Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Mar 1902, p. 3

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Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian | Pacific Hailways. Commencing March Ist asd Until April -- A NORTH PACIFIC COAST and KOOTE- NAY POINTS. Y. VER i Aid ReiapRase 1946.05. 1843.55. i NA Sener 1943.05. LERS' O=e- 227, fiat" orth-West. MARCH THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR Tweed, Napaaes, Dessronte and oll loos! pointe Train leaves Oity Hall Depot a¢ 4 Am. KJ, WILSON, O.P.R Telegraph OF (arenes Brust. bs HORSE SHOW APRIL * 10th, lith and 12th. Tickets Good Goin po Apel 10th, $5.90. Tickets Good Going © i April 11th any ob, $7.70. Tor All tickets valid for return, leaving onto on or before April 14th, 1902 I above rows include wdmission ticket to horse show, A J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Pasar. Depot. DOMINION LINE. Met! Steamships. Liverpool Service. FROM PORTLAND. . April Ath we April 12th, April 19th woe April 260k av EINER ow. Mav 3rd 'Steamers marked" do vot onrry Ppasseng ar OF PARGAGE-Salocs. *$b0 and : Tainh Gase, $35: : FROM MONTREAL. FROM BOSTON. New . a ar thongs April 12th .« April 19th Boston to the NEW SERVICE P33. ranean. Cambréman, April 9th and May 21st, elooreie pasiovs J. 2. Hanley, J.P. Gilderslesve, 0.7, Station, 42 Clarence Be, L Gen. Agta. oR ostrenl aod Portland. Allan Lipe "ize. ahd e Londonderry. Royal Mail Steamers. pram St. John, Prom Halifax. a tas at) Monday: Mar. 31 A FAA A N Hot. © amn.. 19 Apl, Moa. Apl. 21 RATES OF PASSAGE, ; Jeturn, New York to Olasgew and Londonderry REMINDER. Now is the time to have yow Waggons, Carriages repaired and painted and the place to ge them dome is at LATURNEY'S whete every thing is done) unde his own supervision. Drugs Couldn't Cure Her, Lydia Lepard, of Holt, Ont,, Tries the New System of Curing People With Marvelous Success. 1 have heen =n sufferer for shout five ears from somach trouble. My stomach was so weak that I could met. eat eno wh to keep my strength up, Sd at last ot so weak that | bad to Ske to bed was treated by three of (he best doctors, but could get no relief. | had taken aif kinds +. patent medicine and drugs, but conlin't get relef thet way. 1 cow menced taking Ozone because | believed that drugs coulda't cure me, and 1 wanted to try (his natural method. 1 must say it has worked wonders in my case. 1 can eat a hearty mes), sod pow 1 feel brighter apd better than | have done for years. | am completely evred. 1 also suffered from rheumatism la my side apd arm, and the Ozone bas complete iy cured that trouble. Sigued Lydia Lep- ard, Heit, Ont, A greet many ople think it Is neces. sary to take a pill to make thelr bowels move, a tablet to give them a good digs tion, and & powder lo ake them sleep. They wouldn't Fequire thine drags if they were to keep thelr systems healthy in a natural way by using Powley's Ligquified Ozone. People with sedentary occupations find that by takieg Ozouve It has the same effect ag exercise or a Koodgonk walk, Their blood obtains Lis required a oxygen snd they enjoy robust health. You can do Hkewise, This new discovery tor sale at all druggists for Ov cents aud $1 a bottle, y-Sa OR # TEA = 0 DIES Outs RELIEVES PAIN AND 1S A SAF RELIABLE MONTHLY REGULATO Superior to Apiol, Pennyroyal aud Taney. Agents: Lyman, Sows & Col, YI MN Shiki ote, 2.00- a sent ditees bo tue diadased he vicars, clears thie aif Eri throat and Catarrh and Hay Fever, cures fime, All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Medicine Co.. Ti Ad tre $2 Shoes Women »~» Men That Look Just Like $3 Ones. Our Spring Styles are in, up-to-date in style and shape. If you want the best at the price SEE OURS. i -- MDERMOTT'S SHOE STORE. RASTER DISPLAY See Our Chocolate and Cream Easter Eggs, from lc. to 76ec. each. Doves, Chicks, Etc. The finest assortments, at AY REES. ny Kingston Business College, KINGSTON. Dominion. Busincss Collegy, TORONTO Largest and best equipment in Canada. Unequalied facilities for securing positions, 321 Queen Sweet, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Confederation Life Building, Toronto. PURE MILK. than can 5 htained, on A by our eream and butter, from our drivers system of The merit, of be or at he. on ¥ THE CLARIFIED MILK CO. of Kia Cor. Brock and Bagot Sts. 