That's the word onl tm auality of it-Reform The potters are drafted bv New York's pow SADEFL outters, mde $ ¢ Ausarting & perfect fit wl bed the pet aupersidon A the fiche of the firm by skilled a Runrantess the rarment to keep ite Ovoreeals, $0, $12, $15. Suts, §i0, $i2, $I5. % JENKINS 3 « 114 PRINCESS STREET. asessereasveel BY JOHN H. MILLS. Auction Sale of Bicycles, Furnl« ture, otc, at Mills' Rooms. al will wll at my rooms on TUESDAY, Ap Eri sis . Sonsifmens of bioyeles, viz ud other mbes, for and aman i Urgnn, Melodian, Fine rd | ! ' one of 4 thus ¢ joyale Fixtures Moshe top Hed Beds, Ex- Wardrobe, Re: ; DAVID i Practical Plumber. Steam and Gas Fitting. Bathe, closets, wash basins and range boil up at lowest prices; ssnitary in Al Pri promptly at 'Phone 338. EASTER SPECIAL. © AEFORE WEARING YOUR NEW HAT don't: forget fo have wome of MATTHEW'S FAMOUS ROSE BRAND bacon or hams for brotkinat, for they are the finest made, and don't the any cheap substitute wo called "duet an good." 7 A CARD, " HANNAY BE AT NOME TO fas many vew as de iz ntve and artistic millinery. prompt attention » ' MISS HANNAY'S, 213 Wiitiew 2 Doors Below Barrie Street. Leonie PIANO TO RENT. PIANO-IN EXOELLENT . CON Apply to Whiz office. or 204 William Se. TO-LET, ANTLY SITUATED BRICK a a, 81 i Lrinovn Bier, 8 5 -, A 8QU bd HR > : good Yard and at 461 Princess Street, be FOR SALE, AT A BARGAIN, ONE DELIVERY WAG- won, ons top bueyy. WANTED. E HOUSEMAID. AN lnm acata. 208 208 King 8 ----------------------. - MEN WOMEN TO WORK AT HOME, food wey bri Glasgow Woollen HS AT of ONCE AN EXPERIENCED COOK ENCED 00K. he Re » 387 Kin APPLY treet, i tii ENJOY EVEN maki twelve Sars your wi wo 268 Loudon, Ontario. ¥ The Daily Note Book For Readers to Post Themselves By. Jenkins, my hatter Clty wouncil mesis ot 8 ~ m ine should be petient, tomorrow sighs Onera house to-nieht, know is the sure pheige of srowth "both knowlwlge aed wisdom. Blair wt 360 men at Koors Spruit, of Paris signed, 1856; died, the United States congress Toilet Sets | ROBERTSON BROS. GRAND JAMES "MONTE CRISTO" New York Academy of Music Produc*® Lally, Nelene Keating, and 40 others, sale TUESDAY, APRIL Ist Artistic Production of Clyde always have vour hanks fall, as fone ret a I wil Pay you to look inte the matter. You you have been will be more incloperdent. It's better to wart row than to avait. J. S. R. McCANN. Real Estate Agenc, of mw aa ih Nestiraoh Hotel illinm Fiosuton, ad have made Hoemme: Frovitense to consent. to hm sor Hotel, 2h, ir ad at Kingston this LOCAL MEMORANDA. Whig County court opens om Tuselav Anglican vestry mestines occur this even It's easy Binding regsons why other folks Vieworia dav cdebration coumitier owets James ONetl in "Monte Cristo Grand The hoo peckid husband sometimes Firies to oleter wp Bis cournse with socktal Wilhingnens to be taopbt what do not in Wietory: British 1990; treaty 1556; Crimean war ended, Haydn born, 1782: Charlotte Bronte | 1806; the Dingley tariff Hill passed by 1897 This dav in the works All Colors Best English Makes $1.45. OPERA HOUSE A. J. SMALL, Lesses and Manager. MONDAY, MARCH 3st ONE NIGHT ONLY O'NEILL In Liebler & Co's. Colasral Production. of tion and Star Cast, Incl { Frederic de Belleville, James, O'Neill, jr.. Warren Conlan, Edward Joseph Slayton, Claude Gilbert, Miss Jolmson, Kate Fletcher, Virginia $1.50. Seats on { Prices 280., 0c, 7%5¢c, $1, WM. A BRADY'S Fitch's Famous Play "LOVERS LANE" AILY BRITIS KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MARCH 31, CECIL RHODES NEEDED. Rev. Salem G. Bland Is Out- spoken, FIGHTING FOR PRINCIPLE NOT PROFIT, ARE THE YOUNG CANADIANS. ---- Criticism From An Ottawa Pulpit, --A Firm Le Crystallize timent. Ottawa, Ont., M inion governme nt were denounced las i 8. Goldworth Blea | thodist minister, non on the | religion of Cecil Khodes, Mr. Bland | said Canada needed 5 Cecil Rhodes to crystallize true Canadian sentiment in regard to British relations, and es pecially in connection with the South African war. The government, he said, displayed only the patriotism of pigs who look only for more swill, while the opposition instead of pro- testing, set up an everlasting whine for guid pro