-- Deer Carpets| | Spring FMEMBER we are the on Carpet iy exclusive drapwry house an give vou downs of ¥ to choose, OTHING your select rhode IVING the ble. E has alwave strong point' R- McFaul, ¢ Kingston, have the quality muck like making now, patierne hess h been Carpe Warehouse. ] ever and King | N o 4 b # The well value season our ) ® HOUSE - CLEANING. We Tupaly and LIE Yenova Polish -old furniture. Upholater Paglor Suites, Couches, ou ant dope over, Bpepinl pa We Mat chipen for thoroughly dolug uie OUR NEW PINOLA MATTRESS--Mads of Piss Fibre, Doiton, ele in two piso the bust mattress for the peice Vina Fibre is the purest amd healthiest known, We wall has no equal at $10. OSTE #15. Marsho!' Venti fire steel Springs, hair on both sides. $ #, Our Muttroess the Lest KMOOR MATTRESSES -Made bstend Surge A nt yialue it is possible this mattress for $7. of felt, nt tresscs, 1,000 with a laver of hose are all fue $2.00. 83 amd to Carpets. We are busy, Have ook ? Destrien, #lo. Linglesme, 1 vid, vi Asmimsters, Wiltons, new Tn our Brudsels, Wh A pie wide: ali ri goer yd. and up. Curtains. Nottingham and' Brussels Lace; large selec Non. Swim Nett and lish Point, all the lutest Silk Curtains, new Laport, beautios: B10 and RIS just in. Some Furnitures Covers 'awd Draperivs by the vd, T. F. HARKISON (O., UNDERTAKING, ETC, 'PHONES Rin. 01,92 Laxa-Liver aeither weal to take and prompt to act. called the fire chief Wood's Phosphodive # sold in King: ston by all i Choco e post Sugeivn tes! ---- WIEST LETTER RECEIVED FROM DR. DUFF ABOUT THE : CANADIANS. Passed The Famous Scenes Of Battle Monuments And Graveyards Everywhere--Nice Climiate When Not Too Hot, The last Ititer recvived from Surg Maj. Duff, with the Canadian field hospital, in South Africa, gives this interesting news of the doings of the Newcastle, Feb, '22.--Natal is so hilly, and the railroad consequintly #0 winding and circling round min tains that you have to travel abbat a great part of it is up hill Lhe country everywhere is green, such a contrast to our former experiences, and during the first day's journey particularly large fields were under chltivation, and the country com paratively thickly settled. On the last day's journey we travelled through country that the Doers had rai Many houses are still in a wrecked condition, and many have been re built. We passed Colenso and the trenches and rifle pits, then we were at Ladysmith, When you see the place you wonder more than exgr how they ever attempted to defend it. On one sitle there is no protection at all. We saw Waggon Hill and Spion Kop; the place gbounds in monuments and grave yards. We saw, of course, part of the Tugela river and also Mooi" viver, but they now seem mud-fike streqins and dirty ones at that." We left Durban on Tuesday evening and did not arrive here till about noon on Thursday, a distance that the ex press covers in sixteen hours, New castle is close to the border of the Orange River Colony. The Drakes berg range of hills separates the 'two colonies. One hundred and fifty of our men went off yesterday afternoon in the pouring rain. to guard Botha Pass and prevent the Boers breaking through there during the present drive. They are driving a laager of 06 Boers, but neither Dewet or Botha is with it. It poured all night so that our men would have a very uncomfortable time, It will give them some idea of what they will bave to expect. Sutherland went on the expe dition, but not many of the other Kingston men. We are feasting" on [ne apples at four for a shilling and they Are 50 much nicer than any can buy &t home. They are dot very large, but tender and juicy. Monday 24th. ~This morning the general inspected the squadrons. Our men are doing very well, and very few of them are sick. It is a little show ory every day. Yesterday and to-day have been comparatively Car men have not returned from Botha Pass, but we hear they did not arrive in time; the Boers had broken through in another direction before thelr ax rival, Tuesday, 25th.<One hundred ent fifty men mounted were ordered tohe ready to march at 545 a.m. There was great excitement and. all the new men were very anxious to be chosen It rained hard all night and was still raining in the early morning February 28th.