Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Mar 1902, p. 2

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v Have ever the quality muck [ stom, every quality you Jnad want. give you dotens of 4 to choose, RROTHING your chwiow first, 4 VHENBER we are the oo: onetusiv Carpot and is King: N of Wa Ee ike potierns making now, The soll IVING the _ lwst obtainable. Eady 6 ban alwoys been Mrong point' R. McFaul, Kingston, valine Season our CLE (Gs HOUSE CLEARING BEASON 18 HERE. We are alvendly Domy sit over Parlor Sai, wd tronnes: advise us Lot wtf of upholwerers amd' mechanics be at your service to polish sd repair old Torniturs, making 16 as good & new to do over vous mbiirdse, making than fire pak alt again. COVERS AND UPHOLSTERING SUNDRIES Wo have a farge stock and sell those nv uantity to help vou do vour own werk: i rozy HoRNERS AND WINDOW SEA Apovially. ® _meRaiire YOUr space a d pocket PARLOR SUITS-~Sowe hive new. § Hola, Arm and Reception Chairs, nicely up holstered. Rattan Hocker fed Gold Chair: all for $80. This is the latest end right up to te, ened ig on a par in style and Dowty with suite sold for twice money, 0 oil: All Md with wilh up ede perine. ' CARPE Nearly All in from Fnclish snd oh cr a in colors and puiterds. - Our Wilke dotern: ard Uruevels, ore the beat bo be TAPESTRIES, at 80c, with Tovely color 4 atl good wearing valities. BALMORALS-As av some Brosmls, onlory woven thyough, giving gramd wear. LINOLEUMS English and _Scotoh, none bettet, 1 wh up tg 4 yids. Wide Off: CLOTH=AR widthe--23e. Wp: CURTA Not them as Jia New; Aris paw Lion; Brogsels h . al ww very v Lup ¥ Son Kemisome. viyles a6 $1.80 snd v MILK CURTAINS-Sonething new in thew "at 100 and $12. Verv rich and affective. bch 9p CURTAINS-Heavily fringvd; 18280 to on Jn the ork $5.25 Aygo a F. HARKISON CO. J. M. SHAW WAS CHOSEN BY DELEGATES. Other Names Were Proposed, But : All Retired,- And Mayor Shaw Accepted--He Believes In! Whitney's Policy. About 100 persons attended the con- servative vonvention in the city hall jast night. They were the delegates selected ot the recent ward meetings. The admission was by ticket and it was about 8.30 o'clock when Dr. Ryan took the chair and called the gather ing to. order. The doctdr was sangsine as to the result of the coming con- test; he had vo fear but that a con- servative woultl be returned. The as sociation was never in better form. He asked for nominations fer standard- 'bearer in the coming provincial elec tions, Joseph Dennison offered the name of J. Morgan Shaw and the proposal was seconded by Joba Gaskin. Then followed a Mull and the chainnan whi about to pat the motion when Ald Mcleod asked for time. He thought that a little discussion would prove a good thing, Other 'nominations were called for and the names of Capt. Gaskin, James Minnes, De. Herald, Dr. BE. H. Smythe, W. F. Nickle and Dr. Ryan were proposed. All these retired from the contest, several saying they were not in posi- tion to accept, Mayor Shaw. then arose and said that he, too; did not fool like entering upon another con test this year. His business, ho.said, demanded his attention. He would willingly support any one selected. Finally, he asked for two 'days to con sider the matter. , Ther came a proposal that the can didate and the executive commitice should retire to the council chamber and talk over the situation. The con forence was evidently satisfactory for on returning to the hall, Mr. Shaw said he would accept the nomination and he called for co-operation. He wotld work all the time and if bis supporters did the same he was not afraid of the result. He was strongly in favor of Whitney's policy and he looked for a conservative 'government before the yesr was out. Capt. Gaskin followed with advice fo complete organization and all get to work. The Macdonald' club was called on to show its eapacity, for he was sure the "old lads" would do their duty. The gathering concluded with cheers for the candidate. WILL BUILD THE LINE. The Extension of The K. &. P B.R. To Carleton Place. An Ottawa message reads : A short ening of the distance Ly rail between Ottawa and Toronto is to be made by the Canadian Pacific vailway in the building of a branch line from Carle ton Place to Sharbot Lake, nua do ing away with the necessity of running to Smith's Falls. The distance will he reduced by about twenty miles. Evangelical