quo. Canada, he said, has been over-paid for everything she has done for Britain and fails to realize that this war is being fought for Canada, and that nations stand for ideas and not to make money, He asked if it was to found such a Can ada that the U. loyalists came here, Young Canadians are anxious to go to war for the empire and they are not looking for what they can get out of the mother country. Lord Minto, he said, must have Llushed to sign the cablegram from his ministers to England, telling the mother coun- try that the government did not con- sider it would be in the public inter. est to pay for .the equipment and transport of another contingent. Mr. Bland also criticized the government for refusing to discuss imperial de- fence, end said the graves of young Canadians in South Africa were a re- proach to the dominion government, and he was sorry to see that the op- position took no other stand than to whine for a quid pro quo and ask the British workman to pay 4 few move cents for his loaf of bread for the pleasure of eating Cenadian flour. A Cecil Rhodes in Canada, he said, would show that true Canadian senti- ment is against the government and the opposition and is iv faves pve ing fer Canada's sbéice wm the wat and contributing: to imperial defence. Hal Walters, a well-known Ottawa footballer and policeman, captured Dan Hin Saturday by disguising as a pe er with pictures for sale. The ruse # a success, but Mullin's moth er is going to charge the policeman with an infringement of the law which requires peddlers to have a S250 Ii. conse, Walters wold about four pie tures, Arthur Lindsay, chief clerk of the post office department, who has heen missing for ten days, has not yet heen located The dom- opposition 7 BACK TO THE FOOTLIGHTS. WITH THE ORIGINAL COMPANY which Prices --81, 78c., 80c. and 280. ' | Seats now on sale at Hanlev's. HAVE YOUR HANDS FULL! Yes, you will as vou w vou might as well own it. oukl buy 8 howse almost with the. money ving for seni. Pretty soon ou will Bave the house pail for. Then vou 332 King Street. TRANSFER OF LICENSE TAKE NOTICE THAT I HAVE DISPOSED y hotel Peupette at . in the Townhin of the city to for the County wid wrosder oo he of Ww The commissioners will Kington, 1902, at 10 o'clock, Jos. BA TUMDAY. 1 om' to consider wh A. 'MACONNELL. 20th Murch, A. D. NEW STORE OPENING. A NEW CON Hereet. alt presented it for 5 months in New York snd | Will Earn Money While Her: Hus- all summer in Chicaro. { band Travels Abroad. Detroit, Mich., March 31.--After a { year's retirement from public life Ca mille d'Arville made her reappearance before the footlights here to-day. Last March she married Ernest Willard Crellin, a rich busintss man in San Francisco. She says she has enjoyed married life, but her husband being about to start on a ong business trip, she persuaded him to permit her to resume work as a singer. Up to the time of her retirement Mile. D'Arville was one of the best known comic. opera and vaudeville performers in America. She is u Hol lander by birth, but most of her stage life has been identified in this country and England, 'She first acquired the fame with Carl Rosa and later added to her laurels and fortune as the prima domma of the Bostonians and the Duff opera company. SIFTON'S SECOND TRIAL. Set Down For Next Week--The Medical Testimony. London, Ont, March 31 Gerald Rifton, the voung ondon township farmer, who. has been in jail here since July, 1900; on the charge of having murdered his father, Joseph Sifton, comes to trial Tor The second time at the first of next week. The jury at the first trial, last fall, dis agreed. Sifton will be represented by E. B. Johnston, K.C., and other ne counsel, The ease will follow much on the same lines as last fall, with the exception that the crown and defence are endeavoring to reach an understanding touching the medi eal evidence, which will at the first trial was very conflicting. Longshoremen Won't Strike. Cleveland, 0., March 31 After nine days' discussion an agreement has between the dock man: agers at Lake Erie ports and the In ternati longshoremen's associa tion. Last year's wace scale and an eleven hour day are the terms agreed Fupon. The settlomsine eliminates the probability of a strike. | cheqguer UNITED KINGDOM REVENUE. What The Financial Statement Shows--Financiers Hopeful. London, March 31.