THE DAILY W HIG, ER RR AAT SE MONDAY, APRILT, I" T_T SAI ob naan EA FLOOR PAINT That CAN be walked on. Many so-cailed floor its won't stand such use, . THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SpeciaL FLoorR PAINT 1s made for floors and nothing else. It is made to walk on and stand being walked on. Color cargls for the asking. » . . soLD BY + gorbett's Hardware, Cor, Princess and Welllagton Sts. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signature of Be See Pac-Simlle Wrepper Below. Yory small and os casy 10 take as suguw. 5 FOR HEADACRE. CARTERS ron rmmess. FOR BILIDUSRESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR COMSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION | parety CURE 8ICK HEADACHE. The Toronte General Trusts Corporation Oftics and Safe Deposit Vaults 99 YONGE STREET, TORONTO -------- Capital, $1,000,000 Reserve Fund 880,000. . President JOHN HOSKIN, Q.0., LL.D. Vice Presidents : GON. 8. C. WOOD, W.H. BEATTY, Esq J. W. LANGMUIR, Managing Director A.D. LANGMUIR, Assistant Manager JAMES DAVEY, Secrotary. Authorised act as Ad wministrator, Truston. Receiver, Jomumit tes of Luoatie, Guardian Liquidator Assigns, Ere. Deposit to rent. All sims and *anaanal prices. Parcels recom vee de an valuables Guaranto: rors, BEE Site wing Estates, Adm ous, etc. to the Corporation aré in the professions) care of ti r further information we the Oo poration's Manual. Talking of Clothes. t's the matter with one of those me ight suits for spring wear? look wel 1HE WHIG--68th YEAR. DalLY BRITISH wWHIG, pablithed wench evening, st 306310 King Street, at per your. Kdidons et 2.30 " o'dlock WEEKLY BRITISH + Thursday WHIG, 12 pages published every morning at $1 Pr Attached ix ome of the test Job Printing Offaes in Canade. raped, stylish and work; save improved presses EDW. J. B. PENSE, I'TIE DAILY W "Opiter ver Orbem: Dicor, cheap PROPRIETOR. | HIG. CALL FOR REPENTANCE Mr for the Royal Templars of Temperance, enlls | attention to the fact that the Mani i has not the larger vote against Buchanan, a lecturer toba Liguor sect heen dis posed. of referendum There flaw, by recent wns the | thi a in reference, than hoth election, a fact was cast for the candidates in the leat which suggests that | there was « great deal of plagging and | telographing and duplicating of votes The law however, cabinet and | some Mr. | Buchanan thinks, will yet be found to | still stands, and legislature, assume respousibility for repealing it, if it ever is repealed. But the govern- ment ean be relied upon to remove all embarassment arising of that law. Mr. Roblin and his gov ernment 'will argue that as the people | not | { in consequence | have disapproved of it, and' do desire it to be enforced, it had better be blotted out, and that act will pro- bably be a festure of the next session of the men of Manitoba made a mistake in | pouting over the referendum; and legislature, The temperance | in letting things go by default, They ap pear to have realized their mistake, | and they will have occasion to repent of it, long, in sack cloth and ashes | mon oe THE FIRBING GOES ON. { What that is the use of any paper say the given away I'he any Ontario government has | the government has not ing land of the people given away un foot of it, and thai land, not Mr. | In the legislature the fact has béen made clear hy Whitney leader of the opposition hy the with saying that the government had made a sacrifiee land to the | pulpwood syndicate, and Mr. Whitney himself i twitted | | i was commissioner of crown lands of its at repudiated the idea. Later, from his place in the house, he saic, "What 1 denied the members of the | opposition had said | stand by now, and if the honorable the commission- er of public works fears that I mean thev are giving away the land 1 will relieve him. from that fear, becanse I not mean that they are giving away the land. "ton. Mr. Latchford--The honour able gentleman does not mean what he said, "Mr. Whitnev--TI did not mean that they are giving it away." And yet the Mail, which knows bet that cries, and which ought to know once | i do its bet ter, will have it that the government has been giving without without competition, and for nothing, 1,660 square miles of ter, and the papers repeat away, "secretly, tender, pulp land, and no referendum is need ed." And some people call that fair fihting ! They are hitting Mr. Whit. ney, and do not seem to know it. ---------- DR. POTTS ATTACKED. A Toronto public speaker suggested that Dr. Potts should chairmanship of the School committee = because agree with resign the | International | he prohibition aid | some in to the What has the committee aforesaid this question? not referendum. to It prepares | for the Sun- | in the | ints regard do with the temperance day schools, but "temperance' Sunday school lessons © means more than is implied by the talk of the | The temperance taught to do with he lessons prohibitionist in these life, the temper, the appetite of the individual, and Dr. 