THE DAILY- WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 29. "Children have cheeks like roses who are fud upon NEAVE'S FOOD Sir CHAS, A. CAMERON, 0.3, M.D. Ex-President of the Royal College of Surgrons, Ireland. UARD IN THE Russian Iporil horsey . GOLD MEDAL swarded WOMAN'S EXNIBITION. London, 1000. Masser} SIAM R. NEAVE & LO., hbieonte Agents LYMAN BKOS. & Co. Lis SUPERBA CABLE Woven Wire Beds | Patented Ist May, 1900. Guaranteed by Manufacturers. Ask your dealer for them. HENRY P. SMITH, Archilpot, etc., Anchor Building, Market Square, "Phone 345. PIANO TO RENT. A SquARE PIANO-IN EXCELLENT CON. don---T wonable. i ren Apply to ne iw office. or 204 William 8, Paul Dana, editor of the New York Sun, may swoceed George Von L. Moyer as ambassador to Italy. WILL SET ASIDE. The Judge Held That There Was Undue Influence. Justice Falconbridge on Saturday morning, at Toronto, set aside the will of Mrs. Hannah E. Fenwick, of Kingston, at the instance of her sis ter, 'Mrs. Emily Northmore. Mrs. Fen wick left an estate of $5,300 to Ro- bert Abbott, by a will which Mrs. Northmore claimed was made when Mrs. Fenwick was not in her right mind. The judge held that the will had beep the result of undue influence. The case was tried here at the recent assizes. Church Services. Brock street Methodist church---Rev. Jordan 'will preach at 11 a.m. tor's bible class at 4:15 delock™ is witharawn, Miss Annie Davies will render a solo at the even service J First Congregational church--Morn ing, Rev. Thomas Legette; evening, A. R. Schragg, Queen's college. Spe cial Easter music Communion ser vice after morning service. -- Deliberately Smashed Boards. A citizen has been caught in the act of deliberately jumping up and down on boards in the sidewalks, breaking them, in on of the boardwalk patcher. When told not to do wo, he referred the patcher to a place that does not show up on the map. He bas been warned by the engineer that a repetition of the offence will bring prosecution with it. -- A Kingston Boy's Success. Rev. 8. H. Gray, B.A., son of the late Rev. Patrick Gray, of Chalmers church, Kingston, ani nephew of Samuel Harper, of this city, has been tendered a a call to Knox Presbyterian church, Dundas, to fill the vacan-y caused by the death of Rev. Dr. Laing. The stipend is $1,400 and a manse. ---------------- See Jenkins' Umbrellas. Best paragon frame. with fast black covering. strong and durable, with patent runner; aoes not pinch the fin gers in raising and lowering, 81. See Jenkins' Youths' Suits. in the nobby men want $6 made young Special lines styles that the and $8. S---------------- To-morrow Will Be Fine So don't be afraid to buy your Easter hat to-night, George Mills & Co., Wellington street. See Jenkins' Boys Suits. Tmportea English suiw in sailor and two piece, £1.25 to 85 George ills & Co. Wellington street, best dollar hats, IF YOU NEED HELP LE ME KNOW IT. Toll Mo Of Some Sick One, and Let Me Send My Book, NO MONEY IS WANTED. If you are not well, which book yon need That is all 1 ask--just a postal card, of some one who needs help, * 1 have spent a lifetime in learning how troubles. Year after year 1 have end the pleas e tell me the trouble--tell me with the name to cure these treatment until it is almost swe. I want you to know about it. You may take the treatment at my risk, if you will. You will hot bave a penny to pay if it ails. With the book, I will send an order on your nearest t fos six bottles of Dr. Shoop's Restorative. 1 will rize your druggist to let you take it a month at my risk. If it succeeds, the cost is 85.50. If it fails, I will pay your d ist myself. 1 will pave the decision to you. Don't think that this is impossible, Loy. | for I do just as 1 have done it in over half a million cases already. is true that I cannot always Sometimes a onuse, like cancer, makes a cure impossible. But those caves are rare and I am willing to take the risk, / . It is also true that not all peo /east is 'only $5.50, and experience few of the cured will avoid it. are honest. But the as proved that very A My records for five years show that 39 out of each 0 aconpt sotiaded with that. those six bottles pay, and pay gladly. 