Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Mar 1902, p. 2

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9 Baby's Own Soap is Suara against all skin troubles in children. It cleanses, softens, soothes and prevents chafing and sores, IT IS AS GOOD FOR THE OLD AS THE YOUNG. ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., Mrns. MONTREAL. 4 DRUNKENNESS CURED. 18 vhun HUSBAND, SON, FATHER OR brother a drunkard I If so, send 40. post for free sample oA our King Cure the drink habit, with full directions. It odorless, tasteless nnd a permanent cure which costs nothing for a free trial. King Cure Co. Bux 607. Toronto, P.O. in See Spring | arpets. Spring ! TOCK in our corpet depart ment is growing grepter sory day hamdeome de signs; rich wolors, RICES than been, and better, lower evor much this year are they have the quality THe TLLRLTLRTLEBLLY EMEMBER we are the ly exclusive Usriet drapery bouse n ston: on and ng $ P R N oA Wo de h every quality rpel you may want tan give you dorens of | shgns 10 choose, OTHING like your selection now ohnire patterns firvt, making The well IVING obtainable always point' value BO our best Fah been the | S P R N b row R. McFaul, Kingston, Carpet Warehouse. Le @ OBB VELLLHLBVVVVGS : ¢ : : $ i : : ' : $ : $ ¢ 4 ® (EERE) os on) HOUSE CLEANING SEASON Wo are already busy doing over Parlor Suits, Loveoges and at tresses; vise us wl our stall of upholwmerors and moolmnics will bo ai vour service to polish and repair old farniture, waking it as gol as new to do over your mattresses, making then pure wind soft snin. COVERS AND UPHOLSTERING SUNDRIES We have a large stock apd sell these in aov wantity to belp you do your ows work i you wish. COZY CORNERS AND WINDOW SEATS--A specially. We measure your space and suit your teste and pocked, IS HERE PARLOR SUITS--Something new. 5 pieces Arm and Recei , Arm prion Chairs, nicely wp holatered; Rattan Rocker and 1 Gold Chir; all for $20. This is the latest end right Wp to date, and is on a par in stvie and besuty with suite sold for twice the money For $25. we offer a uniaws wait: All odd in Mahogany fOnishy with slik wp ne. CARPETS--Nearly all in fom English end tions---special de signs in colors and patterns. Our Witton xminsters, and Brussels, are the best io be SAPESTRIES, at B0v., with lovely color effects ancl wearing iualities. BALMORALS--As ae some Brussels, solors woven through, giving grand wear. TANOLEUMS--English and Scoteh: none better, 1 wl wp to 4 wis. wide. oi. CLOTH widthe~20c. up, ! I ' i yearly salary of $700, instead of (HIRTEEN APPLICATIONS FOR WATERWORKS ASSISTANT ENGINEERSHIP. The Matter Rests Till Monday -- Tenders ior a New Boiler--F. Milo to be Given a Yearly Salary. The water works committe Thursday afternoon with chairman King and Alds. Graham, Sears, Ab boty, Carson and Tait in attendance Un the application of F. Milo, water works plumber, to be placed on a on the day pay list, Ald. Qgrson moved that Mr. Milo's ot 3 granted Ihe motion carried unanimusly. Mr. Milo was spoken of as a faidhial em ployee of the for fourteen years, and entitled raise on his pre sent allowance of two dollars 4 day. These tenders were received for new boiler : Selby & Youlden, 81,15 Jenks machine company, Sherbrooke, Que., £1.174; Polson iron works, To ronto, 31.1556; Laurie engine com pany, Monteeal, 21.200; Inglis pany, Toronto, 81.105 There was hat $45 difference between Selby & Youlden's tender and that of the Inglis company, but the former would deliver the hoiler in the wate: works yard and this was worth 210 or 815, thus lessening the difference to about 830. The Toronto firm promis ed the boiler by the specified time, May 15th, while the Kingston firm could not. It was decided to leave the matter over; in the meantime the chairman and the superintendent = to find out what could be secured for the old boiler A batch of applications were receiv od for the assistant engineership, A long discussion took place as to the sualifention necessary. The, resol tion dud "a skilled mechanic Ald. Graham declared that it didn't mat ter what qualifications a man had it simple depended upon his "pull He scored the chairman for reading the applications before they brought before the committee, declared that the the committee had a Walkem's office on Wednesday iter noon over the matter. The chairman rephied that all but two of the appl ations were open when he received them, but Ald. Graham claimed that even they should have been first read These were Cleary, F. G met on city to a a com were and members of