ira Pri i RAs That, CAN be walked on. Many so-called floor paints won't stand suchuse. . . THE ' SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Special FLoor PAINT 1s made for floors and i else. It és Lorbett's Hardware, Cor, Princess and Wellington Sts, Talking of Clothes. What's the matter with one of those me dium weight suite for spring wear? They have quality. will fit and look well cut in fashion and are properly made, am the price is reasonable. Call and examine my stock of spring over coatings, new patterns just arrived, J. J. CRAWFORD, crise. If You Are Using Brain and Musee Iu the Pursuit of Your Life Work, Use Mu(T BREAKFAST FOOD. Mén and women who make Malt Breakfast Food their first dish at the morning meal, avoid the many dis comforts that come to those who use oatmeal and other starchy grain foods, .~ Malt Breakfast Food users go forth to the work and duties of the day with a full store of bodily and mental energy so necessary for battling' with the worries of business and home re sponsibilities. The reasons are plain and simple. Malt Breakfast Food is easily digested and quickly assimilat- ed, it is an energy producer as well as a flesh, bone and muscle builder. Oat: meal and other starchy grain foods tax the powers of digestion, exhaust existing energy. give rise Lo stomach troubles and skin eruptions. If you are a daily worker depending upon body and brain power, make Malt Breakfast Food your regular morning dish: bea'th, strength and happiness will be your reward. All Grocers. :OUR STOCK: Is In Good Order. 3 IT COMPRISES s Pine, Hemlock, Maple, Oak and other Woods. : @ S. ANGLIN & CO.,: Foot of Wellington Street. s S000 GOSOOOOIOIRIOIROGY 6o00cesev0eere Dasyer does not lurk ia all drinking waters but in the MAGI CALEDO- NIA there is positive safe: ty always. At all best clubs, hotels and Gro- cers. application of h2 HERBAL © Als to A The FL "STRACHAN SELLS THE WHIU--o08tn YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published each evening, ot 306-310 King Street, at $6 per yer. Ediions ot 230 and 4 WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 paces, published every Thureday mornin at $l a year " Attached is one of the best Job Printiog Offices in Coonda; rapid, stylish snd cheap work; nine improved preswes. EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. TIIE DAILY WHIG. 'Opiter ver Orbem Dicor.' THE BUSINESS DEVELOPING. It has been announced that the pulp wood companies, securing concessions from the Ontario government, have not spent a dollar on the develop ment of their business. What a mis leading statement ! The Sault Ste. Marie company, in which Mr. Clergue is interested, has its mechanical mill in operation, and its chemical mill, an institution of great size, is mow being constructed. The Sturgeon Falls Company has been hindered in its work by an ex pensive litigation with the Loyd com- pany. In October it received an award in its favour, and at once the com tracts were let for the paper mills. The Spanish River Company has had about 250 men employed upon its territory, and it 'has expended $00, 000 on buildings, $120,000 on ma chinery and $150,000 on buildings, canal, and equipment. The one hund- red ton a day mill will be in opera tion next summer. ~ The Nepigon Company had séme difficulty in getting the water power it wanted, but it found this 'eventu- ally at Cameron's Pool, on the Nepi- gon River, and at once secured a lease of it. Plans were then prepared for the buildings, and the erection of these is being proceeded with. The Keewatin company spent $30, 000 on the development of its water power in the Winnipeg river. It has concluded that it cannot compete with the companies in the east, but it is going on with its mills, and will cul tivate the trade of New Zealand, Aus- tralia and Japan. "fhe Blanche River Company located on Les Erables Rapids, Ottawa river, near to Maitawa, but the power was on the inter-provincial boundary line, and thy company has had to secure an extension of time in which to nego- tiate for privileges from the Quebec government. Pulp mills are expensive things, and cannot be run up in a day. But the point is that a use is being made of all the concessions which have been granted by the Ontario legislature, and instead of four and a half millions of money being spent by the com: panies, in their operations, according to agreement, the amount will be, eventually, several times thats There may be an export duty on pulp wood and pulp so that the de mand for supplies in Canada will tend to the development of the pulp busi- ness to an enormous extent, and for- eign capital will be added to the cap- ital available here for its expansion. MANITOBA'S LIQUOR ACT. The end, for the