SES __ ®9TH YEAH. NO. 74. DAILY BRITISH KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1902, WHIG. LAST EDIT1OX -- SE -- R. I. REID, w33%., UNDERTAKER, 3 Doors Above thie Opers House. TELEPHONE 5/7. We Are Full of WERE IS ANOTHER FOR YOU. Iron Beds With Best Weve Irom Mattress, Only $4.50. Strictly UpstosDate Goods and Tatess, Robt. J Reid, Above the Opera House. --THE--- Rotupn w= Calvary AN IDEAL EASTER PICTURE and most suitable Easter Gift. CALL AND SEE IT. URIRATRICKS AR) STORE WE THINK That as spring has opened so- early, and with trade promising as good as it does, everybody ought to wake up. Speaking of engagement rings, pros- perous times will bring many engage ments and marriages, we supply all kinds of rings for this purpose. SMITH B BROS. 350 King Street, Jewellers Opticians. MOTHER HENDY'S All Healing Ointment Neeson Limbs, Puts, Safi Bons ond Beuling "HOUSEMATD APPLY % iv. 308 Kioy Street. CUERSEMARER, Fon SMALL FACTORY. W. Woud, Plevaa. iati------------------------ rR on, Thy Bla TO WORK wl ONE, len Co., A Eta be ERY ANT. APPLY IN Kean Hobertson, noe nad ONS WITH Say be he ot 34 Swart AT Er i CODK; Foie 187 whreet. : Keo ply Mee. W. J FOR COPYING LETTERS BE I wn Jo ri i my Fa Te al LOCAL MEMORANDA. Ls -- The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Jenkine' mv hatter. Campbell Bros, for bats Tinders close ot noon on Monday for bowse of bdustry supmiics. - The man who dosn't owe some of bis suc cess to some woman hasn't had any. lives of pugilists remind others that they too might lave footprinis in the sawdust. Wnt some men say should not be charged up sxeinst them, but credited to someone vies, The man with the least money often bas the most pride, but be doosu't regard it as compensation, Many a man who, is calling for justice would yun if be thought be were in danger of getting it. 1 tell you aguin, bat Vve told vou before, Ww I buy all my bats, In George Mills' swell store This duy in the world's history : Delagon bro awsrd made, alter nine years, 1900; Al tert hall opened, 1871; Gustave of Sweden died, 1792; Rev. Joim Keble died, 1568; planet Vesta discovered, 1807; Swedenbory died, 17720 en. Kitchener, sivdar of the Egyptian army, arrives at Wady Halla, 15946 be Stephens, well-known Fendan leader, do in Dublin, 1901. ---- Provincial Election. FOR MEMBER FOR KINGSTON, EDW. J. B. PENSE. For Good Government, Building up of Ontario, and khingston's best Interests. Toilet Sets All Colors Best English Makes $1.45. ROBERTSON BROS. 4G R AN OPERA HOUSE A. J, SMALL, Lesses Manager. MONDAY, MARCH 3st ONE NIGHT ONLY JAMES O'NEILL in Liebler & Co's, Colossal Production of "MONTE CRISTO" New York Academy of Music Product tien aad Star Cast, Including Frederic de Belleville, James O'Neill, jr.. Warren Conlan, Edward Lally, Joseph Slayton, Ciawde Gilbert, Miss Selene J on, ule Fletcher, Virginia Keating, and 4¢ Prices 230, 306 78¢., $1, $1.50. Seats on sale. TUESDAY, APRIL Ist WM. A BRADY'S Artistic Production of Clyde Fitch's Famous Play "LOVER'S LANE" WITH THE ORIGINAL COMPANY which presented it for 5 mouths im New York and all summer in Chicago. Prices --§1, 78c., 0c. and 28. Seats now on sale at Havkv's. oz: | WEDNES DAY, April 2nd The World Renew med 152 Herrmann lhe Great _ IN A NEW AND MARVELOUS INED WORKING WOME EV. Ex; ag of i Darticulars. No » Balth McWatters & Tyson AND COMPANY, in Their Latest Vaudeville, SCENES IN A DRESSING ROOM. Prices, $1, 750. SOc, 28. Sets now on sale st Hasley's. SAY HE IS LUKE DILLON Leader of The Welland Canal Dynamiters THE STORY FROM BUFFALD TO PROVE THAT DULLMAN IS LUKE DILLON. The Cronin Chicago Murderer Vividly Recalled by Exposure --~What is Learned About Af- fair in Kingston. The Buffalo Express claims to have positively identitied Karl Duliman, who wit three others is serving a life sentence in Kingston penitentiary. for attempting to blow up the Wel- land canal at Thorold in April, 1900, as Luke Dillon, known thirteen years ago as a friend of Dr. Cronin, a lead. er in the nationalist movement and prominent in everything looking to the alleviation of the Irish. It was given out two years ago that Dillon