eatous in Ala tory 80 in committee the applicants J Henderson, Thomas Twrnbull, J. Taylor, John J. Law son, KR. D. Prittie, Arthur W. Elliott Felix Lennon, John Rice, Peter J Milne, Robert Charlton, Charles G Clark. A. J. Meredith. Jt was con sidered by Ald. Carson that Mess Turnbull and Taylor presented the hest qualifications and recommenda tions, Most of «the applicants did not enclose any testimonials The conservative members of mittee were anxious to shelve matter for couple of weeks, the liberal trie vressed for immediate con ®heration. The latter held it was unfair to the applicants to have any delay. Ald. Sears « moved that the matter rest for two weeks, and Ald Graham moved in amendment that the superintendent secure from the ap plicants all information as to their qualifications, and that the committe meet on Monday afternoon to prepare a report to couneil. Finally it was agreed simply te meet on Mondav af ternoon to consider the matter. Then it will be decided whether to make a recommendation to council. com the 0 while Advance In Rents. There is a growing tendency on the part of owners ol residential pro perty in the eity to increase the remus an their houses. Some have done already.) Many' lawdlords are consider ing the propriety of Torming a inion which they find to be necessary, owing to the great advanse in wages and price of material, and the unreason able and incessant importuning of some tenants for the interior decora tion and renovating of their houses which, for the reasons mentioned, has to be stopped or a material increas in the rent imposed. Owners feel that when houses are in good shape when rented to tenants, it is sufficient that they keep the enterior in good habi table condition and not be ealled up on, on the whims of the vecupant, to repaper,paint, grain and kalsomine the interior, as it is the latter alone who do the soiling, and should, there fore, make the improvements they want and not the owner of the pro- perty. sO On Crutches. Even you are obliged to use crutehes Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure can fix you up. This was the experi ence of John J. Peters, Sharbot Lake, Ont. He suffered with rheumatism in hiz logs (sciatica) for a year and had to creep about on erutches alt the time. Fortunately he ried Pr. Hall's remedy and it only took thres bottles to cure him completely. This great blood purifier is put up in bottles con taining ten days' wreaumeat. Price Hb, at Wade's drug stove. Stops The Cough And Woras Off The Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure day. No ciire, no pay. if / Si THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 29. EASTER WEEK ATTRACTIONS. Monte Cristo On Monday. Liebler & Co. have turnished James O'Neill with a great scenic prod of Monte Cristo, one of the most mas- sive pieces ever seen on our 'Edmond Dentes'" has come recognized as Mr. O'Neill's most fa mous impersonation, and it is Jooked | on as one of the greatest oveations of the contemporary The sup porting company is 5 potable one. stage. ' to «be stage. Lovers' Lane. A play that is true to life, especial ly one that depicts human uatove in oth bumorous and pathetic moods, always is successful. This, in a great measure, acrounts for the fROrmous popularity of "Lovers' Lane," which! will come to the Grand on Tuesday, April Ist. Clyde Fitch has cleverely | gnticipated many real life happenings hat have excited recent comment in he newspapers. Hermann, The Great. Herrmann, the Great, who appears n this city on Wednesday, April 2nd, at the Grand, is the most remarkable | expert of ledgerdemain the world has wer seen, He is everywhere proelaim- «l the master wizard of the present lay. OPERA HOUSE LICENSE. Really a Clear Case For Fair Play. When the subscribers for an opera house were Ingiuning under great liscouragements, without a hope of a dividend for many years. they ask d concessions from the city council. It was agreed to grant a fixed as sessment at £5000, which, however, annot be validated. It was also un- lerstood that a by-law would be 1 assed reduce annual license fee This was distinctly pledged, and it was this among other considerations which induced manager Small to lease th secure its in fact Now, 'the opera house company has done its part by putting up an opera house most ereditable to Kingston, osting them $400 a year more than hey receive in rent. Mr. Small has his part in bringing here the hich class shows aimed at, such as Kingston never knew before. Yet he s being prosecuted for not paying the full fee. Js it any wonder out iders dread to locate here ? The city will promise anything to get a new stablishment, but once located it is hard to get » hearing. This peor policy. It is time to make 5 fairer to ouse, erection done is record Building By-law Amended. Some time ago the eity solicitor was ifflstructed to draft out « nieessary amendments to the by-law governing the erection of buildings in the city. He did and at hues lay's meeting of the board of works submitted it for inspection. 