present, has been heard of the Manitoba Liquor Act, the people, through the referendum. having indicated that they do not want it enforced. The majority against the measure is véry large. Varions things eontributed to this condition. Travel was bad generally, in consequence of the recent snow: storm and the floods. The rural vote was very small. Circumstances oper: ated against the registration of it. The vote in the cities and towns and villages was fairly full, and generally adverse, because the government "wp- posed the act with all the vigour it could command, because it was de- clared to be incomplete and non-pro- hibitive. Mr. Roblin, the premier, said of it: "It is no prohibition act what: ever. It is simply a bil providing for free whiskey, liquor without any con- trol by the government, which any man in the province can get at any hour and in all quantities he de- sires." That kind of talk proceeding from the premier had ite effect, how- ever inconsistent it was for him, for he was in the government which pro- jected and passed the act, and which had it confirnted by the Privy Coun- cil, Not until the people werd nsked to vote upon the enforcement of it were Shey. uid that it was no good, and with that of Mr. proceeding then stands out in THE it was calculated to disturb and dis- honour trade. Free whiskey would mean a loss of revenue, of control, of respect for law. And the great wajor ity which was rolled up against the act there shows how effective was the appeal. * The result demonstrates the fact that the feelings of the people om any one question cannot be measur in a general election. The prohibi- tionists claimed that a victory had been scored when Mr. Macdonald was given office. The prohibitionists, uw doubteply voted with the conserva tives in that election. Put the people did not decide on the issue and now that they do this prohibition is given a serious set back. This experience confirms the wisdom of Hon. Mr. Rows in declining to make prohibition an issue in the general election, and in setting apart a date when the people will vote upon it specially. EDITORIAL NOTES, Cogl will be down at the mines 0c. a ton all this month. Will be down correspondingly bere and elsewhere ? Is the result of the vote in Mani toba on the liquor bill an indication of what will happen in Ontario, in connection with its referendum, later on? -- Come, Mr. Spectator, be honest. The polities of the offending contractor should not debar his prosecution. The conservatives are controlling the coun cil. What are they afraid of ? ro---- The education department is work- ing upon a scheme of consolidating the model schools and extending the academic year. A good idea. The model school as it stands if defective in many respects. The Roblin government is now threatened with defeat in the next election. That will probably come to pass without regard to prohibition. Meanwhile the ministers appear to he enjoying the sweets of office. "If the province of Ontario is to- day the home of an intelligent, pros- perous, emergetic community," rays the Toronto Star, "it is largely due to the guidance of this liberal minis try of tho last thirty years." true, every word of it. -------------- True, The local census in British Colum- bia shows that the province is popu- lated by the representatives of many nationalities. There are no Cana dians. What is the inference? Why that British Columbia has not yet realized that it i= a part of Canada. If the Roddick bill passes the com- mons Canada will have 4 medical council whose certificates will entitle the young medical men to practice their profession anywhere in the do- minion. It should be the only roun- cil in Canada. The provincials should go. The Calgary Herald is a conserva- tive paper, which finds it necessary to ask, Has the party gone to sleep or is it dead ? What is the matter with it ? Looking for a policy. Mr. Whit ney, in. Ontario, has been groaping about for years, and hasn't found one yet. A good ¢onservative print ohserves "If you want to overthrow an ad minstration it is not sufficient to point out the faults of your oppon- ent. You must offer something het: ter." The opposition in Ontario has been whining about the Ross govern: ment, What does » Whitney promise ? Nothing. SCRAPS FROM EXCHANGES. Never Had. Toronto Star. Brother Whitney's declaration that he has nothing new to spring on the neople is g bit superfluous. He never as. Clear Case Of Kleptomania. Ottawa Citizen Talk about the man who stole the red hot stove! A Pembroke larcenist got away with a suit of clothes be longing to a small-pox patient before the health a:shorities could burn it. Hamilton Spectator. N Mr. Pense, member of the On- tarfio legislature for Kingston, goes to Toronto and helps the government to kill Mr. Kribs' bin for 'the estab- lishment of a government printing bu- reau, some part of the business of the same to be the manufacture of school by the government. Nobody killed Mr. Kribs' hill but * himself. The hill was never . it was not discuss i wd hy anyone,' even . It was kept last DAILY W HIG, FRIDAY, INVESTIGATING TEE CASE OF THE DEATH OF A WOMAN IN TORONTO, Seized With Vomiting After 'a Hearty Meal And It Could not Be Stopped--To Be Made Su- perintendent. Toronto, April 4.