had sailed for Europe and had Deen drowned. It is said this was a ruse to conceal Dullman's identity. John Nolin and John Walsh drop- ped dynamite cartridges in the lock at Thorold on the evenmyg of April 21st, 1900, and the explosion did great daw age. The two men were arrested a few hours later, with Dullman, who was proven to he the ringleader, and who received the same sentence ae the other two. The plan of destroying the canal was frustrated by the agents en trusted to commit the crime, for they drank so much on the day of the ex plosion they werd unable to be any thing' but fatally clumsy. It was shown, however, that thousands of lives - would have been lost had the plan succeeded, and on this the sen- tence of life imprisonment on all three was imposed. The reserablance between Dullman in 1900 and Dillon in 1889 is very strik- ing, and is the first evidence of the identity of the two. The only differ- ence is that which one would expect, considering the difference in the age of the two. A number of people have identified Dullman with Dillon, and there seems to be no doubt at all that they are correct in their statements. The iden- tification has been blocked by his friends, who did not desire that it should be known that Dillon was in jail. Dillon was first heard of in Phila- deiphia as a shoemaker. He was a member of the Clan-na-Gael, a prom- inent member, and he came particu- larly to the front at the time of the split in the organization in 1888. le was a firm friend of Dr. Cronin and was notable in the Buffalo trial of "The. Triangle' in 1885, when Dr. Cronin sat on the jury. Later, when Dr. Cronin was murdered, be became on of the moss relentless prosecutors of the suspects, At the conclusion of the trial of those four men, Dillon went back to Philadelphia and for ten years he workea as a bank clerk. But all through those ten long years one thought was uppermost--to avenge the death of Dr. Cronin and at the same time strike a blow at England that *wonld startle the whole world. The destruction of the Welland canal was decided upon and with that ae- cision Luke Bilton disappeared and Karl Dullman took his place. When the Welland canal was blown | up at Thorold in 1900 the govern ment immediately swore in guards and stationed them at frequent inter- vals along the canal, to watch it carefully lest a second attempt be made to aestroy it. These guards have been maintained ever since. Two weeks ago, however, the gov ernment decided that no further at tempts would be made to aestroy the usefulness of the canal and all the guards have been withdrawn. Hence forth only the lock keepers will watch the waterway at night. Penitentiary Authorities Surprised The penitentiary authorities are quite surprised to learn that a story is afloat that Dullman was said to be an Irish leader named Luke Diilon. There was nothing developed thers they say to give potency and reliabil ity to the rumor. To be sure there is a well marked impression among the officers has, the name of Dullman is assumed. It is_quite the--sptithesis of what the man really is. He is re garded as a man of superior attain- ments, and, whoever he is, the govern ment has maae a good catch and has a dangerous man under lock and kev. Dullman is now cracking stone in the Prison yard. He does it with a ledge ana not with dynamite, a« was his purpose elsewhere and which land: od him in Canada's greatest in stitution. He is very trac and does his task with willingness. He is uncommunicative; has apparently no friends, sees no one who takes an in- terest in him' and letters never enter the prison aadressed to him. His as sociates, Nolan and Walsh, evidently know no more about Dullman than do the authorities, If they did it would have been known 'tere this. Walsh is a worker in the tailor shop and Nolan ois doing. doing duty in another having themselves and should be leit alone. A Bufialo man was here, but be secured wothing at the prison. Long Ago Identified. "The Bufialo Express has simply given publicity to something that has been known ever since the dynamiters entered Kingston penitentiary," said a Kingston detective. "This