--~We hear today that some Boers and hundreds of cit tle have been captured. These are the crowd: that our men went out to assist in rounding up. We are expect ing Jord Kitchener to-morrow to look over the men and horses; men keeping very well, The sun is intensely hot. but we are having a good deal of cloudy weather, which is fortunate The horses are doing well and will be fit for duty at any time. The ven dors, generally Hindoos, of fruit Pring peaches apples and pine apples to the edge of the camp every day. We are beginning to" get tired of them, though they were a great relish at first. Except when intensely hot this a nice elimate, we cool is Kingston Has A Prophet ! When alderman J.B. Walkem was in Atlantic City, N.J., a year ago, the fire brigade and grpliances were turn wl out for his inspection. After the march past, ete, alderman Walkem to the sahiting hase and asked him if he thought the brigade would he able tg cope with a fire which might start - at a certain corner and be fanned hy a breese from the sea. The chief said it could Jensily be done, but the Kingston ald erman declared it couldn't, Me Walkem prophesied that if a fire stars od where he indiented, the whole block wondd be reduced to ashes. A year has passed by, and the prophecy has come true. Yesterday's fire in At lantie City started at the exact place indichted by alderman Walkem, and was fanned by a south-east breeze. The fire brigade could no more cope with the blazing frame hotels and other huiklings than a rural water pail fire foree. . Kingston's erack curler and prophet wears a much higher collar than he did yesterday. Good Advice, The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from dyspep- sia and liver complaint. More than seventy-five = vent. of the people in the United ten are afflicted with these two discases their effects, oh a sour Aomuh, rk, headachs, tual costiveness, itation of the rt, heart-burn, and burning pains at ; { stomach, yellow skin, coat- el 'tongue and disagreeable taste in the month, coming up of food er oe Jow spite, Bg % your a bo of August relieve ot we it Fo = you. or Wade's 'drug store. column he accompanios i four miles to make one, and even then ! saje ab | a-- SPORT IN GENERAL. Notes And Comments About The } i Sporting Fields. + Davis, the Hamilton Indian, is the; Canadian representative at the six | days' race at Detroit. As Wo H. Carson is leaving the city, the proposed baseball league in which he was interested will fall through: 'bhe Ponies will again hold full sway. i Ottawa and Kingston are not the only places to have been honored with a policeman on the football field. Kirkwood, of the Tigers, bas hewn ap- pointed a "peeler"" in Hamilton. Au effort ix to be mace to send one or two teams of Scottish curlers to Canada next winter, to take part in the Winnipeg bouspiel, and some of the other prominent curling events Rockwood will have a very strong lawn bowling team next summer, as several of the best city players will join that club. A greater interest than ever before will be taken hers in | this game. ¥ All question about the ability of the mansgement of the Olympian athletic games to have Sir Thomas Lipton's Shamrock TI. compete in an interna tional yacht race at Chicago, has been | settled. The yacht can be broughtup | the St. Lawrenge by means of pon] toonk or by boxing in her fin keel English, yachtsmen are desirous of having a Canadian yacht visit Dritish waters during the coming season. It is the intention to have the Canadian flyer cross the pond for a series of friendly races with English half raters, so that the British public may have an oppertunity of seeing a Canadian crew at work with the sails. Baseball Meeting Postponed. A meeting of the lovers of baseball jwas held in the Hotel Congress Inst evening, There were representatives present from these teams : Oddfellows, Battery, Ramblers, Locomotive works, St. Lawrences, Longsheremen and Ontario streets. Owing to the various teams not having completed "their organization, the meeting was post poned until next Wednesday night. Each elub will have a special meeting Limeantime, and eomplete their organi zation. Con. Millan will leave for Foronte in a few days to purchase a handsome cup for competition. A four-team league is favored in prefer ence to an eight team league, i ~ PERSONAL MENTION, Iovements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. Mrs, (Rev.) Jackson, Montreal, visiting her father, William Bailey, Colborne street. Miss Bessie Spangenberg, entertained friends in honor guest, Miss Carson, Kingston. Miss Cairns has returned to her bome at Sunbury, after spending the past winter 'with friends in this city d. dulger, cigar-maker in