'Potts is as capable as any man fiv | ing which | prepares the lessons with this end in | the International | commitere is composed of men who | have had -experience with prohibition | in the states, a prohibition which has | had to be abandonea in some of them | impracticable. "These men, if con: | sulted, would probably endorse the attitude of Dr. Potts 'on the Ontario | liquor act, and probably advise a con i tinuanee of temperance teaching as it | fins heen conducted in the past. | lessons has speech, to act on the committee view, Moreover 1 AN INSPECTORS SMALL TALK, ! There wae some rot talked at the | educational convention in Toronto, Tt was only to he expected that amid so many good men some one would rise and give play to his The man who succeeded in this re spect ~who has heen quoted host, and approvingly, by the conservative pross--was the school inspector who insinuated that text books had. been written to order, that they had been anthorised before thew were written. That is pure assumption and can be taken for what it is worth. Some school hooks may be improved by be | | tion in writing and drawing. 1 act {an applause, i the Hamilton Spectator { buried { of study will | drawing," and music, the i imagination, | ton; Miss Johnston, Montreal; things about thém that are not pleas- ant. The most unwelcome of the gos sigm iu the representative of a profes his talk The inspector away the school, the have ion who builds small upon hin inferences, school who ranted about authorization at could books and their educational convention heen better employed, MONDAY MUSINGS, Hamilton is appointing a te mstrue The con man give the public school pupils tract is too big for any ond Mr. Whitney says the Ontario liquor But be as his reason that is not prohibitive did not, n the Bouse, give that He got from his friend, Mr. Roblin opposing it iden It the in the public schools, though when it would not be surprising to see Ross bible resorted to eventually was printed the tory press and party wt up an awful how! about it -- Miss Stone. the missionary who got Turkey, home (to America) to lecture. experience in is coming Before to la- Now her abduction she was content bour humbly among the heathen | she is bungering for fame and public Human nature, The Belleville Intelligencer wants to what the Whig has about the burning of know to say the ballots, ae cicentally, at Toronfo, and the irrégu the Brockville 1oth subjects the Whig has discussed, larities in election and they are not now up for review How docs improve the educational system ? not Mr. Whitney propose to He does say, and no one ean Im How would he have the school How would he have He should get one can talk plati agine, books prepared"? them printed ? Any down to details | tudes, Here from Ross was breeze "Mr vesterday and Did he storm a while ago and say he'dayote yea on is remarkable a ent his throat the day before. not the referendum. He ought to be consistent." The chap that penned that wants looking after Spruce wood is very reproductive, The pulp wood which is long eut in Northern Ontario will probably be replaced by a new growth at the end off the twenty-one for the agreement runs. The province making and materially, by its concessions, years which is business losing nothing People are not generally dismissed when they On the contrary ¥ old servants from service are doing well, are usually esteemed. The Ross gov ernment is not going to be dismissed it has thirty The long reign of the liberals is a tribute to its value, s------ Dundonald mended for the command of the mili tia in Canada. He is a very capable simply because been years in power Lord has heen recom and popular leader. The trouble that the does not remain long enough in 8 commander of the forces Can ada to carry out his plans or re forms. Few remain the five years for which they are appointed. school the to, beginning June 3rd. A summer for teachers will be held at norma! school, Toron The courses embrace manual train ing, domestic science, nature study, No fees will be schools have been required, Similar held at various educational centres in the Urited States, and proven a suc eas, Greek Independence Day. New York, April 7.