Alliance. The annual meeting of the Evan elieal alliance was convened in the MCA. parlor on Tuesday. The meeting was opened with prayer by Dr. Anthifi. Rev. Br. Philp was elect- ed president and Rev. T. Leggett, see retary treasurer. Mr. Macdopnell, K. €2., was heard in the inten af the Lord's day alliance and it Sas peed that the ministers of the city he re guiestnd to deal with the subject at an carly date. There being 5 balahoe on hant of over $17, it was decided to give $10 io. iis Lord's day. alliance und $5 to the W.C.T.U. Reve Dn. Laing and M. Macgilliveay and Mr, Macdonnsll were appointed a delega- tion to act with the W.CT.U. in waiting upon the license commission eis andl asking for a reduction of the numbpr of leenses, and for other re forms. The meeting was closed with prayer by Rev. M. Maegillivray. Resurrected Steamyacht's Wheel. Capt. Thomas Clancy, who keeps constant vigil at Swilt's wharf, wes lucky in fishing up with his pike pole an hrase screw . wheel lost off the steam t Edith, as she approached the wharf early last September. The wheel will bring a good rewsrd.Stor- jes have been told of the exploits of the min with the hoe, but the latest subject for the spring poets is about the man with the pike pole. As A Remedy For Coughs. Hoarseness and ~~ Sore Throat, Brown's Bronchial Troches are reliable and give the best possible effect with safety. YThey have suited my case exactly, relieving my throat and elearing the voice so that 1 could sing with case." T. Ducharine, Chorister bh Parish Sharch, Montréal. Price "25 ols. a ¥ rb ------ CONSERVATIVE. NOMINEE, | THE DAILY HE Ro nin ENCOUNTERED THICK ICE. Pierrepont Had Trouble In I Reaching The Cape. : The steamer Pierrepont had great difficulty in reaching Cape Vincent yes- terday. A clear passage had been an- ticipated, but the trouble wis encount- eved where least expected. The steam- er leit here at nine o'clock in the morning with the party of excursion- ists for Washington, amt good time up the harbor to Nine Mile point and out into open water. When with- in four miles of the Cape, a field of ice, stretching across the United States ; channel, was encountered. i ioe - had come down from the lake, end consisted of an under and an upper layer, two feat in thickness, nearly ; twice as thick as the ice broken in} the harbor on Monday. Several of the Pierrepont's crew | walked over the ive lo see what chance there was of breaking a passage, for! the outlook was anything but hope- | ful. However the old ironclad made a brave attempt to dlough its way | through, but for two hows little pro- was made. The train was wait- mg at Cape Vincent for the pas- sengers, almost ih sight of the belat- | od steamer. At length, the passengers | had given up all hope of catéhing the | train, when the steamer an to make better headway, and finally got through the ice field into elear water. The Cape weds reached at twenty-five minutes to three o'clock. The trai had waited an hour and a half on thé steamer, The Pierrepont returned to Kingston last evening, reaching here at hali-past seven o'clock. Early this worming the Pierrepont crossed over to the islands, geiting wgithin half a mile of Wolfe Island landing. At nine o'clock she cleared for Cape Vincent. Marine Notes. The steamer Aletha will likely Jeave for bay of Quinte ports next Tuesaay. The steamer Islander, rebuilt during the winter, will be floated out of Davis' dry-dock on Saturday. The steamer Hamilton will make her first trip to Montreal on April 20th, leaving Toronto on the evening of that day. Workmen have begun fitting out the steamer Donnelly. They began to-day making repairs and getting the craft ready for the opening of navigation. The stéamer Nicholls, whieh winter- ed. in the slip at the foot of Clarence street, is regly for commission. As soon as the ice leaves the harbor, she will clear for Oswego to load coal. The crew of the tug Dauntless ar rived to-day from Ogdensburg to fit out that craft for the season's busi- ness. During the winter she under- went extensive repairs at Portsmouth, Capt. Elliott, Lindsay, has been pushing work on the Crandell re pairs, and the new hull is eaulked and painted. The craft will slide into the water as soon as the hull is surveydd by inspector Davis, of Kingston. Mothers' Meeting. A large number of mothers and teachers met last. night in St George's hall in the