1 he chief points in it are these : A build mg permit must be secured from the city engineer; material must not ob struct the street more than necessary; a board fence, at least six feet high must surround it; a temporary walk must be laid with a railing on the outside; if the walk fronting the building is 4 granolithic one, it must be covered with plank. The solicitor was instructed to furnish typewritten copies of the amended by-law for the perusal of the aldermen who compose the board. They will deal with the matter at the next meeting of the board. sO, Gentlemen And Ladies. Who have thin hair, should call on Prof. Dorenwend at British-American bhotel, Kingston, on Thursday, April 10th, and see his wonderful devices in toupees and wigs worn on over 65, 000 heads. Explanation -- and demeon- stration free. Private apartments at hotel. Ladies take the trouble of visiting © Prof. Dorenwend's private show rooms and see the many beauti- ful inventions in styles of human hair coverings, wigs, bangs, switches, ete and inspect his new patent structure. Valuable Real Estate Deals. DP, A Cays, real estate agent, has sold the following properties: No. 211 Bagot street, owned by Mrs. IL Jones, Liverpool, Eng., to Miss J. Orr, of this city; stone dwelling in Barriefield, to Capt. Esford; another stone dwelling im same place to Mrs. Tisdale. These properties were own: od by the late Mr. George. Brick dwelling in Cataraqui, owned by Mrs. Connolly, to Mrs. J. Letherland, of the same place. Two houses, Nos. 258 and 260 Alfred street, owned by J. McEwan, to Dr. D. E. Mundell. Bright Eyes, Rosy Cheeks. That depressing "'used-up" feeling and pallid face can be quickly ex changed for happiness and rosy checks by & course of Wade's Iron Tonic Fills. They build up the constitution, make new, rich blood, strengthen the nerves and improve digestion." Each box con taing seventeen days' treatment. Price 25¢. at Wade's drug store. New Tinsmith and Plumber shop. Taylor & Hamilton, tinsmith and plumbers, are now open for busines at Nugent & Taylor's old stand, 153 Wellington street. A stock of tine ware. agate ware and house furnish ings wlways om hand. Jobbing promptly attended to. Please mark down our telephone number, 418. Carpet Cleaning Should be done early before the rush. At Carmovsky factory, Ontario streey; old, austy ts made to look almost new by re pro- cess, Moderate prices, to taken up and relaid if desired, never in- jared. "Phone 74. Iwanta Non-Alcoholic Flavoring. H. C. Drury, of the Iwanta manu factoring company, is in the city sell ing the Iwanty flavoring, which is giving satisiaction on ae count of its purity, ete. St. George's Sale. The church women's aid of St | George's cathedral will bold 4 sale of 1 work, afterncen tea and concert i evening in St, Thursday, April Sed. | COMPROMISE EFFECTED BETWEEN CITY AND STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. The King Street Question Amicably Adjusted-- King Ben Astonished at the City Buying Watering Carts | Outside the City -- Contracts Awarded. The ecivie meeting on board of works beld Thursday afternoon, at which there were present chairman Meleod, aldermen Harkness, Craig, Walken, McCammon, Dunlop and M« Farlave, and city solicitor Mclutyre "Hello," Samuel," said King ion, in alutation to Ald. Harkness, as he entered the room, and took a seat. He was accompanied by H. F. Nic kie, strget railway superintendont An account of over $600 for sireet watering carts passed. "Six hundred dollars and bought out of town: My that's awful," wn marked Mr. Folger. "I make a point of buying everything I ean in the City. The street railway account was taken up. The city solicitor said that $525 was actually expended on King street, where double tracking was done. Mr, Folger wanted 8300 taken off. The deposit , was 8300, and the city engineer and the solicitor thonght they might take the deposit and square the deal. There was just 8100 difference be- {ween the company and the city, and Ald. Craig suggeste| they effect a compromise, placing the amount at $50. The