informa- tion was supplied by the dominion police, and the penitentiary authori ties know all about it. That, no doubt, was one of the reasons why a special guard was placed outside the prison walls every night. When Dull: man entered the penitentiary he tried to palm himself off as a Dutchman No doubt whatever rests as to this aynamiter being one of Ireland's vig- orous characters." FORCED WAY THROUGH. A Canadian Fought Single Hand- ed to Death. London, March 20. --Further details of the great drive against Delarey, in the western Transvaal show that, owing to the rapidity of the move ment, the' long line could not be clos- ed up in time and the bulk of the Boers succeeded in forcing their way through, Five Canadians who fell out of Kitchener's column were surround- ed by a Boer force. They kept up a splendid defence for some time, Pt seeing the case to be hopeless, four of them surrendered. The fifth man oon tinued to fight single-handed until be was killed, Acting president Schalkburger and the other members of the Transvaal mission are still at Kroonstadt. They have not succeeded in getting in touch with Mr. Steyn, president of the Orange Free State. The situation is unchanged. Despatch riders are seeking him in several directions. The British government is being warned against the danger of grant ing conditions to the Boers, which, seemingly inmocent, would yet hang like a millstone around the neck of future administration of the new col ony. The Saturday Review considers the attitude of the Boers themselves, continental powers, and the United States makes it imperative that no terms should be granted which could, by. any possible process of distortion, be twisted to am admission on the part of Britain that she had not been able to achieve all she desired by force of arms. Church To Burn Mortgage. New York, March 29 Aid given by William CC. Whitney, William K. Van aerbilt and other millionaires has en ablea the Sheepshead Bay Methodist Episcopal church, the church built by the late John Y. McKane, the congre gation of which stood by the one time boss of Coney islana in his hour" of disaster, to make arrangements for a mortgage burning to-morrow. The property of the church is worth about £30,000, and had a debt of $10,000 Recently the pastor visitea Mr. Whit pey and sought aid for his little church. As a result of the visit Mr. Whitney s.arted a subscription for the relief of the chutch with a cheque for $500. Big Deal In Coal Lands. New York, March 29.--The Union Trust company of Baltimore is fin ancing a syndicate to acquire [100.000 acres of coal land in southwest Vir ginia and to build the old Virginia and Southwestern and Ohio river and Charleston railroads. The plan is to organize 4 nsw company, with a capi- talization of from $9,000,000 to $12, 000,000. The railroad lines to be com- pleted will form a short route from the coal fields of Wise county to Lin colntom, N.C. From there they will run. over the Seaboard air line to Southport, N.C. where large coal piers and docks will be built to han- dle the coal and other business. Expect Big Prune Crop. San Jose, Cal., March 29. There is every prospect of a large fruit crop this year. Owing to the small crop last year a large crop naturally would be expected this. year under fair conditions. There is little prospect of prune combine being continued or of its being able to control 'a large share of the crop. Despite the hostili- ty to its methods the promoters of the combine are endeavoring to con- vince the growers that combination i their only salvation, especially in the face of a probable large crop. Electric Lights In St. Paul's. London, March 29.---The lo talk- ed of installation of electric lights in St. Paul's is completed and worship- pers to-night are to see the illumina tion for the first time. Though all of the standards have not been fixed, the choir will be seen in a blaze of light. It is estimated that the change from gos to electricity, through the gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, will cost not less than $50,000. Indiana Families For Canada. Richmond. Ind., March 29.