Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Apr 1902, p. 2

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a fo eh Foor if You Could Look into the future and soe the condition to which your cough, # neglected, will you, you would seek Shiloh's Consumption Cure SHILOH cures Consump- od sang" Trost fora ps olds . . in a day. Guaranteed. . La i ---------------------- Write to 8. C. Wrr1s & Co., Toronto, Can., for free trial bottle. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the Blood | Spring |Carpets. Spring 1 | FOCK ia one carpet depart. ment in growing greater : hoodsome de avery i signw; rich colors. RICES this your are Tower 4 | hey ave ever beens, and ihe quality mech better. EMEMBER we are the on By exclosive Carpet and drapery house Kim won. of We de N every duality farpwt you may want. ven give you domos of slam to choose, like makiow The well OTHING your selection now. choice patierny first, IVING the _ best Each has always been point' value season our strong 6 'R. McFaul, Kingston, Carpet: Warehouse. to cvirsrssrsirerin® ® \ -- = PONIES BASEBALL CLUB MET LAST NIGHT AND ELECT- ED OFFICERS. To Have A Stronger Team Than Last Year--Matches 'At Lake Ontario Park--Manager Geo- ghegan Selecting Players. The Ponies' baseball club met last night ut the Collender to organize for the coming sason. The team will again he under the control of the street railway company, and all mat ches will be play: at Lake Ontario park, which has one of the fastest diamonds in the province. These of ficers wern elected : Honora prosident--Edw. J. B Penge, NDP. President~Mavor Shaw. First vice-president--Capt. W. Carruthers. Second vice president--D. J. mati. Manager and secretary--J. Geoghe gan, Honorary members--Dr. Clarke, H. €, Nickle, *. Folger, Dr. Bell, Joseph Hiscock, J. Sowards. The selection of a captain was left in abeyance. In the meantime, man: ager Geoghegan js selecting his team which will be stronger than last year. The departure of 'Chaucer'. Eliott makes it necessary to seek out a good catcher. Cheney, Tilton, Hunt, lslin, Quigley and Daley are lonsidered fix- tures. It is quite possible that Derry, formerly of the Granites, will play third base, Tilton will be placed at short, A pitcher from last year's rE Jeag Bruce McDor- secured, with Cheney as alternate. ¥.M.C.A. Athletic Notes. Physical director Bews, of the Y.M. C.A,, is greanging plans for a 24th of May demonstration in athletics The gymnasium will he closed week Dy a public exhibition. ------ Sport In General. Australia is hoping for a from a Canadian ericket team. MeLentan,~ of Cornwall lacrosse team, has removed to Brockville. Bullalo, N.Y., ericket team wants to arrange. matches with ganadians. Monirenl and Worcester, eastern league baseball teams, play an exhi bition game on April 19th at Worees ter. In the event of the Australian team visiting Vhiladelphia, matches in To ronto and Ottawa will in all likeli hood be arranged. The heaviest player on the Toronto lacrosse team, en route to England, weighs 163 pounds. Three of the twelve weigh 180 each. The "Toronto baseball players, in- cluding catcher "Chaneer" Elliott, of Kingston, have been owdered to re port in Toronto next Tuesday. Brockville is going to give up the war canoe racing, as it Lode that it must have dp-todate canves to cope with its rivals, and the club is pot in a position to raise the money for a new eanoe. Chief John Gibson, whose Tusca- rora Indian team has applied for ad mission to the Canadian lacrosse ns { sociation, says that the game among the Indians has deteriorated of late years because they have not had fre quent opportunities to play with white men, and because their games have next visit CLEAN Pine Fibre, Coston, eld, in two pidtes, the Bost watts for the price Pim purest amd fibre a mattress for $7. It 0 RESSES--Made of kit, 1.06 lated Matiresses, sovered wi These are 50, Tat itm Carpets. Romintere, Wiliams, wa Pe a yd and wp. Curtains. Nottingham and Brassels Loos: large selee- Rett and Trish Point, all the latest new import, just in ah $18. is ha lover of 3 fine 3 wd tw "Beni, To - Tivoleoms; 1 yd up (0 4 vide wide: ofl Some Covers aod Dinbovies by the vd. not been played onder authority that could suppress rough play. "With all due respect to the O.R.F. U.," says the Montreal Herald, "and