--~To-day is the independence day "of the Greeks, the anniversary of the defeat of the Turks, April 7th, 1821, which resulted in Grecian independence and is be- ing observed by Hellenes in every part of the world. The Greek colony of New York held exercises in various public halls on the lower East Side, which were lavishly decorated with Greek flags and emblems. The most important festival was held at the Greek church, where high mass was celebrated, and national anthems and patriotic addresses made by promi- nent Greeks of the city. A Thimble Tea. Toronto World Mrs. A. Cooper, of Glen-road, gave an enjoyable small thimble tea on Friday afternoon in honor of her | sister, Miss Massie, of Kingston, who is visiting her. A few hours were pleasantly spent, and dainty refresh. ments served in the dining room. Some of the ladies present were © Mrs. Radelifie; Mrs. R. J. MeKelvey, King Miss Catto, Miss 3 Miss hine Wright, Mae Dickenson, iss Melntosh. Opportunity For 63 Doctors. . Washington, D.C, April 7.--Exam- ination applicants for appeint- ments as assistant surgeons in the army were resumed the medical | board i as to-day. and will ] there are applicants to be ex- amined. There are now sixty-three va: cancies in 3he tuadica) corps and the Surgeon gener is desirous of fll them with a high class of saedicgl men. 3 THE AFFAIRS OF THE BOUR. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Jobn A. Eddy has been appointed customs officer at Brantiond Natural gas is now ysed for heating and lighting in Heathiield, Eng Yokohama reports forty since the storm eof vessels missing Thursday a Ceoderich law in Proadioot am i the liberal be candidate on Johanneshurg town council has an assessment bill to levy on land oaly. grand jury has reported a most appalling state of corruption in St Lots municipal affairs Major Miller been conservative nominated in West has as candidate Peterboro for the legislature, Thomas Wardell, M.P.P., Dundas, dead from an operation, He was the conservative whip in the legisla ture, A vigorous fight 18 going on in the united kingdom over the enforcement of an order to abolish barmaids in Glasgow. By the collapse of a stand during a big football game at Glasgow, twen ty-one persons were killed and 250 wounded, The marriage of Miss Ethel Davies, daughter of Sir Louis Davies, to Mr Hyndman, of Winnipeg, will take place early in May w A summer school for technical edu eation &t the: Toronto normal school for the henefit of teachers will be peed on July rd Col. James N. Greene, a Fairfield, N.Y.. merchant, bas assumed the in lehteaness of Fairfield seminary and will rehabilitate the institation A London agency despatch says there are something 000 Boers still in the field. It the caléulation is only conjecture Solomon White again at Wind sor, Ont., t6 remain until after the provincial election. He will support the conservative nominee William Price. Mre. Marsden, Montreal, has recover od 86.000 camages against the G. 1 n for the death of her hus band, a conductor, at St. Henri, in a collision, Twenty Sikhs, who recently arrived in England from Bombay in charge of a British officer, are going to Kansas City and Texas to purchase mules for the British army. It thought Alfred Beit 'will coed Cecil Rhodes on' the board of the South African charterea company. The company will continue to work on Rhodes' plans. Maurice Forget, Kt, Jovite, Que ite in his cellar was killed, and his 'wife and chil dren were all seriously injured Andrew Ritcher, of Cayuga, missing since last November, found in wigs lake on Thursday last. There weral ugly wounds on his head the body points to 8 news over is thought is company sue north of woreda Jot of ds It exploded and who lived nan he was were Investigation of murder Fraud has heen discovered in the return of the imports ana exports between France and the United States Over $17,000 000 1s unaccounted for and an investigation is demanded. An ificrease of wages to the boiler makers emploved by the Ames iron company, Oswego, N.Y., bas heen re fused. The company is placing 230, 000 worth of new machinery in their works Miss Alice Wood and a Syrian nurse were driving a dying patient to her home in Palestine, when the horses ran away and dragged the vehicle and its occupants over a precipice. The patient was killed on the spot. The two nurdes died of their injures The United States congress will not be asked for an appropriation to de fray the expenses. of the United States special embassy to the coron ation of king Edward. These expenses will be defrayed by the civilians of the: party. out of their own pockets Jf the British budget, not yet broughi down, proves to be very con troversial, it is tolerably certain that the new procedure rules, the educa tion hill, the Trish Tand hill and th London water bill, will not be passed this year, WERE BURNED ALIVE. General Funston Says 400 Fili- pinos Were Treated Thus. San Franciseo, April 7 Fred erick Funston, at a banquet here, in responge to a toast, said, in