interest of the home and little ones. Mrs. Macallum gave a most helpful talk upon the ne- vessity of mothers realizing that they, themselves, must be the ones to develop the good which is planted by God in the heart of each child, weed: ing out the evil and leaving no place in which+it can flourish. As the mag- net attracts and lifts up steel, so must Christ be lifted up to draw and at- tract his little ones. The dangerous habit of checking children too fre: quently was pointed out; the teaching of the Lord Jesus was one of do, not of don't. Mothers should try and fol- low His teaching. All mothers are cordially invited to thesé meetings; which are held the second and last Tuesday of 'each month at éight o'clock. O'Neill In Monte Cristo. "Le Comte de Monte Cristo," the most interesting héro of our school- boy days, the gentleman who always eatries a million in treasury honds in & corner of one of hia pockets, and who checks off his Gnomics on his fingers as they * die ome by one, is with us onee more, suym the Toronto News. James O'Neill, who has played the role 4,000 times, openéd the en gagement before an appreciative an dience. The piece is siimptuously staged and is probably the best all raund production of "Monte Cristo" withessed in this city. It will be here on Monday night. Will Be Here To-Night. The advance sale of seats for the Hanlons" production of "Superba' at the Grand indicates that the engage ment this evening will be a pronoune- ed success. are 'a number of clever specialiiés in the performance, including = Tillers Reed's troupe of trained Bull terriers, Newell & . Sheveit, comic acrobats and Carrie Behr Twanta Alcholic Flavoring. fio Brury; of the Iwanta manu- facturing Lompanyl is in the a sell: WE = p30 a ns ne Sour of ite. purity, ete. % bmi li right diamonds, § - €u Co WHIG, . T ---------- THE PONIES' BASEBALL TEAM WILL BE STRONG. It Ts Said That Duquette Will Pitch For Gananoque -- The Yacht Constitution to Get Another Trial -- Peterboro's New Rink. Rowing races between Cambridge and Oxford En in 1536, Nasturtiom, was taken to Eng: land by W. €. Whitney to run in the Fuglish derby, bas been declared out owing fo his if ie It is the general belie! that the Uni- ted" States vacht Columbia will net entér British waters. Fear of being beaten is said to be the reason. Pusuette, of Potsdam, N.Y. who pitched so successfully for the Poay baseball team lit summer, will ap- pear this seasoh with the Gananoque outfit, so says popular rumor. A French crew rowing in an eight- cared barge will attempt to cross the English channel from Boulogne to Folkstone, a distance of shout twen- ty five miles, on Faster Monday. Randolph, who played left field with Ponies last year, will be with Gana noque this season. "Randy" is g splendid batter, and only needs a hit tle coaching to make him a strong fielder, Nelsori Long, the Hamilton pitcher, rovently signed by Toronto, has been notified by the national hoard of ar hitration, that the Portland, Maine, club, of the New England league, hae the call on his services for this year. The new Peterboro hockey rink will have a séating capacity of 1,700 peo- ple and will have an ive surface of 756x175. This is as long as the King ston rink, but not as wide, It's a pity Paterhoro doesn't build a rink with an ice langth of 200 feet, since one is to be built. James Quirk, supposed to have been murdered in Brantiord;, was one of the fastést foot-runmers Canada has produc. He held the record for seventy-five vards, which be ran in seven. amd a quarter seconds in 1885. Under the management of Homer Pen nock, Quirk met and defeated the hest runners in the country. The Ponies' baseball team to play at Lake Ontario park this eoming season will be stronger than last year. Five or six of the former play: are will be again on the team, in cluding Hunt, Daley, Islin, Duquette, Cheney, and "Chaucer" Elliott as captain if he does not join the Toron- to team. The vacant places will be filled by fast players. The team will be an independent one, playing exhi- bition matches. It seems to be generally that the yacht Constitution will be put into commission again this spring. It is hoped so, for this craft has not had a fair trying out, and it would he .a great pity to keep her covered up when there is work a-do ing. Bristol, people, however much they may love Columbia, have al ways felt and believed