Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Apr 1902, p. 3

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Provincial Jorn, FOR MEMBER FOR a + & oA New York to Glasgow and d Londonderey re v > . Fax Goad: Government, Building GT NORTH PACIFIC COAST snd KOOTE- NAY POINTS. VER } $48.05, 1943.55. SPOKANE, wa. Mant.. 1943.05. HE SAY OF QUINTE BAILWAY ~NEW SHORT LINE FuR whd all losy) Hall Depot at ¢ BL , 0h o ORGIES, "1 Canadi HORSE SHOW Toronto, Ont., 7 APRIL 40th, Hith 'and 12th. ickta tend Hols, $5.90. i and17tn, $7. 70. urn, kasioe Th 190 far ticket to - -- a Tor DOMINION LIN E\ ' Rail teamitips. re? Service, Ma ee a Avril Mh. « April 12th, April Yoeh Aneil 26th b 4 May Sd *Norseman Se Gada 'do "not carry Mav 10th passeni- a, OF a SAtE=Buloon, Fe noel Bowa return eee Saloon, hil Sn n i n oy MenraEar. A wt ee ae ww. Baw 17th, June 21s on BOSTON. Sehvioe we yh i. Avril 10th wo' wav ten . Avril 19th. Bostan to the Mediterranean, SeRvice + and May 2ist, "eletiaie Teht. - spacious uromermde wae di J. P. Gildersleeve, 2 Clarence St. ta, al ang Portlind. Allan Line Yrrzts! i peel ine, 2 3 hh ey il am re, Ca Sasnger De y J.P ; KINGSTON; | J.B, PENSE. i=: EeiSa Kingston PL vA { Ontario, and Tteieath' x nervous TO-DAY IN: ONE JTHERE THINKS ABOUT WAR ------ War Forms But A Speck On The Cheeriul Sky---Wealth of Jo- hasnesburg Is Now Very Great, Londou Daily Nail ioe last thing that anyone thinks about in Johannesburg is the wes It is going on, no doubt, spmewhere out_in the distant horizons of the veldt. Rumors of trekking and -skir- mishidg and apocryphal Captures of Dewet are repeated occasionally over communities tables and tea tables or on the pavement of Commissioner wheeet, But it is Jord Kige ifennetn, No one e¢lve worries ut it. in too much else o do. The I occupation is a reality. The military have g practical monopoly of the tele graph, the censor impedes thé postal wervice with such effect that it also is for eiviliag almost non-exis- tent, The railway lines have become imperial military railway lines, and canhot be travelled over without a wijitary permit, Fhe military bave Bought up so many horses that the always bad locomotive powers of Johasneshbtrg are worse than ever. But, while the military otcupation is with us in earnest and a great of barbed wire is trailing, the war forms but a speck on the chemful shy. Nothing but a personal visit to the town ¢ould convey ¢ impression which is personally received from ifs buoyant sell-conlidenée, its 'bnsy streets, ite erowded hotels, ite' pretty gardens, and its well-stocked shops. Everyone, we are told, is foming | back; all the old faces are tof ween in the streets. "Everyone'Y it may be said parenthetically, represents the civilian community, and the comment of the stranger is that 'everyone' in Johannesburg must he young. Never was there a town that gave np mote vivid impression of youth and its stored Vitality. Lord ilner in his forties is a safe senior: 'The men through whom and with whom he is working look up to Mm with pleas ant confidence as "4 ied heal and shoulder above us and "H. B'%" opinion Ay "with a fimality which might alain home of his. bert friends. or ali affecticmate oR traction of "his excellency," are the initials by which Re'is . Every: one is known by initials' siobody in Johannesburg has time fo say a full name. And at present the town is busy as it never why before. Fou, every second man, whatever his own private business, is also a member of a committee or Committees concerned with the public servige. The infection of public work 'has somehow y downward from yvernment 'House, Lord Milner has added a new, experi ment in governing to the alreaily existing forty-four separate govern. § ments of the empire. As high com- missioner, his civil authority overthe Transvaal is theoretically a pure despotism. In practice he has drawn the whole comity into the work of governing itself, 'and, by an ox tended system of committees on which the very best men of the are serving, he has established reprosenta- tive government ali veality which leaves parliamentary form behind. Every new question of importance whith «presents itself: is gocasion wir the formation of g fresh committee, To Your Nerves. It You Have These Symptoms Your Nervés Are Weak and Ea a Can Get Wel) By Uses | Dr. Chase' ¢" Nerve Food Nervous -- are little under- stood, They have slong been en- shrauiind in mats ot or Jess mystery by a profession; Many who are fast MIlng Sicting vt nervous .prosteation, paralysis