1 am ------ Please note what that record means, "They are all difficult cases where six bottles are taken. | pas the patient gets a bottle or two from his 3 in each 40 of those dificult conditions a is a remarkable record, which has never been ap- . proached in the history of medicine. There is no other re mely whith any shy physician would dare to "off "offer on EE aioe. in 40 hat T san. oars you, no mat Severs your ease, no matter what else has failed a 2 ques comes from Knowing bow to strengthen TN Seren in the dod Fn its power from ws weak, and fails in It is just like an on- ck that merve power. It re. ble And most of the condi- clear. nd is sick, please don't fail ale the Fk, won't ou UNUSUAL SORT OF A BEFESY WAS IT A REAL SERPENT WHICH TEMPTED EVE? For Saying it Was Not a Metho- | dist Minister Has Got Himself | Into Trouble--Preacher Has a Large Following. McPherson, Kan. preaching of his beliel that it was not a real serpent that tempted Eve and that at the time of the happiness in the garden of Eden relatea in the bible there were inhabitants of the world others than those therein men tioned as the first of the human fam ily forms the basis of charges of here sy which have been preferred against Rev. Granville Louther, D.D., pastor of a local Methodist church. Dr. Lou ther has heen connected for years with the state holiness association, and ite president. He "disseminating doctrine and subversive of the doctrines of the Methodist Episcopal church," is alleged that he evolutionistie," Pr. Louther is charged with teach ing the following doctrines, which are set down as "in violation of the con fession of faith and the catechism' : "That Fve¢ was a man; which she "'aheistic and is one of the race to and Adam belonged; that be had not come into a consciousness | with | of God, therefore was classed beasts, and that there were other in habitants or members of the race. If not, how did Cain find his wife in th, land of Nod, where none of Adam's chifdren except Cain had gone? If wot, whence came the daughters of men whom the sons of God took for | their wives ? The reasonable interpre tation is that the descendants of Ad am were called sons of God because, having entered into a conscious knowl edge of God, they would claim Him as their Creator and worship Him The. others not knowing God, called sons and daughters of men, "That Adam and Eve as first cre ated had no conception of their ohli gations of obedience; that in eating of the evil they had done nothing except what the others about them were do ing, and what they themselves had formerly done, that is, live like beasts but they had a higher vision spiritual things than formerly, consequently they felt guilt. "That Christ died for men {o show | men how to die for man; that thi willingness to die for men should multiplied by exactly the number o disciples of Christ, and that the atonement can never he completed until this idea prevails.' ' Mr. Louther, it is said, believes tha in religion, as well as in world-build- ing. God is proceeding from lowér wo higher forms, and that this process must continue in the future as it has in the past. He contends that creeds are valuable only as landmarks; that lack of freedom for the soul is like compressing a woman's waist corsets to compel it to grow according to a certain fashionable ideal, and declares that religion can never reach the free from fear of persecution for highest and holiest concepts. Dr. Louther's congregation is one of | the most numerous in this city, and | the minister, because of the liberality of his views, hd& & large following al- so among the unorthodox. i ct tte. Rendition Of "Stabat Mater." Rossini's "Stabat Mater' was given in the city hall on Good Friday aiter noon by the vocal and instrumental students' club of fifty voices, large audience. Latin hymn was done, the chorus being good. The soloists were the Mes- dames Nelson, Vair and Galloway; Misses Pierce, Bates, Massie, Bajus, Waldron, Clark; Messrs. A. Craig, Kelso, C. B. 8. Harvey, B. Galloway, L. W. Shannon, Winnett and O'Con nor. The accompaniste were Constance Tandy, piano; Miss Armstrong, violin, and BR. R. F. vey, organ. Mrs. J. RC. conductor, Preceding the "Stabat Mater," Chopin's march was playea by Miss Norma Tandy (piano), Mr. Harvey (organ), and } ing Armstrong (violin). Gou- nods "0 Redeemer Divine" was sung as chorus, ~ ana "While Mary Slept" (Jordan), as solo by Miss Kathleen O'Hara. The lady singers were attir- ed in white, with black hats. the The rendition of this particularly Ethel Har Dobbs wa, Lost $71,000 At Roulette. New York, March 20.