that Constitu- tion is the better boat and could have shown Herself so il she had had the proper chance. CHARGED WITH NON-SUPPORT. believed Wesley Woodcock Belongs To The Sons Of Rest. Bellevifle Intelligencer. County constable Beatty, Tweed, brought to the city Wesley Woodeock, charged with non-support of wile and children. Woodcock, an able-bodied looking man, will not work. He has a wife and four children, in destitute circumstances. In consequence of his action, three of the children have heen sent away to frionds and Mrs. Wood: cock and the remaining child are at Tweed. Woodcock wae found guilty and sen tenced 16 ond year in the central pris on. ---- Unsatisfactorily Constituted. A leading Kingston lawyer, speaking about the bill being introduced hy the minister of justice to provide for the appointment of a superior court judge ad hoc to take the place for the time being of any of the other judges of that body who might he ill, said : "The supreme court is very unsatisfae- torily constituted at present, and is not in favor with the profession. To any one accustomed to the procedure in our courts, it is quite evident that a court constituted of two French Canadian judges, two newly-appointed udges, and one judge from New runswick ean hardly be a satisfac tory tribunal for the decision of im- portant cases. The chief justice was absent at the hearing of Ontario cases at the last witting of the court." Another Dog Poisoned. A valusble dog owned by T, or Partie street north, was .. The suimal was oct yard in rear of Mr. O'Brien's residence and wns not an Soying any kody. An oualysis of the contents of the stomach revealed the Tact that the poison nied wis strych- nine, inserted. in becistoak. An attempt was also made last wight to poison a val te owned 1y police eon- WEDNESDAY, I ---- on) mnt & si x 28. ' DICIDENTS OF THE DAY, | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Royal Arcanum meets Thursday MARCHE. night. | Both battgries manocuvred on Bar ricfield commons this morning. Easter lillies, fersv and palms. Johnson, the florist, King street. | A strong south wind would clear the harbor of ice in a night. Come ye. breezes ! The "Sdperbs" 'company arrived from Peterboro this afternoon, via K. & P. railway. Monkey Brand Soap makes copper like gold; tin Tike silver, crockery like marble, apd windows like crystal. iN "8 company, Mth regiment, will moet © tonight for reorganization purposes. Capt. Bogart is in com- mand, » There is no likelihood of the Rogs government being defeated at t coming. 'elections. Ontarioans mire good government, * The celebrated organist, Dr. Minor C. Baldwin, of New York, will give recitals in St. George's cathedral, Ap- ril Mth and 15th. A number lof citizens are enquiring as to whether the parties interestid in a promised investigation case have dropped. the matter or not. To-day we expect to clear out quite a number of the special suits at 86.- ad be the Union, "A" company, 14th regiment, para' ded last evening with full ranks Capt. Low in determined that this season his company will be the finest in the regiment. 3 The Orange grand lodge of British North America will meet in Toronto the first week in June. The Kingston delegates have not yet beem appoint: ed to this important convention. There is much excitement in Belle ville, Ont., over the ill-usage of a poor Marchmont boy. An investiga tion is to. be held. The party who ill-treated the orphan hoy should be sevedely punished. P. Devin, of the Grand Union ho tel, complained to the police to-day of the loss of a silver watch belong ing to one of his domestic servants. Police constable Bateson has been de- tailed on tho case. Easter shopping in bovs'ssuits i= in full swing at the Grand Union. The mothers know this store to sell no thing but reliable clothing. Grand Union. As the fact becomes known, that a $12 fine black or, blue worsted suit can be had for J.90, the applicants for this bargain will increase. So we would respectfully advise Thursday or Satwmday buyers to shop a= early as convenient. F. G. Dunlop & Co., The Grand Union. Marter went into the Ontario legis lature, a hot conservative, saw folly of his party in its oppesition to good measures, amd came out an in dependent man, with bitterness in his soul against those with whom he worked four years ago. Mothers are deploring the muddy condition of Louise school