locomotor ataxia think thy ft they _ meri. nok not very well, ay will soon be around agaitieso' intidiotin is the appraach of diseases and nervous collapse. Study these symptoms. They are for: your gu You 'may not have them all, but if you have any, of 'them 'your nervous syste is no up to the mark, abd a little extra expendituis, af nerve force may bring' o intolerance of 'motion, noise | dnd Ee es of the' fatiguing sleep, sud- the NO fs Pawnee lane of public 'spirit on which jt ha deal | either i elude a not to include the i rons of DAILY BRITISH WHIG, _FRIDAY, LARRIL EN hati the men who serve on {hem Le ing for the mpst part business men and concerned with matters which will intimately affect their own daily lives, the work is not allowed to deag. | bave before me a retin of attend ances of the Johanneshurg town ¢oun- cil and seven submidiary committees of which the members are seventeen representative busy men. The maxi min pamber of attendanges which could Rave been made, allowing for the inevitable absemer during a por: tion of the time of two members, was 1,247. The actual number of attend ances during the eicht months in which the organization has existed | was 1,106 -- the absences averaging only a fraction over one g month for cach member, The town council ccm- mittees afiord only a small example Fol the general spirit. From the presi dent of the chamber of mines, who | bas been heard to say that in the Feourse of 4 bus working fife he bos never known what it was fo work se hard as be has worked during the | last 4ix months, to the vouagust in spector ~ of . the newly organised de- | partment of pative afipirs, who feels that on his individual' tact ppd sense of justice the satisfactory working of the native pass laws and regulations, just drawn up alter close and careful consideration hy his department, wi in depend, there is scarcely a eiviliap in Johannesburg who ix not influenced by the inspitiiug thought that he in engaged in laying broad end deep the foundations of a future city of which he hitaself may live to raise the stive ture, Nothing een be Hod ahundantly clear than the intention of Johannes Lbuirg to live in Johanpesburg. Lowd Milner's late speech om the. subject of an ideal municipality was but a manifest interpretation of the senii- ment with which he finds himsell sur rounded. And indeed it is pot won: derful that Johawneshurgers, when they ara allowed to do so, should love Johappesburg and work for its interests as for their own, The posi. tion of the town, crowning one of the highest and healthiest oe ean of South Africa, is unique. Me line of roel, which "will ere long be a double line, breaks the upper level of veldt for a distance of from forty to sixty, miles, running east and west against the sky. The town itself cuts the line north andl seuth, angl houses, gardens, and plantations are rapidly extending in a northerly direction lor a distance of which the mileage grows each year. To drive along the wel | has a resemblance to driving over the Surrey Downs, but the conditions are on a magnified scale. The keen (mir which blows ili your face has swept dey over equatorial spaees of the in F terior, the rolling grass plain which spreads outwards in easy undulations from the town has something of the immensity of ocean. - Its lines gre ever changing unger the shadows of the clouds, and it carries the eye past all the. nearer woods, the red-earth roads, and occasional farms that nestle in its folds to the far-distant line where sky meets grass. and green pases al most imperceptibly inte blue, Or von turn your bead and the hills whi k raise their jagged edge agamst "the light are mountains fit in outline axd extent to form, as they do, the sca wall of a contingnt. In parts where it is irrigated the soil is as rich asthe soil of Manitoba. Trees which were planted only ight years ago are form ing young forests now, and break the monofony of grass with pleasant pat- ches of dark green. Tn the gardens of the larger houses the growth of fruit and flowers is sxuord: nary. The climate i= ome of the climates in the workl. There is therefore, noth ing to cause surprise if amid these surroundings the inidinet of ° the Joharneshurgers should be to con-, struct the new life of the town upon broad lines. They will have the' means to do it i a 'material sense, for the line of rect alot represents a value to He owners of somt "£180,000,000, and the other wealth of Johannesburg, commercial and industrial, is already great. There 'ie "a