--A Yale stud- | ent, whose father was, and most of his relatives are at present, deeply in- terested in railroad affairs, man is now at home on a vacation. On two previous nights he won y 000 and $12,000 respectively. Reginald C. Vanderbilt, youngest som of the late Comelius Vanderbilt, whose name is connected with the affair, says he knows nothing of it. The plunging at the wheel succeeded a late supper at Delmonico's, at which a large num- ber were present, including Samuel H. Stone, of Syracuse. Date Of The Fair Fixed. The fair diccctors met on Thars- day, the mayor presiding. Little was done, exvept the fixing of the date of Kingston's big fair. This will be hekd during the last week in August, much earlier than usual. Toronto's indus trial exposition begins on the first Monday in September, and the Ot- tawa exhibition about the middle of the same month. Instead of the Jocal exhibition . en. two big events, it will precede t both. , "Oak Hall." For raincoats, Currie"s celebrated raincoats, for 85, $6.30 and $10. The H. D. Bibby Co. & Rim Nunsiut To-morrow new » utes Bhat to- _-- at melt Bros See Jenkins' Rain Coats. at fitting cravanette raincoats, newest colorings, warranted to ed rain, 810 to $12. - ------------ ---- 'George Mills & Co. : Wellington street, for Townsend March 29-The | is charged with | contrary to | and it! the serpent which talked to | were. | i fruit of the tree of good and | of | and | | be | says | in | fullness of naturalness until it is | before a | very impressively | Miss | rendition of | funeral | coming in between these INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, -- Reporters on Their Miss Hineman, Brockville, Kingston to visit friends. eS Miss Heaney, Deseromto, is in King ston visiting her sister, Mrs Deem. Miss Lovick, of the Slater street school, Ottawa, is home to spend Easter. Soldiers' Wives' League the armouries, Tuesday night. | bers and their busbanas free. siders 10e. A child of Rev. Eber Crummy has been a sufferer from diphtheria, but is recovering. It has been in the gener al hospital. Seven baseball teams will form a league here next summer. A silver cup will be offered by C. Millan for com- petition. The dean of and Rev. G. L. several services Good Friday. is in concert at Mem Out- Ontario, canon Grout Starr conducted in St. George's on magisirate Simpson at Cataraqu', with using abusive language, was fined five dollars and tosts. Pr. Curtin was in the city to-day { on his way to Brockville, During the winter he played hockey with the | Pittsburg athletic team Miss Maggie Sexsmith, ljed by her niece, Miss A smith, Deseronto, are spending the | Raster holidays with friends in King- ston, County court opens on Tuesday afternoon before judge Price. Only | two cases are to be heard--Martin vs. { the (.T.R. company, and Waldron vs. | MeKibbon. T. E. Bell is the republican state | candidate for senator in Montana to | represent Lake and Porter counties. | He ie 4 son of John Bell, Pine street | Kingston, Ont. The Frontenac cheese hold its first meeting at the Windsor hotel on April 10th. They have not | vet decided where they will hold their meetings this year. John LaGree, court some time ago with forgery, ap- | peared before judge Price in chambers | Saturday morning. He was let go on suspended sentence. Mrs. G. Fddington and two 'chil { dren, and her mother-in-law, Mrs. | William Noggs, of Montreal, | guests of the former's father, J. H. RBrickwood, game warden, Rideau returned from where he was | . Magcaonald { Montreal this morning, engaged in securing chefs, waiters, | ete,, for the steamer Toronto, on hich he will again sail this season s steward. Thursaay night, Mrs. T. J. Bennett, Wellington street, entertained about twenty friends in honor of her