solicitor drew up the following mimute : "Having considered the ac count of the city against the street railway company, up to October 12th, 1901, amounting to $730.78, and having discussed the matter with B. W. Folger and H. F. Nickle, repres enting the street railway company, resolved that the committee mend that the accounts be adjusted by remitting $275 from the item of 8! for restoring King street, rear of malt house, and that the balance, $155.78, be accepted in full settlement of all accounts to October 12th, 1901 the actual cash payment due to the city on said settlement being $153.78, after crediting the company with $302 now on deposit with the city, it understood that all deposits heretofore made by the company for street restoration have been credited to the company and accounted for' This minute was adopted by the committee. The matter of watering the streets on which the street cars run, by the strech railway company, was left over, as the company was not ready to submit a price. Thomas Mills, of Mille & Cunning ham, claimed 578 for damage to cel lar by flooding. A detailed statement. heing prepared by Mr. Mills, was nat vet completed, the matter was left over. David Dick asked that Barrie street, near Quebec street, be repaired. This will be done if money is forthcom- ing. Residents of Patrick street want it extended. The city engineer thought that if option could be secured on a vacant lot, at a reasonable price, they should exgend the street to Stephen street. A communication was received from the board of health, complaining _of drainage at 182 Rideau street, which place was in an unsanitary condition There was no street sewer there. The city engineer and .the chairman of the ward will report on the matter Another communication from the board referred to the refuse dumped into the harbor at "the foot of Queen street, frequently complained of. This matter was also left 16 the engincer and chairman of the ward. The O'Kill street drain, older than Adam, vet young as the morning dew, again came up, Banguo ghost like, before the committee. The engineer and assessor went over the lists, and found that since 1883 sixty buildings had been erected, holders of which recon heing LOST LAKE. Said To Be Fabulously Rich In Coarse Gold. Prospecting for gold makes husky men even if they don't always find the gold. Sometimes these men can tell interesting tales. Joseph Morehead, whose hendauar ters are in Elgin, O writes, "Last fall 1 eame down here, attracted by the rich strikes in the Baker City fields. On my arrival 1 heard a 'fairy story' of a 'Jost lake" in the Blue Mountains, which was said to be fabu lously rich in coarse gold, The story bad all the 'ear marks' of the 'lost mine' and 'lost cabin' storieg to be beard in every mining district; pros pect or driven out by Indians, brought pocket full of nuggets with him, died and left the customary rough sketch of the locality, ete, ete. 1 determined to have a look for it, and as the formation is voleanic it is too rough for pack animals. The prob lem was how to carry food enough, in addition to my pick, pan and blank et, for a two weeks' sojourn in the mountains, 1 -had. a short time before, been prospecting with an old mountaineer in the Bitter Root range in Montana. He was an enthusiast on the subject of Grape-Nuts and Postum Coffee. In fact he lived on them. I used to 'josh' him about bis 'grub' but soon grew to like it mysell and finally got to eating Grape-Nuts three times a day, and as much oftener as 1 got the chance. 'So With my former experience in mind I got five packages of Grape Nuts and some ages of Postam Coffee which, with a little sugar and salt ihe all the supplies I took with Restaration : a| had not paid entrafice fee to the ower, which, i paid, weald amount to $140. The matter was referred to the city solicitor for bis considera- tion, The Harry Wilder claim for damag 'es by flooding was left over. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. The Y.M.CA. can boast of 2325 wembers Smith's Falls has Lanark county. Daniel Snider, Bath, has sold the Hotel National to Mr. Greaves, King ston Build up Ontario, is the Ross gov: cripent's motto. It is trying te do this, Monkey Brand Soap makes copper like gold, tin like silver, crockery like marble, and windows like crystal. 