-This summer will withess quite an exodus of families from |this vicinity to Can ada, where they will seek es in the north-western territories of the do- minion. One party of a hundred has been made up to leave mext month, Most of those going from this section will settle in the Saskatchewan river vi Child Was Smotherhd. Brandon, Man, March 20. -A very snd case was the smothering of a three-months'old child. G. Biden was movi NEWS OF THE WORLD Wha Comes To Us From All Quarters. CONDENSED PARAGRAPHS. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By The Dear Public. Confinement of queen Wilhelmina is expected next September. The Turkish government has decid ed to call 90,000 irregular troops to the colors. John Lindley, a farmer from Max- well, was found dead in bed at the Seldon House, Owen Sound. George Presley, a 'pionee ship- builder, died suddenly at Cleveland, of heart disease, aged eighty two. Henry Sanderson, Barrie, was fish ing, when his pole touched an elec tric wire and the shock killed him. Upon learning of the death of Cecil Rhodes, Emperor William immediately telegraphed a message of sympathy to king Edward. Henry Newtombe, of the piano firm of Octavius Newcombe & Co, Toronto, was asphyxiated by gas at his sister's residence, Ernest Paton, of "C" division, South African constabulary, son of H Paton, Toronto, is dangerously ill of enteric fever, at Pretoria Arthur Lindsay, chief clerk postal department, at Ottawa, been missing since March 20th. friends are greatly alarmed. Captain John O'Connor, one of the best known captains along the lakes, died suddenly of blood poisoning fol lowing the pulling of a tooth Col. Lessard and Lieut-Col er, V.C., are mentioned as likely to command two regiments that will compose Canada's fourth contingent to South Africa. Ww. Baxendale, a Rochester, N. Y., manufacturer, died as a result of an injury received while operating his automobile, the crank of which struck him in the stomach. Engineers John A. Mefiill, John Charlton and brakeman Harry Ma donald, all of St, Thomas, were killed in a collision between Wabash trains at Jarvis, on Friday morning It was Canadian night at he mili tary towrnament in New York, on Friday night. The troops were reviewed by the Hon. F. W. Borden, Canadian minister of militia and de- fence. the has His in Turn PLACE OF HIS BURIAL. Selected by Himself in the Ma- toppo Hills. Cape Town, March 20.--Cesil Rhodes selected the spot where he desired to be buried end gave instructions about the memorial to be erected when he last visited Matoppo Hills, The place of burial is beneath a na: tural cairn of giant boulders, on a kopje adjoining that on which; Maj Wilson's little force made its © last stand, The memorial to be erected will, be a prominent feature of the striking landscape At Kimberley arragugements been made for a memorial March 30th, and a special deleg of citizens will attend the funeral Mr. Rhodes at Cape Town The mayor of Mafeking and the au thorities have telegraphed expressions of their great sympathy. They also express the hope that the disposidion of his vast interests will be vested in 20 safe hands. London, March 2 The Daily Mail states that Cecil Rhodes bequeathed the bulk of his fortune, outside of some personal and family becuests, to promote a vast imperial scheme of education. The project embraces svery part of the British dominions. It aims at the intellectual betterment of the British race throughout the world and the fostering of imperial senti ments A gift to Oriel college, Oxford, Mr Rhodes' alma mater, is a mere inci dent of the scheme, which is nniversal in its scope. It a mistake, the Mail says, to suppose that any of Mr Rhodes' wealth will he specifically de- voted to the furtherance of mining or other ventures of Rhodesia, although the latter country will, of course, share in the general benefactions. have service, gation of is Will Try To Swim Niagara Rapids Almonte, March 29 Charles H Chamberlain, the only individual who ever swam the rapids of the Niagara Falls and is alive to tell the tale, is at present a visitor in Almonte, where he spent seven years of i boyhood