Obern dorfier's factory, has purchased 4 farm near Battersea, and has moved onto is Jelleville, her oO it. Mrs. A. J. Abernethy and childeen, of Kingston, ave the guests of her pa- rents, Mr. and Mes. D. H. Davis, Al- monte. N. M. Leckie. the very able editor of Queen's University Journal, left Yesterday for Hamilton, where he will supply a pulpit in one of the lafge city churches on Sunday MARINE NOTES. Getting Ready For Opening Of ; Navigation. At Richardsons' elevator : Sloops Ariadna and Mionie, from bay ports, with grain. The steambarge Jona, arrived Craig's wharf this morning down the river. . J. J. MeCalfrey, of Torontoy in tends running the ferry steamer Ma zoppa on the Bay of Quinte this sea son, The three weeks ot from has risen past three "four above it attained the harbor within the stands at height water in inches It now rere," the same last year. -------------------- Introduce Sprinkling System. It very likely that system spripklers, similar to' those at the cot ton mill, will be placed in the various shops of the locomotive works' com puny. The pipes ron along the ceiling, and are comnceted with the water works. 1f a fire originated in the shop the heat would soon, by a melt ing process, free the water, which would extinguish the flames. " of pease Bibby's. Oak Hall, Hibby's. Hard to fit ? Then try a pair of our tailor-made trousers, $3, ¥1.50 and $4. The H. D. Bibby Co. Fibre pails and tubs at Redden's. A PHYSICIAN HURT. Helped Himseli. When the doctor himself brings on heart disease by the use of coffee it is tine for ordinary peopley to think carefully of the effect of thay beverage. The testimony of Dr. 0. W. Mathew- son, 1354 Penn. Ave, Des Moines, la, i as follows: His Jetter is rather long and this' extract, is. necessarily con donsed. . "Fam a phyeician of 18 years prac- tie. 1 felt the need of a stimalam ad for the first five or six years of my practice used strong coffee. Bight or ten yenrs ago I began to notice symphony of heart diccase. This seemed to bea regular organic type and year hy vear became aggravated. Dizziness; fnintness and later, mability invalid and gave up practic. ' eral years with the symp i 1 was consider | . h I very stijoyable complimentary | Bemberg), | aounod) THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, AFRIL 4. > & 2 a EVENING RECITAL GIVEN IN ONTARIO HALL BY LADIES' MUSICAL CLUB. A Splendid Programme Rendered --Miss Braniff, Chicago, And Mr. Hahn, Toronto, Assisted --~Vocal And Instrumental Numbers. The Ladies chib gave recital laét evening in Ontario ball, The programme consisted. of eight num bers, three of which were voeal solo by Miss Rose Branilf, of Chicago, who rendered Nymphs and Fawns © (H Ginlietta and ** Summer," (Chamin- ade). Miss Branifi has a very sweet amd flexible voice, but her enunciation war too indistinet to be heara in the middle the hall pumber was hy = consisting Misses Folger, Armstrong, musical & * Homeoe of dotible . gqfartette Perley," Bailey, Tanoy, Bates, of { Macmorine and Mrs. Drummond. These They | singers blended well. gave "Spring Chorus," from Samson and Delilah {Saint-Saens}; " Folk Song," (Schumann), and "Ak! Tis a Bream," (Hawley). THery were two plano solos. Miss Harty, with Miss Fortescue as second accompanist, gave a elever rendition of Bagthoven's © Uoneerto in C. May VOIONs Lor. and Miss Portescue played ten 7 (Chaminade) with geod of Paul Hahn, the noted celloist, of T ronto; took the fancy of the audience, who warmly encored hin well rendered sclections, He played * Hymne," ( Begthoven) and "Gavotte," (Popper) The other instrumental numbers sisted of piano, violin and esllo, plavers being Miss Singleton, Aristrong and Mr. Haba. © Novel letten,"" (Gade) was the selection, ani it concluded mn exeellent programme Misses Shaw, Harty and Fortescu were the. agcofupanists. ---------------- Union Men May Co-pperate. A regular meeting of the trades end labor eonncil was held last night. The communication from manager Gol win, of the Yictoria day celebration committee, asking union men to operate, was disoussed; and a com mittee of seven appointed to look in to the matter amd report to gouncil It is probable that the unionists will turn out if an appropriation is made to cover their expenses. At the close of the meeting members of the new tanner aud the mdinbers of the trades' ¢il assembled in the wain hall, and held a sort of fellowship meeting. A Strong presided. There were addres es by organizer Kelly, EK. J