their decisions, wouldn't it he just as well to enquire g little into the stand: ing of several of the Argonauts? There are oné or two who have pass ed in the public mind as regular pros. for some time. But the O.R.F.U. is an by th Argos. Pehaps that bas something te do with 'their immu nity." . The final hockey match for the Prince's cup, which represents the championship of England, was played en artifical jee #1 the Prince's club, London, between Prince's, the holders Lof the trophy, and Cambridge. The university team won by 9 goals to 5., the Canadian member of the team, «J. J. Cawthra, of Toronto, very appro priately showing his superiority af Canada's national winter sport hy scoring himself more goals than the whole strength of the opposition. He put the puck : into the nets seven times. Exits At The Opera House. The matter of proper exits from the opera_house was argued before police magistrate Duff this morning. City so- licitor Melntyre pointed out that doors leading from the stage swung inwards, whereas the act says they must swing outward. "We want the open door," was the diplomatic re mark of Mr. McIntyre. iid not open outward as that would prevent waggons coming up the narrow passage for or with scenery. for a week: Fe Es in: PE Ge, wilt Tel hr ------ PERSONAL MENTION, Tovements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. W, G. Miller, Kingston, was elected 1 honorary president of the natural science section of the educational us sociation of Ontario. Sidney Martin, formerly of the Whig staff, but lately a resident of Torun to, has gone to Peterboro, aceepting a Jorstion ont the Times' staff. Joseph Curtis and son, Robert, of Queen's hotel, Montreal, have return od home after spenling 'the Easter holidays with the former's mother in law, Mre. James Norris, 14 Clergy street west. Mise Minnie Kennedy, in the general hospital for several weeks, has re covered, and left for ' her home in Sunbury. Her sister, Miss Jennie Kon- nedy, who was with her, has also re- turned to Napanee. J. G. Eliott, a member of the Kingston board of education, was el- ected to the first vice-presidency of the trustees' department of the On- tario esdueational. association. John Melntyre, Prof. Dyde, W. 8. Riis, J. N.Dules, W. G. Miller, E. 0. Sliter, Misses Kilpatrick, Jones and Bawden were among the Kingstoni- ans present at the Ontario education- al meetings in Toronto. The Late Mrs. Hendry. Yesterday, at Riverside, California, Mrs. Thomas Hendry, or. passed away at the ripe' age of seventy-nine years The deceasod, for many years a well known and much esteemen resident of this city, was born in Glasgow, Scot land, in 1923, and came to Kingston when about twenty years of age. In -$RE sho-pemovec to- Rivenside. South: } orn Califorpia, wi Thomas and Kenneth. was a founder and an active member of the First Congregational church and was also closely identilled with many of the public charities of the city, par- ticularly that of the orphans' home, being an active member of the board of that institution for a number of years, Four sons and a daughter survive : James A., of this city; Rev Thomas, of Los Angeles, William of Manitoba, Kenneth, of Riverside, and Mrs. T. Tandy; of this bity. Robert Hendry, Johnston street, ix a hall brother of the deceased. Was Taken Suddenly Ill. R. 8. Dobbs, Johnston street, went to the Grand opera house last night, and while there was taken suddenly ill. "Doctor wanted !" shouted police constable Hazlett from the rear of the house. Dr. Garratt responded to the call, while general consternation pre vailed. The rumor spread through out the house that Mr. Dobbs was dead, but happily the story was false. He was the victim of an epilep- tie convulsion, which rendered him unconscious for the time. Mr. Dobbs was carried from the theatre to a cab, and driven home, There he soon regained consciousness, and was able to walk around in an hour or so. His condition was much improved this morning. Calls For The Police. The police received a call to rington's tannery last night about nine o'clock, Complaint was made that some strikers were attacking men employed in their places. Police con- stables Craig and Diamond investigat ed, but foumd no disturbance when they reached there. Sowe little dis pute had taken place, but not on the