tendency to 'forget that the own ers of 'the résf are tot: the much- 'abused and relatively small group of capitalists whore names figure. on the managing and directing lists of limit od dompaiiics, and who "act Tn regard' to it as trustees of the property of the public. The true owners of the reef, it should be rememhered, are the hun- dreds of thousands of sharcholders Jiv: ig in all parts of the world, who have or will have invested a portion of their substance in its de velopment. is widely cosmopolitan Wolditig has possibly something to do with the broad spirit already observ: 'able in the loeal lie of Johannesburg. JMritish as it i= in tone, the town seems already to hold itself with a certain dignity in trust for the world The radiation of its "influence through § South Africa is unquestioned, and' there 'eam be no mattér 'for surprise P if the best braine and energy of the neighboting colonics are drawn as by I magnetic atiraction to the centre the faglius, j In the town itseli there is mach to be put in order. The making and re: naming of streets, water supply, light" Ang, sewerage, tramways, sanitary and other yegulations are all practical questions of immediate urgency | with hich rapid progress is being made. larger question' of the founda- rien on which the ideal icipality' is 10 be based, whether it is to ine min which Mecordi b the a ment on one dide Tie ottside the and 'aceording to the argument on the other side are essentially' of the ton FR wider signification," has ded. The discussion as' i irfteresting fob the high conducted, and it would spe #6 be determining itself the Ki tion of amalgamating the Whether the new Tokaamesturg | is wv: thas returned home, Springfield, 111, ation for an injunetion filed by the oer Union, Postal and Cleveland of | ---- from receiving the uotations of ground on which it stood 2 public build ngs which should be a worthy monu- ment of the triumph of the principles | of liberty and justice of which a heli lieve British government to be she guaranties Johahnesburg, at a height of 6.000 feet above the sea, in the highest town in South Africa. The British flag flying from the most elevated position in Johanueshury would literally dominate the southern portion of the eomtinent. Whether Herbert Baker, the very ecultivatel architect whose good taste and abili- ty have been so successfully employed in the restoration of Duich architec ture in the Cape Colony, is te have this oppostunity. for exercise of his. talent is for the future to decide, But Already he is in Jobamnesburg in consultation for lesser matters, "and will set his el upon some of new bail Sergant, the director of public elm is also hard at work in his own department. It is not Lonly the cup and the platter of Jo- hanneshurg which are to be made clean. Everywhere, in every depart meant, the invigorating sense of new life and a clear field in the future is at work. It is dificult to describe 'without seeming exaggeration the vigor, the interest, the bhrituming hope with whijh the place seems to over flow. Evéry one is at work snd every "one works at publi affairs with the keenness which is usually kept for per- sonal affairs. The impression that Johaoneshurg ik. destined, whether it will or no, to become the centre of South Africa tends to give to all that is done a more than loeal application. Of im mediate matters of importance to the town 'the condi, and prospects of the mining industry take, of course, a first place 0 he industrial = hori- oh It is calcu ted hy those whose business it is to know "that, allowing for the progress which is to be reas ongbly expected in opening the mines, the situation will in six months froth the present time he where it was be fore the war. That is to say, there will be 6,000 stamps at work, turning out gold presumably at a rate of something over £16,000,000 a year. Within five years it is calculated, on what is known already of the mineral resources, that the pumber. of stamps whl be increased to those five years, with freedom of pro specting, with vast coal beds and possibly other gold fields open, and ith "the facilities that will be given by Hritish systems of commerce . for "the introduction of the machinery and other. material required, the industri- al life of the Transyaal may experi ence an expansion to which prudent men hesitate to assign any limits. As- sociated with 'the expansion of the mining industry are the yuestions of gold laws, mining rights, prospecting regulations, licenses, dynamite, wat- er