24 J. 8. R. McCann's office is removed: to the ground floor below his old of fice, 51 rock St., corner King St A horse belonging to M. Corkey, groeer, ran away yesterday, doing some damage to the rig. A child was thrown out into the street, but es caped uninjured, Miller's Headache Powders cure headache in five minutes. In boxes 10¢ and 250.. at Wads's drug store Fags took a drop this morning One frocer oven 200 dogen from a K. & P. mf for 124e. a dozen. The market was a large siwed one consid ering the weather. Moth camphor, cedar white tar sheets, moth bags, camphor gum, and all other insecticides. E. ( Mitchell. Market clerk McCammon has a fine large collection of catapults at his home on Queen street. He confiscated them from who were using the dangerous Instruments the streets The sale of Croskery's Eastern Balm is unprecedented in the history of proprietory medicines Large orders are being received daily. } An illuminated cross was displayed in the window of R. J. Reid's furni ture store last evening. It was not only beautiful in its design and its varigated colors, but it was euiblem- atic of the sacred day Do not despair of curing vour sick headache when you can so easily ob tain Carter's Little Liver Pills. They will effect a prompt and permanent cure. Their is mild and na tural The special train which conveyed the the delayed Kingston exdursionists to Washington on Tuesday made a re markably quick run between Water town dnd Utica, via Rome, N.Y. The distance is eightv-eight miles, and it was made in two hours and five min utes. including three stops. Smith's White Liniment is the most penetrating linimeut known, and a positive cure for sprains, swellings, inflammation, neuralgia, rheumatism, and lumbago. In bottles, 25c., at Wade's drug store. Parents « separated from boys on action their night th what doing walking and there meet. They of evil Do they wild know and girls at are of boys L here streets young men are in the initiatory Do their parents realize realize it themselves ? Time to put away your furs to pro tect them from moths, nothing equal Manahan's moth bags Hom very strong paper, saturated with tar, have hooks to hang gar ments on, made in three Sold only hy E. C. Mitchell. From now until lst of April ten per cent. discount on all wall paper A large variety to select from, In- grain "and Embossed, all latest designs at W. N. Lemmon's, 78 Willidm street successor to Savage Bros. "Phone Are voung girls thi ity whom they stages i? io made sizes Discriminating people when to Chicago, says Toronto Truth, tra. vel by the Grand Trunk railway. The "International Limited," leaving Kingston at 12:30 p.m., lands the tra- veller in the windy city at 7:20 next warning, invariably on time to the minite. The accommodation on thit train leaves nothing to desired The Trastz and Guarantee company limited, 14 King street west, Toronto, accepts all classes of trust funds, whe ther under will, marriage settlement or agreement. As the company has perpetual existence, its clients have the assurance that the terms of the trust will be carried matter what period they without changing the trustee, which so occurs when a private individual been appointed in that capacity. going going be out, no cover, often has PERSONAL MENTION, Hovements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. Franklin J. Hoag and wife gre visit ing friends in Belleville Miss Minnie Boyie, South Lake, hax entered the Montreal general hospital 8% a nurse-in-traning Mids Florence Hiscock, William street, is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Lanceley, Port Hope R. Uglow, of this city, has sold his bookstore in Smith's Falls, to Willi am Kerfoot, who has successfully managed it for a number of years Alexander Stewart, Lanark, Miss Lenora, daughter of Rev. Jobn Ferguson. "Bosky Dell," near this city, were married op Wednesday lust. Miss Carma = Crowley, teaching in one of the separate schools of Wolfe Island, is spending the Easter holi days with is parents on Ordasnce street, Miss Mary Langdon, Brockville, is visiting the Notre Dame convent, from which she graduated some time ago. She has since met with success as a teacher. Pr. R.- GC: Hiscock, former, house sur- gron at general hospital, is speadieg Easter with his parents in the city He bas now a splendid practice at Rednersville. Samuel Binh, of McKelvey & Birch's, is taking an extended trip throughout New York state, visiting Bufialo, Lockpori, Pinghamton, New York and other places. " Among the Easter visitors in the city are policed : Mra. W. je, Mrs St. Jobn, Toronto; Miss Laura Nash, Rowan, Ottawa; Nr. and i accompanied by her daughter, camphor, | GOOD FRIDAY IN NAPANEE WHERE AND HOW PEOPLE SPENT THE DAY. A Pleasant "At Home" by the i % Young People's Society--Sold a Fine Residence--Some Per- sonals. Napanee, was town March 29.