bridge, Joseph Wilson and others, urging the unign tanners to be and honest toward - their and to render him the best of service co the union Groom fair empdover St. John's Church, Portsmouth. St. John's church was held Thursday tor, Rewer J. 0. Cr wardens submitted a statement of the church afinire, which was very satisfaetory, the liberality of the eon gregation being very marked. J. B Walken was elected people's warden, and 8. Watts was chosen hy the rec tor as his representative. The sides men were re-elected, Allan Mclean was elected as symod representative for three vears. Thanks was tendered to the organist, the choir leader and the choir for efficient service. The meeting adjourned for two weeks to receive the auditors' report. meeting evening. The Pp. presided. vestry res Will Attend The Wedding. On Thursday next, the 10th inst, Dr. Herbert GG. Murray, Owen Sound, a brother of Perey L. Murray, of Chown's drmer-store and of Paved B Murray, of the vinegar works, will be united in marriage to Miss Erski Bachan, of the same town. Pe Murray will go west on Sunday to ie present on the happy occasion, when he will assist his brother a I man." Dr, Murray well known Kingston. He a gold medallist Qneen's university, graduating medicine with the class of "96 locating #t his old hone Sound he has succeeded in establish ing a splendid pratice. ne "hest is mn of in Since is in Owen A Capable Contractor. Edward McFadden, who was again awarded the street watering and city carting contracts for this year, has had the contracts for a namber of years, his figures always being the lowest. He has given the best of «a tisfaction, wing painstaking and act ive in the discharge of his duties. To such a capable man as Mr. McFad den the hoard of works would do well to award the contract for five years, instead of one The Pall Of Rheumatic Pains. When 5 sufferer finds permanent rv lief in such a meritorious medicine as South American Rheumatic Cure, how glad he is to tell it. C. W. Mayhew, of Thamesville, Ont., conldn't walk or feed himself for months--four years ago three bottles of this great remedy cured himr-pot g pain sinoe--isn't that encowragement for rhewmatic sufferers ? Sold by Henry Wade and E. C, Mitchell.--52. A Surprise Party. Last evening a surprise partly was held in Wonor of W. Tisunerman at his residence 'on Victoria street, Ab- out thirty voung people attended and a very enjoyable evening was spent im} ghmes, ete. A trio by Messrs. Tim- merman, Davy and Reynolds was rendessd with pleasing effect. Refresh- ments were served and the merry ga- thering broke up at an early hour this morning. Spring Importation For 1902. Prevost bas received all his i The other vocal | INCIDENTS OF DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up wy Reporters on Their Rounds. Handy thingsegloves: That you Alice? Ask Jimmy Baker. Theee's an odor of eggnog in dhe air. Levers anti, This in Le Y.Z. at Re "s the ¥ the don © Melee powder { a disinfeet of and after, The lary man wastes a looking at the eloek. W. Swaine, piane tuner. Orders left at MeAuley's book store. Furnished house to rent, at Me Cann's real estate office, 51 Brock St. The fellow who does the mest erow- ing is sometimes quite crude. lots of g s 'who have poor eom plexions are rich enough to afiord hetier ones Laver's dry soap powder at den's The Portsmo had' no meeti not being pr La Kad J. Baker, | Lover's Y 2 Powder is bets than other soap powders, a8 it also acts as a disinfectant. The wan who bas gout sav that he is dying hy inches, rather that he is dying by feet. Serubhbis brushes, shoe brashes, stove h white wash' lrushes, at Reduen When an employer has trouble with hig wls he doesn't need 5 manicure so much as a boarti of arbitration Everything is now attributed 10 int msurance companies are The taking precautions agsinst five Yiore fot of time Red ith public school hoard wnt. cigars sold only by W. cess street » shouldn't but crobes oven bugs. At any rat vention of « interfere with ing a ship The oak shield surmounted silver has been placed on the general hospital its 'ereetibn by ers Edward O'Donnell, New arrived in the city to tor, Miss Carrie 0'Don treet, who Dieu, Tonkey « Brand, t Roedden"s ext the wity the for the pre to 'animals can't operation of dock society with a the to the Cross at wmorat elevator i s daugh Wilham an have their is seriously ill Pearline, while the y going in the store, wenty per cent, off the Toilet "paper, brushes, hair