack hie brains for un eligible dark horse. "T name Sam wel M. Jones," he shouted above the i "He in a friend of all the peo p Jones" career as & publicist dates from that day. SEALED TENDERS ADURESSED TO THE tndervigoed, sed widorsed | Clesders tor 3 teh IT HAY STRIKE You As a "Good Proposition, It May Not, But 20% Djscount Off Everything In Dry Goods, Except Cotions ood Sheetings. 200h. Discount Off All Millinery. 3 1 00000 i FLAP INOG0I00 0900098 P91 00000) S504 0000 0090000000004 » Seems to be a mighty good proposition to figure on just now. Does it strike hard enough to get you into buying humor, to get you say- ing 20c. on each dollar puichase ? STARR & SUTCLIFFE'S US and 120 Princess Street, Kingston, ia STOVES STORED. We Take Down, Remove. Store and Insure Stoves and all Other Goods in Our Line. | ig i i £ : : f i If yoiThave not a clean, dry place for the pur- pose, perhaps it will pay you to have us take care of your Heating Stoves for the summer. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Streer, Kitchen (er) Reports That trouble and mules should never be approached from the rear. You are approaching all kinds of trouble when you buy cheap "POISONOUS'" Enamel Ware. Try a sin. gle piece of "STRANSKY" for a sample. To be had only at ELLIOTT BROS 75 AND 77 PRINCESS ST. The best is the cheapest. Easter Shoes Are as pretty and attractive as Easter lowers. The world will blossom in SPRING SHOES on Easter morning. Our NEW FOOTWEAR is ready. Everything that good dressers want is here. Our LADIES' SHOES are mar- vels 'of beauty. Not a style escapes us A. ABERNETHY, Headquarters for Trunks and Valises. IRON BEDS. Our spring stock of ron Bede bave arvived for your nape Gos roms of pretty sod and White Frame Springs to fr Hove your Paclor Sets or oovepenl, ae we do all and wpbslviering, and carry so ment of vovers to choos from. i] They ars com devigne; Bross Mattresses aad dminty Also ol i oid chairs rye sasors LEADING UNDERTAKER. DR. A. W, CHASE'S 25. CATABRE CUBE... is ween Aree 50 1pm A by be Improved rns JAMES REIl To Paint King' s Picture. Galt. Ont, March Chnties Bwith, an old Galt boy, bas -- commissioned to print a porirait of King Fdward for the lot Jue guaris He is expected here this summer ba of the Wolverine best The ,plart at Pes Harbour, mignr factory The Grand Trask is going to build a new fesight shud ay Strationd, and will be moved to Berlin, Out 1 i i | Mich.. has heen parchascd for ERE kinds of Repsiriog ©