--Good Friday observed in a quiet . manner in ( All the business places were closed, and 4 holiday appearance pre {vided the town. The day was fine and spring-like 4 I'he young people's society of the Presbyterian church held g4 very plea sant "At Home" in the basement of {the church. A very fine programme a rendered, and refreshments ser Ved, Mrs. Lamphier, visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. J! W. Fuller, Tamworth, for the past years, left Wednesday, Mrs Fuller, to visit another daughter gt Barker, Minnesota. Frank MeCoy, Montreal, is spending Faster vacation two , with his mother, Mrs, W. McCoy. are Harvey Leonard, Mr. and and Mrs. The following apanceans spending Easter in Toronto Warner, R. A. Shorey, Dr Mr. and Mes. T. 8. Hill, Mrs. W. S. Herrington Henry Douglass, Miss Edith Hardy, pecompanied hy Migs Nelda Trendy of the ladies' college, Toronto, is spending the holi days with her parents; Mr. and Mrs J. €. Hardy, Dundas street, Douglas Melntyre, son of Rev. C. KE Melntyre, will occupy his old position 'as purser of the North King thin sea son. James Rowson ha#®purchased the Craig L. Carscallen farm, South River road, and moved in this week | Mr. Rowson will make some extensive improvements this spring on this well | known farm, G. L. Mair returned from Berlin this week, where he has spent the last { four months with his daughter, Mrs D. A. MacMillan. Miss Armstrong was alto a guest of the same party, and she expects to return to Napanee in the course of a few weeks Charles VanSlyck left this with a of settlers' effects Manitoba, where be has purchased good farm, Fred Hosey. of Fresno, Cal, prised his nother, Mrs. James Hosey, by unexpevtedly dropping in on her «ne afternoon this week. Miss Laura 1G. Ward, one of Napanee's fairest daughters, will he married on Mon lavto a gentleman from New York Miss Nicol and Miss Smith, of the collegiate ite staff, will Faster holidays at their respective homes and Harrietsville George Grange vigitine his many friends after several months' in the west. Hugh 8. Grang ix spending Faster with his mother; Mrs. Thomas Grange, Bridge street S. P. Hinch has sold his residence Thomas street to Archie Dun who will remove there next Mr. Hinch will leave for Mani a the beginning of the week. Forty horses this ected from the number purchased by Messrs Kenny and Williams, for the South African market week for a car sur Instit Toronto is Napanes absence on woodie week | wire week sel A Good Reputation. Brown's Bronchial Troches have been before the public many years, and everywhere acknowledged to be the best remedy for all throat tron bles Mrs H Elliott, Ridgefield, Conn., says : 'I have never been with out them for the last thirty years Would as soon think of living with out breath They quickly relieve coughs, throat, and bronchial affections. Price 25 cepts. For sale everywhere, and only in boxes Ss sore A Bad Runaway. A horse belonging to Mclliqubham's livery ran away yesterday, creating reat havo It went up Princess street dragging behind it a rig de void of two wheels, which it ultimate ly parted with on Pine street The rig was demolished Have You Seen Them. tempting. consisting of bananas, pine apples, Malaga' grapes, Little Lady blood oranges, Calitornia navels, Cali fornia ods all of the very best. J. Hiscock. ---------------- Something new in insurance: = health policy. Gildersleeve & Kirk patrick, agents Food Coffee, and we have been eng Have found many people who of not making it properly. I is cosy tesspoons to the pint of water, always use good, rich cream, cions bere " "The follow of the United States army, also L* gr "Wi spend | Our Faster display of fruits are very ; and gliow andeweeten Surprising Result. A Simple Internal Remedy Makes Remarkable Cures of Catarrh. People who have weed sgwave, inbadare, snives awd washes for catarrh and have fours bow useless aml inconvedsent they are, will be acveenbly slrpwised ms resslis following the wee of a pleasant, isfernal romucly in tabled fopm; drugwisis everywhere admit that Stuart's Catsarrh Tablets, 50 cemts for full sised restment is o#t, Dust slfective asd popuisek of all all. cheap cough mistares and throat lovenpes contain opiates; thes «heap medicipes give & temporsry relief, espeemily with little old by destroving Berve sch sation; the irriwtion in threat, Which gases Baughing is temporaniy removed, wot by moving the cause, but by Jdeadesiog (he serves of feeling the irntation ia pot felt although it is tll