'Phone 567. -- -------------------- Ti] i "DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MASSENA POWER PLANT COM- PANY TO BE REORGANIZED. English Investors Bit--Invested in a Power Plant for Which No Demand Existed--Said One Has Now Been Formed. New York, March 31.--The Bt. Law rence power company, of Massena county, N.Y., is be reorganized, | and thereby hangs a tale of the de velopment of - a greal water power, followed by the discovery thai there was no ode to buy the power after it bad' been developed. Massena is a little village on the Grass river, g stream runhing paraliel to the St. . Lawrence, thirty-eight miles porth-esst of Ugdensburg and ninety-five miles south-west of Mon treal. It is on the line of the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg railway Years ago it used to be gp stmner re sort. Two men of the summer population were walking along the shore of the Geass river one day in August in the summer of 1805. When they were a point a little above the town one of them said : "The Long Sault rapids up there in the St. Lawrence are nearly filty feet higher than the surface of the Grass river. If a canal were dug to connect the St. Lawrence and the Grass river, I Helieve we could develop here ut Massena one of the greatest power plants in the world." The. proposition was discussed among friends of these men and an engineer was consulted, who agreed with the discoverer. In the following year a charter to dig a canal than and one-half miles long to connect the two rivers was obtained from the legislature Shore rights were pur chased and fmally about two thou: sand acres of land along the shores of the Grass river above and below Massena were acquired Then, ax the original promoters were thinking about letting contracts, one of them asked : "Who's going to buy the power af ter we get it to sell 7 Nobody was found to answer the question, and so the fen in the or ginal company, having got imo touch with an English promoter named Moreing, unleaded their charter and what land they bad on a number of English capitalists, beaded by Charles C. Macrae, president of the railway share trust and agency company, of Logglon. This company was formed with a capital of $6,000,000, and the stock wis all taken, mostly in London. Jhe canal was dug and a great power house was put wp, whose dynamos propelled 'by the power of the water which tumbled through the canal, can develop 35,000 horsepower. The ori ginal estimates stated that 86,000,000 would build the canal and the power plant. It didn't, and $2,000,000 first mortgage honds and 21,500,000 second mortgage bonds were jssued and sold £2 000.000 of the former and $1,250 000 of the latter in LounGon Practically all of this £10,500,000 has been spent, and the plant is prac tically completed. Now, hecause shere for the officers of the is good reason that they have company to believe woveral large customers for their pow er, it is proposed to reorganize the company to the extent of retiring all the bonds and issuing stock therefor. The matter has been referred to a re organization committee, consisting of Mark T. Cox and Thomas A. Gilles pie, of New York, and Charles C. Mac- rae, president of the company, of London The reorganization plan carries with it the foreclosure of the first and se cond mortgages and the purchase of the property at the foreclosure sale by the revrganization cominitice The Flder-Dempster liner Lake Su perior is aground on a mud bank in Courtnay Bay, off 8t. John, NB. It is hoped that she will be easily float ol off to-day. EE Twenty Year: of Itching Piles. Sufferings Ended Four Years Ago -A Permanent Cure By Dr. Chase's Ointment. Alexander McLaughlin is well known and highly in Bowmanville, Ont., where he has resided for about thirty years. His cure of itching piles, after twenty years of almost constant and often very severe suflering, is a There can scarcely be a stronger recommendation for Dr. Chase's Ointment, and his letter will be read with interest by many who are still ims of this dreadful mal box. "After three applications I felt bet- the time 1 had used one on a fair way to recovery. tment until thor t was seven bt = w HH i i i i ¥ i I pan MONDAY, SAND EATING IN LONDON. A-- Peculiar Religious ~~ Professor Strikes Ontario Town. London, Ont. March 31.