days. Chamberlsin announces that he will again endeavor to swim the rapids next July, having been of- fered a purse of 85.000 hy a ciname tograph firm of New York and in ad dition a percentage of receipts, for a successful navigation of the rapids, To Play In Australia. San Francisco, Cal... March 20. Williaa A. Brady's "Way Down Fast" company, after a successful tour of America, sails to-day for Austra lia. The company is booked to open at Melbourne on May lst. The Second Car Load. Our second car of California or anges has arrived. They are all the Jery beet grown in California, seed sweet, juicy and tender, Try Js for Easter. J. Hiscock. "Hats" Oak Hall "Hats." Buy a Barrington Faghish hat, in shade, for 32. For sale --D. Bibby Co. STARTED A SCANDAL. To Prevent Sale of the Danish West Indies. New York, March 29-The Herald publishes an interview with Capt Christian, in Copenhagen, who said "The Danish 'no sale' party hopes to break off the sale by the help of a scandal. For that purpose somebody stole my confidential réport to the government and engaged a vertain person, an American citizen, to go to Washington to start the scandal by delivering the report to representa tive Richardson and to the newspa pers." "No member of the American con gress," Capi. Christian says, "was either directly or indirectly interested in the sale of the Danish islands." THE POPE'S LETTER. Issued to the Cathcolics of World. Rome, March 29.---The pope, to-day, issued a letter to the whole Catholic world, which is considered almost his testament, The letter opens with a resume of the history of the modern persecution of the Catholic church His holiness then sete forth the posi tion created for the pontiff, condemns divorce snd sovialists and speaks of the necessity of religion to save so ciety. the Absolves M. Tsilka. . Vienna, March 29.:-Miss Ellen Stone, interviewed here, NM of her companion in captivity, was an abettor of the brigands. Mr Tsilka is an honest and intelligent man. He was educated in America and speaks six languages. He is quite incapable of a dishonest act "lI am going to London," she "to see my friends, will go home to my longing to see me. | cannot sav how long 1 will remain in the United Sta tes or whether I will return to Mace donia." said mother, who is Trip Of German Squadron. Berlin, March 29 --Prince Henry's naval squadron will leave Kiel to be gin the German summer manoeuvres on April 25th, The squardon will make for the North sea and pass through the Pentland firth round the west coast of Scotland and Ireland. The ships will coal at Bere haven, in the south of Ireland, from May 9th to May 1th. 'They will be ' stoun between Mav May 22nd and return to Kiel on May dist. Shot In Self-Defence. Sound, Ont., March Hodper, held in connection Parry 22 Thomas with the of Seguin Falls, on March Sth, was discharged vester day. The evidence at the trial show ed that Hooper had fence. The judge declared the ing was entirely justifiable. The S.rike Deferred. Lowell," Mass; March 29 threatened strike ol the 16,000 cotton formerly of Toronto, shoot a week, gt least, to give the citizens a the mill managers, to bring about the L increase in wages demanded by the op eratives, Threaten To Quit. Athens, March The menhers in the house have they will resign bodily, to-day, majority of the members vote adoption of the budget, announced Men's Suits. the See Jenkins' Fit Reform stanos wear line. It is not with the ordinary with the high class tailor made A look at Fit-Reform £10 and suits will convince you mn ready-made, | work Nearly A Thousand Deaths. Cairo, Egypt, March 29.