--Mrs. McCabe, widow of Michael McCabe, who, for some years, had been carrying on an undertaking busines established by her late husband, died last night un der such peculiar circumstances that a coroper is investigating the case. Mrs. McCabe was seized with violent attacks of vomiting after partaking of a hearty supper at a friend's house, Tuesday night, which continued until her death. Doctors who were called in were unable to relieve ber. The closing exercises of Knox col lege took place, last night, at which principal Caven created Rev. William Armstrong Ph.D, Ottawa, and Rev, Alexander Stewart, B.A» Clinton, doe: tors of divinity. Rev. J. A. Watson, R. D. Sinclair, George Arnold, B, A., and Frank C. Harper, received the degree of B.D., the latter two in ab- sentin. Rev. Mr. Harper is a brother of the late H. A. Harper, drowned in the river at Ottawa, in his attempt to save the life of Miss Blair. Dr. Mackay, M.L.A., of Ingersoll, is to be appointed superintendent of the Toronto asylum. He will succeed Dr. Clark, who, it is understood, is to te appointed inspector of provincial asylums, a new position. Adam Gourlay, manager of the To- ronto coal cgmpany, died yesterday of blood poisoning. Ten days ago, while Mr. Gourlay was on his way home fromy a trip to Florida, 5 heavy valise fell on his right foot, badly crushing it. No sooner had this oe curred when the conductor of the train stepped on the injured foot. Blood poisoning developed shortly after Mr. Gourlay's arrival 'home, resulting, in spite of all that could be done for him, in death. He was thirty-seven years old and leaves a widow and two little daughters. George Henry Sweetman, of 258 Maior street, this city, thinks the body of the voung man found on the C.P.R, tracks, thirty-six miles from Ottawa by train bands, on Wednes- day morning, is that of his son-in- law, William Tyrner, who has heen missing, he says, since Monday night. fle left for Franktown, this morning, to view the body. Mr. Turner was 4 resident of Chicago, until six weeks ago, when he came to this city with his wife to live with Mr. Sweetman It is announced, at the parliament buildings, that premier Ross and the members of the cabinet will leli¥e on Tuesday next for their visit to the Clergue works at Sault Ste. Marie Unless the master painters accede to the demand of the union for thirty ernts an hour and an eight-hour dav, there will be 5 complete tie-up in the rainting and decorating trade in this city, beginning to-morrow. In other words 532 men, including all union men now employed, as well as those locked out, will cease work. This decision was come to at 5 meet ing of the men held last night to discuss the masters' suggestion of a compromise at twenty-eight cents an howe. All signs point to a strike, for, it is learned en good authority, that the masters will not advance a free. tion of a-cent more than twenty-eight cents an hour. Brockville Gets Contracts. Brockville, Ont., April 4--Thomas Tompkins, of this town, has been awarded the contract for a large ad- dition to the C.P.R. hotel at Banff The addition, which will contain over 100 rooms, will double the present ca- pacity of that famous hostelry. Mr. Tompkins has now a gang of men at work on a hotel for the C.PIR., at Emerald Lake, in 'the heart of the Rockies, six niiles from Field, B.C George Ross & Co.. also of this town will do the plambing work on both contracts. Vaccination. Manitoba" Free Press. Except where vaccination is com- pulsory, as in Germany and Japan, smallpox is everywhere increasing. The official figures of the number of cas es in the United States during the week ending Saturday last are 22, 263. For the same period last year only 9,406 cases were reported. The deaths from small-pox in the United States during the week were 66], as against 136 for the same week of last year, z At St. George's Hall. The church woman's aid society of 8t. George's cathedral held a sale in the hall yesterday afternoon ag cren ing, Mrs. Routley and Mi ton were in charge of the work table; Mrs. J. P. Gildersiceve and Mrs. Bamp- field, of the tea table, and Miss Pal ton, of the candy tabie. The affair was well patronized. In the evesing a