sister | in-law, Mrs. J, Christie, Buffalo, N. | Y. Music and games were indulged in and refreshments servea. The provincial meet of the Cana- | aidan wheelmen's association will be | held in Kingston on August 4th. To ronto will send a large contingent { here on that day---<¢ivie holiday. The dominion meet will be held in Toron- to The steamer Pierrepont is still tak- {ing the river route to Cape Vincent on account of the difficulty of naviga | ting through the ice, against a wind, around the head of the island. The river ice ig pretty well blown in to- | wards Gananoque. The musical club which rendered "Rtabat Mater" in the city hall on Good Friday were unable to secure the use of one of the Presbyterian | churches. An elder, a theological pro | fessor, ob'ected to the hymn to the | Virgin being sung in the church, as | eontrary fo Protestant faith. Hon. G. W. Ross has sent a letter to A. McGill, elerk of the court, ask ing him to convey to chief justice Falconbridge and "the members of the grand jury at the last assizes in Kingston his thanks for the kind ex: | pressions of { and family ment. The Cornwall Standard apologizes {to R. D. Schooley, Toronto, for the statement attributed to him that he { had helped Wellingtons to win their first hockey match against Cornwall. The conversation alleged to have tak- en place between Sehoolev ana Me Kav, at the train, could not have oc- | cnrred® as the latter was at the hotel i till the next morning. in their great bereave- | Captured British. | London, March 20.--A casualty list, | published this afternoon, records a | hitherto unreported fight in the Rhen- | oster valley, near Sutherland, Cape | Colony, March 21th, when the British { were severely handled, They lost eight wen killed, ten wounded and twenty- nine were captured. The captured men have since been released. fost 871-1} 000 at roulette in Canfield's on March | 14th and 15th. This New York young | Shirts "Oak Hall" New colored shirts, i hats and new nockwear, { Bibby Co. Collars. at Ten Or More Doomed, New Orleans, La., March 29. Tt is reported that a boat, containing twenty-one men oing to a British transport, re in the river op- posite the city, capsized, drowning | teh or more men. { 1 See Jenkins' Hats. | English hats from 80c. 40 $2; Ameri- { can hats from £1.50 to $0. aeen--t--p-- George Mills & Co. Wellington street, best dollar hats, W. D. MacCormack, of Enterprise, Ont., is. one of the supcessful gradu ates of the Ontario veterinary cols , Toroato. » fourth contingent for South Africa will likely be mobilizea at Que bee, the point of embarkation. Have You Used ; i # EE E od to England. A Barriefield woman, charged before | accompan- | Ada Sex- | wards are left to the various | lespie, five years and Fred Watson and board will | charged in the police | are | i of sympathy with himself | new collars, new | i The H. D. | WON SUT FOR DANG S AGAINST TORONTO STREET CAR COMPANY. The Tdronto Lacrosse Men Have Started for, England---Cup and Medal For All the Canadian Field Trial Meets. Toronto, March 29.--A jury in the civil assizes, yesterday aftermoon, awarded Mrs, Mary Betzner, of this city, 8500 damages in her suit agamst the Toronto railway com pany. The plaintifis claimed $3,000 dam. for injuries sustained by be- ing thrown from an open car on the evening of July 1th last. The Toronto lacrosse club's team left yesterday morning on their way Fully 300 people, includ ing not a few of the fais sex were down to see the boys off. The air rang with cheers for the players as the train pulled out. The executive of the Canadian ken- nel club, at a meeting held here yes- terday, decided to give a challenge cup and medal to each field trial meet in Canada this year with no other consideration but that competing dogs be registered with the Canadian kennel club. All other details of the field L trial committees. Four highway robbers, who were re cognized as professional tramps, got long terms for holding up" a man on the Lake Shore road. Frank Rymer got. six years in Kingston; Frank Gil Darencourt, two years each. Thomas McKibbon, Toronto, for at- tempting blackmail on two physicians, has been sent to prison for two years. Joseph Larkin, Toronto, for theft in the custom house, has been sent to prison for two years, less one day. E. WENT TO SOUTH AFRICA. Luke Dillon Saiki to Have Joined | the Boers. Philadelphia, March 29.