--London has been visite by many magicians, showmen, lecturers, sect makers, buat she has been edifiedd during the past weak hy the heraldeol the strangest doctrine that has ever been heard in any Canadian city. As usual, the apostle of the new teaching hails from the enterprimng land of the south, where new views constantly set the volatile American temperament on fire. London's latest guest is "Prof." Windsor, of St. Louis. | He is a fat gentlemen with an ama? ing gift of gab. magnetivm and fosses to be an aathority on the ject of human health. He has delivering a course of lectures to sub been the good people of this city in the aundi- | torium, Crowds have flocked to hear him, and the professor, besides leaving | many disciples here, will leave the city with a splendid pile of London money in his pocket. The most direct result of this visita tion, however, is the eagerness with which Londoners are now regaling themselves on sand. The professor told them to eat sand, that sand was a sure preservative of health, that it would eure the sickly and lend new life to the healthy. In one of his lec tures he declared that all sensible ani mals ie sand. Chickens love it, and if a horse was kept 'in the stable for several days the fust thing it would do on getting into the open air would be to put ite head on the ground and take 8 bite of sand. Of all animals man was the only one that did not use sand. The professor advised his hear ers to commence to eat sand forth- with and comply with nature's law. After getting off his hygienic deliver ance he informed his audience that they conld buy little bags of pure, sterilized sand at the door. The sand was sold at the very profitable sum of twenty-five cents per bag, and the bag was not hali the sige of a small five cent bag of salt, The eloquence of the professor was so convincing that near. iv all his auditors bought a bag of sand on the way out of the auditor jum. The dose consists of one tea spoonful of the finely flitered, steriliz od sand after each meal, The sand is washed down with water. Bat the sand doctrihe is not the on ly product of original thought on the part of the glib St. Louis professor He is very strong on magnetism. He thinks men and women should be very careful in marrying to get thir pro per affinity, to wed the person fitted for them by the laws of attraction The professor called persons to his platform from his audiences to read their character hy means of their bumps and 'general appearance He divided women into three classes, peaches, strawberries and lemons. One voung lady was brave enough to go to the platiorm, and he told her she was a lemon and proceeded to des eribe the various acidulous qualities in her disposition. The professor stated that if a person was mate a sharp pain would run up arm in shaking hands with him her. The professor is very strong on diet. He says he never eats bread or meat, and always chews his. vegetables in their raw state. To him the wis dom of the cooking school is folly, and the lover of roast beef is wrecking his constitution. The professor's next objective point is Hamilton, and after teaching the citizens under the mountain to eat sand be will probably go on to Toron to. the or Sydenham Sayings. Sydenham, March 28.----The "At Home" given by the members of the Primerose mission - band, was pro- nounced one of the best entertain- ments of the season. Especially note- worthy was the fan drill given by twenty-four young ladies. The audi ence would have it repeated. Mr. Scrivens. has two stages upon the route from here to the city, one for freight and the other for passengers. The passenger stage is expected to reach here at six o'clock. This ar rangement will be appreciated by the travelling public. The Barclay family have purchased the house and lot owned by Usorge Ackroyd, opposite the ton hall. r. Taylor, the pres- ent occupant, removes to the house 'owned by George "Purdy. Joseph Moore, jr., removes to a house upon his father's farm, Mrs. Stonness is fixing up the building next her dwell ing for rental. The Easter holidays have caused quite an exodus of high school scholars and others from the place, Finding Buddha's Tomb. The most important archasological find of thirty years in point of hu man, historical, and religious inter est, is that in 1898, at Paprahwah, India, of the tomb of Buddha with family relics. Though small in quan- tity, the articles found are of much greater gmportance even than the Schliemann discoveries. At the death of the Buddha his ashes were separa: ted into eight portions, and one of these was given to the Sakyaclan, of which he was the chief. tomb found is the one erected by his family over (he spot where his body was cre- mated." It brings to light one of the oldest inscriptions in India and retics of Buddha--in gold and jewels--of up- doubted authenticity. An account of the discovery, as well as of the birth- f : recently identified, will appear Century from the pen of T. W. Davids, with drawings. Tamworth Tidings rth, March 28.