supply. ete., and all these are un der expert consideration of commit: toes upalified to report upon them, {To be Continued.) - Strathcona Stories. Strathcona, Aprit 2Eggs are plen- tiful at twelve amd onehalf cents per dozen, Mr. Thompson 'has the milk rowte between Somers Corners and Newburgh, Mrs. William Rancier, ill for some time, is quite well again. Stewart 'Crouter, Deseronto, Mrs, Mo] Ginnis and brother. Bruce Ackerman, Maple Grove, left for Manitoba a few days ago, A young son has come to stay at the home of 'W. H. Rancier. Mrs. S. Ansley, Forest rg is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. H. Rancier. C. Ackerman Jeft ry his summers work. Miss Emily Ran€ier, Quebec, where she will spend 'the eammer. "Miss Nellie Thompson is visiting her home, Maple Grove, Robert Martin has hought the Dunlap farm. Wiss Fva Lott is im- proving under the 'careful treatment of Dr. M. 1. Beeman, Newburgh. Ice Qut Of The Bay. Bath, April 2.-+Mr. dnd Mes. E. N Jory and daughter, Kingston, spent Easter here at Thomas Bains, Mins Lillie Johnson, Elm Tree, formerly of Bath, spent the. Easter holidays with friends here. Mrs. Charles Johnson, visiting her sister in New York state, bas roturned. The ice hag gone out of the bay and we are anxiously await ing the arrival of 'the boats. Jamos Aylesworth has nibved' from Mrs. 8, Hoyle's house to the house formerly occupied by the late Mrs. D. J. Camp bell, * Frank MoKénty, McGill" college, Montoeal, spent Easter hire with his 'parents. James Pitman, Dexter, N, Yo ie visiting his friends here, Migs A. Howard is spending Easter va cation at ber father's, Thomas How- New Move On Bucket-Shops. April" 4. The ap- oh companies fp 'broker® in to prevent boc various Illinois ihe Chicago hoard of trade, was call: r hearing in the United States ve court here fo-day. je. tele graph companies declare that they gre contract with the board of tradé to transit the market reports anid that the kedpars' of alleged bic ket-shops are, by . unlawinl' methods, receiving them daily, interfering with of t h % with bre in Springfield, » Bement, ySingleld Oloey and other inthe writ. 17,000. But in § Lotion £xche nge have to eross Ghie ri ' LAVISH EXPERDITUC IS ARE " TO BE MADE, In Important Improvements In! The Stater--Topublican Party | Said To 'Be Rent With Fac- tions--How To Cross A East | River. | New: York, April 4.--Now that. the | gayeties of Easter week are over the | spring exodus to country places and | to Burope bas set in. Many New Yorkers and Brooklynites who make | their bomes ou Long Island and even in other states famous for their sum mer resorts, are going to their coun- try seats, where they will remain un- til sutumn. Others are sailing for Europe to spend a few the summer season opens and out-going steamer carries an mense number of passengers." American pilgrims who will go 10 Rone to take part in the jubilee of pope Leo will leavé here in three sec tions. The fivst suils op July Ist, on the steamer North America, The ship has been reserved entirely for the pil grims. Four days later, the Hohen | zollern, in which ». hundred places have been reserved sliils and the third section will eave on July 12th. The expeditions will be in charge of Father McAdam, Father William Bt. Khwmo every im Smith and Father Porcile, the latter | of whom goes with the first section Politicians are interested in slateniénts that senator Thomas C. Viats bas been making as to what ! the republican state convention will do next September. He Gov, Odell will be renominated, and | new men selected for other offices. Lieut.-Gov. Woodruff, who has become quite sa national character, does not desire to be a candidate eguin, hav: ing served with three difievent gover nors successively, and other informa- tion is to the effect that Gov. Odell is very confident of republican victory next fall. All this is very interesting, but it does not agree with the demo- cratic diagnosis of the case. The de mocrats say that the republican party is rent with factions and they are gos ing to take advantage of the situa tion to win out themselves New York a democratic state, they claim, and if the present efforts to maintain harmony succeed, there is no reason why the next governor of the empire state should pot be a demo erat. The announcement is made by muni cipal experts that the second year of the new century promises the most lavish expenditures on imporrtant im provements ever seen in the United States. One hillion dollars the amount estimated to be spent