-It that nearly a thousand deaths cholera have occurred at Mecca since March 23rd is said from See Jenkins' Waterproofs. English waterproofs in nice dark grey shane, with velvet collar, guar anteed waterproof, | $5, 56 and up Fine Weather To-morrow. Be ready for it and buy your Fas ter hat to-night from George Mills & Co., Wellington street To-night ! To-night ! Unexcelled bargains in up-to-date hats at Campbell Bros, twelve years old, last night hy Bertha Schilling, was knocked down trolley car in New York, She was un injured, but her braid of hair across the track, and was cut off as if by a sharp knife A thirteen-vear-old colored boy is on trial in Washington charged with the murder by shooting of an cigh teen-year-old girl, also colored, on December 12th last. "The kniser- will go to Fusen in Ap vil, to visit baron Krupp. regarding the introduction of the new guick-fir ing artillery. IN THE SPRING those Blankets and Pillow Shams washed. We do 25c. A PAIR folded neatly. Try us. Baker's Steam Laundry. Thom 23, 3 renidiates | the story that pastor Tsilka, husband | and afterwards || thence | and | 17th and | shooting of Samuel Cooper, | The mill operatives has been deferred for | chance to use their good offices with | opposition | if the | for the | ready to | to be compared | $12 fell | You will need to have | Lace Curtains, | And do it well, too. | Bewides, they will be | WEATHER PROBABILITIES. {10 som Rain toda most part woh 29 Suydny for the gradually i Torosto, | chenring i fair aad tare To=-night We (Give FREE of Charge a Handsome Glove Box To every purchaser of a Pair of Ladies' or * Gent's { KID GLOVES at $1.23 or over. EASTER GLOVES For Mea, Women and 1. Children. n't it pleasing to know What even at the Inst moment vou can como 0 this store and pick vat gowd, wustworthy Gloves ait" any costume or Easter outfit 7 Our Glove stock willg not disapposat any buver GIRLS' AND MISSES' KID GLOVES, Tie new shades GREY UNDRESSED pair : TAN AND mew today, §1.35, conler wo { per pear in all LAMES' GLOVES, 60 LADIES' GLOVES, CIAL. LADIES KID GLOVES Aerty new md desirsble color $1.35, $1.50 and $1.63 GENTS Ib GLOVES, oair OUR EASTER HAT OFFERING. Millinery surprise for those last day to buy an Faster Hat Faster Hats we ever offered are realy Satwvday even They cosine move syle, and good wa and retresent good work Over hundred of these Hots representing scores of distinctive that there'll bo very little duplion tion. Boing designed by our own experts or copied from the best imported pattems, vou may bm sure what styles are correct aml apr BY JOsN H. MILLS. | Auction Sale of Bicycles, Furnle ture, etc., at Mills' Rooms. I will well at pax ross om TUESDAY, Ap v8 ouwlgaent of blovekes viz we and other wakes, for , Wieyole Fixtures and " vid, Oreos, Melodian, , Bidebourd, Fame Marble op Beds Drvesing . cnves, Bass, Bods, Fx Table, Rocking Chetrs Wardrobm, Hall Stone, Cooking Range, Cm Soreen, Couch, Jem Jars, Urocks other artichs, sale withous 10.50 am JOHN H. MILLS, Asctionaer, ---------------------------------- REAL ESTATE OWNERR OF LARGE TRA TH OF WHEAT laaxd in L stb, Saskatohe: A i vou desire to desorption dchross Imiow We with re wien tg and onnitality timber quoted, ® within Whig TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES SEALED TENDERS WILL BE LLCRIVED the wndersigoed wotl noon « for the TE of (mw) Bed, ete, | , le) Brewd, dh) Getwral Provisions | the House of tre Kingstem, from Apeil let, 1902 to April dwt, 1808 . A Divt of the setinmied requirements maf be sown at the Beoretary's office, 194 Outario | Surwe hn W. ¥. NICKLE, BaorAary, Kip GREY MOCHA EXTRA SPE. best makes in $1../ $1.35, $1.25 perfumed, department bas a plepsing who have waited till the The best for Our | mnnhip, ore are ready stole, so ©); shot in self-de: | room det a Common fi bos, od various Sule at | tre ry | reserve. | Kingston, March 20th 'DAVID HALL Practical | Steam and Gas Fitting. mash basion and range bodle lowest priecs; mnitary Wn | a { Baths, clowts Vers, fitted ap at { spection = specialty tended to. Ali jobs promptly {| 66 Brock St. 'Phone 338. } A CARD, | MISS HANNAY WILL BE AT HOME TO her old customers smi as many sew as de sire exclusive, styiieh aod arvietie millinery, i Ml orders will receive prompt | VIISS HANNAY Si wiiiiem 2 Doors Below Barrie Street. TO RENT. BHICK RESIDENCE SAL condition, ¥ mews Uhronebont 242 Pronk sirest 244 rows, Avpiy Jet MAY Brock iret. wader oo a a Pibivy IMPORTANT ] ANNOUNCEMENT We desire to call your attention to the fact that we have just com pleted arrangements for CorPER } PLaTE ENGRAVING OF 3 Name Prares, Wedding Jaynations 2 and Cards. n AC JORNSTGN § B30