yaros. The children come home daily with dirty hoots and clothes ana say if shey play they have' %o bounce ahout in the mud abounding about the school. The 15th regiment, Hamilton, are talking of an excursion on the king's birthday celebration, May 30th. Why not be invited to Kingston ? The regi- ment made a creditable display when they visited Kingston a couple of years ago. From now until lst of April ten per cent. discount on all wall paper A large variety to select from, In- grain and Embossed, all latest designs at W. H. Lemmon's, 78 William street. successor. to Savage Brew. Phone days of big selling. ' Grand PERSONAL MENTION, Movements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. Dr. W. H. Herriman, of the asylum, Kingston, is visiting in Port Hope and Toronto, Miss O'Donnell. nurse-indraining in St. Marys hospital, Rochester, N.Y, in home to attend her sister, who ill. Andrew and David Porter, Ports wouth, have returned from Deseronto, where they were employed during the winter, George Ziegler, district manager Northern Life association company. left for Montreal this morning on a business trip. Misses Gussie and May Wright, daughters of ex-mayor Wright, left to day for London, Ont., to visit' Mrs (Br) Macarthy. George Mackie, manager of the Brit ish-American hotel, will be removed to the Hotel-Diea to-morrow. His condition continsies very grave Edward Hanlon, ope of the original brothers who rightly epmes by this famous nameds in the city, with "Superba."' Two of the sons are slso in the production. Right Rev. Mon. Farrelly officiated in St, Michael's church, Belleville, on Notwithstanding his at age reverend prelate is yet able to perform the duties of bis sacred office, Pr. A. W. Richardson left io-day for Montreal, en romie to New York, whenté he sails on Saturday hy (he SY. Campania for England. He will in the Landon hospitals for six 4. G, Evans, left this morning for Forest City, Ps. to attend the funeral of his sister, Wes. William EB: Pr. Beam' little boy is dan br. Be | I have, t re, to request that you 'will an explanation, and such the | THE MAMAGER'S CHANGES "AN ACCUSATION WORSE THAN THE OFFENCE. The Quotation Was An Error--The 3 Whig Neyer Used For Steck | Jobbing Purpeses--No Oceas- ion For Charges Made. Sherbrooke, Que, March 26 (To the Publisher, or Proprietor, Daily Whig, Kingston, Ont.) : Sir, A chp- | ping from your paper, giving the wice of bank and .other stocks in ontreal bas heen sent me by owe of our friends, calling my stiention to the fact that the shares of this bask are quoted "Buyers at 95," god ask ing ¥ the bank had met any heavy { Joss,or what is the cause of such a quotation. | lef me know what you base a quotation on, ak there in no such quotation in any of the stock lists in the Montreal papers, and I do not | know that there has ever been. There "fore, it must have been manuiactunsd by yourself for some special {urpose, or you must be further behind the times than "Rip Van Winkle wax whon he awoke from his long sleep. i Misrepresentation like this in a sees 90. but "Thursday and Satwrday will "tion of country where a bank is not known night cause it a oo deal of : damage" We have no hranbhes in the ! west and consequently, if your paper is considered reliable amongst the community, readers would naturally conclude 'that we were in very poor ! standing to have our stock quoted at "such a rate as that. For your own in: formation, | may say, if you or any of your friends have any I can readily find customers for it at $160, or $0 per share. I must ask you to give me an ex planation of this, and that you will take the necessary stops to make a correction in Your paper in a promin ent place, and send me a copy. Yours teuly, WILLIAM FARWELL, General manager, The above is a sample of letters re { ceived évon from gentlemen in high i official position, who are very sensi tive when their interests are touched, but who do not scruple to accuse others of dishonorable and cowardly use of a newspaper for stock jobbing purposes. The quotation in the Whig was an ervor, which passed the proofreader, In a mass of figures, misplacetments are common in the daily rush. The publisher has wever read one of the duily reports before: publication, much less altered or suppressed one. His reputation for honorable conduct the Eastern Township bank manager dare not personally attack in