brushes Wade's drug store, st 'as good as Eastern vaghs, Colds, Bronchitis, allow the dealer hence their interest in remedies, Ask for East ke no other. Largest hot whet, Guaranteed. prominent eitizen on the leg hw a dog are on lagot street ein and Brock streets, was regiired to Complaint was ill eanse the dog nce act : es of Enterprise tehell's deng store, this any thing from carpets and will get injure the un tins at 10c., 205c And itchell, two weeks, on we will give' oods h following HPO and trosses, Nothing Balm for ( et Some nn greater medies prof pushing thos ern Balm, t tle on the m Yesterday badly bitten whose quart. between Prin wus A doctor dress wound, wha v he disappear Free samy vator, at M article eleans to fine laces finest fabric Me. E. © to the to do made leno M Was Made At Brockville. 'Faic Pla the News of April 2d, gave ev of the kind of man he be if given when he wrote ton pemitentiary au lately purchased a seed American firm, when od, equally cheap. and particle of whith was made "in fiered them that -- the drill was in Brockville, Ont., hy r and from Canadian purchasers know and paid Canadian salty to Play' in CTE would rope from one equally ery Canada wa Fhe fact manufacture i Th rv Canachan material good is Canadian and indus foul money ticle proved their home tries. "Fair his unjust « -------- The Dairy School Closes. hool for was quite in will the nier were the ory the Zuielt will leave to-mo in Chesterville I ggain be engage the dairy associa enville, Carleton Instructor Publoy for his hom be engaged this warge of a svislicate in eastern Ontario with w of improving the excellepce their produc . The dairy day, April courses thi weafal in Instroctoy his hon he nstructor, in Dundas, Gt part of Leed leaves & Perth. He mer to take SCRsON most the hist of SC for sumer Orrow a of ries Are Driving Westward. wed in arsol of Tuesday's Whig, thi city, with Georce EB. Smith and A.D oston, are aoving west wer the district through proposed elecirie railway to pase. They hope to tion leiween Kingston nest fall A line to leo be built. The three not only looking ovdp ronte, imi are getting the feeling of the peork of the Humic palities tow Is the scheme, As mentio John ( Mussra, Dowd, of ward 10 jock which th io Toronto build the and Bellevi Tweed may gentlemen Various y spell' McKelvey | With the caddy ios always a ease { i r tast might, 5 quorum | Wise Head) Disinfectant Sp the | SCHOOL GIRLS. "Tis a pretty age--that time ina girl's life when she has all the beauties of womanhood without 'the later lines of care Pale Blood is at the bottom of the trouble and Scott's Emulsion can cure it. Scott's Emulsion ~ brings | back the beauty to pale girls because it is blood food. 0 Gest for Pree Sample. SCOTT & BOYNE, Chung, Town yn - smn en et A PLAN OF HAPROVENENT OF THE DAIRY PRODUCTS OF EASTERN ONTARIO. - Instructors Publow And Zufelt, Of The Kingston Dairy School, Have Evolved A Good Flan, Which They Explained At The Request Of The Whig. There are few names better known to those interested the dairying inter estd of eastern Ontario than thosd o Go GU, Publow; of Perth, and L. A Zufelt, of Chesterville, both popular and efficient instructors at the King stoir-dairy school. To long experi enoe business they have added the to be®derived from hard study, until they have mastered their work and become leaders in thought and activity in everything touching the dairying industry of eastern One tano, For the past fow years these gentle men have been stadying the problem of how the products of the factories could best be improved, so that higher prices cold be secured Yor Canadian cheese and butter. They have evolved a plan which has every apparancs of the right one. The farmers' in: hes recognized its value; the Ontario government has been impress: ed with its importance. So much so hiss this the care that the insti tute will put the plan inte operation this summer, and the government has set aside $2,000 to cover expenses and effort to improve © the dairy products of the provinee. I To 'a Whig reporter yesterday N Paublow aml Zufelt explained {th plan.. In brief it is as follows : First--We most have some definite object or ideal in view. This should be uniformity and excellence of quality. Second--To atiain this we will have to overcome the following drawbacks Poor milk, poor factories and inferior makers Third--The method to employ By organized effort eminating from on { head 20 that of action will {be assured; also