THE DAILY WHIG., FRAY, APRIL 4. The Hound of the Baskervilles BY A CONAN DUYLE Wherein Sherlock Holmes reappears. "English fiction was permancatly enviched when Dr. Doyle began his cycle of stories. The Sherlock Hol mes stories are immensely super jor 1o anything of Gaborian's The public not only buys and reads. but discusses them contioually, and it 'has so strenuously. insist upon having more, that Dr. Doyle has-been obliged to yield to the demand. and in Hound of the Baskervilles he seems to bave attaiged the perfection of his methods. This will probably be the most remarkable story of them all." HARRY THURSTON PECK. CLOTH. $1.25. Order from R. Uelow & Co, Beoksellsrs, 141 Princess Street. We're 'Satisfied -- Aren't You? That we carry the best paint that can be bought, "guarantee it. Tey a oan, any Coot, testy for voursell. RAMSAY'S, ONLY AT MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. HENRY P. SMITH, Architect, etc., Anchor Building Market Square. 'Phone 345. ETE IT, COMMERCIAL, ---- LIVERPOOL MARKETS. Liverpool, (12.80 p.m.) April 4.-- Wheat, fom; No, 1, sorcthern, 6s. Upd.: red winter, y Califurnia, allow, Awarices, 2s. Od. wd ais, Blu. 6d. cheewe, ol white, Bs; lard, 40s Shoes -- MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKETS. April 4. Flour ipts, S500 winter, $19 wo $5.00; pens w0 $4.10; straichs less W930 hy A to bags, 31.60 w $170. 2, MNamvws, hard, Bho. 67c.; peas, y barley, arg ity Diskwimat, 80; Wl tw kh Hy 8a, to lde. hatns, to Mle; butter, township, 2le. to 22¢.; wes Jorn; 18c. to L7e; eww, 106. 10 2c. ' ; MONTREAL STOCKS, April 4th. wre. Bellery 1184 1154 iq 00 ye, 5 on w Po. to Canad truiush, © : Winn Elootrle .... 1... Moutéwn ga fy. st Tobi Live Tv Twin Oity Transit, Com Richelieu & Ontario C 120 2074 1172 116 206 243 2 -- " NEW YORE STOCK EXCHANGE. April deh. Z Ci Union Pacific ..... B x Transit ou Western Tilinots Couerad 5. Awseriean bes, New York Centre Col, -Fusl & leon i Pid. 5 TL BT EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE ¥IVE. AE ---------------- NO PARTICULARS RECEIVED, Relatives Of Lieut, Bruce Carruth- ers Still In Doubt. The press, aespatches' were evidently the only pews that came through re garding the late engagements in South Africa. Mrs. Bruce Carruthers received no notification of the report d wounding of her husband, who ommanded a section of the Cana inns. who rendered such efficient ser vice, This forenoon 4. Hell Carruth ex telephonud Dr. Borden, minister of militia, as to whether any particulars had been received concerning the en agement. Dr. Borden replied that the militia department had received no sotifieation of the disaster, if particulars arrived he would at once apprise Mr, Carruthers of the So far nothing has been re and that NeWK, ceived. An old man ardent admirer read the news "Ws a lie) he exclaimed with siderable passion I'a hike hold of the man who wrote it is « not dead, not by a blame sight," And the man turned his back to the bulletin in disgust, and walked away Evervwhere throughout the city sins core eXPressions of regret were heard, mingled with words of praise for the heroic work of the Canadians. " I hope nothing has happened to Bruce," was the universal exclamation. He is everywhere held in the highest esteem; his name is a household word in Kingston, and any trouble that might befall < him would be universally la mented in the city. The Whig's telephones busy to-day apswering enqguir the fate of Lieut. Carruthe side places sought for the news. who has long been an of Bruee Carruthers, on the Whig bulletin con to get Brie kept as to Out were Bruce Carruthers Safe. J. Bell Carruthers, late this after noon, received a message from the militia department st Ottawa, stat ing that his brother, Lieut Bruce Carruthers, "was all right This news ended general suspense, and was gratefully received. ------------ RECEIVE ONLY $25,000. Amount Paid Surgeons Who At- tended President McKinley. Bufialo, April 4.--The Express that it can be anthoritatively an nounced that the amount to he paid to the surgeons who attended presi dent McKinley in Buffalo will not ex ceed $25,000. Many wnatitherized state ments have been made regarding the amount to be paid to the surgeons, some of them placing the amount as high as $150,000. This, the Express will say. has, been exaggerated guess work. The surgeons have sent in ho bills. They declined flatly to send in any and sael that the question of compensation was one that must be settled entirely apart from any bills rendered by them, -------- Anonymous Letters. Chatham, April 4.