tannery property. During the night, message was received at the police station from the G. T. R. junction stating that four freight cars had been tampered with, the locks having been broken. Police constables Armiel and Bateson investigated, but could find nothing wrong. Car a telephone Visited Toronto: Churches. Rev. Dr. Philp, E. C. Mitchell, T. F. Harrison, A. Shaw and James John: ston, of the board of Sydenham street Methodist church, have returned from Toronto. They visited Sherbourne street and Trinity Methodist churches, Bloor street Presbyterian, Cooke's Presbyterian, and other Toronto churches to get ideas concerning a scheme of interior decoration which it is proposed to introduce.into Syd- enham street Methodist church. The renovations to the loeal church will include a new combined electric and gas lighting system and other im provements. . When completed the church interior will be one of the most beantiful in the city. Ladies' Aid Elect Officers. The twenty-second annnal report of the ladies' aid society of Queen strect Methodist church reviews the work of another prosperous year. There are forty-one active members, an increase of sixteen, and sixty-six contributors. The society veceived this year free will offevings of 8286.93; expenses were £273.68, leaving a balance of $13.55 At the annual meeting on Wi y these Gificets wate Slacted : Provident, Mrs. George Cliff; vice-presidents, Mrs. Robert Meek and Mrs. George A. Bate man: secretary, Mrs. W. H. Auselstine treasurer, Mre. W. BH. Wormwith; ex ecntive, Mrs. Wilson, Mus. Sparks and Mrs. Gardiner. No Danger. There is no danger of throwing mony aay oo an take Dr. Hall's rhenmatisor - In nage THR DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL a. | INCIDENTS OF TEE DAY, | PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. 1 The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Are Talking | About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. That you Alice ? Ask Jimmy Baker. The man with the rake is mach in evidence these days. W. Swaine, piano tuner. Orders left at MeAnley™s hook store. Yesterday's weather is supposed to have been spite action on winter's part. La Kadosh cigars sold only by W. J. Baker, Princess street. Saturday was "a great day Hawes' hats. George Mills & Co. Lever's Y 4( Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other soap powders, 84 it also acts as a disinfectant. a The christian scientists have opened a Pleasant reading room in their new hall at the comer of Princess and Sydenham streets. J. 8. R. McCann's office is remownd. to the groumd floor below his old of five, 51 rock 8t., corner King Bt. March borrowed three days from April; and is now paying . back the logn. That is the old Scotch prover, and it seems to be working out all right. e weather has played a dirty, sleety April fool trick on people who were sure that such kind of weather was all over with. But April smiles as well as frowis. The G. T. R..will hereafter handle all the eastern fast freight line ton --ahish- de WAn% o¥eK .. the Niagara frontiery and was handled by the Lackawanna railroad. They make one . feel as though life was worth living. Take one of Car ter's Little Liver Pills after eating; it will relieve dyspepsia, aid digestion, give tone and vigor to the system. A waggon loaded with brick came to grief at the corner of King and Clarence streets early this merning, a wheel breaking. The break-down took place right on the crossing, forcing pedestrians into the mud. : Nothing : just as good as Eastern Balm for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, ete. Some remedies allow the dealer greater profit hence their interest in pushing those remedies. Ask for East ern Balm, toke no other. Largest bot tle on the market. Guaranteed, R. W. Allen explains that in various he could not secyre ad mission to gather the census cards and hence had 'to secure needed infor mation from near by neighbors. This accounts for the neglect to secure the eards, During the next two weeks, while the alterations are going on in the store, we will give twenty per cent. off the following goods ; Toilet paper, sponges, tooth brushes, hair brushes and trusses, at Wade's drug store. There was a good sized audience at the Grand last night to see Herrmann, the well known wigard. His perform ance was not the equal of others that have heen here: He did some elever tricks, but nothing beyond those giv on by others with Jess pretentious pre tentions, That tived, languid feeling and dull headache is very disagreeable. Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pilla he fare. retiring, and you will find re lief. They never fail to da good. The Toronto Mail and Empire cele brated its thirty-first anniversary lust Saturday and issued a special num- ber of great excellence. "The Making of a Paper' was its theme, With il- lustrations of the men and means at the task, well devised colored effects, and well | written letterpress, os story is fold in a racy manner. We are glad to know that the demand far exceeded the supply. Smith's White Liniment is the most penetrating liniment known, and a positive cure for sprains; swellings, inflammation, neuralgia, rheumatism. and lumbago. In ttles, 26¢., at Wade's drug store. Three cases were heard at the Brockville assizes this week. The jury found a verdict of 'not guilty" on the charge of eriminal assault preferr- od against Joseph H. Bolton, Ganan oque, Michael Casselman brought ac tion against a young man named Healey, now in Chicago, for seduce tion; under promise of marriage. The jary returned a verdict for 3650 with costs, for residences ------ See Jenkins' Hats. Dunlop shape as worn in the large dities and regalarly sold at $5 our price $2.50. Boys' Caps. In all the | leading styles, extra choice, 25e. to Sie. George Mills & Co., Wellington St. A TEARFUL BABY. Wanted $6 Write A" Letter. A man catie 'upon his litte girl in a grevious and téarful condition, because she had been bestricted in her allow- ance of Grape-Nuts. The father says, "I am little at home and 1 hardly un- derstood why the absence of one par- ticular food should excite her grief, but upon inquiry discovered that she had taken such a decided fancy to it that she was refusi meat and al most every other k of food. > "she has been ~ using Grape the two diseases Wit as sour stomach sick hegdache, | A FRENCHUAN'S TRIBUTE 1% Gecti Rhodeomshrticlé By Gapt. THE HARBOR MOVEMENTS Common soaps destroy the Chartrand a 70 mAlNG clothes and render the - { FIRST VE ; Capt. Chartrand, Royal military CHAN HERE. hands able to Seam na: college, who rontkibutes 5 daily ar Lh title to La"Pairie, of Montreal, pub a lished on Tuesday the following 'An eminent Englishman, Cea Rhodes. died. a fow days age. Likeall mes, whe dared to say and to get, he made enomiss, who do not disarm even after bis death. Many of bis countrymen attribute the Hoer war to him. To foreigners, be was the | greedy adventurer, the fatal and in- suspicious filibuster, the highway rob- ber, who bandied wnserupmlously th» South Africen regions in is own interest. And vet that man has left the bulk of his immense fortune to be used in the education of his own wo ple. But his enemies still reproach' him for that action, ss Leing ihe posthu mous attitude of the man who wants to blind posterity ' 1 have lived fifty years. 1 love my own people. 1 have shown proofs of that many a time. But 1 impar- tially judge the character of any in- divicloal, whoever he may be. The one who acts and works may have failings--we all have-but if his do- ings are of some value, I congratulate him, whatever i= his nationality. an» human being before anything. "Cecil Rhodes was the son of a minister. He went to South Africa for his health. There he came in con tact with gold and diamond pros. pectors., His powerful brain mastered them all. He enriched them as well as himself. He had 4 great dream, to found a vast British empire in South Alriea. This a patriotic dream. And as he was English it was his duty... Whe dares. im 24 load: ore for Should we not be proud if one of ours acted so ? His faults, they say, have been many. But who will throw the first stone at him ? Fleet us be just gnd reasonable. Let ug criticize our own faults if we wnt to; it is a sgn of strength. For, wi rise in attenpling to ameliorate esh other, among ourselves. But let us ailmire, withost restriction, the aglities of strangers, putting aside thir errors, whichis a mark of proud speriority. (jue Jessens oneself in Jobking only for defects in otheps ils trying to rid in setting forth thir failings. Letius always bear in mh that the wegk everlastingly tries | : tgelimb wp disparaging the | 5°00 there will be a change in sibng.. On. this tonteary, we 'sont | ditions. At present, however, it br a admiring] the" worth of nigitsary to load for shallow water, at o Angers, being sf indieation of oJ Lhasloop 1 pal guned by G I0TT BROS . cofparison AND 77 PRINCESS ST. 