--George He is an exponent of | phrenclogy, and pro- | not a suitably MARCH 31. Fonwr 266% SITE EE FEE SIVEE i ® SOME LOCAL VGPICS. A resident of Kingston in years gone by remarked to me that he had attended St. Presbyterian churches And of course be saw in the services But what impressed | him most was the almost entire ab sence of anyone who stood during the This was formerly the Pres custom--standing at prayer i Now, In the or up old on Sundav. great changes prayers byterian and sitting during the singing ! the order of things is reversed two churches combined, only two three of the older generation rise while the minister prays. The things have passed away. . "a. u's I was talking to a other day, and we discussed 'the fail- ure of ministers, generally, to preach upon one of the commonest of sins and vices. He, himself, had several | times spoken pointedly and bluntly in a sermon on the matter, endeavor ing to eliminate and heart talk. The seventh command ment. he held, was given as well as the fourth, and when it was being ruthlessly broken, he looked upon 1 as the duty of ministers to speak out fearlessly, though the subject was of a delicate nature. The pulpit, he de warning cory. 0 ae A strong protest is being made against suggestive tures on fence advertisements, magazines and in papers generally Along this line a gentleman remark: ed to me: "What better could you ex pect when your church elders, dea eons, wardens, ete, men, use suggestive outs in their newspaper advertisements. 1 know of several such cases in Kingston." "© « pic- I'm not an Anglican, but 1 like the system of kneeling at prayer. hardly realizes how restiul it is kneel until a trial is made. It is muc more preferable to bending over, a the latter tires the back greatly. In kneeling you have two reverent atti tudes combined--kneeling and bowed head. 1 would like to see the system adopted by all churches . . - Talking about thieving at recent so cial functions, a lady tokl me that these occurrences go on frequently during ordinary afternoon calls, She herself had suffered the loss of several valuable things from her parlor. She told me of a number of kleptomaniacs in Kingston's social circle, who are now constantly watched when they are in either a house or a store. SR me that of all the plays that have visited Kingston's opera house this year, 'The Bonnie Briar Bush' was the most wholesome and educative. "The Little Miniager® wos also of that type. Even Mordtreal has had few wholesome plays this season. Too many new and silly things are written for the stage, while good old standard plays are being neglected Some of the plays which visit Cana da's metropolis have to be toned down, for Canadians as a rule will not countenance vile things that tickle the senses of a Yankee audience. The Montreal Sun thus speaks of a play which appeared down there last week: "The Devil's Daughter was a toler ably sultry' proposition, even in the expurgated form in which it was pres ented. What it must have been when it was first presented at Buafio, we blush even to imagine, All week the the management of the Francais were engaged in putting ice on the heated spots. The dialogue was placed in cold storage, and the dances subjected to a refrigerating fan. Yet, éven at the eid it remained a warm baby." ~THE MAN IN THE MOON They tell - Four Generations. Napanee Beaver Mrs. William Lanphier was many years a well known resident of Napanee, the wife of the late Wil liam Lanphier, at one time quite a prominent business man here, and a daughter of the late William Rom bough, an extensive farmer on Little Creek, North Fredericksburgh. Mr and Mrs. Lanphier, moved to Michi gan about thirty years ago, where he died. She has been visiting her chil dren and grand-children in this wee tion for a time, and left for home in the west on Wednesday. Before leav ing she had two sets of photographs of four generations of the family tak en. The one group consists of