--Billy"" Boyu, whose name figured prominently in the anonymous letters written at sev eral riots after the Quirk murder, says he is not worrying about the threats on his life. Speaking of the murder Bovd said "1 knew Jim Quirk as well as any man living, aml a decent fellow he was, too. | can tell you that no man living could induce Quirk to go into that mow at mght. He was very timid. There is no doubt but that Quirk was murdered by someone around that hotel, and if provincial detectice Murray is as shrewd ag 1 he lieve he is he will have the murderer behind the bars before very long." ------------------ 400 Burned In Theatre. Victoria, B.C., April 4.- Advices from China state that a theatre built of bamboo and mats in the village of Kun In, Pun U_ district, China, was set on fire on March 6th, during the progress of a performance, and over 400 persons lost their lives. says a s------ Trafic Closed North Of Tugela. Durban, Natal, April 4. General traffic is closed throughout the whole country north of the Tugela river. The region is stoutly protected by lines of blockhouses extending irom Lady- smith. : --- -------------- Workingmen's Pants. Workingmen's pants, built for busi ness, 81, $126, 81.50, £1.75 and $2 up. The H. D. Bibby Co. -------- See Jenkins' Fedoras. Many styles in black and greys, $1, £1.50, 82, $2.50, $3, 85, no mat ter what price of color, we have it. ------------ Clothing headquarters, Grand Union. VINGSTON'S Raglan" for Spring Overcoats many good dressers occupies a prefer the pid" All the new est novelties in wocllens for are here for your inspection. % Prices--"2A0kars $20 and $25. 1 * "CHESTERFIELD," $18 and $20. i DEATH OF THE ASSISTANT. A POWER COMPANY TO RAISE NEW FUND. i . | To Arrange For Power For Mon- | treal--Speculation On The Wild Side On The Montreal | Stock Exchange. 5 i Montreal, April 4M, Fmery. as sistant postipaster, of Montreal, from 1873 fo 1591, died bere, this morning, aged seventy-eight vears, ! The Shawnegan Falls power com pany at a special meeting of share holders, to-day, decided to issue X1, 0 000 of four and a half per cent. thirty vear gold bonds of which $1, | amount of the 500,000 will be issued to retire a Itke company's funds and the balance ix to be used for the ex tension of the company's power to this city, The trading in Dominion steel, com mon, on the stock market this morn ing reached a total of about 12.006 shares. After the rise "to 69}, the market sold off on heavy profit tak- ing and towards the close, at noon, had a rather soft appearance, Steel, common, declining to 65] Speculation was on the wild side and many peo ple shake their heads, but neverthe lesa it is claimed that the price is going higher, The local market led Boston this morning, and when Dom inion coal was selling at 138 in Bos ton, it was 142 here and the Boston of steel was about a point um { priee fore der Montreal throughout the noon. A----------------------- 1 | THE PREACHER'S REMARKS. | His Country He Declares Will Be | | Free. i |" Detroit, Mich., April 4.--Rev. Dr. | Vanbrockhusen, the proprietor of Oom | Paul Kruger's church at Pretoria, ar | rived here last night on his way east and was met by a body of the enthu siastsof Detroit Transvaal leaguers. | Dr. Vanbrockhusen came to this coun try, in company with the Boer en vovs, He says he has been banished from Pretoria by the British, but that | he expects to return soon, "My coun tr}. he declares, "will be free. 1 have | no doubt of it. The Boers were never, | since the few months of 'the struggle, in better position. They have now | under arme about 15,000 men. The reports from the seat of war come | through English channels and much | that is derogatory to British prestige is squelched. 1 learn from an author- | itative source that there vas a recent | bloody battle within twenty miles of | Cape Town, The Cape colonists are all up in rebellion and in the month | of January there were over 200 en gagements not recorded in the Ameri ean press." Jr. Vanbrockhusen says he takes no stock in the tale that Steyn and De larey are at odds. There is perfect | harmony among the leaders,' he de clares. REV. D. M"RAE"S ILLNESS. Nova Scotia Missionary in Korea | Dangerousfy Ill. Halifax, April 4.