by the leading cities of the country. Twen four millions will be laid out by New York city alone. The improvements include pavements, water works, sew- org, bridges, 'the subway, boulevards and parks. Although the is 18 architectural details of the flew terminal station of the Pennsylvania railroad remain to be developed, the plans for the structure are now approximately complete. A site for the station covering an area of 'three and one-half city blocks has beén purchased, or soon will be, at a cost of several million dollars, and it is probable that ground wil be brok en by thé first of next month. The station proper, which is to be used jointly by the Pennsylvania and the Long Island railroads, will rest upon the blocks bounded by Thirty First and Thirty-Thied streets and Seventh and Eighth avenues. Considergble criticism has been aroused in religious circles over the recent petformance of the Passion Play at the Lamb's club, which ds an association composed of the leading actors of the country, and the propos ed public production of the play bv Oscar Hammerstein It is claimed that such a production is an act of profanation, repugnant to the motal sense. of the community. Mr, Ham merstein says. that be intends to sub mit the manuscript to archbishop Corrigan, and if he does pot endorse it the play will not be produced, as he does not wish to assume g position of antagonism te religion The hoard of estimate, in revising the ejty budget, will make an offort | to lop off a million or two dollars from the Tammany total of $48 .000, 000. It is not an easy task to ac complish, however. Street cleaning commissioner Woodbury asks for pear ly $300,000 more than his predecessor and water works commissioner Hough erty for £31000 more. The institutions of Wall street are' being nationalized. The chamber of commerce is electing to ita member: ship leading merchants and finan ciers of other cities. The stock ox change contains a large number of out-of-town members and the number is increasing every year. Moreover, the stack market haw, in recent years, heen controlled in po ingonsiderable degree hy western speculators. The has. extensive south: ern connections. The produce ex change has recently adopted a new rise raising the rates of . ¢gommissions to persons in other cities and this bas Yosulted in many applications for membership from grein men jn Chi cago and other Western aities. How to eross East river hae hecome a burning question in Brooklyn, near i» all of whine $200,000 inhalsitants onder to do bilsiness, oF ta shop, oF to £0 jo the Manhattan, Rev. Dr, of famous Old Plymouth made ral Purded every kuows | pone of thom eficcted a cuge {came weeks before | rors wos the | says that } THE SUITE WAY Drugs Couldn't Cure Mr. Hagens, of Montreal, so He Tried the New No-Drug System of Cur- ing People And Was Made Well of a Running Sore Which Lasted Ten Years. Fodeth iv my dbdy to write you wy test Wonkal we the wonderful sumtive powers of Powley'ss Liwificd Unone en vears ago 1 bruised iy, leit bx betwen the have wind the while, aod It broke oct in a rupaing son gemiody and © dru. but Seomities my {leg wes so bod that | would have to lav off Lirom my work. About the dust of June it be bad that 1 wes confined to mv house, and for eight weeks was unable to leave my rows, the pain below intense he cunpiog very badle afl she time, pound it covered aspave on my lew she sive of fthe palm of my hand It wag very much discolor! and there was 6 large piece of trrogd oie thet is vingd jmtossibbe eal a fact, 1 mever pected that wmv ple wonkd « be oud. 1 Bad hearst a gent | deal about vour nodrag poparation proceed a bottle of Crome sad apo to the sore gnd also began to take | wardty Before 1 bod Spished one {howe the some beginuiag to happy to inform vou that "hb pow {completely Beald up and IT have wo pai am pow working every day. esperienvion go Finconveniance whatever from mv leg | eneral hewlth. is poet ond 1 have to voll for your womderfnl preparation Fhave to attribute my prosent good health axl cure to that slone, I shall ever prijs e for the (goed It I alwavs kevp it in ax a family stand by 1 will be glad to answer anv communica tioms as to the truth of this statement, ww vou may publish the same dor the pod of | others, One night in June my Jor the Pain so tahoe 1 was font Ait and my wile thoy } Toate moreing we wnled 0 I was relicved Sivwed, ( derson St Mo nirval, PQ You tan seeire a botth fied Omone at vour dew s You will never recor is the scientific wav tare's