--The revenue of the umited kingdom is still elastic This is apparent from a study of pa- tional balance sheet issued last night for the financial véar which ehds to day. The total revenue Of this amount, however, £9 603608 had been paid to local taxation coants, the exchange receiy ing the balance, which is £142, YU7.009. As corapared with the previ ous year, the amount paid the ex an increase of £12 an excess of £542 069 over the Michael Hicks Beach estim afe. The figures are not so favorable as had been generally anticipated by experts in consequence of the extraor- dinary falling off in excise revenue, The chancellor of the exchequer ex- pected that the revenue from the beer, wine and spirit trade would bring in £33, 100,000, but the receipts fall short of that amount hy £1,500,000. The run on the customs house in antici pation of an increased sugar duty ac- counts mainly for the increase under the heading of customs of £4,731, 00. The income receipts were £34. 800.000, an increase over the previous year of £7580.000 and £1.000,000 in excess of the official estimate The stock market has been unusual ly buoyant for the holiday season. The death of Mr. Rhodes hes caused no stress on the mining section si the interests with which he was iden tified have been amply protected and the expected was counteracted hy in creased confidence in the restoration of peace and by the prospect of less stringency in the money Easter, when dividends would be dis tributed and treasury disbursements | ordered on a large scale, While stock brokers have not Been making money for a long time, they are forecasting better times, with a strong specula tive movement after the return of peace, Every industry is in a fairly healthy condition and the coronation | has already imparted a fillip to gener- al business. The Central News says that it has | been decided by the Imperial tobacco company to make a bold move to is £152,001 827 shows 613.318, and number of shops in London and the provinces, BIG BANK ROBBERY. New York Institution Mulcted Of Thousands By Teller. New York, March 31.--President 1 'opeland, of the Riverside oank, Fifty street and avenue, announces thes rm Jel, ceiving teller, has robbed it of least $10,000 and perhaps $25,000. The Riverside is the leading ciety"! bank of the upper west side. It has o surplus of $140,000, and the loss will not affect the standing of the bank. Bell has been missing since day last. Experts are examining his accounts, Early reports 'made the shortage §100,000, but president Cope land says it will not be anywhere near that amount. The money was taken between February 12th and last Monday. Bell reccnily inherited a and his extravagant habits for that reason arouse suspicion. is twenty-three years old. at Mon fortune, did not He CONVENTION TAKING SHAPE, Paul Lessar And Prince Ching Agree Upon Conditions. March 31.--The Pekin respondent of the Times 'aul Lessar, the Russian China, and prince Ching, president of the Chinese foreign office, have agreed upon the main conditions of the Man churian convention, and that the early signing of the agreement is expected. I'he evacuation of three to le carried out periods of six months from the sign ing of the convention. Various vague conditions, such as "if the state of the country permits," are from the agreement. The Times cor respondent says furcher that China is inclined to agree to Germany's ides mand for the extensior railway from Tainan-Fu, in Shan-Tung. pro- vines, across the Grand canal at Te Chau to Ching Ting, on the Pekin Hankow line, London, cor minister Fashionable Wedding In Gotham. New York, March 31 --High filled St. Thomas' church this woo on the sucasion of the of Miss May Gallatin, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Gallatin, to William Warner Hoppin. The Rev. Etdicott Peabody, of Groton school, officiated, assisted by the rector, the Rev. Dr. Eugene Stires. The bride had as her maid of honor, Miss Gladys Pell and the best man was the bridegroom's brother, Gerard Beekman Hoppin. Following the church ceremony there was a large reception at the Fifth avenue home of Mr. ani Mrs. Gallatin Alabama's New Railroad. Decatur, Ala, March 31.