'ecil Rhodes vik 4 man of grea Ingth, to whom! we forwive every g. for on his $ath bed, his las best is the cheapest. ey refunded within 3 if not as guaranteed. ' Was The Sloop Laura DM. T. Company Boats To MNMove-- Steamer Ran Into The Harbor For Shelter. " The steamer Alesandria makes iret trip down on the 35th + The sloops Minnie and Monitor loading grain-at the islands. The steamer Pierrepont begins the { season's trips to Gahanogue next Weodnesday. The steambarge Owen cleared this ! morning for Deseronto to load lumber for Oswego. The steamer Aletha starts Saturday. Her first regular trip bay ports will be on Monday. The steamer Islander will go on the Cape Vincent route for a couple of days next week,' before leaving for Clayton. The steamer Monteagle ran back into harbor last night to await fair er weather on the lake. She is bound for Oswego from Ogdensburg. The schooner Eliza White has heen lving at anthor in the harbor for the past few days, waiting for fav orable" weather to get up the bay. Work on the steamer Empire State will 'be shortly begun, The steamer will be hauled out at Portsmouth, pad receive a thorough rebuild of the ull, The S8. Bamnockbirn, of the M.T. company, was expected to leave Col lingwood to-day for Mimlgécoten to Midland. Thence she gram her are out on to Mutual Preferance. We'd prefer you to buy Swift's Scranton: al And. you'd prefer. If te all other kinds it you once tried JAMES SWIFT & 80. for Kingston. The SS. Rosemount and the steamer Glengarry, with their consorts, will likely leave the M. T. company wharf on the 15th. It is expected that light vessels going up will be locked through the Welland canal 5 few days earlier than those coming down The attention of vessel men have been called to the fact that the De troit river this year bas only 4 depth of seventeen feet four inches at places, so that vessels heading passage through that channel | bear this in mind. This is a tempor ary condition aml it is expected that Some for must eon » A whts were for bis own people. H them his fortmé to enlighten ther teain them tosnder more power materially and gnorally, hig con his Ee Evervthing el x and iz foroe@en, with Cex Rifles, and nothigr remains for u I to admire thd his last suprem achn. It Were Washed. and Brushed. EACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF, GOOD solid ooal--e0 'me solid fire. Alter goal rouches the surfate of the earth the mines, impuritios are picked out I heed, Thereafter it is sorwened several times before it reaches vom, aml dire, dais, oie, wally have no chanon, if ihe dealers are bamsind We am very osvelul cer ---- LETTERS TO] Daily Mail. -- Writing in the London Military Mail about the Canadian military college at Kingston, A, JJ. T. says: "It is no small testimonial to the excellence of the Kingston training, as well as to {the class of wvoung men who offer themselves for this training, that the winners of these commissions have, 1 beliove without exgeption, established ja good record for zeal and and of { ficiency, Ope of them, Lieut.-Col. Sir country. , | Percy Girouard, is director of rail eetors allow the | Ways in South Africa--whose name is rto he selectod | 8 household word in Cape Town for aiding the shovinamely, the last j avTRY and "i. The name of an of August? ¥8 are just then | Other, Capt. W, G. Stairs, RE., was ing up our hago TE our | brought prominently before the British and doing othglwork that must { public by his sorvices with Stanley's noe about that@ime. and cannot Emin Pasha relief expedition through ostponed, 1 sabrely hope the | 'darkest Afriea.' Venturing for the spoken of wit ihe changed to | #econd time into the interior, as com time in Sepembor, as we all { mandant of the Katanga expedition, 1 like to help #8 show. Yours, | "ent out by the king of the Belgions. shibitor,--8.L. be died of malarial fever when almost within sight of the Indian ocean, and close to civilization again, Valiantly i have these sons of Canada maintained | the reputation of their eolmiry and | college during these last three years of South African warfare. Capt. Hens ley, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, fell at | Venter's Spruit. 