---Luke hil lon was well. known in. this city as a member of various Irish-American organizations, including the Clan-Na Gael, the Irish-American club and the Ancient order of Hibernians. He was also a member of the Red Men. He had been teller of the Dime sav ings bank in this city, but resigned that position two years ago. It said by several of his friends | he joined a party -of his countrym@n who {ott here early in 1900 to go to South Africa with about fifty Irish residents of Chieago for the purpose of joining the Boer army. Luke J. Dillon, his son. obteupies a clerical position in the post office here. He declined to discuss the pub lished statement of his father's alleged identification farther than to =ay he did not credit the report. He would not say how long his father had been absent from the city. 1s * Very Slim Chances. Renfrew Mercury the conservative chances through the rest of the province are as slim as is their chance of defeating Hon. Mr. Latchford in South Renfrew, then inside of two months the provincial conservatives will be adding one more martyr to their list of leaders. Stole Goods From Woods' On Thursday a considerable ty of goods. was stolen from Wood's fair, Princess street. The Toromto manager who has been in the city for the past month, is endeavoring to bring the thief to justice. It is under- stood that no money was taken Fair. Quant] Plunket Greene. Subscribers for Plunket Greene con ert, April 10th, will have first choice seats, get your name on the list. Subscription list at Uglow's book | store, Prayer Books, Cheap. All our stock of Church of England prayer books and A. and M. hymn books for one week at half price. R. Uglow & Co. If It Rains To-night we will send your new Eas ter hat home in a rain-proof box. George Mills & Co., Wellington street. | See Jenkins' Neckwear. The coronation, Manhattan and | French' Artistic are among the novel ties for Easter, 25c. and 50c. Good News. The Hawes' hats have arrived. See | them to-night. George Mills & Co, | Wellington street. The Grand Trunk will begin at once to double track the gaps between Stillwell and Valparaiso, Ind, twen | tv-four miles; Jordan and Niagara Falls, eighteen miles; Port Hop and Whithy, thirty-five miles. These will | complete doubling of the track | system frm Montreal to the Falls, and when the work contemplated west of the river is completed it will leave | only seventy miles between the falls | and Chicago to be completed next | year. * Sister Bede, of the Loretto convent, Nia ara Falls, N. Y., stricken down paralysis, died this morning. The | sister had been in order of Loretto | nearly forty years, and formerly re sided at Mount Forest, Ont. Wessels and Wolmarans, the Boer envoys, who recently visited the Un ited States in an effort to secure some intervention in the South African war, have arrived at Paris. William Stephen Temple Gore. Lang- ton, fourth earl Tem died at Egrpt, on Friday. He was born in 1847. J. H. Dempster, B.A. of the edi torial department of the London Ad- vertiser, was a visitor in the city to- Godolphine Alexander ir i of the so ~ NEW KD Gove' of | in the lot there are some very special makes. AT $1-We have five qualities to choose from, in all the new shades for spring, including Greys, Drabs, Fawns, Tans, etc. $1.25---We have the famous EMPRESS KID GLOVE, made by Rouillion of Grenoble, France. Q AT Perrin Freres! Real French Kid Gloves, all the New Spring Shades, at goc., $1, $1.25. - Girls' Kid Gloves. A very special lot at 50c. 3456 Boys' Kid Gloves At soc. Sizes, 2, Men's Kid Gloves 75c and $1. J. LAIDLAW & SON. LAA A ASL AAA AAA A AAAAAL YOU ARE INVITED TO _ THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE THIS EVENING. Rain or Shine, Come ! | | MOS | OF THE ADVERTISED HAIR REMEDIES ARE CHEMICALS. CO K Dandruff Cure Is purely a vegetable compound ; on a an and glands and promotes a vigor growth of healthy ha Sold by All Druggists. Applied by Barbers. A. R. BREMER CO. LIMITED, ""%ee