her self: her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Faller, of Tamworth ; her grand-daughter, Mrs. F. P. Douglas, of Piety Hill, and two great-grand-children, Exte!la end Helen Douglas. Another group of ber male descendants consists of havelf her daughter, Mrs. Fuller, her gt son, W. A. Puller, merchant of x worth, and his son, Master Jack Ful ler. Though the head of such a num erous family besides several childian scattered over the western states. Mrs. Lanphier is yet active and heal thy, with a capital remembrance of the events of her girlhood daps for Spring Importation For 1902. Prevost bas received all his spring importations, consisting of Beote and English tweeds; also a fine selec tion of worsteds, cheviots and serges for suitings and spring avercoatings. In panti , he is showing a great ho patterns. A frst-class ft your our Peerless lawn seed. you get or damp plac sure to grow in shady es. E. C. Mitchell. Floods in middle Tennessee have re sulted in losses aggregating four nil lion dollars, Twenty-four persons also drowned. Andrew's and Chalmers | clergyman the | all sensationalism. | make the discourse a heart to | clared, must not be afraid to sound a | again | in | who are business | {90 tes FEATHERS, gh ly blr D&A Straight Front Corset. This new approved corset is un- surpassed. It gives the upright poise, sloping bust, extended waist line and graceful round hips so much sought after, D & A Corsets are approved by "society." Most merchants sell them, if your dealer does not, send to us. Price $1.00 to $3.00 per pair--made in White, Grey and Black. DOMINION CORSET Mfg. CO., QUEBEC--MONTREAL----TORONTO, TTP ~ STOVES STORED. We Take Down , Remove. Store and Insure Stoves and all Other Goods in Our Line. If you have not a clean, dry place for the pur- se, perhaps it will pay you to have us take care of your gating Stoves for the summer. KELVEY & BIRCH, HO and 71 Brock Street, CEC EEEIDS 32393 i Easter Shoes! EASTER ~The dy of days to cast off winterand d © Stysish rporg FGOlwear is ab hand. We pret its couning sod wre p epared to meet the veed of 8 yliah 1):e sors to shoe everyb dv, but we do wait to [24 Buoe YOU this EASTER in BIYLE. We doa't We wil phage you Wa wii vou in PRICE, plage We will suit you nn QUALI), for cvery shoe is the BEST for the price. Shoes here. and puckivg the flower of your choice AND BEE. Helect your Easter It's just like g ang ivto the gerden t OME J. H. Sutherland & Bro., TF SHOE MEN. DO YOU KNOW THAT BACKACHE IS THE FIRST SYMPTOM OF KIDNEY TROUBLE. J & It is! and you cannot be too careful about it. A little backache let run will finally cause serious kidney trouble. Stop it in time. TAKE DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. and Kidney Troubles they have no equal. Here is what MR. GEO: H. SOMERVILLE, "1 was %0 v Call amd examine my sock of spring owe Hosting, ew peiterny just arrived 1. J oA se IN SPLEN- to suis. Call at' 429 Detwetn the bows of # am ond I pm | | OUR wow FURNDMIED ROOMS, Ir with TO BE LET. RR TT REET AN SIT A 4000 FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OF bossd, 100 Quima wiresd. : ITH all wmodwe - 191 University Avenue (ODAE IN VAUGHN TERRACE, WITH hitches and bath room is evlension. ng ot No § or oh the Whig STONE LATEL D. by Ceo. often. Apply 'HE frroerty it ar Ew. J. HANDSOME the IH. B. PENS NO. 1 VAUGHN TERRACE, FROM MAY It. Extession Kitchen usd all moders conveniences, Apply at Whig Uffics or ob Nao. 6 of the Terrace. NEW BRICK HOUSE, WELLINGTON ST, vez 0 Cw, Park. a ag improve meats. w G. 8B Oldeel Cor | La Bication Rireate . ns STUART 1s # ROOMS, MODERN, HO® stores and J. 8. R Net Cor. King nd rk Brees. ny (HE SHOP WITH PLATE GLASS FRONT, on Bydechbam stews. sens _ Fricosss a ha ne . hve - KIBET ATHION, Clarsuen street. ON THE lst OF MAY, THAT VERY DE- drable bouss, 117 Bagor street, bormer of Gore, near the Park all modern cobvenishoes, large oy woter furnace, Apply ww _Kehix Show, 118 Bagot Sireet. THE BRICK SLOP .AND DWELLING oN Wallington Si, next Crothers' bakery. T'ossassivn May Let. Alng the stone shop apd dwelling adjoining Wiss Gr Posseswion immed ately "w gd Wa Allen, 297 vison wo HUNDRED sums from eve TL a n Office, en ---------------------- verpool, London and Globe Fire Insurance Company. ftv the ALLEN & De. 0. W, Daly's Dedtal Office Be a Sheenied fy Kay, Whe Le . -

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