the ideal of our work fhould be kept @onstantly before tand everything that is done should be towards attaining this object, by first creating a demand this improve ment and . then safeguarding these interests hy a uniformity of-inspection Having thus | riefly outlined the na tare of the work to be acopmplished, we will next the best thods to employ to bring it to a successiul issue In the first place, who is financially the most intercated in any improvement or otherwise of | our dairy product ? The answer must be, the producer of the raw material the » farmer. Then hefore we can make any improvement there must be a demand for it. Therefore our first work be largely an educa t to show the farmer is directly affectesl; that it internst, first to send good, milk to the factory, and then to demand a better class of factories, and the emplodhent of none but makers, To insure the carrving out of the to be organized Iorty or hity int benefit being stitute been encourage true untormity for consider ne of is i pare i wholesome competent these Improvements have factories will into groups of say each, with competont mer placed in charge, whose duty iil would be to ahout among these factories to see that mons buat com petent were employed and that the factories were kept in proper 'con dition He would al instruct the makers to work along the same lines so that unifofmity and excellency of product 'would. be the result. : Realizing that perhaps we could not adopt the above scheme in its entirety at would suggest that the first step taken should be of an educa- tional character --Send -out--men--who thoroughly understand the situation to discuss the question with the farm ers and see what can be done toward At the same time it might be advisable to gf a complete of all the factories and their condition, so that we would have wledge of the makers Once, we organization, Consus mag tHothing, ol kite al card vishings, ut close un the work will every cheese factory in this splendid dairying castern Ontario tended to and creamery district of From The Oth(r Side. Smith's Falls News Mayor Shaw, of Kitgston, has been nominated to oppo EE. J. B. Pen of the Kingston Whig, for the On tario legislature, Mayor Shaw is & popular man and the chances are in is favor, but he is np ageinst - the real Simon pure when he tackles Mr. Penge. The latier 8 4 man any party should je prowl to own and while the News woulil like to see the ranecrva tive wifi, would also like (0 sie Mr. Peuse given gbother term. we tn 7 Dresses At State Ball. Lady Cartwright Ivory brocade; or namenis, pearbpand carbmncies Mee. Reade, Kingston-White satin, covernd with lace, touches of blue Mise Cartwright---0ld rose silk, trim: mesl black lace. Mise 8. Cartwright--Fawn ond bloe brocaded silk, gold passenwnterie Working Boys Well Treated. The new schedule at the YMCA does minke provision Tor working dave AN who bring notes rom parents or gunrdisns, saying that the boy wérke all day aud that the desire is to have him he rooms in the evening, will he adoiigied fn Tuesdays and Thurs: V YE. "Bitby's.""" Oak Hall. "Bibby's." You can we ab a glance that owr spring oveveoats sve different from the ordinney kind. Prices, 57.50, 8%, $8 snd 510. The H. D. Bibygy Co 2 -------------- Brownie Cameras. $1 and $2, better pen - - upwards, full stock of me all carsora os KE. C. Mitchell, Spb iv A One rub with Sunlight Soap cleans more than two rubs. with * Confmbh™ soap. Swift' & Scranton Coal And you'd prefer it te all JAMES SWIFT & 50. 'Phone 135. 900000000 Our Goal 1525 Coan és Thou 1 Were Washed and Brush EACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF, Gf solid ooab-so much solid fire Alter of redtohes the surface of the earth from pines, jmpurities or picked out by he Fhmropdter ts screens several times ted it Peaches dirt, slate, ote, res we no dealers ure careful, We ar you, ad hanes, if the very careful COAL For The Consume Egy coal is needed at Fistor time tod the eggs. Iu iv abo monly gahd to § the cook ami family wats hat pag mistake of letting your 'oul sik gt for sprisig may prove cod and chill, as bts wlitew dore belure. A warm. coat ang good five will be appr of Wd at beeorva'y the middle of June THE RATHBUN C Xour Neighbor Says WALSH'S SCRANTOI COAL | IS ALL RIGHT, Have you tried it ? Shall we send you a 1c A COSY BRIGHT FIRE rim iiewiien ve Sg. Sh BOOTHS | CO The Kingston Rag & Mefal 389-391-383 Princess 3 rn TE Dr. 0. W. Daly's Dertatl Of 0 J ved nar, so