concert was given, R. R. F. Harvey, Mise Folger, Miss C. Waldron. Miss Bajus and C. B. 8. Harvey taking part. : ¢ Hats For Everybody. We bave for those who want them many of those cheaper makes of hats which "Sige line dealers" advertise as their "best" but our Jurgent business is done in the better grades, for which we are the exclusive agents. George Mills & Co., hat specialists, Welling- APRIL 4 ABOUT GLASS BATHTUBS. - Enamel And "Metal. Bathtubs of glass may be expected to replace enamel and metal ones soon. They 'are being made in Ger- many now and are said to have many advantages metal and enamel, the principal one being that they are much cheaper Besides bathtubs, tanks and vats such as are used by brewers, distillers and sugar refiners gre being made of glass, acd the manufacturer is con fident that he can replace those for which clay, wood, cement and metal are now commonly used, with super ior articles constructed at a lower cost. Glass bathtubs are not fragile Those being made now are five feet six inches ns, al owt two feet wide, and about two and a half inches thick. They are made in a solid piece ond one can be made complete in avout five minutes. This is owing to a new process . of blowing glassware by means of com pressed air. The process was invent- ed in Pittsburg about twenty years ago, but was limited to making bot tles and similar small sized articles. Paul Sievert, of Dresden, has 'm- proved it, and under his process there need be no limit, within reason, to the size of the article made. The method is simplicity itself. The molten glass i= taken from the fur pace and placed in a mold, which can readily be swing to any desired position. Compressed air is thus admitted through a flexible tube which connects with the bottom of the mold. The air pressure is regulated hy valves: As soon as the article is finished it is switched into an annealing cham- ber, where it is again heated gnd then allowed 10 cool, This toughens it, and after the process it is ready for use, Mates of large size are being made of glass hy an adaptation of the same process. In this)case an orna- mental design is first made on a sheet * of peculiar composition, which remains moist for some time. Colored glass is spread over this to work out the design. Then the sheet is placed on the glass plate and the whole is heated in the oven. The heat consumes the sheet on which the design was made, leaving only the layer of colored glass, 'weld. ed into the plate. Some remarkable and very picturesque effects are made in this way. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over the World. The conservatives of East Durham have nominated J. J. Preston for the legislature. Capt. Lester, appointed chiei brigade, Henry Eilber, M.P.P., was nominated by his South Huron. John Firman, Toronto, for theft, has been sent to the Kingston peni tentiary for three years. The militia department has offered the services of six skilled dental sur geons for service in South Africa Japan has begun to practice econo- my by dismissing 9.000 servants or fourteen per cent, of 'total number em- ployed. The first state ball held at Regina, N.W.T., was given on Thursday night by Lieut..Gov. Forget and proved a big suceegs. There As ' talk among conservatives of allowing Hon. F. R. Latchford to be returned for South Renfrew by acclamation. The public funeral of Mr. Rhodes took place at Cape Town after which the coffin was placed on hoard a train for Rhodesia. » has been Dawson fire Vancouver, of the again constituents in contract made with the dominion gov- ernment for the erection of a station on the Atlantic coast, Thorold Habsen was found guilty at Montreal of murdering Erie Marotte, a nine-year-old boy, for a few cents and sentenced to hang on June 13th. Walter and Isaac Kersey, Edy's Mills, were acquitted at the Sarnia as sizes of a charge of robling the mails. They will be tried, today, on a charge of stealing a mail package con taining 814,000 Mr. Bourbonnais, M.P.P., for Soul anges, Que., who has been in Quebec since the closing of the legislature, took suddenly ill, on Wednesday even: ing, and died about four o'o'clock this morning: at the Hotel Dien. Rideau Ward Liberals Meet. A rousing meeting of the liberals of Rideau ward was held at the reform rooms, Golden Lion block, last night There was a large attendance and all were enthusiastic. The work # of organization was perfected. -- / Change Of Time. Commencing Monday, April 7th, steamer for Cape Vingent will leave Kingston at 2.30 pm. Return leave Cape Vincent 10 am. for King ston, daily cept Sunday). Ex tra steamer will Jeave Cape Vincent 5 pom. Saturday, ang from Kingston 5 a.m. on Mondays. To Present The Elevator. On Saturday, the 5th inst, at