-News has been received here of the serious illness of | Rev. Duncan McRae, one of the noble | little band of Nova Scotia mission aries who are carrying on the Presby- | terian mission established in Korea a few years ago by the late W. J. Mae | kenzie, also of this province. Mr, Me- | Rae is a native of Cape Breton, and a | graduate of Dalhousie university and | Halifax Presbyterian college. His de votion to His work led to his illness. He took to his home a voung blind | girl and his wife endeavored to purse the young Korean back to health. Be fore many days the young whissionary too, contracted the fever, and letters | just received by his friends hold out little hope of his recovery. - Mr. Me Rae was a very robust man, and was | a famous rugby player in his college | days. Treasure Box Unearthed. Rock Falls, HI., April 4.--While men were excavating in the Heanepin ean al feeder near Tampico, Hl. they dis covered a queer looking box. The box, which was very heavy, wae taken from the feeder and opened, and was discovered to contain gold eoin to the | anount of $3,000 and a large amount | of brass pieces. As nearly as conld be | ascertained it is thought that the coin is Spanish. Last summer a num ber of human skulis were found in the | canal near Tampico and - a treasure box containing about $5,000 in Span- ish coins. -- Settled Out Of Court. A few days ago a summons was issued by a lady residing on Gore | street, against her husband and an other woman, who assaulted her, beating her violently. The matter | wae to have heen soon aired in the | police court, bat' it is understood that 1 the parties have amicably settled the | matter, eo | ------ i Result Of the Race. | London, April 4.--At the Hurst park i club spring meeting, to-day, the | Hurst Park spring handicap of 1,000 i sovereigns for three-year-olds and up i wards, one mile, was won by Glas | alt. Compliment was second and Sun down, was third. Eight horses start ed, including Foxhall Keene's Dlym: pian and Richard Bluegrass. Public Opinion Changed. resent the stigma name of their sol a few. men who were rot members of the regular : contingents. A -------------- » Violent Language At St. John's. St. Joba's, Nid, Apsil 4A vio- {| Hamilton to | Misner, from Hamilton to Toronto. G. | W. Henderson, {of Quinte. | Bay of Quinte to London, J. Rogers, | from Nova Seotia to New Brunswick. {R. W. Weddall, from New Brunswick to | Nova Seotia. €. { treal to Manitoba. ( T from i Halpenny, from Manitoba to Montreal. L. R. Macdonald, { wick to Manitoba. | New Brunswick | umbia, © L. L. { hundred of { from the east. | night {| Many took trains to different | dead in bed vesterday with a { hole in his heaa. | young lady, | to notes she leit, is Delia Tansey, Bul | attempted to save i this { alarming extent and the state | pealed to the | send state officers and place the vill | age under quarantine. | od from country districts METHODIST CHURCH. -- Transfers Of Ministers Made By Committee. Toronto, April 4.--At a meeting of the transier commitive of the Metho dist church, the following transfer of ministers from one conference to an other were made : Walter L. Sheridan, from Hamilton to British Columbia. Robert Melntyre, from Manitoba to British Columbia. A. Brown; J. H. Oliver and T. Manning, from Toronto to London. H. Irving, RR. Whitney and. J. P. Rice, from Loddon to To routo. J. J. Liday, from Bay. of Quinte to Hamilton R. Burns, irom Bay of Quinte. A. P. London to Ray Manning, irom from Thomas W. Finch, from Mon- Currelley, Manitoba to Hamilton. W. T. from New Bruns #. A. Bailey, from to Manitoba, F. A. Mcliee, from Toronto to Paftish Col Meech, from Montreal to Manitoba. J. W. Bowering, from Manitoba to British Columbia. A. E. Heatherington, from Manitoba to Bri tish Columbia. ------ ANGRY AT GOVERNMENT. Dead With Bullet In His Head. Winnipeg, April 4.--It appears from a statement published this me rning that notices were sent to referendum Man Found | returning officers on the day of poll ing, by attorney-general Camptell to the effect that voters could baliot on ly in the sub-division in which they resided. The notices were received too { late, however, to be of any effect and the government is coming in for some hot eriticism. Reven hundred homeseekers were on the station platform last night, Four these had just arrived 250 had come in the from the old country. points before in the west without stopping A farmer named Roorke, who lived nee Sylvester Heights, was found bullet The police are in vestigating the case which is supposed to be one of suicide. Several new cases of smallpox have appearec in the Portage Plains, DROVE HER TO DIE. | Mysterious Suicide Of A Girl At Niagara Falls. Falls, Ont, April 3.