blood food and blood was so hod amd n with a vie pucifier Paine's Celery Compound Saves Sioeplass, Nervous, Des- pondsut and Morosé Pee- ple From Insanity, [yy the Quly Effective ard Hove 1 Med cide fr the Bauishmeut of Common Bpring Ailments, Medigal men of the highest standing and a host of educated wen and wom on competent to judge, declore that Pame's Celery Compound is the only true and effective medicine for the banishment of the ills that make hi in springtime Spring season eleeplass, fretful, nwrvous, and gloomy. They fini it impossible to obtain restful sleep and soon become physically exhansteq; some are already aere wrecks of humanity. Such sufferers cannot with safety tei fle with their condition They nesd immediate and aid before na ture is too avertased The weakened, exhausted and irritated sys tem must be fortified at once Paine's Celery Compound is agent that can afford the nervous, fims prompt eure. MH vou gre dear fi do went; y ag off gravate your nearer the pisurabie lo the sands ave Tespondent thou tome of HUOCOY severely the only rundown, and despondent vie relief and perpanent assured of this fact not hesitate a mo will certainly ag condition and lead you grave i you wisely de termine tor wet the health-hailding powers. of Paine's Celery Compound do not accept a sm ite or vile im itation demands the best; it aud should got deader for PAINE'S See that the ad wrap 1 slecples name Are a Heart and Nerve Tonie, Bloodl and Tissue Builder and Cone stitution Renewer for all troubled with wedk hear or nerves. As a food for the blood, the brain and the nerves, they cannot be excelled. If you aré troubled with Nee vousness, Sleeplessness, Nervous Prastration, Palpitation of the Heart, Shortness of Breath, Weak or pinting es: Anw®emia or any form, of Deb i® quickly 'brain' and - ads 'and strengthen the from the fiest few doses, ida SSRSatRIENAS Rites tortr.ag, > ThaX. Milkurn Co. Limited, NO. '1 VAUGHN TERRACE, FROM NAY ' 1 Extegrion and all modes convenignoes, Apel at Whig Oftice or & Terrace. No. 6 of the I i tA NEW BRICK UOUSE, "WELLINGTON ST. pext to City Park. All modors impresy ments. Ap 8. Oltreive, Om West amd Wa 0 Hngteon Newte MODERN, HO® Kd Fort rooney Avely us STUART ST. » ROOMS wa beating, El al dima MAY, BRC x Ist nd Aleut, TRE Js B. condition, 9 riences throuchout. 201 Drosk sweet "aE SHOP WITH PLATE GLASS FRON 5, 8 ham street. Bear ys ible works, Inquire of GILDES SRE SVE & KIRKPATRICK, Claress TUE. Jai OF MAY, THAT VERY DE sirable hous, 117 Hagot street, ourner Gore, near she Park, large air roadie wil modern convenion water furnace. Apply £5 Felix Shon: ie t. DWELLING OR basory. Bagot Stree others' jon May let Also Wor Allen, ON ------------------ THE BRICK SHOP AND Welllogton Se, next Nog oa shop and dwelling adjoining MW Possesvion immediatel A Ww Nea ; 287 Divigen 8 por" MONEY AND BUSINESS. MONEY. 70 LOAN IN SMALE on city LARGE OR sams, sb Jow rates of foterest and rwo HUNDRED THOUSAND Jortiand LL ---- thousand tn Shomer dolinre. Fos a To Sopwrn 8 INSURANCE EMPORIUM, over Express Office, Markel Square Liverpool, London and Globe Fire Insurance Company. Available assets, $61,187,215. lan addition to which the policy bolders have for some ity the unlimited lighility of all the stock holders. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY insured of lowest possible rates Befors resewing old or giving ew bhuminess get rates from RTRANGE. & NTHANGE. Agente, SPRING And With It Our First-Class Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Footwear. CONTROL, THE BALE OF THE PO- pular "TUPRUUND BALLS" for men in Patent Enamel and Box Call, price, $3.93 Our Ladies' Patens Kid Bals are sducating tha show trade of Kingston Tuspection invited i OFF TO STUDENTS. .Armstrong's.. 184 Princess Street, SECOND HAND GOODS Bought and Sold. dat : afl kihdd al card and we will eail I. ZACKS, 271 and 273 Princess Street. undertaking we hand stoves, posh h price paid for ssoond furniture firop o on yom Beeond door below Corbett's establishment A large stock of pew clothing, gent's fare vishings, jeweilory sod musieal lastrements ot close prices " A er REMINDER. Now is the time to have yoww Waggons, Carriages repaired and painted and the place to gor them dons is at LATURNEY'S. where every thing is done unde" his own sujervision 300 PRINCFSS 31 Telephone 152. stop BURNING DOLLARS VOT res, Superior to all others. Saves 85 per cmt of your gas bills. Press right. BRECK & HALLIDAY, w

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