part "After the first three or four months of fighting the Filipinos forsook all civilized methods of fighting, and be gan a guerrilla warfare of a sort up paralleled in history. They killed ai rectly or hy torture nearly 4.000 of their own countrymen during the vears 1900 and 190), becanse they wonld not contribute money to sup- port the insurgent cause. "1 know of nearly 400 cases own district buried alive, and children. *Aguinalde told we he had Gen. Tana killed for no other reason than that he was coming to the front too (len. in mv in which natives were many of them women t. "Ihe Filininos are absolutely inca pale of seli-government to-dav, amd I do not think the next generation of the race will be any better." Whitney's Friends Repudiate Him. The Lindsay Warder (conservative) does not agree with Mr. Whitney in his opposition to the referendum. PRESENT EARLY SPRING Has Not Been Eqgualled For Twenty-Four Years. The meteorological office gives report tario "I'he mild weather which set in late | in February continued almost with ouy interraption to the end of March, the excepticnally early signs of spring only being equalled in 1878. On or about the 4th, (Sth and 3st, the | weather was guite cool, but these were | exceptional days. Clouded with ight falis of rain or snow occurred rather frequently, more especially during the last days of moath. Thun fer was about the lth Farly in the month the lisa peared from the open frequent high land, ploughing being possible in very many districts after the 2th Hotins appeared we Untario aboat the Hh and they were recorded gen erally throughout the province from three to four days later, excepting Muskoka, where they not until about the 2th, and in the vicin ity of Port Arthur, where they had not apyeared by the 3st. Several other birds were noted, imcluding wrens, graofles, meadow larks and bluebirds, the dates of arrival all be ing unusually early. in addition to notes upon birds we have received the following : Wyom- ing.-- Navigation open on Lake Hur on and St. Clair river. Stratford. -- River open on 12th. Londom.--During past two weeks farmers commenced sewing spring grain. Stony Creek. Farmers and gardeners rushing Hamilton. --lece all out of Lay on Mth. Brantford.----Soft maple in bloom on 22nd. Barrie lee breaking up on 3lst. Toronto clear Of ice on 20th; frost aut. of ground on Pith; soft maple Wm bloom on 25th Kinmount.--iee moved out of river on 24th. Port Hope.--Harbor' clear by 31st. Lansdowne --~March 31st, no seed ing yet. Arden--Match 3ist, no spring ploughing yet Gravenhurst Rleich over on 27th; feet. Jermun 'at healthy. this skies noted on or HROW country soon dried the and Winds m ern were ween soeds Bay in bay moved a Ploughing on 13th ing we few whe HAPPILY MARRIED. An Event Recently Celebrated at Camden Fast Beas Luke = een wedding « last, at 10:30 o'clock plighted their vows for earthly were Miss Fthel Mina R den F eldest danghter of Jame Robinson, Albert Shier Tamworth, of Shier, of Sheffield township. The church decorated, the alta laden with choice flow densely crowded leaning upon She looked v¢ of Napanee St Camden East, pretty and Wednesday Those church, of pn very n was the fashionable who time obinson, Cam ast, farmer, and John son reeve was beautifully being profusely ers, and was when the bride came her father attired in the arm beautiful! of suit trimmed with hive taffeta silk, and hat match Mizs Woodcock, daughter Rev. | D. Woodcock, made a charming brid maid, aressed in a very hecoming gray sitk The duties of best » wore performed by Russell Shier, bro ther of the groom The na brown tadies' cloth, to of dress an performed | Woodcock, and Addington, and bv a number of near relatives and warm friends of the con tracting parties from Camden KE: and Sheflield. The was quickly performed, 1 immediately the brid with congratulation The bridal party leit the church to the strains of Mendels : march, with Miss Lu presiding at the organ COTPNIONY Rev. Francis Dealtry dean of Lennox wit nesseq was W 1 rural was SOrVice and dd was show and hest wishes sohn's weading lu Hineh ably An elaborate dinne s and sumptuous was partaken of at the home of bride, The bride array of gifts presented to t he was indeed beautiful, an of groom's if watch and m collection wd The gola prised a rave ornamental articles valuable nee WIE a very chain The United States Situation New York, April 5.