-A corps of engineers is now & in sur veving 5 route for the Alaham, Cen tral r aiiroad southward, from this city to Jasper. It is understood that the road is to be ruched to comple tion, and that it will be in operation hy Becembas Ist this year. The south- end will connect with the South bi railway and the northern end with the Lowisville and Nashville ond Southern. The yond will offer addi- tional t jon facilities 16 the teh pe fie! of Cullman, Walker and wdjacent counties, Death Of A Veteran. Prantford, March 31 3. Col. Dickie, an old resident, is dead, aged seventy: ax. Col. Dickie came of ili stock been in Jord Bawdon's regi- the society after wedding | daughter of 1902, INEWS OF THE WORLD Wha Comes To Us From aul Quarters. ! CONDENSED PARAGRAPHS. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody Remembered By The Public. M. Carmichael, a prominent Nova a shipbuilder and| business man, ad. A Prantford newspaper has received another anonymous letter regarding the Quirk murder case The Ogilvie milling shipping large quantities ian flour te Australia company are of Hungar in the field 10 compete with Belfast and Clyde shipbuitders. Charles Hunt, one ot the men shot at Ly Charles Jolley, .on Hamilton's mountain, has lost an eye. The Pike opera house, Ohio, was partially burned during matinee; the retired in order M.G. Mclean, ex reform candidate Cincinnati, a good | | | audienes ex-M.P.P., in the was chosen provincial market after | capture the retail trade by starting a | Eizh h| enables that | to | provinces is | in three successive | to be excluded | {elections for the riding of South | Huron The new train lish service between speeded at the two miles an hour Senator Hanna says he is in vo + a candidate for the presidency fin 1904, and requests his friends to | discourage any looking to re end, Cecil Rhodes left the Dalham hall es {tate at Newmarket, Eng., to his bro | ther, Col. Francis W. Rhodes. This | estate was purchased by Cecil Rhodes { last December. Twenty persons have token out in surance polices on the life of g vauper inmate of Wolverhampton, Fnglandi, | work house, who charges half a crown for the privilege At Montreal Edward Laurin, who {shot and killed his father's colored coachman, G. W. Smith, was found guilty of manslaughter and will be {sentenced on Tuesday, Sarah Holman, Hamilton, has received word of the death of her von, Thomas H., in Louisiana {by diowning. Holman leit Hamilton | about fifteey years ago. | Fhe Quebec line sigamer Pretoria, from New York to Hamilton, Bermu da, retorned to port on fire. Hes Jas wengers had transferred to the American liner Noordland. At a meeting of Prohibitionists Beantiord, it was decided neither of. the party South Brant would declare for pro hibition to nominate a prohibition candidate on an independent lines Henry A. Taylor, Grand Rapids, Mich., convicted of conspiracy to bribe relative to a proposition to saddle up jon the city a $4,000,000 water supply contract, waa sentenced to pay a fine of $2,000, the maximum allowed by law without imprisonment. He paid the to run on the Eng | is to Ix rate of sixty movement I - been ot mn case candidates in fine I'he king will vot open the ( hibition, but he bas promised of the value of £100 to be | for in an international yacht race off { Cork harbor. The race is being ganized by the Royal Munster yacht club, in connection with the exhibi tion, Newer has béen received from Kutais. Transcaucasia, that three | nobles, princes Kioinadz, Valerian and | Zulukidse, were executed on March dred, for the murder of over 100 per sons. They were the leaders of a i widespread bandit. organization which | had terrorized the Cancasus by sys | tematic robbery; arson and murder. {Sir Charles Cameron, father-in-law | of commodore Sclater, of the ill-fated | warship Condor, which is believed to | have foundered through of | weather n the Pacific, says the vessel { was under officered and under man ined. After exhaustive investigations { on the Pacific