there and will prompuly return, \ Stuart's Catarsh Tablets is the best rome dv to remove catarthal secretion, whether in the nose, throat, or stomach, hwoause they are composed of wholesome antiseptios Blood root, Red gum from Eucalvptus tree, otc, when you use these tablets you know what you are putting into your system and not taking chances with opiates or similar poisons found mm many oatarrh cures aml cough medicines Dr. Ramsdell in commenting on eatarrh oures says: "1 cam heartily recommen Siw art's Cwtoaxh Totdets, because they contain ng pucsive wor other dangerous drug found so many ndvertised eatarrh cures. | have kn cases of long stamding oa and throat completely cured by the daily ies of these tablets for wevernl wocks. One case which 1 could not reach with and where the ontarch and a noticeable loss of hearing was entirely cured by this harmless but effective rem colaire v Dr. Wainwright save: "I never hesitate to prescribe Stuart's Catarrh Tablets for ea tarrhal headaches and catwrrhal dealness be cause now them to be perfectly sale for child or adult and have sen pmay remark able cures resulting from thwir revular daily use: because they are advertised and sold in drug stores is no reason why anv good physician should not use them, becouse we shonkl selre upon the means of cure whore or found." Stuart's Catarrh Toblat valuable for eatarrhal « oi cmvise they are pleasant the taste may be used freely to break up severe « end croup st the very hewinning are especially n ehib | MARKS OBTAINED. ---- During the Second School Term of the Year. marks were obtained fourth the weekly January Jivl Victor ful ruesdel!, Hay lan Hafiner, 6635, Edna Aiken, 673%; Charlie Aiken, Alired Cale, Effie Elmer, Klla 553, Bessio 560; Wilkie : Susie Stevenson, BLS; Bessie Miller, 514; Earl Ricard, 514; Reginals Ockloy, Wi; Janie Ewara, 49%; Gordon Henderson, 491; Norman Abernethy, 455: Pearl Smith, 48%; Jen- nie Tweddell, 456; Sydney MeCann, 485; Olive Esford, 470, Kenneth Grim shaw, 460; * Arthur Thompson, 447; Rachael Abramson, 445; Edmund Sut cliffe, 4406; Laura Hackett, 430; Lizzie Watson, 520; Miller Briden, 111; Fred erick Warren, 408; Katie McKee, 307; George Rmeaton, 304; Lena Nicholson, 393; Willie Rohinson, 385 Frederick Maund, 375; Nellie ¢ per. 361, Willa Chaproan, 430; Frederick Moxley, 316; Moses Abramsky, 27% Ge Elli ott, 250 The following hy the pupils of the class of Central school examinations, held Marks obtainable, bert, 546; Arthur George Lowe, 674 Sydney Kearns, 649 Colin Dowsley, 60% 505; Lillian Slater, 501; Hammel MeKav, 580: Norman Hunter, cock, #54; Amy Partridge, Weese, 561; Willie Mackie Horrey, 515; Senior on SHC R75 A 507 501 Das lab ou rtrude Pile Terrors Swept Away Dr. Agnew's Ointine stareis head as a healer, and cure for piles all forma. Ome ap plication will give comfort an few minutes, and three t x days" aprph cation hreotions will cure chromic ep<es It all itehing aiid burning skir in a day. 35 cents, Hold Henry Wade and E. C i the sure nt at relies or in n according Le relives tetanes f Mitchadl. 79 | Three applications of Peck's Gorn | Salve will cure hard or soft corns, In big boxes, 15¢., at Wade's drug store. ---- A Coffee Slave. Plenty of Them All About. ge | discovered that the coffee habit was fixed upon me, and 1 looked forward 10 the bever- age at meals as indispensable "1 felt that | sid rether do without the balance of the meal than the coffee, and became impressed with the fact that my free, independent wanhood was practically gone, "My heart gradually became weak- er and weaker t was se erip- pled that my feet and hands were al- wave cold, except immediately after drinking cc and alter the effect sof the soffen wore off 1 had that hor: rible, relaxed, wrung-out liken dish. rag fooling that made me fod like an old, decrepit man at the age of thirty five oe i " "To my surp 411 until 1 1 awakened to my condi tion, 1 quit the coffes, and took up Pe Ceront Food { finding it 8 most -- stumble and perfoct rage heart Tl Ys sirength, Postum helped me' quit and built wp my nervous "My wile, slso, has boon wongleriuljy system. benefitted by the wwe of Postom turned down, Postam salely on secount to make if one will nee four heapi it to boil long A the cup to taste. Ii js a deli ing persons were affected vory muck as | was, sod covered their health by the wes of Possum Food Coffee: Dre. J. A. Jobat Corcoran, of South Omabs, , oy ng Co. 2 best wishes," W. IL. Bpaulding, 1610 Cass street, Omaha, Neb,

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