--The financial situation is sound and generally satis Desirable investments are good demand and ex lingly scarce even at present high level First-class railroad securities are held with tena which grows with the continued and wholly unexpectedly fa vorable railroad earnings. The sanguine expectations have been surpassed. The real road prosperity, however, lies not much in the increase in traffic the better rates now obtained a few instances the volume of traffic is not equal tn last year, but higher rates explain edrrent railroad pre The great vale of the community « interest idea and its control of the rate sitaation being illustrated High wages are promoting active sumption in all lines of manefactrred goods: and, as distributors throughout the country appear to he carrying small stocks; the prospect is for a good spring trade. The iron and steel industries continue in phenomen al activity, though new competiti n i= making itseli felt, and, while many mills hold orders that will keep them busy for months, prices at first hands are not so steady as a month or two ago. The textile trades seem well em ploved: orders in sight are plentiful, hence the willingness of both cotton and woollen manufacturers to grant their employees advaners in wages ! factory in cious firmness, most far ail reason of r as in In not is eon Death Of A Veteran. Henry Huffman, an aged and much respected resident of South Freder icksburg, passed away early Sunday morning. He was the fourth' son of Conrad Huffman, a United Fmpire loyalist, who settled early in the last century on the farm where the de eased wos born and spent all his hfe. Of a large fRwmily, the survivieg are: Mrs. Beadel, Bloom field: Mrs. Pierson, Toronto; end J, C. Waffen, Napanee. The late Mr Huffman was widely known for his integrity and uprightness of life a= justice of the peace and a: a member of the Methodist church: for sity wears. He leaves to mourn him, a family of two danghters, Mrs. WH, Rowsome, Bu , and Mrs Fras wr. Kingston, one won, Cyres RB. Hollman, who stierdeds him at the homestend : 3 of March weather in Uo | IT'S MILLINERY © | TIME NOW. Our stock will appeal to you for value, assortment and style. New things keep comirg to hand each day. PATTERN HATS, READY-TO-WEAR HATS, SAILOR AND WALKING HATS, STRAW SHAPES, FLOWERS, FOLIAGE, Etc. If you buy your Millinery from us you know that right. Dress-Making to Order. Save the bother and worry of home dress-m king Give us your work. Have it done right There's satisfaction about the work that we Jo_and our prices are reasonable, considering the style and cffect we get into our work. STARR & SUTCLIFEE'S, US snd 120 Princess Strat. Kingston, ant it's WASH SILKS are the embroidery silks of particular folks. Colored and tinted by hisiatic dyes --- abso- lutely tat colors. Exquisite true art shades; stronger to the number than any other work silk in existence; mounted in our patent holders, which provide for single or' double needlefuisinajiffy. No tangling, Kinking or knotting possible. Put your faith in Corticelli B. & A. Wash Silk and be sale, 1 G Pi! WHO WANTS A CARPET & PFT ¢ CARPET Many at this, the house-cleaning seas vantage of the offer announced ine this ad are giving up keeping carpets and © by them as soon as possible. out quickly ? The only way we know is Ju So. down they go with a great big drop. + - * - 200g Or OneFilth Off Each Dollar. 85¢. lapestry and Union Wool Carpe now 25e. a yard 40. Papestry and Union Wool Carpets now S2¢ w yard 500, Tapestry and Union Wool Carpets now 40c, a yard 60¢. Tapestry aud Union Wsol Carpets now 48¢. a yard 760 Wool Carpets now 60¢. a yard. $1 Wool Carpets now 8c. a yard. Hemp Carpets 130, to 300. a yard now 20 par aeni d Qur stock.of New Carpet Bquares in Umea, Wail, Wool Brussels, with border all around, at 29 per cant. off We are piving up keeping 4-yard wide Krglish Oi ( four patterns in good cloth, all (ogo at 20 par eet. of Ih chance to cover your dining room or hall and (have your only. We have a large assortment of Lacs Jira Poles and low price Canadian Fioor Ouis and Japauese § prices. CRUTILEY 132-134 PRINCESS ant t How <hall price. sivy and Wa have is WN rare ne price , Art Blu Curtam fait lowest oath = Ps 3 ry - 2820) KV REE} eo o 2. | SLOT / g Z iE Li 8s i Licansa District % 5 1 A x ah No cultivated taste Is Es : needed todrink the MAGI CALEDONIA WATER; it's snap and merit res . : : commend it te all. Sold ta on es ; everywhere. il. ANT : al ¢f of Kingston, yy There is that i= of a RI iste The | pocket is epi avy opdisury ora The Tamils hedtle conis, voplaine a supsly lor 8 year a pa -------- ---------- | § CRPPH NNTIENINNEES s * OUR STOCK »1s In Good Order. IT CORPRISES wt Pine, Hew lock, Maple, Dak and other Woods. x. RELIEVES PAIN AND IS A Safe, RELIASLE MONTHLY REGULATOR Superior to Apbol, Penn yroysd and Tunwy, Avenite 1 Lyman, Sows & Co, Morironl, * . Ed . > to you that ve | Crimes 196 agri % Cla' a ute cum for es ® o . > §. ANGLIN & CO} ene ane® oat vie i ad : 9 40 Bex. Con, iro a : . Foot of Wellington $ireet, " on 2000500509000 0008000