const he comes to the conclusion that she was unstable. a cup or | { | stress ROOSEVELTS TAKE PART. In Easter Egg-Rolling Contest At Washington. Washington, D.C., March Easter Monday egg rolling White house lot to-day was unique {in the history of the feast. Previous juvenile occupants of the White house have had to be content to wateh the sport from the windows of the execu tive mansion, but to-day all the Roosevelt children and their compan ions took active part. Such .a won derful attraction as this great out door festival has not been known sinve the practice began years and years ago. All the children of the city crowded the beautiful lawns, rolling eggs down the slopes and then tomb ling themselves after them. Boys in the prettiest and brightest clothes mingled with young newshoys and lit- tle street gamins . Girls with nurses and little misses who never knew what it was to be watched at their sports, helped to swell the throng. Herve and there gay voung belles from society's most sacred precincts pansed for a bright Ral hour 16 watch the crowd of happy children, and over alt floated the music of the Marine band. Thousands of children made it a hap: ye but it is safe to sav that were none gaver than Kermit, Archibald and Quintin Roosevelt. Marconigrams In Alaska. San Frowciwo, March 31 -Copt sigral officer of the de partment of California, hax wiveived orders from the war departamint to 4 open negotiations for the in a lation 31.-The at the of 1602. City. o»- "Th Bue, 4 nin [mo iad 1 Spt | Wa 33 mem of wireless telegraph ¥ io army stations in Algska. The Paris and Calais | 'ork ex- | competed | Russian | | | { {| courts, --~Notes From All Over--Little | of Everything Easily Read and | Dear | COLLEGES FAR- REACHING. McGill Office In Loudon. Montreal, March ~March did not exactly go out Tike ; a i but went out like no self-respecting ani mal should. | After 5 dark and una vorable Easter Sunday, Easter Mon day was ushered in by a fall of snow, which made life miserable for those who hau lo business. The hanss, city hall and stock exchange that business streets are in a Que, wo 1 'ery are all closed. restricted. The dirty condition An office don. Eng. © "WO has been opened in Lon by Metall univertity, where English students may take the examinations for (he mcuny Collegys on fed the English instructon in extrance of applied scivnee continent have Clitties for in fa apphed | science, with the result that a consid- have entered colleges As McGill stands out erable number in the states. | jeominently in that connection, it is | | I'he Lairds, of Birke heal, are now | expected many | tofore went to 4 institution will Gill. leading Massachasstts im future go to WERE SECRETLY MARRIED. Young Widow. New York, March 31 Lawyer Al bert T, Patrick, oconvieted of killing millionaire William M. Rice, was mar ried yesterday afternoon, according to a morning newspaper, his bride being Mrs. Addie M. Francis, a widow, and the cevemony taking tha tombs prison without the authorities The it vantage vides for place the in took the which the legalization of marriage filed with the city clerk months after their exdou couple is stated of new law, pro contracts within six tion The to her day and prison law husband two hours it was for this object was consummated, S00 each marriage IS FAST AGROUND. Bottom. John, N.B., March The Lake Superior is still fast on ground to the south-west St 3 steamer the foul that she than last has grounded more night, having bow from a northeasterly to the southeast. Most of the lying on soft bottom. General ret is expressed that the big should meet with such 5 mishap terrific tides of this time to be figured with most the harbor and in no wise lightly. The immigrants are moved goed an effort will be afternoon to get her off swung re being pe made Wis NEW BRITISH LOAN. tea £50,000,000, March 31=Jt is thought that the chancellor of 7 the exchequer will avail himself of favorable mas ket conditions to submit g pew Joan which, assuming the war continuss, cannot be loss than £30,000,000. [tm also quite certain, unless the peace negotiations are suctéssful, that chancellor must fix the price of for the loan at a much