--A whose name, according Niagara falo, plunged into the upper rapids from the new concrete arch connecting Green Island with the mainland, this | afternoon, and her hodv was carried to the brink of the American Falls, | where, when last seen at nightfall, it still remained caught on the ice On the bridge from which she leap ed she left her pocket book, a photo graph of an elderly man, and two notes, One note reads : "Lived at 329 Delaware avenue for past three years, and | must say I am driven to do away with myself, as 1 | had rather 'do that than lose the love of my own sister. Good-bye to all. 1 am gone over the falls." William Connor, Liverpool, Eng. her. He succeeded her as she passed in seizing hold of as he pulled her Green Island, but | shoe came off in his hand. Efforts to secure her with a rake were also un successful, Connor's attempt was a very daring one. -------- UNDER QUARANTINE. | Towns Appeal To State Board Of Health, Ogdensburg, N.Y., April 4. The epi- demic of small-pox at Waddington, in has increased to an board of health has been notified. Near by towns are greatly alarmed over. the in creasing number of cases and have ap- health department to county, Cases of the disease are being report near Wad { dington and a general vaccination 1s going on. | ---------- JEFFRIES AND FITZSIMMONS To Meet In Fistic Battle At Charleston, N. C. New York, April 4. Jefiries and Fitzsimmons will meet at Charleston, N.C.. to fight for the world's cham pionship. This was decided Inst night | when Jeffries telegraphed to this city that if the promoters of the Charles ton atheltic club would post a forfeit of 210,000 he oud meet Fitzsim- mons. The Charleston management say it will do this. TOMB BUILT BEFORE ROME. ---- Important Discoveries Made In 'The Forum Excavations. Rome, April 4~In the course of the excavations that have heen proocecd- ing in the Forum for some time, a tomb has been discovered that is sup- posed to be older than the tradition: al date of the foundation of the vity. Archaclogists regard the discovery as important. a ------ CANADIAN ARCH -- Will Be A Feature Of The Corona- tion Decorations. London, April 4.~The Canadian arch which is to be a feature of the coronmtion decorations, will be erect: od in Whitehall. The arch will be em- inently characteristic of the dominion and its , and will, no doubt, attract much attention. e---------- The Coronation Hat. The very latest thing out. Come and Campbell Bros. THE THINGS IN TORONTO ORDINARILY TARRUTHERS WOULD LEAD "A" TROOP. The Canadians Were Chiefly From Toronto And Its Neighbor- hood--Capt. Elmsley Was The Captain. Toronto, April 4 News of the heavy fighting in South Airica was read with great mierest bere, as it 13 probable that many Torontonians were in the trcops which suffered so severely. Lieut. Carruthers was senior subaltern in "EE" squadron, of which Capt. Elmsley was in command, and which was raised in No. 2 military district, of which Toronto is the ven tre. Ordinarily, lieutenant Carruthers would command "A" troop. Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson, aged for ty-five, cook at the Keele institute, was found dead this morning in a rustic cottage adjoining the institute in PBellwood's park. It is thought that she, locked out, resorted to the cottage and died there of exposure. An inquest will be held. A deputation 'of high school mas ters froma education association wait- ed on Hon. Richard Harcourt vester day to say that as a result of his suggestion they had been appointed to discuss matters connected with manual training and domestic science it was stated afterwards that as a result of the conference it is probable that papers dealing with these sub jeets will be read at the next annual meeting, and that an ultimate prob- able outcome will be that a distinn section of the association will be giv- en over to the interests of these new studies. Those comprising the dejuta- tion were Messrs. W. S. Ellis, King ston: A. W. Burt, Brantford; David Forsyth, Berlin; R. H. Thompson and inspector W. H. Ballard, Hamilton: G. D. Dickson, Niagara Falls; J. Da vison, Guelph: DESERONTO STEAMERS All Ready For The Coming Sea- son's Travel. Deseronto, April 4.