'His name will alk ways be handed down in honor to fu {tore generations of the regiment (bat talion order, Spearman's Hill, 20¢h | January, 1900). Lieut. Oshorne, Scot ! tish rifles, was killed leadiog his men up the fatal slope of Spion Kop. Capt. Chalmers, Canadian mounted rifles, bad his epitaph written by lord Rob ; June. = ke ot A ET HBUN CO "mers behaved with great gallantry. Your Neighbor Says The former rode out under heavy fire WALSH'S to bring in a horseless non-commis stoned officer. | Sahders was wounded ing her rival oui of business, A and his horse killed, and Chalmers went to his assistance. Sanders im IS ALL RIGHT, Have you tried it ? hat, with magificent feathers #8 quickly reduced » a disreputable plored him to leave, but om article, ThenNo. 2 laid the and the gallant Chalwen Sefuand, ig es against No. .. J. M. Farrell grieve to say, killed' (Despatch ' 5th apared for the defedant, and asked . November, 1900), . 3 Shall we send you a ton ? fie week's enlargement of the ease, | "Well might Jord Land hat witnesses cofd be procured, in the house of les ig Sate was granted, ad the prisoner jug on the proposed inerenss or - for svmyons. The CEA i lng - es 4 -- HE EDITOR. he Date Of The nged. {To the Eaitor): on the board of ston agricultural why do they gs? I am told e¢tors that they he show held at suit the farmers farmer Wants Fair Berary, April | H@ we no farms dittors of the softy? H we bh nofhttend the mes hy ne of the city arg A § . EWife No. 1 Vs Wife No. 2. the police cour #his morning an rio street womn was charged drunkenness afl assault upon her woman. It #s another case y betweei Wife No: 1 and 2. The md. married man yg out of the cit: fhe women pro- i to raise a row Wife No. 2 had wearing the clolies belonging to 1, during thelBtter's absence a handsomer mt. This aroused re of No. 1, why under cover of mess, sought reéhge by smadh: the windows inthe residence of ival. police were mmmoned. When arrived on the tonbled seene ab- nine o'clock lastaght, No. 1 was ww glovions, ani in the act of uslally modd ww hosp Dont masa the e wh allowed out on kil jarmy : 'I am sure anvons who knows sinteetidins as I koow, anything about the mili. tary college at Kingston, in Cansda will not doubt that officers taken from that source are worthy to take their place at the side of our very best of fieers in the army." " Good Advice. Te most miserablebeings in the wad are those sufferdg from dyspep- sisand liver complait, More than went y-five cent. of the people in th United States ar aficted with eas afl their effects, Parrott--Burgess. A pleasing event took place i Western Methodist Port ae pee, on Wednesday, April nd, when the Rev, § T. Bartlett united in 8, Parrott, Odessa, and Nellie eldest daughter of Archibald Bur. gess, Wilton. The bride was assisted by Mim Ethel: Clancy, of Centreville, and the groom by his cous Sharpe. of Bharpton. Pe oat { present to the brige was; wateh {and chain and to the id a {gold brooch. The bride and maid were attired in suits of blue. The groom is a vising young man of Er nestton nt and the bride one of Wilton's fuivest, The happy couple took the afternoon train for Belleville and To- bait ual costiveness, palpitation of heart, bur, water-hrach, ing and botning pains at the Pir the stomach, yllow skin, coat: ongue and disagreable taste in Wenouth, comitig uj of food aber , low spitits, et Go to your fhpict and get a bitle of August fiver for 75 cents. Iwo doves will you. Try it. For ssie at ='s drug store. tansferred To Kigston Pen. bper Fitagibhon, the Bt Vin- de Paul penitent ved, in beity yesterday afulioon, having his custody a fl prisoner erred to the Kish = Fitzgibbe on Forimorth 8 lox dar See Temkin Greronte : th a SW ipoeds; wa Oxfords, Cheviots, 4 16, Homespun silk faced, $12, H "Oak Hall coun silk ined; 815." Fit-Reform' fife children's clothing mie by BB jocturers who mab fhe best. The well and wears well. Bibl ; «Bibby's. Oak Hall, "Bibby's." Our spring trouser, Jie wh vat 3 Peck's Corn It corns. ln store. them on you, #1 to Co.

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