four o'clock, the elnator in the Kingston hospital will be formerly presented to the governors, when the wsubseritors and the King's Daughters are cordial- ly invited to be present. The First Hat. It will never be known who wore the first hat, but it is well known that the best hate are sold by George Mills & Co.. Wellington St., the great hat specialists See the swell long coat, spring and imcoat combined. English, #25. The H. D. Bi Co. ---------- Ancient St. John's lodge, A. F. met last . initiated the we Expected To Replace Those Of The Marconi company has signed the | "Coats." Osk Hall. "Coats." | to be stamped with the MILLINERY BARGAINS For Saturday. "Here is an offering for Saturday selling that you don't want to miss : 50 Boxes Flowers and Foliage at Half Regular Prices. 25c FLOWERS AND FOLIAGE for 12 4c. soc. FLOWERS AND FOLIAGE for 25¢. $1 FLOWERS AND FOLIAGE for 50¢ A Hat Bargain That Will Please You. yg} Sailor and Walking Hats Trimmed and U med. Regular 75¢. and 5). for 25¢. Other Specials for Saturday. 28 inch. Fancy Stripe Flanneleute, 7c. for 5c. Check Ginghams, 5¢. yard. Women's Black Catton Ios, 10g pair. Women's Full-fashioned Fagt Blick Cotton Hose Regular 25c¢. for 15¢. pair. : 500 boxes Stationery at j biz reduction 50 Sheets Paper, 50 Enveluves in a box 25¢ , Saturday 15¢. box. ' STARR & SUTCLIFFE'S, 18 and 120 Princess Street. Kingston, Ont, Shoes to Please Every Foot "In Town. Everybody's Shoes Are Here. EVERY KIND OF BOOT AND SHOE FOR EVERYBODY, men, womeo, children and babies and for every business, every dress and «very sport and pastime use Whether you walk or nude, play ball or goil, whether you fi<h or hunt, dance or g> & bioyci g or whether you hike to be dres el up and keep 80, we have shoes fur nil thevo uses and fir all these parposes. Our Boots and Shoes sre the very best and uur prices lle very lea t. ' If yoa waut correct Footwear come 10 headqnar ers forit J. H. Sutherland & Bro., Mf SHOE MEN. &% ve THE LEADING : JAMES REID. UNDERTAKER Uquipped, thorough up-to-date stocks Also a large assortment of Furniture of every description. Regular /£ This week we are clearing out a lin of HALL RACKS. and COUCHES A A BARGAIN. - Call and see them before they are a ; bought up at 254 and :56 Princes§ Street, City, A : Send in your Repairing or Upholstering THE STRIKE SETTLED. result Increase Granted and Tanners Re- | rington's tannery was SWIM. union factory and | nection with this difficulty. (41 The right to employ or dis &. prictor shall have the right to at} {6) An employee five minutes Tate lo see the goods. We ar tion for different kinds of labor [to buy good shoes 1: # number i of twenty-one knots sn turn To Work, As a of the efforts of or | IN ganizer Kelly, president Strong and evening, and the men returned to work as usual this morning. will employ union | i men only for one year from date i There is no argum (2) All hands shall be restored to | half as convincing as th (3) Every man shall receive an in we were to use pounds C crease of filteen per cont. per day over | Printers' Ink trying to tel charge any or all hands shall be vest E od only in the proprietor h - once discharge, subject 10 an appeal to] ; : the union, and the employee shall be! e could not explai shall be docked fifteen minutes; over | d fifteen minutes late, ome half hour: | you to see and t ¥ | (8) The minimum number of sides | ; that & man®shall "set" in « day shall | have that satisfied #Celin Is) in cane of difficulty wvegotiations | . » . shall be enfered into between the per- | 0 PRO 8 Hi ties interested or their representatives, | \ i Has Entered Service. 1 peed ' 3 has been placed in oo on assigned temporarily to Modi Use our Puralture Restorer for Hous «cl : ; - |GET chairman Groombridge (who acted as citizens desirous of effecting a peace able settlement), the strike at Car f H E setbled jane | A written agreement provides (1) That the tannery bécomes a their former positions and shall not | . be laid off or discharged for any con- | evidenee of your eyes, the former wages, for the same hours, | for one year from date, {you about our (3) In case of loafing, wilinl neglect | of duty or other misconduct, the pro fined, suspended or exonerated as the | fe evidence may warrant. i half as well as if you wi over one-half hour, one hour. 3 {7} Provides for different remuners- | what little money. Fie Lhe from sixty-five to seventy, all hides | 4 workman's | Of being well shod: and in no case shall a strike be enter | Princess Street. ed into without two months' noties Portsmouth, April 4.0% now a mr | wer: Aboukie, of 12,000 Sons. and Five stores at London. Omi, wers| ranean squadron. Later on she will {broken into and robbed is one wight. | to Chins. oh