public in Kingston, ns he does so offensively | outside of it. There could be no object in the al Lluged misvepresentation. A Kingston bank manager declares that he never { knew of a sale made here of shares of Eastern Township bank. They are not quoted in Toronto stock reports, ana the statement of sales for 1901 made in Montreal stock reports shows shares at from 150 to 154. Therefore, malice and injury are both unlikely A kindly and gentlemanly jetter point ing ont an error will make a publish er fully conscious and regretful of "it. There is no occasion for charges of willul use of dishonorable purposes. Appointed Manager, J. .E McIntyre, head clerk in the British- American hotel, hax been ap: pointed manager. He has had wide experience in hotel business and will, no doubt, keep up the excellent re putation of this famous hostelry ' Hats." Oak Hall. ** Hats." Ii there wad a better hat than our darrington hat, at $2 we wonld get it, but there isn't. The H. D. Bibby Co. Roses, carnations, valley violgts, Johmweon, the florist, King street. Eating a om = Five Dollars a Box. The Price Cut No Figure With wy £0 say he My fund of poor dyspeptic that Stuart's Dyspepsia T lows will give comfors and gee oyecy thee a ae The owe 89 rts wed iu work asd my digestion Pati ewan. wee his eam in aslorsing Niuariy Uysinbiie Tablets. Mrs James Barton, of Toromte, Canes, writtw: "For slpiiters months 1 sulloredivom what 1 supposed wis biadder and trouble; ast took modicing irom vires ferent , without amy sam of dure, ols wo HI ob last 1 wak Mural ably my work "1 thought | would try a box of Steere) Dyspopetes Tublets and won minke me feel better, ever meally had dw but after only ail the nk do WOR wispy Wie the vectors led uation we lr Kipey and bladder trouble end one of them treated we for rheumatism "My digestion js Sue, my cvmplesion lear Baxd Lam able to do my work and low pir. eww unk ows 80 me thankful for and so Dyspepsia T % pm surprised at chine Shey Buve Sade in ame' All denptisis wil aud Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, 1 contain only the shinple netoral digestives, and taken after mosis prevent ackBly ami cause prompt digestion and assimilation of food. Physicians everywhere endorse them because they aw as for the child as for the anit; whey are invaluable for sour stomach, pervons dyspepsia, heartburs, mas on stom ach aid bowels am cbory form of Womach dernoyoment; recommen! tecause thay A FRATERNAL VISIT. | cp Visiting Oddfellows Eatertained By Cataraqui Lodge. Last eveming the Oddiellows of Gananoque paid a fraternal visit to heir" brethren of Uataragui lodge No, 18 A large delegation came up from the pretty village on the St. Law- rence, bringing with them their paras phernalia of the initintory. degree, which they exemplified in a manner above criticism. The visitors received warm praise for the excellent manner in which they performed their work; the chairs wete filled by able men who delivered the lectures in a highly creditable manner, The members of Cataraqui lodge exemplified the third degree, doing the work most satis: factobily. At the conclusion eof the lodge work, the visitors and local members of the order, to the number of several. husidred, repaired to the Whig hall, where a delightful banquet was served. T. X. Rogers was the skil- ful and painstaking caterer, who re ceived warm words of praise for the excellence of the menu provided. Dur ing the evening the custoniary toasts were honored. Music of a pleasant oharacter interspersed the the mawicians being © 8. Roughton and ' Altogether the evening was one ol much enjoyment. Visitors also present from Perth and Magog, Que, reenwood, were Question. Union Thurs clothing of Patronize the Grand day for your-Ooofl Frioay men's Turnishing wants ss-- wpoohs for. the cereal pari of the meal, and so Ling as you we the food in 0» jon you will stick ta it, 4 meal with be Hemember, to able anticipation. Note + the most deli- cious. tasting cereal food ksown, and containg the certain slements nature for repairing gn rebuilding the Bran and ey patie In the nerve centres. The and Jooderats high of Grape Nuts tan depend upon poarikhment of the Kind (hat gives one that feeling of reserve strength, 'ae. esmentinl to 8 sweorsslul, active ie xbarnahly. aod ang th A ghly and fou. whaked wt deniory, sid

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