--~The officers and crews of the Deseronto navigation company for the season 1902, are as follows : Resolute--Captain John Go wan: mate, Charles Brisbane; engineer in-chief, John Harrison; second engi neer, Michael Toppings. Reliance-- Captain, James Dougherty; mate, Da vid Ostrander; f(irst eagineer, John Toppings; second engineer, John Ja mieson. Ella Ross--Captain, D. B. Christie; mate, M. Parmenter; engi neer, John MeFaul; purser, Edward Eakins. Deseronto--Captain, William Skillen; mate, ¥. Brisbane; engineer, George Stevens Rescue--Captain, John Rowe; first engineer, Owen Flood: second engineer, George Top pings. Nile-- Captain, W. J. Daly; mate, T. Linch; engineer, Thomas Timlan. Ranger--Captain, Howard Burnip; engineer, William Stanhope Armenia--Captain, Gilbert Arthurs; mate, H. Burnip; engineer, I'. Davis. Considerable repairs and improve ments have been made to the steam ers under the supervision of James Jarrell, late of Kingston, now fore man in charge of Deseronto ship yards, The steamer Deseronto will reswpe her regular daily trips on the 7th The steamer Ella Ross will commence her trips from Trenton to Picton next Thursday. The company are considering the advisability of building a new hoat in their ship-yard at Deseronto, during the summer to take care of ther growing trade to St Lawrence niver points. This trade has been handled by the steamer Nile for a number of years, but has grown to such large proportions that additional carrying capacity is required M. BR. Davis, steamboat bull inspec tor, visits Destronto yesterday, on his annual tour of ingpection of the steamers of the Deseronto navigation company. a Drowned In The Flood. Winnipeg, April 4.--A larmer from the Bethel district, near Portage La Prairie, says a son of Jokn Moffatt, Portage Plains, was drowned a day or two ago in the flood there An other man is missing. The water in the rivers at Winnipeg has subsided a trifle and danger of a flood seems to be past, although there may be an- other rise. The lowering of the water is probably the result of the ice mov ing down yesterday. 1 he ice is still solid south of the Norwood bridge. The water reached nineteen feet five day morning, and last night had fall: en seven inches. -------- Summoned To Cabul. A despatch from he ameer of Algha Khan, has sent an y the Mad Mullah, +, who has always rouble for England come to that place. he Mad Mallab. with 5000 armed followers, is hastening there. His ar rival may be the signal for serious trouble. London, April 1 Cabul says that nistan, Habibulla urgent summons a dangerous fanat tried to create in Afghanistan, t es-- For Many Years George Mills & Co., the Wellington Ri. hat speciali-ts, have been the young mens' favorite hatters. Their prices are awe reasonable, and their styles the n.ost relinble. ------ Don't Be Bashiul About asking io see our bate. Wo will cheerfully show you our many new styles, whether you want to buy or not. Campbe!! Bros. . Ses Jehvine' Hats. The new Dunia: shape is here exact copy av hali price. Get a "iallored to Ht" maid's suit at the Grand Union Saturday. jarane CATARRH Catarrh howe", 8 Sime 2 a. : troubled with Catarth for mv : friend inches above low water mark yester: Great Sale OF TAFFETA ~ TO-MORROW, RIBBONS H] : | Pure Silk Taffeta Ribbons that could be bought for cash at a price greatly below their value, Early this v eck we heard of a large lot of We lost fio time in hunting them up. The res sult is we have to offer TO-MORROW a remarkably good 'Ribbon Bargain. 1,82 Wide Widths, 23c. yard. : YARDS PURE SILK Taffeta Ribbons. Usually sold at 2oc. and SALE PRICE TO-MORROW FOR THIS LOT WILL BE 1214¢. Yard. The colors are White, Old Rose, Cream, Pink, Blue, Cardinal and Helio. o> Sale at 9.30 and 10:30. We have divided them into two lots and will sell at hours named. J. LAIDLAW & SON. F. G. LOCKE Has Gone Again to the Great Shoe Factories of Montreal and Quebec. Beside large purchases for immediate delivery or=- der: will now be placed for next fall and winter trade. The goods must be made specially for us, They must have style as well as quality and quality as well as different from those made for the We must keep just a little ahead style, and be a little ordinary shoe store. of the other fellows. THE as _-- LOCKETT SHOE STORE! The Only Pure And Wholesome Porter rl Se on Labatt's Ems LONDON Prescribed by the Leading Physicians For all Convalescents. TOYE'S Naval, (Seediess,' Valentias, Jamaicas, 25¢. fo 40c. a Dozen 1006045 000000004 $090 0009 0 TOYE'S 3 000000 40000000 JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT me ------------ 990000 000000E0 Sweet Delicious Oranges