rate than that of previous loans Wearied Of London, March The Times from Pekin says that Morrison states that Chima out of sheer weakness and weariness is in London, aii new lower German Importunity 31 ==A despatch ih I | { | | | statements of clined to favorably entertain the Ger man application for a railway conve sion from Si-Nan-too to Tai-Yues Foo, joining the Russo Chinese concession Representatives of British Chinese corporation the conditions before the Pekin Shan Hai Kwan rail way will he restored (0 'the Chines One condition is that the corporation be appointed the exclusive agent in London to make ali purchas ses for the Tmperial Norihern railway The Chinese are surprised at the mand, because hitherto the government has allowed them purchase material in the open ket ban} th required COMIMINAIOY to mar The Ross Rifle Company Ottawa, March Ji Shaughnessy, Sir ( W. Gilson, Messrs. D. D. Mann, erick Nichols, Wallace Neshitt, the principals in the Rows rifle pany. The head office of the company is to be at Ontawa, and the capital stock two million dollars, divided io to shares of 8100 each. The principal object of the pany is to manufacture, buy, deal in guns, rifles, small arms, munitions, adience military sporting supplies, machinery, ete. Thomas Hon Fred Aare cor Sar = Rous com am an! tools, Fit-Reform Overcoats. In home epun with =ilk Hoing #15, black and grey silk foced $12, dark and light grey in many styles $10 Jenkinn. Our ten dollar men's fancy worsted sit is awny in the lead. F. 6G. Dus lop & Co. Grand Union. IN THE SPRING You will need to have those Lace Curtains, Blankets and Pillow Shams washed. We do it at College Now Has Branch | this | Lawyer Patrick, Murderer, And a | knowledge the Steamship Lake Superior on Mud | o! i exhibition Luilding, in fact some state | firmly | her | direction | boat | Hicks-Bea¢n May Submit One For | the | made | well and | §. LAST EDITION WEATHER PR OBABILITIES. March 31 (10.30 am Unmet: looml wort or rain tedav sud tor during Toews Toronto, eed, digi and Seaey & Steacy right DRESSMAKING E ASTER has and gone aad tole moe wed The mest thine Row Mo owill be bot weather None eariv to et a fair wart and » thing is bere 0 bein with, but its dives goods and vour dress making, not ours, that's in mised to SPRING ORESS GOODS stop eliek-clacking mow Mop print a Heernily nn thing and rary ha re Englishmen who fetes | WIE Tver wind preers sever and gu others ou, two ad | permits a wile | 54 ivich $1.76 all 46 wo poods, $1.15, PIRLE 20 colors 76¢c., $1, finish FOLIENNE shales, wilky $1, $1.50 very new 2 48 inch 50¢., 75¢c., $1 VOILES, w There ing that think bette boat | 'the | of year have | accurately in| considered DIED, UNYER Died at the funnily oa Sires, Many kik dawghter of the late Tou lowers Munch betel y residence, Bare veges J eh Unversity Muroh $tnh, od 4. A Whike, aod 1 | Funeral private REILLY ~ la Ale fancier Vines Famergl notice 19 am March 81st, twenty twa late 4000 FURNISHED ROOMS, Wi withosr board, 100 Quwe -- - ' | i ward, with {91 Usiversity Avense of Com-~ the Elec- Kingston, January, Election to the House mons of Canada for toral = District Held 8th and 1902. THe FOLLOWING be fy iesd of Sth IS AN ARSTRACT OF am Harv ferred Adve Ligle ¥ wed Furnit Carpem ur we work sf 4% ol We Hei Low rk British | J.P. GILDENSLEEYE, Ret « Of MURRAY Aged | 4OTICE TO "LONGSHOREMEN, THE INTERNATIONAL LONGEHORY : L No, 229 "a DAVID arnle r own wt rowrt ak inl of shady Inte bro All members awe re Summ Nolan, pomident; their i FOR SALE. | LADIES' HIGH GRADE cheap, Nearly new.. Apply Whig Office BICYCLE, "RB." Try It On, the youl Fit Reform fits Jenkins" sell it tell whether a or nat, no That ix way suit of giiene work Chown Rev GY startin of Mr. and Mrs wiley av the Avr, Ont spent A ' Lavell, @rrrrvccnansnccsncas & IMPORTANT ANNCUNCEMENT We desire to call your attention to the fact th we have just com plete arrangements for CorPER 4 Prate FPworavine or 25c. A PAIR And do it well, tos. | Besides, they will be | foided neatly. Try us. Name Prares, Wedding Jongitanionta and Cards. AL. ORNS Re | : ' Bar's Sam Landry ait wn ous www B FURNISIED ROOWS, wITY all modwn sowvenienses, o TITRE